Sunday, November 2, 2008

a sensative clit

A sensitive CLIT

Young master ..accepting the ideas of Tao …of BIO machine use during an adventure of IME?SPACe where is there …is … a linear …. From point a to point b …… experience of events ….. instead of the ALL AND EVERYTHING ALWAYS while in the NO 1 THING in time/space we can expeince THING 1 thing … a limited flow of DATA in fact limited to the 2 gigs your brain can proass at any one second …. Yet logic remeinds you that your senses at any one seconda t exposed to 100’s and 100’s og gigs of data ..vibrtions that can be translate or understood by the senses of the HUMAN bio machine … limited ,,not able to smell blood like a shark … hearl like dog or see small prey from high in the skyt like a EAGLE ….. but even so your BIO machine can stranslate the expression of QUANTUM ACTUIVITY the blinking in and out of THING and form that makes up atomic reality ….

Our senses can gather 100’ and 100’s of gigs of indo yet the capapabl;ity of BRAIn is to WORK with only 2 GIGs per seconds … to store process ASSORT into USABLE files for comparison .

BIO mechanics that you ….. as the TAO ist traditions of JESUS the sage taught and used WORD tool to describe with the word tools avalibale at tha day and age ,,, called SPIRIT or SOUL ….. in the body temeple .

What dpes this have to do with her clit ,, with her ENJOYMNET of sucking your hard COCK ,,and if does give her pleasure to feel that throbbing hard penis in her mouth the data ,, her focus in fully on the activity the giving of sensnation to you thru your hard DICK …. The more you like it the more she likes doing it … and the more her own clit is stimulated and the more she feels the emptyiness of her own HOLE her pussy her twat cunt …. The TOOL of experience that an EQUAL … indidnvual ,,, persange ..POINT OF VIEWER …of the in fi nite ..toa expeincing an TIME ?SPACE adventure …. And so I continuously remeind you about our common HUMAN NATURE our FRIENDLY and recreational ..enjoyment avalibbale ..

FORE GIVING … is the gate the door to reiciving ….. FORE the GETTING of the bullshit you have been crammed with ,,,, the SHOULDS of expecataion to perform for the PHAROHS slave master to proform in ACOORD with the rules of CULTURE to support culture not the indidivuall experession ot TAO ..

Each QUANTA itself is my equal …… each user of groups of quatna which form …describeable THOUGHT FORM … like atom ,,, is my equal ….. going on and on ..till you reach , the use of subatance to create SELF REPEICATING complex forms called life which seof repair as they evolved grew learned from the CONSTRATS theier …PARENTAL UNITS experienced and lived thru before them ….. NATURE and INSTINCT built into DATA … the blue print of the BIO machine …. To be used by an INDIVIDUAL point of view of the TAO … you ! ( it is beyond the processing ablity of 2 gigs per second for you to even think about theat evey breath of air itself is full of individual TAO expressions in the level of millions of TRILLIONs … millions of trillions per second is beyong the abilty of the orcessors called human brains so we use the word tool INFINITY TOG ET A HANDLE ON 1 IDEA OF ONE APSECT OF THE un –thinkable )

Now ..a common problem for her while she is sucking your cock … or you while you are thinking about even asking her out … is SELF WORTH ,,,, am I doing this RIGHT ……. This VALUE ..this SHOULD …. This comparision ..we live to reach for the LOVE or aACCPETANCE of others because we have ,the oLD childhood training … evn the residual SLAVE MASTER training …. Of if I do not PLEASE I will DIE and the bio-machine fears DEATH ,,you the infinte TAO do not fear death , for you deep inside feel a TRUTH about you CONNECTION to the consatnat I – IN – I BUT THE BIO MACHINE DESINGED TO be self maintaining so that there will be lotso f them for POV’S point of views OF THE TAO to use …. For time/space experience …in this 1 of infite number of universes and galaxies etc etc ….

The common problem of living based upon wonderinfg if THEY LOVE me or not ….. does the TREE GROW cell by celll . based on the expecations of the other tress or birds that use it ? or does the tree grow based upon what feels good to it ?

It grows CELL BY CEEL ( the experience of time space ..the JOYFULL ablity to not experience everything always all at once forever but to have … the gift of TIME between the WANTED and the expression in living of the wanted ) …the wanted is more sun …. It feels good so more cells grow …. The WHOLE plant feels GOOD …. It is dry new ROOT cells grow .. one a t a time … compounding off the total volume .. a COMPOUNDING EFFECT like …. Compounded interest …econoics is important in our life so youngmaster I direct you to the EE of ) and as more water is expeinced the tree expressing happiness ,,, fulfillment of its WANTO”S by looking healthy and green …. E3ven going into SEXUAL MODE FLOWERING …..

Does her GROWTH and her maturity of the BIO amchine have anything to do woioth EXPECATION of society ,,, most likely not ifact ..the CLOSED MINDED SEXUALL REPRESSED CULTURES of sexual manipulation most likely repress the total growth of her sex …… but yet nature will not be DENYED and her pussy becomes sensitive and a GOOD NATUIRAL FUN TOY for creation and RECREATION ,,,, we move towards that which is FUN ,,,, her giving a blow job is fun ,,it is the loving expression of humanity …. ( humans are basically very nice speicies ) not evil

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