Friday, November 21, 2008

working at fun

Working at fun

Ok last weekend at the pineapple fest , in fact yesterday nihgt at jamming in Jensen I encountered the same persons in didfferetn bodys , people who were very stressed about their income , the potential ofr income … they dpend on event retailing for their day to day flow of EXCHANGE TOOL . so they can provide for themselves the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS …. Over and over ..dipshit I try to get yu to THINK FOR YOURSELF .'s_hierarchy_of_needs

Source is always looking for the SOLUTION TO THE CONTRAST the probelme mankind gets itself into …..hmmmm what does that mean ? this a statement of the entertainer Ester Hicks when she is expressing ABRAHAM . find a link to her work there .

Source …toa , infinty …hell GOD if you want ( god is a bad! Word in that it is full of PERJORATIVES .. emotional shit that fucks up the OVER ALL POSSIBLES OF THE MEANING OF THE WORD …. So using GOD can be miss leading because of the image your PROGRAMING ABOUT THAT word brings in to your mind automactically

Tao is ever expanding with each UN LIVED event there is expansion of INFINTY ..INTO ALL POSSIBLES SOLUTIONS TO THE equation OF THE CONTRAST OR PROBLEM … but for us to experience linaer time/space we gotta pick 1 …………YOUR WANT ! …. As decided by YOU . now you have conditions of comfort and many of these comfortsa re based upon the GENERAL UNDER LYING ,,,NICE nature of the human group animal ..we care what others think ….. we act independently yet within the Scope of the social group ..for to act outside of the social group would be ….. just may lead you inot having to leave that aupportive social group ……

Being the LONE MALE . ….. which is fine if that is part of your expectation … you expect to have to live a period of being alone to then GAIN your posisiotn in the GROUIP upon returing …… the 1 year alone in the woods of the youth aboriginal indain male …… his TOUR OF DUTY .

Ohhh but I got way off track …… this was supposed to be about WORKING at things you like ,,,, and living with out the UNDER LYING stress that most currently live ….
Building a life or a house on sand …. Will mean the foundation has no support .

You young master taking the time to use the GIVEN tools of investment and TAX deferences available ,,taking some time like you would if you went to UNVIERSITY for 4 years ..or lived 24/7 in a far away war zone in constant stress . doing a tour of duty in the Service to god and county in the armed forces … or think for yourself be creative and NOT SCARED …. ....... hmmmm there is so ,,much oppurutunity so so many people to SERVE the population in the same trade yet in their won SPECIAL WAY ….

If there were only 1 resturant how boring would that be …only MC. D’s …. No BK or windys , local hot dog guy ,, or subway , GIZMOS hand made pizza … or Mammma san’s china buffet ……..

When it comes to work .remember the longer you DO NOTHING the better chance is that you will end up taking any job later on ,,, end up working at something you do not like for 6 bucks an hour , when in reality you could BE SELF DIRECTED maybe doing something that at first you BELIEVE you will not like , because your point of view is about the ACTIVITY and not the truth about who and what you are ,,, what you are is a nice animal that likes to see HAPPINESS …. And happiness comes thru SERVICE ….. and you can find an ASPECT of human life COMMON to the VAST population .. finding NICKEL AND DIME NICHE ….. a provide GREAT personel SERVICe .. and recive 20 or 30 per hour or end up doing the same job for someone else who is ERVICING that niche as his employee and get 6 bucks an hour …… ohhh there will lots of jobs available very soon at 7 bucks or 8 … to be the statue of liberty of that TAX company ,,, and planet smoothie is always looking for some one to ..wear their banna suits …. For 6 an hour …..

Hmmm let me see … if any smart kid gets it …… is your advertisng being greeted with a smile or are you going postal? And the images are of a group of smiling people … a smilie face with a clown nose … another genrally LOL smilie face ,, in the bottom is the clip art of a HARSEESSED business ,,,, on DEAD line you cut and paste small envleopes all around him , on the evelopes are the words ..bills bills , legal action . over due . past due . divorce ….. hmmmm tease tease tease …. To see if you can think for yourself ….. go out and count the stores and offices in samml centers ,, 3 doors and higher ..forget major ENCLOSED ! shooping malss and count strip centers and professional centers till you get 800 . count the seconds it itakes to walk form door to door … entering each door going to the first flat surface you find touchin it then walking out , to the next door …. 30 seconmds … 1 one thousand , 2 one thousand … 3 one thousand … hmmmm ?there is plenty of OPPS FOR EVERY ONE …. Or else there would be only 1 resturant .

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