Pussy awareness
It is bio – logic – al ….. will you agree? Is there enough evidence trail behind that assumption ? you are getting an idea of the SUBLTE players effecting you ..the effects of the BIG T testosrone ……
Now I want to get to $ awareness and your nature for POVERTY ..for returning over and voer again inot a state of HAND TO MOUTH ….. sure actually you are pretty good you keep a good size NUMBER in your bank accounts etc ,,but ..the evidence trail … is that after this Employement BLIP you went thru earlier this year the only MONEys YOU STILL HAVE ARE THOSE FEW BONDS YOU BOUGHT …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html
There ae sublte LAW OF AVERAGES ..that donot ignore … Las VEGAS is built upon the tiny PECEntages after COSTS ..and there are massive costs …. Yet the LAW OF AVERAGES ..proves out over and over …. ( ohh marriage ..60% divorce … of the other 40 % 9 out of 10 live in Dysfucntion ..law of averages thin for yourself ) so … your girl friends mom says that savings bonds suck … it is NOT ABOUT the ROI ,,it is about locking YOUR MONEY out of SIGHT out of MIND …..
You had a bunch of cash in accounst earlier this year and within 5 months you BURNT thru all of ….. yet the bonds did not seem real they were out of sight out of mind ,,,,, so if you depsit into her recommended MM accounts every time you see the name of her bank as you drive around you are remeinded about the cash you have ..( in conflict with the POVERTY consisuosness of 90% of the population and you are just one of that 90% as shown by your own actions and those of your family like eEVERY ONE ELSE l.. nothing to be ashamed of ..SUBTLE DYNIMCS ….. like being an DNa animal we have certain Dynamics like HORMONES to realize effect each of us
SHE BLEEDS each month due to SEXUAL hormones ….
Dipshit my friend I have told you a 100 times do not PISS INTO THE WIND …. The greed of going after the 2% increase of ROI endangeres the PRINCIPLE … because of your constanst awareness of your Growing wealth … every time you get a bank statement or go online you are reminded of how well you have saved …. But the bonds wer forgotten … you could not just go online an transfere them to another account to pay that URGENT BILL …well like I have said again 100 times . AND YOU JUST LIVED THRU LIVE BROKE ….. you did didn’t you each time you thought about the bond the effert to go use it was ,,,, balanced by the new OPPURUTNITY for a short term cash fix … and they were saved . before we met you had 10 grand ( like you want to do now ) and you bought that car ( which you totaled and the insurance gave you 5 on it ohh another great example of industry based on playing laws of averages ) that 10 was due to gifts from a cash cow now long buried called a grand dad …. Hmmmm all you got left is the bonds .hint hint hint …..
The ROI is in the land the homes the lifestyle ,,,, with this new job you can transter to some great areas where like you showed me ADVERTISED 5 acres is only 30 k that means when you shop you will get it for 25k ….. here a 3/2 on 5 ..was a half mill now 190 ,,but things will go back up in time they always have LAW OF AVERAGES . the ROI on 500k at 8% is 40K a year ..if you can keep the cash safe to do the investing ..plus the reast of the plan …. Your actuall realized ROi will be more like 60 k ,,,, you just need to protect the seed … the 10 gets you in and you have a payment $99.80 at 7% ..the rest you build on cash out of pocket …comfy lifestyle ,, security …. This is the REAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT !
But if your attention is on REMINDING you of you growing wealth the law of averages is you will do stupid shit ,, and SHIT OUT … this dera,,, like the pizza dinner you treated us all too , when your sister came and gave you a payment unexpectedly on the laon you gave her ( part of that last wealth busting episode since you are a ware of your CASH so is evceryone els and well SHIT HAPPENS …. Famly asked you for cahs tooo ….. ) I over heard her saying that makes it 600 and something ,,,hmmm if everytime she passes you a 20 or 50 and you spend it then where …is that grand …. You had saved ? that 10% of the 10 k you need ? well not heading back into savings now was it ? no IT IS NOW ..SHIT literally just shit flushed down the toilet like I am sure the other 400 of her REPAYMENST have gone ,,, pissed way in beer or shit out the next day after eating pizza …… think for yourself …. About your won suceess and failures not my ideas not me think for you but THINK FOR YOURSELF .
Sunday, December 14, 2008
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