Wednesday, December 31, 2008

i extract

I extract

Take from each event .. the possibles that are a MATCH to the expectations of what you believe is possible ….. the expectation of POSSIBLES … of thinkable .

That something you experience Is IMPOSSIBLE is ? … at some level the idea of POSSIBLITY had become real in you some where …. You may not have wanted the event or you may have wanted the event …. It is only about YOUR extracting ….of matches of possibles from the IN FI NITE … extracting 2 gigabytes per second of process able experience that you at some level believe could be a reality for you . possible for you HERE in the Arena of Being a DNA HUMAN ….

Ahhhh the BEING of something Describe-able . in fact so describe-able the information for the creation of the bio-machine you currently use is ..WRITTEN on the DNA you use yet … yet from with in the USE of bio-mechanical forms you still FREE CHOICES … born of the contrast … to show personel Preferences … ..... now the GOAL of expeince is to feel GOOD ……… even in your ESCAPES like getting high or even hogher … you are attempting to do just that FEEL BETTER feel good ………. The seed of a plant grows towards the sun ….. because it FEELS just like we feel .

Unless of course there is …… contrast born right into the DNA expression of the bio-machine … so that ..that life form the get go is one of CONTRAST ….. and the mutated seed does not seek sun light but grows down ward …. UNANTURAL for that species if the plan would some how continue to THRIVE maybe a new version or species would result from the success of the mutated seed . how can this THREAD ….. stimulate your thinking about your living of you PERSONEL life and your Free Choice ? that is for you to FEEL to PROCESS with the 2 gigs of attention you are possible of giving to any one THING or thought …..

The adventure of your World which is not my world .. we do not create in each others 2 gigabytes ….. my limits of POSSIBLES are much much greater than .. those of a poor rural person from the back country of Ethiopia or from the Refugee camps of Sudan ( both adventures in an in finite world we all will experience and process personally someday for time has no limit and you have no limits .. you will be each person and each grain of sand and each atom … beyond the 2 gigabytes of ability you now have to even thinkable in-fi-nity ) and it goes to say like wise my limits are much greater than those on average who walk the Ivy’d grounds of HARVARD .

Each life with each of it’s limits or NO’s is a gift of contrast to enjoy the PROCESS of living within ….. the 2 gigabytes per second of LIMITATIONS . of expectation . and the GIFT of limits of adventures ….. of NO’s

surging fame

( well I hope these Re written blogs are an easier read for you ..still the intent is not to LEAD you but to STIMULATE you with topics in to thinking for yourself ….so the quality of my writing should be of NO importance , since I am not the PROFESSIONAL who is to think for you or give you answers . But the grain of sand in your Shell from which a Pearl of your own thoughts will eventually become , after many many many layers of your own thinking ….)

Young Master , your programming is deep ,,, the hunt for fame is related to the hunt for pussy and you know that … you know if you were to THINK FOR YOURSELF ,,, notice the evidence trails all around … just listen to the Nickel Back Song … Rock Star ….. art reflects what we commonly think ,,, it becomes POPULAR because in the art is something that the massssses can relate to ….. fame and pussy go hand in hand,, like the dick of a famous man can fit into lots of pussys .

But the instinct you hold is for …STABLITLY … the fame is nice ( it is a programmed expectation of where and how to find happiness in the rules of Economy in the CHASE for I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN .. THE ENTERTAINER Ester Hicks says find happy happy in your now ..not it the DREAMS . and then guess what the dreams come true faster ..but the reality is that in the Dreams you are only looking for the HPAAY HAPPY not the thing but the FEELINGS ) …but you will crave some thing outside of the FAME , something else eventually and that is …consistency in relationships ,,, the end to fights and worry when it comes to love and family … you do love to see people you care about smiling ,,, dipshit why do you buy your chick a flower at the bar …WHY ? to see her smile! Why do you give a child a present at XMAS to see their smile … why buy mom some candy on M day , you love her smile on mother’s day ? to see the GLOW in her …..

HUMAN INSTINCT is for 1 of doing good things and seeing smiles ,,,,we are not EVIL like the church has tried to brain wash us into believing ,, they had to sell that idea to control you , have power of selling you REDEMPTION for your ORGINAL SIN ! bullshit , the FAIRY TALE that they created knowing form the centuries before them how well a story and a myth is at controlling the masssses .

Ohhh but today dipshit it is about me a fellow dumbass like you , who again let himself slip into the dream of FAME ….. for a few hours ,, an old habit I have is to develop business plans , I just do it ,, it is my nature … I believe you actually have this planning nature but you may not realize it ,, it shows up in other arts or projects or plans to go fishing whatever you are a good PROJECT PLANNER ,, it is the planning INSTINCT we had before starting the hunt for buffalo in our cave man days …..

I am no ,,NO! writer would you agree ? yes ! if you read my shit you know I can’t write or even fucking spell , but I wrote a BOOK TWISTED INSTINCT … and well no literary agent picked it up so I bought a big SAvin machine to churn out books I could distribute … but now I want my book to have availability thur Amazon for example , so I will go thru the VANITY publishers …. Pay to publish method .. very common thru out history that writers had their works printed first with their own money . and I got thinking…

See one company I a subsidiary of it is called SURGE books ….. their program and sales consultants are pretty good and I go thinking , dreaming that some day my crazy self would once more become famous of sorts like I was back in the bait store … I was the face of Fishing to many people , TV, radio newspaper and magazine ,,, it was cool to be THE PROFESSIONAL . ( even though after I achieving that fame I then went looking for family …that deepest motive was NOT fulfilled by FAME )
I wondered , my mind WANDERED as I worked yesterday … ( that planning thing that is our nature thinking , EXPENDING focus but actually on an idea I Honestly do not want …. Ahh the clarifying of STEP 1 ) . Why is not Amazon/ surge rep’d at the concerts like FYE is ? they both deal in the same products have the same client base ..THE arts … … the people who pay good money to go to shows like Ozzfest , Family Values The bake Sale , to stay in the ALL DAY events are people with the resources the $ the love of ARTS surprise surprise …you young master are the future consumer of written art also you are the future writers tooooo , why is not SURGE there talking to you ,,,, how many of you have art you want produced yet you KNOW NOT , the ways of the industry and the options ?

I go on thinking well with my book professionally done , I will get to use the festivals I go to , the places Deb sells her TYE DYE at … the place I meet face to face with you ,,, it is thru these places that people who have my books come and sit and talk shit with me ,,,, I think that if I/you developed a booth devoted to BDSM? TAO ? twisted instinct ? I get that direct exposure attract those who want to learn but are to scared to go to a church ( that weeknight group at the “Spiritual “ center ) where the weirdo ( me ) will have a dildoe displayed on the pulpit …. Bring a dildoe to church …. Then I go to thinking what if I talk to surge and write out a plan where by Amazon can get good advertising , SURGE can get lots of hot leads from budding artists ( artists who have resources behind them ) and I well I can talk and describe …. The how’s and why’s of self publishing since I went to the extent of MANUFACTURING paperback books first , print glue and ship …I could represent from personnel experiences … since my back ground in media interviews is broad , and my book is so CONTREVERSIAL , I would get good air time on local medias , before a show in a town , and if these people SURGE ?ANAZON funded it and it followed a tour like the WARP TOUR or family values or ozzfest ….. well I would get fame for my ideas they would get the advertising for their service/company that they want ,,, and I would make money…. fame … and pussy ? hmmmmmm is that what is deep in my head ? …. What off the wall ideas are you holding on to spending ..Expending mental energy on ?

But honestly ,,if that idea came about and I went on the Road … that would delay my building of the compound and the compound is what is important ,,, really especially when it comes to my own sons ,, 2 of who I have not seen again for months ( dam I miss them their mom and I again are fighting they are trapped in the middle ,,,, the story of the wisdom of KING Solomon where the parents fought over 1 child and the king was going to cut the child in half with a sword but the real parent said NO keep the child whole ,,, NOT ripping the kids apart thru divorce fighting … it the current lesson in that old story … the REAL UN work laity of co-parenting the under lying Focus of thought is on …. Does the child LOVE ME ? as much as the other parent ? the PURCHASE of love from the child ? the EGO GREED of the adults even GRAND PARENTS ) …

my compound is the future alternative life style for my own sons and daughters.. the hope they will not have to live the only way they have been trained to … the 1 on 1 … that they will have that 1 more free choice in world of choices to freely choose from … . The IN CONGROUIS , 1 on 1 relationship built upon under lying subtle focus on greed and ownership of LOVE . the creation and manipulation of each other thur the DNA NATURE of honor ,,,,, DO YOU LOVE ME? That question creates pathological states in you dumbass so strong as to really just fuck you up in confusions. ( divide and conquer , confusion is divided concentration )

But I awake today,, the business plan is gone … the missing of boys like yesterday is gone … because I am focused again on the really things that will help them not SIDE TRACKED by old programmed in ways of living life … of chasing FAME ,, me , I am doing what I believe is the way to try something different … building an isntinctualist polygamist compound .
Now of course that means meeting girls , and they needed teaching about the reason I have 3 homes …. Well build it , first then you got all the time in the world to talk ! without the compound it is just describing the unknown of the TAO …… ( ahh? But what about SEXUAL frustration during the Tour of Duty months ? realize ...the truth , the facts about how long you have gone being single in your past … and then CHOOSE to commit freely WAKE with the passion Of PURPOSE )

Every bit of it is about economics. Every bit of it, without exception. Everything about religion is about economics. Everything about politics is about economics. And everything about economics is personal satisfaction. Everyone is personally motivated to do the best that they can possibly do for themselves.--- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Boulder, CO on Saturday, June 12th, 2004

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

fucking 2 way'd

For the sake of 2 way’d

Young Master the deepest of instincts ,,, is visible for you when your dick get larger thicker and harder …. Able to penetrate A small hole , actually more than just 1 small hole ….. and she likes it YES? She responds to it yes ? the difference in Texture sensations ( the nature of sexual recreation and ,

Even in her screams of what may sound like pain ,is that NEED for your PENTRATION and sensation …. Her crawling away to recover after I am done fucking both her holes ,,, …is natural like a ying/yang of the in-fi-nite Tao .. crawl away then come back , come back so she can cummmm again over and over the next time . she finds COMPLETION in being the P E N E T R A T E D ….. IT COMPLETES HER . she wants to be told that she is a good lil’slut for me ,, she wants to be what would normally be words of insult ( ahh the confusion of it all to the mind of the nice male the male who respected the shoulds of his up bringing ) … are now words of love and my accepting of her SUBMISSION ( study pussy … like you would fishing … read the book on the page )…..

Now remember dipshit she is as confused as us , yet she has the brain power to move thru A world ,, that world of words more easily than you…. over the millions of years being the harem animal she had to talk with the other girls and the children … while you and I at most …grunted quietly pointing softly while we waited in ambush to hunt ….. BUFFULO .or to rid the territory of a large dangerous tiger that may have terrorized the girls and children of our HAREMS ( co-operative nature of males ) … we got together for a purpose then went back to our separate caves our separate harems … and the girls were our property ( ? property ? of free choice ? ) ,, but in that we males did come together for a COMMON PURPOSE we evolved differently than our cousins … like GORILLA . we created safe stable territory / communities ,,, the banding together for protection of the girls and babies against a wild cat who comes regularly into a territory can be seen in studies of chimps who , will battle a cat ,, to the point the cat avoids the territory ( this synthesis of part chimp and part gorilla co-operation is evident in Gorilla family units as young males who have not yet left to form new tribes help protect the family and the protective territory of ALPH chimps yet with chimps there is much more violence subtly caused by the SPERM GREED OF EVE ) ,,,, WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH …. ASS FUCKING? 2 waying ?

It is the nature of the girl to thank us for our part we play in their lives , and they have done that for million of years in part by SUBMITTING SEXUALLY …. They enjoy it as we enjoy it ,,, it is our common best interaction ….. I can not really enjoy or understand the words of love like I can understand and enjoy her expressions of love thru SEXUAL SUBMISSION to me for me ( ooooh yes for herself also the ying and yang , because the more she screams the bigger I get …the better she feels it , the more she screams the harder we BOTH CUMMMM ) yet back to TALKING , I can talk but not like she can the studies prove we males use less words . it is in those words that the problems lie RELATIONSHIP STRESS ( tell me lies sweet little lies ) ,,, it is in her expectations … her focus … THAT THE MALE BRAIN thinks or process’ language like she does . It is because we talk like her that we today have such fucked up relationships … instead of being TRUE to your instinctual NATURE and her allowing us to be DIFFERENT as is the truth about MALE/FEMALE BRAIN STURUCTURE AND HORMONES ETC.

Remember over and over ,,, the beginning of the friendship , the love , THE DATING INTEREST was actually based in the lust of HORMONES , the drug , the effects of living thru a BIO MACHINE ..The friendship grew LATER after the sexual frustration was released that is when truest forms of individual caring and expressions of NON –CONDITIONAL LOVE are finally shown !
No matter what the RELATIONSHIP professionals say ,,, you can hear the wrongness of the expectations of the male to understand what the girl is saying ..or that the male can express what he is thinking in terms the girl will really understand ( mars and Venus link ).
Talking is important . yet that is why 3 GIRLS IS IMPORTANT .. they can talk to each other about what I talked about… kind of translate my words and my feelings when I do speak … the 3 girls give each other a level of balance for themselves thru multiple points of view ….

It is only in the GREED of owning you young master that the girl builds A hell out of the world ..for herself and her family , makes stress out of being a mother and wife ,, creating her own life without real support is a hard job for one woman alone . Yet her FOCUS on GREED and ownership of the male (sperm greed unnatural focus in contrast to the nature of a HAREM SPEICIES and you get what you focus on ..FEAR of other girls competition …. The effects of manipulation ) ,,,

1 girl alone , can take care of a number of kids , if only for a lil while especially if she is not stressed by other responsibility/worry at the time … 1 can take care of all the kids , while the other two girls get some ,,,, relax time , then the one who ,,, watched over the BROOD will get her own quiet time …. Never being alone for days but at most only hours ,,, only hours .. and most often having a girl friend ,, a SISTER there being to help …. Being an alone WIFE STRESSED OUT WITH THE KIDS will be the UNUSSAUL .

But without the children aspect or at least the knowledge of future children then the personal greed creeps in , the girl does not have that bond to family and DEGRADES into the HEDONISM of me , me , me ,…. All the studies show , that the bond to family ,, the what seems to be HUMAN ISNTINCT to be working to CREATE SMILES , is what creates personal health and wellness . NOT GOING SHOPPING . shopping is a DRUG ! and eventually leads to much stress as the needs for the NESXT high the NEXT purchase becomes never ending .

But like myself having 2 beers last night almost anything done in moderation , like BEN FRANKLIN said anything in moderation is ok ….even GOOD FOR YOU … shopping should be indulged … the balance I talk of in TERMS OF FUCKING like switching my hard cock out of her pussy and replacing my cock with the thumb I had been ass fucking her with while I pussy fucked her with my dick …. Now I have created a Benefiting balance of SEUXAL recreation of sensations , which will drive her brain into EXPLOSIONS OF SENSATIONS … the balances of moving from pussy to asshole and back again , her hands grabbing the sheets in EXAMPLE in proclaiming to me how a good a ILI SLUT SHE IS FOR MY BENEFIT ….. ( it sounds like she is getting some benefits also )

OFF the topic … are you getting pierced for her pleasure are you begging for her pussy by proving your BRAVERY ? you pierce your nipples … When I talk to girls about that , piercing is of is nipples not for the male but for the female ,,,, she curls back in revolt ,, because many girls would not do that to themselves much less need it form you … ,

ohhh sure ,,,but some girl did the , I LOVE YOU mind fuck on you to get you to do something ABNORMAL …. Dipshit it is a thing girls just do without really thinking LONG TERM FOR THEIR dna IS NOT THAT OF GENERATIONAL BUT …gestational ,,,,

And for her to use the tool of words . the overwhelming domain of FEMALE words , to confuse you and she gets her greed fed you ACT as she wants .. but as the Statistic show in the long run it will back fire on her . how many different ways does she ask you to RE COMMIT your love to her ….. that word LOVE forces you into a strong PATHOLOGICAL TRANCE STATE …. it is the life and death of the caveman coming back at an INSTINTUAL level ….

And another thing Young master , if you do not follow that feeling in your Gut that intuition , that instinctual pull of KNOWING as compared to living by the Expected shoulds of society ..if you IGNORE your GUT then you will get fucked up for sure ,,,, now the feeling may not be that of POLIGMY of course because you have not seen it in your day to day life of growing up ,,, it was described as being ILLEGAL in fact when if done creatively the core relationship is marriage like yet not legal marriage so no ILLEGALITY has happened it is a relationship between consenting adults …. The FEELING the information of SELF being described to SELF thru GUT FEELINGS …. Even though it is TAINTED by social expectation …. The Dialogue is important to EXPLORE ( think for yourself )

But for myself …. I am again here stuck …. feeling for my family my girlfriend especially that she may or may not stick with me ,,,, as she says if she is not happy she will leave , well that is reality always THAT IS THE REALITY ..ALWAYS . but because of the 1 and only ,,, the love of your life mentally that creates a stress unnatural ….yes un natural to the natural world , the animal inside you ….. to the harem male that is your DNA …. WHO thinks if he did his job correctly and staked out a nice area , then he will attract females to the safety and food source of his locale ….. and he will be attractive ,,, female sense of male attraction is much more fluid … just look at the males women choose often it makes no sense . Especially to us males well since we are males ….. our brains are different our life experiences are different .

The one thing even in the Mars and Venus books or in the Surrendered wife Books the idea that a male likes to think he is doing things that are pleasing to his female ,,,, key point that girls should understand , is that when the guy ,,,, leaves without leaving ,,, he is escaping constantly ,,,,, it is I betcha he feels deep down like he CAN NOT …DO ..ANYTHING …RIGHT …… he felt failure in your eyes once to many times ,of course he will not admit it , hell he does not even know himself how to express such thoughts to himself .How could he express it to his girlfriend who will mostle likely want to TALK about it which is something guys just do not do …and ,,, that would be like ADMITTING FAILURE ….. and well that would be like a male failure to himself …… the CATCH 22

I am getting ready to leave my home .. sell out re build to establish the 3 tents …… I have to plan for this new life , daily get my mind up there say good bye to old friends and clients here ,, get them ready for the guy who will buy my business ….. at the same time …. Describe my plans to Deb ,,,, and each time I do … I wonder what she is really thinking ……. That male in me is wanting her to be happy THE CREATOR OF SMILES the pleaser it is who I am ,,, it is the protective Gorilla . It is you , young master feel this in the relationships you now have , think about your past loves and think about how she was your world … and how things changed and the POSSILBE why’s … did you end up feeling like you could no longer make her happy ?

With the newer view point of being Instinctual can you think outside of the limits you have known of till NOW!

Now for the male who just does not care what his female is thinking or worrying about ,,,, is that a good male in the long run should that male really have been the male who should have been chosen for mating?
I mean the gorilla must think instinctually about the total welfare of the harem and children so that his DNA will survive …. So when women talk about men who don’t care …… were they like that in the beginning? If yes , then girl you choose POORLY … if he changed it may be because of the fact he is living incongruously to his deepest instinctual nature and rebelling thru not caring ( ) because he …well he just does not care to understand or think for himself . about his own instincts his deepest self ,,, but that is UNDERSTANDABLE …. Who ever told him the TRUTH about the flesh and bone and blood that his spirit is living thru ,,, ( spirituality for the average person only comes after the hierarchy of needs is met or it is used as ANOTHER escape , like beer or video games when expressed before Maslows first few steps are not secured ) YOU an eating ,breathing ,fucking animal has animal nature ….. and must ACT , live , be congruous to that DNA nature or shit will hit the fan .

So for me ,, It fucks with my mind the social Expectations , but I move on to my goal because ,,,I know ,,I really do not submit well . I have felt the guidance of SELF

Thursday, December 25, 2008

pubic bone slam

Pubic bone slam

Young Mastrer or should I call you more generically Instinctual Animal ….. the deepest of your motives ,,, is what often is driving you ..the mental health industry would describe it as Sub Conscious … now remember dipshit , humans have had mental health science for 1000’s of years ,,, but now we are using different Jargons ,,,, the new Health Industry created new Jargons .. language to insure that it stayed a secret society that they could bestow , title of Doctor to the people who learned the language thus insuring the right to CHARGE lots of $$$$$$ … the concept of the GOD/king or the important ones having a title being more important ,,the special side of the Tao .. where there is no no no special side orevovled side in TAO .. ohhhh but to day is about sex … not economy (god/king is economy ) … yet life is never clear cut never only about 1 aspect like you yourself are not what you think you are ,,, a single thing alone …. Holistic is what is really real . a part of a COMPLEXITY beyond the ability of the human barin and it’s abitly to process 2 gigs of inof persecond to handle ….. it is that unthinakable fi nite

Sex ….. young master when you started dating your … subbie …. The dynamics where XYZ ( and that related to the FOCUS of you and your learning experince up till that epoch of your time/space adventure ) … each of you was the perfect TOY of the other just what each was searching for … ( you asked and you got both of you )… and you both have great sex play times …. In the BDSM writings and books the idea of a 24/7 is written about as being difficult …. Not commonly attainable … why ? why it is because of your instinctual nature to PROTECT ! …. YOU ARE A GOOD MAN …. You are not the rape gang DNA animal of our cousin the Chimp you are not the submissive momma’s boy male of the Bonobo female hierarchy ….. you are a TERRITORIAL harem male like the Gorilla ( ), the lion , the Deer ….. you are not a 1 on 1 animal like the swan ( a bird a dinosaur ) …. When did mammals and dinosaurs break off the evolutionary tree? The evidence is 225,000,000 two hundered and twenty five million years ago .. that is when we mammals broke off from the dinosaur which became our current day birds our evidence of monogamy in nature the lovers ,, the Swans …… that branch the birdswent on 1 way and mammals went another way mostly harem based ( even tigers have loose harem formations ) ….. mammals who because of things like HAREMS and PROTECTIVE MALES ….. survived well grew in numbers like us humans ,,, the territorial and protective nature of you dumbass ,,,, young master ,, good man …

225 million years worth of instinct …hmmm that is deep seated motives ,,,, 3.3. million years of being a tool making camp site stable human ape … 6,000,000 of being an upright walking ape . Monogamy became LAW by the Romans only 1500 years ago … ( but remember the history of culture adopted from greeks who adopted from ? ) …. Honestly dipshit can you realize that our DNA started forming 225 million years ago ,, mammal DNA is in you, you are animals …sorry ! it is a fact . shown to you by your LUST FOR PUSSY ( plus things like hair and needing to breathe and eat and shit )

the truth behind the giggle at the naughty nightie party ,,, the instinct , is stressed because of social conventions and laws , and expresses itself as giggles of SHYNESS … the TWISTING OF INSTINCT … a stress then confusion ,,, how does this relate to the GUIDANCE OF YOUR EMOTIONS … .. when you hide it further by calling it subconscious thoughts , describe it and further confuse things thru words ,, but , Abraham- hicks describes it well ,,as ,,, just guidance of emotions , feelings that the life force within you are being ……. THWARTED . in its ( your toa self ) desires to express what it came into time space to experience …. But the mind of MAN created a black pyramid … of RULES of expectations …. Of GOD/kings . the pyramids the economy of service to …?

when in reality all you want and she wants is to have you pound your hard dick into her exposed pussy her legs wide , she positions herself so that her stretched out cunt pops out her CLIT so that my pubic bone will PUND AND POUND AND POUND …. That clit ,, and she can scream …. A scream that sounds nothing like harps and violins like tenderness and love story fairy tale bullshit ,,, but the screams of OHHHHH MY GOD , master my poor little pussy ,,,, ooooh my god ! and she loves every second , collapsing after I finally cum ,,, my cock swells that last second before it pumps my hot white milk deeply into an excited pussy that has been contracting over and over ,,, why is it contracting , it is forcing the egg down the tubes to meet with the sperm ….

HMMMMMM sounds like deep hidden animal instinct , not planned human thoughts , or soul mate fairy tales ,, like the functions of the heart muscles which we do not control on a regular basis ( yet we can control thru mediation when we focus on non focus ) ….. Hmmmmm un conscious thoughts or INSTINCTS ….. now think about emotions as your guide to what is happening …. With the real you .. and your real WANTS

Not wants of the social human , who acts happy in the face of friends by showing how much shit they can buy with $$$$$ yet you still feel bad and need the drug of buying more shit ,,, it is just a drug addiction , the drug is self generated morphine … very addictive . this escape of buying happiness

What are your real wants ,,, and when you do not get them you feel like you are living in a trap , like going to a JOB you hate ,,, a life you hate so you escape by living in Video games or buying more stuff to get a high or drinking to IN TOXIC CATE or getting high to dull the EMOTIOANL GUIDANCE …… of even escaping in sex and generating Endorphine highs thru BDSM … . Yet real sex would satisfy more if you understood the deepness of the CALLING of the instincts the nature which you were trained to IGNORE to make others smile to be social to make GOD/KINGS happy . it is feeling your PLACE on the scale of emotional guidance be moving toward better feeling thoughts ….. congruous ness

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

slave to it

Slave to it

Young master the continueing exposure to ideas that make you feel GENUIENELY good ……. Being able to ffeel for yourself to think for yourself and compare FEELINGs is this feeling REALY mine or is it based upon … FULLFILLING the expectations of social programming …

Do not think I trash REAL LEGIONS no there is a TAO so great so UN THINKABLE who am I to limit it … and the possibles for expressions of BOOKS ideas written by humans …. If this time space can stimulate the idea then the possibility of that idea well is POSSIBLE . so the PAIN AND FEAR of religions and the promise of being TRAPPED in a personality limited to expressing only 1 form of bing for infinity ( or until atleast you dicide once more to make a change based upon the contrasting and new understanding avail able after an EVENT LIKE … TRANSISITON ….. another way to describe Death … and in that word a whole new set of Perjoratives expectations can be felt ,,transitioning …

Like Zhuangzi tried to explain ,,, any and every expression of BEING is VALID … from the fruit fly who lives and dies in a day to the human with his 100 years or the tortoise who mayget 500 years or the RED WOOD with its 1000’s or years ….. or the Quanta ,, which BE’s and disaapears in less that the flash of light …. What is TIME IN RELATION TO …… IN … FI …NITEY .. really think for yourself I know you can .

The use of you thru the MIND FUCK the social programming passed down by learned men from age to age ,,to keep the masses in mental slavery and greed to service the thought form of ecomonoy which revlvoes around service to KINGS AND WUEESN … higher archy ….. where by the ones on top feeling more important than the rest of BEINGNESS have to the right to inflict pain and suffereing in the name of their WORTH …… and passing such rights on down to you also … in sublt ways till you think that you are seprearted from ,,, Creation … form the … I … IN … I ….. the masters of worlds and this planet is here for your personal use to destroy and torutue at you leasure …

Maintaining touch with GOOD entertainers whose messages make you feel good keep you on the track that feels good with the IDEAS of YOU …not jus the social porgraming ,,but with the DAN ..prgraiming of the bio-machine you use for time space adventure … that is living HOLISTICALLY …. Spirit sure ,,, mind and feelings sure … the AGREEMENT STATE …the body we use for time space at its CURRENT LEVEL of development of DNA eveolution …. DURING this one age …

Ahh but the fear of death of not returning of losing your NAME …….. the idea of returing to just I …. In …. I … where you will no longer me a male of female a Tom dick or harry or sally …… that is the fear of death …. That transition
Back into the NO 1 THING .. the verything but

And what does this have to do with pussy …. Everythin can be twisted around to include SEXUAL RECREATION ….. the interconnestions .. are there for you to think about and trust your inner guidance that information of feelings of rightness for you ..that are OUTSIDE OF THE TEACHING OR RULES OF THE ENTERATAINERS be them church governments or …..
The beast, like all of you, chooses freedom first. And if ever the physical condition becomes less than joyful, the beast -- if left to himself -- will re-emerge into Nonphysical.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Lincroft, NJ on Tuesday, October 15th, 1996
Compare this thread to this and think for yourself about the equloaity of the Tao which side is the side of the improatnt ones ,,the GODS ones … the ones who can call you slave ? and treat you like shit in TAO ? for power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely …. Look at the evedence trail ……. Keeping your own positive flow of RE PROGRAMING .

Friday, December 19, 2008

a together pussy



Young master have fun , enjoy the dream you are living , and if REAL Legion is useful then use it …… Laminin is just one shape ….. a strong base or trunk or root system to ANCHOR itself .. and 3 arms to joint ot others simalir proteins ot form a NETTING . when looked at in USE not in some ARtifical ARtisit DRAWING … you see it as what it is a useful MOLDABLE SHAPE .. that varies and is not set totally in concrete . or into a CRUISFIX …

Peace my young friend ,,, the mind fuck ,,the Divide and conquer …. The use of the tools of STRESS and confusion to manipulate the population …. The learning dating back to the Slave masters of PHAROHS ..still being used to day … to caputure and lead you in TIMES of stress and SEARCHING …. After the confuse and conquer the heart breaks of life … well listen to the entertainers . then look at the fotos not the aritist Depictions just one form or shape of 50,000 shapes of proteins ….. there are lots of near cross likes something to the tune of 400 variation son the 3arms theme

entertainment ….. helps to ease the pain of living in CONFLICT TO the desgn of the bio machine you use …that temple body thing of your book ….. THINK FOR YOURSELF

Monday, December 15, 2008

free x-mas pussy

Free X-mas Pussy

Young master WRITE YOUR OWN STORY then marvel as you start to see that story enetering your Day to Day living experience ..NO ..NOT exactly as written other wise there would be NO ROOM for the oppurutunity to experience CONTRAST the WANTED AND UNWANTED ..form which creative ideas cause the Expansion of the Tao …

Make it FUN for the flow of FUN brings on more of that it is the …. There a word for it when there is a general theme to a time or epoch of time epoch bad word …. For I mean maybe just a few months ,,, but life can have some what of a general theme under lying it … and the more you are LOOKING FOR THE GOOD WELL YOU …are looking for the GOOD and what you look for you tend to find …and that creates the general falvor of living ….. and so it goes with putting gup yellow sticky noted meant for yourself ( keep it prvate other wise people think you are Weird and that SOCIAL ACCPEOPTANCE Aspect will Bring you DOWN into things that are not FUN ..the fear of REJECTION …. And behind fear of rejection is that fear felt as a baby an death aspects deep deep deep within the fear of rejection fear of out casting for the NUTRIETION needed and given from human social life …. And do not forget the vison board it is the first level of writing though ,,it is the general ACCUMLATING of IDEAS … but actuall journeall or wiritng about the life is good also do notexpect it come without some form of contrast still to be experienced … we have a responsilbity to our selves for EXPASION of ourselves us the I – IN – I THE IN FI NITE TOA ….. now the Entertainer Ester Hicks on her audio of the Mexican cruise ( we poor folk can get the fun of her enterataining and teaching without the $1000’s of dollars that others can spend ,,their life CONTRAST is to live worried with the burdens of great wealth and the fear of LOSING THAT WEALTH and let me tell you when you realize how much WEALTH your paper profits have lost lately you do worry it is not fun … here she clarifys like each session she calirfys what she had brought up before .. EXPANDING ..not dead words written in stone but living words of expansion ..

FREE PUSSY …… I live with 3 adult bleeding females … and I have been noticing the social dynincs I POSTULATED in Twisted instinct ....the FReindship and co-operation and support they give to each other that I as a male can not realy do WELL at … again realize the observation of Dr. GRAy … in his MARS AND VENUS books … just twist it to fit the TRUTH of DNA humanity not trying to force humanity to fit inot UN NATURAL ROLES of activity .

Mamma cat had kitten 8 weeks ago , of of the girls in the house in with baby … her male well was like all to many men not a good choice on her part she came back home to live …. And care for herself and baby growning in her … she bonded with mamma cat ( A WILD A ferrel cat never been able to catch her to bring her in to get fixed – even though she is not broken and natural keeps the population in chck of her last litter only 1 is still here ….. those adventurers who were using cat bodiys to experience time/space experienced also the thing we all will do TOOO …no one gets out of her ALIVE ..they got dead . left the Bio-machines they were using )

I had said …. Ok you can keep one but I gotta find homes for the others …FREE X-MAS KITTENS …. I will put the sign up before Christmas …. Well then we lost another very good friend o mine ,,,one of the last litter the first to come out of the woods and be friend us humans ….. itty bitty kitty …. So I said you get to keep two .

Girls who are preganant are OVER HORMOMEL .. it is the NATURE OF NATURE .. the worst time for a MALE IS TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND A FEMALE DURING THIS STAGE much negativeness happens in marriages during preganacy … the expectation that the husband understands when he CAN NOT it is not our experience .

So upon seeiong the sign in the KITCHEN SHE got all PISSY ….. at first if it were the old me ,,not understanding that she will get support form her sisiter females in the house …. I would have engaged her … I would have defened and become LOGICAL about things …. And an AGRUEMENT would have followed ,,but instead I with drew to my HOME …. ( OK I only have a single family home so I do not have the space of the 5 acres there i would have a sperate home office my space ….. I could just go to and live with out having to bump inot any of the girls in times of stress …. They too have their own spaces .3 ..3/2’s )

But I was feeling and TRUSTING the story I HAD WRITTEN that you read every day … I saw the stress in her ,,, I disappeared and let the other girls her deal with the reality of her life …. I left HER to live to CHOOSE freely ..TO THINK FOR HERSELF about things ..she she is a free adult female ,,she freely choose to come live in my world one is forcing her …No MANIPULATION …. AND she is free to leave . no need to argue .

The I LOVE YOU ..the word love as we use it ..the WORD TOOL generates EXPECATIONS called PERJORATIVES . deep CULTURAL meanings …. I love you is the WRODS of slvery and expecataion to GIVE UP FREEDOM OF CHOICE ……. FOREVER because ;;of the rules of Religon mainly .

Indain aboriginal ameircan ….. divorce happened easy , the female just put all his shit out the door the relationship is over noFIGHTING ..for to have anger and stress in many many cultures .was so FROWNED UPON ..the ANGRY MALE .. WOULD GO INTO a social time out where no one would interact with him … ( that went for the females also ) so there was no stress also because the INDIAN BRAVE dependined not ..NOT upon the OWNERSHIP of things or anyone else for his day to day living …. He remember had to live alone ..alone in the woods for a complete year if one of his wives kicked him out ..welll bye bye baby … I don ot NEED ! yoU

HE WANTED HER ..not needed her …… the coercion and control the manipulation of the LOVE STORY … and what are the effects of manipulation ,,,, PAIN … mental illness … amddness …

Okay well … all worked out very well no ….need to stress need to explain ... FREE CHOCIE with out me having to ENGAGE ! unconditional love for another human … stay or leave your choice I am cool . I just like seeing happiness but I have WANTS also …… and that msut be respected ..if you want .. free to think

Our art … IMATATES LIFE .. yes it is the devsion of the Greek Tragety the Fairy tale of love and also the veidnce trail of manipulations …
BAT MAN THE DARK NIGHT ..look at it with critical eyes ..enjoy the quality of the adventure the …FICTION yet realize if it were not for our UNDERSTANDING OF THE effects of stress …. We could not ASSOCIATE with the characters to levels needed for good entertainment ….
The characters were effected by the FEAR OF DEATH …. Non understanding of our I – IN – I .. and infinitrey or the use of the bio-machine by an experincer a QUANTUM SINGLURALTY … AND THEN NEXT exlore the effects of the soul mate the 1 on 1 ,,,, fairyt ale of love and how ,this concept of I CAN NOT LIVE WITHOUT YOU ..effects us ,, if we could not feel what the characters were expeincing we could not enjoy the FLIX …….

Not perfect not exact ..but a story …… writing your won story not perfect not exact but in the living and writing and noticing of HTINGS WANTED ..well life starts to resemble that which you wrote in your own story ..whihc maybe started with …. The your own vision board

Sunday, December 14, 2008

pussy awareness

Pussy awareness

It is bio – logic – al ….. will you agree? Is there enough evidence trail behind that assumption ? you are getting an idea of the SUBLTE players effecting you ..the effects of the BIG T testosrone ……

Now I want to get to $ awareness and your nature for POVERTY ..for returning over and voer again inot a state of HAND TO MOUTH ….. sure actually you are pretty good you keep a good size NUMBER in your bank accounts etc ,,but ..the evidence trail … is that after this Employement BLIP you went thru earlier this year the only MONEys YOU STILL HAVE ARE THOSE FEW BONDS YOU BOUGHT ….

There ae sublte LAW OF AVERAGES ..that donot ignore … Las VEGAS is built upon the tiny PECEntages after COSTS ..and there are massive costs …. Yet the LAW OF AVERAGES ..proves out over and over …. ( ohh marriage ..60% divorce … of the other 40 % 9 out of 10 live in Dysfucntion of averages thin for yourself ) so … your girl friends mom says that savings bonds suck … it is NOT ABOUT the ROI ,,it is about locking YOUR MONEY out of SIGHT out of MIND …..

You had a bunch of cash in accounst earlier this year and within 5 months you BURNT thru all of ….. yet the bonds did not seem real they were out of sight out of mind ,,,,, so if you depsit into her recommended MM accounts every time you see the name of her bank as you drive around you are remeinded about the cash you have ..( in conflict with the POVERTY consisuosness of 90% of the population and you are just one of that 90% as shown by your own actions and those of your family like eEVERY ONE ELSE l.. nothing to be ashamed of ..SUBTLE DYNIMCS ….. like being an DNa animal we have certain Dynamics like HORMONES to realize effect each of us

SHE BLEEDS each month due to SEXUAL hormones ….

Dipshit my friend I have told you a 100 times do not PISS INTO THE WIND …. The greed of going after the 2% increase of ROI endangeres the PRINCIPLE … because of your constanst awareness of your Growing wealth … every time you get a bank statement or go online you are reminded of how well you have saved …. But the bonds wer forgotten … you could not just go online an transfere them to another account to pay that URGENT BILL …well like I have said again 100 times . AND YOU JUST LIVED THRU LIVE BROKE ….. you did didn’t you each time you thought about the bond the effert to go use it was ,,,, balanced by the new OPPURUTNITY for a short term cash fix … and they were saved . before we met you had 10 grand ( like you want to do now ) and you bought that car ( which you totaled and the insurance gave you 5 on it ohh another great example of industry based on playing laws of averages ) that 10 was due to gifts from a cash cow now long buried called a grand dad …. Hmmmm all you got left is the bonds .hint hint hint …..

The ROI is in the land the homes the lifestyle ,,,, with this new job you can transter to some great areas where like you showed me ADVERTISED 5 acres is only 30 k that means when you shop you will get it for 25k ….. here a 3/2 on 5 ..was a half mill now 190 ,,but things will go back up in time they always have LAW OF AVERAGES . the ROI on 500k at 8% is 40K a year ..if you can keep the cash safe to do the investing the reast of the plan …. Your actuall realized ROi will be more like 60 k ,,,, you just need to protect the seed … the 10 gets you in and you have a payment $99.80 at 7% ..the rest you build on cash out of pocket …comfy lifestyle ,, security …. This is the REAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT !

But if your attention is on REMINDING you of you growing wealth the law of averages is you will do stupid shit ,, and SHIT OUT … this dera,,, like the pizza dinner you treated us all too , when your sister came and gave you a payment unexpectedly on the laon you gave her ( part of that last wealth busting episode since you are a ware of your CASH so is evceryone els and well SHIT HAPPENS …. Famly asked you for cahs tooo ….. ) I over heard her saying that makes it 600 and something ,,,hmmm if everytime she passes you a 20 or 50 and you spend it then where …is that grand …. You had saved ? that 10% of the 10 k you need ? well not heading back into savings now was it ? no IT IS NOW ..SHIT literally just shit flushed down the toilet like I am sure the other 400 of her REPAYMENST have gone ,,, pissed way in beer or shit out the next day after eating pizza …… think for yourself …. About your won suceess and failures not my ideas not me think for you but THINK FOR YOURSELF .

yellow sticky pussy notes

Sticky yellow pussy notes

Young master ,,,, your wants ,,are of 2 ( or maore ) types ..casual wants ,, fleeting in real PASSION ..or power and then those that KEEP COMING BACK … often it is different Contrasting events that stimulate them ,,it may at first semm to be different ISSUES ,but look again THINK FOR YOURSELF … dip pinot the ROOT …… and you just may find a COMMANILTIY .

But then the Want seems to Blow away because of the ADVENTURE of just living ,,the Keepiong things going smoothly as they are is OVERWHELMING enough sometimes …but it is not until you HATE enough what is goin on right Now that the energy of Commitment for Change ..the PASSIOn is allowed to show thru you ..and the desire then willnot get blown away so EASy at least if it does you will remember within a few days and get back on course …

Ohh but to be true to my form I have to relate this to pussy … well firt the ..coming into accpetatnce and THNAKFULLNESS OF …THE GIFT OF …. HATE …. the emotional guidance scale …. See it is a NATURAL FEELING ..just like you dick is natural …. And should not be ( her her pussy and tits and hips and butt and back and shoulders ) should not be hidden but accepted as part and parcel of the BIO MACHINE we use for Adventure in this play ground of time/space ( I know confsing complexity upon complexity more than the 2 gig of processing your brain can accomplish …. That is why this is so KEWL … as opposed to still being EVERYTHING in ALLWAYS … all the time in the TAO ..limits are Kewl fun )

So I know it is a fact PUSSY IS ON YOUR MIND . infact ,,, if you went back to that blog about male hormaial cycles you get a CLUE we have PUSSY ON THE BRAIN every hour PLUS …. It is part of the MECHANICS of the bio machine ..

POSTIVE THINKING GURU’S teach the use of yellow post it Notes … well … use these for RE+PROGRMAING for ..remeinding yourself about YOUR PASSION ….. so that living does not get you so fucking confused …YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO ..think more about the FEELING os others than about your own wants and desires …but it is frm you getting into ALIGNMENT … going with the flow of TAO ..being MR. I DON’T KNOW … and being happy that you bring the most HAPPINESS to all those who eant form you ….

Parenst girls friends etc really all want deep DOWN TO SEE you smile ,,when you are smiling they ARE smiling ,,but how can you be REALLY TRUTHFULLY smiling when you are living in confusion jumping thru hoops of ASSUME ….. trying to make others happy ASS U ME ING what will make them happy and then trying to live live up to that ASS out of U and ME …. Plan .

Really live for your happiness ,,thrut the INSTINCTUAL NATURE of HUMANITY the social animal we are ..that was evedent in the CROWD of BUZZ BAKE SALE ..the 20,000 freaks who spent hours and hours caged in the fair grounds of west palm ,, and had a fucking great time ( remember the problems accounted for a 1% of 3% of the crownd and the events of problems lasted for only minutes yet we were there for HOURS .. AND HOURS …loads and loads of minutes yet you may focus on the NEGATIVE instead of the OVER WHELMING EVIDENCE trail of of GOOD NATURED HUMANITY )

Doing what feels right for you ( now this is important ,,really LEARN once more to FEEL ..if there is stress ,then the time is not right more LEARNING more contrsting events MUST BE EXPERINCED …. The adventure is to play out a little bit more before BIG CHANGES will slowly ..ASSEMBLE into time/space manifestations …. Brought about by the interaction of the power of your thinking …and the power of REAL wants ..PASSION .)

THE STICKY YELLOW POST IT NOTE that reminds you the over all goal is the …antural LFOW OF HAPPY PUSSY THAT WANTS TO EXPRESS ITS NATURE WITH YOU ,,FREE CHOICE …..AND un – conditional –love

If some one is happy with you only when you are JUMPING THRU THEIR HOOPS that is not love …. And if you demend that of others that also is not love …. If you love her let her goo follow her own bliss ,, if she is realy GETTING IN TOUCH with herself ….. I betcha she will …. Well she will ….. so what is right for her and not become depsresedd or have to live on MEDICATIONS …

It is natural ( hell i still social issues with this lifestyle ..personal issues with my own body …why ? is my body ? ) now ….. I know you love it the reminder of our INSTINCTUAL interaction that urge which really brings us together sure we will put on the face of FREINDSHIP but in reatlity if you lookeda t the data stream about dating if you have done the study of the guys who train ..then you will realize the truth about the Homaoneial drives ,,the WEtt pussy the hard cock and the FREINDSHIP and NATURAL human interaction of
( think for yourself this blog like all of my blogs is just here to stimulate your thinking not be a RECOMMENDATION .. or prescription … you are supposed to start FEELING your place in the STREAM of TAO ….

( ohh dipshit all that extra weight is you HIDING form life … it is un healthy a girl should have some softness storage for when she is preganant and something to cushion my fucking pounds while fucking something to grasp whe with shile she is struglleing during penetrations ….. but you …. Well fist body DESIGN and her TOO … every one is different … the diag-Know-sis of the Doc that it is Bio-chemical is right and wrong ..fisrt camy your confusion them it manifested into something that could be EXPLAINED in accord with the agreement od Quantum amgic we all live here in time/space …. But first thing was the thought ,,because I betcha the DNA of your body …. Is one of IN HERENT HEALT ….. )

Saturday, December 13, 2008

the pussy under the clothes

That naked pussy under the clothes

Young master ,,the FOCUS the feelings ..behind the day to day thinking about the experience of life ….. hmm the EXPECATIONS ..that you have accepted by the PROGRAMING ..of growing up … what wil be hard what will be easy …. I was going over looking for theme material to write about a audio series form and seeing how it flows with MY IDEA about the wisodom of the Enteratiner Ester Hicks and her stage art of Flowong the words of Abraham …. ( if I am at a perfect place ALWAYS all the time and doing what is perfect for the ADVENTURE of this life time then whatever I write is also perfect …. Dam it is a bitch to judge ONE’s self dependant on the Smiles of others if they do not like it I FEEL …my training to be a good and normal person hard to realize that I have such values from my sriting but brought back out when in person I am shown how Eloquent oi am in person ……

Of course all these links and much more are found thru out the pages of just about every FOTO is a link to somewhere interesting … we are ..covered with ,,SHIT … we are covered with SELF ID entidty …. Which is a false sense of self …. A semse pf se;f Dedemdant on the ….. smiles of others ,,,

but we human are cought in an INSTINCTUAL ….catch 22 … we instinctually like to see the smiles of others we are Social ..and some what sociall dependant … but YOUNG MASTER YOU .. lose control of you firt few stages of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS … by the slavery to Dependance on others for those first few stages …. That is why I have describes so much concepts about the real freedom from developoing the , , even health CARE .. one of the biggest mind fucks and SLAVERYS was the concept of health being in the hands of the RPIESTS ….. or doctors …. As MARY BAKER EDDY said helath is more a corn of mind than of matter …. and deep in this is the fear of death ..and all fears are you standing in the RIVER of the flow of TAO … you ,,, the I in I ….. thinking thoughts that are in CONTRAST to the truth about our REAL self something that is UNTHINKABLE ..that is IN FI NITE ….

But back to PUSSY ,,, and kinda doing a FOCUS exercise that is very much like a precursor to the 10 foot circle ..the talking to every girl you come in contact with ..wether you want to or not just asy some thing to every girl of AGE …. That means the oder ones also …. But not the young ones …. Say some thing anything but make sure you open your moth even if it is only to comment on the weather … or asy hi …but as a percurser ….. is to see BEYOND the trappings of HER FLASHY SHIT , her car her BAD attitude ,,the Aloof face she wears … in her knowing her pussy is plated in GOLD … and see her NAKED see them all naked …. And realize that when nude ,,, skinny girls look bony .. heavy girls look soft and full …. All have many many IMPERFECTIONS … spots moles … they are not like the TV or PORN models … artifical but they are real ANIMALS with all the imperfections that every animal has distinquishing it form all the others expcept when mankind develops the ARTIFICAL image of beauty expecations … and she hides herself in those …. FACE PAINST AND FASHINAALBE clothings ….

She is just an animal like you and she needs wants is instinctuall and hormaonally driven to find pleasure from the activity of being penetateed by you ….. ahh the change in EXPECATION in focus the RE-programing …. Done piece by piece day by day ..the changes in thinking that will bring about the changes in the experience of the quantas as the assemble into thw rodl of you experience ,, an experience that must ,,but within the agreed upon limits of the whole of the group you have attracted so far …. Others … again to re-program you expecations about the real interaction between men and women , remeind yourself about the truth of what happened with almost every girl you have ever dated at least by the 3 rd date most often by the 1st or second …. it is her DNa desing and it is your DNa design to give and receive pleasure also in the interaction …. Rememeber the great study of Dr. Gray form MARS and VENUs we males are not their BEST friens ,,,we can not talk or think or feel or lots of shit with them like other girls can …. and the truth also that when you LOOKSAFE ..when other girls see that other girls are interested in you ..then YOU BECOME MUCH MORE INTERESTING TO THE NEWER GIRL ..there is this DEEP instinct to trust the presence of and judgement of other girls .. when you go the smell of pussy on you then other girls deep in the INSTUCNTUAL SELF THEIR ..DNA SELF READ THE …WIFF of hormoneal …. Commcuations … and you are more interesting to them .

Friday, December 12, 2008

hand out sex

Lifestyle is sex and mind and spirit

Young master , what a good nights sleep can do for a mind …. Plus especially after I get good input from important people and that I was in a mind frame that I could accept it with out the FILTER of being defensive about my ideas ..

Now that defensiveness on my part ,well , was an important part of the Evolution of me .Of , because in the beginning often so many people were telling me that I was crazy or that I was GREEDY and just wanted 3 girls that I wanted only pussy …. But I think because I stuck to my guns that I continued to write to explore ,,,, the TWO FACED nature of our lives ,,, I have touched the minds of some people over time to the point that I feel they do not want me to STOP , exploring my ideas to the completion of the …3 tents and a camel theory of TWISTED INSTINCT …. But in fact they are looking forward to … seeing the evolution of it ….

That feeling ,,, that intuition is based on the way they interact with me ,,, in fact very supportive of my attempts and giving me very sane clear advise on MARKETING . WOW , for me the subtle change is well now eye opening .

In the past as I have tried to talk to girls, to people in general about my complex lifestyle ideas , I had problems ,, mainly in terms of personel embarrassment ….. about being not main stream .When in fact I am so fucking ..what should I say conservative , family oriented , family man the concepts of are very MAINSTREAM …. Yet I do REAL HUMAN things behind closed doors which I have opened up here on line to you the reader and that causes embarrassment…… you my friends who I call dumbfuck , who I also join in that name ,, as I find my own FAULTS , I Too am a dumbfuck .

Now marketing ,,, first as I have felt for months quite clearly …without the real , hard on the ground compound I do not have anything really to discuss except theory … but the land and homes are coming …. The building of a way to expose who I am to the world in a way that respected me ….my feelings , a way that I will be excited to hand out cards or tri – fold flyer …. With a description of INSTINCTUALISM …. Instinctualism not as a religion or just kinky sex … or just the fucked up writing of Philip Van Der Mude ….but instinctualism as a SOUND BITE of a complex ….. life style alternative . see handing out business cards that ID’d me as a BDSM master/dom well that did not feel right it did not resonate with me ( where i am on the scale of Emotional commucation between I and I ) ,,,,,YET I KNOW THAT ASPECT OF average female sexuality must be addressed sometime somehow ….

Polygamy not as a COMMMANDMENT of some GOD ! but as the natural instinct of us ,,,, this Great Ape / Sapiens …. And of course the economics … consumption with long term balance …. Work without economic slavery ,,, health and wellness based on mind states ,….. food based on our BODY design …..
That handing out BDSM cards was not Phil ,,,, handing out cards for a Religion was not Phil ….. but Phil has handed out Flyers for lets SAY for example Greenpeace for fucking decades …. I used to shove them in the bags of my customers at PHILS BAIT AND TACKEL ….. I would say Green Peace was my concsiense …. The balance of the pendulum … to us hunters and fisherman , that we had to protect our….OUR . wild world … so we would have a wilderness to engage in our love to RETURNING to the instinctual male who we are …all of us HUNTERS AND FISHERMAN …. Isntinctualism is promoting fishing ….hmmmmm I can do !

How to do it ? well change the site … …. Make the front page into a environmental page with a feeling of mind body spirit …. Take the whole Tao aspect and move it to a sub-set OF PAGES ,,,,, THE spirit pages ….. tie to the idea of HOLISTIC … living…… HOLISTIC living is already a concept or BuzzWord , it has many different people involved and it is very inclusive ….. Ex. From industry , the renewable energy dealers advertise and connect with holistic fairs and events ….. of course alternative spiritual ism people do to ,,, and green eating people do to …. And broad sexual lifestyle people do to …. And I want to be out of the sexual closet as much as possible but with-out being to offensive ….. I can be offensive here ONLINE to get attention ….but me here and must be … separated …..

Good so the persona of PHILIP VANDERMUDE ….. The pussy like you would fishing …Persona . Well here online I do use that and I do generate activity I have you reading my shit …. From here you do go the www.intinstualism .org pages by the 100’s …. So my Howard Stern style of writing does something ,,,,but instinctualism ,,, has to evolve into mainstream outside of me ….. it must be able to teach .. the more problematic concepts in a KINDER GENTLER manner …. Helping people evolve into the TOLERANCE of the instinctual nature of human polygamy of true HUMANITY…..

I got work to do , because the dividing of the human individual and family still pisses me off ,,,, the hearing about the NAUGHTY NIGHTIE party, the changes of people who in the real world protray THEMSELVES as one person yet , become this alter ego at a DILDOE party is wrong . Not that sex is wrong but ..the hidden sex , creates ,,, real problems especially abuse … … for example the family I know , who just broke up ,,it was not that they married too young, or that both do not still love each other greatly , yet it did not work ,,, why did the good male …….. abandon LIFE ? Numb himself with Beer and Dope to ignore the Emotioanl guidance ? and the kids will pay a price just like the majority of kids do … it seems the DYSFUNCTIONAL family is the Normal family .. I have work to do …. Creating instinctualism into something I can mainstream hand out to people … without feeling like I am a weirdo ….

Thursday, December 11, 2008

licking a pussy well

Licking a pussy

Some young woman who had the guts to start a conversation with me , I known her for ages and knew she ..knew my shit ..well …. I am so much more Eloquent in person than on the page what I said made much more sense ….

Well first it was because of the STRUGGLE of reading my words on the page that her mind opened that she started to think for her self about aspects of her life over these last few years compared to the ideas I have been bringing up since the first days of Twisted Instinct ….. HER VIBRATION HER READINESS made it possible for her to hear my words eloquently ….

But today it is about …. Finding bliss in your work the CREATION OF SMILEs is the instinct we all have …. And service whether it is manufac turing and you are the broom pusher on the plant floor or the Finish painter of the products every aspect is of SERVICE to HUMANITY ….. can you think for yourself about that realize it ?

( ohh young master this chihc ,,, got it .. compared the last few years of dating ..what she has seen in society in a whole talked with her girl friends who like wise have some limited expsosure to my works … my wirinting is like looking a t FREAK SHOW is so AWFULLL you just goota see what is wrtiitn next … and in tha SEEDS of thought are implanted … and the girls are now wondering if there is any males out there with the guts to do what I have progected ….hmmmm build it and they will come you energy of thought projected is like a magnet attracting …)

today I ma agin doing my OWN UNVIERSITY TIME …. In school you work hard for 4 years so that you can get a starting out paying job on average of in the 20K area ..sure with the degree you will in 5 or 10 be worth on average 50k but you start out …. Low most often you will even START OU as an INTERN ..think about BAT NAILS of the Buzz wearing his bat man suit everday around town …. For how many months still an UN PAID INTERN still going to school to learn brasodcasting also …. Paying 10;s of thousands of dollars to land a job … and working hard to do it .

me I amn ..practising a cash cow service right at this minute as I write I am in the aspect of proactising one of the vast types of POPULATION SERVICE INDUSTRYS THERE ARE AVAILABLE ALL AROUND YOU YOUNG MASTER … that small list is just a MICRO LIST OF THE POSSIBLE SERVICES to be provided …. But I got to be good I got to create smiles …and am I HAPPY WHILE IN STUDY or ..RESENTING IT ?

the Flow of my stream ..then energy of my WANTOS ….. what are you wants and how is this activity ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE STREAM MERRLY MERRRL;Y MERRRLY LIFE IS BUT A DREAM . how is practice a part of the the every day …day dreaming about the world that is aseembleing itself ..the quantas coming together to make a complete ..4 dememsional universe of experience of my own DESIGN and this active creation of it ,,thru the expression of my PASSION ….. can you get it ? can you thnk for yourself ..abotu the little details of living and the constant flow of the stream and the stream of enenergy commicating to you , in FEEELINGs PLAIN English language of TAO ..vibrating VIBES ..feelings ..senseations … are you like a fucking ROCK in the STREAM ..causing resisitance to YOUR OWN BEST WANTS? ..are you confused like a deer in the head lights standing in the stream and the water rushing between your legs is a FEELING . a SENSATION a commincation of come along with YOURSELF come with the ADVENTUIRE of your won dreams …

WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT ..idiot standing there in RESISITANCE what are you FOCUSED on for it is not is NOT a focus of the stream you have put inot place thru you attentiona dn passion to the wants projected inot TAO ….. want everything NEED nothing enjoy NOW ..go with the flow ..look and enjoy the ride ..down the stream of WELL BEING …( or are you afraid … remember fear is it of death are you kinda some how worried that life will be to short are you afraid of judgement from Society form those whoare TRAPPED in the mind fuck of PHAROH … and you call you self ..ALTERNATIVE Ha! Bulsshit just a POSER a fahionalb poser . )

Sevice what do you get from SERVICE what do you get by licking that pussy welll … the faster she starts CUMMING the more she FEELS EVERY FUCKING INCH EVERY THRUST ..of my up coming fuck over and over the LOUDER AND LOUDER SHE GETS ..IN THAT EXPERINCE THE T.hicker and thincker may dick grows and the the louder she gets ,,the YIN AND YANG …. Ahhhh you get smiles … well later after she has recovered you get loads of smiles …. In the actions you get screams and a wiggling hot SLUT to shoot you stick white sperm into …. And then leave in a Withering ball of human flesh as you withdran and go about your life …. Ooo back to practis back to UNIVERSITY ..the paroactis e of a service industry cash cow that will maost likely bring about 20 or 30 bucks a working ahours or more after I get realy realy good

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

soft round ass

Soft round Ass

The Design of the Bio Machine you …. Are using ( you are not he body you are the TAO aspect of experincer ) …the DNa of the bio machine HUMAN …is one of an animal that LIKES SEX ,,THAT IS VERY VERY VERY SEXUALLY RECREATIONAL ….. your thich COCK … that has length , gives . FRICTION during the PENTRTATION ACTS …. Her adverstising for PENETRATION her enlarged breast and soft round ass cheeks …. Remember it is her deepest desires ..SHE GETS WET lubricates for PENETRATION ..look at the fotos lke they are part of your own vision board a remeinder … ,

Now the blog on vision boards is important to understand the proper use of them to INSURE how you are CHOOSING to think what you FOCUS is on

I am going to use the WORD TOOLS of Ester Hicks . the STREAM …. A tool to describe aspects of the TAO the UNTINKABLE ( ) ..... fear is you STANDING there in the middle of a running stream ,,the commucation ,,the FEELING like plain ENglsih you are not understanding is the VIBRATION of not moving with the CURENT the energy of your BRAODER self ……. It can be FEAR of death or DANGER .. it can bbe FEAR of ACCEPTANCE … or shyness … ahh shyness and getting you HARD COCK Buryed in the ass hole of that girl who ex cited your HORMONAL FLOW the big T ..rushing thru you viens , wiping hight thoughts form the tool of the human bio machine called brain , the REASON for testosrone is to ..FOCUS you …fight or FUCK ….. mainly fuck because we are not VIOLENT animals look again at the tools of WAR or violence which our body has Evovled out of …. We do not have the CLAWS of other animals not the FIGHTING teeth ,,, but we do have larger thicker DICKS than our Cousins ,,, she is built to attract your SEXUAL attention ….. in very graphic ways with her large breatsa nd soft ass … why doi you FEEL …FEAR is commcation saying you are not ACTING in accord with your wants with the AGRRED UPON expecations of our NATURE …. Hers also she is designed to be fucked by you and ENJOY IT …. To EXPERINCE INTENSTIY OF FEELINGS of frictions . of smells flavors to get that FEELING of submission … ahh the book about her nature form this page the link is there

Standing like a confused DEER in heads light wondering WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING on ….. and your greater TAO self is commicating with ITSELF YOU … thru vibration saying ,,,, I am going ..i am the STREAM of your WANTS … do not resit me ..but come ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE STEAM MERRLY MERRLY MERRLY …LIFE IS BUT A ……DREAM !
It si commcating teeling you about the FOCUS the THOUGHT you are currently allowing or choosing to experience and saying to you IN PLAIN ENGLISH LANGUAGE OF …..SOURCE .. the language of sources is FEELING is VIBRATION ..the whole UNVIVERSE IS JUS THE vibration of quaNTAS in and out of being ….

Teeling you realize what you are thinking about ,,,,

Fear of death ,,, your Tao is wanting to live it is moving towards all those dreams you have placed into the ESCROW of toa … out BEFORE …the FORE GIVING of thought energy … it is out there in the UNTHINKABLE the un-impossible .. where from the Quantas will been there ASSEMBALAGE …. Into time/space . and you will start to expeince ADVENTUIRES ..the events from which to Feel and choose the WANTED and unwanted …. ..... thought about the ENDING of life are in contrast to your REAL wants thus that FOCUS on the ENDING is causing FEAR ,,when the time is right to go …. You enter BIO MECHANICAL STATES OF SHOCK where fear is not felt .

Shyness …. Is the results of SHOULDS of FASHION of living to make OTHERS HAPPY … you should live or dress like this so I WILL BE HAPPY … I and others like me will be happy ….. SHYNESS is thinking about yourself as BEING only this Bio machine ,,,, when the UNTHINKABLE-NESS of you is just that unthinka … you are not male or female or human or animal or rock or plant you are ,,, the .. I in I the paradox of feeling the bing of a singularity Quanta and realizing that even the quant has within in Infinitiies of possible . …. Unending WAY WAY WAY beyond the ability of the 2 gig persecond brain of human . or anything human has created to think with ( yet ? hmmm I do not limit the possible )

Shyness now learning simple tools to help you ..DEAL with the MIND FUCK ..of fear well that is the realm of these guys … 16 bucks will get you started open you mind and study the possibles .

But me I want to stay on the idea of the STREAM of the REAL you your TAO self …. Which is talking to you about truths ..she likes to take it in the asss ..the action of submission after she is truly HOT horny ,,, she has FREED herself of her own fear of masturbating in front of you ..while you were p[ussy fucking her ,,, once the fear is over ,,her RECREATIOANL desiogn the EVIDENCE TRIL of it being that soft sexy body , the aADVERTISNG softiness of her ASS CHEEKS …. All are saying I AM DESINGNED TO ….APRECIATE THE difference in FRICTIONS BETWEEN getting a pussy fuck and an ASS FUCK and find overwhelming feeling of the SUBLIME in both ..and your young master your SELFISH GREED TO ENJOY both activities of cuking is actually the sTRENGHT the … GIVING TO HER … selfishness of HUMAN EXPRESSION IN ACOORD WITH the DNA INSTINCTUAL MATURE not the GREED OF THE ..thought form EVE I bring up ,,, that is an UNANTURAL CREATION tied to ecomony and PHAROHS …

Like a JACKSON POLLACK ..of words
Esther said to us, "Abraham, how come you guys (meaning nonphysical entities) can't get your stories straight? This one says this. That one says that. If we have been talking to God, why doesn't God say the same thing to everyone? Why isn't everybody getting the same message?" And we said, "Everybody isn't asking the same question. Everybody is not at the same point of understanding. Everybody is not even wanting the same thing." We are all about eternalness which means we are about difference. It is in our difference that desires of all kinds come forth, and as all of these new desires pop up, every one of them, even in their difference, is important. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, July 11th, 1998

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

a pussy of pollacks canvas

A pussy of pollacks canvas

Young master after age 5 INSTINCTUALLY … as the DNa animal of 6,000,000 years designed to be an UPRIGHT WALKING APE ,, that has changed very little realy ,,,, ….Great Danes into Poodles …. Still dogs we are still JUST DNA APES …. just form after age 5 after losing your mild teeth you are just about able to live on your own … you would have learned what foods to eat and what not to eat by then ….. how to find water ETC …..

What is a SHOULD or a HAVE to …the Sbob CRITIC of art .. saw the words of JACKSON POLLACK ( there is a picture of a Pollack here ) he toosed paint on a canvass and called it art and …SNOBS pointed their EDUCATED FINGERS and said HA THAT IS NOT ART ! ..then the snob looked over his shoulder to see if his freeinds were giving him a Gold clap of APPROVAL or …. Laughing at him because he just di not get the EXPANSION OF THE TAO …..

A should is for the happiness of someone else to ignore your won feelings for the happiness of someone else …… ignore where you are in you own experience of the UN-IMPOSSIBLE ..the paly ground of TIME/SPACE …. Do not realize what you think about what YOU EXPERINCE … the WANTED the UNWANTED and how you are feeling about you experiences REVOLVING around the PASSIONATE WANTS those wants that keep showing up every AM … ( a list of common EMOTIONAL points so that you can RE AQUINT yourself …YOURSELF with YOUR OWN FELLINGS … about what you ESPERINCE in your own head )

Before age 5 while you were getting fed form that NIPPLE on moms body sure it was important to do what she said live her life on her terms because wih out her ,,you would die ,,but after age 5 after you started to lose your MILK TEETH ,,, even now ,there is a change in personel dymics ..expressions of SELF determination ,,,, yet HUMANITY IS ON AVERAGE …NICE AND CO-OPERATIVE …. Not the EVEIL trained into us thru the FEAR based programming of GOD/KINGS of pharohs and their priest s ,,who say LIVE FOR US SLAVE …SERVE US SLAVE ..BE OUR BEAST OF BURDEN … fear our Fairy tales …. Training GENERATION after GENERATION of good slaves to serve the God/kings of myth? And life …within … MULTIPLE LAYERS OF HIERARCHY ALSO … so you end up with many many slave masters … to serve yet ULTIMATELY it revolves around ECONOMY” something created … and now self susutaining ..but originally created to serve the SOcioPATHIC MIND of a few MUTATED HUMANS …

Pussy is NATURAL … your desire to fuck PUSSY IS NATURAL … it helps you thrive it FEELS GOOD .. and in theat feeling good your self that SELFISH NESS provide her with a great fucking which is her DESIGNE to be penetrated all those activities help her THRIOVE feel pleasure .. a reconnection A recreation …. With her DNa ..

Your are not a POSSESION of mother or father …. Like the LAW .. amy try to tell you you are until you are 18 ….. that is a construct of CIVIL society ,,,,leading you to IGNORE YOUR FEELINGS .. greating frustrations and the resulting .epxresion of control and cohersion or manipulation ….. expressed as VIOLENCE …or DEpresion …? But the nature of humanity is one of wanting to seee eachother smile compare mating behavior of the PEACEFUL gorllia who we share so much DNAwith and PYSIHCAL charisitscts with ….. important aspects like our COCKS . the cock in the pictures of pepentrated is a HAREM ANIMAL COCK ..not the NEEDLE dick of the voilent confused chimps worlds … an too is the pussy you see getting fucked by the cock …. Also much more like the pussy of our cusion gorilla than the over inflated pussy of the chimp …

NO ONE ….IS IN YOUR HEAD BUT YOU ….. you have been drugged into submission by a mother who , was so greddy that you were a PROBLEM TO HER LIFESTYLE ….. she in her DEFENSE .. I will say knew NO BETTER so forgive her …

FORE GIVING is not about her any more it is the ..action of …GIVING THOUGHT energy before the manifestation of the Quantas yet to beformed into ..this universe ..because the universe semms to be STALBE ..everlasting ..when perceived thru the LIMITED sensors OF THE bio machine WE USE FOR HUMAN LIFE TIMES ,,,, YOU CAN NOT feel THE INDIDIVUAL ..quatas FLASHING IN AND OUT OF EXISISITANCE WHICH ENABLE THE atome TO BE FORMED ,,, HELL you can ot even hear as well as a DOG or see as welll as An EAGLe or smell as well as an SHARK …… why do you think you are so fucking all powerfull ….. you brain is smaller than the HUMAN WE REPLACED VIOLENTLY …. Neanderthals ….. who predated us with almost world wide =dispersal ….

Foe giving MOM or anyone else who told you to LIVE FOR THEIR HAPPINESS and to ignore your TAO self ..that happy loving peaceful DNA self that 1000’s of years ago a lil’ china man was telling is there and should be trusted …. ohh but the greedy minds learned from each other ,, the romans from the greeks the greeks from the pharohs … and the Chinese from the info brought back accros the silf trade routes learned the social control possiblitys of DIA_FI_CATION ..the creating of gods…. And on SAGe Latzu …became such a traped sage ….

The fore Giving of yur thoughts NOW will effect the assembaleage of YOUR experience not mind expect when we are interacting in an AGRREMETN STATE ….. the FORE GETTING ….. the thinking about what it must be like to think without the SHOULDS with out the effects of the mind control drugs used on you sice you were 6 …so that you would be a good lil’ZOMBIE ..around the house and school …..

The children of Aboringal humaity … at around age 5 they were many self deirected ,,if one showed signs of SOCIAOPATH … this non –fucitioning member would be ..sepeartaed from the group …… leave the tirebe circle .. and see if you like living alone in the woods with wolves ,,a nd if you survie you may want to PLAY NICE NEXT time ….. antural selection ..SOUNDS CRUEL ..BUT REMEMBER

NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE …you have been sold an idea of FEAR OF DEATH .. the best tool of control developed and pratised by PHAROH , become depenadant of the god/king for an after life if you serve well in this life …. L;ike always think for yourself this ART is only here to stilmulate lindidivual thoughts like Ajackson polack ….. STILATED INDIVUAL APPREIATION OF ARTS …. ( ohhh fuck you critic but thanks for the advise on personel grooimng ..a STRAIGHT RAZOR acroos my neck while shaving … hmmmm Lol )

Monday, December 8, 2008

nipples are for ?

Nipples are for ?

Young master Nipples on TITS are for nursing babys ….betcha did not know since you thought the babys first meal came from a powder bought form a store then ….feed to the baby human thru a plastic bottle but dumbass how did we do that feeding just 100 years go …since plastics have only been around for about 100 years and UPRIGHT WALKING APES ( we are just fancy hairless apes … same cockc and pussy similar shoulder blades bones etc etc etc … plus that 99 percentage of DN a we share )

The human female is the only female whose Tits stray big their whole adult life … there are lots of animals mammals who are presy speices that … the females tits return to NORMAL SIZE after the baby starts eating regular food ..but not humans … WHY IS THAT …

SEXUAL ADVERTISING …and the industry of tit implant is about SEXUAL ADVERTISING …paying someone to FIX a problem that realy does not EXIXIST except in the mind of the population ,,,because we have been trained to accept UNANTURAL mating RULEs and expecations … basing a very important MOTIVATING aspect of BIO MECHANICS and acting as if the …. Entertainment the ESCAPEISM from stress potrayed in Fiarytales …. Put on stage so that adult humans can ESCAPE the confusion they are living ..( these 2 pages for the emotional guidance scale feel the COST OF INGORING your stress your guidance .,… the messages of the BIO MACHINE your INSTINCTS ….. then the mind fuck the ESCAPISM ..a tool of the ADVISOR to the GOD/KINGS of his day ,the GREATEST of private Tutors whose writing studies and poetry effects us still ..... feed into culture to the point that up coming generations thought the FAIRY TALES WERE REAL …

The BAKE SALE last saturaday ..20,000 freaks ..the EDGE of of culture all there together and realy if you realize it WE ARE VERY VERY VERY VERY …friendly animals peaceful animals who love to see each other smile …. There are very few fights or problems when you take into context the REPRESENTATION that we are THE EDGE … and there were 20 K of us and of that how many problems did you notice and how many times did we FUNCTION with a general sence of AGRREMENT – CO OPERATION …? Compare the minutes of PROBLEMS and the two or three humans involved as compared the to the hours of CO OPERATION and the 10’s of 1000’s OF PEOPLE INVOLVED ….. the training for the expectation of FEAR …. Can be realized here …. 363 days till bake sale ! seee you there on the lawn come get a ballon and sign the shirt ….

I need to get you to realize the DEPTH of the mind fuck have been trained .

Tits are foor feeding babies ….. the conection between TITS STIMLATION and sex well helps insures the PLASURE RESPONSE OF THE MOTHER TO FEEDING HER BABY is OUR NATURAL RECREATION OF NATURAL FUN …. Being SOCIAL also is our natural fun … we do share DNa with chimps but we are not as HIERACHIAL LY VIOLENT as they are we show the CO OPERATION instincts of the HAREMS OF GORILLA . and in that the ADVERTISING of SEUXALITY ..the dating aspects have also been tainted … manipulated by the PHAROHS of ages past where MARRIAGES WERE USED to tie pepeplse policatically there was not real …love or free choice as is the NATURE OF OUR DNA DESIGN …. This is not part of the

Fear and greed aspects of the concept of MARRIAGE …. The king and queen ..and controlling of power and wealth …CASTLES gold and silver ..slave human armys ..human beast OF BURDEN ….. that are less than …LESS THAN who cares if they DIE ….HIERARCHY …. But not seen when looked at in a group of 20,ooo rocks and roll fans …no there is a sense of FRIENDHSP with total strangers on a VAST VAST VAST AVERAGE ! the tools the practises of these MASTERS of HUMAN mind …. Are great for the world we live in ,this UNANATURAL STRESSFUL CREATION OF CONFUSION TTHAT supports the benefit of a very very few on top … making it OK for the slaves ..keep them fed and entertained and they will SERVE …economy . … you also young master realy start to understand ..the MO’BETTER …. And then you see it in you and you see the stess she FEELS … she worrys about the perkyness of her tits ..she buys 200 dollar pink a nd grey althelictc shoes … when there are very compareable footwears at 19.00 …. It is just foot wear

but because of the mind fuck …the stress the confusion CATCH AND TRAP A KING !!!! ….. and then hold on to her PRIZE … the focus is on fear ..and what is your foucs goes out into the IN FINITE FIELD OF QUANTS YET TO FLASH IN AND OUT OF REALITY which wil make up time/space her own fear feeds the stress she will eventually live ,the expression of MANIPULATION CONTROL AND COHERSION …

our antural dating method is one of FREEC HOICE STALBIOTY AND LOVE and the best of wants for theach of us ….. from the safety of her family haren the girls start to shop their … future mate ,,, exploring the edges of DAddys territory in safety ,, and when she moves intoa new harem of an older male ,,, she is not RAPED but is allowed to express her need for sex when THE TIME IS RIGHT … and if she wants to leave she can . thin about it …co operation the intent is for HAPPINESS of the WHOLE … like we saw in the over all activity of the BUZZ BAKE SALE … and us 20,000 + freaks …..

it is the nature for the female to COME TO US AFTER WE HAVE DONE our TOUR of duty and started the territory ... thier isntinct is to be penetrated they in fact graphically display this … and how much it effects them … they BLEED FOR psntration our current dating model is very screwed up and the life theis … INDIVIUDAL BOX life of strangers a city …. Is not supportivie like the ahrem

Saturday, December 6, 2008

do buy $3.00 pussy

Do BUY $3.oo pussy

Now young master the PENENTRATED WELL likes to be pentatrated ….BAD NEWS SELLS NEWSPAPERS … it is the UGLY and extreme that gets attention ,,,, yet the truth is the the of ages ..the oldest PROFESSION something done for $$ or RETURN … or FAVORS …. Is PROSTITUTION ….. the giving of PLEASURE in return for favors is shown in the comlesity of BONOBOO world ( bonoboos are chimps …. Like toy poodles and great danes ae dogs more on this EVOLUTION SHIT LATER ) but the facts are on the broad average girls get recruited into the SEX INDUSTRY not by being FORCED captured then enslaved but because they get INVITED by girl friends who show them the ROPES on how to make tha WET PUSSY produce gold then ,,then you will see these youg girls spending that GOLD at shopping malls world wide ,,only unitl they start to lose their EDGE in the market do the girl then COMPLAIN about how un fair the industry is ……. 2 FACED .

Now yu can not get $3.00 pussy in DO buy Dubia in Saudi Arabia the World fastest growing city …. but you can play golf out in the DESERT in land that depends on making FRESH WATER FROM SALTWATER ….. now remember FREE CHOICE not a global plan but the GIVING of an OPTION .to those LIKE YOURELF who feel CRUSHED STRESSED under PRESSURE ,,, in the confines of city worlds … the world of PHAROH citys ….. like MEMPHIS of the ancients so DUBIA is the new Memphis of todays PHAROH’S ….

4 biilion acres of land used ALREADY for farming ,,this is not TIMMBER land ..this is NOT city land ,,this is farm land free breate alble world wide … no reason for starvation in a world of AMPLE … when 10 can live fine on 5 … but what about water are we not lacking in world wide fresh water ….. $3.00 that is for a piece of glass and a metal pot ,,, when manufactured with INTENT on Econicms of SCALE ….. $3.00 time 6 billion humans equals …18 billion dollar remember that the US alone will BANDAIDS PHAROHS ECOMONY of service UTILMATELY TO THEM ..the top few … but to serve them the workers must be KEPT FED and ENTERATINED ….. ( and confused so they do not realize their SLAVE HOOD ) …. For if they realized thigns THOUGHT FOR THEMSELVES ,,they may decide to not live like RATS ..till they FEEL the stress potrayed in the music of HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD … but leave to breathe like HUMANS ARE DESINGED TO …. The us ..will spend 700 BILLION just on one PHASE …. Plus other apects of supporting the conmy until projects are that the US will invest … or create 1.5 Trillon in debts … for this speed bump in the ecomnoy …

how much water is used to feed the grass of PHAROHS GOLF COURSES out there in the middle of the desert ? about 40 million galoons per year per course and this is of recycled water yes ,, it is current fugures after years of learning water conserving measures now Dubia has about 10 courses pulbic and private . that is 400,000,000 gallons of evaproted sea water ….. now tha is one city … how about CArio or Mecca or Jedah or MAsquat or Ryad etc etc etc …. Water we again have way to much of ,,CASH we have way to much of …. Land we Have way to much of …….

Understanding of our SLAVE HOOD … the realization that you can think for yourself ..we do not have enough of but that is up to you ! land the average rural undeveloped country …the average farm turns out to be 5 acres it as if ,,MANKIND ….understood naturally ….. like ZHUANGZI told the emproror who wanted to USE the TAO for the bnfit of the people ..he said
Humanity is nice it is the LIARS who spread FEAR to create states where you can be come controllable .. undere their guidance for you need thier … GOD/KING and heavens …. Human are nice and naturally evolve a spread out of the wealth of lands and naural supportive communities based upon personalitys of each . it happens naturally if you TAKE THE GREED OF EVE expressed in the form of GOD/KINGS who create pretty shit for which to PAY EVE FOR HER ……PUSSY . HIS argument for the UN PROVABLITY by scientific method of Evolution …shows again the ARGOGANCE OF HUMAN ….. just to say we have not observed the single cell ..evolving into a multi cell , we have no observed it in any our our Experiiments …

wll huan scientist can not REPLACE or RE CREATE the total variety of the planet at geniss when there was nothing but 1 celleed life ,,,, and the possible NICHE ….. was not yet filled ,,the multicelled niche has been now filled so the . evolving of the 1 cell into a SUPPORTABLE COLONY of multicelled … isnot … as possible any more as it was when , the world the BILLONS OF ACRES WERE THE …… PETRIE DISH … instead of 1 tiny human experiment in a lab some where very limited in tis expression of natural dymics .

we have seen single cell BEINGS having mutations of CONNECTION .. two cells some how still BOUND … ahh given the VARIETY of possibles in a world only populated with single cells …. This first MUTATION .. especially if ,,the CANABALISING natue of even single celled life ..will evolve into cannibalizing ,,this is not a EVOVLUTAIONARY LEAP … but just and food source adaptation … becoming cananbal …. But ….. in a world of only single the cannibal BOUND CELLS …. AMY HAVE BEEN THE START OF MULTI CELLEED . but can we COPY a WOLDWIDE BILLION YEAR EXPERIMENT ? in our little petrie dishes at …. Missiipi state university ? lab on the back of a campus in some little office with limited funding =being controeled by the likes of YOU ? are you that ARROGANT HUMAN ?

todays Abraham …. WELL it is BAKE SALE DAY ! Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now--until it gets better right now! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002