Wonder pussy
Young master , having contrasts , having issues is from the META idea about life one of the reasons for life …kinda . those issues that keep creeping into your life over and over even after you have changed up some things , well those issues must be looked at more deeply to understand the dynamics ……. www.instinctualism.org there is a page called 5 steps …… and what is step 1 know what you do not want ……
So wondering about the pussy of the world …. Those varied people who are so attractive to you as an animal … that naturally which wants to be PENTRATED …. .. we are an animal with certain limits agreed limits that we EXPERIENCERS from the tao the meta agree to live with. so that we can experience some contrasts instead of total and complete happiness ………. Like it is in the tao where the all is always …. To wonder about girlos who think like you is the way of attracting those who think like you ….. and thinking of problems is a way of attracting that which you think of the problems ,,, but if the problems is being thought of in terms of learning ,,, of examaining aos that the new WANTO’s address the issue’s ,,, you are in fact wondering about positives ….. the new creations that can only be experienced by being here in time space to experience …. Contrast , which cause new wants , and new plans , and activity ….. and commitment to the choosen plan ,,, your wanto .
Here and now , is when and where you act in a manner of belief or faith …… the best choice of that old fashioned word faith the best way to show YOURSELF evidience that you believe that OPTIONS are possible that not everyone is the same …… will come when you buy your first EE bond that you mentally ear mark for your compound ,,,, your answer to the insanity of the world of love you have lived you have grown up in , that mankind ( western mankingd ) has struggled in for centuries ,,, centuries without any new ….. new ….. plan coming from that contrast of relationship stress ,,,, for there have for those centuries been plans to make it work , the designs was writien in the bible it has a marriage counseling aspect , it has come from word of mouth mother to daughter , dad to son ,,, it has come from the PRO’S who have been sriting and re-writing the same themes of relationship conselling for decades now ….. so nothing really new … to have a 1 on 1 work expect it to be difficult ….. expect it ! that is their answer to expect problems ,,,, think about the problems …. It will be hard , as the old couples will tell you over and over ,,,’ IT WAS HARD , BUT WE MADE IT ! “
The buying of a EE bond you will find ,,,, you are dong something concrete , you feel like you are purchasing the solution bond by bond ,,, the act of going to the bank filling out the paper work and receiving the bond in mail all compound time after time evnt after even to make you feel GREAT ABOUT YOURSELF AND your choices …. And the expectation that you will attract from that vast ,,,, vast …. Pool of girls outthere every where ( look at the evidence of lonely people ) and attract like souls ,,, like meta/tao experiencers who are free to explore new solutions themselves to the issues of contrasts ….
And one contrast they have is the desire they have to be pentrated ,,,,, tha feeling of emptiness when they go to sleep ,,,, a feeling that gorws ans subsides with the movemento fo the moon in response to the limits of MATTER ,, we all choose to come and live within …. The flow of hormones .
You , young master ,,, want peace ,,,, you want her to return to her instinctual nature of , expressing her desire for love and attention and sex ,,,, you want to peace of SEDUCTION …. That she has suppressed with her intellect and expectation that the fairy tale of prince charning coming to ask her on a date who willl marry her all dressed in white ….. who will ravage her and love her ….. and not leave her …. Who will not act or feel his animal nature but be FORM FIT to a fairy tale …. Yet , the thruth is in the begiinging of dating you both because of certain amounts of sexual frustration , the animals within each of us , talk to each other ……. Hormonially , the same seduction of the animal who is in HEAT searching for the HAREM MALE . to fuck her over and voer …. Natures PEACE . which the contrast the problems of your life of the world you were born into ……… does not have answer to , so far as you have found .
So the idea of becoming instinctuall …….. has potenticial ….. especially when you realize that the girls you will attract once they meet the real you while having coffe or on line ,,,, the ones who meet some guy who has built a compound based on polyigamy and respect for family and ecomonc security , solar elecetric , anutral food , ( re-red the free food pages the new links to NATIVE FOODS ) THE expectations you feel ,, known or un known ,,, you have expectation abthat revolve around dating ,,,, it is the expression of the shyness that feeling of deep stress of wondering about your self worth ….. that you neeed to suppress those feelings with another BEER courage in a cup …… dull the ablitly to hear and sense your vibrational message . your feelings of shyness . the EXPECTAION …… of an Negative ,,, so deeply engrained it isl like your expectation that the laws of gravity will continue , throw the rock up it will come back down .
The idea is to attract ….like ! ……. You make a certain concrete statement and that statement is INTERSTING , enough for that girl who is reading your myspce or zanaga …… of havng cofffeee with you ,,, she a free inteleigent person , who has been living with the same problems as you only from the aspect of the pentrated not the PENTRATOR ….. she will want to learn from you WHY ? and how ?
But it all starts with that first saving bond and believe me they do help form that feeling of reality that some change will finally happen , bond by bond …. You feel better and better …….. dipshit my friend ,,, how long has it been since your last steady girl ? how lng did you stay with the last girl in that state of knowing the end will come how many months maybe ……? How long ….. think about the months if not years those two events , wasted . and so you by deault head down the same evnt path …… waiting time to joing the numbers of people who are not ALTERNATIVE …… mady Tuesday wdensday , helll it is almost Friday ,,,, and another week is gone , then next week ant this month wiil be over half gone , and then you look back it is march then april , and may is coming another year is slipping away ….. by commiting ang just feeling the power of buying your first ear marked bond you sense the time frame …… 18 months of the tour of duty and you are basically RETIRED ! and you then date and attract girls who have a much different mindset ……. Becaue you bring out a VERY NEW REALITY …..now what about BDSM ……… ahhhhhh that is seduction on her part her need her emptiness ,,,,, and wonce she starts to to think about herself as 1 of 3 ,,, yet friends with the 3 ….. new dynics can come into paly , which until now have been un experienced by her …. Her seduction instincts which are there to serve HER WON PLEASURE SEEKING NATURE .
Thursday, April 3, 2008
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