Saturday, December 6, 2008

do buy $3.00 pussy

Do BUY $3.oo pussy

Now young master the PENENTRATED WELL likes to be pentatrated ….BAD NEWS SELLS NEWSPAPERS … it is the UGLY and extreme that gets attention ,,,, yet the truth is the the of ages ..the oldest PROFESSION something done for $$ or RETURN … or FAVORS …. Is PROSTITUTION ….. the giving of PLEASURE in return for favors is shown in the comlesity of BONOBOO world ( bonoboos are chimps …. Like toy poodles and great danes ae dogs more on this EVOLUTION SHIT LATER ) but the facts are on the broad average girls get recruited into the SEX INDUSTRY not by being FORCED captured then enslaved but because they get INVITED by girl friends who show them the ROPES on how to make tha WET PUSSY produce gold then ,,then you will see these youg girls spending that GOLD at shopping malls world wide ,,only unitl they start to lose their EDGE in the market do the girl then COMPLAIN about how un fair the industry is ……. 2 FACED .

Now yu can not get $3.00 pussy in DO buy Dubia in Saudi Arabia the World fastest growing city …. but you can play golf out in the DESERT in land that depends on making FRESH WATER FROM SALTWATER ….. now remember FREE CHOICE not a global plan but the GIVING of an OPTION .to those LIKE YOURELF who feel CRUSHED STRESSED under PRESSURE ,,, in the confines of city worlds … the world of PHAROH citys ….. like MEMPHIS of the ancients so DUBIA is the new Memphis of todays PHAROH’S ….

4 biilion acres of land used ALREADY for farming ,,this is not TIMMBER land ..this is NOT city land ,,this is farm land free breate alble world wide … no reason for starvation in a world of AMPLE … when 10 can live fine on 5 … but what about water are we not lacking in world wide fresh water ….. $3.00 that is for a piece of glass and a metal pot ,,, when manufactured with INTENT on Econicms of SCALE ….. $3.00 time 6 billion humans equals …18 billion dollar remember that the US alone will BANDAIDS PHAROHS ECOMONY of service UTILMATELY TO THEM ..the top few … but to serve them the workers must be KEPT FED and ENTERATINED ….. ( and confused so they do not realize their SLAVE HOOD ) …. For if they realized thigns THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES ,,they may decide to not live like RATS ..till they FEEL the stress potrayed in the music of HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD … but leave to breathe like HUMANS ARE DESINGED TO …. The us ..will spend 700 BILLION just on one PHASE …. Plus other apects of supporting the conmy until projects are that the US will invest … or create 1.5 Trillon in debts … for this speed bump in the ecomnoy …

how much water is used to feed the grass of PHAROHS GOLF COURSES out there in the middle of the desert ? about 40 million galoons per year per course and this is of recycled water yes ,, it is current fugures after years of learning water conserving measures now Dubia has about 10 courses pulbic and private . that is 400,000,000 gallons of evaproted sea water ….. now tha is one city … how about CArio or Mecca or Jedah or MAsquat or Ryad etc etc etc …. Water we again have way to much of ,,CASH we have way to much of …. Land we Have way to much of …….

Understanding of our SLAVE HOOD … the realization that you can think for yourself ..we do not have enough of but that is up to you ! land the average rural undeveloped country …the average farm turns out to be 5 acres it as if ,,MANKIND ….understood naturally ….. like ZHUANGZI told the emproror who wanted to USE the TAO for the bnfit of the people ..he said
Humanity is nice it is the LIARS who spread FEAR to create states where you can be come controllable .. undere their guidance for you need thier … GOD/KING and heavens …. Human are nice and naturally evolve a spread out of the wealth of lands and naural supportive communities based upon personalitys of each . it happens naturally if you TAKE THE GREED OF EVE expressed in the form of GOD/KINGS who create pretty shit for which to PAY EVE FOR HER ……PUSSY . HIS argument for the UN PROVABLITY by scientific method of Evolution …shows again the ARGOGANCE OF HUMAN ….. just to say we have not observed the single cell ..evolving into a multi cell , we have no observed it in any our our Experiiments …

wll huan scientist can not REPLACE or RE CREATE the total variety of the planet at geniss when there was nothing but 1 celleed life ,,,, and the possible NICHE ….. was not yet filled ,,the multicelled niche has been now filled so the . evolving of the 1 cell into a SUPPORTABLE COLONY of multicelled … isnot … as possible any more as it was when , the world the BILLONS OF ACRES WERE THE …… PETRIE DISH … instead of 1 tiny human experiment in a lab some where very limited in tis expression of natural dymics .

we have seen single cell BEINGS having mutations of CONNECTION .. two cells some how still BOUND … ahh given the VARIETY of possibles in a world only populated with single cells …. This first MUTATION .. especially if ,,the CANABALISING natue of even single celled life ..will evolve into cannibalizing ,,this is not a EVOVLUTAIONARY LEAP … but just and food source adaptation … becoming cananbal …. But ….. in a world of only single the cannibal BOUND CELLS …. AMY HAVE BEEN THE START OF MULTI CELLEED . but can we COPY a WOLDWIDE BILLION YEAR EXPERIMENT ? in our little petrie dishes at …. Missiipi state university ? lab on the back of a campus in some little office with limited funding =being controeled by the likes of YOU ? are you that ARROGANT HUMAN ?

todays Abraham …. WELL it is BAKE SALE DAY ! Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now--until it gets better right now! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002

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