A teen in a sea of pussy
http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-life-of-buddha/#comment-22909 1 of the greatest STORIES …myths … tool of the mind fuck , keeping humans confused and thus conquered !
ahhh my young master firend to be born twith the cutest of chicks there to sick your cock from the MINUTE the second IT STARTED ot get hard hard there was a HOTTIE THER TO PLEASURE IT ! AND yet she is expressing her own EVE spirit epxrsion of the ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html
now yung master do have hat URGE to violence out of the frustatraion and training that change happens thru war! …. 10 k years of evience trail denyin ythat as out of you and me assumption … but if so ,, check out . Derck Jensen http://www.filmsforaction.org/film/?Film=241&Title=Derrick_Jensen:_Endgame_part_II
excell ! watch this video yet think for yourself durin it . rip it apart 2 gigabyte ablity of human brain power by 2 giga byte human brain power , do not get over whelmed by the information stream of ..... hierachy .
about the hurt leg thingie ,1st if your can warp your mind around the idea that pefection is BOREDOM , you could live this 1 experince of the sea turtle without , comparing today with any other possible then the pain would be a n non issue , but that would be no fun ! the oppurutunity to experince contrast or to give a it a humanized value of suffereing . is blessing for the real you " turtle " the life of a fruit fly bron in the morning dead by evening , a simple humans 70 years the torises 400 or or the red woods 1000's all no1thing ..nothing to the idea of infinity . equal to the flash of a quanta coming in and out of BEING nes , all valid oppurutunity to experince an ASPECT ... a yoke in an infintie sea .
get away from the idea of comparisions .. or human values about good or bad ( outside of expresions of bio mechincal evolution and will to live aspect ) and enjoy the oppurutunity to feel the NOW for it will all be over very very soon .
the Bramha idea of Male jobs being passed down while female were to be used to marry hopefully into more UP-wardly advantagous familys is contrary to bio mechinacs since the male sperm is the ADPTIVE aspect and the older of the success of living thru life's contrstes or challenges ( like the damamged leg ) to reproduce and bring with it in the DNa this adaptive asset ... ie western dna able to survive small pox to a level of 60% while aborinal ameican died to the tune of 95% , also example of alcohol tolerance of whites over north american natives
now with out the albity to have been brought up in the place the , normal world of civil humanity would not have been so strange as to have demanded the ..evolvution of todays Buddha . Yet in nature to life does die but it instinctual of the bio machine is to transition quickly or survie quickly orten within a window of days , not fear state of suffering and the slow years of progession to death or transistioing of civil man . ... the buddha needed to have the oppurutunity to experince CONTRAST ...like a damamged leg may provide another being .
classic idea that KNOWLEDGE of man and his schools of Brhama or university will be the savior instead of the evidence trail of the enslavement it has been for 10k years . Hierachy drw within the lines do not THINK FOR YOURSELF ! and never observe data not subject to EMPIRE ( imperical data )
you are born a clean slate with DNA expectations of bio mechanics natural for this species , dentirte memory pathways create a level of OPPURUTUNITY challenge aspects difined by the age/epoch of the being birthed we often still refer to this as MYTH story sometimes. Thus the FUN of being for the turtle or buddha was the search of a stupid aspect called HUMAN deifned enlightenment ( as if human / honid / ape is all that F'ing important on this tiny 3rd planet of a star in the middle of just ANOTHER galaxy where galaxies are like grains of sand to a universe ) I love BUDDHA !
again the words of another ENTERTAINER… of history someday …
Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans you are making, and in all you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure and your desire for feeling good be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you -- and only good can come from you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday, April 14th, 1998
What is fun what is WEALTH …wealthis the not worrying about $$$ but if like JENSEN says you have to buy FOOD …. Or other masolw aspects of life like PUSSY … are you WEALTHY ? http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
Sunday, April 11, 2010
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