Cock is Co dependant on pussy
And like wise really in over all terms …. This blog realy will all boil down to spinach for the american dinner … ( there is a pun in that somewhere ) …ok so fucing 7;`10 this fucking am you fucking call dumbass wha! The fuck ..! youngmaster I am cool supprized but cool and the question is what is the blue box on your roof with the orange thing poking out ….. huh ? I am like sipping my 1st coofee petting O’duh kitty ( orange dot on head kitty ) getting to putt on my sneeks and run … and well young master has been having to go into work early this year so he does not get the chance to try and run me over laugh laugh ..wide berth thank dude … all runner like people like you … salaried still with a job theonly 1 left after the lay offs 12 hours day is better than no days … late 20’s when the laid off ones were 40’s and 50’sss remember that once more young master remember that ! when you praise the system … you were the ;ast hired proven yes but still costing fraction of the other 2 ,,the benevolent corporation in whom we give our trsut at worok for its; PYSCHOPATIC YSYSTEMIC …self .
But the blog came from some new wordeing on the front of a Mental healt place I wash their windows their main ,,, $$$ fow is from COURT ODERED referrals ,, drug ,, drunk driving , abuse , etc etc ,, treating symptoms of people whe are confused . and calling them SICK because they are not fitting into the culture ..CULTURE ….. ( ??? lik agri-culture depends on developing slave organism dependant on the suplly of fertilizers and pesticides to survive and provide SPICNACH ? ) they call millions of MIND FUCKED people SICK give them a ….DI=AGNLE knowing of their state … or diagnosis ……. It talking or retraining does not work I am surte the SCIENTISTS have developed some great fertilizer or CHEMICAL psycho therpudic they call them ….TO …CULTURE … this human who is showing signs of expressing their INSTICNTUAL NATURE and in that expressing the effect of MANIPULATION ..
But the new ….. advertsing …adversting ..tirgger wordes or ICONS IMAGES THAT rememind people of THEIR state of UN- worth and needing of help ….. solution ,, ( create the problem sell you the solutions …. A theme that can be found in 1000’s of years of …CUTLURING of humans into the city under the guidance of Ptah the giver do that 1 againsome other day )
CO DEPENDANCE …….. hmmmmmm , I remember in the many years with different wives discussing the theme with the counselor ,,but who or what the frock am I ,,just a stupid fisherman I do not speak …ENGLSIH … I am a barbarian I do not speak latin … I don’t speak the complete JARGON of each and every science ….. they preiest knows everything about nothing , yet it was the words of ahead of CERN I remember …. I would rather know nothing about everything than everythinig about nothing …
Co dependence …… is a DISEASE ? a sickness needing cure and treatment ? I would argue for the epxresion of instinctual altruism … and the Phd. Would ignore me or better yet redirect and confuse …… divide and conquer is military strag. … confusion is divided attention .
Codependents often struggle with an overwhelming need for approval from others around them. Sometimes they will do things that are against their values or standards because of their great need for others to approve of them. Often, their need for approval will drive them to burn themselves out, to please others and give, give, give. Codependent people may also have difficulty owning their own feelings. While everyone experiences a wide range of feelings, codependent people tend to experience them in a way that completely overwhelms them. This is because their feelings may have been minimized in the past- possibly for years. To deal with this, they desperately begin to seek affirmation of their thoughts and feelings. In doing so, they begin to place more importance on other people's opinions than on their own. They have learned not to trust their own feelings, and eventually cannot even recognize them, since they are so accustomed to “feeling the way they 'should feel'” in certain situations.
Yes SYMPTOMS but no the problem that generated them …. Yes a symptom itself can become a probme but to treat only SYMPTOMS and not the problem means the problems with break the skin in a NEW SORE .. another symptom .
SPINACH .. if I took the time if I had the WANTO ,, I could write a peotic MYTH about spinach ,, using word tool to describe something going on in CULTURE … ahhhh like Aristophines did in his story about the PYSCHOPATHIC USE of humanity by a class described lto common peoples in a way they coud grasp easy and fast thru IMAGERY advrtsiers do today it has been done for ages , the church and it’s GARGOYLOS or Icons … before that was the story …..
The CULTURIZING OF HUMANITY to be usefull to the PHAROH or gods classes ,, divided attention …..
But back to my friend ..the blue box and the orange cord ,,, it is the reasied junction box for my next set of PV’’’ s solar panels …. 30 wats for 124 bucks delivered …. OGITOP off grid , in town , outa pocket ….. and back spinacn …as he says well Phil your gradens out front are looking mighty sad as compared a few months go ….yep we live in the desert Lat’s and they are getting burned up , but neat thing is new speices are arriving daily ,,,,, in fact actually todayt , will eat 3 meals BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER …. From that line you see as you drive by that thin little line of ..comapritimentlization of the permaculture ideas of bill MOLLISON .. that little lines now borders ½ my lot …. And for Breekie … it is barley and suanam cherry pancakes .( those cherry we all hate , well pick real ripe shake the tree ripe ,, let the air for haour then soak in water over night and …. Take a few days to aquire the taste for them and …watch the fuck out you willeat them like store bought ..lucnh is a soda flat bread of that same barly you have sen growing , with mixture of fresh greens , and dinner will be a plate of mainly greens and root veggies ….. WHAT ABOUT THE MEAT ? did you give up eating meat phil …no no no , yet I have not had to buy sotre bought cooking meat since last OCTOBER 2009 …. From the fish out fron the deer and elk from friends I have GRODY DEAD ANIMAL FLESH almost everyday …
So my friend in his CULTURED MIND THINKS ..spinach ? and I say no not the MONO CULTURE the mono thiesim …. The orthdox of 1 …. But I had use all my fingers and some toes as I counted off that dinner will consit of the complexity of testures and flavors mixed in 1 BOILED DOWN pot of of greens …. Just coming in now are dayflowers whose fresh young tips are good ,, I will pluck 7 tiny ones … then biden alba … the same the littles freshest maybe 10 .. some older Amanranths ( the young ones for salad and lunch ) Am. Is a spinach by the way that the HIGH AND MIGHTY SCIENCE of the age tried to kill of as a speices …. Ohh did you know that in the earlt 1800’s eating fresh greems and veggies was not recommended for it ,, it ,,,it,,caused the CHOLERA …. The all might diety of science THESIS PROVEN IN VALID again and again and again … back to dinner … 3 speices of radish greens including the rocket shaped seed pods yuoung … young back eyed pea pods , turnip greens , poormans pepper grass a wild food I have almost become addicted to it is so good a mustard .. colared , carrot tops , pursleane omega 3 fatty acids .. ohh the radhsih and peas pods high proteins … 3 petals for a red passion flower , tips from the bull briar , swwet ptatoe root , onion greens garlic greens tarragon greens baseil greens , rosemary greens .. now remember all just a leaf or two hera an d here , plus 2 un opened sunflower heads ( arichokes with a rosemary spice ) trimmed of the bitter latexy green , chicory greens dandelion greens ….. ohhh shit I know I am forgetting some I always do …..
We are talking much more than spinach young master ….. complexity of variety insures combinations of proteins fats flaovers and vitamins and mineral …. But hen there are the OHH MY GOD Scary plant poisins …. Lke Oxilic Acid ..( ooh I forget my wood sorrels 3 types plus penny wort and Japonicus ..see I told I would forget some ) WHICH SPINACH IS LOADED IN ……
But as my friend young master remeinded me he does nothave time …to walk the garden when he gets home he is so fucking burned out , that all he can do is open a beer rool a fatty and pop some shit in the micro wave …. And crash on the computer to play WAR GAMES ….. see you thruday phil at Jammin in Jensen …….
That sucks young master …… for the price of that staus symbol truck you drive … the rat race could be over and you could work for WANTO in stead of SHOULDS ….ahhhhh shoulds the probem that grows the complexity of DISEASE CALLED co depences . just out of town near live oak where you did htat music festival with in the same commute sdsitance as your current job is you expand inot Lake city to ….. 2 acres 8k ….. so no bills ,, in theory … you work for 200 a week ? at what ever ? as long as it is FUN and fulfilling …. 60 for car ins. 40 for internet …. What ‘ca gonna do with the other 700 per month ? and all the fuckin free time to …… be the one recieiving the PHONE CALL of friends trapped in the NIGHTMARE OF PHAROH … instead of like you the one driving … while I am chilling .
Spinach …..the 1 an only real green veggie for most Americans ….. so iask you young master ,, count tomoorow the first 94 people you see regualry at work ,, the other employees you know ,, the post man the UPS driver …. Will you EVEN make it to 94 ? welll the facts is that 94 out 100 do not retire FINNACIALLY SEC URE only 6 do ,,, so each day as you count that number …. Years after working years in fact decade after dec ade …. For you all ….. you only get form 60’s to 80’s per day never getting to count even 1 ..of the lucky few who PHAROH SOLD US ON striving to become ,,it will! NOT be you …. ( odds ,, like flipping a penny acutall here is where I resepc t science …ODDS learn from them or get burnt by them )
SPINACH so cultured it can not grow in the garden with out MIRCLA GROW POTTING SOIL …. Yet it’s wild cousins are the weeds I will eat that sow themselves now 2 years later ..all I had to do is PLAY MY …PART TO FIT … as bob marly would say … I am the seed spreader ,, just make sure I spread the reseeding effort os the plants I want … and they will find a way to grow themselves , in fact I have found that a grass weed I hated actually is very supportive of my peanuts and sorrels ( opps I forget fresh peants to be boiled also again only a few adds DEMENSION to the plate . ) without the weed grass the other plants get sun BURNT … far out NO WEEDING !
Spinach or maybe you are adventous and sometime even buy a fresh chard or collard or kale ) ohh shit if orget them too 1 leaf her 1 leaf there the small the fresh , let the plant go to seed ..NO KILLL …. Fruitiarian or NATURAL HYGENIE … concepts …. Even so American …. You are SO LIMITED … traped in SHOULDS of how life …. is , as sold to by those who well SELL YOU SHIT .
Expectation indicates the juncture between where you are and where you want to be. Where you want to be, is your desire, and where you are, is your Set-point or habit of thought. And somewhere, in there, is what we would call expectation. Expectation, whether it is wanted or unwanted, is a powerful point of attraction. Your expectation is always what you believe. But the word expectation does imply more what you are wanting than what you are not wanting. It is a more positive word than it is a negative word, but of course, you could expect negatively - and whatever you expect, you will get!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, December 20th, 2003
WE NEED EACH OTHER we are social animals who care about the smiles of each other ,, we are naturally co-depedant … it is written in the EXPECTATION LIBARARY OF …the DNA of the survioror animal …. The success of CO DEPENCY it is not SICKNESS ……but the un balance un restraint expression of the GESTATIONAL natural expression of eve in Myth … a nautral selfisj tendancy of woman w/ baby to pyschopathy of the female gone extreme ….. culture .
Poligmy is the balance ……. Sperm greed is not . monagmy
Hysteria was a DIS-EASE dating in texts back to 100 AD . the vibrator took the place of FEMALE to female thru mid wives clit stim …. To relieve pent up sexual frustration .. the vibrator was the 4th electrical appliance to make its way into the modern home 18880’s ( sci-am sept 09 ) create the problem then they will sell you a solution
Ahh would have been antural part of a harem animal that the females would have sexually recreated and pre stimulated so that fucking would be more enjoyable….. FOREPLAY …. DNA style don’t you think ?
The calling of love , concern for others ,altruism .. a SICKNESS of co dependence borderlines on the Nturuing of humanity into a sublte form os selfish functional PYSCHO-PATHY .
But remember do not THINK FOR YOURSELF ,,eat your canned spinach , and if you buy fresh …wash it thoroughly with a harsh detergent containing anti biotics to ensore that is will not casue E-BOLI because once more the baby of sciences and city has born the seeds of a new CHOLERA among us .
For we are gods says the diety of todays sciences ….. look at the stuff we have built ….. thru science like Pyrimids they said long ago , ( nothing but babys playing with blocks , stupid humans )
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
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