Friday, March 12, 2010

orchids look like pussy

Orchids look like pussy

The PHAROH class is the flower of a … a …. A plant you do not change the look or the form a flower from the top down it takes work involving thr roots the YOU AND ME’S from which the next generation of roots grow out of and the next genenartion of flower is supported by ….. the flower can not survie with out roots ….

ZDAY march 13 ….. the same smelling flower slightly different form ,,,,TRUST ME ! we are the new devine ,, science will save you ….. looking for a savior is the evidence trail of the SLAVE MIND . so well mind fucked and taught from the day of birth by mind fucked parents …. That of course it is hard to look outside the box , the way dentrite memory works is based upon repeating memeory pathways of expectations sot he brain can handle the over load of new experience …. Letting most of life happen on AUTO PILOT .. we only can process 2 gigs of data and well the savoir sciences are so complex we MUST TRUST ….. but never ever trust andyon who says TRUST ME ! have we not learned that law just by livingon the streets already why should the PHAORH CLASS be any different when in fact he history shows the FLOWER changes a lil here and there that is all .

So I got lost in PHILANTROPY …. The respossiblity of the rich to be Philo .. so themasses do not destroy their sociopathic system . dates back to the wild HOLY DAYS of pahroh times … give the people the day off free food and and lots of OPIUM and they will love PHAROH … never thinking that allt he free stuff was stuff stolen from them the working class by the ruling class … the ruling class didi not harvest their own gardens to feed the people just gave them back yesterdays harvest so they could go on stealing the work of the peasant /slave class for the next year . 364 … to 1 ..get deal ! Todays rich must give also ,,, the evidence trail of rebellion shows this make a good show of your PHILO your feeling for the under privileged masses world wide . how many small farmers lately have drank their own pesticides to avoid ENDURED SEVERTUDE of themselves of their daughters ..the land already swindled away by last years debt to maonsanto and dow and the buyers of the produce who set prices on global scales … what was that number 100 and 30 …THOUSAND …. Young men averaging in their late 20’s to mid 30’s ….. oh India has poor bankrupty protection ( hey kinda lik what they did in the US change the bankruptcyt laws then destroy the economy )

Philo giving to thos poor backward peoples living in MUD HUTS … ahh cemment is nothing but sand and burn stone ,,sounds like mud to me! Ahh but packages with the mind fuck of SCIENCE and you have technology …. That needs energy to maintain a liveable temperature … where as good earth connected mud hut woutl be much better if with a lil education and site planning ready for floods or earthquake … a great start in that EDU process for you the TINK FOR YOURSELF TYPE …. Donot just trust the 1 and only way but adapt … and brig about new flowers . understanding what this guy did then CHANGE UP abit . …… giving back to the poor ..hmmmm ? so the PHAROH class proudly displays their generous gifts to world aid orgs. Signed thankyou plques stangely signed by ( your newphew? ) god has blessed you and you can give a ½ million to the worlds poor but in reality all you did is cover your nephews pay check for like 3 years max.

And this house what does this house I am cleanng cost? 1 person lives here for a few months a year …. So I looked it up shacks on this island go for about 10 million a piece … I have written a few times about TERRA FORMINg or greening the desert .. how about what Mollison didin the Kalahari 3 inches of rain per year
Now much of the SARAHA desert which is as large an area as the contential US …. Gets 8 incehes of rain per year … it is mainly ARID …. With some real good 10% foto op of extreme sand dunes .

10,000,000 dollars US… hmmm based upon homedpot costs … the same water linew we depend on in our home ½ PVC at retail is like a buck for 10 feet HD makes about 50% so lets say 50 cents for 10 feet .. so a mile is what 5000 feet ? that is 500 pieces of PVC at about 250 bucks hmmm ….. it is 600 miles to the center …. Hmmm 20 million 10 foot pieces of water line is how many miles of humanity ? 200 MILLION FEET ohhh well that is only
40 ……. 40 ..fucking THOUSAND MILES of water line ….. 1 house …. not a house 1 shack ..the real house is most likey on the cape ….. ohh but the dymincs of water movement means that ½ inch is not good enough, well it is just to talk , because real economics of scale would aloow for even CHEAPER COSTS and more MILES for the larger piping in reality . then scaled down to 24/7 drip systems delvering water to cisterns … just 5 gallons a day 50 gallons per ten people 10 epeople per 5 acres ….. and the SARAHA could house close to 10 billion people jus there in the fucking deserts . just 1 desert and let the animals have the rest of the planet and the world wild life fund can close its doors ….the WWF had a 100 million dollar budget last year. ( current world population is 6 billion …plenty of room left to grow in just 1 desert )

Confuse and conquer …trust me they say …… cash out young master , buy your way free of their slavery their dependence their CARROT OF GOLD …. And return to playin their sytem . and go teach the next and change the root !

Every moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is. This is where the desire is radiating from you, and is being allowed by you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
Life is not the FLOWER which comes and goes in a day or so , but the ..growth from the seeds to roots to bud and so on ….. you can change the TOP by adding so fancy colored dyes to the roots … further poisining the plant ….. but not realy changing much at all … livingis not the srriving at the manifestation , the END of the game for then you will just find a new challenge a new game or become bored in Utopia …. No life is the challenge … is lifre learning how to play basket ball then spending your days COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR BOSS YOUR JOB THE GOVERNEMENT , TAXES and bills?

Or as the permaculturist said this is more fun than Chess ..his old game ,, what is you game video ? foot ball . basket ball .. and when you are done buying all the shit and you have learned over some years to play the game well what have you GOTT? A life you hate and the promise of slavery maybe for a life lasting 1000 years …. you think you hate your life now ..what if you had to do it for 1000 years not just 50 years more …. TRUST ME ! they say ..have you learned nothing since the days of AMENHOTEP VI … HUMANITY ?

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