Do you want chopped nuts with that pussy?
Ohhhh there will be a Patriotic pervert section later …….. but on to Young Master a lok into instinct and fun , first dipshit instinct understand this most important thing ,, this driving force …. A what seems a weak force … yet that force shpes your world fuck hell shit it shapes the world of the owner … I am talking about pussy that instinctual drive of the female to be IMPORTANT ….. evovlution always wants the next baby to live so it becomes hard to ignore so it can get the most food and attention it is important …. Well the pussy drives the girl at an instinct level un known even to her …. Yes the bio chemical events of the competive animal that shit which realy makes us up , we are chemical bodys , yes spiritual beings may use this chemical body .. so again think YIN and Yang ok , 2 contradicting ideas at the same time ……… so dipshit the core is yes you are jealous but when you have more than 1 pussy then you look at her with LOVE … if she strays ,,, because she will not stray unless her core values are not being met ….. now real core values ,,, are her most important core values that of controlling you being the only female in your world or are her cores values those of a young woman today who knows … the 1 on 1 will most likely fail so she is searching for you DIPSHIT to have the guts to speak up and build the poly of instinct …. Not just a ply of bdsm play …. She every girl realy when you talk with them calmly understands how perverted and twisted males are how much we lie to them because in reality we need to have the release of pussy in our life and since SEX THEARPY is not legal prostition is not legal in most most of the US it is legal in some parts of the US so , why not every where ? girls know that the male sex drive fuck up true love …. Me wanting my Subbie to move on to another master was my show of true love for her … my respect for her core values … my happiness when one of my ex wives is finally with a nice guy .. yes I am happy for that ex wife ,, remember I married those girls not because I hated them but because I loved them in some way …. Even girls can relate some times to feeling happy that a an important male in their past is happy now with a different woman …..
And for me in my TODAy this effect of competition has brought our sex life back to life ,,,, now in the 3 wife life .. the competition she has time not not everyday be that instinct seductive animal she does not have to try to force herself to be seductive 24/7 she gets a break to recharge her libido ….. but because of the possible break up between us , she , her inner animal became more competitive for my attention ,, she once only seeing my problems remembered the things about that fulfilled her core values , and then she valued me ….. and subconcsioiuly she became very SEDUCTIVE when eating that mint chocolate chip ice cream and the only thing I could thingk about was heating that pussy up to white wet .. wet hot passion then freezing that hot wet pussy with s poonfull of icecream then licking her clean ……… ahhh dipshit …. Get the idea … make the pussy get a fever get hot then freeze it ,,,,, extremems of feeling ,,, the core of BDSM is extreme feelings with in safe sane and consenting activities ….. BUT KEEP IN MIND YOU DO NOT WANT ANY chocolate CHIPS OR CHOPPED NUTS . to slip inside her birth canal .. no , no ,no ,, her pussy can hamdle a carrot but not small chumks of food which will get lost in the knocks and crannys of a cunt … there the food will rott … rotting food in a pusy is INFECTION …. Your toy will we sore and broken for fucking real …. So be aware of the possible slippage of a nut inst her twat ….. and lick and suck that that walnut out before it slips in …… ain’t nothing like crunching a mouth full of nuts I just licked off a hot cunt …. The activity of crunching nuts with my teeth rubbing directly against her clit will drive her fucking nuts … now YOUNg master ,,,, think about using your rib cage as the tool for stimulating her clit … rub your ribs against her clit while you suck real hard on those nipples , and gauge the response …..
Ohhh another cool thing about last night , I got , finger Owwwies ,,,, yes I was cruel in my fingering of her but she accepted it because of her level of lust ,, she was again in a competitive relationship with me …. We were re bonding so she ignored things that last month would have gotten her anger up …. Would have distracted her , , now because of the re bonding after a fight she thoughts were more about SEDCUTION …. The force of the poly came in because she knew I was ready to find her anew master which meant I was ready to give to other girls not her ,, the MAN the good Master I am .. she was going to lose a GOOD MAN a man who met her true inner core values ….. the comples unknown thoughts and motives that made the sting of a finger nail ,,, IGNORABLE .. where a month ago she would hav ened the scene because of the same finger nail scrap this time she let me scarcth her and she focused on the lust …… the competitive effect …
Now to patriotic pervet ,,, dipshit think oil is 66 dollars a barrel , about 8 years go in Mother Earth news there was an articile about the Hydrogen Ecomony , and how we got have that for less than 100 billion dollars , ( hydrogen for water not oil … that is an confuse and conquer move of big money ) so 2 years later we are at war ( war is divide and conquer keep the masses distracted ) and 500 ,, 5000 , 500 plus billion dollars later the rich are just getting richer ……….. patriotic because dipshit if you are OFF GRID .. is you use passive energy and natures synamic energies to get off the energy grid stop using their electricity ….. you stop giving money to Islam , no oil money no trickle down money to the extremeists ……they go back to eating sand and fucking camels … fuck their oil ! ……… so when I talk about your compound I need you to think about the use of PASSIVE dynamic of nature ,,,, like a tree , can not let itself freeze it its cells freeze they expand break and the trees starts to die also the tree does not want to over heat …. Next is a THERMAL DYNAMIC of the temperature of the earth ….. in the Carolinas the earth is a constant 60 degrees , her in florida 70 winter or summer it is a comfortable tempurture in the ground …… USE THAT …… the tree drops its leaves in winter to insure that light energy gets dwon to the earth to gain surface raidiant heating for night time ,, the temp in the soil 2 feet down is constant and the taps that with energy with … the ROOTS system a circulating system based on WATER sure it gets food picks up new water but the tree also circutes sap like we circulate blood … think dipshit use that fine brain YOUNG master this is why she will trust your core values not only in the bedroom where you worry about the nuts slipsing into her pussy as you cover her cunt with icecream ….. but you build her / them a realy cool country home …. They can be proud of want to raise children with you … a good man a young master ( shade trees cool the house during the summer , dropping leaves allowing heating sunshine during winters …. )
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sunday, April 29, 2007
pussy , pussy , pussy where have you gone
Pussy pussy pussy , oh where have you gone
Well no where she is all around you , YOUNG MASTER ,,,, ohh I gotta take big sigh my wirting life has changed for motnhs I have had to think about 1 reader when I wrote , my cave man who cares about the family enough to fight the lions and igers to die for the family ,,, well today you will fight emotionally for your family …. Yet fit here is stress in the family you will leave the family ….. and my stress is evedent here in my writings my thoughts un restrained my word often uneditied can cause my familys stress … they should not be reading me then ,, and my subbie agreed NOT to read my mind any longer no longer read my writing …. It hurts her because it was thru my writings we met but … as I say often enough , there is REASONS why we male and female should /… should respect our inner nature ,,,, the truth of the DNA reason why we are a couple ,, girls interact better with girls on some levels most levels ,, and with the male in their life is it is kept in the realm of SEDUCTION and SEX the realtuionship is kept instinctual the relationship remains stronger … seduction and sex , the idea of the non competitive poly still has the smell of other females around gives you girls the remembreance at ther animal level to be that seductive sexual female she was in the beging everyday …….. the 1 on 1 destroys the INSTINCTS of both of us … because fopr me ,,, my nature to see the smile of my pussy makes me have to submit in very subtle ways each and every time I submit a piec e of me is lost and anger builds … I am menat to be attracted by the female to stick around ,, remember the cave man if the females were a cause of stresseither he would kill that one off or he himself would just leave and why not ,,, we are designed to live alone ………. Ohhh to be alone again here on paper like being out in the woods able to write what I feel to be free and honest like I wanted to be so that 3 important little people to me someday will read their OLD MAN”S words and be able to think for themselves arout the world they live in …….. but when she was going to read my shit ,,, I tried not to write things that may hurt her ……. The trust GOOD MAN young master ,, you dispshit the trust you have in yourself that honestly you want the female in your life to be happy ,,, is it true or not honestly when you first met did not not want above all to see her smile and if spanking her brought her to hights of sexual pleasure and experience did not her LUST and your lust bound you two …… in the end later there was a smile her smile and your PRIDE .. my pride in that I fucked her till she collapsed …. I fucker till it shurt till she felt her pussy for the rest of the day ,… till she would walk around commenting with that sensuala little smile about how broken her pussy is ……. Ahhh I get to relax and write with out worry that my words my hurt her ….. there are somethings we each should not know about each other …..
Like her getting hit on my other men ,, you donot need to know about it ,,, if you do supply her CORE values .. she will not stray ……
Now to details abouot my stress lately ,,,,, 47 and 1 half expectations and the guilt of her giving her gift of submission ………. As I read her words to me I saw that she was not getting the master of her dreams in ME ,,, well young master the responsibility you have to your subbie is to . let her go , in fact guide her into her next master if you are not the master which she needs …… NOW IF YOU’RE A DEPENDANT on her 1 pussy then part of you will submit to keep her pussy around you …. Rather than be alone … now you lie to her … it all gts fucked up ,, the core of TWISTED ISNTICNT …. Your subbie having expectations of the master is well her mastering you …. You give orders her expecttions are ORDERs also …. Just disguised twisted manipultated the words by calling her orders expectations ,,, ( if my subbie was reading this I would expect a problem a heated emotional discussion because of my point of view … wow how limited I have been in y writing for months ) on the subbie boards the girls talk to each other about the VALUE of their gift of submission ,, well remember YOUNG NASTER ,, if you were not there to receive it who would be ? NO ONE ? who would complete her? See it is yin and yang ,, but the female in her CONTROL THRU WEAKNESS , mentality it is an instinctual thing … the rat eating the fingers of sleeping leper , the effects of non- competive realtionhips , gives her this ILLUSION . that her gift is so fucking important ,, her pussy is gold plated ….. control thru the idea that I SHOULD feel guilty because she is submitting to me ….what did she not want that ? Didn’t she say I want to become a SUBBIE to YOUR DOM ?is she not designed by nature to be pentrated , and in fact designed by nature to attract me against other competitive females because she sees in me a VALUE a GOOD MAN ……. So why should I feel guilt about receiving what she wanted to give a gift .. I did not steal or force her into anything it is a gift ,,, to make a person feel guilty about the gift she freely gives is to be what an ./. an INDIAN GIVER .. it is the Sun saying to the moon you OWE me because you use the gift of my nature the lite I spread out .. freely .. NOW you must give back to me something because you receive the gift of my NATURE her instinct …….. it is her instinct to be submissive to be pentrated by you dumbass ,, your dick gets hard why to pentrate4 to force yourself into a submissive ………. So when my subbie gave me 40 plus expectations and the guilt of not respecting her submission ? I said
I did what a good MASTER should do …….. not get mad …. No not get mad …. I love her … so I thought and said , I will guide you on to your next master since I seem to not be the ! you wated or needed …….. can you do that young master will you ? have the guts to plan to watch her date other men and help her get fucked by other new masters … can you dipshit do that … you be alone and have to find a new pussy to relieve the NAURE OF YOU BODY … your dick is an organ like your fucking lungs it needs to be exercised in a manner congruous with the design of that organ ,, your dick needs to fuck pussy ! but since you in a 1 on 1 you are in an un natural realtionshyip ,,, you will be left unable to exercise your organs properly .. WHY just to live up to the greed nature of the fairy tale story of love ,,, the EVE and ADAM problem ……… think dumbass …. The evuidence for tribal poly is all around you everyday ……….. and I can say that more and more even though I am in a ! on ! why? Becaue she has commited to me .. she ahs said straight up she understands her own nature and the truth about the poly … yet wants to be 1 on 1 because of ….. a pain ,,, like she says what if you saw me getting fucked my another man would it not hurt you ? for 20 years I have understood the nature of that because dildoes are not my dick the vibrator is not my dick …. It is not me who is bringing her off , even though she ALLOWS me she gives aigft of submission ? or uses me thru a weakness of power …. To fuck her with another mans dick in plastic form … so I watch her respond to another man all the time I have watched almost all of my girls friends respond to the attentions of other males and I Had to watch IN FACT I HAD TO BUY THEM THE OTHER MAN’S DICK … BECAUSE because why I love seeing her smile , I love to see her smile and if she cummmms hard and strong I feel good about myself …… twisted instincts ……. Very complex just think dumbass just think
Well no where she is all around you , YOUNG MASTER ,,,, ohh I gotta take big sigh my wirting life has changed for motnhs I have had to think about 1 reader when I wrote , my cave man who cares about the family enough to fight the lions and igers to die for the family ,,, well today you will fight emotionally for your family …. Yet fit here is stress in the family you will leave the family ….. and my stress is evedent here in my writings my thoughts un restrained my word often uneditied can cause my familys stress … they should not be reading me then ,, and my subbie agreed NOT to read my mind any longer no longer read my writing …. It hurts her because it was thru my writings we met but … as I say often enough , there is REASONS why we male and female should /… should respect our inner nature ,,,, the truth of the DNA reason why we are a couple ,, girls interact better with girls on some levels most levels ,, and with the male in their life is it is kept in the realm of SEDUCTION and SEX the realtuionship is kept instinctual the relationship remains stronger … seduction and sex , the idea of the non competitive poly still has the smell of other females around gives you girls the remembreance at ther animal level to be that seductive sexual female she was in the beging everyday …….. the 1 on 1 destroys the INSTINCTS of both of us … because fopr me ,,, my nature to see the smile of my pussy makes me have to submit in very subtle ways each and every time I submit a piec e of me is lost and anger builds … I am menat to be attracted by the female to stick around ,, remember the cave man if the females were a cause of stresseither he would kill that one off or he himself would just leave and why not ,,, we are designed to live alone ………. Ohhh to be alone again here on paper like being out in the woods able to write what I feel to be free and honest like I wanted to be so that 3 important little people to me someday will read their OLD MAN”S words and be able to think for themselves arout the world they live in …….. but when she was going to read my shit ,,, I tried not to write things that may hurt her ……. The trust GOOD MAN young master ,, you dispshit the trust you have in yourself that honestly you want the female in your life to be happy ,,, is it true or not honestly when you first met did not not want above all to see her smile and if spanking her brought her to hights of sexual pleasure and experience did not her LUST and your lust bound you two …… in the end later there was a smile her smile and your PRIDE .. my pride in that I fucked her till she collapsed …. I fucker till it shurt till she felt her pussy for the rest of the day ,… till she would walk around commenting with that sensuala little smile about how broken her pussy is ……. Ahhh I get to relax and write with out worry that my words my hurt her ….. there are somethings we each should not know about each other …..
Like her getting hit on my other men ,, you donot need to know about it ,,, if you do supply her CORE values .. she will not stray ……
Now to details abouot my stress lately ,,,,, 47 and 1 half expectations and the guilt of her giving her gift of submission ………. As I read her words to me I saw that she was not getting the master of her dreams in ME ,,, well young master the responsibility you have to your subbie is to . let her go , in fact guide her into her next master if you are not the master which she needs …… NOW IF YOU’RE A DEPENDANT on her 1 pussy then part of you will submit to keep her pussy around you …. Rather than be alone … now you lie to her … it all gts fucked up ,, the core of TWISTED ISNTICNT …. Your subbie having expectations of the master is well her mastering you …. You give orders her expecttions are ORDERs also …. Just disguised twisted manipultated the words by calling her orders expectations ,,, ( if my subbie was reading this I would expect a problem a heated emotional discussion because of my point of view … wow how limited I have been in y writing for months ) on the subbie boards the girls talk to each other about the VALUE of their gift of submission ,, well remember YOUNG NASTER ,, if you were not there to receive it who would be ? NO ONE ? who would complete her? See it is yin and yang ,, but the female in her CONTROL THRU WEAKNESS , mentality it is an instinctual thing … the rat eating the fingers of sleeping leper , the effects of non- competive realtionhips , gives her this ILLUSION . that her gift is so fucking important ,, her pussy is gold plated ….. control thru the idea that I SHOULD feel guilty because she is submitting to me ….what did she not want that ? Didn’t she say I want to become a SUBBIE to YOUR DOM ?is she not designed by nature to be pentrated , and in fact designed by nature to attract me against other competitive females because she sees in me a VALUE a GOOD MAN ……. So why should I feel guilt about receiving what she wanted to give a gift .. I did not steal or force her into anything it is a gift ,,, to make a person feel guilty about the gift she freely gives is to be what an ./. an INDIAN GIVER .. it is the Sun saying to the moon you OWE me because you use the gift of my nature the lite I spread out .. freely .. NOW you must give back to me something because you receive the gift of my NATURE her instinct …….. it is her instinct to be submissive to be pentrated by you dumbass ,, your dick gets hard why to pentrate4 to force yourself into a submissive ………. So when my subbie gave me 40 plus expectations and the guilt of not respecting her submission ? I said
I did what a good MASTER should do …….. not get mad …. No not get mad …. I love her … so I thought and said , I will guide you on to your next master since I seem to not be the ! you wated or needed …….. can you do that young master will you ? have the guts to plan to watch her date other men and help her get fucked by other new masters … can you dipshit do that … you be alone and have to find a new pussy to relieve the NAURE OF YOU BODY … your dick is an organ like your fucking lungs it needs to be exercised in a manner congruous with the design of that organ ,, your dick needs to fuck pussy ! but since you in a 1 on 1 you are in an un natural realtionshyip ,,, you will be left unable to exercise your organs properly .. WHY just to live up to the greed nature of the fairy tale story of love ,,, the EVE and ADAM problem ……… think dumbass …. The evuidence for tribal poly is all around you everyday ……….. and I can say that more and more even though I am in a ! on ! why? Becaue she has commited to me .. she ahs said straight up she understands her own nature and the truth about the poly … yet wants to be 1 on 1 because of ….. a pain ,,, like she says what if you saw me getting fucked my another man would it not hurt you ? for 20 years I have understood the nature of that because dildoes are not my dick the vibrator is not my dick …. It is not me who is bringing her off , even though she ALLOWS me she gives aigft of submission ? or uses me thru a weakness of power …. To fuck her with another mans dick in plastic form … so I watch her respond to another man all the time I have watched almost all of my girls friends respond to the attentions of other males and I Had to watch IN FACT I HAD TO BUY THEM THE OTHER MAN’S DICK … BECAUSE because why I love seeing her smile , I love to see her smile and if she cummmms hard and strong I feel good about myself …… twisted instincts ……. Very complex just think dumbass just think
Saturday, April 28, 2007
her sexual desires just flowed
Her sexual desires just flowed
Again … the patriotic pervert will follow this …….. an article about DOM’s as like mosst ariticles it relates only to the sexual life of DOM/sub ….. because DOM/sub is a contrived method of relationship ……… it can be ended whenever she no longer wants to submit or feels that it is in her best interest not play any longer …… in other words she is always in control in reality …… but here is a part ……….
Oh, yes, and a type I forgot to mention. Some submissives think that no one really wants to dominate them, that you're just humoring them, and leaving you to your own devices is sort of a test. It's as if they're saying, "If you really want this, you'll figure it out on your own." My own submissive had a touch of this, so I just jumped in and started ordering her around, and once she was assured that I wanted it, too, her fantasies started pouring out.
………… hmmmm think young master when you read about DOM/sub how is related to only sex … but life is many faceted … you will interact with her in many ways and you will be responsible ,,, and some areas should not be your sole .. sole resposniblitly . the need for the other female influence . he jumped in started ordering her around … ahhh classic slave who serves a selfish master ……. But honestly you YOUNG master are you a selfish human of a GOOD MAN ? … just a scene BDSM player of in all aspects of life well balanced ? …….. and are fantasies pouring out the most important aspect of a FAMILY ? now if you are my age and a part itme parent at most since the mom’s I can indulge in Fantasies instead of FAMILYS ……… but you dipshit ,, yes you …. Have you put in you 20 yet raised any of your kids to adult hood ? or are you still just 20 yourself?
Well the above was started a couple of days ago honestly and since I have had some important changes in my world ……….. what I write is me … it is nice htat on occasion my Debbie writes her .. her .. her point of view , great it is good for you to see the reactions of one person to another person …. But I do not want to alter myself , my writing like ADAM altered his ideals of what was important only to insure ( no .. no guarantee only a TRY ) to insure a female will be happy . Hmmm details details details , the problems are in all the details over the course of months I have written mainly about theory trying to broaden out of the trap of details …….. the nothing ( again read this idea in TWISTED INSTINCT ) .. attempting to get to core ideas …. The things that make us ANIMALS tick and then give alternatives to things that seem to not work .
Just because my life is not one where I am like you YOUNG master just starting out with no real repsonsiblities …. I can not and at this time do not want to fuck everything up just to prove my theories .. I have kids and and and a Debbie to think about , but my core ideas day after day I feel have reason . If you young master will allow yourself to think outside of the box of what you expect . AND why do you expect what you expect it is because some one has told you what to expect ahhhhhh the fairy tale story . LOVE .
I talk about what seems to be core things , my need for a female in my life , what I will do to insure I have one … the honor a man feels in his words of commitment .. the trap of I LOVE YOU … the hierarchy and group natures of Male and female inter personal natures ……… the motivations of competition ……. The reality of specialness …
My ides are based in what my look like COLD methods , but as I talked with another single dad a few nights ago on the street at Jammin in Jensen … I heard him also describe his world in male terms he did the right thing and it failed …….. Now in the DOM/sub the girl can start to say she is doing the right thing giving her gift of submission … giving a gift of what is her already nature of self … or am I this male providing her with the OP to return to what is her nature by being her DOM. And as DOM I have to say NO! here is the limit . But the deepest UNCONSCIUOS manipulation of the female mind comes into play .. we are wired in our brains to think and view the world differently for evovlutioanry gains the growth of 1 animal and a group … yet humans are like rats in that we are selfish … polluting our own world until we die off.. become extinct the more we become NEW AGE the lower the birth rate … we kill ourselves off thru depression slow painful death of spirit and body . but I have gone thru the evidence trail so many times ……… I study the DOM/sub lifestyle and found fairy tale story yet of course life everything I found real benefits … MY IDEAS my theories are also FAIRY TALE the reality will be just that reality that is why I call you to blend in the aspects of everything .. Vanilla of course the respect for other people ( it is the nature of a nice guy ,, and yes a good man to respect the ones he cares for ) the D/s which respects our inner natures …. The competive environment which WORKS ON THE PERSON AT A SUB CONCSIUOS LEVEL …. It generates motivations because of just the presence … no overt competition …. The stated goal of family first . but the competive instinct will always be there ………
The limits of DOM/sub the realizing who you are young master your need to please . the idea that you are a thinker and will not react to everything , with out thinking about the other person ….. the build up of stress because life is full fo stuff …….. ohhhh the stress of the other stuff , what I writing about in Patriotic pervert has to do with that stress as you will see over the course of my writing ……. I am not writing about 1 on 1` because another view is needed another idea ….. some other hope , when you find that the other fairy tales are not suited to who you are ……. JUST drinking myself into submission is not fun but is does dull the pain of confusion for one more day . Yet the details the he said she said .. the you did I did …. Now the fairy tale of competition , the idea that . I am only interacting with a female because … because based on the history of the POLY the females will choose for me who will give me the responsible male , the good ma the worthy master … they will choose who will give him the comfort of a female for the night …….. and if that stopped and you found yourself alone in your office for to many days you would probably put a forsale sign in forn of the compound and move on …. And rightfully find that the females organized and became EVE once more .
Hmm so I write I think …. About my current details ….. TRAINING … the MASTER /slave story the facts is the limits of my instinct to want her to be proud of herself , the rights she has to be free … the reality is not CONGROUS with the fairy tale . D/s is a tool a part but not a fix – it . In my opinion my experience YET IT MAY BE RIGHT FOR YOU !
I move into ……. The Patroitic pervert for today
food …….. yes food and … and …. More importantly . family time something you can not buy for you and your kids and females .. family time memories that they remember and enjoy and have pride and learn to live outside of the box … food .. part and parcel the job of you the cave man right? You protect a cave and get food ? food dipshit is FRUIT … picking season is fun for children up until they are around 12 or 13 ,, it is play time with mommy’S ( yes S plural ) and DAD you make jelly , you dry fruit you pick fresh fruit … you make juices ….. a few hours here and there during the season and you got a life full of positive memories ….. not just sexual fantasys …….. details dipshit since you have no experience as a farmer and I do ……..
you are buying land and that area of the world grows things to eat and you are designed with soft hands to judge the ediblity of fruit ( we are fruit eaters not clawed and fanged hunting animals , no fruit and eggs we find in tress ) go to local nurserys pick durable old fasheioned fruit trees 3 per home site different fruits , with different ripening times to spread out the bounty of harvest and activities ….. buy older trees invest in mature trees even if they are well over 100 or close to 200 you need the trees to prvide activity and food with in a few years …. The mental aspects the sense of graitfaction .. the dream coming into reality ….. I will go over the details of dollars and cents later , I will gover the placement of where the trees go on the property as I describe how to design an OFF GRID HOME .. using nature …. Home food energy cave food fire wood ……. You will have done your male job and then have the right to be respected and then attened to as a male should be by the females he provides for ,, and the female finds a sense of purpose in attending to the GOOD MALE ……… instinctual reality ,, not forced or trained fairy tales ……… not expectations that just because the word love has been used everything will be ok ………. No just plain simple animal and life truth …….
Fruit trees ….. study them in the area you are planning , look also for nut trees PROTIEN food .
OHHHH I forgot the waterfront property , well dipshit that is the foundation for your home the small lake you make plus you get to go fishing more activity for the children and yourself and you provide Wholesome food ….. and you develop good FUNg SHWAY or however you spell that …….. the lake should be out of the front door the landscape should over the years develop so that each house only sees a part of the lake giving the illusion that the lake goes on forever and is in fact like a river a FLOWING body of water connected to the ocean ….. mental aspects … dumbass done right you can do this affordably …….. more details later right this minute my mind is cluttered with details about my own love life …..
Again … the patriotic pervert will follow this …….. an article about DOM’s as like mosst ariticles it relates only to the sexual life of DOM/sub ….. because DOM/sub is a contrived method of relationship ……… it can be ended whenever she no longer wants to submit or feels that it is in her best interest not play any longer …… in other words she is always in control in reality …… but here is a part ……….
Oh, yes, and a type I forgot to mention. Some submissives think that no one really wants to dominate them, that you're just humoring them, and leaving you to your own devices is sort of a test. It's as if they're saying, "If you really want this, you'll figure it out on your own." My own submissive had a touch of this, so I just jumped in and started ordering her around, and once she was assured that I wanted it, too, her fantasies started pouring out.
………… hmmmm think young master when you read about DOM/sub how is related to only sex … but life is many faceted … you will interact with her in many ways and you will be responsible ,,, and some areas should not be your sole .. sole resposniblitly . the need for the other female influence . he jumped in started ordering her around … ahhh classic slave who serves a selfish master ……. But honestly you YOUNG master are you a selfish human of a GOOD MAN ? … just a scene BDSM player of in all aspects of life well balanced ? …….. and are fantasies pouring out the most important aspect of a FAMILY ? now if you are my age and a part itme parent at most since the mom’s I can indulge in Fantasies instead of FAMILYS ……… but you dipshit ,, yes you …. Have you put in you 20 yet raised any of your kids to adult hood ? or are you still just 20 yourself?
Well the above was started a couple of days ago honestly and since I have had some important changes in my world ……….. what I write is me … it is nice htat on occasion my Debbie writes her .. her .. her point of view , great it is good for you to see the reactions of one person to another person …. But I do not want to alter myself , my writing like ADAM altered his ideals of what was important only to insure ( no .. no guarantee only a TRY ) to insure a female will be happy . Hmmm details details details , the problems are in all the details over the course of months I have written mainly about theory trying to broaden out of the trap of details …….. the nothing ( again read this idea in TWISTED INSTINCT ) .. attempting to get to core ideas …. The things that make us ANIMALS tick and then give alternatives to things that seem to not work .
Just because my life is not one where I am like you YOUNG master just starting out with no real repsonsiblities …. I can not and at this time do not want to fuck everything up just to prove my theories .. I have kids and and and a Debbie to think about , but my core ideas day after day I feel have reason . If you young master will allow yourself to think outside of the box of what you expect . AND why do you expect what you expect it is because some one has told you what to expect ahhhhhh the fairy tale story . LOVE .
I talk about what seems to be core things , my need for a female in my life , what I will do to insure I have one … the honor a man feels in his words of commitment .. the trap of I LOVE YOU … the hierarchy and group natures of Male and female inter personal natures ……… the motivations of competition ……. The reality of specialness …
My ides are based in what my look like COLD methods , but as I talked with another single dad a few nights ago on the street at Jammin in Jensen … I heard him also describe his world in male terms he did the right thing and it failed …….. Now in the DOM/sub the girl can start to say she is doing the right thing giving her gift of submission … giving a gift of what is her already nature of self … or am I this male providing her with the OP to return to what is her nature by being her DOM. And as DOM I have to say NO! here is the limit . But the deepest UNCONSCIUOS manipulation of the female mind comes into play .. we are wired in our brains to think and view the world differently for evovlutioanry gains the growth of 1 animal and a group … yet humans are like rats in that we are selfish … polluting our own world until we die off.. become extinct the more we become NEW AGE the lower the birth rate … we kill ourselves off thru depression slow painful death of spirit and body . but I have gone thru the evidence trail so many times ……… I study the DOM/sub lifestyle and found fairy tale story yet of course life everything I found real benefits … MY IDEAS my theories are also FAIRY TALE the reality will be just that reality that is why I call you to blend in the aspects of everything .. Vanilla of course the respect for other people ( it is the nature of a nice guy ,, and yes a good man to respect the ones he cares for ) the D/s which respects our inner natures …. The competive environment which WORKS ON THE PERSON AT A SUB CONCSIUOS LEVEL …. It generates motivations because of just the presence … no overt competition …. The stated goal of family first . but the competive instinct will always be there ………
The limits of DOM/sub the realizing who you are young master your need to please . the idea that you are a thinker and will not react to everything , with out thinking about the other person ….. the build up of stress because life is full fo stuff …….. ohhhh the stress of the other stuff , what I writing about in Patriotic pervert has to do with that stress as you will see over the course of my writing ……. I am not writing about 1 on 1` because another view is needed another idea ….. some other hope , when you find that the other fairy tales are not suited to who you are ……. JUST drinking myself into submission is not fun but is does dull the pain of confusion for one more day . Yet the details the he said she said .. the you did I did …. Now the fairy tale of competition , the idea that . I am only interacting with a female because … because based on the history of the POLY the females will choose for me who will give me the responsible male , the good ma the worthy master … they will choose who will give him the comfort of a female for the night …….. and if that stopped and you found yourself alone in your office for to many days you would probably put a forsale sign in forn of the compound and move on …. And rightfully find that the females organized and became EVE once more .
Hmm so I write I think …. About my current details ….. TRAINING … the MASTER /slave story the facts is the limits of my instinct to want her to be proud of herself , the rights she has to be free … the reality is not CONGROUS with the fairy tale . D/s is a tool a part but not a fix – it . In my opinion my experience YET IT MAY BE RIGHT FOR YOU !
I move into ……. The Patroitic pervert for today
food …….. yes food and … and …. More importantly . family time something you can not buy for you and your kids and females .. family time memories that they remember and enjoy and have pride and learn to live outside of the box … food .. part and parcel the job of you the cave man right? You protect a cave and get food ? food dipshit is FRUIT … picking season is fun for children up until they are around 12 or 13 ,, it is play time with mommy’S ( yes S plural ) and DAD you make jelly , you dry fruit you pick fresh fruit … you make juices ….. a few hours here and there during the season and you got a life full of positive memories ….. not just sexual fantasys …….. details dipshit since you have no experience as a farmer and I do ……..
you are buying land and that area of the world grows things to eat and you are designed with soft hands to judge the ediblity of fruit ( we are fruit eaters not clawed and fanged hunting animals , no fruit and eggs we find in tress ) go to local nurserys pick durable old fasheioned fruit trees 3 per home site different fruits , with different ripening times to spread out the bounty of harvest and activities ….. buy older trees invest in mature trees even if they are well over 100 or close to 200 you need the trees to prvide activity and food with in a few years …. The mental aspects the sense of graitfaction .. the dream coming into reality ….. I will go over the details of dollars and cents later , I will gover the placement of where the trees go on the property as I describe how to design an OFF GRID HOME .. using nature …. Home food energy cave food fire wood ……. You will have done your male job and then have the right to be respected and then attened to as a male should be by the females he provides for ,, and the female finds a sense of purpose in attending to the GOOD MALE ……… instinctual reality ,, not forced or trained fairy tales ……… not expectations that just because the word love has been used everything will be ok ………. No just plain simple animal and life truth …….
Fruit trees ….. study them in the area you are planning , look also for nut trees PROTIEN food .
OHHHH I forgot the waterfront property , well dipshit that is the foundation for your home the small lake you make plus you get to go fishing more activity for the children and yourself and you provide Wholesome food ….. and you develop good FUNg SHWAY or however you spell that …….. the lake should be out of the front door the landscape should over the years develop so that each house only sees a part of the lake giving the illusion that the lake goes on forever and is in fact like a river a FLOWING body of water connected to the ocean ….. mental aspects … dumbass done right you can do this affordably …….. more details later right this minute my mind is cluttered with details about my own love life …..
Friday, April 27, 2007
OOHHH master you feel so big inside me
You R not so weird after all
I will get back into the Patroitic pervert line of blogging after this word form our sponsor the mental health association: (yo censors this is not copywrite it was an open liscense )
This was in our national newspaper today, it does seem the pendulum is swinging away from seeing us all as a bunch of perverts - downunder at least. "Spanking fetishes make men happier - study Bondage and discipline may actually make men happier, according to the first national survey of Australians' fetish habits. The new sex study has revealed that two per cent of Australian men and 1.4 per cent of women admit to enjoying dominance, submission and sadomasochism-type sex in the past year. But researchers involved in the phone survey of 20,000 people say they expect many more Australians to be engaging in the practice but unwilling to label it BDSM (bondage, discipline, domination and submission). "There will definitely be more men and women who have sexual tastes in this direction but won't call it this," said Dr Juliet Richters, of the University of New South Wales. "They might not like sex magazines but they just happen to like being tied up and spanked as part of foreplay. "Ask them if they're into BDSM they'll say 'Yuck, no'." The survey results, to be presented at the World Association of Sexual Health congress in Sydney this week, give the first snapshot of Australians involved in bondage behaviour. These fetishes were most common among gay, lesbian and bisexual people and heterosexuals who are "bi-interested", said Richters, the lead researcher. In women, BDSM was most popular among under 20-year-olds and those who had a partner they didn't live with. There were no age or relationship trends in men, she said. People who engaged in the habit were more likely to be sexually adventurous in other ways, like trying anal sex and phone sex, looking at internet pornography or using sex toys. "These are people for whom sex is a hobby," Richters said. They were no more likely to have suffered sexual difficulties, sexual abuse or coercion or anxiety than other Australians. In fact, says Richters, men into BDSM scored significantly better on a scale of psychological wellbeing than other men. "This seems to imply that these men are actually happier as a result of their behaviour, though we're not sure why," she said. "It might just be that they're more in harmony with themselves because they're into something unusual and are comfortable with that. "There's a lot to be said for accepting who you are." At the other end of the spectrum – least happy – were men who reported being attracted to men but had never acted on their desire and didn't regard themselves as gay. Researchers said the study helps break down the reigning stereotype that people into bondage and discipline were damaged as children and were therefore "dysfunctional". "We really found that BDSM is simply a sexual interest or subculture attractive to a minority, not a pathological symptom of past abuse or difficulty with 'normal' sex," Dr Richters said. "They've just got a broader and more unusual sexual repertoire than most."
Ok , back young master into , the idea of instinct family ,,,,, the 3 tents and a camel …. Now over these last months you must be able to see or atleast read about someof the ideas about DOM/sub the realities and the ideals … but the truth of the nature of human kind still may be at play and hence the idea of poly expecially for you guys young with familys and kids to raise ,, for you the wives and the children if .. if .. if … if ( I can not stress enough IF ) the females are 1 with you on the ideas great if not … then not is just that not ……… and will you act like ADAM and ignore your inner nature her inner nature just to see her smile and eat the apple of her ideas ?
The sisterhood is natural really I think about my employees girls who did not CHOOSE each other but because of me my job they found a way to work together … same here dipshit I trust you to choose friendly girls plus the girls open to the poly are already understanding what is needed for them to have what they want also and that is PEACE ,, yes a level of instinctual competition , but honestly NOT OVERT COMPETITION no no no ,, never develop overt competition but a level of sisterhood ,,, like girls who come to work and work together here , the girls have their own homes ,, never force two girls to live in the same home ,,, that is CRUEL .. no girls need their own tent to make into their won space torepresent their own specialness ………. But dam if I when starting out on this idea .. did ever find so many resistant yet interested girls but they wanted to choose the other girls … a nightmare waiting to happen …. It should be more like the idea of building a company where all girls since they desire the end result ,, a good home , a stable tribe ,, friendship and love … and the share of a husband …. The indidividual home etc .. yet ……. The DOM and they remembering their subbie nature ….. then trust .. something girls have been trained not to do .. except in the work place ,, yet even their there is office polictics ,, mainly because of the GREED of a very few girls …. You gotta weed out that girl ,, but the whole poly concept weeds her out right in the beginning she will say NO ! to you ,, great thank you very much .. now Young Master just talk to 20 more girls ,,,, more on street pick ups in the weeks to come again .. and go back about 1 year ago in the blogs ………
Now a lil’ about sexual spice the BDSM …. Leading her into saying FUCK ME MASTER ….. lead her ,, I know it can be hard to talk while haing sex ,, but try ,, it does not matter that you fuck and mess up your words ,,, but try , to teach her to say things ,,, like tell her to sy this …. Say …. “ baby say this …… master fuck me hard hard in my lil’ baby asshole … ohhhh master your dick cock is so large inside of me .. ” keep telling her to express what she feels and then lead her into using words that re – inforce her as your submissive ,,, that helps her become again the female the girl whe wants to be to be feminine …….
And the job ……… of $ dipshit save money steal it form yourself .. live like you were broke , I know you have been broke befre well you gotta live like that while you get up the cash you will need … I know you think you need other things also … like another beer , to fancy up your car to buy a bigger truck , the better MP3 player etc etc etc … but in reality dipshit you need to build the 3 tents and a camel over about 2 or 3 years then you will realy be able to relax and buy shit for yourself … you will understand I as write … in the beginning before you start your own service company I need you to get MENTORS so find work in the service industries …. Tell your employer you will be starting university or going back to school and you need to learn and work in a service filed while you go to shool for a few years …. That way the employer does not feel like he is trsining a competitor .. the amount of pay is not important at this minute getting 6 months worth of experience in field is important , learning who is this guys suppliers ,, learning his marketing strategy ,, judging this guy as a person how does he do good with his money ,, and budgets …. Does he have an off season if so how does he deal … learn the skills and tricks of his trade and in about 4 to 6 months get a another job in another industry lined up …. Car detailing , pool service , window washing ….. and SWISHER .. look it up on the webb ,,,, a great example of MINING DIAMONDS in your won back yard ….. you gotta open you eyes ,, get rid of that ego and think about the cash dipshit .. agreat job ,, I feel like this is the kinda BOOTCAMP it is like the mental training you get cleaning the latrine while in basic training ………. What other service jobs stanely steamer is always looking for people ,, you also learn to do add on sales and how to present yourself in a persons house ………. You need to do about 18 months of this THE UNVIERSITY OF HARD KNOCKS ….. then while keeping one of the jobs you are going to start your company …. We talk more later dumbass I will not leave you hanging …
I will get back into the Patroitic pervert line of blogging after this word form our sponsor the mental health association: (yo censors this is not copywrite it was an open liscense )
This was in our national newspaper today, it does seem the pendulum is swinging away from seeing us all as a bunch of perverts - downunder at least. "Spanking fetishes make men happier - study Bondage and discipline may actually make men happier, according to the first national survey of Australians' fetish habits. The new sex study has revealed that two per cent of Australian men and 1.4 per cent of women admit to enjoying dominance, submission and sadomasochism-type sex in the past year. But researchers involved in the phone survey of 20,000 people say they expect many more Australians to be engaging in the practice but unwilling to label it BDSM (bondage, discipline, domination and submission). "There will definitely be more men and women who have sexual tastes in this direction but won't call it this," said Dr Juliet Richters, of the University of New South Wales. "They might not like sex magazines but they just happen to like being tied up and spanked as part of foreplay. "Ask them if they're into BDSM they'll say 'Yuck, no'." The survey results, to be presented at the World Association of Sexual Health congress in Sydney this week, give the first snapshot of Australians involved in bondage behaviour. These fetishes were most common among gay, lesbian and bisexual people and heterosexuals who are "bi-interested", said Richters, the lead researcher. In women, BDSM was most popular among under 20-year-olds and those who had a partner they didn't live with. There were no age or relationship trends in men, she said. People who engaged in the habit were more likely to be sexually adventurous in other ways, like trying anal sex and phone sex, looking at internet pornography or using sex toys. "These are people for whom sex is a hobby," Richters said. They were no more likely to have suffered sexual difficulties, sexual abuse or coercion or anxiety than other Australians. In fact, says Richters, men into BDSM scored significantly better on a scale of psychological wellbeing than other men. "This seems to imply that these men are actually happier as a result of their behaviour, though we're not sure why," she said. "It might just be that they're more in harmony with themselves because they're into something unusual and are comfortable with that. "There's a lot to be said for accepting who you are." At the other end of the spectrum – least happy – were men who reported being attracted to men but had never acted on their desire and didn't regard themselves as gay. Researchers said the study helps break down the reigning stereotype that people into bondage and discipline were damaged as children and were therefore "dysfunctional". "We really found that BDSM is simply a sexual interest or subculture attractive to a minority, not a pathological symptom of past abuse or difficulty with 'normal' sex," Dr Richters said. "They've just got a broader and more unusual sexual repertoire than most."
Ok , back young master into , the idea of instinct family ,,,,, the 3 tents and a camel …. Now over these last months you must be able to see or atleast read about someof the ideas about DOM/sub the realities and the ideals … but the truth of the nature of human kind still may be at play and hence the idea of poly expecially for you guys young with familys and kids to raise ,, for you the wives and the children if .. if .. if … if ( I can not stress enough IF ) the females are 1 with you on the ideas great if not … then not is just that not ……… and will you act like ADAM and ignore your inner nature her inner nature just to see her smile and eat the apple of her ideas ?
The sisterhood is natural really I think about my employees girls who did not CHOOSE each other but because of me my job they found a way to work together … same here dipshit I trust you to choose friendly girls plus the girls open to the poly are already understanding what is needed for them to have what they want also and that is PEACE ,, yes a level of instinctual competition , but honestly NOT OVERT COMPETITION no no no ,, never develop overt competition but a level of sisterhood ,,, like girls who come to work and work together here , the girls have their own homes ,, never force two girls to live in the same home ,,, that is CRUEL .. no girls need their own tent to make into their won space torepresent their own specialness ………. But dam if I when starting out on this idea .. did ever find so many resistant yet interested girls but they wanted to choose the other girls … a nightmare waiting to happen …. It should be more like the idea of building a company where all girls since they desire the end result ,, a good home , a stable tribe ,, friendship and love … and the share of a husband …. The indidividual home etc .. yet ……. The DOM and they remembering their subbie nature ….. then trust .. something girls have been trained not to do .. except in the work place ,, yet even their there is office polictics ,, mainly because of the GREED of a very few girls …. You gotta weed out that girl ,, but the whole poly concept weeds her out right in the beginning she will say NO ! to you ,, great thank you very much .. now Young Master just talk to 20 more girls ,,,, more on street pick ups in the weeks to come again .. and go back about 1 year ago in the blogs ………
Now a lil’ about sexual spice the BDSM …. Leading her into saying FUCK ME MASTER ….. lead her ,, I know it can be hard to talk while haing sex ,, but try ,, it does not matter that you fuck and mess up your words ,,, but try , to teach her to say things ,,, like tell her to sy this …. Say …. “ baby say this …… master fuck me hard hard in my lil’ baby asshole … ohhhh master your dick cock is so large inside of me .. ” keep telling her to express what she feels and then lead her into using words that re – inforce her as your submissive ,,, that helps her become again the female the girl whe wants to be to be feminine …….
And the job ……… of $ dipshit save money steal it form yourself .. live like you were broke , I know you have been broke befre well you gotta live like that while you get up the cash you will need … I know you think you need other things also … like another beer , to fancy up your car to buy a bigger truck , the better MP3 player etc etc etc … but in reality dipshit you need to build the 3 tents and a camel over about 2 or 3 years then you will realy be able to relax and buy shit for yourself … you will understand I as write … in the beginning before you start your own service company I need you to get MENTORS so find work in the service industries …. Tell your employer you will be starting university or going back to school and you need to learn and work in a service filed while you go to shool for a few years …. That way the employer does not feel like he is trsining a competitor .. the amount of pay is not important at this minute getting 6 months worth of experience in field is important , learning who is this guys suppliers ,, learning his marketing strategy ,, judging this guy as a person how does he do good with his money ,, and budgets …. Does he have an off season if so how does he deal … learn the skills and tricks of his trade and in about 4 to 6 months get a another job in another industry lined up …. Car detailing , pool service , window washing ….. and SWISHER .. look it up on the webb ,,,, a great example of MINING DIAMONDS in your won back yard ….. you gotta open you eyes ,, get rid of that ego and think about the cash dipshit .. agreat job ,, I feel like this is the kinda BOOTCAMP it is like the mental training you get cleaning the latrine while in basic training ………. What other service jobs stanely steamer is always looking for people ,, you also learn to do add on sales and how to present yourself in a persons house ………. You need to do about 18 months of this THE UNVIERSITY OF HARD KNOCKS ….. then while keeping one of the jobs you are going to start your company …. We talk more later dumbass I will not leave you hanging …
Thursday, April 26, 2007
patriotic [pervet
Patriotic perverts
Well Young Master , I am going on a bit of a tangent for weeks maybe … in that I will explore the details of my ideas for you just SO ! you will fucking have those details …. Details for you to think about them use or ignore of course as fits your reality , dipshit ……. Get ideas from wherever . Today I am thinking about a few Young Masters who will grow and have familys kids and stuff … I think about the whole familys to come …..and a few young men 1 is 22 has a couple of kids he is in a fucked up marriage right now ,,, he depends on her income and he has never realy held his own career ,,, most of what I will write over the next days will be for this dipshit ….. but at the same time there are 3 young masters who are not even graduated highschool yet I think about and another in university ………. And what I write I honestly feel is FUCKING PATRIOTIC … being that it is so fucking different so core different and fucking honest ( if the players involved are honest then it will be honest ) that it is a good example ofr a Broken Nation like ours …….. so I write theory over the last montghs there has been enough about DOM/sub lifestyle for you to learn from and there is plenty of info out there and even support groups ( hmmmm interesting real life support groups bringing in more than just you two into the just you two ….. think about the the truth about emotional support ………. Why the others help)
Now dumbass …… the idea that 3 girls a poly relation … not polyamorous ,,,, I was wrong in my beginning .. no I think polyamorous is not basically correct it , again panders to the greed nature of the female …… in that when I was searching for 3 Bi chicks the idea of the girls beening POLY sexually…. It was at the recommendation of girls who resisited my core ideas … their greed to be MY EQUAL always came in and since I had no role model or reality experience and since at the time I was alone and in essence begging for pussy ( that basic position that causes the whole problem .. the greed of ADAM to build his world based on pleasing the one pussy he has ) next was my skill at dating my experience at picking up women in the real world … I allowed my self to head down a road that was in part designed by EVE and her GREED and by my ADAM and his GREED to please 1 EVE ……. So for what 1 year now on and off I have written and explore those skills with you …. Next has been the inside of the female minds … I have intereacted over this last year … what I have noticed about who chooses ,, free will choices to read my shit … I mean really read a bunch of my shit ,, and the day to day people who choose to read my words ( and this is outside of the friends list I generate on myspace which I can target market to male or female , but on independeant sites ) my readers are female ….. the more I read or here about the Subbie boards I hear about women open to alternative ideas …… and I say …… YO dumbass ! be different remember the facts the LAW OF AVERAGES …. Plus plus plus ,,,,,, there are very few men with your guts . to do what is good for the family ………. YES THE POLY IS GOOD FOR THE FAMILY , but the poly igamy ,,, the marriage of sharing of 1 male by multi females ,,,, not this fairy tale of GROUP love ……… the current ideas of poly amorous ……. Yes I buck the ideas of the girls who write on boards the girls who control thru weakness ….. YOUNG MASTER DO THE ……… RIGHT THING … not the thing as described by EVE .
But first DUMBASS I gotta get you WORTHY to be called MASTER yes ,, the truth of the DOM/sub lifestyle is still a truth and need in our sexual life both you and hers …. So BDSM will still be your world . But getting you ready to be a man that is a fucking trick … ho9w many losers I have I hired and fired over the past 27 years ? a fuck of a lot so I talk from experience … shut your KNOW IT ALL dumbass ass mouth long enough to use theat brain I do! Know you have and realize you are a FUCK UP ! …… if you do not like what I say then you are still a little “ mommy he hurt my feelings “ a lil boy …. 22 … you are 22 …… no high School D …. Never had the same job for over a year …. Currently you don’t have even 1 bak account in your own name … and you think you are so fu8cking smart ???????? what ???? how ??? how ??? can you think you have been so fucking smart because you have been able to sell som dope make some cash and then JUST WASTE that cash …….. you got 2 kids you pay child support on occasion …. You .. you .. you …. You already know the truth now here fix it
Work is cool .. good fun … you create smiles in the world around you .. people will be happy with you …….. all your dreams about your dream jobs are just that dreams ……. Dipshit it is the smile you create at the end which is in reality the dream response you get to the dream job ,,, the actaull work is secondary ….. it is the smiles ……… the service industry …. For you my idiot frined ,,, the freedom to have cash and control …. First lets gover over how much cash in today’s world 2007 ( I am thinking that my sons will read this and well one is only 1 year old his dollar will be different in 17 years will he be college bound or work bound .. will he be 1 on1 or poly ? who knows ? his choice thru his experience and observations) how much ? well not that much 40k from a 9 to 4 job
WELL first understand there will be 3 girls who will choose you , the oworld is very large and the fact is if you ask , talk , ask and walk out in the real world and state who and what you are they will listen to you ……….. wow , just gotta have some guts ( which you do not not have except when riding a skate board ) …. The coumpound the homes ….. the cave your job …. Now you have lived in trailer trah before , been a couch critter and currently live in the projects … you and your wife dream about that big home in the BURBS but you two spend every fucking dime of her of intitlement checks and you two are broke ….. dipshit DREAMS ARE DREAMS …… positive thinking bullshit trpas because the base program inside your head will not allow for the chnge … and so you stay trapped …… you gotta crwl before you walk dumbass …….. you build on building on ……. And later you got that custom burb home in fact you will have 3 fucking custome burb homes on waterfront land landscaped with horses ….. BABY STEPS SHIT HEAD take baby steps …… I have seen a person who bought a second hand single wide then built around the home around it additions to the single wide …. until form the outside you never would know it was a junnker in the beginning …… do that dumbass
First choose a town ( I say choose becaue I think about I dumbass who ran a meth lab and got busted and turned on some local guys up the ladder he would be better off building alife some where else …. Not in his own town ) go to the center of that city that metro area and get on the interstate and head out of town 45 minutes ….. I think about my area or Colombia SC and think that puts you near the now where of Bowman SC. Cheap land …. Drive on four or more days from a sort of center point out of town …. 1 day north 1 day south 1 day east 1 day west ….. on the inerstate or whtever highway goes inthat direction ……. Go ¾ to 1 hour outa town … this is circle of commute ….. once you get 1 hour outa town ,, you then go 15 minutes in a circle from that location looking for land …… honestly as you build your service compay you will find in a few years most of your business will not come from down town but it will come from the burbs out side of town so your commute time will lessen …… ( but that is in 4 years , the first 4 years dumbass are like the four years you would have had to invest in university , a concept I will repeat often …. You dont get paid while at unveristy in fact you gotta pay them to get the job at the end ) ……….. the land maybe 3 lots 1 acre each where you can drop a mobile home down …. Or 1 piece of ag land where you can put 2 homes down , but get a GENERATIONAL variance ,,, have more than 2 homes if you sign a waiver staing that the extra home will be used for a blood relation ( a girl who has 1 on of your kids is a blood relation ) ….. enough for today
Well Young Master , I am going on a bit of a tangent for weeks maybe … in that I will explore the details of my ideas for you just SO ! you will fucking have those details …. Details for you to think about them use or ignore of course as fits your reality , dipshit ……. Get ideas from wherever . Today I am thinking about a few Young Masters who will grow and have familys kids and stuff … I think about the whole familys to come …..and a few young men 1 is 22 has a couple of kids he is in a fucked up marriage right now ,,, he depends on her income and he has never realy held his own career ,,, most of what I will write over the next days will be for this dipshit ….. but at the same time there are 3 young masters who are not even graduated highschool yet I think about and another in university ………. And what I write I honestly feel is FUCKING PATRIOTIC … being that it is so fucking different so core different and fucking honest ( if the players involved are honest then it will be honest ) that it is a good example ofr a Broken Nation like ours …….. so I write theory over the last montghs there has been enough about DOM/sub lifestyle for you to learn from and there is plenty of info out there and even support groups ( hmmmm interesting real life support groups bringing in more than just you two into the just you two ….. think about the the truth about emotional support ………. Why the others help)
Now dumbass …… the idea that 3 girls a poly relation … not polyamorous ,,,, I was wrong in my beginning .. no I think polyamorous is not basically correct it , again panders to the greed nature of the female …… in that when I was searching for 3 Bi chicks the idea of the girls beening POLY sexually…. It was at the recommendation of girls who resisited my core ideas … their greed to be MY EQUAL always came in and since I had no role model or reality experience and since at the time I was alone and in essence begging for pussy ( that basic position that causes the whole problem .. the greed of ADAM to build his world based on pleasing the one pussy he has ) next was my skill at dating my experience at picking up women in the real world … I allowed my self to head down a road that was in part designed by EVE and her GREED and by my ADAM and his GREED to please 1 EVE ……. So for what 1 year now on and off I have written and explore those skills with you …. Next has been the inside of the female minds … I have intereacted over this last year … what I have noticed about who chooses ,, free will choices to read my shit … I mean really read a bunch of my shit ,, and the day to day people who choose to read my words ( and this is outside of the friends list I generate on myspace which I can target market to male or female , but on independeant sites ) my readers are female ….. the more I read or here about the Subbie boards I hear about women open to alternative ideas …… and I say …… YO dumbass ! be different remember the facts the LAW OF AVERAGES …. Plus plus plus ,,,,,, there are very few men with your guts . to do what is good for the family ………. YES THE POLY IS GOOD FOR THE FAMILY , but the poly igamy ,,, the marriage of sharing of 1 male by multi females ,,,, not this fairy tale of GROUP love ……… the current ideas of poly amorous ……. Yes I buck the ideas of the girls who write on boards the girls who control thru weakness ….. YOUNG MASTER DO THE ……… RIGHT THING … not the thing as described by EVE .
But first DUMBASS I gotta get you WORTHY to be called MASTER yes ,, the truth of the DOM/sub lifestyle is still a truth and need in our sexual life both you and hers …. So BDSM will still be your world . But getting you ready to be a man that is a fucking trick … ho9w many losers I have I hired and fired over the past 27 years ? a fuck of a lot so I talk from experience … shut your KNOW IT ALL dumbass ass mouth long enough to use theat brain I do! Know you have and realize you are a FUCK UP ! …… if you do not like what I say then you are still a little “ mommy he hurt my feelings “ a lil boy …. 22 … you are 22 …… no high School D …. Never had the same job for over a year …. Currently you don’t have even 1 bak account in your own name … and you think you are so fu8cking smart ???????? what ???? how ??? how ??? can you think you have been so fucking smart because you have been able to sell som dope make some cash and then JUST WASTE that cash …….. you got 2 kids you pay child support on occasion …. You .. you .. you …. You already know the truth now here fix it
Work is cool .. good fun … you create smiles in the world around you .. people will be happy with you …….. all your dreams about your dream jobs are just that dreams ……. Dipshit it is the smile you create at the end which is in reality the dream response you get to the dream job ,,, the actaull work is secondary ….. it is the smiles ……… the service industry …. For you my idiot frined ,,, the freedom to have cash and control …. First lets gover over how much cash in today’s world 2007 ( I am thinking that my sons will read this and well one is only 1 year old his dollar will be different in 17 years will he be college bound or work bound .. will he be 1 on1 or poly ? who knows ? his choice thru his experience and observations) how much ? well not that much 40k from a 9 to 4 job
WELL first understand there will be 3 girls who will choose you , the oworld is very large and the fact is if you ask , talk , ask and walk out in the real world and state who and what you are they will listen to you ……….. wow , just gotta have some guts ( which you do not not have except when riding a skate board ) …. The coumpound the homes ….. the cave your job …. Now you have lived in trailer trah before , been a couch critter and currently live in the projects … you and your wife dream about that big home in the BURBS but you two spend every fucking dime of her of intitlement checks and you two are broke ….. dipshit DREAMS ARE DREAMS …… positive thinking bullshit trpas because the base program inside your head will not allow for the chnge … and so you stay trapped …… you gotta crwl before you walk dumbass …….. you build on building on ……. And later you got that custom burb home in fact you will have 3 fucking custome burb homes on waterfront land landscaped with horses ….. BABY STEPS SHIT HEAD take baby steps …… I have seen a person who bought a second hand single wide then built around the home around it additions to the single wide …. until form the outside you never would know it was a junnker in the beginning …… do that dumbass
First choose a town ( I say choose becaue I think about I dumbass who ran a meth lab and got busted and turned on some local guys up the ladder he would be better off building alife some where else …. Not in his own town ) go to the center of that city that metro area and get on the interstate and head out of town 45 minutes ….. I think about my area or Colombia SC and think that puts you near the now where of Bowman SC. Cheap land …. Drive on four or more days from a sort of center point out of town …. 1 day north 1 day south 1 day east 1 day west ….. on the inerstate or whtever highway goes inthat direction ……. Go ¾ to 1 hour outa town … this is circle of commute ….. once you get 1 hour outa town ,, you then go 15 minutes in a circle from that location looking for land …… honestly as you build your service compay you will find in a few years most of your business will not come from down town but it will come from the burbs out side of town so your commute time will lessen …… ( but that is in 4 years , the first 4 years dumbass are like the four years you would have had to invest in university , a concept I will repeat often …. You dont get paid while at unveristy in fact you gotta pay them to get the job at the end ) ……….. the land maybe 3 lots 1 acre each where you can drop a mobile home down …. Or 1 piece of ag land where you can put 2 homes down , but get a GENERATIONAL variance ,,, have more than 2 homes if you sign a waiver staing that the extra home will be used for a blood relation ( a girl who has 1 on of your kids is a blood relation ) ….. enough for today
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
women on women ... hate
Females hate each other
Young Master , you will hear this as a resistance to the life style that will best suit us the human animal ………. The girl you fall in love with will want to be your one and only and you trained as you have been your entire life will most likey you will succumb to the pressure ………… your greed of ADAM who said fuck you GOD the happiness of my female is more important all I want is to see this crazy bitch smile ………. The greed of ADAM to choose the smile of one female over the DESIGNS of nature ,,, some people look to nature as to show why we humans are naturally a 1 on 1 species they often show for example a fairy tale species of animal who makes a life time commitment to 1 partner ….. the regal fairy tale species of SWAN … hye now I talk about my DNA and that I carry within me the traces of all species in my DNA ,, but birds and manals broke off from each other what 20 million years ago ,, birds are DINOSAURS a very very old group of beings …….. human type animals are younger only 3.3 million years old yes I have DNA in common with birds and actions in common we both whistle , we both build homes or nests …. Yet there are birds that have herd instincts also … but back to animals more closely relted to me and you see the herd instinct become much more common ….. the NATURE of animal ….
Women hate each other ,,, YO dipshit …. See I am right the competitive nature ,, competition makes things actually better … a lil’ stress is OK as long as the people involved are in reality giving their best efforts if not not ,, if the person is coasting on past events .. then they are scared of competition …….. you will always see the female you fall in love with ,, you will see her as you first saw her ,, she will always be her prettiest in your eyes you will always see her young and sexy ,,, it is the inner beauty that realy lasts ……. It is not SKIN DEEP but the female animal …….. has changed that truth , they talk big shit about ,, real beauty about the soul mate but ,,, they worry about the size of their tits , the amount of make up thye have to cover their humanness up and create a lie …. Yet you dumbass will wake up to the real girl and you will fall in love with the real girl and .. and .. when she puts on make up for us ……… it is the lie of the apple the greed of EVE and we let our natural girl explore her own lie ,,, anything so that she will smile ,,, because when she is wearing that smile she is her ABSOLUTE PRETTIEST in our eyes ……….. much more pretty than any make up ,,, but of course in the beginning ,, her face painting and actractive dress ,,, well that gets our attention but ,,, it is her smile that keeps us coming back ……….girls hate each other …. Yet they are much more a group animal than us ……… WHAT ARE the girls now also evolving into LONE animals as they change more and more into men ……….that is what yesterday’s blog was about the effect of the female becoming male like and then the male well choosing to fuck other males since the MALE/female he had at home was a bitch ! she was not any longer a female she had become a she-he …….. so I guess it would go that the female will evolve into a lone male …….. while all the same they love the interaction of social events ,, being around and talking with females …. The need for group .. is in them
Yet the greed of EVE ….. to hate competition ….. the greed of Adam to want her happiness …….. we allow her to indulge in the DRUG of self deception … it would be like letting your girl smoke crack just to make her happy ,,, you would lie to her to let her eat to much to become unhealthy … only to get atleast one or two smiles , ,,, do you do that with your child ren? Would a good parent a loving parent only think about the childs smile and let them go play in the highway because they the arents are afraid of the anger or frustration of a child …. But so many parents now adays are controlled by their children giving in to what ever the child wants ….just to keep the child smiling … I it in the best interest of your female to let her guide herself down the lonely ….. lonely road of of hating women ….. when her inner animal is capable of being tribal …. Her true inner nature when she ignores the THINGS of life and thinks about life … the real life issues .. not the thing issues …. The hint is in the word LIFE .. being more concerned about that which is realy alive , and I am not talking about family pets … but the family itself , the life .. the animals that make up that family .. the breathing . blood filled meat sacks called family …. Is that some thing important ……… ooooh dumb ass I know it is stupid to recommend you read some thing else … but stick a copy of the RED TENT in your bathroom and read it with open eyes to the problems the competitive dynamics , the goods and the effects of GREED on the part of ADAM .. of the male it is that effect which actually destroys everything in the book .. the GREED to make their wives happy . the smile of 1 female
Why are women as bad as other women say other women are … the talker is often as competitive as the other wome she talks about the old saying the truth ….. out of the book of wisdom ( all religious books are in truth books of wisdom ) the bible ,,,, the story about the man talking about the speck in anothers eye when in reality he had a mote in his own ….. you can see the bad in another while ingnoring the faults in yourself ……… YO! WORLD I AM FULL of FAULTS ( even though I cannot see them , the fact about wisdom, it is correct ) ….. so dipshit… listen I am going to go down the business end of building the poly life for you the ideal theory of relaxation lifestyleing ……….. in hopes that you have some sort of guide , look for these writings and take what is ok for you …..
Young Master , you will hear this as a resistance to the life style that will best suit us the human animal ………. The girl you fall in love with will want to be your one and only and you trained as you have been your entire life will most likey you will succumb to the pressure ………… your greed of ADAM who said fuck you GOD the happiness of my female is more important all I want is to see this crazy bitch smile ………. The greed of ADAM to choose the smile of one female over the DESIGNS of nature ,,, some people look to nature as to show why we humans are naturally a 1 on 1 species they often show for example a fairy tale species of animal who makes a life time commitment to 1 partner ….. the regal fairy tale species of SWAN … hye now I talk about my DNA and that I carry within me the traces of all species in my DNA ,, but birds and manals broke off from each other what 20 million years ago ,, birds are DINOSAURS a very very old group of beings …….. human type animals are younger only 3.3 million years old yes I have DNA in common with birds and actions in common we both whistle , we both build homes or nests …. Yet there are birds that have herd instincts also … but back to animals more closely relted to me and you see the herd instinct become much more common ….. the NATURE of animal ….
Women hate each other ,,, YO dipshit …. See I am right the competitive nature ,, competition makes things actually better … a lil’ stress is OK as long as the people involved are in reality giving their best efforts if not not ,, if the person is coasting on past events .. then they are scared of competition …….. you will always see the female you fall in love with ,, you will see her as you first saw her ,, she will always be her prettiest in your eyes you will always see her young and sexy ,,, it is the inner beauty that realy lasts ……. It is not SKIN DEEP but the female animal …….. has changed that truth , they talk big shit about ,, real beauty about the soul mate but ,,, they worry about the size of their tits , the amount of make up thye have to cover their humanness up and create a lie …. Yet you dumbass will wake up to the real girl and you will fall in love with the real girl and .. and .. when she puts on make up for us ……… it is the lie of the apple the greed of EVE and we let our natural girl explore her own lie ,,, anything so that she will smile ,,, because when she is wearing that smile she is her ABSOLUTE PRETTIEST in our eyes ……….. much more pretty than any make up ,,, but of course in the beginning ,, her face painting and actractive dress ,,, well that gets our attention but ,,, it is her smile that keeps us coming back ……….girls hate each other …. Yet they are much more a group animal than us ……… WHAT ARE the girls now also evolving into LONE animals as they change more and more into men ……….that is what yesterday’s blog was about the effect of the female becoming male like and then the male well choosing to fuck other males since the MALE/female he had at home was a bitch ! she was not any longer a female she had become a she-he …….. so I guess it would go that the female will evolve into a lone male …….. while all the same they love the interaction of social events ,, being around and talking with females …. The need for group .. is in them
Yet the greed of EVE ….. to hate competition ….. the greed of Adam to want her happiness …….. we allow her to indulge in the DRUG of self deception … it would be like letting your girl smoke crack just to make her happy ,,, you would lie to her to let her eat to much to become unhealthy … only to get atleast one or two smiles , ,,, do you do that with your child ren? Would a good parent a loving parent only think about the childs smile and let them go play in the highway because they the arents are afraid of the anger or frustration of a child …. But so many parents now adays are controlled by their children giving in to what ever the child wants ….just to keep the child smiling … I it in the best interest of your female to let her guide herself down the lonely ….. lonely road of of hating women ….. when her inner animal is capable of being tribal …. Her true inner nature when she ignores the THINGS of life and thinks about life … the real life issues .. not the thing issues …. The hint is in the word LIFE .. being more concerned about that which is realy alive , and I am not talking about family pets … but the family itself , the life .. the animals that make up that family .. the breathing . blood filled meat sacks called family …. Is that some thing important ……… ooooh dumb ass I know it is stupid to recommend you read some thing else … but stick a copy of the RED TENT in your bathroom and read it with open eyes to the problems the competitive dynamics , the goods and the effects of GREED on the part of ADAM .. of the male it is that effect which actually destroys everything in the book .. the GREED to make their wives happy . the smile of 1 female
Why are women as bad as other women say other women are … the talker is often as competitive as the other wome she talks about the old saying the truth ….. out of the book of wisdom ( all religious books are in truth books of wisdom ) the bible ,,,, the story about the man talking about the speck in anothers eye when in reality he had a mote in his own ….. you can see the bad in another while ingnoring the faults in yourself ……… YO! WORLD I AM FULL of FAULTS ( even though I cannot see them , the fact about wisdom, it is correct ) ….. so dipshit… listen I am going to go down the business end of building the poly life for you the ideal theory of relaxation lifestyleing ……….. in hopes that you have some sort of guide , look for these writings and take what is ok for you …..
Monday, April 23, 2007
they left the bathroom together
They left the bathroom together
I feel like I am gonna PUKE , HURL , SPEW CHUNKS …..Young Master …… Young Master …. I worry about the future of you’all … it is a fact we serve the females in our life it is our instinct to LIKE I have said before the cave man ready to fight off the saber tooth tiger of go kill some buffalo and shit we find pride in serving our family and woman/women….. but times they are a changing do we have the same NEED the same worth in the family unit has the feminist ideals gone to far ? …. Maybe it was what my Debbie said a few weeks ago as her GAY – dar went off ( she can sense a gay male or female ) she asked me about an old friend of mine asking is he Gay? And I was like him NO WAY but then as I thought about aqll the changes over the last years and compared the man I knew over a decade ago and the guy I meet today I start to wonder , when I listen to his the sound of his wife’s voice and the changes in her ,, the control she has over everything as compared to the sweet little waitress she was …….. and I think about so many men I know who change ……….. what the window washer sees somedays should not be seen , understand the window is there he is peeking thru your window it is part of my job description ,, YO DUMBFUCK that is why I whistle so loud to let you know YO ! I AM HERE ………. Well DAM it ! not again , A man I have known for years proud hunter and fisherman college grad played ball in highschool and college … Good white collar professional …….. a family man who has provided his family his wife with my serves for fucking ever it seems like a man my own age …. I have watched them as a couple while I got divorce after I divorce I saw him swallow his pride …. Listen to her demean him and control him and he would take ti ,,, yes maybe 5 or 6 years ago I saw anger in his eyes , wrinkles on his face age like me ……… I watched him lose his first born son ,,, his son becoming more and more fem …….. so he worked hard on his next son his chip off the old block that boys room full of fishing gear and surf boards …. But today …….. I looked once more at the reality in fornt of my eyes ,, what I have seen growing over these long years …….. after , after … after I saw him and his buddy
See a few years back his career path changed as his job got taken by a woman but this man took that in stride no biggie he created his own company and had a home office the family hardly missed a step in their climb up the ladder of wealth the misses having stated her own career after the kids got school age using her degree from the college they met at …… she buying her own lexus …….. her lexus that today he drove as she left for her office with his Expedition and he left to pick up his business partner in her lexus ….. to come back to home office first take a few laps in the pool they did reasonable .. this man I knew 6 2 ,, 220 ,, kept in shape even though his worry lines were growning deeper back a few years ago like his gun collection had grown …. But ….. when I saw him and his friend leaving the bathroom after doing laps wearing robes together … it just felt WRONG there was something terribly wrong ! with the scene I acccedentialy saw …. And it got me thinking …. Going over and over the changes in this Man …. How just this morning how his wife had ordered him like he was a five year old and in stead of him responding back like he did in years past .. he TOOK IT … and obeyed ……. And I thought about the office the changes in the office at home how now art hung on the walls where once was the fotos of him in his football uniform of highschool and college …. The rocks from deer the tusks of boar now hanging out in the garage …. Only 1 gun rack now ( and a small rack at that ) the other empty in the garage ….. a few fishing rods …. Infact now an extra wrodrbe rack with his .. his clothes on it …. Instead of cases to tote his weapons and fishing tackle on the airplanes as he went from one fishing trip to the next hunting trip …… on his side of the bathroom was a counter full of male heath and beauty aids ( male health and beauty aids? And dam the shit must work I swear the guy is looking 10 years younger than me ,, when we were at one time aging the same ) his second son has become like his brother with 20 different fragrances on his dresser and now just a decorative surf board on the wall NO wax or sand to show it has been used …. And his princess his lil’ princess all pink and cute … her room now loud and proud still pink but hot Violent pink and a shelf of sports trpahies and plaques to show that mom … yes …. Is living her male dreams thur her daughter ………. And dad …. Well I listened as he coached now not his sons but his daughter …… and then I listened to that teen daughter tell him ,,,, what to do …….. bossing him and her older bother like their mother must do to them and the males took it ………….. politely …. Like nice guys …. What else is a nice guy to do …….. it is our instinct to aid our females … true ? but how ? whe in reality the females no longer NEED us ……….
I at the pool hall a few weeks back ,, stopping and questioning some young men ,,, WHY? Didn’t you ask any of my daughters to play pool ? I have two pretty daughters ,, both different flavors of girl no competition and 4 young men walked on by …….. I am left to coach my daughters on how to run a 10- foot circle on how to pick up guys? And the guys they get ,,, the young masters ? they get .. the girls tell me are most often to fem for their tastes ????? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WORLD ? nature OR NURTURE …. YOUR NATURE says to you girl yummmm …. Your nurture says respect them for thiey are your equal ……… so what you become fem to their DOM ? ohhh shit I fear for you YOUNG MASTER …. I feel like I am gonna puke
I am a nice man ,, a good man who feels no pleasure in hurting emotionally the woman I love but … as I write about some of my ideas I know I hurt her ……… but if I do not write who will? Who will give some ideas some observations .. some plans and practise3 exercises to encourage you YOUNG MASTER . to find and create the balance again ….
See ……. The wife of the 2 men I write of .. either of them are happy ….. no you can see it in them ……… they are just plain stuck at succeeding ,,, succeeding at that which makes them UNHAPPY
I feel like I am gonna PUKE , HURL , SPEW CHUNKS …..Young Master …… Young Master …. I worry about the future of you’all … it is a fact we serve the females in our life it is our instinct to LIKE I have said before the cave man ready to fight off the saber tooth tiger of go kill some buffalo and shit we find pride in serving our family and woman/women….. but times they are a changing do we have the same NEED the same worth in the family unit has the feminist ideals gone to far ? …. Maybe it was what my Debbie said a few weeks ago as her GAY – dar went off ( she can sense a gay male or female ) she asked me about an old friend of mine asking is he Gay? And I was like him NO WAY but then as I thought about aqll the changes over the last years and compared the man I knew over a decade ago and the guy I meet today I start to wonder , when I listen to his the sound of his wife’s voice and the changes in her ,, the control she has over everything as compared to the sweet little waitress she was …….. and I think about so many men I know who change ……….. what the window washer sees somedays should not be seen , understand the window is there he is peeking thru your window it is part of my job description ,, YO DUMBFUCK that is why I whistle so loud to let you know YO ! I AM HERE ………. Well DAM it ! not again , A man I have known for years proud hunter and fisherman college grad played ball in highschool and college … Good white collar professional …….. a family man who has provided his family his wife with my serves for fucking ever it seems like a man my own age …. I have watched them as a couple while I got divorce after I divorce I saw him swallow his pride …. Listen to her demean him and control him and he would take ti ,,, yes maybe 5 or 6 years ago I saw anger in his eyes , wrinkles on his face age like me ……… I watched him lose his first born son ,,, his son becoming more and more fem …….. so he worked hard on his next son his chip off the old block that boys room full of fishing gear and surf boards …. But today …….. I looked once more at the reality in fornt of my eyes ,, what I have seen growing over these long years …….. after , after … after I saw him and his buddy
See a few years back his career path changed as his job got taken by a woman but this man took that in stride no biggie he created his own company and had a home office the family hardly missed a step in their climb up the ladder of wealth the misses having stated her own career after the kids got school age using her degree from the college they met at …… she buying her own lexus …….. her lexus that today he drove as she left for her office with his Expedition and he left to pick up his business partner in her lexus ….. to come back to home office first take a few laps in the pool they did reasonable .. this man I knew 6 2 ,, 220 ,, kept in shape even though his worry lines were growning deeper back a few years ago like his gun collection had grown …. But ….. when I saw him and his friend leaving the bathroom after doing laps wearing robes together … it just felt WRONG there was something terribly wrong ! with the scene I acccedentialy saw …. And it got me thinking …. Going over and over the changes in this Man …. How just this morning how his wife had ordered him like he was a five year old and in stead of him responding back like he did in years past .. he TOOK IT … and obeyed ……. And I thought about the office the changes in the office at home how now art hung on the walls where once was the fotos of him in his football uniform of highschool and college …. The rocks from deer the tusks of boar now hanging out in the garage …. Only 1 gun rack now ( and a small rack at that ) the other empty in the garage ….. a few fishing rods …. Infact now an extra wrodrbe rack with his .. his clothes on it …. Instead of cases to tote his weapons and fishing tackle on the airplanes as he went from one fishing trip to the next hunting trip …… on his side of the bathroom was a counter full of male heath and beauty aids ( male health and beauty aids? And dam the shit must work I swear the guy is looking 10 years younger than me ,, when we were at one time aging the same ) his second son has become like his brother with 20 different fragrances on his dresser and now just a decorative surf board on the wall NO wax or sand to show it has been used …. And his princess his lil’ princess all pink and cute … her room now loud and proud still pink but hot Violent pink and a shelf of sports trpahies and plaques to show that mom … yes …. Is living her male dreams thur her daughter ………. And dad …. Well I listened as he coached now not his sons but his daughter …… and then I listened to that teen daughter tell him ,,,, what to do …….. bossing him and her older bother like their mother must do to them and the males took it ………….. politely …. Like nice guys …. What else is a nice guy to do …….. it is our instinct to aid our females … true ? but how ? whe in reality the females no longer NEED us ……….
I at the pool hall a few weeks back ,, stopping and questioning some young men ,,, WHY? Didn’t you ask any of my daughters to play pool ? I have two pretty daughters ,, both different flavors of girl no competition and 4 young men walked on by …….. I am left to coach my daughters on how to run a 10- foot circle on how to pick up guys? And the guys they get ,,, the young masters ? they get .. the girls tell me are most often to fem for their tastes ????? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WORLD ? nature OR NURTURE …. YOUR NATURE says to you girl yummmm …. Your nurture says respect them for thiey are your equal ……… so what you become fem to their DOM ? ohhh shit I fear for you YOUNG MASTER …. I feel like I am gonna puke
I am a nice man ,, a good man who feels no pleasure in hurting emotionally the woman I love but … as I write about some of my ideas I know I hurt her ……… but if I do not write who will? Who will give some ideas some observations .. some plans and practise3 exercises to encourage you YOUNG MASTER . to find and create the balance again ….
See ……. The wife of the 2 men I write of .. either of them are happy ….. no you can see it in them ……… they are just plain stuck at succeeding ,,, succeeding at that which makes them UNHAPPY
lead or follow her to bed
Lead or follow her to bed
OK Young Master a description of a great mind by many philosophers over the ages has been one that can live with two 2 contradicting concepts in it ……… Yin and Yang , day and night , male and female ……. Yo dipshit contradicting ideas are nature ! to be black or white ,, one extreme or another is unnatural and that is what is causing the stress of our world ,, forcing forcing nature to conform to ideas and story book lives that mankinds minds thinks will be fun …….. thinks will be fun … the child mind.. here again … the child mind and the adult mind both are reality . There is time for the single alone attention of one child … or 1 woman . yet the benefits of having brothers and sisters in a family ……… the biniftis of having women to help each other ……..
The greed of eve ,,, I write this often back a few months ago wi wrote about the idea of lead or follow ……… how easy it is because of your love to get into following her …….. but reality is in many aspects you do want to follow her ….. dumbass , the idea that as MASTER . you will want to make every decision is wrong , no you depend on her reading you knowing you to an extent and that her inner desire to attract you … seduce you like she did in the beginning , well that inner force will help her to think about what it is you like in many aspects of life and then she will choose things based on that inner KNOWING ….. the idea that you are to be so SELFISH as to decide every meal ….. well that is the concepts written in the COMPLETE SLAVE ,, AND MASTER TRAINING BOOKS …. The idea that you are so totally selfish that only your ideas are what is heard that your slave must ask about everything first ……… a very stressful life actually for you ….. becuae your nature as a GOOD MAN is to take your whole family in consideration … so each time she asks you you think about her …. In reality using your mind to seduce her …… YES SEDUCE her to think what does she want ALSO . is a form of seduction . I bring up employees often so to hopefully help you feel it ,,, what if your employee would not take on the responsibility of their job , but each and every time come back to you to think for them …. On almost every problem ,, when you had expected them to read the overall . overall ideas that are held important by the company and then decide within their job what they had to do …..
The over all important issues to you MR. NICE GUY …. Or MASTER GOOD MAN is the totall happiness of the total family ,, but with in the guidance of YOU ….. you give a bit of HARDNESS to the female softness ………. Yet women can be hard but sometimes that hardness is the hardness of a child not getting her way … or that of a person OVER WORKED without support systems that allow the female to relax and trust others in the family to help …….. a support system lost in todays world . If you have not had a family yet young master you may not be able to understand to FELL the burn OF A HOT STOVE ……… bummer huh? Is love to be first something that you have to burn your hand on ……… do you have to touch the hot stove over and over testing the failure of the fairy tale ? before you can appreciate the ideas ………? And then the greed of the eve’s you meet ? hmmmmm the greed of the EVE’s you meet ,,, well dipshit have you realy met enough EVE’s ? have you talked to enough girls dicussed their reality and your reality and the reality of the children they have and you have …. Or the fact about the child neither of you have as of YET ? Do you have the guts to talk ..or is getting and keeping pussy so important that you will be GREEDY like Adam and follow Eve … greedy for the pussy the attention of Eve and you will listen to her and follow her .
Think about the ideas of SEDUCTION …… the titty bar I talk about early into TWISTED INSTINCT ….. open sexual competition ,, the female reads instinctally … intuitively what will get that male part with his pocket full of money then she gives that to him ……….. she is very pleasing based on the ideas that so many other girls are around ,,, yet if the male becomes aregular of her’s ….. if the I LOVE YOU SLAVE effect creeps in by him …….. by his greed to be responsible for only one 1 girl ,, then the dymancis of MONOPLY come in ……. 1 and only 1 choice …… very unnatural … nature is built on variations ,, mutations ……. Not 1 and only 1 choice …… the idea of poly , unfortunately it hurts , this idea of poly ………. Hell it can hurt even you YOUNG MASTER , become realistic you have been trained since day one to love just 1 ……… you want to be happy with 1 ……… but , the fact is it has not beeen anything but a fairy tale repeated in movie scripts …… shows that look so real as to make you think it is a reality …….. ohh I could write about the traditional adaptations on the poly theme evidence throughout the cultures of the world and the current wave of worldwide divorce entering into these cultures based on the effect of this … MOVIE fairy tale ……… and us ,, yes ME and you … good men wanting nothing but the real .. real … reall happiness of a female ……… so much that we follow ……. Ignoring the thr truth of YIN and YANG … the idea of contradicting ideas …….. how can what on the surface is WRONG in reality be right? How can contradicting forces in the end bring balance and happiness …….. if it is night all the time the plants die from lack of sun …. If it is day every minute the plant burns out ! day and night on the surface if you think about are contradicting ideas but because we aceept the end result as good we do not any longer find them to be contradicting …………. Can you think about this ? do you have the mind that has been resopected by the wise men of the ages ,,,,? A mind able to have to contradicting concepts in it ? YES YOU DO DIPSHIT …. You accept the idea that day and night are in GOOOD ! you do think day and night are important yes? You do not think that one is more important than an other do you ? I hope not !
OK Young Master a description of a great mind by many philosophers over the ages has been one that can live with two 2 contradicting concepts in it ……… Yin and Yang , day and night , male and female ……. Yo dipshit contradicting ideas are nature ! to be black or white ,, one extreme or another is unnatural and that is what is causing the stress of our world ,, forcing forcing nature to conform to ideas and story book lives that mankinds minds thinks will be fun …….. thinks will be fun … the child mind.. here again … the child mind and the adult mind both are reality . There is time for the single alone attention of one child … or 1 woman . yet the benefits of having brothers and sisters in a family ……… the biniftis of having women to help each other ……..
The greed of eve ,,, I write this often back a few months ago wi wrote about the idea of lead or follow ……… how easy it is because of your love to get into following her …….. but reality is in many aspects you do want to follow her ….. dumbass , the idea that as MASTER . you will want to make every decision is wrong , no you depend on her reading you knowing you to an extent and that her inner desire to attract you … seduce you like she did in the beginning , well that inner force will help her to think about what it is you like in many aspects of life and then she will choose things based on that inner KNOWING ….. the idea that you are to be so SELFISH as to decide every meal ….. well that is the concepts written in the COMPLETE SLAVE ,, AND MASTER TRAINING BOOKS …. The idea that you are so totally selfish that only your ideas are what is heard that your slave must ask about everything first ……… a very stressful life actually for you ….. becuae your nature as a GOOD MAN is to take your whole family in consideration … so each time she asks you you think about her …. In reality using your mind to seduce her …… YES SEDUCE her to think what does she want ALSO . is a form of seduction . I bring up employees often so to hopefully help you feel it ,,, what if your employee would not take on the responsibility of their job , but each and every time come back to you to think for them …. On almost every problem ,, when you had expected them to read the overall . overall ideas that are held important by the company and then decide within their job what they had to do …..
The over all important issues to you MR. NICE GUY …. Or MASTER GOOD MAN is the totall happiness of the total family ,, but with in the guidance of YOU ….. you give a bit of HARDNESS to the female softness ………. Yet women can be hard but sometimes that hardness is the hardness of a child not getting her way … or that of a person OVER WORKED without support systems that allow the female to relax and trust others in the family to help …….. a support system lost in todays world . If you have not had a family yet young master you may not be able to understand to FELL the burn OF A HOT STOVE ……… bummer huh? Is love to be first something that you have to burn your hand on ……… do you have to touch the hot stove over and over testing the failure of the fairy tale ? before you can appreciate the ideas ………? And then the greed of the eve’s you meet ? hmmmmm the greed of the EVE’s you meet ,,, well dipshit have you realy met enough EVE’s ? have you talked to enough girls dicussed their reality and your reality and the reality of the children they have and you have …. Or the fact about the child neither of you have as of YET ? Do you have the guts to talk ..or is getting and keeping pussy so important that you will be GREEDY like Adam and follow Eve … greedy for the pussy the attention of Eve and you will listen to her and follow her .
Think about the ideas of SEDUCTION …… the titty bar I talk about early into TWISTED INSTINCT ….. open sexual competition ,, the female reads instinctally … intuitively what will get that male part with his pocket full of money then she gives that to him ……….. she is very pleasing based on the ideas that so many other girls are around ,,, yet if the male becomes aregular of her’s ….. if the I LOVE YOU SLAVE effect creeps in by him …….. by his greed to be responsible for only one 1 girl ,, then the dymancis of MONOPLY come in ……. 1 and only 1 choice …… very unnatural … nature is built on variations ,, mutations ……. Not 1 and only 1 choice …… the idea of poly , unfortunately it hurts , this idea of poly ………. Hell it can hurt even you YOUNG MASTER , become realistic you have been trained since day one to love just 1 ……… you want to be happy with 1 ……… but , the fact is it has not beeen anything but a fairy tale repeated in movie scripts …… shows that look so real as to make you think it is a reality …….. ohh I could write about the traditional adaptations on the poly theme evidence throughout the cultures of the world and the current wave of worldwide divorce entering into these cultures based on the effect of this … MOVIE fairy tale ……… and us ,, yes ME and you … good men wanting nothing but the real .. real … reall happiness of a female ……… so much that we follow ……. Ignoring the thr truth of YIN and YANG … the idea of contradicting ideas …….. how can what on the surface is WRONG in reality be right? How can contradicting forces in the end bring balance and happiness …….. if it is night all the time the plants die from lack of sun …. If it is day every minute the plant burns out ! day and night on the surface if you think about are contradicting ideas but because we aceept the end result as good we do not any longer find them to be contradicting …………. Can you think about this ? do you have the mind that has been resopected by the wise men of the ages ,,,,? A mind able to have to contradicting concepts in it ? YES YOU DO DIPSHIT …. You accept the idea that day and night are in GOOOD ! you do think day and night are important yes? You do not think that one is more important than an other do you ? I hope not !
Friday, April 20, 2007
Do not ruin a GOOD ass
Do not ruin a good ass
Ok Young Master I was going over some comments about the last blog and girls … who have a bad taste in their mouth about about ass fucking is because some young dumb motherfucker fucked them in the ass … fuck … not sexual recreation….. realize dipshit the reasons why you wanna ass fuck as a young man , and I bet part of the reason is to see or hear her squirm or scream in pain in discomfort ohhh yes after you have the experience to know the difference in the sensation between pussy and ass then you like appreciate the texture distand snugness etc of an asshole … but honestly your main design when pushing for the ass fuck is to … create discomfort .. for her to feel you .. to submit to you FINNALLY ! ,,,, and the problem is not with that per- se ,,, having a girl squirm and scream is great they will … will .. ( future tense ) THEY will love it as they understand SUBMISSION ,,, but to fuck or to rape a young nice girl in the ass is like ,,, fucking dumb ! you ruin a possible good girl by not knowing what the fuck you are doing ,, in reality doing ,, realize the fact when young hell even older the drive you feel is not love but ……… HATE …. FRUSTRATION … you want her to hurt … you want to DOMINAT her to cause her to feel you to submit to you ,, because of the … your re –action ,, to the their action ,, the cumulative effect of a life time of repesion of your male instinct ….. here dipshit is a list of the reactions people us humans have to being controlled when we feel the control is WRONG
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise )
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
SEE YOU CAN ALLOW CONTROL IF THE HIERARCHY IS CORRECT TO YOUR INNER CONCEPTS ,,,, but your inner concepts about male and female are based on the instinct to be the PENETRATOR and she to be the submissive penetrated ……. In that list you can see your father in reality if you really look and think can you see your sefl your buddys ?
Ok so dipshit the key to getting her to experience it is ….. MAKE IT AN …. AN .. EXPERIENCE …. NO is does not have to be loving kind and tender .. well yes the first time it should be loving kind and tender to and extent ….. but that really has to do with the build up getting her and her asshole ready and in a state of desire ….. of lust ….. this touchs on ,, NLP in reality ,,,, bonding two events ,, so that yo9u can trigger a positive result ….. so when you are licking that pussy you play with that asshole
Or are you a guy who just does not like to fuck in the ass ? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ? DIRTY ASS FUCKING IS DIRTY …. YO! Dumbass that is why god created soap and water ! duh ! now as to the distance you may have for your dick before you bottom out .. before you hit the curve in her ass honestly that depends on the chick … look at the books and feel that finger in and around until you understand ,, the muscle of the anus is like a doughnut then it opens out into the colon …. Like open space … now dependeing on the angle of the colon will depend the distance and angle of pentration you will attempt to achieve the Doughnut fuck … other wise what happens is you do a stretchy with the curve …….. you kinda force the curve to accept the length of your dick .. and in time it becomes natural to the girl and you ….. since you have not taken the time to realy explore assholes ……… the doughnut fuck … so dumbass ,,, explore her ass while licking her ……..DO NOT LET HER CUMMMM .. here is when to rpactise orgaism denial ! … oragaism denial … and then couple the restimulation of her pussy and clit with anal finger fucking … her ass will stretch it will relax as she focuses on her orgaism rising in her mind … her mind … her mind and body l…. the mid is very important ……… young master I can not tell you everything but I can teach you to learn by experience ……. Just like learning new fishing waters ….. understand the deepest reasons about your desire to ASS FUCK …… making her feel , being her DOM are good and she will like it ,, when and if you ,,,,,,,,, do things right ……. Like in TAI CHI you use the force of the opppenat against them ,,, use her own lust ……. DENY HER …….. ORGASIM …….. make her want it …… then ass play deeply explore that finger ……… first few fucks realize where her curve is … try not to stretch her into curve fuck but train that ass to be a doughnut fuck …. IF POSSILBE ….. depends on the nature of her body ,,, if she is designed by nature to be a curve fuck she curve is to sharp to be penetrated reasonably …….. then do not expect to get full dpth in your first few fucks she will stretch over time and accept and love ASS FUCKING achieving anal orgasims that will rock both your bodys and minds .
Ok Young Master I was going over some comments about the last blog and girls … who have a bad taste in their mouth about about ass fucking is because some young dumb motherfucker fucked them in the ass … fuck … not sexual recreation….. realize dipshit the reasons why you wanna ass fuck as a young man , and I bet part of the reason is to see or hear her squirm or scream in pain in discomfort ohhh yes after you have the experience to know the difference in the sensation between pussy and ass then you like appreciate the texture distand snugness etc of an asshole … but honestly your main design when pushing for the ass fuck is to … create discomfort .. for her to feel you .. to submit to you FINNALLY ! ,,,, and the problem is not with that per- se ,,, having a girl squirm and scream is great they will … will .. ( future tense ) THEY will love it as they understand SUBMISSION ,,, but to fuck or to rape a young nice girl in the ass is like ,,, fucking dumb ! you ruin a possible good girl by not knowing what the fuck you are doing ,, in reality doing ,, realize the fact when young hell even older the drive you feel is not love but ……… HATE …. FRUSTRATION … you want her to hurt … you want to DOMINAT her to cause her to feel you to submit to you ,, because of the … your re –action ,, to the their action ,, the cumulative effect of a life time of repesion of your male instinct ….. here dipshit is a list of the reactions people us humans have to being controlled when we feel the control is WRONG
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise )
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
SEE YOU CAN ALLOW CONTROL IF THE HIERARCHY IS CORRECT TO YOUR INNER CONCEPTS ,,,, but your inner concepts about male and female are based on the instinct to be the PENETRATOR and she to be the submissive penetrated ……. In that list you can see your father in reality if you really look and think can you see your sefl your buddys ?
Ok so dipshit the key to getting her to experience it is ….. MAKE IT AN …. AN .. EXPERIENCE …. NO is does not have to be loving kind and tender .. well yes the first time it should be loving kind and tender to and extent ….. but that really has to do with the build up getting her and her asshole ready and in a state of desire ….. of lust ….. this touchs on ,, NLP in reality ,,,, bonding two events ,, so that yo9u can trigger a positive result ….. so when you are licking that pussy you play with that asshole
Or are you a guy who just does not like to fuck in the ass ? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU ? DIRTY ASS FUCKING IS DIRTY …. YO! Dumbass that is why god created soap and water ! duh ! now as to the distance you may have for your dick before you bottom out .. before you hit the curve in her ass honestly that depends on the chick … look at the books and feel that finger in and around until you understand ,, the muscle of the anus is like a doughnut then it opens out into the colon …. Like open space … now dependeing on the angle of the colon will depend the distance and angle of pentration you will attempt to achieve the Doughnut fuck … other wise what happens is you do a stretchy with the curve …….. you kinda force the curve to accept the length of your dick .. and in time it becomes natural to the girl and you ….. since you have not taken the time to realy explore assholes ……… the doughnut fuck … so dumbass ,,, explore her ass while licking her ……..DO NOT LET HER CUMMMM .. here is when to rpactise orgaism denial ! … oragaism denial … and then couple the restimulation of her pussy and clit with anal finger fucking … her ass will stretch it will relax as she focuses on her orgaism rising in her mind … her mind … her mind and body l…. the mid is very important ……… young master I can not tell you everything but I can teach you to learn by experience ……. Just like learning new fishing waters ….. understand the deepest reasons about your desire to ASS FUCK …… making her feel , being her DOM are good and she will like it ,, when and if you ,,,,,,,,, do things right ……. Like in TAI CHI you use the force of the opppenat against them ,,, use her own lust ……. DENY HER …….. ORGASIM …….. make her want it …… then ass play deeply explore that finger ……… first few fucks realize where her curve is … try not to stretch her into curve fuck but train that ass to be a doughnut fuck …. IF POSSILBE ….. depends on the nature of her body ,,, if she is designed by nature to be a curve fuck she curve is to sharp to be penetrated reasonably …….. then do not expect to get full dpth in your first few fucks she will stretch over time and accept and love ASS FUCKING achieving anal orgasims that will rock both your bodys and minds .
an asshole ouchie
An asshole ouchie
Young Master , honestly your body functions embarrass you ……… I do nothing new in the world , the activities // whether it is farting in public to , jackin off my own dick when needed , to fuckin my female in the ass …….. none of these things are new to mankind . , some may say that ass fucking is not natural , but in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for the orgin of this act ………. And why it is now the fun it is ………. YES she will have fun in fact this stimulation can bring her to another level of orgasism … even though all female orgasism have a clit factor involved ….. but the mind and the whole sensations of the body can play into her different orgasimic experiences ……… hence the MYTH of anal orgaism has history in fact …………… but dip shit back to your and her and everyone else ………. We are all
Freaked out by our body ,, like our body is not realy a part of us or a part of our friends ……. And family ,,, like your mom did not fart ….. or for that matter get fucked in the ass herself and really really like it ! ……. Now so far in my study of BDSM sex in book form and on the web ,,, the details that I feel is needed for a young master to learn the details of life and body function is not there ……… the mentoring in paper form so that a young dumbfuck like yourself can hide …. Your true inner nature and learn in fear of being found out … found out to be human … like your mother was human …….( I bring up dear old mom for a reason ,, to OFFEND you , shock ! you ) I am the parent ,, the person who does not do … what I do and have done since I was a teen like you maybe .. like you dipshit my friend and reader …. I wrote about the child still within you well dumbass when you are my age you will notice that you refer yourself subconcsiuosly to an age …… a youthful age …… why I do not know … but on occasion I am shocked to find out I am 47 …….. when I feel 17 ……… that I am a person who does not ,,, fuck my girlfriend in the ass and that she idea that she also is a person who the public would think does not enjoy me doing it …….. that we are RESPECTABLE ? ……… NO WE ARE HUMAN
And being human means we may get OOUWIES and little baby assholes can get ouchies if used to often and without proper lubing ( and I am a lube nut , those who know me are suprized when they notice I do not have a bottle of lube with me in my luggage or car or in every room of the house it seems ) ……… but to talk about details my friend YOUNG Master , the things that other writers can not write into the fairy tale of love or erotic writing ,,, the creation of porn thoughts thru writing .. NO I am like to write about details so ,,,,,, when she starts to develop an oucchie ……. You got few issues at play in my thinking but remember I am no fucking doctor I am a naturopath …… 1 lube 2 over use 3 plain old fashioned abuse ( I admit to being abusive especiallywhen I get excited by her excitement ---- ahhh again the reason the poly was useful for her also correct ? rest time ) but lastly one of the most important aspects and something you should think about for your own health … the health of your own asshole ….. asshole …….. goes back into something I write about again and again ,,, I write about it to show you how much of an animal you actually are ,, how your body still shows your real nature ……..numbe 4 is fiber ……… yep fiuber ,, Metamucil type things … but in harmony with your real instinct your nature is of course always best ……..
Dipshit …… your claws your hands are not designed to tear open or catch deer or waterbuffalo . your teet also are not desgned to tear thru the thick leather flesh … sure we built tools to open up these animals , like a sea otter learned to bang shellfish on rocks ot find food when they moved to ocean from the lakes …….. but the ddepest level of evovlutio is still to be seen in our body make up … like a cow has weird feet …. Cats have catching claws ….. the shoulder blades of apes as compared to humans show the chnges we have made way back 3.3 million years ago …….. dumbass you are a fruit eater who gained much of the trace things we nneed from the bugs we ate while we ate fruit ……. We like sweet flavors and also vinegar or sour falvors … in fact think about how you change the falvor of meat …. You add vegetable flavors to the meats in form of seasons and marinades …….. meat changes in the body creating nitrates which weaken the flesh of her ASSHOLE , asshole ……. Are you her master do you care about your girl ,,, your joy toy ,, does she not really reall really love the attention of your ass fucking ? yes she does love feeling you fuck her asshole ,, she loves the feeling of you taking it back out and re – inserting it over and over ,,, the little sting …. Dipshit , pull out giver her a 5 count then re – insert …. Fuck a while and then do and another re – insert 5 count it gives the nature of her body a minute a 5 count to retighten her ass yet still be open to a fast stretching ……… a touch of pain and excitemen .( OHHH BUT I DO NOT DO THIS no I am like you I do not fart , jack off or ass fuck ) back to your responsibility for the health of your subbie ……….. she has got to eat more vegetable matter , more daily fruits …… it can be hard because we as a culture have bought into the ADVERTISING of the CATTLEMENS association and started to eat meats way to fucking often relying on the dense nutrition to be found in animal flesh …… when we are designed to eat fruit shit and fart a lot …….. and this action of cleaning out the body by shitting keeps her asshole clean and healthy and strong ….. ohhh farting? Shows you have active bacteris inside you changing vegetable matter into usable proteins ………. Remember dumbass ,, the facts the Gorilla is 99 percet the same as us at at DNA level it growns to like 500 pounds and it eats mainly wild celery … it creates all that muscle and body mass by eating veggies ……. Plus one out of every3 humans on this planet right at this minute live a mainly vegetarian life .. china and India etc ….. meat is almost a condiment …. A flavoring ……… she needs fresh vegetable matter ……… but metacucil is better than nothing ,,, and well rest is also important …….. especially if you have been fucking her in the asshole with plastic toys ,,,,, the feel smooth but in reality they are plastic the create a strange level of friction even with the best of lubes ………. But I know I understand it is hard to stop when she is screaming in sublime recreation …..
FACT …….. IT IS FUN to hear her scream she likes it as much as you ! now be a master and care for that girl ……….. get her fresh fruit it is as important as good lube in the long run .
Young Master , honestly your body functions embarrass you ……… I do nothing new in the world , the activities // whether it is farting in public to , jackin off my own dick when needed , to fuckin my female in the ass …….. none of these things are new to mankind . , some may say that ass fucking is not natural , but in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for the orgin of this act ………. And why it is now the fun it is ………. YES she will have fun in fact this stimulation can bring her to another level of orgasism … even though all female orgasism have a clit factor involved ….. but the mind and the whole sensations of the body can play into her different orgasimic experiences ……… hence the MYTH of anal orgaism has history in fact …………… but dip shit back to your and her and everyone else ………. We are all
Freaked out by our body ,, like our body is not realy a part of us or a part of our friends ……. And family ,,, like your mom did not fart ….. or for that matter get fucked in the ass herself and really really like it ! ……. Now so far in my study of BDSM sex in book form and on the web ,,, the details that I feel is needed for a young master to learn the details of life and body function is not there ……… the mentoring in paper form so that a young dumbfuck like yourself can hide …. Your true inner nature and learn in fear of being found out … found out to be human … like your mother was human …….( I bring up dear old mom for a reason ,, to OFFEND you , shock ! you ) I am the parent ,, the person who does not do … what I do and have done since I was a teen like you maybe .. like you dipshit my friend and reader …. I wrote about the child still within you well dumbass when you are my age you will notice that you refer yourself subconcsiuosly to an age …… a youthful age …… why I do not know … but on occasion I am shocked to find out I am 47 …….. when I feel 17 ……… that I am a person who does not ,,, fuck my girlfriend in the ass and that she idea that she also is a person who the public would think does not enjoy me doing it …….. that we are RESPECTABLE ? ……… NO WE ARE HUMAN
And being human means we may get OOUWIES and little baby assholes can get ouchies if used to often and without proper lubing ( and I am a lube nut , those who know me are suprized when they notice I do not have a bottle of lube with me in my luggage or car or in every room of the house it seems ) ……… but to talk about details my friend YOUNG Master , the things that other writers can not write into the fairy tale of love or erotic writing ,,, the creation of porn thoughts thru writing .. NO I am like to write about details so ,,,,,, when she starts to develop an oucchie ……. You got few issues at play in my thinking but remember I am no fucking doctor I am a naturopath …… 1 lube 2 over use 3 plain old fashioned abuse ( I admit to being abusive especiallywhen I get excited by her excitement ---- ahhh again the reason the poly was useful for her also correct ? rest time ) but lastly one of the most important aspects and something you should think about for your own health … the health of your own asshole ….. asshole …….. goes back into something I write about again and again ,,, I write about it to show you how much of an animal you actually are ,, how your body still shows your real nature ……..numbe 4 is fiber ……… yep fiuber ,, Metamucil type things … but in harmony with your real instinct your nature is of course always best ……..
Dipshit …… your claws your hands are not designed to tear open or catch deer or waterbuffalo . your teet also are not desgned to tear thru the thick leather flesh … sure we built tools to open up these animals , like a sea otter learned to bang shellfish on rocks ot find food when they moved to ocean from the lakes …….. but the ddepest level of evovlutio is still to be seen in our body make up … like a cow has weird feet …. Cats have catching claws ….. the shoulder blades of apes as compared to humans show the chnges we have made way back 3.3 million years ago …….. dumbass you are a fruit eater who gained much of the trace things we nneed from the bugs we ate while we ate fruit ……. We like sweet flavors and also vinegar or sour falvors … in fact think about how you change the falvor of meat …. You add vegetable flavors to the meats in form of seasons and marinades …….. meat changes in the body creating nitrates which weaken the flesh of her ASSHOLE , asshole ……. Are you her master do you care about your girl ,,, your joy toy ,, does she not really reall really love the attention of your ass fucking ? yes she does love feeling you fuck her asshole ,, she loves the feeling of you taking it back out and re – inserting it over and over ,,, the little sting …. Dipshit , pull out giver her a 5 count then re – insert …. Fuck a while and then do and another re – insert 5 count it gives the nature of her body a minute a 5 count to retighten her ass yet still be open to a fast stretching ……… a touch of pain and excitemen .( OHHH BUT I DO NOT DO THIS no I am like you I do not fart , jack off or ass fuck ) back to your responsibility for the health of your subbie ……….. she has got to eat more vegetable matter , more daily fruits …… it can be hard because we as a culture have bought into the ADVERTISING of the CATTLEMENS association and started to eat meats way to fucking often relying on the dense nutrition to be found in animal flesh …… when we are designed to eat fruit shit and fart a lot …….. and this action of cleaning out the body by shitting keeps her asshole clean and healthy and strong ….. ohhh farting? Shows you have active bacteris inside you changing vegetable matter into usable proteins ………. Remember dumbass ,, the facts the Gorilla is 99 percet the same as us at at DNA level it growns to like 500 pounds and it eats mainly wild celery … it creates all that muscle and body mass by eating veggies ……. Plus one out of every3 humans on this planet right at this minute live a mainly vegetarian life .. china and India etc ….. meat is almost a condiment …. A flavoring ……… she needs fresh vegetable matter ……… but metacucil is better than nothing ,,, and well rest is also important …….. especially if you have been fucking her in the asshole with plastic toys ,,,,, the feel smooth but in reality they are plastic the create a strange level of friction even with the best of lubes ………. But I know I understand it is hard to stop when she is screaming in sublime recreation …..
FACT …….. IT IS FUN to hear her scream she likes it as much as you ! now be a master and care for that girl ……….. get her fresh fruit it is as important as good lube in the long run .
ass fucking,
sex lube,
Twisted instinct
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Sir whatever his name
Sir whatever his name
Young Master , I am still learning stuff ………. How about you dipshit do you know everything or are you still learning shit ? and love sex girls family , very important shit honestly dumbass it is very important even if right now you ain’t at that time you wannna settle down , but most males do have a time the wannna settle down …… especially if they honeslty believe it will work ,, which it will not because of the law of averages ,, the STATs dipshit ,,,,, always fucking rmember you throw a rock into the air the fuckin raock falls the fuck down ………. The facts we have gone over then month after month ,,, 60 percent divorce ,,,, of the other 40 …. 20 live in hell to respect their vows they live in pain emotional hell ,,, and the other 20 are split between Dom female household and Dom male house holds ( even though these people may not realize the truth of the relationship ..) these facts dumbass are your facts ………. And the reason I write but you already know this
So I was learning I asked about POLY experiences from a Board on the Net , the response was from a man who called himself SIR .and as I read his words I could read how much the female his first female in reality was the one who was in control of whether the poly relationship would happen and if the poly relationship would continue to happen ,,,, see he described that HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO TOTALLY satisfy her desire for affection ………. Her desire ,,, living in terms of the EVE in terms of the child within every human we all have that side which is aour inner child … who wants wants wants ……. Like a little seven year old . ( in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for that females the little princess of daddy spoiled often to believing she still is a princess even as an adult …… even if life is hard and she needs to become a DOM in the real world …. that princess wants to come out ) yes this MASTER wrote about the benefits to himself but in the end what I read was more about the benefits for the females …. But me also I have very little problem with thinking about the females I am in charge of making their life better ……… of course that instinct that I will protect the entrance to the cave … but that instinct is the sub conscious tool females know how to use without even realizing they do it ……. And also realizing they do it …… strength thru weakness ,,, CRYING on cue .
On the boards I read the words of the submissive female who , states she knows she is a masochist …….. the female who realize THEY LOVE IT RUFF …. The girls who have become wht their inner nature has said is right for all girls ,,, to allow themselves to become the Penetrated … for a MASTER to use to penetrate ….. I have not been using those words for some weeks do not forget the ideas ,,, that she is designed to be what to do what …. TO ALLOW ………. TO NOT FIGHT TO MUCH … but allow you to penetrate her with the TOOL your tool of ple3asure ……….. your fucking dick ,, dickhead ……. It feels good for her to be fucked ! fact right ! Yet because of the way you have been trained to be nice polite becaue of the ROLE MODEL you had for a father ,, the role models you are given at school and on tv and on the street ………. You have learned to be polite ,,,,,,, to live in terms of her ……… children do not really know what they want left to their own choices ,, a 7 year old child with access to anything they could ever want ,,, will eat candy and ice cream ( even though the human animal evolved form a fruit eating ape … study the teeth and claws we are still born with you can breeed in certain aspects into an animal like a cow or a dog , but their teeth and claws or hoofs do not lie .. our claws are designed to test the ripeness of fruit plus we love sweetness) the child will stiop learning and growning going to school …. They will not act in their own long tern best interst without …….. without a force greater than themselves …… a DOM a parent ………… think about it dipshit . yes of course you have a child within ,,, but but but if you are TRUTHFULLY Master material …….. then you control the child not the other way around .
Ohh so when I read how the determining reason he was Sir over 2 females ,, was that the first female needed to express her desire for affection form another person ……. And it was her permission that was the deciding ….. cause int eh …. Cause and effect of his life . dubass what are your causes ,, what are your effects ……….. think about it when you can ,,,,, BUT REMEMBER , do not get lost in thinking diffinately ,,, take time out to live to fuck … to recreate …… dipshit enjoy the truth that as male you are designed to penetrate ,,, to take sex in the forms you like and she will like it as as like it …….. the better you enjoy the act the more she enjoys it . the YIN and YANG .
Now , how can your 1 girl use the ideas of poly to enhance your 1 on 1 life ,, without it being ……….. like the above master …….. hey dipshit ,,, the blanece of life ….. building a world that works for us ,, in a reality of todays world ,, where the 1 on 1 is the socially accepted reality ……… AHHH important shit ,, it is like going to school or eating veggies ,,, the inner child may want 15 females in your harem but the real inner MASTER understands the social benefit of the 1 on 1 ……… the reality of this age . That inner naster also understands the danger of the 1 on 1 the twisting of the truth about love ……… from something which is instinct …. That LOVE IS NOT JUST SKIN DEEP … that competition has 0 nada nothing to do with Tits and ass ……. But love is about the people within …. But 1 on 1 is expected and being that that is a real world truth ……… your inner master automactically respects and builds that fact into the equation fo your life ………… so ……. The discussion about poly ,,, about how the idea of its dynaicns helps your subbie realize each of your both ….. you and her … the issues of both ….. because both of you want your love to live and not become on of the numbrs one of the 60 or the twenty ……… or one of the men who give up and just submit . think dumbass
Young Master , I am still learning stuff ………. How about you dipshit do you know everything or are you still learning shit ? and love sex girls family , very important shit honestly dumbass it is very important even if right now you ain’t at that time you wannna settle down , but most males do have a time the wannna settle down …… especially if they honeslty believe it will work ,, which it will not because of the law of averages ,, the STATs dipshit ,,,,, always fucking rmember you throw a rock into the air the fuckin raock falls the fuck down ………. The facts we have gone over then month after month ,,, 60 percent divorce ,,,, of the other 40 …. 20 live in hell to respect their vows they live in pain emotional hell ,,, and the other 20 are split between Dom female household and Dom male house holds ( even though these people may not realize the truth of the relationship ..) these facts dumbass are your facts ………. And the reason I write but you already know this
So I was learning I asked about POLY experiences from a Board on the Net , the response was from a man who called himself SIR .and as I read his words I could read how much the female his first female in reality was the one who was in control of whether the poly relationship would happen and if the poly relationship would continue to happen ,,,, see he described that HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO TOTALLY satisfy her desire for affection ………. Her desire ,,, living in terms of the EVE in terms of the child within every human we all have that side which is aour inner child … who wants wants wants ……. Like a little seven year old . ( in TWISTED INSTINCT I make a case for that females the little princess of daddy spoiled often to believing she still is a princess even as an adult …… even if life is hard and she needs to become a DOM in the real world …. that princess wants to come out ) yes this MASTER wrote about the benefits to himself but in the end what I read was more about the benefits for the females …. But me also I have very little problem with thinking about the females I am in charge of making their life better ……… of course that instinct that I will protect the entrance to the cave … but that instinct is the sub conscious tool females know how to use without even realizing they do it ……. And also realizing they do it …… strength thru weakness ,,, CRYING on cue .
On the boards I read the words of the submissive female who , states she knows she is a masochist …….. the female who realize THEY LOVE IT RUFF …. The girls who have become wht their inner nature has said is right for all girls ,,, to allow themselves to become the Penetrated … for a MASTER to use to penetrate ….. I have not been using those words for some weeks do not forget the ideas ,,, that she is designed to be what to do what …. TO ALLOW ………. TO NOT FIGHT TO MUCH … but allow you to penetrate her with the TOOL your tool of ple3asure ……….. your fucking dick ,, dickhead ……. It feels good for her to be fucked ! fact right ! Yet because of the way you have been trained to be nice polite becaue of the ROLE MODEL you had for a father ,, the role models you are given at school and on tv and on the street ………. You have learned to be polite ,,,,,,, to live in terms of her ……… children do not really know what they want left to their own choices ,, a 7 year old child with access to anything they could ever want ,,, will eat candy and ice cream ( even though the human animal evolved form a fruit eating ape … study the teeth and claws we are still born with you can breeed in certain aspects into an animal like a cow or a dog , but their teeth and claws or hoofs do not lie .. our claws are designed to test the ripeness of fruit plus we love sweetness) the child will stiop learning and growning going to school …. They will not act in their own long tern best interst without …….. without a force greater than themselves …… a DOM a parent ………… think about it dipshit . yes of course you have a child within ,,, but but but if you are TRUTHFULLY Master material …….. then you control the child not the other way around .
Ohh so when I read how the determining reason he was Sir over 2 females ,, was that the first female needed to express her desire for affection form another person ……. And it was her permission that was the deciding ….. cause int eh …. Cause and effect of his life . dubass what are your causes ,, what are your effects ……….. think about it when you can ,,,,, BUT REMEMBER , do not get lost in thinking diffinately ,,, take time out to live to fuck … to recreate …… dipshit enjoy the truth that as male you are designed to penetrate ,,, to take sex in the forms you like and she will like it as as like it …….. the better you enjoy the act the more she enjoys it . the YIN and YANG .
Now , how can your 1 girl use the ideas of poly to enhance your 1 on 1 life ,, without it being ……….. like the above master …….. hey dipshit ,,, the blanece of life ….. building a world that works for us ,, in a reality of todays world ,, where the 1 on 1 is the socially accepted reality ……… AHHH important shit ,, it is like going to school or eating veggies ,,, the inner child may want 15 females in your harem but the real inner MASTER understands the social benefit of the 1 on 1 ……… the reality of this age . That inner naster also understands the danger of the 1 on 1 the twisting of the truth about love ……… from something which is instinct …. That LOVE IS NOT JUST SKIN DEEP … that competition has 0 nada nothing to do with Tits and ass ……. But love is about the people within …. But 1 on 1 is expected and being that that is a real world truth ……… your inner master automactically respects and builds that fact into the equation fo your life ………… so ……. The discussion about poly ,,, about how the idea of its dynaicns helps your subbie realize each of your both ….. you and her … the issues of both ….. because both of you want your love to live and not become on of the numbrs one of the 60 or the twenty ……… or one of the men who give up and just submit . think dumbass
Philip Van der Mude,
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Over Cummmming
Over cummming
Oooh what fun it is to hear the sounds of a woman ….. screaming from orgasism …. Am I right or am I right Young Master? Have you been there yet in your own life or is it still really only the fantasy of the porn you have watched ? either way the drive the way you feel inside when you hear those sounds well that is the truth you gotta understand …….. dipshit my friend you want to hear those sounds ,,, you could hear those sounds everyday all day and be very happy ,,, well very happy that is as long as the sounds you are hearing honestly are appreciated ………. Yes dumbass you need her OK or else you shy out , you will not do the deed like you need … like you need to feed the hunger of your animal self . Become aware of the NEED TO FEED on the sounds of the orgasisming female .
Next dipshit is the fact she can not cummm for ever ,,, she needs to rest ….. then start again so she does not lose that EDGE … but resting is important in making sure you can keep up the sounds we know we like to hear . Honestly she wants to give you those sounds …. But if the girl has been trained to deeply about the FAIRY TALE of love and acts with that inner confidence ,, that confidence that she has the control of you because she has confidence that you will respect her NO STOP ,,, she will use that NO STOP … way to early for her won good! Stop it to early for her own good ! But dipshit with experience with different women I am sh=ure you will agree that during the dating time of the relationship you were able to bring her up to those high levels of pleasure more often because …. Why ? why the difference in the PERMISSION … yes it is in her persmission that she is able to cummm like she realy wants to .
Power corrupts …….. absolute power corrupts absolutely you have heard this old saying of course you have ……… have you ever heard of DARK Matter ? do you read Scientific American young master ? then you have heard of DARK MATTER you are beginning to understand the level of power exerted from what at first looks like a WEAK power ,,, yet it forms the whole of everything …….. the weak power of MONOPLY ….. when no competition is really in the mix then the force the dynamic is lost … to truly submit , I AM SEEING THIS IN THE chat boards of the Subbie world , the level of control the girls are still exerting on their relationships the lack of trust in the male instinct to be loving ………. And with good reason I am sorry to admit ,, since the male is frustrated since his natural instinct to be protective of his PROPERTY has been twited because the female is not PROPERTY …. No she is a game player acting like a slave or subbie yet exerting that WEAK force of her pussy ,,,,,,,, the ALL POWERFUL PUSSY ! my subbie has beeen describing it .. and she is correct . the pussy I need , the relationship I need her presence I need , the sound of her screams of orgasim as much as the sound of her voice in discussions to the sound of her walking thru my house my world ,,,, I nned her ….. hence the creation of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE is formed with out you even knowing it ……… twisting you instinct to protect your PROPERTY ,, tiwisitng it into ,,, protecting your controller because of your need for pussy … a false protect evolves ,,, and a sickness of get back comes into the mix ,,, you actually may become more violent because of the effect of frustration in the lack of true deep heart felt control ……… you dumbass need to feel the power of control the true trust and belief that you are the 1 in her life ,,,, of course the fact that even 5000 years ago a slave girl could run away in the middle of the night … like today the girl can leave you … but outside of the extremem you you feel the need to be in control and trust she is your PROTERTY . bound to you without the right to leave easly ……… yes I know it is an fucked it thought confusing ,,, but you know I will explore ideas no matter how extremem ,,, to get to the cores of what the fuck is going on …..
You get to weak and not drive her hard enough sexually on one extremem … once freed to explore your DOM side you maybe become to expressive of your frustrations ,,, you let out your anger thru sex ….. that is why the Professional say that rape is an act of violence not sex ….. it is the effect of sexual frustrations of female control ……. She should be property ,,,, one female of a few females ………. The confidence should be yours that your will never ever HAVE TO WORRY about sex ……..
So your 1 on 1 subbie needs to understand the dynamics of …… being the only 1 the weak forces that are at play ……… yes she may think about it , keep the mental of idea of the other wife in her mind ……… NOW a word about the mental other wife …… it is not tits and ass competition that is desired her ,,, but the total well rounded level of relatiosnship ,, the whole relationship that your 1 on 1 subbie needs to realize she is menatally creating the free market system , destroying the Monoply in her mind . When she thinka bout other girl wives it is not competition but the DEEPEST LEVEL OF LOVE for her master she should be feeling the idea of how dynamic the SISTERHOOD will be for him …. The world that lacks competition in reality yet is competitive ,, a YIN AND YANG ,, tow diffenercnes exisiting at the same time PARADOX , rmember there is incredible power in paradoxs ……… THE IDEA OF HER THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH GOOD THE IDEA OF HAVING TWO OR MORE WIVES FOR YOU IS ,,, once your subbie realizes this then she can begin to feel the level of confidence that you would feel ,,, and in her mind she feels the good , then she can allow herself to create what is needed to have you feel ,,,, the poly DYNAMIC IN A 1 ON 1 . then gues what she get what she realy wants …………
What does your subbie want ……… what do 80 out of 100 females really really fantasize about …. What inner drives efeect her body and life all the time …………… SEX . good strong animal lust the feeling of truly being desired … not bing ,,, used to express represeed frustration , thru only sadistic desires ,,, but the lust of passions … the feeding of the needing to hear that a female FEELS ME! And I am her MASTER …. Not just a ROTE word she repeats …. The total dysnamic of competion not only tits and ass but the whole relationship ….. will then give her the reason the inner desire to ,, relax and let me force her to feel her orgaisn , for me TO EXPLORE with the confidence of OWNERSHIP ………. Because without that level of confidence I will always fear the loss of love the loss of pussy ……… the loss that will not happen in a POLY because of the presence of more than 1 female who is committed ……….. whn one is tired or bitchiy or confused ,,, you have more to play with while that 1 good girl re - commits to her orginal feelings of being with you …… but to have the subbie girl atleast practice these thoughts in her mind go over the ideas in her own daydreams with you and her graphically interacting , with the ideas of her feeling thinking about the reality of another wife or two , who are friends ,,,, if she can feel the ideal of the INSTINCT FAMILY THEN MAYBE SHE CAN CREATE THE DYNAMIC A .. for you which in reality is for herself . BECAUSE THEN SHE IS LAYING ON THE BED , screaming in orgasiam after ogasisms ………. Out of my lust not my frustration .
Oooh what fun it is to hear the sounds of a woman ….. screaming from orgasism …. Am I right or am I right Young Master? Have you been there yet in your own life or is it still really only the fantasy of the porn you have watched ? either way the drive the way you feel inside when you hear those sounds well that is the truth you gotta understand …….. dipshit my friend you want to hear those sounds ,,, you could hear those sounds everyday all day and be very happy ,,, well very happy that is as long as the sounds you are hearing honestly are appreciated ………. Yes dumbass you need her OK or else you shy out , you will not do the deed like you need … like you need to feed the hunger of your animal self . Become aware of the NEED TO FEED on the sounds of the orgasisming female .
Next dipshit is the fact she can not cummm for ever ,,, she needs to rest ….. then start again so she does not lose that EDGE … but resting is important in making sure you can keep up the sounds we know we like to hear . Honestly she wants to give you those sounds …. But if the girl has been trained to deeply about the FAIRY TALE of love and acts with that inner confidence ,, that confidence that she has the control of you because she has confidence that you will respect her NO STOP ,,, she will use that NO STOP … way to early for her won good! Stop it to early for her own good ! But dipshit with experience with different women I am sh=ure you will agree that during the dating time of the relationship you were able to bring her up to those high levels of pleasure more often because …. Why ? why the difference in the PERMISSION … yes it is in her persmission that she is able to cummm like she realy wants to .
Power corrupts …….. absolute power corrupts absolutely you have heard this old saying of course you have ……… have you ever heard of DARK Matter ? do you read Scientific American young master ? then you have heard of DARK MATTER you are beginning to understand the level of power exerted from what at first looks like a WEAK power ,,, yet it forms the whole of everything …….. the weak power of MONOPLY ….. when no competition is really in the mix then the force the dynamic is lost … to truly submit , I AM SEEING THIS IN THE chat boards of the Subbie world , the level of control the girls are still exerting on their relationships the lack of trust in the male instinct to be loving ………. And with good reason I am sorry to admit ,, since the male is frustrated since his natural instinct to be protective of his PROPERTY has been twited because the female is not PROPERTY …. No she is a game player acting like a slave or subbie yet exerting that WEAK force of her pussy ,,,,,,,, the ALL POWERFUL PUSSY ! my subbie has beeen describing it .. and she is correct . the pussy I need , the relationship I need her presence I need , the sound of her screams of orgasim as much as the sound of her voice in discussions to the sound of her walking thru my house my world ,,,, I nned her ….. hence the creation of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE is formed with out you even knowing it ……… twisting you instinct to protect your PROPERTY ,, tiwisitng it into ,,, protecting your controller because of your need for pussy … a false protect evolves ,,, and a sickness of get back comes into the mix ,,, you actually may become more violent because of the effect of frustration in the lack of true deep heart felt control ……… you dumbass need to feel the power of control the true trust and belief that you are the 1 in her life ,,,, of course the fact that even 5000 years ago a slave girl could run away in the middle of the night … like today the girl can leave you … but outside of the extremem you you feel the need to be in control and trust she is your PROTERTY . bound to you without the right to leave easly ……… yes I know it is an fucked it thought confusing ,,, but you know I will explore ideas no matter how extremem ,,, to get to the cores of what the fuck is going on …..
You get to weak and not drive her hard enough sexually on one extremem … once freed to explore your DOM side you maybe become to expressive of your frustrations ,,, you let out your anger thru sex ….. that is why the Professional say that rape is an act of violence not sex ….. it is the effect of sexual frustrations of female control ……. She should be property ,,,, one female of a few females ………. The confidence should be yours that your will never ever HAVE TO WORRY about sex ……..
So your 1 on 1 subbie needs to understand the dynamics of …… being the only 1 the weak forces that are at play ……… yes she may think about it , keep the mental of idea of the other wife in her mind ……… NOW a word about the mental other wife …… it is not tits and ass competition that is desired her ,,, but the total well rounded level of relatiosnship ,, the whole relationship that your 1 on 1 subbie needs to realize she is menatally creating the free market system , destroying the Monoply in her mind . When she thinka bout other girl wives it is not competition but the DEEPEST LEVEL OF LOVE for her master she should be feeling the idea of how dynamic the SISTERHOOD will be for him …. The world that lacks competition in reality yet is competitive ,, a YIN AND YANG ,, tow diffenercnes exisiting at the same time PARADOX , rmember there is incredible power in paradoxs ……… THE IDEA OF HER THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH GOOD THE IDEA OF HAVING TWO OR MORE WIVES FOR YOU IS ,,, once your subbie realizes this then she can begin to feel the level of confidence that you would feel ,,, and in her mind she feels the good , then she can allow herself to create what is needed to have you feel ,,,, the poly DYNAMIC IN A 1 ON 1 . then gues what she get what she realy wants …………
What does your subbie want ……… what do 80 out of 100 females really really fantasize about …. What inner drives efeect her body and life all the time …………… SEX . good strong animal lust the feeling of truly being desired … not bing ,,, used to express represeed frustration , thru only sadistic desires ,,, but the lust of passions … the feeding of the needing to hear that a female FEELS ME! And I am her MASTER …. Not just a ROTE word she repeats …. The total dysnamic of competion not only tits and ass but the whole relationship ….. will then give her the reason the inner desire to ,, relax and let me force her to feel her orgaisn , for me TO EXPLORE with the confidence of OWNERSHIP ………. Because without that level of confidence I will always fear the loss of love the loss of pussy ……… the loss that will not happen in a POLY because of the presence of more than 1 female who is committed ……….. whn one is tired or bitchiy or confused ,,, you have more to play with while that 1 good girl re - commits to her orginal feelings of being with you …… but to have the subbie girl atleast practice these thoughts in her mind go over the ideas in her own daydreams with you and her graphically interacting , with the ideas of her feeling thinking about the reality of another wife or two , who are friends ,,,, if she can feel the ideal of the INSTINCT FAMILY THEN MAYBE SHE CAN CREATE THE DYNAMIC A .. for you which in reality is for herself . BECAUSE THEN SHE IS LAYING ON THE BED , screaming in orgasiam after ogasisms ………. Out of my lust not my frustration .
Twisted instinct
Saturday, April 14, 2007
it is more than just blow jobs
More than lots of blow jobs
The instinct ….. the competitive instinct of female animals for the males attention si UNIVERSAL but also is in social species to have CO COPERATION among females who share a male ,.. so for this possibility to happen with human females is also possible ,, but mainly lost because of … EGO ,, not id ….. lost because of the GREED OF EVE … the wisdom written in story form in the Good Book ……. The first story ,, as to explain the reason why we even have to have the whole social society stress thing is because of the nature for greed but the greed is core to female …….. NOT A BAD THING ! …. It is natural she has kids to worry about to insure the nest generation is Ok is to be abit greedy ,,, the BASIC male is not greedy ….. read the Blood Stained T shirt part of Twisted instinct ,, what is the core of that little story …. The idea is that for us BASIC males without the influence of BEGGING for pussy we are chill … I donnot care that you happen to wear the same color of Blood Stained tshirt as I do while we are fishning ,,, but the faemale in their world ( our world fishing the pier or beach or boat ) their world the party the gathering the social event ….. remember th cave and the group and the Silent hunter alone yet in a group hunting needs organization and silence even warfare it is the same ,, not words but silence ………. Ohh yes the woman confronted by another woman already in the same clothes as her ,,,,, FEELS GREEED greed to be noticed ,, gredd to be special ,,, like the loudest bird in the nest gets fed the most ,,,, the female noticed is fed ATTENTION …. Attention is the greed of eve ….
How does the POLY the 3 tents and a camel ( 3 homes on budget and a car ) effect the male ? I had this discussion this morning but later I got thinking the males of her description were not worthy of being called MASTER ….. TO BE WORTHY OF RECEIVING THE FEMALES GIFT . of surrender is first ,,, the proof is be able is the shithead able to come up with 3 tenst and a camel …. Or is he one with good looks style drinks abit to often has a pill popping problem a job and is a good polite passionate lover strong and WITH GREAT POTENTIAL if only the right woman was by his side ? UHHH ? girl are you realy describeing the road to failure again ,, the same old SHIT ! he has nothing to do with me and the 3 tenst ,, first MASTER YOURSELF then you may be worthy to master others ………. HOW DOES THE POLY effect this good man …. How does it keep him sharp ,, I am talking about not just the blow jobs the sex ,,,, the fun ( because remember young master ,,, sex is like oxygen it is only important when you are not getting enough ,, when you are surrounded by sex ,,, you may find your desire slow ,, and TV watching increase ,,,REMEMBER THE TRUTH ,, TV IS NEW , SEX WAS OUR only recreation for 2.5 million years ) so …..
You come home to 3 women who want to build the 3 tents life ,,, there is no one forced to be here ,,, safe sane consentual …….. it is their idea as much as yours …. You come home and what would you do ,, if you had 1 pussy you would do what ? kiss her and tell her you love her ? ask about her day ?………. Have you dipshit been a daddy to 3 kids yet?…. Did you love them all ? was life richer and more full with 1 child , 1 was great 2 better , 3 fantasitic …. 4 wow …. The kids want each other to have daddy time and yes … yes the get a level of greed for attention ……. The greed of eve , but that is where master comes in daddy ,,, is able to teach the kids to be polite ,,,, for the benefit of the family … hey but theses 3 girls in your poly wanted to form the family … to end the cycle pain ,,,, they choose 1 male … 1 male out of 100 males .. 1 master …3 girls out of 100 girls , 3 choose to be different …….. to shed their ego ? their greed of eve .
Yo dipshit how would you have to change to insure that ll felt the love they should ,,, well one thing is to go back into the books of our .. our .. our ancestors ,, like the bible where they give clear directions on living the poly life style since it was our common life style until the Romans got involved ….. read the rules of civilized life from jeiwhs holy books christain holy books Islamic holy books ,,, hindu holy books ,,,, the poly was needed because of the common fact that …. There are only a few good men ,,, are you dipshit a YOUNG MASTER a good man ? or the guy of dreams eith potential …. How would you be with 3 that you loved , would you love all your children ……… and what about forcing the girls to have sex with each other ………ohhhhh now that is a bunch of shit ……. Forcing or allowing …….. forcing or allowing …. Forcing or allowing ,, think about it dipshit . what about PRETTY ,,,, if one is prettier than another ….. hmmm think about your kids ,,, beauty is skin deep ? is that what the poly is ,,, is that what love is ,,, just the nice tits and pretty face ? ……. Is that love ? so you would not love a child who does not come into the world PRETTY ? all your girls are girls and guess what is is the JOB the responsibility of the MAN to keep his girls well fucked ,,, it is in the GOOD books of ever culture ,,, it states cleary ,,,, fuck your wives ! girls need SEX ! so dumbass when you come home to your three wives each different …….. how would you be different than the greedy ….. SI swimsuit whore dog that you are NOW?
The instinct ….. the competitive instinct of female animals for the males attention si UNIVERSAL but also is in social species to have CO COPERATION among females who share a male ,.. so for this possibility to happen with human females is also possible ,, but mainly lost because of … EGO ,, not id ….. lost because of the GREED OF EVE … the wisdom written in story form in the Good Book ……. The first story ,, as to explain the reason why we even have to have the whole social society stress thing is because of the nature for greed but the greed is core to female …….. NOT A BAD THING ! …. It is natural she has kids to worry about to insure the nest generation is Ok is to be abit greedy ,,, the BASIC male is not greedy ….. read the Blood Stained T shirt part of Twisted instinct ,, what is the core of that little story …. The idea is that for us BASIC males without the influence of BEGGING for pussy we are chill … I donnot care that you happen to wear the same color of Blood Stained tshirt as I do while we are fishning ,,, but the faemale in their world ( our world fishing the pier or beach or boat ) their world the party the gathering the social event ….. remember th cave and the group and the Silent hunter alone yet in a group hunting needs organization and silence even warfare it is the same ,, not words but silence ………. Ohh yes the woman confronted by another woman already in the same clothes as her ,,,,, FEELS GREEED greed to be noticed ,, gredd to be special ,,, like the loudest bird in the nest gets fed the most ,,,, the female noticed is fed ATTENTION …. Attention is the greed of eve ….
How does the POLY the 3 tents and a camel ( 3 homes on budget and a car ) effect the male ? I had this discussion this morning but later I got thinking the males of her description were not worthy of being called MASTER ….. TO BE WORTHY OF RECEIVING THE FEMALES GIFT . of surrender is first ,,, the proof is be able is the shithead able to come up with 3 tenst and a camel …. Or is he one with good looks style drinks abit to often has a pill popping problem a job and is a good polite passionate lover strong and WITH GREAT POTENTIAL if only the right woman was by his side ? UHHH ? girl are you realy describeing the road to failure again ,, the same old SHIT ! he has nothing to do with me and the 3 tenst ,, first MASTER YOURSELF then you may be worthy to master others ………. HOW DOES THE POLY effect this good man …. How does it keep him sharp ,, I am talking about not just the blow jobs the sex ,,,, the fun ( because remember young master ,,, sex is like oxygen it is only important when you are not getting enough ,, when you are surrounded by sex ,,, you may find your desire slow ,, and TV watching increase ,,,REMEMBER THE TRUTH ,, TV IS NEW , SEX WAS OUR only recreation for 2.5 million years ) so …..
You come home to 3 women who want to build the 3 tents life ,,, there is no one forced to be here ,,, safe sane consentual …….. it is their idea as much as yours …. You come home and what would you do ,, if you had 1 pussy you would do what ? kiss her and tell her you love her ? ask about her day ?………. Have you dipshit been a daddy to 3 kids yet?…. Did you love them all ? was life richer and more full with 1 child , 1 was great 2 better , 3 fantasitic …. 4 wow …. The kids want each other to have daddy time and yes … yes the get a level of greed for attention ……. The greed of eve , but that is where master comes in daddy ,,, is able to teach the kids to be polite ,,,, for the benefit of the family … hey but theses 3 girls in your poly wanted to form the family … to end the cycle pain ,,,, they choose 1 male … 1 male out of 100 males .. 1 master …3 girls out of 100 girls , 3 choose to be different …….. to shed their ego ? their greed of eve .
Yo dipshit how would you have to change to insure that ll felt the love they should ,,, well one thing is to go back into the books of our .. our .. our ancestors ,, like the bible where they give clear directions on living the poly life style since it was our common life style until the Romans got involved ….. read the rules of civilized life from jeiwhs holy books christain holy books Islamic holy books ,,, hindu holy books ,,,, the poly was needed because of the common fact that …. There are only a few good men ,,, are you dipshit a YOUNG MASTER a good man ? or the guy of dreams eith potential …. How would you be with 3 that you loved , would you love all your children ……… and what about forcing the girls to have sex with each other ………ohhhhh now that is a bunch of shit ……. Forcing or allowing …….. forcing or allowing …. Forcing or allowing ,, think about it dipshit . what about PRETTY ,,,, if one is prettier than another ….. hmmm think about your kids ,,, beauty is skin deep ? is that what the poly is ,,, is that what love is ,,, just the nice tits and pretty face ? ……. Is that love ? so you would not love a child who does not come into the world PRETTY ? all your girls are girls and guess what is is the JOB the responsibility of the MAN to keep his girls well fucked ,,, it is in the GOOD books of ever culture ,,, it states cleary ,,,, fuck your wives ! girls need SEX ! so dumbass when you come home to your three wives each different …….. how would you be different than the greedy ….. SI swimsuit whore dog that you are NOW?
Friday, April 13, 2007
ooops my bad ....... NOT!
Oppps my bad ………..
Wow , I wimped out , and not just once but multiple times about many things and that pissed me off ……….. pissed me off at me ………. I did a NICE GUY thing and then I got mad at her for not doing something .. for not reading my mind …. I was supposed to request . to say … Hye baby …….. do this or hey baby I am going to do this and it will effect us ……….and because when I did not do just that do what it was that I needed . that I deep inside needed to do .. when I suppressed my need what my heart said should have been done or I should do … when I ignored that because o was thinking about her … in the end .. was the end OK Young Master DOM / sub what does it mean what is it supoosed to mean ,, how does it work ? FUCK IF I KNOW , for real fuck if I know … the sexual side is kinda of easy ………. But the whole 24/7 relationship side that can be more of a fine line … an edge of a knife .
Now in D/s the biggest worry of the subbie community is ? what do you think .. are they most often worried about getting bruised to badly ? or asked to provide some sort of service that they would have doing ? well the stats show the biggest worry is the break up of the relationship ……….. encountering a problem great enough to break up the passionate relationship . The biggest worry is losing love losing the person who she depends on to help her to love her the man who builds her ego and self esteem in many ways and helps her grow and or deal with life’s stresses …… losing a good man . So the subbie TRYS she really does try to do the best she can …. Now Pain slut she may want to set up a play scene ……. But real subbie girls want their DOM’s to be happy and STRESS free . WOW sounds like fucking paradise , huh ? young master …….. is this a girl who you would like ? of course you do . ……… as compared to the females I was watching yesterday as I was letting my anger build to a level …. Letting my anger rise up to the surface … to unlock it ……. Ohhhh what is that about …. I was fucked up in the head about some problems I was suppressing some stuff ….. creating a pile of shit inside my mind over time ……… and I was like constipated .. stuck amd … mad at everything …. Edgy pissed off ……… and I needed to be alone and let myself become realy mad …… to risk CONFRONTATION ….. see my girl is good our life is great ,, so many smiles , the finest of kisses and sex and she listens to me , and trys so fucking …… it is like I SHOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM …. But I felt a problem …. How unfair of me it is to feel that she is __________ that she was not living up to what I wanted or that she did not care about me ? when she does so much ……….. but still the feeling was there ……… so I needed to get to a level of anger to risk the whole relationship . her biggest fear is that once more she will be alone that another male will judge her unfairly after she has tried so hard ………..judged unfairly after she had tried so hard …. And she wanted only to have CLEAR direction … clear directions … for me to say exactly what I want what will make me happy in each and every aspect of my life … every minute … and she will do it .
But I did not state my wants clearly ………. I watched her not do something important to me ………. Something that she did not know was important … how was she supposed to know to do something if I do not tell her to do it …….. sounds easy enough right ! would I get mad at an employee for not doing something that is his job ………. But wait that shirt was in her general job description …. That is why I was mad .. next the shirt represented competition … it was covered by the signatures of girls I had met at a concert …. The idea that she is jealous does at times get me mad it makes me feel controlled by 1 pussy hence I start thinking about the poly ……… hmmmm think think think sowhen I noticed that shirt dirty on the garage floor …. I picked it up .. as I watched it get covered by shit on the dryer I put it in the washer expecting it to be washed with the next load …….. then I notice it in the basket with DEAD END clothes … clothes that do not get washed clothes headed for the trash or where ……… my memory shirt was in there . hmmmm hence my anger …….. I did not clearly state HONEY wash and hang up this shirt …….. in part becaue well it is a shirt …….. like any shirt ……… why should I have to …. Say wash this shirt . ……… DOM / sub ,,,, I can suppress my own ideas my own feelings to listen to the woman I love …. I want her to be great in my eyes … I do not want to see problems or fight ……. I can allow myself to listen to her logic and take the BLAME ……… should she have known ? to wash that shirt ? it is possible like me that she would do something sub concsiuolsy ? she said NO ………. And so I took the blame for not giving the order ……….. hmmmmm
Beer beer beer ……….. in the last so many how ever months how much beer has been in my fridge ? only the amount we would drink that day or the person who brought it over would drink …….. other than that I think only 1 beer was ever left and well it did get drunk within days . so alcochol is strage for me to have in my house yes I have a whiskey mainly for her under the sink … ok it is almost a medicine ………. But beer in my fridge ……….. so I talked about how I tried to return the beers to the person who left it and they … well they said do what you want with it ……… we got a plan to catch and can not take it back home ……….
THE SHIRT was important to me … a memory I go out of my way to create at every all ay music festival I attend ,,, yes it mainly has female signatures on it …………….. beer my choice to drink at most 1 time a week or less and then only 1 or 2 glasses of beer make alcohol an event ……….. I guess I needed her to KNOW THINGS ABOUT ME with out me having to say it to share my values …. To be intuitive … kinda of like listening to how I want a braclet …. Like the book says be intuitive about your DOM’s wants what is important to him ……….. beer is more important to her a long term part of her life ….. BUT I WAS NOT CLEAR when I said “ what do you think I should do , throw it away or who else whould I give it to ? “ ( did I get to say who else should I give it to ? or did she or her mom come in with their ideas to store the beer for future use ) OOOh I gave the beer to a neighbor who drinks daily instead of following her recommendation of storing 10 bucks worth of something I do not like ………. Like throwing away candy or the last few bites of a ftty food just so I will not OFFEND myself …. Something imporatn to me ……….. but I was wrong to expect her to _____ ?
So in the end after I let my anger rise and I came back and we talked …….. and I let all the little shit get out of the way …. After I felt bad for … expressing my anger thru my writing … subconciuolsy …….. I then got to take take the blame for not giving clear directions ……. I love her ………. Ohhh what did I see when watching those women what did I hear ……
2 women alone half drunk trashing there ex husbands …. Mad at males … but but planning ……. Along comes 1 of the girls new boyfriends a yo9ung male younger than her eldest son one of the women was bragging about earlier .. well when he showed as he arrived of course the tone of the females conversation changed ……. And so he got involved in the girls conversations and then … then …. The ______ the thing ……… “ Remember the WOMAN is always right ….” Is what I heard and knowing him knowing how much we males begg for pussy I saw him swallow his pride to make sure the female he loves would continue to smile ………. It was important for her to hear him agree …… intuitive ? or begging ? love or begging ? and he agreed ……….. what did I do last night when I came to the conclusion in the end that I was wrong that I held all the blame , and what will I do next ?
WOW strange I started this blog to describe to you young master how you can create the problem by not giving clear directions …….. but as I fininsh I find myself getting angry again ……….. I take the blame for my bad …… take the blame like a man . But just like In the Mars and Vensus books says females will not … when a woman finds herself wrong she ….. will cry because she does feel bad of course she hates to do something wrong ,, they really do try to be good …. Especially a subbie she realy realy trys …….. or she re – directs blame ……… something I try to avoid by a statement I use at the beginning of a charged emotional disccuion ………. I state listen to me … do explain away my pain or else I will just end up taking the blame and ………. Well it will not fix anything …….. GETTING an I am sorry that I want form a female ahs been a very elusive thing …………
But in the end ………….. the woman is always right
Wow , I wimped out , and not just once but multiple times about many things and that pissed me off ……….. pissed me off at me ………. I did a NICE GUY thing and then I got mad at her for not doing something .. for not reading my mind …. I was supposed to request . to say … Hye baby …….. do this or hey baby I am going to do this and it will effect us ……….and because when I did not do just that do what it was that I needed . that I deep inside needed to do .. when I suppressed my need what my heart said should have been done or I should do … when I ignored that because o was thinking about her … in the end .. was the end OK Young Master DOM / sub what does it mean what is it supoosed to mean ,, how does it work ? FUCK IF I KNOW , for real fuck if I know … the sexual side is kinda of easy ………. But the whole 24/7 relationship side that can be more of a fine line … an edge of a knife .
Now in D/s the biggest worry of the subbie community is ? what do you think .. are they most often worried about getting bruised to badly ? or asked to provide some sort of service that they would have doing ? well the stats show the biggest worry is the break up of the relationship ……….. encountering a problem great enough to break up the passionate relationship . The biggest worry is losing love losing the person who she depends on to help her to love her the man who builds her ego and self esteem in many ways and helps her grow and or deal with life’s stresses …… losing a good man . So the subbie TRYS she really does try to do the best she can …. Now Pain slut she may want to set up a play scene ……. But real subbie girls want their DOM’s to be happy and STRESS free . WOW sounds like fucking paradise , huh ? young master …….. is this a girl who you would like ? of course you do . ……… as compared to the females I was watching yesterday as I was letting my anger build to a level …. Letting my anger rise up to the surface … to unlock it ……. Ohhhh what is that about …. I was fucked up in the head about some problems I was suppressing some stuff ….. creating a pile of shit inside my mind over time ……… and I was like constipated .. stuck amd … mad at everything …. Edgy pissed off ……… and I needed to be alone and let myself become realy mad …… to risk CONFRONTATION ….. see my girl is good our life is great ,, so many smiles , the finest of kisses and sex and she listens to me , and trys so fucking …… it is like I SHOULD NOT HAVE A PROBLEM …. But I felt a problem …. How unfair of me it is to feel that she is __________ that she was not living up to what I wanted or that she did not care about me ? when she does so much ……….. but still the feeling was there ……… so I needed to get to a level of anger to risk the whole relationship . her biggest fear is that once more she will be alone that another male will judge her unfairly after she has tried so hard ………..judged unfairly after she had tried so hard …. And she wanted only to have CLEAR direction … clear directions … for me to say exactly what I want what will make me happy in each and every aspect of my life … every minute … and she will do it .
But I did not state my wants clearly ………. I watched her not do something important to me ………. Something that she did not know was important … how was she supposed to know to do something if I do not tell her to do it …….. sounds easy enough right ! would I get mad at an employee for not doing something that is his job ………. But wait that shirt was in her general job description …. That is why I was mad .. next the shirt represented competition … it was covered by the signatures of girls I had met at a concert …. The idea that she is jealous does at times get me mad it makes me feel controlled by 1 pussy hence I start thinking about the poly ……… hmmmm think think think sowhen I noticed that shirt dirty on the garage floor …. I picked it up .. as I watched it get covered by shit on the dryer I put it in the washer expecting it to be washed with the next load …….. then I notice it in the basket with DEAD END clothes … clothes that do not get washed clothes headed for the trash or where ……… my memory shirt was in there . hmmmm hence my anger …….. I did not clearly state HONEY wash and hang up this shirt …….. in part becaue well it is a shirt …….. like any shirt ……… why should I have to …. Say wash this shirt . ……… DOM / sub ,,,, I can suppress my own ideas my own feelings to listen to the woman I love …. I want her to be great in my eyes … I do not want to see problems or fight ……. I can allow myself to listen to her logic and take the BLAME ……… should she have known ? to wash that shirt ? it is possible like me that she would do something sub concsiuolsy ? she said NO ………. And so I took the blame for not giving the order ……….. hmmmmm
Beer beer beer ……….. in the last so many how ever months how much beer has been in my fridge ? only the amount we would drink that day or the person who brought it over would drink …….. other than that I think only 1 beer was ever left and well it did get drunk within days . so alcochol is strage for me to have in my house yes I have a whiskey mainly for her under the sink … ok it is almost a medicine ………. But beer in my fridge ……….. so I talked about how I tried to return the beers to the person who left it and they … well they said do what you want with it ……… we got a plan to catch and can not take it back home ……….
THE SHIRT was important to me … a memory I go out of my way to create at every all ay music festival I attend ,,, yes it mainly has female signatures on it …………….. beer my choice to drink at most 1 time a week or less and then only 1 or 2 glasses of beer make alcohol an event ……….. I guess I needed her to KNOW THINGS ABOUT ME with out me having to say it to share my values …. To be intuitive … kinda of like listening to how I want a braclet …. Like the book says be intuitive about your DOM’s wants what is important to him ……….. beer is more important to her a long term part of her life ….. BUT I WAS NOT CLEAR when I said “ what do you think I should do , throw it away or who else whould I give it to ? “ ( did I get to say who else should I give it to ? or did she or her mom come in with their ideas to store the beer for future use ) OOOh I gave the beer to a neighbor who drinks daily instead of following her recommendation of storing 10 bucks worth of something I do not like ………. Like throwing away candy or the last few bites of a ftty food just so I will not OFFEND myself …. Something imporatn to me ……….. but I was wrong to expect her to _____ ?
So in the end after I let my anger rise and I came back and we talked …….. and I let all the little shit get out of the way …. After I felt bad for … expressing my anger thru my writing … subconciuolsy …….. I then got to take take the blame for not giving clear directions ……. I love her ………. Ohhh what did I see when watching those women what did I hear ……
2 women alone half drunk trashing there ex husbands …. Mad at males … but but planning ……. Along comes 1 of the girls new boyfriends a yo9ung male younger than her eldest son one of the women was bragging about earlier .. well when he showed as he arrived of course the tone of the females conversation changed ……. And so he got involved in the girls conversations and then … then …. The ______ the thing ……… “ Remember the WOMAN is always right ….” Is what I heard and knowing him knowing how much we males begg for pussy I saw him swallow his pride to make sure the female he loves would continue to smile ………. It was important for her to hear him agree …… intuitive ? or begging ? love or begging ? and he agreed ……….. what did I do last night when I came to the conclusion in the end that I was wrong that I held all the blame , and what will I do next ?
WOW strange I started this blog to describe to you young master how you can create the problem by not giving clear directions …….. but as I fininsh I find myself getting angry again ……….. I take the blame for my bad …… take the blame like a man . But just like In the Mars and Vensus books says females will not … when a woman finds herself wrong she ….. will cry because she does feel bad of course she hates to do something wrong ,, they really do try to be good …. Especially a subbie she realy realy trys …….. or she re – directs blame ……… something I try to avoid by a statement I use at the beginning of a charged emotional disccuion ………. I state listen to me … do explain away my pain or else I will just end up taking the blame and ………. Well it will not fix anything …….. GETTING an I am sorry that I want form a female ahs been a very elusive thing …………
But in the end ………….. the woman is always right
crossed tears
Crossed tears
Well Young master reading her body is important while giving her a spanking of course watching the color of her butt cheeks , when using a flogger or whip or riding crop … looking at the lines you create in her skin is important would you not agree , dipshit ,, would you agree that the body does speak to us in many ways thru its color thru the lines or welts … and the way she moves twsting and turning her sounds are they screams or moans or NO’s ……… all the communication we human have with each other and so much is not with our voice not directly from our words but with the tone of our voice or the way the person is standing or sitting ……… is she there with her arms CROSSED and in the past maybe she would be there in tears ……… Whatever the words each of the two of you are using ,, are talking about ,,,, no matter what the details of the discussion the ideas that at one stage of the relationship she may have re acted to this type of discussion …….. to an argument with … tears … why what was behind the tears ( and how do tears work on your INSTINCT ,, your instinct to protect her to fight off the saber tooth tiger in front of the cave is all about thinking about the comfort of yuour females ) and then dipshit later on as the relationship ages she will then discuss with you standing sitting with ……… crossed arms , the tone of her voice her choice of logic changed radically ………… what has happened and why ….. are you YOUNG MASTER . permitting her to be this way when if she was like that during day one ……….. she would have been BYE BYE ……… but later on you will allow it even be concerned for her reasons …………. Be concerned for her point of view …….. so think about the changes in you ,, what you will accept as behavior in the relationship the changes that happen day to day .. little by little the girl you first met changed …. And you also dipshit changedso that is a part in the reason why you accept her changes ….. the inner equality your male instinct respects … she is important .
And yet …… you are a male .. there is instinct expectations you carry deep inside your DNA ….. when those deepest of unspoken expectations is not being respected … by your own actions in respecting the females equality … when the deepest of instincts is not being respected by the actions of the female ,,, the actions I said not the words but the deep hidden commucation of animal to animal of the BODY language ……… when your deepest part your base foundation is crumbling how can a house stand with out a good solid foundation ……. How can you stand or the instinctual relationship stand when the basis , the foundation ,, the ddepest instinctual expectations are crumbling ……….AND BECAUSE WE GOT SO FUCKING SAMRT we have become so fucking stupid ,,, thinking that we can talk our way out of problems out of respecting ,,, DNA respecting nature instinct has become lost and nad how bad are things …….. honestly look at the numbers 60 percent divorce ,,, a dating relationship ( a stable relationship but not to the level of publicly promising to commit to each other ) has a 90 percentage level of breakup ………… why why why ,, what happened to the core reason you 2 got together in the first place …… the thing that made it all work just fine in the beginning … how come it got lost ,,, it did not need to be lost and guess what you will have it again when you meet the next girl friend
Dipshit my friend ,, it is not the details ,, the nit pick little things that will start the fight OOOh they are very very improtatn , they give you the hints about the positionsing going on the real true DYNAMICS …. I write about poly having more than one female and if you have not read the book TWISTED INSTINCT from cover to cover then you may not understand the INSTINCT dynamics I allude to try to get you to think about ,, if you have not read the ALL of the last years worth of blogs you will not have the foundation ,,, in thinking about yourself as an ANIMAL .. understanding that you are as much DNA and animal like any other flesh and blood animal … you are as much that as you are ,,, this thinking talking animal ………AnD MALES AND FEMALES … are different , remember the study by a woman ,, by a woman doctor … that describes the reason for those 15 or so distinct differences in our brains ,,, each giving each male and female different skills ………… but the details are important in you being able to read BODY LANGUAGE , whether the body language is the way she holds your face into her pussy as you lick her up to orgasism or the way she is now standing in diffiance before you as you talk about something important to you ,,,,,,,, one of those little things.
Well Young master reading her body is important while giving her a spanking of course watching the color of her butt cheeks , when using a flogger or whip or riding crop … looking at the lines you create in her skin is important would you not agree , dipshit ,, would you agree that the body does speak to us in many ways thru its color thru the lines or welts … and the way she moves twsting and turning her sounds are they screams or moans or NO’s ……… all the communication we human have with each other and so much is not with our voice not directly from our words but with the tone of our voice or the way the person is standing or sitting ……… is she there with her arms CROSSED and in the past maybe she would be there in tears ……… Whatever the words each of the two of you are using ,, are talking about ,,,, no matter what the details of the discussion the ideas that at one stage of the relationship she may have re acted to this type of discussion …….. to an argument with … tears … why what was behind the tears ( and how do tears work on your INSTINCT ,, your instinct to protect her to fight off the saber tooth tiger in front of the cave is all about thinking about the comfort of yuour females ) and then dipshit later on as the relationship ages she will then discuss with you standing sitting with ……… crossed arms , the tone of her voice her choice of logic changed radically ………… what has happened and why ….. are you YOUNG MASTER . permitting her to be this way when if she was like that during day one ……….. she would have been BYE BYE ……… but later on you will allow it even be concerned for her reasons …………. Be concerned for her point of view …….. so think about the changes in you ,, what you will accept as behavior in the relationship the changes that happen day to day .. little by little the girl you first met changed …. And you also dipshit changedso that is a part in the reason why you accept her changes ….. the inner equality your male instinct respects … she is important .
And yet …… you are a male .. there is instinct expectations you carry deep inside your DNA ….. when those deepest of unspoken expectations is not being respected … by your own actions in respecting the females equality … when the deepest of instincts is not being respected by the actions of the female ,,, the actions I said not the words but the deep hidden commucation of animal to animal of the BODY language ……… when your deepest part your base foundation is crumbling how can a house stand with out a good solid foundation ……. How can you stand or the instinctual relationship stand when the basis , the foundation ,, the ddepest instinctual expectations are crumbling ……….AND BECAUSE WE GOT SO FUCKING SAMRT we have become so fucking stupid ,,, thinking that we can talk our way out of problems out of respecting ,,, DNA respecting nature instinct has become lost and nad how bad are things …….. honestly look at the numbers 60 percent divorce ,,, a dating relationship ( a stable relationship but not to the level of publicly promising to commit to each other ) has a 90 percentage level of breakup ………… why why why ,, what happened to the core reason you 2 got together in the first place …… the thing that made it all work just fine in the beginning … how come it got lost ,,, it did not need to be lost and guess what you will have it again when you meet the next girl friend
Dipshit my friend ,, it is not the details ,, the nit pick little things that will start the fight OOOh they are very very improtatn , they give you the hints about the positionsing going on the real true DYNAMICS …. I write about poly having more than one female and if you have not read the book TWISTED INSTINCT from cover to cover then you may not understand the INSTINCT dynamics I allude to try to get you to think about ,, if you have not read the ALL of the last years worth of blogs you will not have the foundation ,,, in thinking about yourself as an ANIMAL .. understanding that you are as much DNA and animal like any other flesh and blood animal … you are as much that as you are ,,, this thinking talking animal ………AnD MALES AND FEMALES … are different , remember the study by a woman ,, by a woman doctor … that describes the reason for those 15 or so distinct differences in our brains ,,, each giving each male and female different skills ………… but the details are important in you being able to read BODY LANGUAGE , whether the body language is the way she holds your face into her pussy as you lick her up to orgasism or the way she is now standing in diffiance before you as you talk about something important to you ,,,,,,,, one of those little things.
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