An asshole ouchie
Young Master , honestly your body functions embarrass you ……… I do nothing new in the world , the activities // whether it is farting in public to , jackin off my own dick when needed , to fuckin my female in the ass …….. none of these things are new to mankind . , some may say that ass fucking is not natural , but in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for the orgin of this act ………. And why it is now the fun it is ………. YES she will have fun in fact this stimulation can bring her to another level of orgasism … even though all female orgasism have a clit factor involved ….. but the mind and the whole sensations of the body can play into her different orgasimic experiences ……… hence the MYTH of anal orgaism has history in fact …………… but dip shit back to your and her and everyone else ………. We are all
Freaked out by our body ,, like our body is not realy a part of us or a part of our friends ……. And family ,,, like your mom did not fart ….. or for that matter get fucked in the ass herself and really really like it ! ……. Now so far in my study of BDSM sex in book form and on the web ,,, the details that I feel is needed for a young master to learn the details of life and body function is not there ……… the mentoring in paper form so that a young dumbfuck like yourself can hide …. Your true inner nature and learn in fear of being found out … found out to be human … like your mother was human …….( I bring up dear old mom for a reason ,, to OFFEND you , shock ! you ) I am the parent ,, the person who does not do … what I do and have done since I was a teen like you maybe .. like you dipshit my friend and reader …. I wrote about the child still within you well dumbass when you are my age you will notice that you refer yourself subconcsiuosly to an age …… a youthful age …… why I do not know … but on occasion I am shocked to find out I am 47 …….. when I feel 17 ……… that I am a person who does not ,,, fuck my girlfriend in the ass and that she idea that she also is a person who the public would think does not enjoy me doing it …….. that we are RESPECTABLE ? ……… NO WE ARE HUMAN
And being human means we may get OOUWIES and little baby assholes can get ouchies if used to often and without proper lubing ( and I am a lube nut , those who know me are suprized when they notice I do not have a bottle of lube with me in my luggage or car or in every room of the house it seems ) ……… but to talk about details my friend YOUNG Master , the things that other writers can not write into the fairy tale of love or erotic writing ,,, the creation of porn thoughts thru writing .. NO I am like to write about details so ,,,,,, when she starts to develop an oucchie ……. You got few issues at play in my thinking but remember I am no fucking doctor I am a naturopath …… 1 lube 2 over use 3 plain old fashioned abuse ( I admit to being abusive especiallywhen I get excited by her excitement ---- ahhh again the reason the poly was useful for her also correct ? rest time ) but lastly one of the most important aspects and something you should think about for your own health … the health of your own asshole ….. asshole …….. goes back into something I write about again and again ,,, I write about it to show you how much of an animal you actually are ,, how your body still shows your real nature ……..numbe 4 is fiber ……… yep fiuber ,, Metamucil type things … but in harmony with your real instinct your nature is of course always best ……..
Dipshit …… your claws your hands are not designed to tear open or catch deer or waterbuffalo . your teet also are not desgned to tear thru the thick leather flesh … sure we built tools to open up these animals , like a sea otter learned to bang shellfish on rocks ot find food when they moved to ocean from the lakes …….. but the ddepest level of evovlutio is still to be seen in our body make up … like a cow has weird feet …. Cats have catching claws ….. the shoulder blades of apes as compared to humans show the chnges we have made way back 3.3 million years ago …….. dumbass you are a fruit eater who gained much of the trace things we nneed from the bugs we ate while we ate fruit ……. We like sweet flavors and also vinegar or sour falvors … in fact think about how you change the falvor of meat …. You add vegetable flavors to the meats in form of seasons and marinades …….. meat changes in the body creating nitrates which weaken the flesh of her ASSHOLE , asshole ……. Are you her master do you care about your girl ,,, your joy toy ,, does she not really reall really love the attention of your ass fucking ? yes she does love feeling you fuck her asshole ,, she loves the feeling of you taking it back out and re – inserting it over and over ,,, the little sting …. Dipshit , pull out giver her a 5 count then re – insert …. Fuck a while and then do and another re – insert 5 count it gives the nature of her body a minute a 5 count to retighten her ass yet still be open to a fast stretching ……… a touch of pain and excitemen .( OHHH BUT I DO NOT DO THIS no I am like you I do not fart , jack off or ass fuck ) back to your responsibility for the health of your subbie ……….. she has got to eat more vegetable matter , more daily fruits …… it can be hard because we as a culture have bought into the ADVERTISING of the CATTLEMENS association and started to eat meats way to fucking often relying on the dense nutrition to be found in animal flesh …… when we are designed to eat fruit shit and fart a lot …….. and this action of cleaning out the body by shitting keeps her asshole clean and healthy and strong ….. ohhh farting? Shows you have active bacteris inside you changing vegetable matter into usable proteins ………. Remember dumbass ,, the facts the Gorilla is 99 percet the same as us at at DNA level it growns to like 500 pounds and it eats mainly wild celery … it creates all that muscle and body mass by eating veggies ……. Plus one out of every3 humans on this planet right at this minute live a mainly vegetarian life .. china and India etc ….. meat is almost a condiment …. A flavoring ……… she needs fresh vegetable matter ……… but metacucil is better than nothing ,,, and well rest is also important …….. especially if you have been fucking her in the asshole with plastic toys ,,,,, the feel smooth but in reality they are plastic the create a strange level of friction even with the best of lubes ………. But I know I understand it is hard to stop when she is screaming in sublime recreation …..
FACT …….. IT IS FUN to hear her scream she likes it as much as you ! now be a master and care for that girl ……….. get her fresh fruit it is as important as good lube in the long run .
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