‘ere go pussy
ergot , where go , there go ….. like a seed blown by the wind , or dropped after thr furit was eaten if it was tasty the seed traveled closer and closer to the CAVE entrance thus creating a natural food forest evolutioning http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ,,,,where go? Is not important and not of our 2ND mind to worry to much about ,,,let those what want to grow grow where they find it best to grow ….. as those who do not find it pleasant to move or die off ..TRANSITION or move as per dna and Tao unimpossiblity desin … the human chick can come and go to find the place best suited for her ,,but the seed lands and then lives or dies … no judgement of good or evil based upon human’s fear of TRANSiTION fostered by the DISCCONNECTION of the Pyschopatic mind of fear or PHAOROH …
grow what wants to GROW …. Attract pussy that wants to be with you , not mold yourself to fit the ever changing wants of the 2nd mind only to continually fail since you really are nevr inside that mind to feel the up coming changing wants …..
grow what wants to grow http://www.eattheweeds.com/www.EatTheWeeds.Com/EatTheWeeds.com/EatTheWeeds.com.html this guy has the best forgaer site I have yet to find , enhancing the complexity of food , from the 4 staples found in every thing we eat our meat is just changed corn wheats and soya and rie anyway all the same base molecules and proteins are to be found still there . …. Here he expands the complexity of a human diet , to the point you eat a few leaves of this a fruit of that thru out a day or season ever changing never poisising …but the fear … of ERGOT came in and I wondered ..about the growoing of my grains , so , I researched ERGOT the LSD fungi …. And found SURE if harvested and grown in the IMPERSONEL distracted commerce methods of today or yesteryear also , the shear volume of activity ERGOT would pass bby un noticed … then I noiced my grain harvesting method my ,,POCKET … I pick a hand full as I walk the food forest evry growing in my yeard things that find the place I pu them to be COOL AND COMFY they grow great other do not …grow only those that want to grow ,,, adapt the surrounding or enhance them and then try again to se if it is a sustainable place after the changes were made … but back to ergot ,,, it is a very noticeable fungi realy if you were to pick and look at each head of grain ….. as you choose to pick it today or let it ripen a few more days I already am friends on a first name basis with that plant knowing that I willeat some I see its health or weakness ( ergot or no ) and as I process the grain after a week of drying some othe seeds drop a isweep them up and scatter them to complete the cycle of letting PUSSY GROW WHERE IT WANTS TO …….
MICRO AND MACRO evidence trails over and over .
and the comment I left ,,people make comments about things interact do not be SCARED how about that bummer sticker you have NO FEAR ,,prove it ,stand up put tyour name out there not some ANNI MOUSE thingie and talk …..THIS IS WHERE THE…..REVOLUTION IS BEING FOUGHT people …. The pen is mightier than the sword … the worthy words of the sages of the ages out live the effects of the barrel of guns or points of arrows or th sword that PHAROH mind fucked people into using against others nice people like themselves , friends unmet ,, a stranger is just I friend I have not met yet …. The words of a worthy sage still living on time after time
finaaly got to finish the full 3 hours ,
myabe a new evolution to the idea of $$ and group human activity called civilazation is our dependance on FUEL coal oil electric derived from any source ( inc green ) . This is our new slavery , add to this the evolution that world wide more people live in dependant citys , not able or knowing how to FEED THEMSLEVES as thier fathers still could just a few genertions ago .
and waht of social security and socailied healthcare , these are the gifts PHAROH must make to his slaves to keep them from revolt . The human animal has at it’s disposal the Garden of Eden discussed in the Bill Mollison Video and the general healthy life style which accompanies .
Life span and health figures of stressed industiral workers do not hold the broader perspective of HOLISTIC HUMAN LIVING from many different varied form of imperical/acceptable data to help insure less manipulation in conclusion drawing .
Further the confuse and conquer of the few or PHAROH CLASS over the many . who by free choice move to the bright and shiny the new and fancy promises , like a moth to a flame. Historical evidence of societial failure , macro and micro ie.easter island for an example of a closed resource system with reliance on the trust in a GOD/PHAROH class, experiment drwn from historical evidence.
treating only 1 aspect like $ is not …whole istic
so ERGOT …… a fear a confuse and conquer worry ,to prevent you from TRYING or attempting ….. to change your DENTRITE expectations of your life worth of MODELING , telling you there is 1 and only 1 way ….
Your choices of action may be limited--but your choices of thought are not.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on Saturday, May 25th, 2002
Again over and over when the expectation built upon dentrite memory agreement about what is REALITY , is changed within the DNA dymics of the quatum agreement state of this THIS .playground outside of the science limits we agree to respect ,,,, in others words moving into unthinkable thoughts …. In time changes you realm of action possibiles . http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ( think unthinkable thoughts )
Sunday, April 18, 2010
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