Monday, March 22, 2010

that vibrated pussy

That vibrated pussy

Allowing of technology solar powered vibrators are very cool jack rabbit that pussy first before you feel the comparion between live hot human cock and in human yet fun active plastics . ..sure f course change is never stoopped nor is it stoppable , it is of course like I am happy to feel your understanding of EVE ,,FREEDOM OF CHOICE .

In the concepts talked about by the sage , thoughts are things , GREAT FOO FOO wording , sound bite shit , becaue most people do not get the idea of the power of the DENTRITE PATH WAYS from which thought energy is CHANNELED … the brain is a clean slate when it is still at the 2 cells tage ,, the brain is in the DNA yes it has MILLIONS OF YEARS OF GREAT DATA stored inthat DNA library and yes that does effect the forth coming BIO MACHINE making have certain aspects of what we call INSTINCT , common to the …speicies ,, be that species bird , dog , tree or human ,,,, like I remeind you young master your dick does not get hard for ,,, and ovulating fielod mouse even though at the bio chemical state the hormones of SEX … the femal rat produces the same sexual hormone compounds like a human female which are air born and do excite you …there is EXPECTATION of mating within parameters of INSTUCUTALIMS.

DENTRITE pathways of expectation ,,,,, built around the ENCOUNTERS the individual bio machine has starting from sensorial events perceived in the Womb … the added to with newer dememensions of events similar natured but no longer thru the filter of the mothers body ,,still more clarifying dentrite paths are built ….NOW . is the beginning of dentrite pathways of EXPECTATION that have MORAMALITY attached to it ,,very power but also very CHANGE ABLE. ….!
Back to the thoughts are things again ,,so thinking is not pure it comes theu BIO MACHINE that you live thru ,,the pure flow of thoughts is a state of TAO where all thingsa re all ways ..tthere all the time ..where there is not time …. UNTHINKABLE . no separations bio machine limits allow for the PLEASURE of tasting …. Differences of events for MULTIPLE POINTS OF VIEW ..dentrite pathway filters .

Depressions are buita around , the inner KNOWING and frustration that things COULD BE different , yet the expectation of ..dentitie pathway reality social expectation , causes the TEARING apart and depressions confusions … ( confuse and conquer )

Ok so EVE spirit it was nice you were getting the idea of the TOTAL LIFE STLYE as it petains to MASLOWS HIERACHY of needs , having htat aspect taken care of frees the BRAIN for that SEED OF LACK thinking that pollutes manifestation or arrivial of wants due to limited expectation of SOCIAL NORMAILTY ….. and basic life style living issues are there , having the YOUNG MASTER who has done is presentation of the BASICIS .. of malsow … housing food water recreation income … the possibility of adding to the life style is un limited , but by the YOU EVE …. Having lived the concept of PRIMATIVE ( like going camping ) and having found it livable can further TWEEK it with TECHNOLOGY of free choice not dependence …. Or addction to the …. World of the city thinking you HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT …the block you found in out discussion was that mostly of ….2ND ..MIND what others were thining of your use of your life …. Living thru fashion expectations , making someone else smile so that you could smile ,WRONG PLAN twisted plan …. Not FREEDOM . but silent slavery , of complex social planning put into place 1000’s of years ago as man kind the SLAVE MASTER and PHAROH concept learned to create ystems to train the human to be socially self correcting . SINCE WE ARE A NICE social species . ( on great average ,,, yes there is the 1% socio path or psychopath who views the world thru their fucked up brain and then creates laws for us to live by that reflect it’s FEAR BASED view of lack and fear . )

So you realized yourself how cool you find it to be to get a ride in your friends new ,,,SMART CAR … how much you a respect for that house down the street proudly displaying his new grid connected PV solar panels …. And now how if you were the 1 livivng in a EARHT SHIP inspired ( hobbit home ) you too would have a sense fo pride in the over all life style ven including the …alos ewuallly comples expression of POLIGAMY because you too are feeling tht the supportive features of other girls how having the same general conept could be better than depending of a BIO LOGIALCALLY mall adjusted friendship of male and femal 1 on 1 when it comes to overall long terms family health happiness suppprotivitiy . WOW FUCKING COOL for ,,, my dentrite pathways of expectations have taken QUATUM LEAPS of seeing the WANTED of mine …. It is possible for EVE to see beyond the mind fuck ! for actually the average girl is not EE only mind fucked by the SOCIOPATHIC fashion effects of EVE ,,laid downin dnetrite expectation from the day of birth and before yet the DNA expecations are there still talking loudly ….. demanding realization too . INSTINCTUALISM .
Ahhh happy me to over time to LET IT IN let myself see the OPEN MINDED ness , of the vast majority of humanity …….. I feel great . for me ( an like the nice person we both are who does take into acoount the feelings of 2nd MIND feel feel good that you feel good too ) the mind fuck of PHAROH works because of the niceness of humanity .

If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't do this?" And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don't do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to have this done. Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you're going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, April 5th, 1998
Bring that inot BASIS issues like food housing insurance bill paying ..all the basis complexity ,,and then realize you got TRAPPED inot mind fuck that is not real , free yourself of the need for CASH ,,, with the total of instinctualism basic ideas then DURESS of the basisi MASLOW issues having been dealt with like ,,, a vacation going camping where you found yourself fliving OK not dieing likeyou feared … having that SUCCESS … you re enter the game of CASH with different …. Mind expectations …

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