Hummin’ pussy
So why do we give each other ORAL sex ….. altruism ,,, we like each other within a yin / yang a balancing of selfishnees and giving ,, for the giving brings some for the SELFISH part of us tooo… ACCEPTANCE place in a social structure or family or friendship or community …. All that from her sucking my cock ? just as the evasive HIGGNS OBSON and the field steming from it is so small so far off so outside of the ability of your bio machine to perceive with out use of other forms of TOOLS the tool collectors born from DNA ,,,, had no need to understand HIGGS EFFECTS , like we have no reason to UNDERSTAND the ..activity of micondria in our cells or the other trillions TRILLIONS of ….PROBIOTICS that enable us to survive without them we would rott like a piece of fruit in afew days ……( PaulHawhkins of Bioneering said that 1 … a 50 minute video )
We the adv enturuer UNTHINKABLE un pegable ,, unput inot bosaxalbe … adaventurere we use word tools like SPIRIT to discuss between each other about it ,, that aspect of the … I …. Uses a complexity build upon ..unthinkable complexity ,, like we trust the elelctric company and the computer manufactureser and the system oPerators to interact here on the web ..with out really UNDERRSTANDING athte Quantum level NOR individually apttempting to control the whole thing ourselves . as a play gorund .
Back to a good blow job your hard cock transmits data information it is INSTINCTUAL COMMICATION …. Non verbal commication … about the ehalth of the relationship .. to a speicies dependant on some forms of society … all sexual beings do have forms of SOCIETY … to be able to interact with each other no mater how limited or complex … we APES are harem social . and neighbor peacefull . ALTRUIST .
So this …. Means we are ahrd wired TO ATKE INTO ACCOUNT THE ….WANTS OF 2nd .MIND OTHERS , TO LIMITED OR WITHIN BALENCED effects ,,, the presence and training of A BIOLOGICALLY un ballenced human expression called PYSCHOPATH … and the NURTURING of society to accept it’s FLAWED views as being a reality for all ,,,, thru SCHOOLING for example … teaching a work force thru fear or rewards and punishments or thru social ostresations … or fear of government in Prsionment for not paying taxes or spending time working on the Pyramids in off season . even if this work generated economic PAY in terms of FOODS … to bring to the family during the off season … remember CHICKEN AND THE EGG ..where didi the PHAROH class the preiest get this food sotre to PAY IT’S economic slaves in the first place ?
FROM THE SLAVES THEMSELVES in tax form of that age .
Ohh shit I have gotten way off base this is supposed be to about my reaction to someone ,, a nice person showing the CONCERN for another human acting in a way they felt was NEGATIVE AND POTENTIALLY …… BAD ! ( judgemests of action based upon right and wrongs taught in theory schools ) PHIL …he said ,, I checked out your web site ,,and I hope you do not beleleve any of the shit you have on it ,,,, it was all done in the 60’s and they failed …..
And I had .. a FEELING !!!! of not being accepted by someone I wanted to accept me , to dicsuss with me aobut ,,,, details ,,, about real evidence trails …. I felt mayself respond to the reactions of 2nd mind …. Now quickly I caught myself and realized ,,,he is behind a brick wall of books calling to master who is walking further and further away into the infinity of heaven YELLING master master watchout you … are walking in the impossible as I have been taught by thsese books which in prision me . and master waves his good bye once more to 1 more ……as the tiny voice becomes weaker and weaker …
The 60’s were baby steps .. so when the baby fell in its practisin of change CHANGES from been bound by gravity to all 4’s on the floor to becoming the POTENTIAL of …BI PED ….. it falls fails …. STOP !!!!! baby you have failed and thrus proven mankind is not BI PED’s …… is this the thought process of my friend the SUPER INTELLIGENICA EXAMPLE of our best schools and his multiple degress ?
As I eat 2 to 3 meals now a days form … blended compartimenatiled food foresting designs …. No failures I see …but lelarnng falling and trying again ,,, natural evolutions of micro eco sytems ..etc etc etc … but day after day , the bounty of free food is there …but way more important really to the food is the RECREATIONAL ASPECT of the gardens …. I could be watching TV .. I could be driving to the gym tow ork out ,,, I could be in line to pay for groceryies ..etc etc etc ,,, instead I am outside watchin squierels and birds my cats play the bugs eat my food plants and the to watch the lizards and toads who are now plentifully eating the bugs … along with the birds hopping around thru my gardens …… like my own private nature program …. That is EDIBLE while I watch it …
I hope you do not believe ? like this is THEO baed … the gift of th training of a devieious psychopath , who created tools of control thru THEO …god form . which demands abstract BELIEF …no my so called ..scineifitc frind ,, you seem to be more REAL LEGION based needing of belief instead of evienddcenw while I walk the evidence
Are you talking aobut ecomoninc stragetys of service industrial income and savings plans ? are you talking about the concepts of thrmal mass ? all things I live or have hands on gathered experincail data after scientific experiments. …no BELIEF …is it ehsexual aspects ….ahhh CORE MIND FUCK TOOLS OF PAHROH ,, find something important and then create rules around it ….. so that the child grows up ..dentrites form that fitler realty possibles and expecatations arise … based upon the social instincts of ACEEPTANCE form 2nd ….. complexly tied to THEO ( god/king) AND THE TOOLS OF MANIPULATION . ahhh therea gain beliefs my frinds ,,, books written in today about the eefcts of this MNAIPULATION new relationship forms arising .. BDSM man kinds attempt to rise up off all 4’s …change … and then the idea that POLIGMY is what is n the DNA strand of the homind human . and the evidence trails of that .
Oh well it was just cool for me to FEEL …the twinge of not being ACCEPTED by the reperesentative of PHAROH ,,his advisor for the king / presisdnet or pharoh is just a DUPE who repeats the words of his LEARNED ADVISOR CLASS … the ivory towers of past are the ivy covered walls of today . Each age PROCLAIMING THE .. IMPOSSIBLES ..beware …have fear ..follow me … I know better .. I am like a GOD see what I have built …..look at the great city and greay PYRAMIDS ..
The words of EVE myth ,, and we will be like gods …. See what I have built I must be god or atleast SON OF GOD … claims the human hierachial psychopath thru his DUPE
When you manage to stay connected to your Energy stream, you always win. And you know what, somebody else doesn't have to lose for you to win. There is always enough.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, February 2nd, 1997
Or is it the words of the sages ..even your own PRIESTS UPON high so to say of PYSCICS eventually admit to complexity possibles that are ever expanding ..that we can not really even THINK OF … unthinkablity .
To touch the word of the sage ,, you were trained in day 1 in lack THE FEAR STATE OF A ….PYSCHOPATH ,,disconnected from …nature ….. thru schools and a few 1000 years of repeatition to believe in the diety of human ablity since we are the sons of GOD … ..are you letting yourself think for yourself yet? Expand past the birck wall in heaven ?
Sunday, April 25, 2010
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