Sneaky pussy
Ohh what a wicked web we weave when we plan to deceive ….. old truths and yet 100 years after 100 years the Spirit of Eve tells young girls do it this way ……. When I watch women be social withother women ,,, I know that I am right in the idea that a poly family is beinifiacal for the girl ,,,,,, when I hear sounds of discomfort from my subbie during sex , I know that I am right … why is she fucking me if her INSTINCT is not for having sex at that time , why WHY FOR CONTROL AND MANIPULATION STUR THE ACT …. THE ACT , ( key word act or act-ion act , or actor or actress … some thing fake ) in the Tao Zhuanggzi told a story about mr, I don’t know …. Someonw who lived he did not act , it was not planned action he was part of his world he lived …… clik Mr. I don’t know …..
Young master , I want you again to notice the programming the constant feeding of one set of ideas and dreams and what is correct . look at the magazines , now if you went out to study the covers of magazines the way they sell the contents is thru the covers , if you went on purpose to the magazine rack ,,,, yes you will ow adays see the male EQUAL to cosmo …… showing up , but on average our magazines are about non sexual themes , yet look at the comvers of the girls magazines ,,, and thinkb behind the scenes ,,,, dieting is about looking sexy as much as health , mostly it is when she feeling Lonely that she gets motivated to diet ….. cleaning and home organizing ,,,, have you e er relly looked at the home of a single woman living a single life , then compare that same level of clean an organizing with how it looks after she is starting to activtly dzate ? look at the topics that have to do with dating period , and then look at topics like WHY DOES HE CHEAT …… when the facts are ( government proven facts they suppressed becaue it showed that the LIE of family values was just that a lie ) 60 percent of girls Cheat !
The core is the core the TWISTING of both of us male and female into living in a fairy tale world of nuclear family ,,,, the 1 on 1 stress that effects the next generation , by forcing us to be alone in small concrete boxes ,, ( or large boxes if you got the cash ) they are studing the eefect of this break up of family traditions in places like china and seeingthe increase in mental illness ,,,,,,AHHH GREAT thing for my Pharmi-Stocks …. More people to drug into submission , they are drpressed and self medicating because they live in UN NATURAL ways ,,,, unanatural for an animals ,,, you are an ANIMAL look at the hair on your body the blood in your viens , you are just an animals that thinks ….thinks way to much , forms EGO by thinking we own shit even thinking we own of derserve life itself ,,,, like life is more than just the experience of an experience that is TAO …. A persepctiove that must be becaue in-fi-nite ….. is just that infinite an you must be because of the possibility of you is ……. Is .
Realize the programming ……… now for the idea that you need a teacher to teach you to be GOOD , as people describe the need for holy teachers ,,,, no you are good if you would feel and trust you goodness on average ,,, now of course there are examples of mutatuions of BAD non social humans … and natural ply tribal humans found ways to deal with this thru ,,,, ostisizing ….ooops spelled wring , sending the non social human out of society …… in hopes they will learn something then allowing then to come back into society ….
Dating based on reality not fanasty ,,,, if the girl realy looked at you ! and a man who developed an INSTINCTUALIST compound ….. who would she choose … well her programmed greedy EVE spirit would choose a crack junkie ,,,,,, becaue whe is realy in control atleast she thinks ,,,,, can you think dipshit ? can you think out side of the box , is the fear of not having pussy for 12 months to much for you , but dumbass how long ahs it been since you had a girlfriend ,,,,, it is suprizing to find so many mean and women who go a year between relationships ,,,,,
Now dumbass I do not say be a fucking monk ,,, no be real ,, date tell and teach about the reasons why you are different , in fact write every fucking day about your self explortiona struggles feeling understanding and experiences ,,,, in that way when you date ,,, when you meet a new friend for coffee , you are not WEAVING A WEB OF DECIET ….. even if she is , her life and choices are the bed she is making that she will LIE in … where she will tell herself and the world and her children a life time of untruths to cover her own greedy EVE nature …… when in fact she loves having friends , and she is in fact a caring naurturing animal ….. who loves to see her girlfriends having ggod love and sex , she loves to ehar the storys of love ,,,,,
The greed nature of being jealous over the idea of her owned male is fucking her best friend in a compound she joined by choice , to live a life differently than humans have for 1500 years since the laws of Roma were created to create ,, unnatural stress to force young men in Armies to fight for Emporors so they could dress up with crowns of gold , so that popes can live in church castles ,,, and wear ruby rings … fo the Cardinals ….. ohh what about the poor baopsitist preacher often times he is the richest in social power …… maybe not money but a different level of power he humgers for ….. the ideas are complex …..
So you find youself wanting to Explore MASTER/slave relationships ,,, some way to find something different ? yer realize the un natural ness of it , the human contrieved taste of this family form , is it desgned to enhance family children or ,,,, the self ish nature … and when you girl are once more un owned looking for a new master or when the master starts to love you and he asks youWANT DO YOU WANT ,,,,, when you start to rebel yourself …..LACK OF CHOICES.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
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