Wednesday, May 26, 2010



It is 1 thing to feel in effectual , , dis in franchised , manipulated and mis lead by the mis lead ….. that is 1 thing realizing the Ecosystem ,,,,, ok I can do that I am not a drop in the bucket I am the whole bucket but true as that si I am a drop in your bucket which is of mine ..not in mine like any is greater

Ecosystem what animal really gets all that worried when things do not work out they just … keep on keeping on … when a mongol raids the gound squierels cashe of nuts , he says they will will just find more and I only stole whe cashe I have seen him hiding they have lot of others if this would be so bad we would have killed them off eons ago …no that did no happen so there must be something else going on …..

Complexity of the human bio machine …. I have been digging at first on the idea of the PALEO DIET hten I found it was the same PRIEST CLASS trapped in self serving worship of their skills as scientists ,,, bringing it down further and further into DETAILS LIKE …PINHEASDS always do … but I can steal of of their nuts , some of their data some of their info … and add it to toher streams of info ,,, and keep myself braod minded not ….. unanantural and UN whole istaclly narrow in my thinking out of respect for the priest class of science .

So 150 years a aog things like processed white floour and white surgar showed up to be bought by common people who had CASH …. So not all people in fact just asmall percentage of the population in the 1800 really were users of these products but I know my family/s were so grand pa was the first generation ….1 he succeeded exposed to limited amounts of e ver expanding unnatural foods and life styles ….. his daughter … genernation 2 succeded .. had kids but became ill fairy early on but was healty enough during eproductive ages …. Me and my equals … well I have fathered more than my fair share of kids and the others ….. an on the negative side of the equation and that comes to health also for them ….. this is EVOLUTION ….. will the EXPOSED continue to pass ont hier DNA or will it die off ….

Now the confuse and conquer media will deliver many confusing streams of data about population but …. Increases that occur from 3 rd worlds and arrive in western lands to support declining pops …. Well these new peoples come actually from 2nd generation exposure to the toxitycy of CITY ….. most not far out of the AGRI culture life of their fathers ….

10,000 years ago …. Or about 350 generation …. ( based on the newer model of t30 year genernation ) …. When we started to eat grass seeds more often and domesiticate some animals and get milk …… westernized people are TOLERANT … many isaland peoples of pacific and caribe were not and they responed terribly to the intro duction of these foods …… even with inter breeding and a few 100 years many issues keep popping up .. way more than the 3% natural birth defect rate …. But those with 350 genenrations .. ILLNESS FROM exposure has become part of the 3% birth defect rate …. The 1% of the 3% … so let us not forget the over whelming majority of GOOD THINGS 97% …..

the cost of domesiicaion . is more than birth defects but ,, pandemics from stress illness ..dis ease of the animal jumping genes because we slave humans we forced to live with animals in their shit to feed THE PHAROH CLASS . meat fo the king wine for the church . complexity upon complexity …. Not taught …. Ignored to maintain the structure of power and profit .
so ..the purest of paleo diets is ABSURD . peanuts have been important foods in aboriginal diets of adapted humans of eons …. But are poisins for non adapted .. that is simple … not poisins really just actuall to a 1% of 3% of the humans with sub adaptibilty characterists …
hmmmmm ….. think think think , how am I serving myself and the concept of easy friendly fun , by worrying about 2nd mind .. it always is changing and is a variable way out of my control …. So let it be the the thief who steals a few nuts …… fashion …. Hmmm ………the last few months of exploring have been disgusting not fun … but I guess in some way needed …. Everyday in every way things get better and better … live or die … the net result is ….. LEARNING .. well that failed .. ilearned not to do that again ( well atleast I hope I learned that ) or learned to try againonly this time ADAPTIVELY … and see if there is a change …. FailURE WOULD mean I succeeded again in learning …. How not to throw a rock into the air and be foolish not to expect it to come down and hit me or one of my friends on the head .

to work and function within the sytem for the enjoyment I get from the system … I must maintain some OUT WARDS expression of acceptability .. being with in the norms of FASHIONS …

for the enjoyment …… ok I see how to gather nuts ,, I see how nuts can be stolen , I learn to hide nuts in many places …… I am a squierel who lives for another year …

what do I do now …… how do I gather nuts … what are the most likely places and plans for those nuts .. and do this all within a system that is ..easy friendly fun ….. because on average I think squirrels are fairly chill beings …. They for the most part are living within that easy freinldy fun concept …. Within DNA successful design pearmenters . specific to their species and ecosystem … ( just to make sure I quiet the pinhead in my mind ..the yeah but ) …. 2 …… the ecosystem is and I can try new stuff …… 2

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