Thursday, April 24, 2008

respecint master

Respecting Master

This in part I am sure Young Master is why you also are interested in BDSM , not as much that you are so self centered to nned attention , or that you re4aly have a GOD complex , because the ddeep nice guy nature is our nature , it is this deep conerm for our family that my Drill Saregents EXploted during training , during that time they take a CIVIL human being and form a Killing Machine . no glory just horror . ok , but back . to the deep instinct for protection and happiness of the family unit …..

Ahhh think about that deep concern and again see the EVIDENCE TRAIL OF the ……siver back .. the gorilla ,,, the HAREM MALE … not the tribal male of chimps , who yes do form some over all protective area but do not form indiviula bonds with any female for longer thatn a breeding cycle ….. gorilla can form life long bonds in the HAREMS . again more like ourselves .

Ohhh I had an event yesterday … I was compared to a male going thru the MID-LIFE CRISIS ….. that is a SYMPTOM of the deep problem the mid-life event is not the PROBLEM , it can be logicalized into submission but the underl ieing themes will still be there only thing is that the male maybe able to further TWIST his INSTINCT …. Twisted instinct by philip vandermude avaible at ….. the most important part was the people who were doing the talking the , tone and timber of the discussion , the laughableness of the male ,,,, females thinking they are smart , DEMEAN the master ,,, the riducle the Silver Back they in their comfy lifestyle , take all the male does for granted ,expecting life to continue like always . …… and in time over time this DISRESPECT will eat at the amle ,,,,, I want you young master to open your ears to the TOME AND TIMBER of females as they talk , and how SUPERIOR they can sound acting as if they have all the answers , when ifact todays world is so fucked upt that they level of DEPRESSION and self medicating and stress , the Evidence Trail of their logic their creations …. Their greed of Eve to own a male !
I want you to realize the generational pattern and mindless-ness it!

Has created a very complex confused ecomony full of self gratifying as an escape from the INSTINCTUAL pains . and girls do not want to open their minds to the DEEPEST of CAUSES , but to blame the symptoms … symptoms like … mindlife crisis ,,, hell even realize that women go thru seuxall based promiscus slutty midlife crisis’s also . at rates currently of close to 6 in ten married women having affaris ,,, yet the finger point at the men who buy ,,, harlyes or corvettes . it is the confuse and conquer , the idea of by guilt you can maintain CONTROL , and by ridicule you can maintain your position of CONTROL .

Open your ears young master to the insults , you have grown up with the DISRESPECT OF MASTER … to the point a good man goes bad , very often he goes bad before he becomes a man , his ego crushed by the thoughts words ideas , comments of the females all around him ,,, oftern he had no male role model , to counter balance the 24/7 male bashing … of mom sister grandmothers and media …. I thinka gain back to the numbers of the DEAD BEAT DADS ….. the headlines in news media ,, the comments of divorced mom’s etc , when I found the figures that 8 out of ten men are paying court ordered child support and for example only 3 out 10 womena are paying their court ordered child support ………. Who is the DEAD BEAT , yes there are more single mom’s but the amoung of single dads is growning ,,,

One reason why there is not out cry is that the PROVIDOR INSTINCT of the male the good man who will raise his kids alone that GORILLA instinct does not cry or WHINE …. And it certainly does not depend on a woman for anything ! other than what whe and instinct have designed her for …. And what is that ! what is the bassis for boys and girls getting together in the first place ?

Look I can keep a roof over my head , I can open a can of food , I bring my clothes to the laundry ….. I can surive just fine or else ,, if men could not survie well we would all be dead and girls would have no guys to date ,,, so it is not not not about anything other than , the SCNET OF PUSSY , the hormonial nature of commucation , the sexual frustratin ,,,, it is about sex!

But after the words of HONOR have been said after the female is comfortable , she thinks she can DISRESPECT master ! stupidly she makes her own bed the bed she the LIAR will lie in , why do I say Lliar , BECAUSE THE girls who the male first met ,,, disappears so very quicly and this new amnaipulative EVE shows up thnking she is so smart that she now is secure because of his HONOR STATEMENTS OF LOVE . and dam it that male would with a little respect sontinue to honor shi word ahppinly if the conditions of the ORGINALA relationship were maintain’d …… but EVE is a greddy liar . stupid lil’ liar …. Thinking she is smart ignoring tha from the deepest heart shaped box hidden in every man she , pouring bitter herbs with her CARELSESS WORDS TIMEBER AND TONE of voice , posining him and her own world.

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