Listerine tasting pussy
Or was it LYSOL …one of the 2 was first created for the combating of the offensive odor of unnaturally CAGED pussy … trapped in a omplexity developed by culture society ,,, this did not allow for ANTURAL HYGEINE … ( now shledo the god or father of the real legion of followers Sheldon is the vehicle of an imofrmation stream not a diety of science or quasi S but since the effect of the divide and conquer is to conquer and confusion is just divided attention with some many psecialaztions we must trust the PREIST CLASS who developed the confusion to be GIN with ……. You give up or becom conquered and trust the ….. learned or wisers to think for you….
Ahh so it seems maybe my freeky friend was not to far fucking off in his fear of microbes and popping the cork on the champagne bottle of rcks in which oil flows slowly thru the cracks …. Well think of in imagery as being WELLS popped inot vacant pits beryed under ground …no …. And humanity in its playing with blocks … building of pysrmids lke babys , the building blocks of KNWOLEDGE are only just that also .. as the baby sees its tower fall it trys putting more blocks down as a support structure and builds once more over and over ,,,HEY THIS IS THE ….way of science …… WE MUST BE …GODS !
Experimentation .
So Lysol kills 99/9% of germs …. Sounds great sounds GOD LIKE ! … but when really understood the covering of the uman body houses over 1 trillion probiotic life forms ,,,, 1 in 1000 still living that maybe something on the line of 1 billion of what you wanted to kill ,,,survived the WEAPON OF THE …..GODS …. The survivors now reproducing their immunity to gods wrath .
So I bumped inot an ART in Sci Am I must over looked or let get mixed up in the overload of data I read ,,sounds like confusion ot me … Oct ’09 ….. so in Us and China they have been stretching the NEW HORIZZONS of oil extraction possiblitys with ….. EXPERIMENTATION ,,,, hopes the blocks will not fall down … the use of microbes to lossen up oil thru the fermentation process and controlling the microbes ( 99.9% ) thru slecting AIROBIC …yet in the DNA base of all life is the potential for success as ANaeroblc living also ….. living with out air …. And low and behold I HOPE I HOPE the co-INKYdink of names does not come bite us in the ASS … as the well destroyed was named NEW HORIZONS … and from what I have heard everyone is some what happy that the oil is DIFFERENT not as viscous or thick ….. bad bad this is bad ,, NOT ! the RUM ! to quate a master Johnny Depp
Hmmm but just like if you had a broken water line you fix it by putting a 5 gallon bucket on it weighted with a CINDER block ,,, I AM A GOD ! ….no the water eventually even if you compressed the wound …. Leak , eventually seeps into the ground to forma a wet spot and then leak up and out in time ……. But trust the BENOVOLENT CORP and scientist that feed it its SELL ABLE ideas who are controlled for aour best interst by the scientist class or proeit class of governemet regulators who ll… like wise have their own FRANKENSTIEN projects that will ENGRAVE THEIR IMAGE into the book of PHAROHS … and hsotroy , ohhht rust them all because remember you are just a stupid fisherman hell you can not even speak latin …. ( can not speak bee either can you , priest ? speak bee? Can you give directions on scales like they can with out google earth ? )
Ahh so we sigh a sigh of relief as they tell us that now EPA WILL OVER LOOK the NANO future to insure the planet does not turninot GREY GOO …,,, over looking is YES what they will do but theproper wording is Over SEE you see what I see cash be putting into the funding of my pet prject …hmmmmm I like these guys is SAFE ! …. Ohh well since I am so over whelmed in just trying to make my bills in this age where I am happy just to have a FUCKING JOB at all do not rock any ficking boat …or else HOW AM I GONNA FEED MY KIDS …..
Ahhhhhh SLAVE ! ……. This world we live in is very very new , sure westerns slaves populations like us have been depedant on FREE FARMERS ….. who made up about 40% of us while other BACK WARDS LANDS …. The numbers were like 90% agri peoples to 100% aboriginal ….. not salve since they had the MASLOWS handled not you ……… you gotta trust a bENOVLENT copr who will always tell you the truth about everything and act in the best interest of YOU …. And what eveidnce trail do you have to support should a FAIRY TALE ?
Ohh but back to PUSSY ..the scarid feminine … it is being repackaged as now … sound biting things good advrtsing …. Lysol and pussy the 4th electric thin in the house was for the PUSSY …. 1 lights , 2 fan . 3 toaster ..4 PUSSY VIBRATOR ….. and so tell cunt is not powerful or why would budwieser and everyone else being using it ? if sex did not CONTROL … no not sex ..PUSSY …. For even the gay male …attempts to live up to the IMAGE of FASHION that is sexualaity of PUSSY … and like the universe of visible light makes up only ½ of 1% of the total universe the POWERS behind the scens realy control things …..BEHING EVERY GREAT MANIS great woman ( hush hush , who or what is to blame ,,no not blame express of imabalence of antural system ….. ….. hey no biggie wee are evolving players on TINGNESS beyond THINKABLE that needed to find some way to bring back inot PLAY … trapped orgaic compounds … traped in layers of rocks spread thru out SEDIMENTARY basins of which we have only realy explored about 1% o WE ARE NO WHERE NEAR the feared point of peak OIL ….. we got so much more to pump out ,,, that level of carbon cycling makes me wonder how green things really were on earth long long long ago , they must had been really fuckin GREEN ….. so if the song FIRE STARTER by The prodigy is an example of myth willthey be as mis understood as Arisotphines in what he was really trying to talk a bout
Feel appreciation for those who provide examples of Well-being. How would you know that prosperity was possible if there wasn't some evidence of prosperity around you? It's all part of this contrast that helps you to sharpen your desire.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999
What is properity $ ..having CASH is not always really all that GREAT , it is NOT THE $$$$$ but a happy nesss …. That can be had rich or poor ,,,,, but in the CONCERN ..or WORRY well you AIN’T THERE . and many many rich have concern and worry ..easied by the DRUG of $$$$$ ….. what is wealth ? the voice of the sages is always POLLUTED thru the bio machine from which delievers it ..the dentrite path ways with which we use to create a stable platform of experience of commonality particle time space ages …. Details all …angels on the head of pin … but here are under lying concepts free for the thinking about …but do not do that … remain overwhelmed with your insurance bills and and shit …. And fire up another bowl feed your head !
Thursday, May 6, 2010
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