Wednesday, March 24, 2010

3 back door pussys


I know you want me to create some sort of masturbation content , tell some story about ass fucking …. Well ask yourself again why do you search tht content out , why has the mind fucking the socializxing tool of sexual manipulation been so successful again ..go back way fucking back way before evern AMENHOTEP 4 ( or his mommy actually who usd sex who had sex with him is powerful motivator ) back to the SUMI time an the 1st god the patricarch ,,,OPPPPS wrong ! ..not a patriacrch ,, of male leader but ….and EVE was the first major GOD ….

But to honor those who have read me for fuckig years now , well gjust go back to ’07 and you will find lots of current events that include active discussions of ASS FUCKING FROM THE NIGHT before ,, wow real time chronicles of the ffects of sex .. on me . of my own desire for the smell fo TWAT and frsh panties in the glove box . and the life style if LEAD and still ..feel for .

But right now it is about ,t he polar baears of the Hudson bay ,,, the idea of Yoggie bear of jelly stone park and 3 wild kittens at my back door and YOU DIPSHIT . ( hiedigger ? no human and the WORD TOOL it used is of any importance other than for entertainment of the age then and yours of the use of that enteratainment . )
So my trees will not produce slice honey smoked ham in packages ?

Wow ! are you my friend ever SALVE .. or addicted .to the sytem …
Jus think about it .. you have 3 boats and 2 4 whelers with gun racks when we talk you ,,drift off into EXTREEMES of total collapses of human system ( not mi trip no I am inot enjoying the sytem with a level of freedom first in hand ) so yo like so many of our buds keep talking big talk about how we will catch fish and go hunting afer the great collapse , bullSHIT ! WE wiilll hunt eh sananannhs clean of game within 1 year down to the squierels nothing willb e left , and without ,t he GAS CAN your off shore boat will not work and without the bait and tackle store and the high teck gear you DO NOT FISH you s trave and struggle .

It is about the mindless becoming addicted to the sytem , si the common theme in the polar bears of Hudson bay and Yogie bear and the 3 kittens at my back door , mostly the wild cats I have had around me , lead a baslence of feeding off my hand outs with ,,fresh game ,b ut this mommma cat who braought hese kettens by a few months ago forgot to teach them to hunt ,,, so I find not fresh kills around , no these kittens … live within site of the ouse 24/7 every movement I make the rush and hide to see if any food may be left .. where for years cats would come and go , some times it would be months btweens ightings even to a full year between sightings of a familiar cat who understood Phil was cool ,,a wild cat who would show up and come say hi hopes of getting special feed bag like a PORIDICAL SON .. the kittens mom , came taught them to look for me ,, and when they understood the sytem she split to now be seen every week or so off an on ..but the kittens …ADDICTED TO THE BACK DOOR like slaves waiting on their food pellets .

Cat food is not …CAT FOOD …. Cats did not evolve to live off CORN OR RICE OR WHEAT …. Yet with good science and lfaovrings , thiese usnNATURAL ingrients can be used as food by the prditor cat .

The food pellet in hand packeaged form called MC. D hamburger hardly reesembles food …. There are NO BONES .. or things that remeind you this was once SOMEONE who walked the earth ,,, flesh bone blood DNA being of mine hey , you now goona uestion someone, the use of the term SOMEONE … and when I see you with yur hunting dogs ,,the way you interact with them , call them by NAME talking about their distinct PERSONSON or personality and now agin tell me , that everything is not also ..a SOME ONE … and so are our INDUSTRILIZED animals not also like human in a NAZI CONCETRATION CAMP … used for slaughter mindlessly by a population who does no longer think but BEGGS
The interaction you have when hunting or fishing with the thing you will catch ,,is a different DYNamics ..than this torture system of agriculture we have no there is no respect ..for our proey which we feel still while on the hunt … or while fishing we deeply feel there , their ,the animals almost freedom …to not be any fucking where near us to be caught or shot …. But the farm animal has not that free MYSTICAL choice .to around for us to be the TOOL of it’s TRANSITIONING back into Toa. The advent of HUSBANDRY of ranching when we set ourselves up as GODS over everything else .. hierarchy ,,, we use over the world and is used over us by our own ,, what goes around comes around . now the SOICIO PATH or pyshcopath leaders of corps or religions wel they are so TWISTED ..they do not respect the ANCIENT CONCEPT OF THE ….7TH GENERATION ..they think only about Self . and they are a contrasting experience we could use as tool to create new life models ..stimulating the 5 steps.

But back to ….. additive food ,,, food you were born inot eating having no real THINKING ABOUT what you are doing now or realizing your parents like wise never thought about their actions only acted like Slave sheep following the mandates of the sheparads … the number 2 level of MASLOW after well air first then water ok 3rd . designed with food addivtive science to taste the same where eer I go …. Addcition and expectation and DEPENDANCE ,, on and onand MINDLESSLY ON . , tilll you talk to me about the idea that trees do not give you sliceD honey ham or salami . ..we are fucking WAHCKED .

Now solutions , I bought a blue berry at HD … it was packed well full of blooms full of potential ,,, of realized expecatation in the BLOOMS ….. instant graifiacation …. When I planted that 3 gallon plant I found it to have like very little root ball and tons of top ..ROOTS like us the population of a nation SUPPORT THE FLOWER OR THE EPXRESSION OF GOVERNEMENT … with out real roots there is only a good show …
That plant cost 11.98 plus tax about 13 bucks .. a the same time I had an oder costing 100 bucks coming from the link on Free food page of isntincutalism … so 13 inot 100 is about 8 ….. in that order of 100 … I received 53 plants .. from hazel nuts , mulberry black berry dew berry straw berry grape etc etc etc …..

Now from the PAKAGING aspect the first view …. There was nothing there , they did not satify that training to buy , based upon the cover of the book or package or the expectation of instant graiffaction . of seeing BLOOMS …NOW ! .. like having ameal pre packed NOW ! … but the TOUR OF DUTY concept is a long term chess game ,,not a video game of instant graifaction ,, it is planting making chess game moves with effects known over the course of years as to whether or not my Stragety isa good on , yet with the OP to change position of the player plant later on by transplanting it ,,, like MOLLISON said it is more fun than chess , only thing is in my limited attention span the idea that I have to make moves based upon a 4 year game is NEW TO ME .

53 plants VS 13 ……. Hmmmm intelligent use of $$$$ …the reality of the blooms and root ball size ..the 53 plants that cam in in the PLANT SLEEP STATE of winter .. with not tops or green or blooms , still very healty for any plant to sleep during winter … but with fucking roots …massive ROOT POTENTIALS .. first year they will sleep …2nd year they will creep 3rd year they will leap ..4 year I WILL REAP ….the chesss game played out … moves with the mentality of the ancient human NICE PERSON who acted with the IDEAL OF THE 7TH GENRATION in mind … ( the pychsopath does not think about the 7th genenartion , in fact it lies to you when it says it loves and thinks about you , it is welll INSANE it could express itself as a mass murderer or as a mass murderer of 40,000 humans a day thru the CORP WORLD of profit and denial of simple lost cost solutions ,,, think about ideas that we here in the US have over 200HOUSAND miles of of gas and oil pipe lines feeding the profits of the sociopath ,,, and building wate pip lines is easier that oil pipe lines ref. other blogs on terra forming ) .. its mind either from birth or from up bringing is twisted )

A young Palestinian man was found in Israel, he had a bomb strapped to him, and when it detonated, it didn't detonate properly and he was wounded. But he did not get the triumphant results that he was seeking, he did not blow himself up and the people that were around him. And so he was captured. And when the newsman was asking him, why did you do this? He said, they killed my friend and I wanted to die. In other words, it was that simple: "They killed my friend and I wanted to die." We think that those pure and simple words speak to this (Middle East Crisis) more clearly than all other words that have been spoken. It is that feeling that you've done this to me, so I'll do this to you, then you'll do this to me, and then I'll do this to you. And what happens in that is, it just gets bigger and bigger, and bigger. And no one ever wins. There is no triumph that ever comes from any of that.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Thursday, October 4th, 2001
The voice of the sage coming thru any 1 human is not the UNFALLIBABLE word of god , but a human 2 gig brain , tapping inot the UNTHINKABLE and and expressing it thru WORD TOOLS …..tha is all ! …. The voice of the sae in times of PURRITY says over and over thru the vast ness of HSITORICAL expressions , we all all capable of contacting the UNTHINKABLE or selves ,, it calls us to think for ourselves over and voer ,,, manifestation of ENTERTAINER by entertainer ,,, Rumit to jeusus to ester to zhuangzi …..THINKF OR YOURSELF .
Another solution for the Palestine …is for them to view isreal like a FLOOD or hurricane that destroyed their land .. you can be like the cats at my back door SLAVES TO Food pellets or ,, you can BAIL and find new lands and plant new trees …. Check out the videos on GREENING THE DESERTS … especially the 1 on the dead sea of that area . there were two ways for that person to form solutions to his problem ….. walk away … buy your freedom . or get caught in the mind fuck ..of dnetrite pathways expectation . the catching of rain fall to make the rains do their DUTY rain is happy to do its duty …
PISS ON THE SAND DUNE ( why phil do you get so base? It is more fun ) .. watch the water of your piss runn off …. Then place some veegative material in a SWALE and piss again and see the water now being held ,,, it is the mind set of the 7th genenration … the game of CHESS … instant graifactionm of recieivng food from the GODDESS of the TheSumerians or thinking for your selves .

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