Saturday, April 28, 2007

her sexual desires just flowed

Her sexual desires just flowed

Again … the patriotic pervert will follow this …….. an article about DOM’s as like mosst ariticles it relates only to the sexual life of DOM/sub ….. because DOM/sub is a contrived method of relationship ……… it can be ended whenever she no longer wants to submit or feels that it is in her best interest not play any longer …… in other words she is always in control in reality …… but here is a part ……….
Oh, yes, and a type I forgot to mention. Some submissives think that no one really wants to dominate them, that you're just humoring them, and leaving you to your own devices is sort of a test. It's as if they're saying, "If you really want this, you'll figure it out on your own." My own submissive had a touch of this, so I just jumped in and started ordering her around, and once she was assured that I wanted it, too, her fantasies started pouring out.
………… hmmmm think young master when you read about DOM/sub how is related to only sex … but life is many faceted … you will interact with her in many ways and you will be responsible ,,, and some areas should not be your sole .. sole resposniblitly . the need for the other female influence . he jumped in started ordering her around … ahhh classic slave who serves a selfish master ……. But honestly you YOUNG master are you a selfish human of a GOOD MAN ? … just a scene BDSM player of in all aspects of life well balanced ? …….. and are fantasies pouring out the most important aspect of a FAMILY ? now if you are my age and a part itme parent at most since the mom’s I can indulge in Fantasies instead of FAMILYS ……… but you dipshit ,, yes you …. Have you put in you 20 yet raised any of your kids to adult hood ? or are you still just 20 yourself?
Well the above was started a couple of days ago honestly and since I have had some important changes in my world ……….. what I write is me … it is nice htat on occasion my Debbie writes her .. her .. her point of view , great it is good for you to see the reactions of one person to another person …. But I do not want to alter myself , my writing like ADAM altered his ideals of what was important only to insure ( no .. no guarantee only a TRY ) to insure a female will be happy . Hmmm details details details , the problems are in all the details over the course of months I have written mainly about theory trying to broaden out of the trap of details …….. the nothing ( again read this idea in TWISTED INSTINCT ) .. attempting to get to core ideas …. The things that make us ANIMALS tick and then give alternatives to things that seem to not work .

Just because my life is not one where I am like you YOUNG master just starting out with no real repsonsiblities …. I can not and at this time do not want to fuck everything up just to prove my theories .. I have kids and and and a Debbie to think about , but my core ideas day after day I feel have reason . If you young master will allow yourself to think outside of the box of what you expect . AND why do you expect what you expect it is because some one has told you what to expect ahhhhhh the fairy tale story . LOVE .

I talk about what seems to be core things , my need for a female in my life , what I will do to insure I have one … the honor a man feels in his words of commitment .. the trap of I LOVE YOU … the hierarchy and group natures of Male and female inter personal natures ……… the motivations of competition ……. The reality of specialness …

My ides are based in what my look like COLD methods , but as I talked with another single dad a few nights ago on the street at Jammin in Jensen … I heard him also describe his world in male terms he did the right thing and it failed …….. Now in the DOM/sub the girl can start to say she is doing the right thing giving her gift of submission … giving a gift of what is her already nature of self … or am I this male providing her with the OP to return to what is her nature by being her DOM. And as DOM I have to say NO! here is the limit . But the deepest UNCONSCIUOS manipulation of the female mind comes into play .. we are wired in our brains to think and view the world differently for evovlutioanry gains the growth of 1 animal and a group … yet humans are like rats in that we are selfish … polluting our own world until we die off.. become extinct the more we become NEW AGE the lower the birth rate … we kill ourselves off thru depression slow painful death of spirit and body . but I have gone thru the evidence trail so many times ……… I study the DOM/sub lifestyle and found fairy tale story yet of course life everything I found real benefits … MY IDEAS my theories are also FAIRY TALE the reality will be just that reality that is why I call you to blend in the aspects of everything .. Vanilla of course the respect for other people ( it is the nature of a nice guy ,, and yes a good man to respect the ones he cares for ) the D/s which respects our inner natures …. The competive environment which WORKS ON THE PERSON AT A SUB CONCSIUOS LEVEL …. It generates motivations because of just the presence … no overt competition …. The stated goal of family first . but the competive instinct will always be there ………

The limits of DOM/sub the realizing who you are young master your need to please . the idea that you are a thinker and will not react to everything , with out thinking about the other person ….. the build up of stress because life is full fo stuff …….. ohhhh the stress of the other stuff , what I writing about in Patriotic pervert has to do with that stress as you will see over the course of my writing ……. I am not writing about 1 on 1` because another view is needed another idea ….. some other hope , when you find that the other fairy tales are not suited to who you are ……. JUST drinking myself into submission is not fun but is does dull the pain of confusion for one more day . Yet the details the he said she said .. the you did I did …. Now the fairy tale of competition , the idea that . I am only interacting with a female because … because based on the history of the POLY the females will choose for me who will give me the responsible male , the good ma the worthy master … they will choose who will give him the comfort of a female for the night …….. and if that stopped and you found yourself alone in your office for to many days you would probably put a forsale sign in forn of the compound and move on …. And rightfully find that the females organized and became EVE once more .

Hmm so I write I think …. About my current details ….. TRAINING … the MASTER /slave story the facts is the limits of my instinct to want her to be proud of herself , the rights she has to be free … the reality is not CONGROUS with the fairy tale . D/s is a tool a part but not a fix – it . In my opinion my experience YET IT MAY BE RIGHT FOR YOU !
I move into ……. The Patroitic pervert for today
food …….. yes food and … and …. More importantly . family time something you can not buy for you and your kids and females .. family time memories that they remember and enjoy and have pride and learn to live outside of the box … food .. part and parcel the job of you the cave man right? You protect a cave and get food ? food dipshit is FRUIT … picking season is fun for children up until they are around 12 or 13 ,, it is play time with mommy’S ( yes S plural ) and DAD you make jelly , you dry fruit you pick fresh fruit … you make juices ….. a few hours here and there during the season and you got a life full of positive memories ….. not just sexual fantasys …….. details dipshit since you have no experience as a farmer and I do ……..
you are buying land and that area of the world grows things to eat and you are designed with soft hands to judge the ediblity of fruit ( we are fruit eaters not clawed and fanged hunting animals , no fruit and eggs we find in tress ) go to local nurserys pick durable old fasheioned fruit trees 3 per home site different fruits , with different ripening times to spread out the bounty of harvest and activities ….. buy older trees invest in mature trees even if they are well over 100 or close to 200 you need the trees to prvide activity and food with in a few years …. The mental aspects the sense of graitfaction .. the dream coming into reality ….. I will go over the details of dollars and cents later , I will gover the placement of where the trees go on the property as I describe how to design an OFF GRID HOME .. using nature …. Home food energy cave food fire wood ……. You will have done your male job and then have the right to be respected and then attened to as a male should be by the females he provides for ,, and the female finds a sense of purpose in attending to the GOOD MALE ……… instinctual reality ,, not forced or trained fairy tales ……… not expectations that just because the word love has been used everything will be ok ………. No just plain simple animal and life truth …….
Fruit trees ….. study them in the area you are planning , look also for nut trees PROTIEN food .
OHHHH I forgot the waterfront property , well dipshit that is the foundation for your home the small lake you make plus you get to go fishing more activity for the children and yourself and you provide Wholesome food ….. and you develop good FUNg SHWAY or however you spell that …….. the lake should be out of the front door the landscape should over the years develop so that each house only sees a part of the lake giving the illusion that the lake goes on forever and is in fact like a river a FLOWING body of water connected to the ocean ….. mental aspects … dumbass done right you can do this affordably …….. more details later right this minute my mind is cluttered with details about my own love life …..

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