Trippin’ pussy
Young master you have no idea how good it was to see you all in disguise with hair on your head an all , and the honor of having you even come on over to spend so much time talking about he adventures of the last month and so …..
If it were illegal to go fishin in FLA ….. and so what legal to fish for medicinal purposes in Colorado ,,, I would fucking move back to big sky country your time done here … been in the tropics done that been there ….. go back home . and go fishing .
Hobby is hobby ….. you had functioned quite well back there and here had to hide you love of fishing …. Stuggling in your art of making fishing lures ,, because the police state always asks you is that fishing lure gonna be used to smoke dope …opps I mean go fishing or is it to be used to smoke tobacco ,,, opps I mean for DISPLAY purposes only ( the system which takes 100’s of years to change it’s dntirite sytems of commication ..not un like the difficuluty we have in our MICRO as is in MACRO .. with changes in lifes style ideas ….. no fishing is a supported concept back in the hippie mind set of Co. so that is not a big issue at all …. ) here you made ends meet ….. bouncing constanly from debt to just above debt …. And then back downinto STRESS ..
But young master ,,, even thought he cash flow will be greater back home do not forget the old ..TRUE-ISM the more $$$ you make the more you spend …. Trip – n – pussy well ..pussy is pussy …. You are a simple man with a simple car and simple wants like many a good man , but really look at pussy , I know you love her and the family …. But realize … the TRUE-ISM and dno t buy into the confuse and conquer discussion where the real EVIDENCE TRAILSA are not supportive of the talking being done ….
As you say , you got KIN who are off grid and friends OFF GIRD …. Be that 2 …. Thus always YOU will be above water for $$$ is a non issue ….. andy thing pussy creates after that will be directly traceable to her ..HIERACHICAL DESIRE of being noticed by JONES and family …. Sublte power of dentirite programming that takes WNATO and time to change out of on the part of a SYSTEM call indivivual human … where the cells do not understand what is happening but live based upon the direction of the system and if fthe system is living WELL the system thrives if not DIS EASE starts to show in the cells tructure of the ystem … macro a human bio machine to the experincer life of SINGLE CELL ( remember Buddha respect life big or small all the same any hierarchy os of mankinds creation in this ILLUSION STATE ) ,,,, or MACRO ECONOMY … ok forget the TRAPP OF CEASARS GOLD …. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceassars said the SAGE ….. you can live without it .. and still have it ,, smart enough you are to do this ( to talk like a lil green puppet sage of movie time … you probably have a high micondria count … current lifestyle and dependence on PAHRMIES is killing off human micondria … real disitinct DNA trail we have for this speicies of homind is based opon M. ) …the LURE OF THE GOLD is the bait that hooks you …… free …TRIP …. Show him a newer OLD PATH … of success . you have the support systems to teach you already living it …. Forget the 3/2 ranch on 5 for 140 ,,,,,, EARTH TIE and build yourself .
I am very happy to see you young master last night at jamming in Jensen …. Hwy did you see the Vdube bus with the window sign driving by advertising ..peace and the AMISH WAY …… hint hint ..ADAPT and over come ! take the best aspects and create ART ! like you do with your fishing lures ! glad to hear you sent for the family to she could get a taste of mountains … big change for FLA girl . I was so bummed to hear you had split to find yourself ..but now happy to see you are FOUND …. Take the family go home and do some fishin in the future in honor of me ..peace .
You don't have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you're protecting yourself. Because you can't look at something and say, "Oh no, I'm saying a prayer to protect myself from you," without achieving vibrational harmony with "you", whatever you are.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999
It is an ADVNTURE VENUE of ….inclusion …. If you can NAME it then thngness it has and life interaction is almost GUAREENTTED …. But dis- solve …. The dentrite pathways LINKING to the NAMED … and possibility vanishes . ( self genenrated pyschoisis some call it but done from the purest mental states of TAO …. And bio mechincs also you maintain the AGREEMENT STATE of meta pyshics . ) so the more you ignore PHAORH YSTEM the less it will have to do with you .
( this is the lesson I again need to learn , even though the pain of debating has been good , the words of the sage hold true all the time ….. FEEL BAD LONG ENOUGH TILL YOU CAN NOT STAND IT ANY MORE …… then go find your self some place to go fishing ….feel better work your way back up the emotional scale .
I 2 am young master …. I in I … not a drop in a large bucket but the bucket …. I …. had ACTION ( planck quantum P )_ in word tool we call it ..thought .,, and there was 2 I and I .. which was actually the bucket also ….. I …. All knowing of eachother on and on till to NO LONGER BE LOST in infinitey …. Limits of no …. Became a venue or agreement state . ….. * remember to build the wall of impossibility with your books of human perfection
Friday, May 21, 2010
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