Thursday, December 25, 2008

pubic bone slam

Pubic bone slam

Young Mastrer or should I call you more generically Instinctual Animal ….. the deepest of your motives ,,, is what often is driving you ..the mental health industry would describe it as Sub Conscious … now remember dipshit , humans have had mental health science for 1000’s of years ,,, but now we are using different Jargons ,,,, the new Health Industry created new Jargons .. language to insure that it stayed a secret society that they could bestow , title of Doctor to the people who learned the language thus insuring the right to CHARGE lots of $$$$$$ … the concept of the GOD/king or the important ones having a title being more important ,,the special side of the Tao .. where there is no no no special side orevovled side in TAO .. ohhhh but to day is about sex … not economy (god/king is economy ) … yet life is never clear cut never only about 1 aspect like you yourself are not what you think you are ,,, a single thing alone …. Holistic is what is really real . a part of a COMPLEXITY beyond the ability of the human barin and it’s abitly to process 2 gigs of inof persecond to handle ….. it is that unthinakable fi nite

Sex ….. young master when you started dating your … subbie …. The dynamics where XYZ ( and that related to the FOCUS of you and your learning experince up till that epoch of your time/space adventure ) … each of you was the perfect TOY of the other just what each was searching for … ( you asked and you got both of you )… and you both have great sex play times …. In the BDSM writings and books the idea of a 24/7 is written about as being difficult …. Not commonly attainable … why ? why it is because of your instinctual nature to PROTECT ! …. YOU ARE A GOOD MAN …. You are not the rape gang DNA animal of our cousin the Chimp you are not the submissive momma’s boy male of the Bonobo female hierarchy ….. you are a TERRITORIAL harem male like the Gorilla ( ), the lion , the Deer ….. you are not a 1 on 1 animal like the swan ( a bird a dinosaur ) …. When did mammals and dinosaurs break off the evolutionary tree? The evidence is 225,000,000 two hundered and twenty five million years ago .. that is when we mammals broke off from the dinosaur which became our current day birds our evidence of monogamy in nature the lovers ,, the Swans …… that branch the birdswent on 1 way and mammals went another way mostly harem based ( even tigers have loose harem formations ) ….. mammals who because of things like HAREMS and PROTECTIVE MALES ….. survived well grew in numbers like us humans ,,, the territorial and protective nature of you dumbass ,,,, young master ,, good man …

225 million years worth of instinct …hmmm that is deep seated motives ,,,, 3.3. million years of being a tool making camp site stable human ape … 6,000,000 of being an upright walking ape . Monogamy became LAW by the Romans only 1500 years ago … ( but remember the history of culture adopted from greeks who adopted from ? ) …. Honestly dipshit can you realize that our DNA started forming 225 million years ago ,, mammal DNA is in you, you are animals …sorry ! it is a fact . shown to you by your LUST FOR PUSSY ( plus things like hair and needing to breathe and eat and shit )

the truth behind the giggle at the naughty nightie party ,,, the instinct , is stressed because of social conventions and laws , and expresses itself as giggles of SHYNESS … the TWISTING OF INSTINCT … a stress then confusion ,,, how does this relate to the GUIDANCE OF YOUR EMOTIONS … .. when you hide it further by calling it subconscious thoughts , describe it and further confuse things thru words ,, but , Abraham- hicks describes it well ,,as ,,, just guidance of emotions , feelings that the life force within you are being ……. THWARTED . in its ( your toa self ) desires to express what it came into time space to experience …. But the mind of MAN created a black pyramid … of RULES of expectations …. Of GOD/kings . the pyramids the economy of service to …?

when in reality all you want and she wants is to have you pound your hard dick into her exposed pussy her legs wide , she positions herself so that her stretched out cunt pops out her CLIT so that my pubic bone will PUND AND POUND AND POUND …. That clit ,, and she can scream …. A scream that sounds nothing like harps and violins like tenderness and love story fairy tale bullshit ,,, but the screams of OHHHHH MY GOD , master my poor little pussy ,,,, ooooh my god ! and she loves every second , collapsing after I finally cum ,,, my cock swells that last second before it pumps my hot white milk deeply into an excited pussy that has been contracting over and over ,,, why is it contracting , it is forcing the egg down the tubes to meet with the sperm ….

HMMMMMM sounds like deep hidden animal instinct , not planned human thoughts , or soul mate fairy tales ,, like the functions of the heart muscles which we do not control on a regular basis ( yet we can control thru mediation when we focus on non focus ) ….. Hmmmmm un conscious thoughts or INSTINCTS ….. now think about emotions as your guide to what is happening …. With the real you .. and your real WANTS

Not wants of the social human , who acts happy in the face of friends by showing how much shit they can buy with $$$$$ yet you still feel bad and need the drug of buying more shit ,,, it is just a drug addiction , the drug is self generated morphine … very addictive . this escape of buying happiness

What are your real wants ,,, and when you do not get them you feel like you are living in a trap , like going to a JOB you hate ,,, a life you hate so you escape by living in Video games or buying more stuff to get a high or drinking to IN TOXIC CATE or getting high to dull the EMOTIOANL GUIDANCE …… of even escaping in sex and generating Endorphine highs thru BDSM … . Yet real sex would satisfy more if you understood the deepness of the CALLING of the instincts the nature which you were trained to IGNORE to make others smile to be social to make GOD/KINGS happy . it is feeling your PLACE on the scale of emotional guidance be moving toward better feeling thoughts ….. congruous ness

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