Monday, May 24, 2010

incan pussy

Incan pussy

Buddha says respect life seen and un seen , and we EGO human just naturally focused on the diea that what was meant was TINY life …… stupid human ….. just like our sensor tool of eye can only see within a NARROW BAND of vibration so it is with the concept of what is LIFE ….. and our choice to think ..what is life what is CHOICES what is library of success passed down to the next generation but ….DNA ? so mitochondria is life and we a dependant on that ….. what would be the DNA … of a life form so large we can not perceive it? What would make up it and the library strands tto which each new expression looks back for learning and adpation ….. a UNIVERSITY ? towers once as simple as ivory tusks to become ivyied walls …

The INCA was not human life …. Was not Hispanic , of spain speakers of latin ( a pattern of sounds used for commication which I do not speak in root but in dialetics )…too fucking hot to play outside nice and cool in the shade …. And writing can be fun if I do it for fun not in debate ….. the mito condria has it’s own dna and and can live or die off ..reactions to FREE CHOICE , but you can not live without them in your cells …. In fact it seems every living thing has these of plastins again with their own DNA ……hmmmmm complexity upon complexity ….

The inca …. Were not a people , it …IT … was a form of being and represented by 1 human for a duration of time , and people who came under the ? influence ? good word tool ? the influence of the INCA were known as …inca … described as the name … like my skin cell is PHIL even though it will die off in few seconds ,, become part of the anked skin armor of compound dead cells to be shed later …… empty of even live mitochondirion .

80 people who spoke LATIN destroyed the organism INCA , during an event where 80,000 hmmmm in human bio terms …. Does the body have proactive defensive systems? Or expansion systems which can be terms defensive in that expansion prevents decay and thus is defensive of dis appearance thru expansion ….. so would the 80,000 man army of THE INCA DUDE …. Be an immunie system or reproductive system of combinations of oboth outside of exact human bio comparisions , and why shoud the comparison be EXACT anyways ? ohhhh so it can be ELOQUENT and some teacher can teach it in an ivory tower cover by IVY WALLS .

pyshics must be Eloquent they say ….

Infinity must be simple and it is ……. Remember the words of the sage JESUS be like the child …yes like the child clear of slate with no DENTIRITE … associations tieing it to this playground . and you may just be able to get the hint of its SIMPLE ELGANCE … unthinkable. Dntrites and dentrites is the road out front IRD … a dentrite form not EXACT but general comparison , this computer shit for sure is ..books are …. Etc etc …… between cells of the inca .

80 destroyed 80,000 PRO’S …. Why ,,, magic is any thing out of FASHIOn … out of the expectation of the dentrite …. FASHION is in the fashion of other …. Never define a word using the word …fuck you teacher reader understands …TEACHER LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE to ..QUOATE …KORN ! see you there wpb aug ..ballon dude sign my shirt … INCA was no the god ysystmes … no the person who changed the king or DUPE ….. INCA WAS THOUGHT FORM . whose standing army there for a party was probably the largest army standing world wide under 1 human guide , Europe and islam may have had more woarriors totoal but divided thru …SECTS of real legions and leadership . yet 80 +/- destroyed them .
there is something here … I hae yet to really grasp …. It has to do with FASHION it has to do with 2nd mind … it has to do with MYTHS about how the sage could see the ships of COLUMBUS off shore while they were INVISIBLE to common antives …… it has to do with the stress I feel about ,, building a THERMAL MASS piece of kitchen furniture …

about my personel stress or my personel defeat …. If I limit myself to functioning only with in the FASHION or thought form of INCA ( inca being word tool metaphor for any thought form system that uses humanity as cells fo its exisitnce ) young master/s we all talk way to much about conspiracy theory ….. the players the dates the events un important ….. the concept of INCA …the concept of PHIL who uses MITOCHONDRIA .. for exisistance is what is inporatant and if …if … if .. I act in ways that damamge mitochondria how long will the INCA me last ? not long just smelly decaysing bio mass worm food I will be ……

80 ..destroyed 80,000 PROFESSIOANLS… hmmmmm there is something there . what ? I donot know but something important enough to finnnaly wirte about …write phil write …. ( does writing feel good , yes , does judging writiting based upon how others view it feel good …no …… is writiting free and able to enjoy ..yes ….so what then would the sage advise ? acting in accord with the WORRYS OF 2nd mind .. of of you ….. mitochondria will die off because they are NOT HAVING FUN …… without worry about me … I am their 2nd mind . there is something here ….. new path ways of thinking are being formed to allow for PLAYGROUND EFFECTS TO FOLLOW .

I can not talk about knots or lures without first learning establishing path ways of memeory that will be common in commincation .

So kitty choose to sleep within the THERMAL MASS construction of kitchen counter I made ,,not FASHIONALBE . but NATURE sensed the coOlness of it and thus choose it as the locale to rest within … over being outside or resting on carpet …. Hmmmmmm again , evidence trails of sustainability of nature how long has fur covered cat been around ? since like fucking saber toothed tigers they too choose to rest in COMFY PLACES …. What I built may cause the …… cell me ..stress for it is not in harmony with the fashion directed by the thought form who sets fashion standards …. But Kitty tells the tale of success lasting MILLIONS OF YEARS while …. Architects and kitchens fashion designers come and go every few decdes like the dupe/king used by the thought form INCA .

A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 15th, 1997
Normally I can feel some sort of connection with my blog theme in some terms and the word of the sage I bump into ..the above … is like my inability to understand the concept of the MACRO when I am like my skin cell to me ,,, born and cultured to die off in service to the protection of others …..

The word of the sages … is often deep forcing …. I … to expand in the meeting of contrast once more in words OUR CONFUSED AND CONQUERED MINDS hoped would hold easy ELOQUENT meaning .
Take a listen and look once more at TWIST by KORN ……. He is speaking think think think …twist it out ! ( I hope he does twist Aug WEST PALM BEACh see you there… balloon dude sign the shirt … I think I have only see Jon do twist once or maybe twice …. It is hard to remember but I do not hink he had done it on every show )

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