3 holes needs 3 dicks , logical?
Young master I was asked what about 3 m3n , I have 3 holes that I enjoy on wild nights to be filled and fucked …… ahhh ALTERNaTIVES ,,, I am not about designing the 1 and only way for humans to love but an ALTERNATIVE …. So I said go for it! And if it does not work read deeper into my writings and feel what you are FEELING really … get past your greedy ego and the cute concept of EVE …….
Now as for her having 3 holes young master the learning you gain from THE LOVING DOM .. find link to buy that book at www.instinctualism.org young master training page … think about this in two ways , she we , all of us have perverted ourselves so much we do not even realize the level of escapism we go to … with drugs , TV , movie , shopping , beer , shopping and sex . but everything in MODERATION IS FINE ! .. so yes give her her 3 hole fucking a but pulg to stretch her ass and for her to feel against the dildoe you will fuck her pussy with while you hold twist up one of her legs while you fuck her THROAT , yes fuck her wind pipe get that , basuc primal fear of gag reflex …. The high or endorphones combined with sex hormones ,,,, the HIGH THE EXCAPE THE DRUG OF SEX … by reading that book you teach yourself about the …. Safe sane consensual aspects of BDSM … so while you have your cock fit into her wind pipe down her throat ,, her head off the bed if that is comfy more likely her head turned to the side then tilted back wards , so that you are not just banging against the back of her throat but actually moving down her wind pipe , and , to enhance this ,,, rub her throat ,, while your dick is in there …. And tell her to gag …. But , but but , START COUNTING , 1 ONE THOUSAND 2 ONE THOUSAND … count out 3 0 seconds , and remeove your dick …. Remember she is excited her body peaking and needing air , it is OK to bring her to an edge of experience but , she has to breathe ,, so remeove your dick , and use her face to rub against , the allowing the submission to having your wet hard cock rubbing against her eyes etc before returning to her throat , over and over with the gasping for air in between will , bring her the leve of sexual high she needs ……. Drug use
Becaue when you look instinctually , every animal has 3 holes and no other animal except the human female craves searches , coyly creates events so that she can get fucked like the above by three real men or by one guy and 2 dildoes ….. 3 males is uninstinctual . but hey have fun ,, instinctualism is just an alternative .
Now yesterdays blog did not get posted because of computer problems that ened just in time for me to quit my moringing instinctualist activity , all I got to do was test the connection then repy to some letters 9 1 BEING ABOUT 3 MEN AND HER 3 HOLES 9 … my inner tenstion is always transmitted to you the people around we talk by our ,,, WAY ,,,, our presence ,,, our deepest feelings are commucted constantly even though the mouth can choose to be policticall about things it talks about our body will transmit to the world and you when you are feeling stress ,,,, I have 2 bells right now ,, two pains that come and go 1 in a foot and 1 in an arm ,, each reltes , comes to be noticed when I am thinking about the hidden stresses of my life concerning different aspects of my future and current life …. Most human illness and chroic pain can be found to be expressions of suppressed feeling not listening to the EMOTIONAL GUIDANCE system ,, then collecting data about why/what you want and DO NOT WANT ,,, the 5 steps …
Young master you loved the girls you loved yet in time you hated the girl you loved … why ? mainlyit was that neither of you could be honest with the other ,e ach had …. Wants and DON”T wants … yet because of EGO you each suppressed your truths you lioved by DEFAULT and you really did not love the other ,, you FEARED the other ,,, is that LOVE? Yes tha is the love of the 1 on 1 ,,, that depends on whether a girl is CUTE or not ,,,, dipshit I ask , about love , if your mom , or sister or cousin or aunt .. or female friend ,,,, got into a cat accendent and got burned and looked like the guy in the movie PAY IT FORWARD ,,, great movie .. great concept … but if she was no longer pretty yet in the past she was pretty you you NO LONGE LOVE HER ? …. If she waa your wife and her breast was cut off because of the fear of being unprettty she focused on what she feared and got it ….. would her spirit still not be the same would she still be pretty ? have you ever met people who you never realy looked at , but enjoyed , they were friendly and nice it did ntoeven matter that they were like the hillybilly hick fisherman even missing teeth wearing t-shirts ,,,, you loved just being and talking with the PRESENCE .. the spirit the TAO … the human …..
Now this aspect is much ,,, uch ,,, much ,, the problem deep inside the jeoluosy of the 1 on 1 …. The idea about the cuter girl the younger girl etc etc etc ,, that you may encounter in your PLY ,,, realy this has to do with your expecttions and focus ,, than on the idea that all women are like this , it will be that you in your sexual frustration ,,, got involved with the wrong eve … or is it an EVE who is learning to feel her own feelings still …. ??? tha is her journey not yours , yours is to choose the girls who actively talk and act like they understand the group dynamics of the isntinctualist ideals …. Their positive expectations their focus will bring to them the peace and satble enjoyable , stress free loving family life they want and YOU WANT … but to get that you will have to ,,, find ways to discuss openly INSTICNTUALISM ,,,, ahhh the hints ideas etc , are all here on www.instinctualism.org , dipshit my friend ….. and the girls are searching ,,, last night at a business meeting the hosts were tow women … now lovers but also , the content and tone of their voices also transmited that they loved their HETRO lives also , but found it to painful and stressful that ,, girl on girl was just easier . YOUNG MASTER OPEN YOUR EYES THAT ALTERNATIVES ARE BING DESIRED .. and the more males young amster who start up and present themselves as INSTINCTUALISTS .. the beter for all competition is good for ,, the understanding of the total concepts , do fear sharing this plan and idea with other male friends ,,, first because the truth is ,,, most gusy are way to weak to handle the pressure of loving 3 women equally they will allow 1 ever to destroy everything … includning themselves … to many guys are just fashion men , short term thinkers ,,, or just to damaged and drunk .
So again when the student is ready the teachers of living area already all around you not just here in my words which are just a candle calling you to look outside or your BOX … now look at the covers of womens magazines listen with more than your ears …. Feel what your body is telling you ,, trst the words of HIS HOLY HIGH-NESS THE MASTA RASTA the honorable Bob Marley in the immortal words of the song 3 birds ….. EVERYTHING GONNA BE ALRIGHT !
In 1 puusy
Your dick young master will be inside one girl at a time ,,,, hmmm why did it write that I like has nothing tto do with the idea I thought I was going to write about , except that the dominating thought in my mind is the ignoreing of the 1 on 1 in my own experience , I have choosen a path a few years ago and honeslty it has been a great ride of experience of feeling my own DOUBTS my pwn programming , and having so many supportive things teaching and ideas , comng into life to RE INFORCE that the p[ath of NATURE is a GOOD ALTERNATIVE ,,,, not a 1 and only path ,, but an other path that should be available to all to explore for the merits it has
Now and for some months I have been lucky enough to have come into contact with the CRAZY LADY …. Ester hicks , the way I talked about her in a joking way to describe her as nutzo …. Well was a great example of my personel conditioning … and it is great to hear her say , she is on the edge not to become main stream but to stay outside of the mainstream as an ALTERNATIVE … an option .. in her teaching talks ,,, help she gives 1 on 1 to one person then having the talk recorded and it is that talk 1 on 1 that I hear and I get my own questions … not answered , but the topic of my concern to learn about tis , exposed . aspects of my own life experience is touched upon ,,,,
Hmmmmm so 1 pussy at a time ,,, my cock wil be in the pussy of 1 girl at a time ,, now the thinkg is it will be in the pussy of a girl who wants …like I want … not a house divided … but people similar wants , when I first was thinking and writing about the poly life I did not believe I would be accepted so openly my expectations were to find problems and girls who would be manipulative ….. and of course I found that . but I have also found lots f girls who , are open to ALTERNATIVES …. Now . and it is like the slow re-programing of my own expectations that I am living right ,,, not fighting this experience yet letting the nature of this wolrd experience ,,, working within ,, the time space agreement ,,,, time works for my benefit , I am happier and happier with my choice of furuture … my current world still reflects my past thinking and worrys , but that is to be expected , since
Since dipshit your today was built by the thoughts of your yesterdays ,, a very old teaching about the hows/and/whys to work and live within this atomic world with the ablitly to think we have …
Being a BEAST a DNA animal with a lot of thinking ablity , yet with DNA urges , has been a cool evolvutionary process to look over with a historical eye , to the law of attraction ( laws can be broken – laws are agreements – when a large enough perentage of the particatpants dtop agreeing the law will end ) but for this experience we have a agreement of Taoist point of experiencers , who make up the seemingly infite number of QUANTAS needed to create ans sustain an infinite unviverse and to think that this time and space is only 1 of again an infinite mnumber of possible universes ,,,, the whole number gets so large it is UN THINKABLE … cool go with the unthinkable to understand the nature of you before you chosse to experience the nature of human animal …
Ok , so back to Abrham/hicks,,, so we got a new cd. That is the answereing of questions based on the works of Walsh and conversations with GOD ,, now the whole GOD thing puts him in the stream of common thinking and availbe to be a commercial success yet he has a great theme a evolution of common god thoughts … cool step 1 …on that cd. The entertainer as I call her Ester( crazy lady ) who streams consisuones … talks about fous , what you look at or think about or listen to ,, or become concerned about will stay in your world , and it is your choice to ignore … more than become interested in , the thing you do not want in your lfe any more and by doing this with your life and the example of that is the grass roots of world changes , but changes that allow for the exixitance of all possible choices of things ,,,, no more burning at the stake those who do not agree , no more wars with those who do nt agree ,,,, it is about of COURSE , collecting data about that which you do not want so you can understand you choices for alternatives , then when you come to the fork in the road of choosing ,,, the old way ,,, or the new way ,,, you choose one and the focus there ,, look towards that , find supporting evidence of the good about your NEW choices . supportive things .
In you world today you have lots of people who may not like your choices , their shoulds are taught to you since you were born , in fact if you did not agree with their shoulds , when you were ababy you would die ! ….. life depended on you molding yourself to the shoulds of others , this continued when you started working and at school you could not get the grade if you did not do what was their shoulds for you , but when you get of age you get to act on your own shoulds ,,,, within the limits of the laws ,, the agreements … the agreements if you want to be part of the CROWD … the group … you can get wired and split off … head off into the woods . of stay always your choice ,, no one is forcing you , except by ,,, amniuplative words like …. Don’t you love me? And since humans are so inwardly loving this comment is very PoWERFUL for manipulating us . we are a loving cring animal , but when we are stressed over time , we feel traped in the trap we become like tha ngery animal , then biting at everyone out of confusion ….. iof depressed and drink or durg ourselves in to submission …
1 pussy at a time ,,, what is that …. Why does it come back into my head today ……. Hmmm I do not know , it may or may not be some sort of personel learning …. The 1 on 1 , does not reflect the NATURE OF THE human ape beast DNA which is us this thinking lvong animal machine which we use this body we use to experience this experience … but it is the fact of the sexual act …but the 1 on 1 is not good for the girls or the family or for you dipshit , it does not provide the supoortive aspect s that the peaceful on average harem tha is written into our DNA ……. Maybe it is just me going back pver my progrming once more ….. seeing my now …. The events and life and family I have as compared to the choice I have made to change my experience . and to change the oppurtunitys and ALTERNATIVES for very important people to me ,,, my kids , and also you , since you are exposed by your own ,, MAGNETIC attraction to these wiritning s, your won exploring of data ….
Duty and obligation and the real love of the average human nature ,,, and the feelings of the feelings that well up within me …. What are the reason I do x or y or z …. An it is onlyme who can feel my own reasons , right or wrong , which there is none , right or wrong only choice and experiences based on data , and what I want ,,, do I want the world I have exerperinced so far the comfort and FAMILARITY or the chance for something better . the attraction of other agree-ers … the attraction into my game from the INFINITE possible … those who would like to expreince something different ,, is it possible , is there an UN IMPOSSIBLE , if so there is an infinite number of experincers who only need to find like attractions ,,, the law of attraction , when ,,, I and focused more on finding the likes instead of the whatevers …. The wantevers are those that are not heading down the roda of my choice I can just let them head off in their direction ,,, I enjoy everyone somuch I do not want force them to enjoy my path I want so much to see them enjoy their own path …but
But what if some one comes and acts lke the want your path but they deeply do not ,,, I gotta know that as they really deeply want they will find … and since they are not realy in agreement with my apth , I wll continue on , and they will move off and I can still see them when we are on paths that are of similar agreed ideas ,,, it is like this young master when you are commited to building the poly family … and friends girl friends or parents are not in agreement …. You do not have to leave then 24/7 but allow yourself to enjoy each other during events that have nothng to do with your other path of the POLY or instinctualism , if that topic comes up re –direct back to the topic of shared agreed interactions ,,,, if it is a movie then return to alking about the movie if it is that you are there to enjoy the suceess of your friend or family return to the topic of your both sahred interest ,, their life ,,, be happy with your self in your world and not LOOK TO THEM FOR SUPPORT , is has to towith shoulds , for they can not support you when youlive outside f their SHOULDS , but who cares … enjoy them for who there are , give no energy into trying to change their mind
Do not make it important that they understand your DATA ,, presnt the data , and then change the subject , do not depend on their love ,,, love yourself , if you depend on their love to feed you , like you had to … had to ,,, had to ,, as a child unable to feed or find ousing you had to ,, had to ,, had to .. dow hat they said , but DO YOU HAVE TO NOW? Are you a baby? So you love yourself and your choices and the law of attraction which is the basis of this atomic experience even at the quatum level , each quantum is an experience of the TOA ,,a point of view experiencing the event of being a Quanta in this atomic universe … agreeing to expreince , hmmmm intereting and confusing … but fuck it all for now I got work to do to build my want … focusing on my future and enjoying the JOURNEY to that goal ,,,
Ohhh for m since I have had to many years fo problems I have flt the dirt of negative expectations on my own mind …. I am not the same hopeful person I was in my teens ,,,, but that was , only my choice to accept all the dirt of past experiences ,,, I can clean my own mirror I do not have t act like a baby and expect a mommy to do it for me. Hmmmm… to much writing for one day , and just enough … another great day 1 step closer one more brick in the completion of my project … enjoying the experience of time and space .
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
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