Thursday, April 29, 2010

take your pussy to red lobster

Take your pussy to red lobster

Support the world wildlife fed….the WWF and feel good aboutyourself while you are alone driving aroundin your HUMMER on the street of NEW YORK and LA. ….when you eat a shrimp dinner at the SEA FOOD GIANT the MC D of water based INDUSTRIALIZED lives tock production …. Free animal forms now caged and used like MACHINERY … so you can impresss your chick in hopes you will get lucky and aget some ever POWERFUL PUSSY …. ( complexity upon complesiy to the point of confusion then giving up ..which is the CONQUERING )

Scientific American sept 2009 …… pearls hiddenin the corpataly sponsored PIGSHIT spilled down from the Ivory tower and ivy covered walls …. Jargon languages . Like the shound of chineses if you do not speak it .

The an. Budget of WWF is like 100 million ,,, HUMAN IS NOT AN …ALIEN speices we are of this world ..for 15 millin years HOMINDS … growing and changing like everything else with our interactions with ever thing else …. We live in a POTENTIAL GARDEN OF EDEN ..not potential but real …. Garden go to the EAT the WEEDS guys page and just spend some time chicking pages after page of seasonal abudnce all around us …… 10’s of thousands of edibles we human are not NICHE FEEEDERS … but complex onivors ( that means more than the 4 grains turned in to the SHRIMP of farming that is supposed saved the planet WRONG ! 4 grains turned into almost everything we salves who depend on $$$$$ eat ) …..

So real quick I gotta go to work ….. the US devotes 580+ MILLION acres to the HOLY COW … while or kids are crammedinto apartment buildings stacked like FUCKING SARDINES IN concrete cans ….. or in metal can in fucking TRAILER PARK GHETTOS … currently after the slash and burn we did to north America over the alst 200 years , the land is rebelling and INVASIVES are taking over that 580 million , and the rancehers says IT IS NOT WORTH THE 100 BUCKS per years constant cost to re cover the land for graing ,,,great..BONUS …. Give each a 1000 DOLLARS for the land instead ,, give them a GRAND for land whihcis not worth 100 bucks . !
And the 100 MILLION OF THE WWF can re FOOD FESRST America to the tune of 100,000 acres per year ,, and if a KID IN THESTREETS can get up a 1000 buck of matching funds the get 1 of those acres … with the ECONOCS of scale buying power ,,, that 1000 the kids gives is given back to him in terms of 400 wats of PV …. And knowledge to amd acces to temp use of Equip to build rpimatively ….. EARTH SHIP thinking earth tied … local site material housing . and 100,000 kids can make real CORABON OFFSET S not only in the trees but the lack of their future presence in the mainting of the INANSITY which created the confuse and c onquer ..whihc believes its ENGEINERRRING will work to fix the problem …. Whihcis only a SYMPTOM . 100 k free MAERICAN YOUTH ..strong natural healty ,,, inteleigetn wise with wisdom and eonclopedic knowledge of what iREALLY MEANS TO BE HUMAN ! 100k per year …now think about that in terms of 10 years them 20 years and then 30 years …. Million and millions of HEALTHY AMERICANS FOR THE NEXT …7 …GENERNATIONS .

Plus give them TREES >>>>> lots and lots of trees , fire wood food ..bushes and seed …. And the lost ENCLYCOPEDIC KNOWLEDGE HUMANITY USED TO HAVE .. taught to us by the modeling of its FREE family unit that lived for 15’s of millions of years without ..RED LOBSTER and shrimp flown in on airplanes …. For local peoples can not afford the shrimp from distant farms ,,the it is the creation of the $$$$ system get them dependant on $$$$ …. Buy seeds …. Create DEBTS … buy chinese TV’s …. Get a car ,,USE OIL !!!!!! change depending on the plans of the MACRO …. Who have no real taste of the micro ..detached peoples themselves totally invested in the …messed up system .

It doesn't really matter what religion anybody believes. If their life is working (and there are many different approaches to life that are working very well) then why not let them believe whatever they want to believe? It's all working in the way that it is supposed to be. There are religions that you wouldn't want anything to do with, that are perfect mechanisms for the people who are involved in them. And therefore, they are a very good thing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, April 25th, 2004
Every stock broker as he drives up his commission is teaching a truth in suggesting DIVERCITY …. The world tool of the sage is NEVER IMPORATNTA it is under lying themes at play … 1 more free choice to freelychoose from .

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