Sir whatever his name
Young Master , I am still learning stuff ………. How about you dipshit do you know everything or are you still learning shit ? and love sex girls family , very important shit honestly dumbass it is very important even if right now you ain’t at that time you wannna settle down , but most males do have a time the wannna settle down …… especially if they honeslty believe it will work ,, which it will not because of the law of averages ,, the STATs dipshit ,,,,, always fucking rmember you throw a rock into the air the fuckin raock falls the fuck down ………. The facts we have gone over then month after month ,,, 60 percent divorce ,,,, of the other 40 …. 20 live in hell to respect their vows they live in pain emotional hell ,,, and the other 20 are split between Dom female household and Dom male house holds ( even though these people may not realize the truth of the relationship ..) these facts dumbass are your facts ………. And the reason I write but you already know this
So I was learning I asked about POLY experiences from a Board on the Net , the response was from a man who called himself SIR .and as I read his words I could read how much the female his first female in reality was the one who was in control of whether the poly relationship would happen and if the poly relationship would continue to happen ,,,, see he described that HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO TOTALLY satisfy her desire for affection ………. Her desire ,,, living in terms of the EVE in terms of the child within every human we all have that side which is aour inner child … who wants wants wants ……. Like a little seven year old . ( in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for that females the little princess of daddy spoiled often to believing she still is a princess even as an adult …… even if life is hard and she needs to become a DOM in the real world …. that princess wants to come out ) yes this MASTER wrote about the benefits to himself but in the end what I read was more about the benefits for the females …. But me also I have very little problem with thinking about the females I am in charge of making their life better ……… of course that instinct that I will protect the entrance to the cave … but that instinct is the sub conscious tool females know how to use without even realizing they do it ……. And also realizing they do it …… strength thru weakness ,,, CRYING on cue .
On the boards I read the words of the submissive female who , states she knows she is a masochist …….. the female who realize THEY LOVE IT RUFF …. The girls who have become wht their inner nature has said is right for all girls ,,, to allow themselves to become the Penetrated … for a MASTER to use to penetrate ….. I have not been using those words for some weeks do not forget the ideas ,,, that she is designed to be what to do what …. TO ALLOW ………. TO NOT FIGHT TO MUCH … but allow you to penetrate her with the TOOL your tool of ple3asure ……….. your fucking dick ,, dickhead ……. It feels good for her to be fucked ! fact right ! Yet because of the way you have been trained to be nice polite becaue of the ROLE MODEL you had for a father ,, the role models you are given at school and on tv and on the street ………. You have learned to be polite ,,,,,,, to live in terms of her ……… children do not really know what they want left to their own choices ,, a 7 year old child with access to anything they could ever want ,,, will eat candy and ice cream ( even though the human animal evolved form a fruit eating ape … study the teeth and claws we are still born with you can breeed in certain aspects into an animal like a cow or a dog , but their teeth and claws or hoofs do not lie .. our claws are designed to test the ripeness of fruit plus we love sweetness) the child will stiop learning and growning going to school …. They will not act in their own long tern best interst without …….. without a force greater than themselves …… a DOM a parent ………… think about it dipshit . yes of course you have a child within ,,, but but but if you are TRUTHFULLY Master material …….. then you control the child not the other way around .
Ohh so when I read how the determining reason he was Sir over 2 females ,, was that the first female needed to express her desire for affection form another person ……. And it was her permission that was the deciding ….. cause int eh …. Cause and effect of his life . dubass what are your causes ,, what are your effects ……….. think about it when you can ,,,,, BUT REMEMBER , do not get lost in thinking diffinately ,,, take time out to live to fuck … to recreate …… dipshit enjoy the truth that as male you are designed to penetrate ,,, to take sex in the forms you like and she will like it as as like it …….. the better you enjoy the act the more she enjoys it . the YIN and YANG .
Now , how can your 1 girl use the ideas of poly to enhance your 1 on 1 life ,, without it being ……….. like the above master …….. hey dipshit ,,, the blanece of life ….. building a world that works for us ,, in a reality of todays world ,, where the 1 on 1 is the socially accepted reality ……… AHHH important shit ,, it is like going to school or eating veggies ,,, the inner child may want 15 females in your harem but the real inner MASTER understands the social benefit of the 1 on 1 ……… the reality of this age . That inner naster also understands the danger of the 1 on 1 the twisting of the truth about love ……… from something which is instinct …. That LOVE IS NOT JUST SKIN DEEP … that competition has 0 nada nothing to do with Tits and ass ……. But love is about the people within …. But 1 on 1 is expected and being that that is a real world truth ……… your inner master automactically respects and builds that fact into the equation fo your life ………… so ……. The discussion about poly ,,, about how the idea of its dynaicns helps your subbie realize each of your both ….. you and her … the issues of both ….. because both of you want your love to live and not become on of the numbrs one of the 60 or the twenty ……… or one of the men who give up and just submit . think dumbass
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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