200 cups of pussy
young master ,,,,, like I say , these blogs are my chronicles of time of experiences before I build my 3 homes 3 tents ,,,, why before because of the time it takes to un lock the vault oan investment …… so I enjoy time watching the world …. Talking to the world , for 15 bucks a week I get to alk to about 200 people , ohhh not all are girls but of course many , are ….. bieing that I am a public real person findable on the street not a satge name of cyber person who you can not locate on the street , I wonder often who reads my stuff and is walking by smiling or spending some time talking with me and who is not ,,,,, in many ways it is freeing because I am just me ….. not the ego I could so easy fall back in tooo .
the ego pattern of dating dating the depending on your show … like the friend I met last night just found out he is getting a divorce after 17 years …. Out of the 4 btothers he and every one thought his marriage was the one that awas going to last since everyone elses ended , but ……. Et tu brutia ….. ( I know I fucked that up ) even him ….. now with him he goes out and buys a new MERCEDES , so he has a dating car …. His trucks and jeep and Harleys are all fun but he felt he needed a new …SHOW TOY …. VERY COMMON thinking
a nice friendly smilling young lady was talking with me while I was selling and sampling my DRAW item …. www.twisted.bhipglobal.com and I was explaining the benifts of the aphrodiasic qualities of one the ingredients , and of course pointing to the closest girl … who smiles ……..now a strange thing happended the guy not both of the young men , but 1 of them ,,, saw that smile and he activietly pursued the smile of sex … the girl was not offeneded by the TOPIC of aphrodiasiac …. And that guy seized the OP … not his friend though ,,, no his friend ( who by the way I believe is probably a better male in the long run but she willl never know it because that guy did not talk to her .. because he is shy … )
shyness ,,, the friend with the new Mercedes will let the car do his talking for him ….. whenever possible …… the second guy walking the streets of the street festival has not EGO item to catch the attention of the girls ,,, and DDRMH ( an old descript… drunk disease ridden muscle head ) just knows to press for the number over and over and he gets his fair share ….. but honestly what do the girls get when they get him …. And you dipshit who arre you honeslty and does the guts to ask every girl realy help her judge that male as long term relationship material ,, while the ono rich male has no real bilng to attract the GREEDY eye of EVE ? and the rich man has the bling ?
and the girls ,, because alng with meeting my old friend who is not divoreced ,,,,, he was drowning his pain once more in beer ,,,, covering his ablity to listen to his emeotional guidance system …. By self medicating …. And he had a femeale friend with him who was acting like wise also ,,, recently single ….. and so I get talking about … www.instinctualism.org …. She at first was all about NO! I will not share a man ,,,, but as she strated to think about her pain body ( Tolle ) the body she has been maintaining thru her poor choices of males over and over ….. he thinking changed … my friend , started to see the idea that he is a good man who acted in the way of our NATURE , he thought he was doing things that was making his EVE happy … when in fact EVE did not understand her own real happiness .. she wanted MORE … stuff , not deep friendship .
the girl I could see over th hour of talking was going over her choices she was thinking about ,,, comparing 3.3 million years of evolvution and the facts of the 1 on 1 manipulation creation of Rome to form Armys and how we have by default and greed continued this Fairy tale , and the pain of art since then to prove the pain the love story tragety and the fakeness of fairytales ….BUT AS CLOSE AS SHE GO TO THINKING WAS TO SAY ……… but I would have to be the ALPHA female …….. control ooooh eve , why ? make the bed you a liar! Lie in . and you lie to yourself ….
But for I wonder who is talking to me , and I worry also , since I am not ,,,,,, ready ! I do not have the Gorila territory ,,, my Mercedes benz of the instinctualism compound ,,,, the sublte dynaincs it will provide for the females who are involved with me to deal with the Sub.C TRUTHS not theory …. A girl who dates a man with 3 homes , done who states his instinctual nature … is willing to talk about theory with out feeling upset because so many just do not get it …. ( at first ) not forcing the world to be like me but presenting ALTERNATIVES … when that guy is talking an girls are talking back , and wanting to get to know him , the dynamics will be very real ….. but in my shoes . I would just potetnically cuse pain , especially since I will not live any where near this town in my future …
How to move of a computer out of the cyber world to meeting the masses of girl out there …… to find a way to be the vendor on the street in a fun place to shop ,,, so the masses of possible girls can come meet you , as a friend ,,, and if you at that locale ,,, be it the weekend swap shop ,,,, where you sample sutff , give away free stuff to attract attention ,,, get activity … then have leading items for sale on the rest of your booth …. Like music poster that reflect your tastes ,,,, cheap jewelry reflecting maybe a theme …. Ahhhh books about well all the bools on the instinctualims site …. That is the theme from the loving Dom , to the Subbie books to the growning food books , to magic 123 vidoes ,,,,, and then ,,, and then have flyers preinted with the dates and times of yur weekly instinctualism TOAist meeting … the attraction Topic ….. all therse things are your Mercedes benz … and they also are REALY YOU ….. now the swap shop is visited by EVERYONE it is an attraction that every one loves to walk evry now and then …… allowing you to expand your dating market far beyond limits you now have …. And who know y you may evem make a buck , and then as you meet girls who GET IT ! they ,, the girl / s have aplace to enjoy selling their art , since almost everyone has a recreational craft they would love to sell and make a buck at , and then go shopping also , and just get out and meet the WORLD … great socializing without drinking …. Can you young master think ? get some ideas , yes you cn but do you have the guts to ACT ? or just do the same old same old ,, because everyone else does ….
Friday, April 11, 2008
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