her pain body
Young master I am not talking about that girl who comes over to get a bare handed spanking or get retrained in the sports cuffs velcro’d eagle to the bed for a flogging or asome candling or texture play or all of the above …… I am talking about memory ….. I am talking about Echard Tolle’s words his way of telling a story …. Just like a preacher is only going over and over the same old stuff … hidden in the pages of the Christ faith books full of hidden governmental control history …….. Tolle is telling the story about the workings of life ,,, life in terms of human bing very word based .. and how to maybe fuction al little better with a few more smiles , not HEAVEN ON EARHT 24/7 because that is not why you came here ….. you left perfection you left the connection of the I- in – I …. To experience seprations ,,, rwxperineces of time ,, distance /space … possible events …. In a 3D sensorial movie called atomic pyshics .
Her pain body that likes , freedom of choice to feel itself , can be confusing to you the male trained to hold doors open for girl never hit a girl etc ,,,,,, now some a great lot of you get into BDSM as the BLING of dating , the niche providing the service to girls who want it ,, while at some level your .. training is in conflict , but the stress of CONVENTIOANL dating was so great as to negate your training … TWISTED INSTINCT ….
The animal you are is protective ,,,, even the chimp male in his tribal associations with no real marriage equal or harem marriage equal … doe provide protection for girls he favors and their offspring and the family as a whole ….. the gorilla whole world is his family … look at males good males and see that when a guy in todays world is comfy in his marriage and providing for the family with apurpse , that male lives longer stronger happier with less self medicating ( beer ) it is when he is confused his nature become confused , by REPEATED experience with the unaturalmess fo our mating cuture that he gives up and becomes a drunk ( cool natural selection at work , the freedom of choice she can listen to the DDRMH’s over and over or eventually listen to you ……….
Listen to you , but when and how , it is not like I can stand on a street corner like a preacher holding abile yelling thru a megaphone ,,,, his ideas of the same old shit …. People who know laugh when I bring this up because they know I am just creazy enough to stand on that preacher same corner … with dildoe in had yelling my own ideas about the same old shit …..
But that display will only get you , UN EMPLOYED ….. it would be bad for business …. And making money is good , you need that to build the compound you need $ … ok , but to be able to talk ,,, to be able to advertise yourself ,,, so that girl who do , over time get it .. GET IT …. Want to learn more in real time …. How and where do they meet an truly ALTERNATIVE MALE ,,,, now her is where this TOOl comes in this tool ? ,,, yes this computer is not areality it is just a TOOL to experience one real experience of time .
So dipshit do not think I BLANKETLY trash the computer or the communities here in ,,,, no this is great place and tool but it is not reality … cybering is great ,,sexual release I am sure …. But really touching skin is what we are designed for …..
The OPPURTUNIY to hide be hind a name yet at the same time give those who want to meet you ….. the hidden directions to come meet you in their own terms , makes dating NEW … MAKES IT MORE NATURAL …… no more supplicating or asking out ( understand the concepts of Ross the dating page at www.instinctaulism.org ,,, supplicating to the roysl princess fairy tale story ..thin about it while you study the sciences .)
I want you if you are reading TOLLE to under stand the compounding of your memeory is where the pain body forms ,,,, and you have the choice to DE ACTIVATE memory kinda ,,, the more you access a thought which is based on the built up use of memeory you form STRANDS neruoral pathways .. the less you use a memeory the few pathways are kept active ,, they eventually degrade … and that part of the pain body goes away … as new neral pathways are formed .
Your dating life honestly young maste is one STEEPED in un-instinctual stress ,,,, the harem male build a territory the females shop you ,,,, shop you ,,, girls already shop us , just watch how they will or will not make eye contact with you ,,, that trait is INSTINCTUAL shopping …. Is she is not shopping she will not meet your gaze if shopping she will meet your gaze she is the female Gorilla living in one Harem who is unhappy or a teen coming of age ,, thinking about leaving daddy because incest is not what her deep inner animal wants , yes in the animal world for example chimps , the teens girl will get fucked by her brother and dad and uncles on average over over over 3000 , times during the teen age maturing years ,, then she will leave the troops during safari and join a new troop … gorillas do the same … often she will choose on guy stay there a few months and then ove on , remember in Gorilla worh there is no RAPE the girl must rub up seduce him …. He will notice her changes in scent know that she is horny but no rape will happen …. Freedom of choice ,,, she will shop to find the DOM she is comfy with .
The EVIDIENCE TRAIL of male shyness year after year , the JOKES well tell to lighten it up …. Has been going on since we choose to accept the Fairy TALE idea of dating this un-instinctual path , that formed from greed , and the idea of ALPHA WIFE …
So ,,,,, dumbass ,, blogging is great … showing who you ae is great …. Making that cash making yourself feel EXCITIED each time a new bod arrives step by step you KNOW you will SUCCEED ! …. Now how and where can you present yourself ,,,, so that the DEEP conversations that are needed to avoid the PITFALLS of ,,, your pain bdoy … yes your pain body , the squabeells the fights you have with girls friends have been compounding …. Forning a pain body in your thru out your teens …. Until the point you expect problems with every an all women . and RIGHTFULLY SO , if you are going on doing the same old thing well , txpect the same old results …and sorry just positive thinking the orck to stay floating in the air is fine if you are proactising your meta magic in your own meta reality but it does very little in terms of the JOINT AGREEMENT of reality …
The more preachers who tell their version of the same story over decades changed the world in the time of ROME ….. it is like thr principles of advertising it takes 28 mental exposures to form the connection with product brand naming … something like that I forget my numbers . you and young master like you exposing the ideas in your own words infact if you need ,,,,,JUST FUCKING RE-WRITE MY BITHER … yes I write blither .. I ain’t no Rembrandt of words like Pollack who threw paint at a canvas .. was not an artist …. But do enough canvas some turn turn out real pretty , ,JACKSON POLLACK did 1000’s of works an olnly a few are called real good art .. … so use your brain think for your self ,,,,, understand the more [people who talk about a concept the better accepted the concept becomes ,,,, and you who have the mindset and dtrength to commit will be the very few , most males are to weak to commit the get addite ini the ESCAPES of beoming cyer people only and or drunks … yet to discuss openly INSTINCTUALISM ideas , makes the the girls who encounter them able to thinka bout it more completely ,,, shop it and you .
But you are to fucking scared ,, of what other people will think ,,,, so continue to hide and be a sheep and do only what others do …. Keep the connection to your PAIN BODY strong and active .
Saturday, April 12, 2008
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