Sperm dripping pussy
That is a visiable evidence of the CIRCLE of life ,,something we all GLORFY …. Make into poetry ,,abstract it …. Lose touch with the reality of it … thru our SEPERATION form nature which we are still part of ….we are just DNA animals sure with minds thinking and questionsing our PART TO FIT ….. but all that thinking is done and experienced thru the DNA bio machine which again is self repeilicating ,,,, based on INSTINCTS ….. ahhhh back to pages like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html Z( i guess that image should be the next image to place on that page ,,the celbration of life …. For what is sperm and pussy about other than the RE-creation … and recreation of life ?
( ohh off track Yess the RIB is not strong side to side http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html it is designed to be the mold around which the EARTH itself settles and grows strong …. So while you are SKINNING it and you feel more comfy with some lateral supports while roofing I suggest that every 5th rib you put in opposing supoorts during the contrsuction phase . even though the front and back wall will be very strong and the 6 interior ribs that make up the bathroom also give shear support .. I dig your concern … but after it is done and the grass has grown the roots sunk down into the earth … it is like a solid hill in nature equal forces on both sides and engered wiehgt lods form the roof etc …. )
back to TO LIFE …back to TAO ..back to sex … back to self esteem ..back to WORTHYNESS … I have talked about Zhuangzi’s story about the fruit fly the man the turtle and the redwood tree ….and how the Spirit of the ancient Redwood taught everyone that the length of time of BEING is not important it is the …. Chance to experience BEING in IN FI NITE forms which is to be celebrated . get the book an very easy read …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
SPERM dripping out of pussy that was just minutes earlier wett in ..DESIRE of being pentrated … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html the GOOD FEELING for both of you ,,, the tool of pleasure to insure that we humans bring and make new baby humans so that they can DIE ~! …yep facts is facts … I gave all my children a TERMINAL DISEASE no one get out of here alive they will all die …..sounds terrible huh … ?but I gotta bring you back to the FEAR STATE the ..promise of PHAROHS AND GODS … to have everlasting life ( but first you gotta die .. read the fine print ) I gotta bring you back to thinking about the HEALTH CARE INDSUTRY THE ….FOR PROFIT ,, industry …. What is industry ? http://www.instinctualism.org/cancers_blessing.html that page and the general helath insurance page …. Life and eath are scary ,,,INSTINCTS .to make sure we stay alove long enough to make sure we create new .BIO MACHINES so that experience life ,,the oppps for the expansion of TAO …. So that new ADVENTURESERS …. Can have contrasting life events ,,things wanted and unwanted …. To choose from freely LIFE LIBERTYA ND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
SO …. WILL YOU EAT MEAT TODAY ? …how about Lettuce ? life the use of matter that organizes in self repeicating forms …. So that a thought form can use the COLLECTION of sub EXPERINCERS for its own experiences . remember the quanta itself is a FREE choice equal to you , from which sub atomic particles can … have a NAME …. Thus be thought form or being or thing … and formt here the Atom can use the organization of sub particles so ATOM can be NAMED hydrogen or lithium ….etc… and so it goes on UP in complexity ,,each FORM equal each …. Experincers of BEING something NAME ABLE ..graven images ..thought forms …. Describable ….
Meat … hmmm why I am here , well I will go out to my garden this morning like I have evry morning .. before work and and kill some greens , lettuces . baby kales , chard and spinach for my lunch sandwich ,, I am getting very used to this freshenss and availability ….. I will pluck a perfect flower ,, a new GROUPING of specialized indidnvual living cells that does not resemble the HOST PLANT ..HOST LIFE FORM … I WILL KILL THAT BEAUTY SO THAT THE INTERIOR OF MY HOUSE WILL HAVE COLOR …
Iw ill go down to the dock at night casting for a snook or trout or flounder …. And when I suprize that FREE ANIMAL with a hook hidden in the moving object flying like all other edidble things fly thru the water .. like a bird fly thr the atomsophere of air , so fish fly thru water …. I will KILL IT AND EAT OF ITS FLESH …
The contract on my house is moving on …. Still a few days of wondering if it will close , but all is looking interesting … and I have to chickens to deal with …. It is time for me ..to be UGLY ,,MEAN CRUEL BAD …part of the Tao .the RELEASER …… the releasesr ….. the freedom giver …. For the chicken like us also is living a life of contrsting events and free choices …. It’s own adventure of BEING ..from with in the meat sack ..the body suit ..the BIO MACHINE desgned by the DNA specific to IT …. …. One which over millions of years came to CO-EXISISIT with humans , we .. are desgned to forage for mainly beggies and fruits so while we hunted trees we found eggs and birds ….. and over the millions of years human and chicken created a special bond … the chicken found thru the LAW OF NUMBERS ( kinda like the mullet and snook ever watch a full bellyed snook ignore tons of mullet swimming all around him ? not blindly killing everything only hunting when hungry and the mullet sensing this ) the law of numbers by living in and around humanity it survived and PROSPERED less over all PREDATION because mankind protected and valued the chicken for its eggs and …THE MEAT AFTER RELEASE …… the bio macine is PROGRAMED TO FEAR DEATH .so tha the TAO adventurer would not be stupid all the time and die to fast …. For the DEEPEST OF INNER YOU …knows its ,,reality ,, and that life is ILLSUION a great paly ground … the free choice and expression of IN FI NTIY expanding thru the indivual expression and choice and then livng of those choices ….
Ohhh I gotta KILL A CHICKEN … why am I having any stress over this ? I love my plants I enjoy seeing the health and beaty of them … and I KNOW THEY ARE LIFE FORMS EQUAL TO ME ….what do I still carry in me this concept like PHAROH taught that one life is more important than an other ? ( ahh there it is young master did you get it? The poisin of PHAROH ..the god/king …. The fairy tale of IMPORTANCE )
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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