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Am I so cool with this pro gay video , the Christian bullshit is just example ezample of how much importance the IVY WALLED OR IVORY TOWER gives to its mind fuck of the word of a humanized god over the UNTHINKABLE concept which is at the baiss before SCIENCE and study got hold of it and the mind of mand claimed knowledge or understanding of the unthinkable . All the fancy people from yale or harvard talking aobut centurys of traditional thinking is givng importance to the very very very limited aility of the 2 gig human brain to be of any real importance . WE ONLY DEAL IN DATA BUNDLES . for th atom itself like in the tests of CERN today show expressed over 2 gigs of data if we were able ( al mighty human ) to deal with or perceive it . that is ignorable this bible shit ..but the idea that HORMONES and instinctual expression of BREEDING abonormaility ,,in terms of creating to many males for the HARME INSTINCT of the homnd human is what is cool … ooooh girls lick ing pussy bi sexuality is natural yet I shuld be …I as in male ..the SEDD the ADAPTIVE expression should hbe in such limited numbers that I am of VALUE … for my hard COCK . not supplanted by plastic cocks and technology stimulations of electronic addictive vibrations .
( my comment to this video )
i gotta admit that cartoon edu thingie is cool , the idea that he feamle body feminizes EXCESS males , is inharmony with instinctualism .
i still believe the amount of male birth is an abonormality due to the selective breeding of a few 1000 years to man armys anyways . and that the female DNA knows the unatural ness of having so many males . all continues to suppor the idea we human are harmem based like our cousint he gorilla
and it does not dis count the free choice potential deirectly , as exampled in common examples of the eefects of control or cohercion ( manipulation ) sexual stress and the need we have for sexual recreation and companionship . whihc in our current model is so difficult homosexuality can provide this core maslow need to be fullfilled . not perfectly but in a functional manner , use of relationship TECHONOLOGY to say . Just like porn can be a seuxual TECHNOLOGY or prositiution a sexual technology
I AM SO ….. jus wanna say for like so many years I have stood up fro the right of free choice to be gay … now to think of it as an IMMUNE RESPONSE in haromony with natural selelction so cool so way more complex …. That , the young men I have known and said FINE good ,,technology ..answer to the confusion question about relationship stress gay but understand you are not gay by DEF. of your expression of sexual plumbing but because of SOCIAL STRESS , I can have it both ways ,,the Sex plumbing is still there yet inner predisposition to homosexuality can be ABOVE the 1% of 3 % of genentic abnormalities BECAUSE human female is trying to re balance the UN- instinctual expression of manipulative decrees of PHAROH to man his armys .
Part of me syas I gotta RETRACT another part says I am …PROVEN . the truth about PARADOX …. Be happy with paradox ….. thing ness and NO 1 THING ness the illusion or gift happens in the arena of …..TAO .
Now just grasp this every 5 …..FIVE ! hours A KID confused bythe fucking mind fuck and UN-instinctual expression of humanity and the slave breeding of humanity for the last 5 k years kill him or herself .. and 20 OTHERS fail at the same time
DO YOU GET THAT ? fuck the fes numbers who die on TV in Afganstan as soliers to suppor the image or PHAROHS mind fuck reality is we lose SO MANY MORE AT HOME because of the mind ufck day fater day …after day after day …. OPPS THERE DIES ANOTHER and 20 others tried ….. to escape the confuse and conquer BUT FAILED only to …DRUG THEM SELVES INTO SUBMISSION !
Peace people …….. zZHUANGSI was write 100’s of years before the all imporatntat Christ of Constantine of Rome …. Get Emporoers out of the picture ! the city which feeds them .
for me there is not such thing as CO INKY DINK .... after wathcing the bible told me so and then to end up almost haivng to have this video as back ground sound ....
bernie MADE off with millions ..... AND MONEY well the advisor to PHAROH did it for the $$$ ... science or priest it was and still is all about the $$$$
while the INSTINCTUALISM of the organism still yells out fromt he library of the DNA , something is F'ed up
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
No one else or nothing is a problem! No thiey are the OP for adventure and experiences not available in the LL OF the no 1 thing , for there all op’s are alwaysin in ALL WAYS , enjoy the chance of CONTRAST … to be the bored bi-ped definintion of homind . and thus be free to choose ,,, and not be SLAVE
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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