Patriotic perverts
Well Young Master , I am going on a bit of a tangent for weeks maybe … in that I will explore the details of my ideas for you just SO ! you will fucking have those details …. Details for you to think about them use or ignore of course as fits your reality , dipshit ……. Get ideas from wherever . Today I am thinking about a few Young Masters who will grow and have familys kids and stuff … I think about the whole familys to come …..and a few young men 1 is 22 has a couple of kids he is in a fucked up marriage right now ,,, he depends on her income and he has never realy held his own career ,,, most of what I will write over the next days will be for this dipshit ….. but at the same time there are 3 young masters who are not even graduated highschool yet I think about and another in university ………. And what I write I honestly feel is FUCKING PATRIOTIC … being that it is so fucking different so core different and fucking honest ( if the players involved are honest then it will be honest ) that it is a good example ofr a Broken Nation like ours …….. so I write theory over the last montghs there has been enough about DOM/sub lifestyle for you to learn from and there is plenty of info out there and even support groups ( hmmmm interesting real life support groups bringing in more than just you two into the just you two ….. think about the the truth about emotional support ………. Why the others help)
Now dumbass …… the idea that 3 girls a poly relation … not polyamorous ,,,, I was wrong in my beginning .. no I think polyamorous is not basically correct it , again panders to the greed nature of the female …… in that when I was searching for 3 Bi chicks the idea of the girls beening POLY sexually…. It was at the recommendation of girls who resisited my core ideas … their greed to be MY EQUAL always came in and since I had no role model or reality experience and since at the time I was alone and in essence begging for pussy ( that basic position that causes the whole problem .. the greed of ADAM to build his world based on pleasing the one pussy he has ) next was my skill at dating my experience at picking up women in the real world … I allowed my self to head down a road that was in part designed by EVE and her GREED and by my ADAM and his GREED to please 1 EVE ……. So for what 1 year now on and off I have written and explore those skills with you …. Next has been the inside of the female minds … I have intereacted over this last year … what I have noticed about who chooses ,, free will choices to read my shit … I mean really read a bunch of my shit ,, and the day to day people who choose to read my words ( and this is outside of the friends list I generate on myspace which I can target market to male or female , but on independeant sites ) my readers are female ….. the more I read or here about the Subbie boards I hear about women open to alternative ideas …… and I say …… YO dumbass ! be different remember the facts the LAW OF AVERAGES …. Plus plus plus ,,,,,, there are very few men with your guts . to do what is good for the family ………. YES THE POLY IS GOOD FOR THE FAMILY , but the poly igamy ,,, the marriage of sharing of 1 male by multi females ,,,, not this fairy tale of GROUP love ……… the current ideas of poly amorous ……. Yes I buck the ideas of the girls who write on boards the girls who control thru weakness ….. YOUNG MASTER DO THE ……… RIGHT THING … not the thing as described by EVE .
But first DUMBASS I gotta get you WORTHY to be called MASTER yes ,, the truth of the DOM/sub lifestyle is still a truth and need in our sexual life both you and hers …. So BDSM will still be your world . But getting you ready to be a man that is a fucking trick … ho9w many losers I have I hired and fired over the past 27 years ? a fuck of a lot so I talk from experience … shut your KNOW IT ALL dumbass ass mouth long enough to use theat brain I do! Know you have and realize you are a FUCK UP ! …… if you do not like what I say then you are still a little “ mommy he hurt my feelings “ a lil boy …. 22 … you are 22 …… no high School D …. Never had the same job for over a year …. Currently you don’t have even 1 bak account in your own name … and you think you are so fu8cking smart ???????? what ???? how ??? how ??? can you think you have been so fucking smart because you have been able to sell som dope make some cash and then JUST WASTE that cash …….. you got 2 kids you pay child support on occasion …. You .. you .. you …. You already know the truth now here fix it
Work is cool .. good fun … you create smiles in the world around you .. people will be happy with you …….. all your dreams about your dream jobs are just that dreams ……. Dipshit it is the smile you create at the end which is in reality the dream response you get to the dream job ,,, the actaull work is secondary ….. it is the smiles ……… the service industry …. For you my idiot frined ,,, the freedom to have cash and control …. First lets gover over how much cash in today’s world 2007 ( I am thinking that my sons will read this and well one is only 1 year old his dollar will be different in 17 years will he be college bound or work bound .. will he be 1 on1 or poly ? who knows ? his choice thru his experience and observations) how much ? well not that much 40k from a 9 to 4 job
WELL first understand there will be 3 girls who will choose you , the oworld is very large and the fact is if you ask , talk , ask and walk out in the real world and state who and what you are they will listen to you ……….. wow , just gotta have some guts ( which you do not not have except when riding a skate board ) …. The coumpound the homes ….. the cave your job …. Now you have lived in trailer trah before , been a couch critter and currently live in the projects … you and your wife dream about that big home in the BURBS but you two spend every fucking dime of her of intitlement checks and you two are broke ….. dipshit DREAMS ARE DREAMS …… positive thinking bullshit trpas because the base program inside your head will not allow for the chnge … and so you stay trapped …… you gotta crwl before you walk dumbass …….. you build on building on ……. And later you got that custom burb home in fact you will have 3 fucking custome burb homes on waterfront land landscaped with horses ….. BABY STEPS SHIT HEAD take baby steps …… I have seen a person who bought a second hand single wide then built around the home around it additions to the single wide …. until form the outside you never would know it was a junnker in the beginning …… do that dumbass
First choose a town ( I say choose becaue I think about I dumbass who ran a meth lab and got busted and turned on some local guys up the ladder he would be better off building alife some where else …. Not in his own town ) go to the center of that city that metro area and get on the interstate and head out of town 45 minutes ….. I think about my area or Colombia SC and think that puts you near the now where of Bowman SC. Cheap land …. Drive on four or more days from a sort of center point out of town …. 1 day north 1 day south 1 day east 1 day west ….. on the inerstate or whtever highway goes inthat direction ……. Go ¾ to 1 hour outa town … this is circle of commute ….. once you get 1 hour outa town ,, you then go 15 minutes in a circle from that location looking for land …… honestly as you build your service compay you will find in a few years most of your business will not come from down town but it will come from the burbs out side of town so your commute time will lessen …… ( but that is in 4 years , the first 4 years dumbass are like the four years you would have had to invest in university , a concept I will repeat often …. You dont get paid while at unveristy in fact you gotta pay them to get the job at the end ) ……….. the land maybe 3 lots 1 acre each where you can drop a mobile home down …. Or 1 piece of ag land where you can put 2 homes down , but get a GENERATIONAL variance ,,, have more than 2 homes if you sign a waiver staing that the extra home will be used for a blood relation ( a girl who has 1 on of your kids is a blood relation ) ….. enough for today
Thursday, April 26, 2007
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