Monday, December 8, 2008

nipples are for ?

Nipples are for ?

Young master Nipples on TITS are for nursing babys ….betcha did not know since you thought the babys first meal came from a powder bought form a store then ….feed to the baby human thru a plastic bottle but dumbass how did we do that feeding just 100 years go …since plastics have only been around for about 100 years and UPRIGHT WALKING APES ( we are just fancy hairless apes … same cockc and pussy similar shoulder blades bones etc etc etc … plus that 99 percentage of DN a we share )

The human female is the only female whose Tits stray big their whole adult life … there are lots of animals mammals who are presy speices that … the females tits return to NORMAL SIZE after the baby starts eating regular food ..but not humans … WHY IS THAT …

SEXUAL ADVERTISING …and the industry of tit implant is about SEXUAL ADVERTISING …paying someone to FIX a problem that realy does not EXIXIST except in the mind of the population ,,,because we have been trained to accept UNANTURAL mating RULEs and expecations … basing a very important MOTIVATING aspect of BIO MECHANICS and acting as if the …. Entertainment the ESCAPEISM from stress potrayed in Fiarytales …. Put on stage so that adult humans can ESCAPE the confusion they are living ..( these 2 pages for the emotional guidance scale feel the COST OF INGORING your stress your guidance .,… the messages of the BIO MACHINE your INSTINCTS ….. then the mind fuck the ESCAPISM ..a tool of the ADVISOR to the GOD/KINGS of his day ,the GREATEST of private Tutors whose writing studies and poetry effects us still ..... feed into culture to the point that up coming generations thought the FAIRY TALES WERE REAL …

The BAKE SALE last saturaday ..20,000 freaks ..the EDGE of of culture all there together and realy if you realize it WE ARE VERY VERY VERY VERY …friendly animals peaceful animals who love to see each other smile …. There are very few fights or problems when you take into context the REPRESENTATION that we are THE EDGE … and there were 20 K of us and of that how many problems did you notice and how many times did we FUNCTION with a general sence of AGRREMENT – CO OPERATION …? Compare the minutes of PROBLEMS and the two or three humans involved as compared the to the hours of CO OPERATION and the 10’s of 1000’s OF PEOPLE INVOLVED ….. the training for the expectation of FEAR …. Can be realized here …. 363 days till bake sale ! seee you there on the lawn come get a ballon and sign the shirt ….

I need to get you to realize the DEPTH of the mind fuck have been trained .

Tits are foor feeding babies ….. the conection between TITS STIMLATION and sex well helps insures the PLASURE RESPONSE OF THE MOTHER TO FEEDING HER BABY is OUR NATURAL RECREATION OF NATURAL FUN …. Being SOCIAL also is our natural fun … we do share DNa with chimps but we are not as HIERACHIAL LY VIOLENT as they are we show the CO OPERATION instincts of the HAREMS OF GORILLA . and in that the ADVERTISING of SEUXALITY ..the dating aspects have also been tainted … manipulated by the PHAROHS of ages past where MARRIAGES WERE USED to tie pepeplse policatically there was not real …love or free choice as is the NATURE OF OUR DNA DESIGN …. This is not part of the

Fear and greed aspects of the concept of MARRIAGE …. The king and queen ..and controlling of power and wealth …CASTLES gold and silver ..slave human armys ..human beast OF BURDEN ….. that are less than …LESS THAN who cares if they DIE ….HIERARCHY …. But not seen when looked at in a group of 20,ooo rocks and roll fans …no there is a sense of FRIENDHSP with total strangers on a VAST VAST VAST AVERAGE ! the tools the practises of these MASTERS of HUMAN mind …. Are great for the world we live in ,this UNANATURAL STRESSFUL CREATION OF CONFUSION TTHAT supports the benefit of a very very few on top … making it OK for the slaves ..keep them fed and entertained and they will SERVE …economy . … you also young master realy start to understand ..the MO’BETTER …. And then you see it in you and you see the stess she FEELS … she worrys about the perkyness of her tits ..she buys 200 dollar pink a nd grey althelictc shoes … when there are very compareable footwears at 19.00 …. It is just foot wear

but because of the mind fuck …the stress the confusion CATCH AND TRAP A KING !!!! ….. and then hold on to her PRIZE … the focus is on fear ..and what is your foucs goes out into the IN FINITE FIELD OF QUANTS YET TO FLASH IN AND OUT OF REALITY which wil make up time/space her own fear feeds the stress she will eventually live ,the expression of MANIPULATION CONTROL AND COHERSION …

our antural dating method is one of FREEC HOICE STALBIOTY AND LOVE and the best of wants for theach of us ….. from the safety of her family haren the girls start to shop their … future mate ,,, exploring the edges of DAddys territory in safety ,, and when she moves intoa new harem of an older male ,,, she is not RAPED but is allowed to express her need for sex when THE TIME IS RIGHT … and if she wants to leave she can . thin about it …co operation the intent is for HAPPINESS of the WHOLE … like we saw in the over all activity of the BUZZ BAKE SALE … and us 20,000 + freaks …..

it is the nature for the female to COME TO US AFTER WE HAVE DONE our TOUR of duty and started the territory ... thier isntinct is to be penetrated they in fact graphically display this … and how much it effects them … they BLEED FOR psntration our current dating model is very screwed up and the life theis … INDIVIUDAL BOX life of strangers a city …. Is not supportivie like the ahrem

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