D/s Town “ Ya ‘all cumm back now Ya her’ ”
Young Master I hope by now you have been noticing the BEG … the asking you do constanstly …. Asking for her permission in everything ( remember reader I am talking to the nice guys not the already dickhead but the cultured respectful male who in the long run girls dislike )……… from the asking for the first date to maybe the first kiss ,,, to where does she want to go … and if she is having fun … you ask ask ask ……… and what is begging what is a BEG .. it is asking ……. Living in terms of her wants to the extent you forget what you want ! Have you been thinking about it dipshit or just doing the same old thing because you are just fucking stupid and like driving your car of life into trees ……….. blonde trees , brunette tress and redhead trees ……. Over and over
For two weeks now I have been lining in the Vanilla city …. Ok there can be no hiding no going into a closet saying that my book has not been written or this last year and the 500 blogs do not live on for the whole world to see ……… no denying that I get a RUSH for the squeaky sounds of female enjoying her body ………. No ! I can not deny shit ….. but for the sake of children I do act for the most part VANILLA of course …. Even 5000 years ago the Master would fuck behind the thin walls of tents …….. the other wives would gather the children and herd the tribe into another area so The Male could enjoy recreation with one of his wives ,, of course because the other wives also wanted this special time when it was their time later that day ……. 1 of the nice aspects of the herd tribe poly ( I am not really talking about poly amourus like I have been reading about ,, the poly I write about is more the instinct … instinct ,,,, almost Daddy and his girls the SISTERHOOD of the book RED TENT ) a nice thing is that the other wives help watch and care for the young ones while the male and 1 of the sister play ……… play … recreate .. enjoy themselves and relax . OHHH so for two weeks we have been having kids kids kids , aunts and grandma living with us Spring break . ( strange huh? Me the whacko … is ok enough in the eyes of the females of the extended family that the females will come here to vacation … hmmm interesting ,,, think Young master ! they know who I am ……. The female naturally submissive does NOT want to be domininat and have to speak her desires but . but . but will move herself toward that which she realy would like to have ,,, in hopes .. HOPING she will be caught by a cave man , or atleast be around the lifestyle she craves deep in her inner instincts ) …… so for 2 weeks for the most part I needed to let my subbie lead …….. it has been a females house hold , with entertaining and cleaning and babies and boys and and preteens and teenagers and people everywhere 24/7 ……….. all things that are not in my sphere of expertise …. I am a lone fisherman/hunter a lone male not the social animal what is the instinctual female ……. My tent ( 1 home so not a true tent circle ) has been under the females mainly , I just was there to help ,, OPEN JARS and chage light bulbs , take out the trash ……..
My subbie on many occasion slid back to a dominant attitude with me also ….. but but .. it was not so bad … I have been getting used to the trust of trusting her stated desire to be submissive ……. So I choose to recide ,, move into the background and let the girls have their way …. On occasion giving her a good spank or bite and saying telling her playfully to focus on me me for a minute …….. AHHH the difference of the sisterhood and the Vanilla world ………. If it is your choice young master to explore the instinct family or TWISTED INSTINCT …. I believe you should study the BDSM boards and maybe that BOKK series of Georgian Novels I think there maybe some role model ideas there for you ………. I am supresed in the interest that females have in that series of books again the evidence that girls move toward what they want … move out to be caught by the cave man … not speaking but acting submissively allowing themselves to be caushgt …….but what type of dickhead male often catches a good submissive girl .. well a true dichead drunk unemployed doper motherfucker that is who often is catching a good submissive girl ……….. not you the nice guy becoming a good man ! Ohh shit back to my life so , as this vacation time closes we remind ourselves of who we are and how much we had to change for the last few weeks ……………. Remember and realize we .. took a side street straight into THE VANILLA CITY …….. and the vacation is over it is time to go HOME and go fast ! time to return building our house in the land of D/s town .. DOM/subbie….
On the boards as I was looking for info ,, finding a mentor DOM ….. I found a truth I already knew ….. it si about our EGO dipshit …. We have such a big ego for a reason ,, we do not ask for help- for a reason .. we do not ask for directions when lost for a reason … we instinctually understand ,, be feel in our bones this truth …. Like lions who fight for their herd of pussy ……… a perceived weakness is just as bad as real weakness …….. asking for help means we are weak ……. INSTINCT SHIT girls ,,, your mind may say NO! but your inner animal perceives it differently ………your animal girls feels the male you are with is less that the person who he askes help from ……… un spoken .. un discussed ……… it feeds on your mind and the mind of your female …. You feel weak asking for help or information and she also at INSTINCT level UN concsiuosly unknown to herself …. She sees you as weaker …… now discussed you can maintain your strength of being smart enough to want to learn that which you have not been trained in ,,, it would have to be a deep complex discuison to insure she ,, her inner animal does not think she can go on the market again and find a male as agood as you ! … BECAUASE ……. She can not … the complexity of the MASTER/ slave DOM/sub life style demands your continued growth and learning from others ………. So being a NEWBIE is not a badge of weakness but of INTELLIGENCE in your proving of your STRENGTH in your choice to seek a mentor . becaut the real competition the real DOM she is likely to get involved with is just the regular LIAR the image of DOM but hiding the Drunk doper unemployed DDRMH ( drunk dease ridden muscle head ) ….. understand the ANIMAL in you and her dipshit …….. search for answers and have pride in your search … your inner confidence in who you are is what is really felt by her … inner female who is searching for a confident male !
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Dom/subbie Town " Ya'all cummm back now Ya hear "
Philip Van der Mude,
Twisted instinct
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