Wednesday, November 12, 2008

vibrator escrow

Vibrator Escrow

Young master …first and fore most is ( well kinda of FORE most you are you a lil different do not get STUCK in the HOW to’s as if it were wordes from GODS ) the important thing is moving towards what feels good …. It is the WAY OF NATURE is how the plant grows moving to wards its PERSONNEL PERFFENCES … sunshine a and moist roots and cell by ceel the dam tree grows …
You TOO are a CELL BY CELL … thing ….. you use a body ,, you are not the body … the you inside … is AGELESS yet your body has changed many times ,,, you are NOT the 5 year Bio machine ,,, you are not the 10 or 11 year old version of the same bio machine ,, and you are NOT tdoays version of the BIO machine …… again with respect .. I will refer to the WORDS of the sages .. like JESUS who it is writitne in our mythihcal tests to have described the TEMPLE or body and the spirit who uses the temple .. remember that WORD tools … are very limited ,,, just ways of giving you HINTS so that you can THINK FOR YOURSELF !!!! …… the design of the BIO MACHINE is to take care of itself ,,, you do not have to think about all the little details in fact you have not realy any clue as to even how to realy effect … the complexity of evry thing that is goin on in your body at any one time ,,, sure you can learn many tricks to effects certain aspects that you can SENSE and process within the LIMITS of the 2 gigs per second that you can process … in your tool of brain , but so much more is happening in the body temple , the bio mechanicns of it all .that you realy have not CLUE about .
YET THE EVEDENCE TRAIL that your GENERAL stream of thinking will effect the health of the body over the long term ….. the most basic thinking of all USERS OF BIO MACHINES is the thoughts of moving towards their won personel preferences ….. sun light and moist roots ….

MOIST ROOTS …. Dipping your hard dick in a wet hot moist PUSSY … HEY YOU MUST BE A FUCKING TREE ! …. For you like sunlight and your ROOT being moist .
I Have links TO THE entertainer ESTER HICKs all thru put the pages of ... why because of her ,,, style of discussing the TAO ..her own style of presenting the STREAM of C …. She and her STREAM are not FUCKING GOD … as ti is always telling you to TRUST yourself THINK FOR YOURSELF ..but you can’t because you have accepted the idea of MASTER /slave …. Programmed into asking MASTER of leaders or parenst or teachers or the PROFESSIONAL asking them to FIX me …. Yet ester says ,,, and Buddha says and even jesus said ,,ask for whay you want ,,, ask it and will be given ,,, knock on the door ….

Ester talks about vibrational escrow as being DONE the second you ..THINK about a want ,,the Tao or source becomes it …… ahhhh you are entering the UNTHINKABLE ….. .... what limits does that which is UN –IMPOSSIBLE have ,, can ot your thoughts be in some sort of other dememsion already BEING ..a something ,,, one of an IN FI NITE possibles that you may ARRIVE at …. The future of the MAATER which is like cards we PASS THRU ( your body is not hard and fast it is a something that you PASS thru it is changing yet you ,,deep YOU does not realy change ,,, can you feel YOU ? ) the deck of cards after they have been experienced NAO SECOND BY NAONSECOND , become HISOTRY ,,, the nest card is being written by the enrgy of your PASSIONS ,, you level of wants …

But that wants is ….what you are thinking about ,, for you do choose your own thoughts ,, you have the RIGHT to not think bad thoughts ,, you have the right ,, to CHOOSE to think about things that FEEL good like sunlight ,, warms ,,fishing and GETTING …. Your root wet ….. fucking ans sex and using a vibrator on and in some girls pussy …. Is that A PASSION ? or does it carry with it STRESS on many many levels ,,built in confusions form the relationships past …. Now projected into the future cards …. As expectations that you continues to seems to live over and over ….. yet the FACTS like the facts about EXPECTATIONS of health and wellness are if you

Change you thinking ,, the TONe of your thinking ,, if when you feel that stress choose to STOP and think about FUN … to think about ALTERNATIVES … to find the funnest aspect of the ALTERNATIVEs realize the thruth about LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS .. then oui can put those VIBRATORS out into the Tao .. the all possible … the vibrationa escrow ,, form which , those ,,, FEELING good things will approach you ,,,, but if your expectation … is one of needy ,,,, NEEDS … of FEAR s ..then the UNDER NEATH truth … of the NEED or fear of lack … is what will be experienced …

So ..w ant everything day dream all you want … do not NEED it , your happiness is not in the future but in how you feel now ,, for tomoroows now is coming based on todays FEELINGS of fionding FUN ….. so find a thought that is fun now …. Look at the JAIL of you world you live now …. The choices made last year by you ,,,, that you live now … and then remember the way you feel now willl effect next year … choose to find the happy happy ,,even if it is only in the color of the sky out of your PRISON window even if that RPISOn is you living in the life … OF A MENTAL IRON bars living in the expecations of others …not foolowing the bliss or the DNA ..of the bio machine you use … for this experience of time/space ..get it yet? Do you get it ? the hint over and over sage after sage century after century ,,they say the same thing ….. they talk about YOU ,,,, but the PHAROH has trained you well , their system has BRED a human BEST of burden that will not think for itself but accept the life given it …. ( or the slave master sould have killed of that BUCKING human ,,, to insure it would not breed ..ohh study the slavebreeding history the use of BRASIL’s surgar cane plantations as the place to put ,,, unruly slaves .. work them hard fast kill them off . as compared to the ANIAMLS BREEDING METHODS of north american slave farmers …. And realize this is information passed down from time and memoriam … ) yet ,,, this is only a few thousand years of effects on DNa that has a 6million years history

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