So I crossed 3 lanes of traffic illegally to talk with the dude who runs that 3 wheeled electic bike to find it covered in PORN BUMMPER STICKERS , and that he ,,,, develop[ed because he was an ADAPTIVE DRUNK DRIVER … got no licsense either curl up and die or adapt and over come and enjoy hitting on the sexy chick while his baby mommmy is at work any way making more cash to make herself feel better because that is what her upr brining is …… HAPPINESS CAN BE BOUGHT . I love vigina ! what a great bumper sticker …. I have so much lost that PASSION so caught up in the detail of the Eco system I find myself in ,,of the sexual manipulation I am losing my onw LUST FOR PUSSY …. Lust for like to pay homage to IGGY POP … http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html I have been losing my lust …
Fredrico …… man is the measure of all … 7 hrs of thinking for yourself tain’t by the idiea that human is fucking important …. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izVfMn2NkYc&feature=PlayList&p=1C5EE769C62FD30F&playnext_from=PL&playnext=4 but we are .. like a tree is itself important yet still dependant on the eco system which it was born inot germinated into …. It is important ( the course that can be DIS coursed is not the course Watts on Tao .. ) so a frustatrion I have is a choosing point really … continue with expansions that I think maybe unthinkable or STOP and decay …. Stop growing like a tree means to start decaying … continue growing is to feel life is worth while in an ecosystem that is UN discourse able….. unthinkable . with 2 gigs of thinking ablity or even if we expand to 4 gigs or 10 gigs or what ever still a thing+_ness and as suck nthing to the no 1 thing … what percentage is a billion years to in fi nity when it becomes like a nano second …
Korn - Trash Live @ Apollo 99'
if you have seen then live realy realy INTO this song and been 1 of the 25000 ,,25,000 human cells singing along word for fucking word ….. maybe then you would wonder ?
what the FUCK ! is going on .
Aug 11 in West Palm Beach we will once again be an expression of … dis-EASE in the larger being that uses us .
How did it start?
Well I don't know
I just feel the craving
I see the flesh and it smells fresh and it's just there for the taking
These little girls, they make me feel so god damn exhilarated
I feel them up, I can't give it up
The pain that I'm just erasing
I tell my lies, and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away and you still stay
So what the fuck is with you?
Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away
I don't know why I'm so fucking cold
I don't know why it hurts me
All I wanna do is get with you and make the pain go away
Why do I have a conscience?
All it does is fuck with me
Why do I have this torment?
All I wanna do is fuck it away
I tell my lies, and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away and you still stay
So what the fuck is with you?
Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away
I tell my lies, and I despise
Every second I'm with you
So I run away and you still stay
So what the fuck is with you?
Your feelings
I can't help but rape them
I'm sorry, I don't feel the same
My heart inside is constantly hating
I'm sorry, I just throw you away
(I) Just throw you away
(I) Just throw you away
(I) Just throw you away
(I) Just throw you away
What does it mean when 10’s of thousands NO NO NO MILLIONS CAN sing along city after city year after year …… show after show …… ? what is happening .
Abolish Income tax – National revenue from Income tax will gradually be replaced with a flat land tax. This will create a market in land, as the few landowners of Britain rush to dispose of their tax liability. Local revenues will be raised by means tested income tax, including tax breaks for food and energy production.
Nationalise Water Supply – Water is a fundamental need for life, a nations government should have few duties beyond its safe supply. What is taxation for but to provide essentials for the people who pay them.
Energy For Every Home – there are 24 million residences in the UK. Fitting each one with modest wind and solar power systems will cost less than Trident. This will give every home its own light and power. If you need more you pay for it, grid electricity will be taxed.
Equal Partners With Business – Corporation tax will be set at 50%. Those who wish to profit from the people of this land are welcome…as partners. Individuals and small businesses will be exempt.
Land For Peasants – Social land , like social housing, will be made available to those who wish to support themselves by their own means. To be part of our nation will mean the right to part of that nation. In a Landocracy all the people share rights and responsibilities to the land of their nation, not just a few.
A New Oath – The oath to god and the queen will be replaced. All public servants will take an oath to “Serve the people honestly and conserve the land of our nation”
None Of The Above – We will add None of the above to the ballot in all UK elections. If your views are not represented your vote will still count
FLAT ECONONMIC USE TAX every $$ has a tax and since 97 percnt of all $$$ tranactions are realy done on books no with CASH … the grey economy realy does not factor into things much THEIEVES can still be petty working class thieves … scared and liing like the rats they imitate … If you use Economy ie. You use $$$ then you pay tax in accord with the amount you use … fine if I am a billionaire and my lifesstlye demands the sue of tons of $$$ I pay tons in a 5 or 10 percent flat tax … if I am a peasant and use lil’; $$$ I end up paying less …. But what ab out SERRVICES of government from a flat system ….. BALENCED BUDGET my friend …. You and I live or die with that fear so in micro is realy is in macro .. when looked at in MACRO TERMS . the complexity tax on bis. With LOOP HOLES just continues the abilyt for the psycho path to hide once more .
The confuse and conquer … ok understood that it is just and expression of in fi nite expansion now outwards .. and I again am just in PLAYGROUND ….. for time/space adventure …. My ALTRUISTIC NATURE … is well my n ature and part of the novel the game the rules of the game . the back ground story of the NOVEL … that which gives it ALL flaover taste reality …. When we are all really I in I ….. having FLAVOR MEANING PASSION REASON … …. A …. CAUSE …. Gives the lust for pussy and pussy lust for cock meaning … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
a dream is good …a bandaid as such to …to ..there is a word tool I am lacking …
The reason for desires, goals...for finding those decisions or points of focus, is because they are the life-giving things of the Universe. Without objects of attention, or objects of desire, Life Force does not come through any of us.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
The no 1 thing already holds the ability to provide all possibles ,,, but it is in the WANTO of detailed experiences that that no 1 thing becomes THING NESS in every variable …. But the WANT TO ……. Is the key to expansion of events BEING .
I think I gotta focus more on pussy once more but how to balance that with the feeling of not wanting to be just RESPONDING to sexual nmanipulations ….. ahh but that is th planting only the pussy that wants to grow …. Or plant …. The HAREM is a POSITVE enivroment FREE CHOICE .
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
two 2
Two 2
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want. Just ignore it don’t let it in your dream
It is insane … to let a YEAH BUT dirty up a daydream ….. I amean to be so cutlurised as to fcuk up a day dream with should ? now that must be the real meaning ( or cause ) INSANITY .
So having like 5 million a year of funding after taxes for 30 years is really fun … the idea of having that funding to build so many things at to some many places ….. building the Easy friendly fun ….. simple entry level lifes style experience which could be a totality of life for some or the jumping off point for others . ( I am surprised at myself and how much I have let ,,,, mental chatter fuck up a simple daydream all day , instead of letting myself feel what I would be like ,, simple question simple activity just FEEL ..dont need to have the thing to clearly feel realy except when you have a stream of DOUBTS … that are of no real use or purpose when it comes to a day dream , I mean this day dream is just beuilt upon aspects of THINKABLITY about life events I have lived many aspects of all ready , be them ,,, legal or banking or buying or shopping or business etc etc etc all things I have done already , but with less funding …. Same fishing just different tackle that is all .
You know what maybe it was the STRING of ideas that were not ,,true to what you really like , they maybe had some value ,,maybe an idea for later but the VOLUMISING was not the true aspect of things I had been dreaming to do so ….. I was forcing things …
What if I let myself dream more about the core 5 acres site plan ideas …. I wonder how then my dream fun will play out ?
Now so ,,, is this what it would be like if I had the 5 million a year I would still be getting myself stuck in other ideas ….? Well sure . same life just different tackle ..same habit pattersn of dysfunction … same pollution of SHOULDNESS ….
FEEL what does feel better the higher volume of ¼ acre starter lots and complex introductions to masses ..or simple steps of funding … ALTERANTIVE LEANING PEOPLES already then letting other more massive ..baby step project to evolve ,,baby step is in the idea of giving more mass availability to experiencing …. Then from the taste a person can more clearly choose .since they have never even experienced of let themselves DREAM or had knowledge of potentials , the idea I was having of stepping up a recruiting system for …. UNEMPLOYED or actually targeting the criminal justice system and developing comminty bases from that to le tthese youth taste ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS . still great ideas . but not his year
Hey I betcha if I had won that power ball thingie I would be going thru ,things like this STREAMS of ideas … some good some not FEELING so good ,a nd the diea is to move ..gently downs tream inot that which feels good knowing that life is LONG ….( and short to ) but LIFE IS LONG no matter how short …. And feeling as good as I can at and IN every now is really imporatatn for me .
So , really grand dreams not that imp… the budgeting for the office ,, and small staff 1 or 2 ….. the Rio local wo I have some ware house ,,, and still office front … a office to go to is important really ….. it helps eperate work from home a home office also sure but a professional locastion is good . and actuall it and the staff would be funded just off the 2% interest off the decreasing funds being used up during the year . so the same 5 million I would have to … do the work I want . for this year ….hey this writing is supposed to be like a daily journealling ……. Of the 5 mill daydream….
The office …. The staff … the getting info on STUFF .. pv and the gem car I want to have available . the 5 acre sites …. The banking or funding of interested young men who have shown the needed SHIT … but just need a hand up …. No gimmies …. Yeah … this is a good first year of writing aobut day dreams .
Now I wonder if I willlet myself get all kinky in writing about what other things , could evolve …. Or have I some how got ..CULTURED into fear about writing detailed about sex ….. sex has been . the efffecxts of sexual manipulation so much that I needed much needed time to start the EVOVLE process relationship of sex of lust but not of MANIPULATION …… of lusint after the fairy tale the model the ..NEEDY NESS OF PUSSY …. Like an addict to drugs or to the expecatioans of shoulds about how life has always been so far …. ..what and how will 5 million dollarsa year change things … hmmmm … still letting it sink in .
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want. Just ignore it don’t let it in your dream
It is insane … to let a YEAH BUT dirty up a daydream ….. I amean to be so cutlurised as to fcuk up a day dream with should ? now that must be the real meaning ( or cause ) INSANITY .
So having like 5 million a year of funding after taxes for 30 years is really fun … the idea of having that funding to build so many things at to some many places ….. building the Easy friendly fun ….. simple entry level lifes style experience which could be a totality of life for some or the jumping off point for others . ( I am surprised at myself and how much I have let ,,,, mental chatter fuck up a simple daydream all day , instead of letting myself feel what I would be like ,, simple question simple activity just FEEL ..dont need to have the thing to clearly feel realy except when you have a stream of DOUBTS … that are of no real use or purpose when it comes to a day dream , I mean this day dream is just beuilt upon aspects of THINKABLITY about life events I have lived many aspects of all ready , be them ,,, legal or banking or buying or shopping or business etc etc etc all things I have done already , but with less funding …. Same fishing just different tackle that is all .
You know what maybe it was the STRING of ideas that were not ,,true to what you really like , they maybe had some value ,,maybe an idea for later but the VOLUMISING was not the true aspect of things I had been dreaming to do so ….. I was forcing things …
What if I let myself dream more about the core 5 acres site plan ideas …. I wonder how then my dream fun will play out ?
Now so ,,, is this what it would be like if I had the 5 million a year I would still be getting myself stuck in other ideas ….? Well sure . same life just different tackle ..same habit pattersn of dysfunction … same pollution of SHOULDNESS ….
FEEL what does feel better the higher volume of ¼ acre starter lots and complex introductions to masses ..or simple steps of funding … ALTERANTIVE LEANING PEOPLES already then letting other more massive ..baby step project to evolve ,,baby step is in the idea of giving more mass availability to experiencing …. Then from the taste a person can more clearly choose .since they have never even experienced of let themselves DREAM or had knowledge of potentials , the idea I was having of stepping up a recruiting system for …. UNEMPLOYED or actually targeting the criminal justice system and developing comminty bases from that to le tthese youth taste ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTS . still great ideas . but not his year
Hey I betcha if I had won that power ball thingie I would be going thru ,things like this STREAMS of ideas … some good some not FEELING so good ,a nd the diea is to move ..gently downs tream inot that which feels good knowing that life is LONG ….( and short to ) but LIFE IS LONG no matter how short …. And feeling as good as I can at and IN every now is really imporatatn for me .
So , really grand dreams not that imp… the budgeting for the office ,, and small staff 1 or 2 ….. the Rio local wo I have some ware house ,,, and still office front … a office to go to is important really ….. it helps eperate work from home a home office also sure but a professional locastion is good . and actuall it and the staff would be funded just off the 2% interest off the decreasing funds being used up during the year . so the same 5 million I would have to … do the work I want . for this year ….hey this writing is supposed to be like a daily journealling ……. Of the 5 mill daydream….
The office …. The staff … the getting info on STUFF .. pv and the gem car I want to have available . the 5 acre sites …. The banking or funding of interested young men who have shown the needed SHIT … but just need a hand up …. No gimmies …. Yeah … this is a good first year of writing aobut day dreams .
Now I wonder if I willlet myself get all kinky in writing about what other things , could evolve …. Or have I some how got ..CULTURED into fear about writing detailed about sex ….. sex has been . the efffecxts of sexual manipulation so much that I needed much needed time to start the EVOVLE process relationship of sex of lust but not of MANIPULATION …… of lusint after the fairy tale the model the ..NEEDY NESS OF PUSSY …. Like an addict to drugs or to the expecatioans of shoulds about how life has always been so far …. ..what and how will 5 million dollarsa year change things … hmmmm … still letting it sink in .
Saturday, May 29, 2010
two 1
Two 1
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want. - abraham
Wow fucking wow I fucking won the fucking power ball 222 million 222 thousand , 222 dollar and 22 cents if that is not some fucking magiacll numbewr I do not know what is THIS IS WHAT I CALL…. FUNDING I can do all the projects I ever dreamed of and make them self profitable and sustaining …. I got time , I gotta let this sink in . …. Way way to much fucking money fo anyone person even paid out yearly over 30 ,,, even after taking inta accounting tax etc …. This is gonn take some time to let sink in ,,, I can do projects land things like by the fucking 100;s in the united states and abroad ….. this I need to take ady to un wind and let sink in and relx fucking relax ,,, let the taste sink …. Talking denturute unthinkablity well I just entered the ffucking twilight sone of unthinkabality ……. I have the time I have the income I have the cash to do …real fucking things ,,,,
Not just brain fucking wash 1 billion children world wide with 70 bucks worth of ..tablet computer ,.,plug inot the MATRIX become DEDUCATED …no become addicted to CITY … 70 billion bucks .. which actually is not that much when they give away as prise money now adays a ¼ billion when rich men have a 100 billion as their net worth ,, 70 billion spent world wide to insure every grows up ADDICTED to the system …. Ohhh I am sorry they grow up educated HIDE IT IN ,,, IDEALISM ….. in the love of GOD they called it years back ….
But hey that is all cool RE OPPS WITH EDCATION ..FREE CHOICES …. Mind fucking yes ..but better chances that some will THINK FOR THEMSELVES ALSO …. Positives are realy still there . not just mind fucks .
But enough of that I have way to much funding insane CASH $$$$$ now to scale it ,, micro it ,,, simple it … make the projects self sustaining it ….. I need to chill and let this wash over me ..more thani could have ever f’ing dreamed about doing . I can do .
The sage when you are stuck dream and let yourself dream real ….. reall real free of worry reeal because it is really real ….. and so now I am like in real but ..it is also to much like a dream ….. so this chill time will be like dreaming when it was still unreal … sort of aclimatising to the cold rain bow springs on a hot summer day when you jump in …. .
Ohh yeah it is always 60 degrees at the head of the spring even when it is 110 in the sun out sidde of 10 degree outside still always 60 at the spring . tapping this power of EARTH .
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want. - abraham
Wow fucking wow I fucking won the fucking power ball 222 million 222 thousand , 222 dollar and 22 cents if that is not some fucking magiacll numbewr I do not know what is THIS IS WHAT I CALL…. FUNDING I can do all the projects I ever dreamed of and make them self profitable and sustaining …. I got time , I gotta let this sink in . …. Way way to much fucking money fo anyone person even paid out yearly over 30 ,,, even after taking inta accounting tax etc …. This is gonn take some time to let sink in ,,, I can do projects land things like by the fucking 100;s in the united states and abroad ….. this I need to take ady to un wind and let sink in and relx fucking relax ,,, let the taste sink …. Talking denturute unthinkablity well I just entered the ffucking twilight sone of unthinkabality ……. I have the time I have the income I have the cash to do …real fucking things ,,,,
Not just brain fucking wash 1 billion children world wide with 70 bucks worth of ..tablet computer ,.,plug inot the MATRIX become DEDUCATED …no become addicted to CITY … 70 billion bucks .. which actually is not that much when they give away as prise money now adays a ¼ billion when rich men have a 100 billion as their net worth ,, 70 billion spent world wide to insure every grows up ADDICTED to the system …. Ohhh I am sorry they grow up educated HIDE IT IN ,,, IDEALISM ….. in the love of GOD they called it years back ….
But hey that is all cool RE OPPS WITH EDCATION ..FREE CHOICES …. Mind fucking yes ..but better chances that some will THINK FOR THEMSELVES ALSO …. Positives are realy still there . not just mind fucks .
But enough of that I have way to much funding insane CASH $$$$$ now to scale it ,, micro it ,,, simple it … make the projects self sustaining it ….. I need to chill and let this wash over me ..more thani could have ever f’ing dreamed about doing . I can do .
The sage when you are stuck dream and let yourself dream real ….. reall real free of worry reeal because it is really real ….. and so now I am like in real but ..it is also to much like a dream ….. so this chill time will be like dreaming when it was still unreal … sort of aclimatising to the cold rain bow springs on a hot summer day when you jump in …. .
Ohh yeah it is always 60 degrees at the head of the spring even when it is 110 in the sun out sidde of 10 degree outside still always 60 at the spring . tapping this power of EARTH .
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
It is 1 thing to feel in effectual , , dis in franchised , manipulated and mis lead by the mis lead ….. that is 1 thing realizing the Ecosystem ,,,,, ok I can do that I am not a drop in the bucket I am the whole bucket but true as that si I am a drop in your bucket which is of mine ..not in mine like any is greater
Ecosystem what animal really gets all that worried when things do not work out they just … keep on keeping on … when a mongol raids the gound squierels cashe of nuts , he says they will will just find more and I only stole whe cashe I have seen him hiding they have lot of others if this would be so bad we would have killed them off eons ago …no that did no happen so there must be something else going on …..
Complexity of the human bio machine …. I have been digging at first on the idea of the PALEO DIET hten I found it was the same PRIEST CLASS trapped in self serving worship of their skills as scientists ,,, bringing it down further and further into DETAILS LIKE …PINHEASDS always do … but I can steal of of their nuts , some of their data some of their info … and add it to toher streams of info ,,, and keep myself braod minded not ….. unanantural and UN whole istaclly narrow in my thinking out of respect for the priest class of science .
So 150 years a aog things like processed white floour and white surgar showed up to be bought by common people who had CASH …. So not all people in fact just asmall percentage of the population in the 1800 really were users of these products but I know my family/s were so grand pa was the first generation ….1 he succeeded exposed to limited amounts of e ver expanding unnatural foods and life styles ….. his daughter … genernation 2 succeded .. had kids but became ill fairy early on but was healty enough during eproductive ages …. Me and my equals … well I have fathered more than my fair share of kids and the others ….. an on the negative side of the equation and that comes to health also for them ….. this is EVOLUTION ….. will the EXPOSED continue to pass ont hier DNA or will it die off ….
Now the confuse and conquer media will deliver many confusing streams of data about population but …. Increases that occur from 3 rd worlds and arrive in western lands to support declining pops …. Well these new peoples come actually from 2nd generation exposure to the toxitycy of CITY ….. most not far out of the AGRI culture life of their fathers ….
10,000 years ago …. Or about 350 generation …. ( based on the newer model of t30 year genernation ) …. When we started to eat grass seeds more often and domesiticate some animals and get milk …… westernized people are TOLERANT … many isaland peoples of pacific and caribe were not and they responed terribly to the intro duction of these foods …… even with inter breeding and a few 100 years many issues keep popping up .. way more than the 3% natural birth defect rate …. But those with 350 genenrations .. ILLNESS FROM exposure has become part of the 3% birth defect rate …. The 1% of the 3% … so let us not forget the over whelming majority of GOOD THINGS ..like 97% …..
the cost of domesiicaion . is more than birth defects but ,, pandemics from stress illness ..dis ease of the animal jumping genes because we slave humans we forced to live with animals in their shit to feed THE PHAROH CLASS . meat fo the king wine for the church . complexity upon complexity …. Not taught …. Ignored to maintain the structure of power and profit .
so ..the purest of paleo diets is ABSURD . peanuts have been important foods in aboriginal diets of adapted humans of eons …. But are poisins for non adapted .. that is simple … not poisins really just actuall to a 1% of 3% of the humans with sub adaptibilty characterists …
hmmmmm ….. think think think , how am I serving myself and the concept of easy friendly fun , by worrying about 2nd mind .. it always is changing and is a variable way out of my control …. So let it be the the thief who steals a few nuts …… fashion …. Hmmm ………the last few months of exploring have been disgusting not fun … but I guess in some way needed …. Everyday in every way things get better and better … live or die … the net result is ….. LEARNING .. well that failed .. ilearned not to do that again ( well atleast I hope I learned that ) or learned to try againonly this time ADAPTIVELY … and see if there is a change …. FailURE WOULD mean I succeeded again in learning …. How not to throw a rock into the air and be foolish not to expect it to come down and hit me or one of my friends on the head .
to work and function within the sytem for the enjoyment I get from the system … I must maintain some OUT WARDS expression of acceptability .. being with in the norms of FASHIONS …
for the enjoyment …… ok I see how to gather nuts ,, I see how nuts can be stolen , I learn to hide nuts in many places …… I am a squierel who lives for another year …
what do I do now …… how do I gather nuts … what are the most likely places and plans for those nuts .. and do this all within a system that is ..easy friendly fun ….. because on average I think squirrels are fairly chill beings …. They for the most part are living within that easy freinldy fun concept …. Within DNA successful design pearmenters . specific to their species and ecosystem … ( just to make sure I quiet the pinhead in my mind ..the yeah but ) …. 2 …… the ecosystem is and I can try new stuff …… 2
It is 1 thing to feel in effectual , , dis in franchised , manipulated and mis lead by the mis lead ….. that is 1 thing realizing the Ecosystem ,,,,, ok I can do that I am not a drop in the bucket I am the whole bucket but true as that si I am a drop in your bucket which is of mine ..not in mine like any is greater
Ecosystem what animal really gets all that worried when things do not work out they just … keep on keeping on … when a mongol raids the gound squierels cashe of nuts , he says they will will just find more and I only stole whe cashe I have seen him hiding they have lot of others if this would be so bad we would have killed them off eons ago …no that did no happen so there must be something else going on …..
Complexity of the human bio machine …. I have been digging at first on the idea of the PALEO DIET hten I found it was the same PRIEST CLASS trapped in self serving worship of their skills as scientists ,,, bringing it down further and further into DETAILS LIKE …PINHEASDS always do … but I can steal of of their nuts , some of their data some of their info … and add it to toher streams of info ,,, and keep myself braod minded not ….. unanantural and UN whole istaclly narrow in my thinking out of respect for the priest class of science .
So 150 years a aog things like processed white floour and white surgar showed up to be bought by common people who had CASH …. So not all people in fact just asmall percentage of the population in the 1800 really were users of these products but I know my family/s were so grand pa was the first generation ….1 he succeeded exposed to limited amounts of e ver expanding unnatural foods and life styles ….. his daughter … genernation 2 succeded .. had kids but became ill fairy early on but was healty enough during eproductive ages …. Me and my equals … well I have fathered more than my fair share of kids and the others ….. an on the negative side of the equation and that comes to health also for them ….. this is EVOLUTION ….. will the EXPOSED continue to pass ont hier DNA or will it die off ….
Now the confuse and conquer media will deliver many confusing streams of data about population but …. Increases that occur from 3 rd worlds and arrive in western lands to support declining pops …. Well these new peoples come actually from 2nd generation exposure to the toxitycy of CITY ….. most not far out of the AGRI culture life of their fathers ….
10,000 years ago …. Or about 350 generation …. ( based on the newer model of t30 year genernation ) …. When we started to eat grass seeds more often and domesiticate some animals and get milk …… westernized people are TOLERANT … many isaland peoples of pacific and caribe were not and they responed terribly to the intro duction of these foods …… even with inter breeding and a few 100 years many issues keep popping up .. way more than the 3% natural birth defect rate …. But those with 350 genenrations .. ILLNESS FROM exposure has become part of the 3% birth defect rate …. The 1% of the 3% … so let us not forget the over whelming majority of GOOD THINGS ..like 97% …..
the cost of domesiicaion . is more than birth defects but ,, pandemics from stress illness ..dis ease of the animal jumping genes because we slave humans we forced to live with animals in their shit to feed THE PHAROH CLASS . meat fo the king wine for the church . complexity upon complexity …. Not taught …. Ignored to maintain the structure of power and profit .
so ..the purest of paleo diets is ABSURD . peanuts have been important foods in aboriginal diets of adapted humans of eons …. But are poisins for non adapted .. that is simple … not poisins really just actuall to a 1% of 3% of the humans with sub adaptibilty characterists …
hmmmmm ….. think think think , how am I serving myself and the concept of easy friendly fun , by worrying about 2nd mind .. it always is changing and is a variable way out of my control …. So let it be the the thief who steals a few nuts …… fashion …. Hmmm ………the last few months of exploring have been disgusting not fun … but I guess in some way needed …. Everyday in every way things get better and better … live or die … the net result is ….. LEARNING .. well that failed .. ilearned not to do that again ( well atleast I hope I learned that ) or learned to try againonly this time ADAPTIVELY … and see if there is a change …. FailURE WOULD mean I succeeded again in learning …. How not to throw a rock into the air and be foolish not to expect it to come down and hit me or one of my friends on the head .
to work and function within the sytem for the enjoyment I get from the system … I must maintain some OUT WARDS expression of acceptability .. being with in the norms of FASHIONS …
for the enjoyment …… ok I see how to gather nuts ,, I see how nuts can be stolen , I learn to hide nuts in many places …… I am a squierel who lives for another year …
what do I do now …… how do I gather nuts … what are the most likely places and plans for those nuts .. and do this all within a system that is ..easy friendly fun ….. because on average I think squirrels are fairly chill beings …. They for the most part are living within that easy freinldy fun concept …. Within DNA successful design pearmenters . specific to their species and ecosystem … ( just to make sure I quiet the pinhead in my mind ..the yeah but ) …. 2 …… the ecosystem is and I can try new stuff …… 2
Monday, May 24, 2010
incan pussy
Incan pussy
Buddha says respect life seen and un seen , and we EGO human just naturally focused on the diea that what was meant was TINY life …… stupid human ….. just like our sensor tool of eye can only see within a NARROW BAND of vibration so it is with the concept of what is LIFE ….. and our choice to think ..what is life what is CHOICES what is library of success passed down to the next generation but ….DNA ? so mitochondria is life and we a dependant on that ….. what would be the DNA … of a life form so large we can not perceive it? What would make up it and the library strands tto which each new expression looks back for learning and adpation ….. a UNIVERSITY ? towers once as simple as ivory tusks to become ivyied walls …
The INCA was not human life …. Was not Hispanic , of spain ..latino speakers of latin ( a pattern of sounds used for commication which I do not speak in root but in dialetics )…too fucking hot to play outside nice and cool in the shade …. And writing can be fun if I do it for fun not in debate ….. the mito condria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrion has it’s own dna and and can live or die off ..reactions to FREE CHOICE , but you can not live without them in your cells …. In fact it seems every living thing has these of plastins again with their own DNA ……hmmmmm complexity upon complexity ….
The inca …. Were not a people , it …IT … was a form of being and represented by 1 human for a duration of time , and people who came under the ? influence ? good word tool ? the influence of the INCA were known as …inca … described as the name … like my skin cell is PHIL even though it will die off in few seconds ,, become part of the anked skin armor of compound dead cells to be shed later …… empty of even live mitochondirion .
80 people who spoke LATIN destroyed the organism INCA , during an event where 80,000 hmmmm in human bio terms …. Does the body have proactive defensive systems? Or expansion systems which can be terms defensive in that expansion prevents decay and thus is defensive of dis appearance thru expansion ….. so would the 80,000 man army of THE INCA DUDE …. Be an immunie system or reproductive system of combinations of oboth outside of exact human bio comparisions , and why shoud the comparison be EXACT anyways ? ohhhh so it can be ELOQUENT and some teacher can teach it in an ivory tower cover by IVY WALLS .
pyshics must be Eloquent they say ….
Infinity must be simple and it is ……. Remember the words of the sage JESUS be like the child …yes like the child clear of slate with no DENTIRITE … associations tieing it to this playground . and you may just be able to get the hint of its SIMPLE ELGANCE … unthinkable. Dntrites and dentrites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrite is the road out front IRD … a dentrite form not EXACT but general comparison , this computer shit for sure is ..books are …. Etc etc …… between cells of the inca .
80 destroyed 80,000 PRO’S …. Why ,,, magic is any thing out of FASHIOn … out of the expectation of the dentrite …. FASHION is in the fashion of other …. Never define a word using the word …fuck you teacher reader understands …TEACHER LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE to ..QUOATE …KORN ! see you there wpb aug ..ballon dude sign my shirt … INCA was no the god ysystmes … no the person who changed the king or DUPE ….. INCA WAS THOUGHT FORM . whose standing army there for a party was probably the largest army standing world wide under 1 human guide , Europe and islam may have had more woarriors totoal but divided thru …SECTS of real legions and leadership . yet 80 +/- destroyed them .
there is something here … I hae yet to really grasp …. It has to do with FASHION it has to do with 2nd mind … it has to do with MYTHS about how the sage could see the ships of COLUMBUS off shore while they were INVISIBLE to common antives …… it has to do with the stress I feel about ,, building a THERMAL MASS piece of kitchen furniture …
about my personel stress or my personel defeat …. If I limit myself to functioning only with in the FASHION or thought form of INCA ( inca being word tool metaphor for any thought form system that uses humanity as cells fo its exisitnce ) young master/s we all talk way to much about conspiracy theory ….. the players the dates the events un important ….. the concept of INCA …the concept of PHIL who uses MITOCHONDRIA .. for exisistance is what is inporatant and if …if … if .. I act in ways that damamge mitochondria how long will the INCA me last ? not long just smelly decaysing bio mass worm food I will be ……
80 ..destroyed 80,000 PROFESSIOANLS… hmmmmm there is something there . what ? I donot know but something important enough to finnnaly wirte about …write phil write …. ( does writing feel good , yes , does judging writiting based upon how others view it feel good …no …… is writiting free and able to enjoy ..yes ….so what then would the sage advise ? acting in accord with the WORRYS OF 2nd mind .. of of you ….. mitochondria will die off because they are NOT HAVING FUN …… without worry about me … I am their 2nd mind . there is something here ….. new path ways of thinking are being formed to allow for PLAYGROUND EFFECTS TO FOLLOW .
I can not talk about knots or lures without first learning establishing path ways of memeory that will be common in commincation .
So kitty choose to sleep within the THERMAL MASS construction of kitchen counter I made ,,not FASHIONALBE . but NATURE sensed the coOlness of it and thus choose it as the locale to rest within … over being outside or resting on carpet …. Hmmmmmm again , evidence trails of sustainability of nature how long has fur covered cat been around ? since like fucking saber toothed tigers they too choose to rest in COMFY PLACES …. What I built may cause the …… cell me ..stress for it is not in harmony with the fashion directed by the thought form who sets fashion standards …. But Kitty tells the tale of success lasting MILLIONS OF YEARS while …. Architects and kitchens fashion designers come and go every few decdes like the dupe/king used by the thought form INCA .
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 15th, 1997
Normally I can feel some sort of connection with my blog theme in some terms and the word of the sage I bump into ..the above … is like my inability to understand the concept of the MACRO when I am like my skin cell to me ,,, born and cultured to die off in service to the protection of others …..
The word of the sages … is often deep forcing …. I … to expand in the meeting of contrast once more in words OUR CONFUSED AND CONQUERED MINDS hoped would hold easy ELOQUENT meaning .
Take a listen and look once more at TWIST by KORN ……. He is speaking think think think …twist it out ! ( I hope he does twist Aug WEST PALM BEACh see you there… balloon dude sign the shirt … I think I have only see Jon do twist once or maybe twice …. It is hard to remember but I do not hink he had done it on every show )
Buddha says respect life seen and un seen , and we EGO human just naturally focused on the diea that what was meant was TINY life …… stupid human ….. just like our sensor tool of eye can only see within a NARROW BAND of vibration so it is with the concept of what is LIFE ….. and our choice to think ..what is life what is CHOICES what is library of success passed down to the next generation but ….DNA ? so mitochondria is life and we a dependant on that ….. what would be the DNA … of a life form so large we can not perceive it? What would make up it and the library strands tto which each new expression looks back for learning and adpation ….. a UNIVERSITY ? towers once as simple as ivory tusks to become ivyied walls …
The INCA was not human life …. Was not Hispanic , of spain ..latino speakers of latin ( a pattern of sounds used for commication which I do not speak in root but in dialetics )…too fucking hot to play outside nice and cool in the shade …. And writing can be fun if I do it for fun not in debate ….. the mito condria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrion has it’s own dna and and can live or die off ..reactions to FREE CHOICE , but you can not live without them in your cells …. In fact it seems every living thing has these of plastins again with their own DNA ……hmmmmm complexity upon complexity ….
The inca …. Were not a people , it …IT … was a form of being and represented by 1 human for a duration of time , and people who came under the ? influence ? good word tool ? the influence of the INCA were known as …inca … described as the name … like my skin cell is PHIL even though it will die off in few seconds ,, become part of the anked skin armor of compound dead cells to be shed later …… empty of even live mitochondirion .
80 people who spoke LATIN destroyed the organism INCA , during an event where 80,000 hmmmm in human bio terms …. Does the body have proactive defensive systems? Or expansion systems which can be terms defensive in that expansion prevents decay and thus is defensive of dis appearance thru expansion ….. so would the 80,000 man army of THE INCA DUDE …. Be an immunie system or reproductive system of combinations of oboth outside of exact human bio comparisions , and why shoud the comparison be EXACT anyways ? ohhhh so it can be ELOQUENT and some teacher can teach it in an ivory tower cover by IVY WALLS .
pyshics must be Eloquent they say ….
Infinity must be simple and it is ……. Remember the words of the sage JESUS be like the child …yes like the child clear of slate with no DENTIRITE … associations tieing it to this playground . and you may just be able to get the hint of its SIMPLE ELGANCE … unthinkable. Dntrites and dentrites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrite is the road out front IRD … a dentrite form not EXACT but general comparison , this computer shit for sure is ..books are …. Etc etc …… between cells of the inca .
80 destroyed 80,000 PRO’S …. Why ,,, magic is any thing out of FASHIOn … out of the expectation of the dentrite …. FASHION is in the fashion of other …. Never define a word using the word …fuck you teacher reader understands …TEACHER LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE to ..QUOATE …KORN ! see you there wpb aug ..ballon dude sign my shirt … INCA was no the god ysystmes … no the person who changed the king or DUPE ….. INCA WAS THOUGHT FORM . whose standing army there for a party was probably the largest army standing world wide under 1 human guide , Europe and islam may have had more woarriors totoal but divided thru …SECTS of real legions and leadership . yet 80 +/- destroyed them .
there is something here … I hae yet to really grasp …. It has to do with FASHION it has to do with 2nd mind … it has to do with MYTHS about how the sage could see the ships of COLUMBUS off shore while they were INVISIBLE to common antives …… it has to do with the stress I feel about ,, building a THERMAL MASS piece of kitchen furniture …
about my personel stress or my personel defeat …. If I limit myself to functioning only with in the FASHION or thought form of INCA ( inca being word tool metaphor for any thought form system that uses humanity as cells fo its exisitnce ) young master/s we all talk way to much about conspiracy theory ….. the players the dates the events un important ….. the concept of INCA …the concept of PHIL who uses MITOCHONDRIA .. for exisistance is what is inporatant and if …if … if .. I act in ways that damamge mitochondria how long will the INCA me last ? not long just smelly decaysing bio mass worm food I will be ……
80 ..destroyed 80,000 PROFESSIOANLS… hmmmmm there is something there . what ? I donot know but something important enough to finnnaly wirte about …write phil write …. ( does writing feel good , yes , does judging writiting based upon how others view it feel good …no …… is writiting free and able to enjoy ..yes ….so what then would the sage advise ? acting in accord with the WORRYS OF 2nd mind .. of of you ….. mitochondria will die off because they are NOT HAVING FUN …… without worry about me … I am their 2nd mind . there is something here ….. new path ways of thinking are being formed to allow for PLAYGROUND EFFECTS TO FOLLOW .
I can not talk about knots or lures without first learning establishing path ways of memeory that will be common in commincation .
So kitty choose to sleep within the THERMAL MASS construction of kitchen counter I made ,,not FASHIONALBE . but NATURE sensed the coOlness of it and thus choose it as the locale to rest within … over being outside or resting on carpet …. Hmmmmmm again , evidence trails of sustainability of nature how long has fur covered cat been around ? since like fucking saber toothed tigers they too choose to rest in COMFY PLACES …. What I built may cause the …… cell me ..stress for it is not in harmony with the fashion directed by the thought form who sets fashion standards …. But Kitty tells the tale of success lasting MILLIONS OF YEARS while …. Architects and kitchens fashion designers come and go every few decdes like the dupe/king used by the thought form INCA .
A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there's something you don't want.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, February 15th, 1997
Normally I can feel some sort of connection with my blog theme in some terms and the word of the sage I bump into ..the above … is like my inability to understand the concept of the MACRO when I am like my skin cell to me ,,, born and cultured to die off in service to the protection of others …..
The word of the sages … is often deep forcing …. I … to expand in the meeting of contrast once more in words OUR CONFUSED AND CONQUERED MINDS hoped would hold easy ELOQUENT meaning .
Take a listen and look once more at TWIST by KORN ……. He is speaking think think think …twist it out ! ( I hope he does twist Aug WEST PALM BEACh see you there… balloon dude sign the shirt … I think I have only see Jon do twist once or maybe twice …. It is hard to remember but I do not hink he had done it on every show )
Sunday, May 23, 2010
pussy by the kilometter
Pussy by the kilometer
I am promisisng myself myself I willnot get caught in your night mare of limits , ands enter inot debate but continue to show ALTER NATIVE evidence trails from your own systems of knowledge distribution … I can not force to open you mind , but I can continue to present oppps for you to ..think for yourself …. About slow ….. changes to self and cultures where by like a baby walking and learning creating those connections of memeory dentrites so to it is with a culture being-state a user of things ….
Like we are the user of thing ness …. Cell groupings … each has in it the copy data of the whole yet has beeen CULTURED to be a selective member of a totality . ( real fast I gotta give props to these people … http://landlesspeasants.org/ ) cells changing because the system is not providing for the best interests …… while yes capatism is natural its demise of …getting to big and unsusatainable is also natural …. The greedy get STUPID and un respsonisve , they need buyers and they need workers , but as long as PHAROH can harvest new slaves form the third world ……. The system will gon for a few genenrations more . and the enegennered solutions of socialism to will fail under its own weight ….. because core issues have yet to be ……..
Kuikuro again sci am oct ‘09( use what is usefull ignore that they are the confusing data stream of car salesman who over load the buyer inot action without total thnking …. Confuse and conquer is very evident in that sales process quite often not 100% )
25 sq kilometers ….. a km is about 2 miles so that square is something on the lines of the SKYLINE DRIVE AREA . from Jensen beach blvd. and indianriver drive on the south to ….. the corner of the trailer park on the drive at county line to the north up to the win Dixie ……
the kuikuro lived since like the fucking time of Christ in towns like this sise in houmes of about 1500 square feet in MALALRIA nand parasite filled swamp jungles with poisin snakes and spiders etc ….. tot eh tune of 1000’s of people living in an area where here today in our great fancy world we to pack about …. A few 1000 people ..they lived it for 1000’s of years sustaainably , we do not h ave that good a track record even in European towns with 1000 year old hisotrys we find to amny evidence trails of DISEASE …. And dis function .
if we know all this stuff like you say phil how come they are not teaching it to us …..because the system is controlled by the car DEALERS … they are metaphorical dipshit …. But look deep inot the hire and fire of the sales force …look deep into the culture of the system .
http://www.amazon.com/Root-Cellaring-Natural-Storage-Vegetables/dp/0882667033 from natural refriges to solar heating humanity has used these principles for ages ,,but eh SALESMAN to PHAROH ..wanted him to buy …CORD WOOOD and candles …. For gold ! traditions of making $$$$ buy supplying the pharoh class of the city … where ever city developed …. And our railrod and coal and oil barons learned these lessons well , in fact funded cheap housing sytems to create markets for their products ….. like elelctiricilty …. And heating oil …. Etcetc etc ….. not me saying this my firned but the evidence trail of history ..
it is not me pointing the finger at eve spirit …… and fashion and sexual manipulation but the evidence trail of its importance ….. dating back to the Neferiti and before … and today OOMG!!!! The end of the fucking world HEADLINE NEWS STOP THE PRESSS ..forget everything els any other discussion or topic ,,focus on EVE !!!! http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/what-were-they-thinking/3879/1?nc the normally cute sexy chick is dressed poorly …..
this my friend is why you can not hear my words when we talk you mind is over whelmed … and each eexposure creates and susutaines dentitre pathways of reality ,,,,
When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there's usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you're going to get it. When you pose questions you don't have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, January 29th, 2005
The gold based economy ,, is based upon lack … and fear and problems and stress ,,, when the truth is ..abundance the garden of eden the free energy of sunlight and solar storage systems of carbon cycling tree units etc etc , and natural cooling are all around us and that is what really susutanins the bio machine human …we can not eat GOLD remember the MYTH …. Of midas ..commincation fo the sage in the available word tool of the age ….. ….. the how is tainted with dentirtie expectations of reality ..for without them we would still be in the ….NO 1 THING …. Here is a stable playground an agreement state …. This voice of the sage presented thru a FLAWED simple human brain like all of us …. Helps in the change if the 1 ….. be the 1 a culture being state or the cultureised being state of cells all cap[apble of being the whole but cultured inot being skin or got or hair ….
The how brings up the knowing of problem ,,where the DAYDREAM feels good we all nature and TAO moves to ward the feeling of better like a seed in the ground grows to the sun ,,, ( simple word tool description in complete and flawed , like myth truths ) …
Yet seeing HISTOPRY AND DATA …. Broadens perspcitve so you can better …. Well ..better si what it is all about ….. for BIO MACINE … states ….. I do not think the rock being state is much more concerned other than just enjoying it OPPP to BE …. Whether it is for 1 second of 1 billion revolutions of the 3rd rock around a stupid lil star …. Being is imporantat and equal in terms of its PERCENTAGE OF …INFINTY …. How much more % is 1 compared to the other in terms of IN FI NITE ….. nothing . no real difference when the number gets of fucking stupidly large that a billion years is thought of a NANO SECOND or less . human being comparisons points are only important while being HUMAN ….. thinking only thru the expression of bio mechincs is an important rule of the gme and the stable plground ….. think un thinkable thoughts … Max Planks action is not THOUGHT …. But I lack other word tool …. All the bullshit importance we give to the idea of …. I … thought about … I …. Is only because we have not word tool nor dentitres of unthinkable. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Yet natural life styles are totally THINKABLE.
I am promisisng myself myself I willnot get caught in your night mare of limits , ands enter inot debate but continue to show ALTER NATIVE evidence trails from your own systems of knowledge distribution … I can not force to open you mind , but I can continue to present oppps for you to ..think for yourself …. About slow ….. changes to self and cultures where by like a baby walking and learning creating those connections of memeory dentrites so to it is with a culture being-state a user of things ….
Like we are the user of thing ness …. Cell groupings … each has in it the copy data of the whole yet has beeen CULTURED to be a selective member of a totality . ( real fast I gotta give props to these people … http://landlesspeasants.org/ ) cells changing because the system is not providing for the best interests …… while yes capatism is natural its demise of …getting to big and unsusatainable is also natural …. The greedy get STUPID and un respsonisve , they need buyers and they need workers , but as long as PHAROH can harvest new slaves form the third world ……. The system will gon for a few genenrations more . and the enegennered solutions of socialism to will fail under its own weight ….. because core issues have yet to be ……..
Kuikuro again sci am oct ‘09( use what is usefull ignore that they are the confusing data stream of car salesman who over load the buyer inot action without total thnking …. Confuse and conquer is very evident in that sales process quite often not 100% )
25 sq kilometers ….. a km is about 2 miles so that square is something on the lines of the SKYLINE DRIVE AREA . from Jensen beach blvd. and indianriver drive on the south to ….. the corner of the trailer park on the drive at county line to the north up to the win Dixie ……
the kuikuro lived since like the fucking time of Christ in towns like this sise in houmes of about 1500 square feet in MALALRIA nand parasite filled swamp jungles with poisin snakes and spiders etc ….. tot eh tune of 1000’s of people living in an area where here today in our great fancy world we to pack about …. A few 1000 people ..they lived it for 1000’s of years sustaainably , we do not h ave that good a track record even in European towns with 1000 year old hisotrys we find to amny evidence trails of DISEASE …. And dis function .
if we know all this stuff like you say phil how come they are not teaching it to us …..because the system is controlled by the car DEALERS … they are metaphorical dipshit …. But look deep inot the hire and fire of the sales force …look deep into the culture of the system .
http://www.amazon.com/Root-Cellaring-Natural-Storage-Vegetables/dp/0882667033 from natural refriges to solar heating humanity has used these principles for ages ,,but eh SALESMAN to PHAROH ..wanted him to buy …CORD WOOOD and candles …. For gold ! traditions of making $$$$ buy supplying the pharoh class of the city … where ever city developed …. And our railrod and coal and oil barons learned these lessons well , in fact funded cheap housing sytems to create markets for their products ….. like elelctiricilty …. And heating oil …. Etcetc etc ….. not me saying this my firned but the evidence trail of history ..
it is not me pointing the finger at eve spirit …… and fashion and sexual manipulation but the evidence trail of its importance ….. dating back to the Neferiti and before … and today OOMG!!!! The end of the fucking world HEADLINE NEWS STOP THE PRESSS ..forget everything els any other discussion or topic ,,focus on EVE !!!! http://omg.yahoo.com/photos/what-were-they-thinking/3879/1?nc the normally cute sexy chick is dressed poorly …..
this my friend is why you can not hear my words when we talk you mind is over whelmed … and each eexposure creates and susutaines dentitre pathways of reality ,,,,
When you talk about what you want and why you want it, there's usually less resistance within you than when you talk about what you want and how you're going to get it. When you pose questions you don't have answers for, like how, where, when, who, it sets up a contradictory vibration that slows everything down.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, January 29th, 2005
The gold based economy ,, is based upon lack … and fear and problems and stress ,,, when the truth is ..abundance the garden of eden the free energy of sunlight and solar storage systems of carbon cycling tree units etc etc , and natural cooling are all around us and that is what really susutanins the bio machine human …we can not eat GOLD remember the MYTH …. Of midas ..commincation fo the sage in the available word tool of the age ….. ….. the how is tainted with dentirtie expectations of reality ..for without them we would still be in the ….NO 1 THING …. Here is a stable playground an agreement state …. This voice of the sage presented thru a FLAWED simple human brain like all of us …. Helps in the change if the 1 ….. be the 1 a culture being state or the cultureised being state of cells all cap[apble of being the whole but cultured inot being skin or got or hair ….
The how brings up the knowing of problem ,,where the DAYDREAM feels good we all nature and TAO moves to ward the feeling of better like a seed in the ground grows to the sun ,,, ( simple word tool description in complete and flawed , like myth truths ) …
Yet seeing HISTOPRY AND DATA …. Broadens perspcitve so you can better …. Well ..better si what it is all about ….. for BIO MACINE … states ….. I do not think the rock being state is much more concerned other than just enjoying it OPPP to BE …. Whether it is for 1 second of 1 billion revolutions of the 3rd rock around a stupid lil star …. Being is imporantat and equal in terms of its PERCENTAGE OF …INFINTY …. How much more % is 1 compared to the other in terms of IN FI NITE ….. nothing . no real difference when the number gets of fucking stupidly large that a billion years is thought of a NANO SECOND or less . human being comparisons points are only important while being HUMAN ….. thinking only thru the expression of bio mechincs is an important rule of the gme and the stable plground ….. think un thinkable thoughts … Max Planks action is not THOUGHT …. But I lack other word tool …. All the bullshit importance we give to the idea of …. I … thought about … I …. Is only because we have not word tool nor dentitres of unthinkable. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Yet natural life styles are totally THINKABLE.
Friday, May 21, 2010
trippin' pussy
Trippin’ pussy
Young master you have no idea how good it was to see you all in disguise with hair on your head an all , and the honor of having you even come on over to spend so much time talking about he adventures of the last month and so …..
If it were illegal to go fishin in FLA ….. and so what legal to fish for medicinal purposes in Colorado ,,, I would fucking move back to big sky country your time done here … been in the tropics done that been there ….. go back home . and go fishing .
Hobby is hobby ….. you had functioned quite well back there and here had to hide you love of fishing …. Stuggling in your art of making fishing lures ,, because the police state always asks you is that fishing lure gonna be used to smoke dope …opps I mean go fishing or is it to be used to smoke tobacco ,,, opps I mean for DISPLAY purposes only ( the system which takes 100’s of years to change it’s dntirite sytems of commication ..not un like the difficuluty we have in our MICRO as is in MACRO .. with changes in lifes style ideas ….. no fishing is a supported concept back in the hippie mind set of Co. so that is not a big issue at all …. ) here you made ends meet ….. bouncing constanly from debt to just above debt …. And then back downinto STRESS ..
But young master ,,, even thought he cash flow will be greater back home do not forget the old ..TRUE-ISM the more $$$ you make the more you spend …. Trip – n – pussy well ..pussy is pussy …. You are a simple man with a simple car and simple wants like many a good man , but really look at pussy , I know you love her and the family …. But realize … the TRUE-ISM and dno t buy into the confuse and conquer discussion where the real EVIDENCE TRAILSA are not supportive of the talking being done ….
As you say , you got KIN who are off grid and friends OFF GIRD …. Be that 2 …. Thus always YOU will be above water for $$$ is a non issue ….. andy thing pussy creates after that will be directly traceable to her ..HIERACHICAL DESIRE of being noticed by JONES and family …. Sublte power of dentirite programming that takes WNATO and time to change out of on the part of a SYSTEM call indivivual human … where the cells do not understand what is happening but live based upon the direction of the system and if fthe system is living WELL the system thrives if not DIS EASE starts to show in the cells tructure of the ystem … macro a human bio machine to the experincer life of SINGLE CELL ( remember Buddha respect life big or small all the same any hierarchy os of mankinds creation in this ILLUSION STATE ) ,,,, or MACRO ECONOMY …
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ok forget the TRAPP OF CEASARS GOLD …. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceassars said the SAGE ….. you can live without it .. and still have it ,, smart enough you are to do this ( to talk like a lil green puppet sage of movie time … you probably have a high micondria count … current lifestyle and dependence on PAHRMIES is killing off human micondria … real disitinct DNA trail we have for this speicies of homind is based opon M. ) …the LURE OF THE GOLD is the bait that hooks you …… free …TRIP …. Show him a newer OLD PATH … of success . you have the support systems to teach you already living it …. Forget the 3/2 ranch on 5 for 140 ,,,,,, EARTH TIE and build yourself .
I am very happy to see you young master last night at jamming in Jensen …. Hwy did you see the Vdube bus with the window sign driving by advertising ..peace and the AMISH WAY …… hint hint ..ADAPT and over come ! take the best aspects and create ART ! like you do with your fishing lures ! glad to hear you sent for the family to she could get a taste of mountains … big change for FLA girl . I was so bummed to hear you had split to find yourself ..but now happy to see you are FOUND …. Take the family go home and do some fishin in the future in honor of me ..peace .
You don't have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you're protecting yourself. Because you can't look at something and say, "Oh no, I'm saying a prayer to protect myself from you," without achieving vibrational harmony with "you", whatever you are.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999
It is an ADVNTURE VENUE of ….inclusion …. If you can NAME it then thngness it has and life interaction is almost GUAREENTTED …. But dis- solve …. The dentrite pathways LINKING to the NAMED … and possibility vanishes . ( self genenrated pyschoisis some call it but done from the purest mental states of TAO …. And bio mechincs also you maintain the AGREEMENT STATE of meta pyshics . ) so the more you ignore PHAORH YSTEM the less it will have to do with you .
( this is the lesson I again need to learn , even though the pain of debating has been good , the words of the sage hold true all the time ….. FEEL BAD LONG ENOUGH TILL YOU CAN NOT STAND IT ANY MORE …… then go find your self some place to go fishing ….feel better work your way back up the emotional scale . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
I 2 am young master …. I in I … not a drop in a large bucket but the bucket …. I …. had ACTION ( planck quantum P )_ in word tool we call it ..thought .,, and there was 2 I and I .. which was actually the bucket also ….. I …. All knowing of eachother on and on till to NO LONGER BE LOST in infinitey …. Limits of no …. Became a venue or agreement state . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ….. * remember to build the wall of impossibility with your books of human perfection
Young master you have no idea how good it was to see you all in disguise with hair on your head an all , and the honor of having you even come on over to spend so much time talking about he adventures of the last month and so …..
If it were illegal to go fishin in FLA ….. and so what legal to fish for medicinal purposes in Colorado ,,, I would fucking move back to big sky country your time done here … been in the tropics done that been there ….. go back home . and go fishing .
Hobby is hobby ….. you had functioned quite well back there and here had to hide you love of fishing …. Stuggling in your art of making fishing lures ,, because the police state always asks you is that fishing lure gonna be used to smoke dope …opps I mean go fishing or is it to be used to smoke tobacco ,,, opps I mean for DISPLAY purposes only ( the system which takes 100’s of years to change it’s dntirite sytems of commication ..not un like the difficuluty we have in our MICRO as is in MACRO .. with changes in lifes style ideas ….. no fishing is a supported concept back in the hippie mind set of Co. so that is not a big issue at all …. ) here you made ends meet ….. bouncing constanly from debt to just above debt …. And then back downinto STRESS ..
But young master ,,, even thought he cash flow will be greater back home do not forget the old ..TRUE-ISM the more $$$ you make the more you spend …. Trip – n – pussy well ..pussy is pussy …. You are a simple man with a simple car and simple wants like many a good man , but really look at pussy , I know you love her and the family …. But realize … the TRUE-ISM and dno t buy into the confuse and conquer discussion where the real EVIDENCE TRAILSA are not supportive of the talking being done ….
As you say , you got KIN who are off grid and friends OFF GIRD …. Be that 2 …. Thus always YOU will be above water for $$$ is a non issue ….. andy thing pussy creates after that will be directly traceable to her ..HIERACHICAL DESIRE of being noticed by JONES and family …. Sublte power of dentirite programming that takes WNATO and time to change out of on the part of a SYSTEM call indivivual human … where the cells do not understand what is happening but live based upon the direction of the system and if fthe system is living WELL the system thrives if not DIS EASE starts to show in the cells tructure of the ystem … macro a human bio machine to the experincer life of SINGLE CELL ( remember Buddha respect life big or small all the same any hierarchy os of mankinds creation in this ILLUSION STATE ) ,,,, or MACRO ECONOMY …
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html ok forget the TRAPP OF CEASARS GOLD …. Render unto Ceasar what is Ceassars said the SAGE ….. you can live without it .. and still have it ,, smart enough you are to do this ( to talk like a lil green puppet sage of movie time … you probably have a high micondria count … current lifestyle and dependence on PAHRMIES is killing off human micondria … real disitinct DNA trail we have for this speicies of homind is based opon M. ) …the LURE OF THE GOLD is the bait that hooks you …… free …TRIP …. Show him a newer OLD PATH … of success . you have the support systems to teach you already living it …. Forget the 3/2 ranch on 5 for 140 ,,,,,, EARTH TIE and build yourself .
I am very happy to see you young master last night at jamming in Jensen …. Hwy did you see the Vdube bus with the window sign driving by advertising ..peace and the AMISH WAY …… hint hint ..ADAPT and over come ! take the best aspects and create ART ! like you do with your fishing lures ! glad to hear you sent for the family to she could get a taste of mountains … big change for FLA girl . I was so bummed to hear you had split to find yourself ..but now happy to see you are FOUND …. Take the family go home and do some fishin in the future in honor of me ..peace .
You don't have to protect yourself from anything! In fact, an attitude of protection will surely bring you to the vibration of the thing from which you're protecting yourself. Because you can't look at something and say, "Oh no, I'm saying a prayer to protect myself from you," without achieving vibrational harmony with "you", whatever you are.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999
It is an ADVNTURE VENUE of ….inclusion …. If you can NAME it then thngness it has and life interaction is almost GUAREENTTED …. But dis- solve …. The dentrite pathways LINKING to the NAMED … and possibility vanishes . ( self genenrated pyschoisis some call it but done from the purest mental states of TAO …. And bio mechincs also you maintain the AGREEMENT STATE of meta pyshics . ) so the more you ignore PHAORH YSTEM the less it will have to do with you .
( this is the lesson I again need to learn , even though the pain of debating has been good , the words of the sage hold true all the time ….. FEEL BAD LONG ENOUGH TILL YOU CAN NOT STAND IT ANY MORE …… then go find your self some place to go fishing ….feel better work your way back up the emotional scale . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
I 2 am young master …. I in I … not a drop in a large bucket but the bucket …. I …. had ACTION ( planck quantum P )_ in word tool we call it ..thought .,, and there was 2 I and I .. which was actually the bucket also ….. I …. All knowing of eachother on and on till to NO LONGER BE LOST in infinitey …. Limits of no …. Became a venue or agreement state . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ….. * remember to build the wall of impossibility with your books of human perfection
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
pussy has a turkey problem
Pussy has a turkey problem
Ok young master ,,,, a bob white quail , a dinner for the entire family and cunsin’s soft shell turtle in in the middle of the orad and a hot as fuck titty bar dancer stitting in the heat … what do they all have in common …. Well you dipshit ( that you is in me as 2 am young master aka shithead ) …… magic is callin’ saying get your head out of SCIa m it is not making you feel good an rmember you do not need the agreement state for your own personal manifestataions to arrive ….
Yes the understanding of DENTRITE pathways of human , systemic , bio machine …. Grouping of indivivual experincers of being-ness shih use countless other forms of being states for time/space experience of ….being ..all of eual value when taken or viewed from the understanding of the commincation in the story of chaungsi … fruit fly , human toriste or redwood ..the braoder commincation not the pinhead detail of the words …. But taken out and out to encompass teaching of the sage . to seeing that systemically we are CELLS living and dieing off while the game goes on and
Schopenhaure dude http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Schopenhauer and his 3 things needed for change of the system … and 1 is RIDICULE ….. I really gotta spend some more time on this dude ,,, but his list of 3 things before paradymins can change has been again ….. forcing their way inot my path … like a obowhite a turtle and pussy . Is not unlike the changes of DENTRITE associations in the individual before the bio machine will allow flow …..EASY FRIENDLY FUN ….. inot accepting new manifestataions in the agrrement state ,,, quantum jumps in paradigm are of course possible but not fun . not easy not FRIENDLY …. They break the agreement state ….NO MAGIC ..this is a playground venue of NO’S of limits to taste the falvor of THING . the Shop dude is on this page in condensed form of 1 aspect … http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html why confuse and C ..the 1’s who tried to cleanit all up because that is the best way to do it …….. the system has 1000’s of years of success and learning ….. I think about the Duh’CART guy ..and his understanding do ot mess with thesystem or they will show you the LOVE OF JESUS and burn your fucking assa t the stake alive …. In Love ….. complexity upon complexity
Get your head your ass out of their world phil ,, even chaunsi said that do not ge tinvolved in the debate …… your evidence trail will speak fore itself I guess ..but the DADDY in me , the bio machine silver back gorilla who wants the best for his family unit … is ACTING ….. within the agreement state not magic . and the agreement state is dependant on LANGUAGES on commincation based opuon AGREEMENTS about what is reality ..so the I is borninot the blank slae bio macine which SELF PROGRAMS itself to the culture it is borninto …. Amking MEMEORY CONNECTIONS ..dentrite path ways among cells so that brain can function and succed in harmonoy with DNA designe of HOMIND/ HUMAN . I want to aid in any way the success of my DNA .. or kids … and others who are important to me , ( altruism FOR THEY TO WILL SUPPORT THE REAL DNA STRAND me my kids like wise ..simple self preservation )
Gaia is not a goddesss http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html … something so simple it needs a HUMAN to name it …. Not sacrid feminine bullshit which is the manifestation of the beginning of the PYSCHOPATH system …. Ohh but from the stand point view point …. Of my own cells they would view me as psychopathic and not taking them inot consideration ….. the fear of transition gives us the GOOD / EVIL judgement about the perjorative FEELINGS derived from hearing word tools . ( more fun right now to JAM TO PRODIGY ! ia m the fire starter ..the instagotor ! the fear addicted ! FLAVORING of thingness )
But back to pussy ….back to magic …. Back to rich Bach and his bibile …ILLUSIONS
What do you want Richard? ……. A blue feather …………. And he got it . ( I have a responsibility for my kids …so I resisit ….. and enter into the dialogue of Shopenhoaures step 1` ..ridicule …. To make way for the changes they need in their own Dentrite path ways of POSSIBLE S. )
BALLENCE …… that goes for me …. Balance … sure a bit of Sci Am shit and sciences ..but allow for magic phil ….. you have been thinking about a game bird for the permaculture of your yard ,,,, chickens have not been locally wqelcomed , so you were exploring the idea of quail ….never fucking seen a fucking wild quail …. And then you see a bird that is unussal , in its struggled flight .. and bulky body ..behind the CVS … and then you slow down take a look to ID it and dam if that is not a fucking Quail I donot know what is but then again I really do not know what the fuck a quail is anyw ay … why do I need a QUAIL population …… if you have a GRASSHOPPER problem ther sages voice of permaculture points out you realy have a TRUKEY PROBLEM … no actually you have an ecosystem broken by PSYCOPATH system who killed of the bio dymincs …. But to fix the symptom in somw way you need to re introduce the …. Nature the balance …. FER EACH 3 KILOS OF GRASSHOPPER YOU GET I KILLO OF thankgiving turkey …YUMMM! .
Wha the FUCK was that big ole turtle soft shell doing out in the middle of the road a bout a block away from the lake , it was a VERY OLD TURLTE ( now turtle meat don’t really get to tuff with age so it was touching the carnivore in me the complex omnivore of successful savahnah homind who adapted to water ways and oceans too , before leaving Ethopia for yemen and a land grand land mass full of KIN neanders from the coast of germany to china nothng special not GREAT 1 event changes but events over 10’s of months and 10 over ofr years and 10;s of decades ) ….. successs and failures ..ridicules ( I know I don ‘t pay proper HOmiage nor scafifice nor worship to diety neams of the sciences …. The absorbshion of the voice of the sage by the SYSTEM to claim once the ridiculed to be the self event 1 .. is the tool of the confuse nad conquer ,,,, making Lao inot a god/immortal of a releigon is a great ex. )
the turtle was lacking its ALLIGATOR ..the tool of transisiton . this turutle had lived some 20+ years near that street but today in theat mid day heat it leaves the water to DIE …. Well ain’t no gator to be stupid and sleep in fron front of so it can clamp ints jaws down on me and STIMULATE the chemical flodd of shock hormones endorphins ,,,, ot ease in transition as the bio machine becomes the cycle fo life …. The turle has not TURKEY …..
the chick .. sexy all nude dancer at a club my ex girl friend and I used to go to … ther perfection of her body shows the use of $$$ in developing herself as the headliner of the current show ….. the skill and investment in ..cosmectic surgery … is like investing in a business model …for EVE . she is out of balance with NATURE but in harmonoy with the THOUGHT FORM pychsopathic system ..passed down form …. Genernations before QUEEN TYE 1st posisiton wife …. Of amenHOTEP3 ( ok just to make someone feel good I will say once more I believe Isalm is a re working a A’ sound and the giver concept of CITY and culture of Ptah …. Go back months and months I am not only trashing AMEN and judaio / Christians …. Been ther done that ..the voice of the sage be it Lao , Jesus myth , mohamid etc all skillfully used used within the 3 levels of evovlution of the SYSTEM or dentrite pathways of the cell structure of the system …… that being things like politics and the ADVISOR CLASS to the dudes rulers … the priest class of sciences …ivory towered or ivy covered walls . or wall street number crunchers or CARLIGY GROUP of dc. ……..
she looked at some men men who were leaving he club all smiles and BULLSHIT salesman like …to only ..show the COMMINCATION … on non verbal disgust after they were out of sight ….. something is wrong and my kids are gonna live thru it and if I do not effect it ..what type of self preserving enity bio machine would I be ? she is the female lacking her supportive female harem grouping who freely choose to settle in and area with amale who has shitted out sweet berry seeds creating the FOOD FOREST . ( myth sotry book comminciation not pinhead detail s of my word tools ) http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
and the Quail says ……. Phil you are NOTHING …. Not 1 thing …. Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrly merrly merrly life is but a dream ! easy friendly fun ,,why has that been the mental mantra I keep coming up with fo some days now ?
Get out into the sunlight, out where everything is, with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you, those who don't agree with you, those who make your life feel uncomfortable don't come into your experience, because your vibration, through your practice, has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That's what you planned.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001
Magic is more real than SCI am and trying to convince the ones I dicuss topics with …. Just stupid human on a tiny rock just 1 rock of 8 around a nothing star , in galaxy of billions of stars , where in the night sky I take just TINY DIME and hold it up to the sky and KNOW behind that space if I had the right scope I would see 100,000 galaxies like this 1 ,,, do I feel small enough yet to allow for MAJIC ? t be the baisis for the higgs boson ? or quant http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ......( majic myth equation all only tools of cmmication betweens I and I , who are living thru a bio machine which uses dentrtie pathways of collected associated datea comparision to build commicnation ablity about the expreinces of THING . grains of sand .
Ok young master ,,,, a bob white quail , a dinner for the entire family and cunsin’s soft shell turtle in in the middle of the orad and a hot as fuck titty bar dancer stitting in the heat … what do they all have in common …. Well you dipshit ( that you is in me as 2 am young master aka shithead ) …… magic is callin’ saying get your head out of SCIa m it is not making you feel good an rmember you do not need the agreement state for your own personal manifestataions to arrive ….
Yes the understanding of DENTRITE pathways of human , systemic , bio machine …. Grouping of indivivual experincers of being-ness shih use countless other forms of being states for time/space experience of ….being ..all of eual value when taken or viewed from the understanding of the commincation in the story of chaungsi … fruit fly , human toriste or redwood ..the braoder commincation not the pinhead detail of the words …. But taken out and out to encompass teaching of the sage . to seeing that systemically we are CELLS living and dieing off while the game goes on and
Schopenhaure dude http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Schopenhauer and his 3 things needed for change of the system … and 1 is RIDICULE ….. I really gotta spend some more time on this dude ,,, but his list of 3 things before paradymins can change has been again ….. forcing their way inot my path … like a obowhite a turtle and pussy . Is not unlike the changes of DENTRITE associations in the individual before the bio machine will allow flow …..EASY FRIENDLY FUN ….. inot accepting new manifestataions in the agrrement state ,,, quantum jumps in paradigm are of course possible but not fun . not easy not FRIENDLY …. They break the agreement state ….NO MAGIC ..this is a playground venue of NO’S of limits to taste the falvor of THING . the Shop dude is on this page in condensed form of 1 aspect … http://www.instinctualism.org/confuse_conquer.html why confuse and C ..the 1’s who tried to cleanit all up because that is the best way to do it …….. the system has 1000’s of years of success and learning ….. I think about the Duh’CART guy ..and his understanding do ot mess with thesystem or they will show you the LOVE OF JESUS and burn your fucking assa t the stake alive …. In Love ….. complexity upon complexity
Get your head your ass out of their world phil ,, even chaunsi said that do not ge tinvolved in the debate …… your evidence trail will speak fore itself I guess ..but the DADDY in me , the bio machine silver back gorilla who wants the best for his family unit … is ACTING ….. within the agreement state not magic . and the agreement state is dependant on LANGUAGES on commincation based opuon AGREEMENTS about what is reality ..so the I is borninot the blank slae bio macine which SELF PROGRAMS itself to the culture it is borninto …. Amking MEMEORY CONNECTIONS ..dentrite path ways among cells so that brain can function and succed in harmonoy with DNA designe of HOMIND/ HUMAN . I want to aid in any way the success of my DNA .. or kids … and others who are important to me , ( altruism FOR THEY TO WILL SUPPORT THE REAL DNA STRAND me my kids like wise ..simple self preservation )
Gaia is not a goddesss http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html … something so simple it needs a HUMAN to name it …. Not sacrid feminine bullshit which is the manifestation of the beginning of the PYSCHOPATH system …. Ohh but from the stand point view point …. Of my own cells they would view me as psychopathic and not taking them inot consideration ….. the fear of transition gives us the GOOD / EVIL judgement about the perjorative FEELINGS derived from hearing word tools . ( more fun right now to JAM TO PRODIGY ! ia m the fire starter ..the instagotor ! the fear addicted ! FLAVORING of thingness )
But back to pussy ….back to magic …. Back to rich Bach and his bibile …ILLUSIONS
What do you want Richard? ……. A blue feather …………. And he got it . ( I have a responsibility for my kids …so I resisit ….. and enter into the dialogue of Shopenhoaures step 1` ..ridicule …. To make way for the changes they need in their own Dentrite path ways of POSSIBLE S. )
BALLENCE …… that goes for me …. Balance … sure a bit of Sci Am shit and sciences ..but allow for magic phil ….. you have been thinking about a game bird for the permaculture of your yard ,,,, chickens have not been locally wqelcomed , so you were exploring the idea of quail ….never fucking seen a fucking wild quail …. And then you see a bird that is unussal , in its struggled flight .. and bulky body ..behind the CVS … and then you slow down take a look to ID it and dam if that is not a fucking Quail I donot know what is but then again I really do not know what the fuck a quail is anyw ay … why do I need a QUAIL population …… if you have a GRASSHOPPER problem ther sages voice of permaculture points out you realy have a TRUKEY PROBLEM … no actually you have an ecosystem broken by PSYCOPATH system who killed of the bio dymincs …. But to fix the symptom in somw way you need to re introduce the …. Nature the balance …. FER EACH 3 KILOS OF GRASSHOPPER YOU GET I KILLO OF thankgiving turkey …YUMMM! .
Wha the FUCK was that big ole turtle soft shell doing out in the middle of the road a bout a block away from the lake , it was a VERY OLD TURLTE ( now turtle meat don’t really get to tuff with age so it was touching the carnivore in me the complex omnivore of successful savahnah homind who adapted to water ways and oceans too , before leaving Ethopia for yemen and a land grand land mass full of KIN neanders from the coast of germany to china nothng special not GREAT 1 event changes but events over 10’s of months and 10 over ofr years and 10;s of decades ) ….. successs and failures ..ridicules ( I know I don ‘t pay proper HOmiage nor scafifice nor worship to diety neams of the sciences …. The absorbshion of the voice of the sage by the SYSTEM to claim once the ridiculed to be the self event 1 .. is the tool of the confuse nad conquer ,,,, making Lao inot a god/immortal of a releigon is a great ex. )
the turtle was lacking its ALLIGATOR ..the tool of transisiton . this turutle had lived some 20+ years near that street but today in theat mid day heat it leaves the water to DIE …. Well ain’t no gator to be stupid and sleep in fron front of so it can clamp ints jaws down on me and STIMULATE the chemical flodd of shock hormones endorphins ,,,, ot ease in transition as the bio machine becomes the cycle fo life …. The turle has not TURKEY …..
the chick .. sexy all nude dancer at a club my ex girl friend and I used to go to … ther perfection of her body shows the use of $$$ in developing herself as the headliner of the current show ….. the skill and investment in ..cosmectic surgery … is like investing in a business model …for EVE . she is out of balance with NATURE but in harmonoy with the THOUGHT FORM pychsopathic system ..passed down form …. Genernations before QUEEN TYE 1st posisiton wife …. Of amenHOTEP3 ( ok just to make someone feel good I will say once more I believe Isalm is a re working a A’ sound and the giver concept of CITY and culture of Ptah …. Go back months and months I am not only trashing AMEN and judaio / Christians …. Been ther done that ..the voice of the sage be it Lao , Jesus myth , mohamid etc all skillfully used used within the 3 levels of evovlution of the SYSTEM or dentrite pathways of the cell structure of the system …… that being things like politics and the ADVISOR CLASS to the dudes rulers … the priest class of sciences …ivory towered or ivy covered walls . or wall street number crunchers or CARLIGY GROUP of dc. ……..
she looked at some men men who were leaving he club all smiles and BULLSHIT salesman like …to only ..show the COMMINCATION … on non verbal disgust after they were out of sight ….. something is wrong and my kids are gonna live thru it and if I do not effect it ..what type of self preserving enity bio machine would I be ? she is the female lacking her supportive female harem grouping who freely choose to settle in and area with amale who has shitted out sweet berry seeds creating the FOOD FOREST . ( myth sotry book comminciation not pinhead detail s of my word tools ) http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
and the Quail says ……. Phil you are NOTHING …. Not 1 thing …. Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrly merrly merrly life is but a dream ! easy friendly fun ,,why has that been the mental mantra I keep coming up with fo some days now ?
Get out into the sunlight, out where everything is, with a vibration that is so dominant that those who annoy you, those who don't agree with you, those who make your life feel uncomfortable don't come into your experience, because your vibration, through your practice, has become so clear, so pure, so clean, so in keeping with what you want, that the world that revolves around you just feels like that. That's what you planned.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Friday, March 9th, 2001
Magic is more real than SCI am and trying to convince the ones I dicuss topics with …. Just stupid human on a tiny rock just 1 rock of 8 around a nothing star , in galaxy of billions of stars , where in the night sky I take just TINY DIME and hold it up to the sky and KNOW behind that space if I had the right scope I would see 100,000 galaxies like this 1 ,,, do I feel small enough yet to allow for MAJIC ? t be the baisis for the higgs boson ? or quant http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ......( majic myth equation all only tools of cmmication betweens I and I , who are living thru a bio machine which uses dentrtie pathways of collected associated datea comparision to build commicnation ablity about the expreinces of THING . grains of sand .
Monday, May 17, 2010
Can't , has , have pussys
Can’t , has , have pussys
I gotta bring in that wet moist fold of skin that is so sensitve and fun to play with , for we both enjoy it , this is again the TRUTH about good human nature not PYSCHOPATHIC .. illness ,,, we are naturally ALL TURIST . we enjoy each other enjoying ….
Where is the GUN TO YOUR HEAD that must be behind your use of the terms ,,,,, I CAN’T ,,,,, I HAVE TO …. Or he has to …. The gun that limits free choice if you are so called FREE ? where does all these HAVE to’s come from where is the gun that stops you from EVN THINKING about another view point with a fear that mimics fear of DEATH like some one some how was holding and invisisble gun of life and death to your head , and if you did not live up to social expectations you would surely DIE …
The topic of my VIEW POINT about my sons re-action to the confusion THRUST UPON his INSTINCUTAL mind by the experience of current culture ,,current culture …. ….. current ,,not over all for ever in to the past equality for everyone … but some thing actually new lesss that 100 years old ..FORECED UPON and DNA BIO MACHINE with expectataion so reality written in the library of successful living … adaptionsafter adaptions , caused by the daily life success of the DAD whose DNA is created DAILY …. In his sperm bringing with it his LIBRARY of successful living , that is why westerm man was able to live thru PANDEMICS while other like america’s 1st nations people died to the tune of 95 in 100 …. The gift of adaptive expecations built in ,,,, hey but they had adaptions to MALARIA ( science now wants to sell new malaria vaccines when in fact they lived with it until we killed off or polluted their gentic base thru our RAPE culture )
Sci-am oct ’09 pg.67…. the KUIKURO are repopulationing themselves … human had been on the land mass for 18k years , they had developed … sustainable ..( phil you have no imperical evidence for that claim ..correct we killed off the functioning society because the church feared new evidence trails of OTHER WAYS OF THINKING OR LVIVING would p[ollute the soldiers minds … it is the job of the PRIEST to protect the flock from NEW IDEAS ! ) BUT THE WORDS OF THE EXPLORERE IN 1500 …islands in the amaon jungle ( full of malaria and pathogens they had adapted to whites died from ) held settlement so mumerous they were un countable , they danced played music in celebrations …… these people exisit in such vast quantitiy they were impossible to count their …roads were straight and wide kept so clean not a fallen leaf was to bee seen ,,,,
Could the great citys of Europe claim clean streets or streets full of domestic animal shit and CHOLERA …
And you tell me ,,,my ideas of child raising are flawed that my baby boy HAS TO … learn how to live in this confusion as if there is nothing else and never was any other models ..of REAL HUMNA LIVING ? I have no gun to my head ,, but you in your replys to me while we talk show you have an invisible gun of fear of JUDGEMET …. Of the world of 2nd mind ..of the economy and culture that grew from the PYRIMID blocks of PHAROH … amenhotep .. amen is satified it means , strange how even today we stillrespect the ..god of TRUTH as told for us to do in the books of DUETROMY A nd numbers ,, WE RESCT STILLLL amen , ( or dialect amun or amon , amen ,, accents ahnge from region to region decade to decade … now add 1000’s of years but cores linguistics are still present …… MYTH is not about some fACT OF THE WORDS but the theme ….. when aristophines talks about the goods worrying about who will give them SACRIFICES and Worship ,,, that is the PHAROH classes of today worryinga bout their FUNDING …… core theme …. Linguistics . ( thatnk you Dlab for giving the confidence to say I have right to talk like a linguist … because my book cover shows I nothing but a stupid barbarian fisherman window washer dude )
My child is forced inot living in a world that his BIO MACHINE IS NOT ADAPTED TO … even though he inhis survival willb ring with him the DNA success of living thru it …but again really look at ,,birth rates WHO IS BREEDING …….. so you bring up to me a show I have not heard about …… the L word … is for …Lessbo ….. no judgement gay or les …. Both expressions of finding some peace in the insanity , non , DNA expansive ,,, actually thus could be consicidered in bradest terms to inc. pyshcopathy .
I bring up in http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html the idea of over stimulation , bring up ideas that sure learning to functioni n the ECONOMY is important but ..let the human child MATURE a bit first ..but you want to argue that I in my desire for stability of my children am doing them disservice and I do not rust your data or evidence trails .. and I do ot have other . data ..to just ignore other building blocks of pOSSIBLES . because of the invisible gun of HAVE TO’S is no the action of a good parent . ..there si is enough to stimulate your own thnking I am neer supposed to be the preachers but only the stimulator of your own exploration of ALTER NATIVES ..alternatives …
Back to pussy …. Miss pretty pussy USA stumbles on stage …? Now this is HEADLINE NEWS? God dam we are fucked up …. And NO the male s of her life did not bring about beauty pagents …. He dad probably could have taught her how to go fishing but not put on make up ….. beauty pagenents were the SEXUAL MANIPULATION tool dating back to how TYE got noticed by Amenhotep 3 …… then learn more about eh EVE SPIRIT expression of her continues BRILLANT USE of power thru her life and her DNA .. the 1 who died and the weak one she groomed for power later thru proper use of …. Advertising and myth .. and let GO of the importance of the word tool EVE …but look to core lingusitcs …themes ..commications ,, that is what linguistics is about … THE COMMICATION ..not the vehicle of .. but what is the core information being conveyed .
There is no risk for you out here on the leading edge, ever. And when you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002
No fear is what your bumper sticker proclaims but in reality it is social porgraming teacing the next genenration to be ready to man theDEATH ARMY of the pharoh class .. to fight your own FRIENDS not yet met ( mark twain ? a stranger is a friend I have not met ) ,,,,,,,, we are not here to guide SPECIFICS … the words of the sages from ages past were only to help us think once more for ourselves , the growth of any 1 sage THREAD was quickly ID’d by the manipulative class and brought into use by that class as RELIGON . no risk for when you get the idea of BEING …is not that we human on this lil 3rd rock near a sun out of billions in a galaxy that is ..well take a dime put it up to the night sky at arms length and realize behind that DIME if you have the right Scope .. you will sell 10,000 galaxys like ours .. with each having BILLIONS OF SUNS ..and lots ofn UN IMPORANTT ROCKS …
Being …. The use of pyarimds … of other states of being ness …. From the inflation of ..i , questioning itself , becoming 2 I’s … and then actuall a thried3rd I … the I of having the other 2 equal I’s inside …. The big bang … in a TAO of no time space ,, so NO TIME … what is 1 QUADRENTIAL of a second or 1 second or …14 billion revovlutions areond a sun by a tiny rock . in comparion to IN FI NITY . ( beyond the 2 gigs of your thinking ability ? do you need some Eloquent solution like GOD or Equation to DEAL with the pressure …… SHOULD YOU deal ..? or just enjoy because TRANSITION will happen ….. the importance over the invisible GUN now MUTE . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
I gotta bring in that wet moist fold of skin that is so sensitve and fun to play with , for we both enjoy it , this is again the TRUTH about good human nature not PYSCHOPATHIC .. illness ,,, we are naturally ALL TURIST . we enjoy each other enjoying ….
Where is the GUN TO YOUR HEAD that must be behind your use of the terms ,,,,, I CAN’T ,,,,, I HAVE TO …. Or he has to …. The gun that limits free choice if you are so called FREE ? where does all these HAVE to’s come from where is the gun that stops you from EVN THINKING about another view point with a fear that mimics fear of DEATH like some one some how was holding and invisisble gun of life and death to your head , and if you did not live up to social expectations you would surely DIE …
The topic of my VIEW POINT about my sons re-action to the confusion THRUST UPON his INSTINCUTAL mind by the experience of current culture ,,current culture …. ….. current ,,not over all for ever in to the past equality for everyone … but some thing actually new lesss that 100 years old ..FORECED UPON and DNA BIO MACHINE with expectataion so reality written in the library of successful living … adaptionsafter adaptions , caused by the daily life success of the DAD whose DNA is created DAILY …. In his sperm bringing with it his LIBRARY of successful living , that is why westerm man was able to live thru PANDEMICS while other like america’s 1st nations people died to the tune of 95 in 100 …. The gift of adaptive expecations built in ,,,, hey but they had adaptions to MALARIA ( science now wants to sell new malaria vaccines when in fact they lived with it until we killed off or polluted their gentic base thru our RAPE culture )
Sci-am oct ’09 pg.67…. the KUIKURO are repopulationing themselves … human had been on the land mass for 18k years , they had developed … sustainable ..( phil you have no imperical evidence for that claim ..correct we killed off the functioning society because the church feared new evidence trails of OTHER WAYS OF THINKING OR LVIVING would p[ollute the soldiers minds … it is the job of the PRIEST to protect the flock from NEW IDEAS ! ) BUT THE WORDS OF THE EXPLORERE IN 1500 …islands in the amaon jungle ( full of malaria and pathogens they had adapted to whites died from ) held settlement so mumerous they were un countable , they danced played music in celebrations …… these people exisit in such vast quantitiy they were impossible to count their …roads were straight and wide kept so clean not a fallen leaf was to bee seen ,,,,
Could the great citys of Europe claim clean streets or streets full of domestic animal shit and CHOLERA …
And you tell me ,,,my ideas of child raising are flawed that my baby boy HAS TO … learn how to live in this confusion as if there is nothing else and never was any other models ..of REAL HUMNA LIVING ? I have no gun to my head ,, but you in your replys to me while we talk show you have an invisible gun of fear of JUDGEMET …. Of the world of 2nd mind ..of the economy and culture that grew from the PYRIMID blocks of PHAROH … amenhotep .. amen is satified it means , strange how even today we stillrespect the ..god of TRUTH as told for us to do in the books of DUETROMY A nd numbers ,, WE RESCT STILLLL amen , ( or dialect amun or amon , amen ,, accents ahnge from region to region decade to decade … now add 1000’s of years but cores linguistics are still present …… MYTH is not about some fACT OF THE WORDS but the theme ….. when aristophines talks about the goods worrying about who will give them SACRIFICES and Worship ,,, that is the PHAROH classes of today worryinga bout their FUNDING …… core theme …. Linguistics . ( thatnk you Dlab for giving the confidence to say I have right to talk like a linguist … because my book cover shows I nothing but a stupid barbarian fisherman window washer dude )
My child is forced inot living in a world that his BIO MACHINE IS NOT ADAPTED TO … even though he inhis survival willb ring with him the DNA success of living thru it …but again really look at ,,birth rates WHO IS BREEDING …….. so you bring up to me a show I have not heard about …… the L word … is for …Lessbo ….. no judgement gay or les …. Both expressions of finding some peace in the insanity , non , DNA expansive ,,, actually thus could be consicidered in bradest terms to inc. pyshcopathy .
I bring up in http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html the idea of over stimulation , bring up ideas that sure learning to functioni n the ECONOMY is important but ..let the human child MATURE a bit first ..but you want to argue that I in my desire for stability of my children am doing them disservice and I do not rust your data or evidence trails .. and I do ot have other . data ..to just ignore other building blocks of pOSSIBLES . because of the invisible gun of HAVE TO’S is no the action of a good parent . ..there si is enough to stimulate your own thnking I am neer supposed to be the preachers but only the stimulator of your own exploration of ALTER NATIVES ..alternatives …
Back to pussy …. Miss pretty pussy USA stumbles on stage …? Now this is HEADLINE NEWS? God dam we are fucked up …. And NO the male s of her life did not bring about beauty pagents …. He dad probably could have taught her how to go fishing but not put on make up ….. beauty pagenents were the SEXUAL MANIPULATION tool dating back to how TYE got noticed by Amenhotep 3 …… then learn more about eh EVE SPIRIT expression of her continues BRILLANT USE of power thru her life and her DNA .. the 1 who died and the weak one she groomed for power later thru proper use of …. Advertising and myth .. and let GO of the importance of the word tool EVE …but look to core lingusitcs …themes ..commications ,, that is what linguistics is about … THE COMMICATION ..not the vehicle of .. but what is the core information being conveyed .
There is no risk for you out here on the leading edge, ever. And when you come to understand the true nature of Well-being in which you have come forth--then you can relax and begin to enjoy this magnificent adventure which is your creative life experience. We are not here to guide the specifics of that which you choose. You get to choose that, and you can't get it wrong. We are here to assist you--only to assist you--in finding vibrational harmony with your desire; knowing that when you find vibrational harmony with your desire, you are, in this moment, a joyful Being. And that is our dominant wish for you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Saturday, June 1st, 2002
No fear is what your bumper sticker proclaims but in reality it is social porgraming teacing the next genenration to be ready to man theDEATH ARMY of the pharoh class .. to fight your own FRIENDS not yet met ( mark twain ? a stranger is a friend I have not met ) ,,,,,,,, we are not here to guide SPECIFICS … the words of the sages from ages past were only to help us think once more for ourselves , the growth of any 1 sage THREAD was quickly ID’d by the manipulative class and brought into use by that class as RELIGON . no risk for when you get the idea of BEING …is not that we human on this lil 3rd rock near a sun out of billions in a galaxy that is ..well take a dime put it up to the night sky at arms length and realize behind that DIME if you have the right Scope .. you will sell 10,000 galaxys like ours .. with each having BILLIONS OF SUNS ..and lots ofn UN IMPORANTT ROCKS …
Being …. The use of pyarimds … of other states of being ness …. From the inflation of ..i , questioning itself , becoming 2 I’s … and then actuall a thried3rd I … the I of having the other 2 equal I’s inside …. The big bang … in a TAO of no time space ,, so NO TIME … what is 1 QUADRENTIAL of a second or 1 second or …14 billion revovlutions areond a sun by a tiny rock . in comparion to IN FI NITY . ( beyond the 2 gigs of your thinking ability ? do you need some Eloquent solution like GOD or Equation to DEAL with the pressure …… SHOULD YOU deal ..? or just enjoy because TRANSITION will happen ….. the importance over the invisible GUN now MUTE . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Thursday, May 6, 2010
listerine tasting pussy
Listerine tasting pussy
Or was it LYSOL …one of the 2 was first created for the combating of the offensive odor of unnaturally CAGED pussy … trapped in a omplexity developed by culture society ,,, this did not allow for ANTURAL HYGEINE … ( now shledo the god or father of the real legion of followers Sheldon is the vehicle of an imofrmation stream not a diety of science or quasi S http://naturalhygienesociety.org/present.html but since the effect of the divide and conquer is to conquer and confusion is just divided attention with some many psecialaztions we must trust the PREIST CLASS who developed the confusion to be GIN with ……. You give up or becom conquered and trust the ….. learned or wisers to think for you….
Ahh so it seems maybe my freeky friend was not to far fucking off in his fear of microbes and popping the cork on the champagne bottle of rcks in which oil flows slowly thru the cracks …. Well think of in imagery as being WELLS popped inot vacant pits beryed under ground …no …. And humanity in its playing with blocks … building of pysrmids lke babys , the building blocks of KNWOLEDGE are only just that also .. as the baby sees its tower fall it trys putting more blocks down as a support structure and builds once more over and over ,,,HEY THIS IS THE ….way of science …… WE MUST BE …GODS !
Experimentation .
So Lysol kills 99/9% of germs …. Sounds great sounds GOD LIKE ! … but when really understood the covering of the uman body houses over 1 trillion probiotic life forms ,,,, 1 in 1000 still living that maybe something on the line of 1 billion of what you wanted to kill ,,,survived the WEAPON OF THE …..GODS …. The survivors now reproducing their immunity to gods wrath .
So I bumped inot an ART in Sci Am I must over looked or let get mixed up in the overload of data I read ,,sounds like confusion ot me … Oct ’09 ….. so in Us and China they have been stretching the NEW HORIZZONS of oil extraction possiblitys with ….. EXPERIMENTATION ,,,, hopes the blocks will not fall down … the use of microbes to lossen up oil thru the fermentation process and controlling the microbes ( 99.9% ) thru slecting AIROBIC …yet in the DNA base of all life is the potential for success as ANaeroblc living also ….. living with out air …. And low and behold I HOPE I HOPE the co-INKYdink of names does not come bite us in the ASS … as the well destroyed was named NEW HORIZONS … and from what I have heard everyone is some what happy that the oil is DIFFERENT not as viscous or thick ….. bad bad this is bad ,, NOT ! the RUM ! to quate a master Johnny Depp
Hmmm but just like if you had a broken water line you fix it by putting a 5 gallon bucket on it weighted with a CINDER block ,,, I AM A GOD ! ….no the water eventually even if you compressed the wound …. Leak , eventually seeps into the ground to forma a wet spot and then leak up and out in time ……. But trust the BENOVOLENT CORP and scientist that feed it its SELL ABLE ideas who are controlled for aour best interst by the scientist class or proeit class of governemet regulators who ll… like wise have their own FRANKENSTIEN projects that will ENGRAVE THEIR IMAGE into the book of PHAROHS … and hsotroy , ohhht rust them all because remember you are just a stupid fisherman hell you can not even speak latin …. ( can not speak bee either can you , priest ? speak bee? Can you give directions on scales like they can with out google earth ? )
Ahh so we sigh a sigh of relief as they tell us that now EPA WILL OVER LOOK the NANO future to insure the planet does not turninot GREY GOO …,,, over looking is YES what they will do but theproper wording is Over SEE ..do you see what I see cash be putting into the funding of my pet prject …hmmmmm I like these guys ..it is SAFE ! …. Ohh well since I am so over whelmed in just trying to make my bills in this age where I am happy just to have a FUCKING JOB at all do not rock any ficking boat …or else HOW AM I GONNA FEED MY KIDS …..
Ahhhhhh SLAVE ! ……. This world we live in is very very new , sure westerns slaves populations like us have been depedant on FREE FARMERS ….. who made up about 40% of us while other BACK WARDS LANDS …. The numbers were like 90% agri peoples to 100% aboriginal ….. not salve since they had the MASLOWS handled not you ……… you gotta trust a bENOVLENT copr who will always tell you the truth about everything and act in the best interest of YOU …. And what eveidnce trail do you have to support should a FAIRY TALE ?
Ohh but back to PUSSY ..the scarid feminine … it is being repackaged as now … sound biting things good advrtsing …. Lysol and pussy the 4th electric thin in the house was for the PUSSY …. 1 lights , 2 fan . 3 toaster ..4 PUSSY VIBRATOR ….. and so tell cunt is not powerful or why would budwieser and everyone else being using it ? if sex did not CONTROL … no not sex ..PUSSY …. For even the gay male …attempts to live up to the IMAGE of FASHION that is sexualaity of PUSSY … and like the universe of visible light makes up only ½ of 1% of the total universe the POWERS behind the scens realy control things …..BEHING EVERY GREAT MANIS great woman ( hush hush , who or what is to blame ,,no not blame express of imabalence of antural system ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ….. hey no biggie wee are evolving players on TINGNESS beyond THINKABLE that needed to find some way to bring back inot PLAY … trapped orgaic compounds … traped in layers of rocks spread thru out SEDIMENTARY basins of which we have only realy explored about 1% o WE ARE NO WHERE NEAR the feared point of peak OIL ….. we got so much more to pump out ,,, that level of carbon cycling makes me wonder how green things really were on earth long long long ago , they must had been really fuckin GREEN …..
http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html so if the song FIRE STARTER by The prodigy is an example of myth willthey be as mis understood as Arisotphines in what he was really trying to talk a bout http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Feel appreciation for those who provide examples of Well-being. How would you know that prosperity was possible if there wasn't some evidence of prosperity around you? It's all part of this contrast that helps you to sharpen your desire.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999
What is properity $ ..having CASH is not always really all that GREAT , it is NOT THE $$$$$ but a happy nesss …. That can be had rich or poor ,,,,, but in the CONCERN ..or WORRY well you AIN’T THERE . and many many rich have concern and worry ..easied by the DRUG of $$$$$ ….. what is wealth ? http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html the voice of the sages is always POLLUTED thru the bio machine from which delievers it ..the dentrite path ways with which we use to create a stable platform of experience of commonality ..in particle time space ages …. Details all …angels on the head of pin … but here are under lying concepts free for the thinking about …but do not do that … remain overwhelmed with your insurance bills and and shit …. And fire up another bowl feed your head !
Or was it LYSOL …one of the 2 was first created for the combating of the offensive odor of unnaturally CAGED pussy … trapped in a omplexity developed by culture society ,,, this did not allow for ANTURAL HYGEINE … ( now shledo the god or father of the real legion of followers Sheldon is the vehicle of an imofrmation stream not a diety of science or quasi S http://naturalhygienesociety.org/present.html but since the effect of the divide and conquer is to conquer and confusion is just divided attention with some many psecialaztions we must trust the PREIST CLASS who developed the confusion to be GIN with ……. You give up or becom conquered and trust the ….. learned or wisers to think for you….
Ahh so it seems maybe my freeky friend was not to far fucking off in his fear of microbes and popping the cork on the champagne bottle of rcks in which oil flows slowly thru the cracks …. Well think of in imagery as being WELLS popped inot vacant pits beryed under ground …no …. And humanity in its playing with blocks … building of pysrmids lke babys , the building blocks of KNWOLEDGE are only just that also .. as the baby sees its tower fall it trys putting more blocks down as a support structure and builds once more over and over ,,,HEY THIS IS THE ….way of science …… WE MUST BE …GODS !
Experimentation .
So Lysol kills 99/9% of germs …. Sounds great sounds GOD LIKE ! … but when really understood the covering of the uman body houses over 1 trillion probiotic life forms ,,,, 1 in 1000 still living that maybe something on the line of 1 billion of what you wanted to kill ,,,survived the WEAPON OF THE …..GODS …. The survivors now reproducing their immunity to gods wrath .
So I bumped inot an ART in Sci Am I must over looked or let get mixed up in the overload of data I read ,,sounds like confusion ot me … Oct ’09 ….. so in Us and China they have been stretching the NEW HORIZZONS of oil extraction possiblitys with ….. EXPERIMENTATION ,,,, hopes the blocks will not fall down … the use of microbes to lossen up oil thru the fermentation process and controlling the microbes ( 99.9% ) thru slecting AIROBIC …yet in the DNA base of all life is the potential for success as ANaeroblc living also ….. living with out air …. And low and behold I HOPE I HOPE the co-INKYdink of names does not come bite us in the ASS … as the well destroyed was named NEW HORIZONS … and from what I have heard everyone is some what happy that the oil is DIFFERENT not as viscous or thick ….. bad bad this is bad ,, NOT ! the RUM ! to quate a master Johnny Depp
Hmmm but just like if you had a broken water line you fix it by putting a 5 gallon bucket on it weighted with a CINDER block ,,, I AM A GOD ! ….no the water eventually even if you compressed the wound …. Leak , eventually seeps into the ground to forma a wet spot and then leak up and out in time ……. But trust the BENOVOLENT CORP and scientist that feed it its SELL ABLE ideas who are controlled for aour best interst by the scientist class or proeit class of governemet regulators who ll… like wise have their own FRANKENSTIEN projects that will ENGRAVE THEIR IMAGE into the book of PHAROHS … and hsotroy , ohhht rust them all because remember you are just a stupid fisherman hell you can not even speak latin …. ( can not speak bee either can you , priest ? speak bee? Can you give directions on scales like they can with out google earth ? )
Ahh so we sigh a sigh of relief as they tell us that now EPA WILL OVER LOOK the NANO future to insure the planet does not turninot GREY GOO …,,, over looking is YES what they will do but theproper wording is Over SEE ..do you see what I see cash be putting into the funding of my pet prject …hmmmmm I like these guys ..it is SAFE ! …. Ohh well since I am so over whelmed in just trying to make my bills in this age where I am happy just to have a FUCKING JOB at all do not rock any ficking boat …or else HOW AM I GONNA FEED MY KIDS …..
Ahhhhhh SLAVE ! ……. This world we live in is very very new , sure westerns slaves populations like us have been depedant on FREE FARMERS ….. who made up about 40% of us while other BACK WARDS LANDS …. The numbers were like 90% agri peoples to 100% aboriginal ….. not salve since they had the MASLOWS handled not you ……… you gotta trust a bENOVLENT copr who will always tell you the truth about everything and act in the best interest of YOU …. And what eveidnce trail do you have to support should a FAIRY TALE ?
Ohh but back to PUSSY ..the scarid feminine … it is being repackaged as now … sound biting things good advrtsing …. Lysol and pussy the 4th electric thin in the house was for the PUSSY …. 1 lights , 2 fan . 3 toaster ..4 PUSSY VIBRATOR ….. and so tell cunt is not powerful or why would budwieser and everyone else being using it ? if sex did not CONTROL … no not sex ..PUSSY …. For even the gay male …attempts to live up to the IMAGE of FASHION that is sexualaity of PUSSY … and like the universe of visible light makes up only ½ of 1% of the total universe the POWERS behind the scens realy control things …..BEHING EVERY GREAT MANIS great woman ( hush hush , who or what is to blame ,,no not blame express of imabalence of antural system ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ….. hey no biggie wee are evolving players on TINGNESS beyond THINKABLE that needed to find some way to bring back inot PLAY … trapped orgaic compounds … traped in layers of rocks spread thru out SEDIMENTARY basins of which we have only realy explored about 1% o WE ARE NO WHERE NEAR the feared point of peak OIL ….. we got so much more to pump out ,,, that level of carbon cycling makes me wonder how green things really were on earth long long long ago , they must had been really fuckin GREEN …..
http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html so if the song FIRE STARTER by The prodigy is an example of myth willthey be as mis understood as Arisotphines in what he was really trying to talk a bout http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
Feel appreciation for those who provide examples of Well-being. How would you know that prosperity was possible if there wasn't some evidence of prosperity around you? It's all part of this contrast that helps you to sharpen your desire.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999
What is properity $ ..having CASH is not always really all that GREAT , it is NOT THE $$$$$ but a happy nesss …. That can be had rich or poor ,,,,, but in the CONCERN ..or WORRY well you AIN’T THERE . and many many rich have concern and worry ..easied by the DRUG of $$$$$ ….. what is wealth ? http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html the voice of the sages is always POLLUTED thru the bio machine from which delievers it ..the dentrite path ways with which we use to create a stable platform of experience of commonality ..in particle time space ages …. Details all …angels on the head of pin … but here are under lying concepts free for the thinking about …but do not do that … remain overwhelmed with your insurance bills and and shit …. And fire up another bowl feed your head !
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
cock is co-dependant on pussy
Cock is Co dependant on pussy
And like wise really in over all terms …. This blog realy will all boil down to spinach for the american dinner … ( there is a pun in that somewhere ) …ok so fucing 7;`10 this fucking am you fucking call dumbass wha! The fuck ..! youngmaster I am cool supprized but cool and the question is what is the blue box on your roof with the orange thing poking out ….. huh ? I am like sipping my 1st coofee petting O’duh kitty ( orange dot on head kitty ) getting to putt on my sneeks and run … and well young master has been having to go into work early this year so he does not get the chance to try and run me over laugh laugh ..wide berth thank dude … all runner like people like you … salaried still with a job theonly 1 left after the lay offs 12 hours day is better than no days … late 20’s when the laid off ones were 40’s and 50’sss remember that once more young master remember that ! when you praise the system … you were the ;ast hired proven yes but still costing fraction of the other 2 ,,the benevolent corporation in whom we give our trsut at worok for its; PYSCHOPATIC YSYSTEMIC …self .
But the blog came from some new wordeing on the front of a Mental healt place I wash their windows their main ,,, $$$ fow is from COURT ODERED referrals ,, drug ,, drunk driving , abuse , etc etc ,, treating symptoms of people whe are confused . and calling them SICK because they are not fitting into the culture ..CULTURE ….. ( ??? lik agri-culture depends on developing slave organism dependant on the suplly of fertilizers and pesticides to survive and provide SPICNACH ? ) they call millions of MIND FUCKED people SICK give them a ….DI=AGNLE knowing of their state … or diagnosis ……. It talking or retraining does not work I am surte the SCIENTISTS have developed some great fertilizer or CHEMICAL psycho therpudic they call them ….TO …CULTURE … this human who is showing signs of expressing their INSTICNTUAL NATURE and in that expressing the effect of MANIPULATION http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html ..
But the new ….. advertsing …adversting ..tirgger wordes or ICONS IMAGES THAT rememind people of THEIR state of UN- worth and needing of help ….. solution ,, ( create the problem sell you the solutions …. A theme that can be found in 1000’s of years of …CUTLURING of humans into the city under the guidance of Ptah the giver do that 1 againsome other day )
CO DEPENDANCE …….. hmmmmmm , I remember in the many years with different wives discussing the theme with the counselor ,,but who or what the frock am I ,,just a stupid fisherman I do not speak …ENGLSIH … I am a barbarian I do not speak latin … I don’t speak the complete JARGON of each and every science ….. they preiest knows everything about nothing , yet it was the words of ahead of CERN I remember …. I would rather know nothing about everything than everythinig about nothing …
Co dependence …… is a DISEASE ? a sickness needing cure and treatment ? I would argue for the epxresion of instinctual altruism … and the Phd. Would ignore me or better yet redirect and confuse …… divide and conquer is military strag. … confusion is divided attention .
Codependents often struggle with an overwhelming need for approval from others around them. Sometimes they will do things that are against their values or standards because of their great need for others to approve of them. Often, their need for approval will drive them to burn themselves out, to please others and give, give, give. Codependent people may also have difficulty owning their own feelings. While everyone experiences a wide range of feelings, codependent people tend to experience them in a way that completely overwhelms them. This is because their feelings may have been minimized in the past- possibly for years. To deal with this, they desperately begin to seek affirmation of their thoughts and feelings. In doing so, they begin to place more importance on other people's opinions than on their own. They have learned not to trust their own feelings, and eventually cannot even recognize them, since they are so accustomed to “feeling the way they 'should feel'” in certain situations.
Yes SYMPTOMS but no the problem that generated them …. Yes a symptom itself can become a probme but to treat only SYMPTOMS and not the problem means the problems with break the skin in a NEW SORE .. another symptom .
SPINACH .. if I took the time if I had the WANTO ,, I could write a peotic MYTH about spinach ,, using word tool to describe something going on in CULTURE … ahhhh like Aristophines did in his story about the PYSCHOPATHIC USE of humanity by a class described lto common peoples in a way they coud grasp easy and fast thru IMAGERY ..like advrtsiers do today it has been done for ages , the church and it’s GARGOYLOS or Icons … before that was the story ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
The CULTURIZING OF HUMANITY to be usefull to the PHAROH or gods classes ,, divided attention ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
But back to my friend ..the blue box and the orange cord ,,, it is the reasied junction box for my next set of PV’’’ s solar panels …. http://www.tektrumcorp.com/ 30 wats for 124 bucks delivered …. OGITOP off grid , in town , outa pocket ….. and back spinacn …as he says well Phil your gradens out front are looking mighty sad as compared a few months go ….yep we live in the desert Lat’s and they are getting burned up , but neat thing is new speices are arriving daily ,,,,, in fact actually todayt , will eat 3 meals BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER …. From that line you see as you drive by that thin little line of ..comapritimentlization of the permaculture ideas of bill MOLLISON .. that little lines now borders ½ my lot …. And for Breekie … it is barley and suanam cherry pancakes .( those cherry we all hate , well pick real ripe shake the tree ripe ,, let the air for haour then soak in water over night and …. Take a few days to aquire the taste for them and …watch the fuck out you willeat them like store bought ..lucnh is a soda flat bread of that same barly you have sen growing , with mixture of fresh greens , and dinner will be a plate of mainly greens and root veggies ….. WHAT ABOUT THE MEAT ? did you give up eating meat phil …no no no , yet I have not had to buy sotre bought cooking meat since last OCTOBER 2009 …. From the fish out fron the deer and elk from friends I have GRODY DEAD ANIMAL FLESH almost everyday …
So my friend in his CULTURED MIND THINKS ..spinach ? and I say no not the MONO CULTURE the mono thiesim …. The orthdox of 1 …. But I had use all my fingers and some toes as I counted off that dinner will consit of the complexity of testures and flavors mixed in 1 BOILED DOWN pot of of greens …. Just coming in now are dayflowers whose fresh young tips are good ,, I will pluck 7 tiny ones … then biden alba … the same the littles freshest maybe 10 .. some older Amanranths ( the young ones for salad and lunch ) Am. Is a spinach by the way that the HIGH AND MIGHTY SCIENCE of the age tried to kill of as a speices …. Ohh did you know that in the earlt 1800’s eating fresh greems and veggies was not recommended for it ,, it ,,,it,,caused the CHOLERA …. The all might diety of science THESIS PROVEN IN VALID again and again and again … back to dinner … 3 speices of radish greens including the rocket shaped seed pods yuoung … young back eyed pea pods , turnip greens , poormans pepper grass a wild food I have almost become addicted to it is so good a mustard .. colared , carrot tops , pursleane omega 3 fatty acids .. ohh the radhsih and peas pods high proteins … 3 petals for a red passion flower , tips from the bull briar , swwet ptatoe root , onion greens garlic greens tarragon greens baseil greens , rosemary greens .. now remember all just a leaf or two hera an d here , plus 2 un opened sunflower heads ( arichokes with a rosemary spice ) trimmed of the bitter latexy green , chicory greens dandelion greens ….. ohhh shit I know I am forgetting some I always do …..
We are talking much more than spinach young master ….. complexity of variety insures combinations of proteins fats flaovers and vitamins and mineral …. But hen there are the OHH MY GOD Scary plant poisins …. Lke Oxilic Acid ..( ooh I forget my wood sorrels 3 types plus penny wort and Japonicus ..see I told I would forget some ) WHICH SPINACH IS LOADED IN ……
But as my friend young master remeinded me he does nothave time …to walk the garden when he gets home he is so fucking burned out , that all he can do is open a beer rool a fatty and pop some shit in the micro wave …. And crash on the computer to play WAR GAMES ….. see you thruday phil at Jammin in Jensen …….
That sucks young master …… http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html for the price of that staus symbol truck you drive … the rat race could be over and you could work for WANTO in stead of SHOULDS ….ahhhhh shoulds the probem that grows the complexity of DISEASE CALLED co depences . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html just out of town near live oak where you did htat music festival with in the same commute sdsitance as your current job is you expand inot Lake city to ….. 2 acres 8k ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/adobe_slurry.html so no bills ,, in theory … you work for 200 a week ? at what ever ? as long as it is FUN and fulfilling …. 60 for car ins. 40 for internet …. What ‘ca gonna do with the other 700 per month ? and all the fuckin free time to …… be the one recieiving the PHONE CALL of friends trapped in the NIGHTMARE OF PHAROH … instead of like you the one driving … while I am chilling .
Spinach …..the 1 an only real green veggie for most Americans ….. so iask you young master ,, count tomoorow the first 94 people you see regualry at work ,, the other employees you know ,, the post man the UPS driver …. Will you EVEN make it to 94 ? welll the facts is that 94 out 100 do not retire FINNACIALLY SEC URE only 6 do ,,, so each day as you count that number …. Years after working years in fact decade after dec ade …. For you all ….. you only get form 60’s to 80’s per day never getting to count even 1 ..of the lucky few who PHAROH SOLD US ON striving to become ,,it will! NOT be you …. ( odds ,, like flipping a penny acutall here is where I resepc t science …ODDS learn from them or get burnt by them )
SPINACH so cultured it can not grow in the garden with out MIRCLA GROW POTTING SOIL …. Yet it’s wild cousins are the weeds I will eat that sow themselves now 2 years later ..all I had to do is PLAY MY …PART TO FIT … as bob marly would say … I am the seed spreader ,, just make sure I spread the reseeding effort os the plants I want … and they will find a way to grow themselves , in fact I have found that a grass weed I hated actually is very supportive of my peanuts and sorrels ( opps I forget fresh peants to be boiled also again only a few adds DEMENSION to the plate . ) without the weed grass the other plants get sun BURNT … far out NO WEEDING !
Spinach or maybe you are adventous and sometime even buy a fresh chard or collard or kale ) ohh shit if orget them too 1 leaf her 1 leaf there the small the fresh , let the plant go to seed ..NO KILLL …. Fruitiarian or NATURAL HYGENIE … concepts …. Even so American …. You are SO LIMITED … traped in SHOULDS of how life …. is , as sold to by those who well SELL YOU SHIT .
Expectation indicates the juncture between where you are and where you want to be. Where you want to be, is your desire, and where you are, is your Set-point or habit of thought. And somewhere, in there, is what we would call expectation. Expectation, whether it is wanted or unwanted, is a powerful point of attraction. Your expectation is always what you believe. But the word expectation does imply more what you are wanting than what you are not wanting. It is a more positive word than it is a negative word, but of course, you could expect negatively - and whatever you expect, you will get!
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, December 20th, 2003
WE NEED EACH OTHER we are social animals who care about the smiles of each other ,, we are naturally co-depedant … it is written in the EXPECTATION LIBARARY OF …the DNA of the survioror animal …. The success of CO DEPENCY it is not SICKNESS ……but the un balance un restraint expression of the GESTATIONAL natural expression of eve in Myth … a nautral selfisj tendancy of woman w/ baby to pyschopathy of the female gone extreme ….. culture .
Poligmy is the balance ……. Sperm greed is not . monagmy
Hysteria was a DIS-EASE dating in texts back to 100 AD . the vibrator took the place of FEMALE to female thru mid wives clit stim …. To relieve pent up sexual frustration .. the vibrator was the 4th electrical appliance to make its way into the modern home 18880’s ( sci-am sept 09 ) create the problem then they will sell you a solution
Ahh would have been antural part of a harem animal that the females would have sexually recreated and pre stimulated so that fucking would be more enjoyable….. FOREPLAY …. DNA style don’t you think ?
The calling of love , concern for others ,altruism .. a SICKNESS of co dependence borderlines on the Nturuing of humanity into a sublte form os selfish functional PYSCHO-PATHY .
But remember do not THINK FOR YOURSELF ,,eat your canned spinach , and if you buy fresh …wash it thoroughly with a harsh detergent containing anti biotics to ensore that is will not casue E-BOLI because once more the baby of sciences and city has born the seeds of a new CHOLERA among us .
For we are gods says the diety of todays sciences ….. look at the stuff we have built ….. thru science like Pyrimids they said long ago , ( nothing but babys playing with blocks , stupid humans )
And like wise really in over all terms …. This blog realy will all boil down to spinach for the american dinner … ( there is a pun in that somewhere ) …ok so fucing 7;`10 this fucking am you fucking call dumbass wha! The fuck ..! youngmaster I am cool supprized but cool and the question is what is the blue box on your roof with the orange thing poking out ….. huh ? I am like sipping my 1st coofee petting O’duh kitty ( orange dot on head kitty ) getting to putt on my sneeks and run … and well young master has been having to go into work early this year so he does not get the chance to try and run me over laugh laugh ..wide berth thank dude … all runner like people like you … salaried still with a job theonly 1 left after the lay offs 12 hours day is better than no days … late 20’s when the laid off ones were 40’s and 50’sss remember that once more young master remember that ! when you praise the system … you were the ;ast hired proven yes but still costing fraction of the other 2 ,,the benevolent corporation in whom we give our trsut at worok for its; PYSCHOPATIC YSYSTEMIC …self .
But the blog came from some new wordeing on the front of a Mental healt place I wash their windows their main ,,, $$$ fow is from COURT ODERED referrals ,, drug ,, drunk driving , abuse , etc etc ,, treating symptoms of people whe are confused . and calling them SICK because they are not fitting into the culture ..CULTURE ….. ( ??? lik agri-culture depends on developing slave organism dependant on the suplly of fertilizers and pesticides to survive and provide SPICNACH ? ) they call millions of MIND FUCKED people SICK give them a ….DI=AGNLE knowing of their state … or diagnosis ……. It talking or retraining does not work I am surte the SCIENTISTS have developed some great fertilizer or CHEMICAL psycho therpudic they call them ….TO …CULTURE … this human who is showing signs of expressing their INSTICNTUAL NATURE and in that expressing the effect of MANIPULATION http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html ..
But the new ….. advertsing …adversting ..tirgger wordes or ICONS IMAGES THAT rememind people of THEIR state of UN- worth and needing of help ….. solution ,, ( create the problem sell you the solutions …. A theme that can be found in 1000’s of years of …CUTLURING of humans into the city under the guidance of Ptah the giver do that 1 againsome other day )
CO DEPENDANCE …….. hmmmmmm , I remember in the many years with different wives discussing the theme with the counselor ,,but who or what the frock am I ,,just a stupid fisherman I do not speak …ENGLSIH … I am a barbarian I do not speak latin … I don’t speak the complete JARGON of each and every science ….. they preiest knows everything about nothing , yet it was the words of ahead of CERN I remember …. I would rather know nothing about everything than everythinig about nothing …
Co dependence …… is a DISEASE ? a sickness needing cure and treatment ? I would argue for the epxresion of instinctual altruism … and the Phd. Would ignore me or better yet redirect and confuse …… divide and conquer is military strag. … confusion is divided attention .
Codependents often struggle with an overwhelming need for approval from others around them. Sometimes they will do things that are against their values or standards because of their great need for others to approve of them. Often, their need for approval will drive them to burn themselves out, to please others and give, give, give. Codependent people may also have difficulty owning their own feelings. While everyone experiences a wide range of feelings, codependent people tend to experience them in a way that completely overwhelms them. This is because their feelings may have been minimized in the past- possibly for years. To deal with this, they desperately begin to seek affirmation of their thoughts and feelings. In doing so, they begin to place more importance on other people's opinions than on their own. They have learned not to trust their own feelings, and eventually cannot even recognize them, since they are so accustomed to “feeling the way they 'should feel'” in certain situations.
Yes SYMPTOMS but no the problem that generated them …. Yes a symptom itself can become a probme but to treat only SYMPTOMS and not the problem means the problems with break the skin in a NEW SORE .. another symptom .
SPINACH .. if I took the time if I had the WANTO ,, I could write a peotic MYTH about spinach ,, using word tool to describe something going on in CULTURE … ahhhh like Aristophines did in his story about the PYSCHOPATHIC USE of humanity by a class described lto common peoples in a way they coud grasp easy and fast thru IMAGERY ..like advrtsiers do today it has been done for ages , the church and it’s GARGOYLOS or Icons … before that was the story ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
The CULTURIZING OF HUMANITY to be usefull to the PHAROH or gods classes ,, divided attention ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html
But back to my friend ..the blue box and the orange cord ,,, it is the reasied junction box for my next set of PV’’’ s solar panels …. http://www.tektrumcorp.com/ 30 wats for 124 bucks delivered …. OGITOP off grid , in town , outa pocket ….. and back spinacn …as he says well Phil your gradens out front are looking mighty sad as compared a few months go ….yep we live in the desert Lat’s and they are getting burned up , but neat thing is new speices are arriving daily ,,,,, in fact actually todayt , will eat 3 meals BREAKFAST LUNCH AND DINNER …. From that line you see as you drive by that thin little line of ..comapritimentlization of the permaculture ideas of bill MOLLISON .. that little lines now borders ½ my lot …. And for Breekie … it is barley and suanam cherry pancakes .( those cherry we all hate , well pick real ripe shake the tree ripe ,, let the air for haour then soak in water over night and …. Take a few days to aquire the taste for them and …watch the fuck out you willeat them like store bought ..lucnh is a soda flat bread of that same barly you have sen growing , with mixture of fresh greens , and dinner will be a plate of mainly greens and root veggies ….. WHAT ABOUT THE MEAT ? did you give up eating meat phil …no no no , yet I have not had to buy sotre bought cooking meat since last OCTOBER 2009 …. From the fish out fron the deer and elk from friends I have GRODY DEAD ANIMAL FLESH almost everyday …
So my friend in his CULTURED MIND THINKS ..spinach ? and I say no not the MONO CULTURE the mono thiesim …. The orthdox of 1 …. But I had use all my fingers and some toes as I counted off that dinner will consit of the complexity of testures and flavors mixed in 1 BOILED DOWN pot of of greens …. Just coming in now are dayflowers whose fresh young tips are good ,, I will pluck 7 tiny ones … then biden alba … the same the littles freshest maybe 10 .. some older Amanranths ( the young ones for salad and lunch ) Am. Is a spinach by the way that the HIGH AND MIGHTY SCIENCE of the age tried to kill of as a speices …. Ohh did you know that in the earlt 1800’s eating fresh greems and veggies was not recommended for it ,, it ,,,it,,caused the CHOLERA …. The all might diety of science THESIS PROVEN IN VALID again and again and again … back to dinner … 3 speices of radish greens including the rocket shaped seed pods yuoung … young back eyed pea pods , turnip greens , poormans pepper grass a wild food I have almost become addicted to it is so good a mustard .. colared , carrot tops , pursleane omega 3 fatty acids .. ohh the radhsih and peas pods high proteins … 3 petals for a red passion flower , tips from the bull briar , swwet ptatoe root , onion greens garlic greens tarragon greens baseil greens , rosemary greens .. now remember all just a leaf or two hera an d here , plus 2 un opened sunflower heads ( arichokes with a rosemary spice ) trimmed of the bitter latexy green , chicory greens dandelion greens ….. ohhh shit I know I am forgetting some I always do …..
We are talking much more than spinach young master ….. complexity of variety insures combinations of proteins fats flaovers and vitamins and mineral …. But hen there are the OHH MY GOD Scary plant poisins …. Lke Oxilic Acid ..( ooh I forget my wood sorrels 3 types plus penny wort and Japonicus ..see I told I would forget some ) WHICH SPINACH IS LOADED IN ……
But as my friend young master remeinded me he does nothave time …to walk the garden when he gets home he is so fucking burned out , that all he can do is open a beer rool a fatty and pop some shit in the micro wave …. And crash on the computer to play WAR GAMES ….. see you thruday phil at Jammin in Jensen …….
That sucks young master …… http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html for the price of that staus symbol truck you drive … the rat race could be over and you could work for WANTO in stead of SHOULDS ….ahhhhh shoulds the probem that grows the complexity of DISEASE CALLED co depences . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html just out of town near live oak where you did htat music festival with in the same commute sdsitance as your current job is you expand inot Lake city to ….. 2 acres 8k ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/adobe_slurry.html so no bills ,, in theory … you work for 200 a week ? at what ever ? as long as it is FUN and fulfilling …. 60 for car ins. 40 for internet …. What ‘ca gonna do with the other 700 per month ? and all the fuckin free time to …… be the one recieiving the PHONE CALL of friends trapped in the NIGHTMARE OF PHAROH … instead of like you the one driving … while I am chilling .
Spinach …..the 1 an only real green veggie for most Americans ….. so iask you young master ,, count tomoorow the first 94 people you see regualry at work ,, the other employees you know ,, the post man the UPS driver …. Will you EVEN make it to 94 ? welll the facts is that 94 out 100 do not retire FINNACIALLY SEC URE only 6 do ,,, so each day as you count that number …. Years after working years in fact decade after dec ade …. For you all ….. you only get form 60’s to 80’s per day never getting to count even 1 ..of the lucky few who PHAROH SOLD US ON striving to become ,,it will! NOT be you …. ( odds ,, like flipping a penny acutall here is where I resepc t science …ODDS learn from them or get burnt by them )
SPINACH so cultured it can not grow in the garden with out MIRCLA GROW POTTING SOIL …. Yet it’s wild cousins are the weeds I will eat that sow themselves now 2 years later ..all I had to do is PLAY MY …PART TO FIT … as bob marly would say … I am the seed spreader ,, just make sure I spread the reseeding effort os the plants I want … and they will find a way to grow themselves , in fact I have found that a grass weed I hated actually is very supportive of my peanuts and sorrels ( opps I forget fresh peants to be boiled also again only a few adds DEMENSION to the plate . ) without the weed grass the other plants get sun BURNT … far out NO WEEDING !
Spinach or maybe you are adventous and sometime even buy a fresh chard or collard or kale ) ohh shit if orget them too 1 leaf her 1 leaf there the small the fresh , let the plant go to seed ..NO KILLL …. Fruitiarian or NATURAL HYGENIE … concepts …. Even so American …. You are SO LIMITED … traped in SHOULDS of how life …. is , as sold to by those who well SELL YOU SHIT .
Expectation indicates the juncture between where you are and where you want to be. Where you want to be, is your desire, and where you are, is your Set-point or habit of thought. And somewhere, in there, is what we would call expectation. Expectation, whether it is wanted or unwanted, is a powerful point of attraction. Your expectation is always what you believe. But the word expectation does imply more what you are wanting than what you are not wanting. It is a more positive word than it is a negative word, but of course, you could expect negatively - and whatever you expect, you will get!
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Saturday, December 20th, 2003
WE NEED EACH OTHER we are social animals who care about the smiles of each other ,, we are naturally co-depedant … it is written in the EXPECTATION LIBARARY OF …the DNA of the survioror animal …. The success of CO DEPENCY it is not SICKNESS ……but the un balance un restraint expression of the GESTATIONAL natural expression of eve in Myth … a nautral selfisj tendancy of woman w/ baby to pyschopathy of the female gone extreme ….. culture .
Poligmy is the balance ……. Sperm greed is not . monagmy
Hysteria was a DIS-EASE dating in texts back to 100 AD . the vibrator took the place of FEMALE to female thru mid wives clit stim …. To relieve pent up sexual frustration .. the vibrator was the 4th electrical appliance to make its way into the modern home 18880’s ( sci-am sept 09 ) create the problem then they will sell you a solution
Ahh would have been antural part of a harem animal that the females would have sexually recreated and pre stimulated so that fucking would be more enjoyable….. FOREPLAY …. DNA style don’t you think ?
The calling of love , concern for others ,altruism .. a SICKNESS of co dependence borderlines on the Nturuing of humanity into a sublte form os selfish functional PYSCHO-PATHY .
But remember do not THINK FOR YOURSELF ,,eat your canned spinach , and if you buy fresh …wash it thoroughly with a harsh detergent containing anti biotics to ensore that is will not casue E-BOLI because once more the baby of sciences and city has born the seeds of a new CHOLERA among us .
For we are gods says the diety of todays sciences ….. look at the stuff we have built ….. thru science like Pyrimids they said long ago , ( nothing but babys playing with blocks , stupid humans )
Saturday, May 1, 2010
no P in our ool
No P in our ool
So the oil spill willeffect me here on the treasure coast by June … bummer and with the prevailing summer breeze off the GULF STREAM eventually a shean oof atomized oil effects will creep inot my Indian river lagoon …. ….luagh laugh laugh my friend said as he ordered yet another beer … this is a real knee slapper ,,who would have thought ….
Like a baby pisssing in to the PACIFIC OCEAN ., this oil well gushing inot the gulf maybe compared to if ,,, mankinds eneneerrs in their infinite wisdom …. Prove once more the wisdom of the SAGE . if they let go that oil microbes in hopes it will eat the oil and prevent … destruction on earths oxygen producing oceans ….
Think about it….70% to 80% of all the oxygen we breathe comes from algae! ... Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the ...
ecology.com/features/mostimportantorganism/ - Cached - Similar
Ahhhhh ,,,huh ? here was friend who has read a lot of my shit feeding me back my own words and I am not even hearing it …… the microbe ! the first patented life form which had never beenused because actually it is too fucking dangerous , and yes what if it is used this time so what ,, welll maicrobes , evolve like ,,, welll a million genernrations a day and eventually over come obsticales , like our anti biotic resiatant strains we keep on creating over and over …. Keeps drugs companies in business and scientists eer employed I guesss …. Well this microbe well may just find a way to adapt to underground stores of oils and find their way down ..the other wells pipes thru out the world .. since the waters of the GULF STEAM TRAVEL EVENTUALLL THE WHOLE WORLD …. That tractor current we worrieds o much about stopping for it could create and ice age ..well this time …… it will bring ALGEA KILLING chemicals to the whole planet and ..well that will suck big time … but
What if that microbe gets into every other oil well and eventually like a like a yeast …. Carbonates those wells withs it …. Action of decomposition till each and every well blows like a bottle unvented under pressure and the foamy and liquid spreading every where …THEN this 1 well would then look like a baby pissing in the PACIFC ….. laugh laugh laugh …never saw this one coming did you phil !
But what about the loss of 80% of our breatable air ,,well Phil your beach front property with that breeze you are so proud will be the WORST PLACE TO BE ….. maybe just maybe hidden way back in a forest with 20 miles of solid tress around you may be able to get a breate of air that would have the ..PROMISE OF 20% normal oxygen …. Laugh laugh laugh …. Now that is just a promise of being able to breath in comparison to like ?????? well hold your breathe for 5 minutes and breath 1 minutes ooops no that willnot work in 5 mins you would die …. Ok so how about hold your breate for 2 and half minutes and breate for ..30 seconds ,,, I betcha you could keep that up for a ½ before dieing ….. laugh laugh laugh …… ahh big sigh …. …no , inever saw this one coming …
So I am gonna ignore I ever heard about this one coming and live the same plans I had before the events of 2 weeks ago and the projections of today …. Because the chance of that hidden meteroe or the once in a million year KALADRA blow or a SUNBURSHT HICCUP ..has always been around ..THIS IS JUST ONE MORE … and I too alugh laugh laugh ….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
ahh so 20% will keep O breathing life forms alive it will be just the big DEMANDING ones that die off like in past itmes of mass extinction . It was always to stupid to believe human would never change out someday …
So the oil spill willeffect me here on the treasure coast by June … bummer and with the prevailing summer breeze off the GULF STREAM eventually a shean oof atomized oil effects will creep inot my Indian river lagoon …. ….luagh laugh laugh my friend said as he ordered yet another beer … this is a real knee slapper ,,who would have thought ….
Like a baby pisssing in to the PACIFIC OCEAN ., this oil well gushing inot the gulf maybe compared to if ,,, mankinds eneneerrs in their infinite wisdom …. Prove once more the wisdom of the SAGE . if they let go that oil microbes in hopes it will eat the oil and prevent … destruction on earths oxygen producing oceans ….
Think about it….70% to 80% of all the oxygen we breathe comes from algae! ... Overall, the production of oxygen in the oceans is at least equal to the ...
ecology.com/features/mostimportantorganism/ - Cached - Similar
Ahhhhh ,,,huh ? here was friend who has read a lot of my shit feeding me back my own words and I am not even hearing it …… the microbe ! the first patented life form which had never beenused because actually it is too fucking dangerous , and yes what if it is used this time so what ,, welll maicrobes , evolve like ,,, welll a million genernrations a day and eventually over come obsticales , like our anti biotic resiatant strains we keep on creating over and over …. Keeps drugs companies in business and scientists eer employed I guesss …. Well this microbe well may just find a way to adapt to underground stores of oils and find their way down ..the other wells pipes thru out the world .. since the waters of the GULF STEAM TRAVEL EVENTUALLL THE WHOLE WORLD …. That tractor current we worrieds o much about stopping for it could create and ice age ..well this time …… it will bring ALGEA KILLING chemicals to the whole planet and ..well that will suck big time … but
What if that microbe gets into every other oil well and eventually like a like a yeast …. Carbonates those wells withs it …. Action of decomposition till each and every well blows like a bottle unvented under pressure and the foamy and liquid spreading every where …THEN this 1 well would then look like a baby pissing in the PACIFC ….. laugh laugh laugh …never saw this one coming did you phil !
But what about the loss of 80% of our breatable air ,,well Phil your beach front property with that breeze you are so proud will be the WORST PLACE TO BE ….. maybe just maybe hidden way back in a forest with 20 miles of solid tress around you may be able to get a breate of air that would have the ..PROMISE OF 20% normal oxygen …. Laugh laugh laugh …. Now that is just a promise of being able to breath in comparison to like ?????? well hold your breathe for 5 minutes and breath 1 minutes ooops no that willnot work in 5 mins you would die …. Ok so how about hold your breate for 2 and half minutes and breate for ..30 seconds ,,, I betcha you could keep that up for a ½ before dieing ….. laugh laugh laugh …… ahh big sigh …. …no , inever saw this one coming …
So I am gonna ignore I ever heard about this one coming and live the same plans I had before the events of 2 weeks ago and the projections of today …. Because the chance of that hidden meteroe or the once in a million year KALADRA blow or a SUNBURSHT HICCUP ..has always been around ..THIS IS JUST ONE MORE … and I too alugh laugh laugh ….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
ahh so 20% will keep O breathing life forms alive it will be just the big DEMANDING ones that die off like in past itmes of mass extinction . It was always to stupid to believe human would never change out someday …
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