They left the bathroom together
I feel like I am gonna PUKE , HURL , SPEW CHUNKS …..Young Master …… Young Master …. I worry about the future of you’all … it is a fact we serve the females in our life it is our instinct to LIKE I have said before the cave man ready to fight off the saber tooth tiger of go kill some buffalo and shit we find pride in serving our family and woman/women….. but times they are a changing do we have the same NEED the same worth in the family unit has the feminist ideals gone to far ? …. Maybe it was what my Debbie said a few weeks ago as her GAY – dar went off ( she can sense a gay male or female ) she asked me about an old friend of mine asking is he Gay? And I was like him NO WAY but then as I thought about aqll the changes over the last years and compared the man I knew over a decade ago and the guy I meet today I start to wonder , when I listen to his the sound of his wife’s voice and the changes in her ,, the control she has over everything as compared to the sweet little waitress she was …….. and I think about so many men I know who change ……….. what the window washer sees somedays should not be seen , understand the window is there he is peeking thru your window it is part of my job description ,, YO DUMBFUCK that is why I whistle so loud to let you know YO ! I AM HERE ………. Well DAM it ! not again , A man I have known for years proud hunter and fisherman college grad played ball in highschool and college … Good white collar professional …….. a family man who has provided his family his wife with my serves for fucking ever it seems like a man my own age …. I have watched them as a couple while I got divorce after I divorce I saw him swallow his pride …. Listen to her demean him and control him and he would take ti ,,, yes maybe 5 or 6 years ago I saw anger in his eyes , wrinkles on his face age like me ……… I watched him lose his first born son ,,, his son becoming more and more fem …….. so he worked hard on his next son his chip off the old block that boys room full of fishing gear and surf boards …. But today …….. I looked once more at the reality in fornt of my eyes ,, what I have seen growing over these long years …….. after , after … after I saw him and his buddy
See a few years back his career path changed as his job got taken by a woman but this man took that in stride no biggie he created his own company and had a home office the family hardly missed a step in their climb up the ladder of wealth the misses having stated her own career after the kids got school age using her degree from the college they met at …… she buying her own lexus …….. her lexus that today he drove as she left for her office with his Expedition and he left to pick up his business partner in her lexus ….. to come back to home office first take a few laps in the pool they did reasonable .. this man I knew 6 2 ,, 220 ,, kept in shape even though his worry lines were growning deeper back a few years ago like his gun collection had grown …. But ….. when I saw him and his friend leaving the bathroom after doing laps wearing robes together … it just felt WRONG there was something terribly wrong ! with the scene I acccedentialy saw …. And it got me thinking …. Going over and over the changes in this Man …. How just this morning how his wife had ordered him like he was a five year old and in stead of him responding back like he did in years past .. he TOOK IT … and obeyed ……. And I thought about the office the changes in the office at home how now art hung on the walls where once was the fotos of him in his football uniform of highschool and college …. The rocks from deer the tusks of boar now hanging out in the garage …. Only 1 gun rack now ( and a small rack at that ) the other empty in the garage ….. a few fishing rods …. Infact now an extra wrodrbe rack with his .. his clothes on it …. Instead of cases to tote his weapons and fishing tackle on the airplanes as he went from one fishing trip to the next hunting trip …… on his side of the bathroom was a counter full of male heath and beauty aids ( male health and beauty aids? And dam the shit must work I swear the guy is looking 10 years younger than me ,, when we were at one time aging the same ) his second son has become like his brother with 20 different fragrances on his dresser and now just a decorative surf board on the wall NO wax or sand to show it has been used …. And his princess his lil’ princess all pink and cute … her room now loud and proud still pink but hot Violent pink and a shelf of sports trpahies and plaques to show that mom … yes …. Is living her male dreams thur her daughter ………. And dad …. Well I listened as he coached now not his sons but his daughter …… and then I listened to that teen daughter tell him ,,,, what to do …….. bossing him and her older bother like their mother must do to them and the males took it ………….. politely …. Like nice guys …. What else is a nice guy to do …….. it is our instinct to aid our females … true ? but how ? whe in reality the females no longer NEED us ……….
I at the pool hall a few weeks back ,, stopping and questioning some young men ,,, WHY? Didn’t you ask any of my daughters to play pool ? I have two pretty daughters ,, both different flavors of girl no competition and 4 young men walked on by …….. I am left to coach my daughters on how to run a 10- foot circle on how to pick up guys? And the guys they get ,,, the young masters ? they get .. the girls tell me are most often to fem for their tastes ????? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WORLD ? nature OR NURTURE …. YOUR NATURE says to you girl yummmm …. Your nurture says respect them for thiey are your equal ……… so what you become fem to their DOM ? ohhh shit I fear for you YOUNG MASTER …. I feel like I am gonna puke
I am a nice man ,, a good man who feels no pleasure in hurting emotionally the woman I love but … as I write about some of my ideas I know I hurt her ……… but if I do not write who will? Who will give some ideas some observations .. some plans and practise3 exercises to encourage you YOUNG MASTER . to find and create the balance again ….
See ……. The wife of the 2 men I write of .. either of them are happy ….. no you can see it in them ……… they are just plain stuck at succeeding ,,, succeeding at that which makes them UNHAPPY
Monday, April 23, 2007
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