Ooooh look at that Pussy in the window
Young master …… these ideas about 1 of a whole bunch of different designs ,,in fact designs you cn come up with ,,for remember you HAVE FREE CHOICE … PERMA –CULTURE …. well my concept of what people are calling a HOBBIT house ,,, a house that from the outside looks like a mound or small hill on the landscape a home with green grass and wild flowers covering it ….. well is my designe ,, I believe it will be the easest one to build … from the most available construction material sources ..but does the idea of living under ground give you a closed in feelings? Remember .. this deisgn is built around that every room has a large picture window and glass door and SKY LIGHTS ..ahhh the vision of the Stars and mmoon to go to fuck with ,,, ooops I mean sleep with …. ribs tilted up secured temp like till you can get the first layer of skin on …. Then moving on to the next 8 ribs tilted up ….. using a winch off an ATV or the tractor ,,,, in fact … I gotta put on links to ideas about
YOU’VE GOT TIME NOT $$$ ….. there is a back hoe that is a two around …. You can get some goo ATV for around 1000 on line 250 cc …. And you could take 3 of the $119 dollar lawn mowers take the handles off … do some drilling to consct them in series … 3 wide …with falt metal .. take the wheels off to put some larger ones on … and then rig up a trailer hitch coupling ..and loo and behold you got a turf lawn mower system , so … after you have the place bush hogged you can maintain it …. The atv. 1500 , the bachoe about 3k and the lawn mowers with changes 4oo ….. you maybe allbe to rig up tools needed for under 5 k verus the subcompact tractor system that will end up costing about 16k …. Sure later on you can up grade to one othese after you have the resources but in your start up phase TIME YOU GOT $$$$ YOU DO NOT ….
So back to the advertisng gimmick of writing about SEX because our common thread of SEXUAL FRUSTRATION …/ sex sells it catches your interest ….. and the FEAR of acceptance of your own body …. Do you have that self self LOATHING ….? I betcha you do …. why …think for yourself and the tension arrises … FEEL it personel choices to FEEL it ,, do not RESIST it * what you resit persisits ) …. Feel it ,,, then realize it is astpe 1 feeling a contrast to choose from you want to feel this TRAP of comparing yourself to the IDEAL generated by advertisng?
Again I go back to the time of PHAROH …the times when our common myth books of religion were being writitne and RE WRITTEN depending on the Govermental forms that needed the control capacity of religion to MOLD human minds ….. and realize that ,,the SALVE was not allowed clothing the GOD/KING and the salve masters who served the ROYAL familys ,, and PRIests … all ahd clothing …but not the worker …until the worker PROVED IT S…. usefulness to PHAROH AND ECONCMY …. Clothing traditions that evolved slowly …. Yes sure we had clothing to protect us from weather in areas that were not so comfy as us THE SAVANNA APE spread out across the worlds …. BACK 6 TO 3 MILLION YEARS AGO EVIDENCED BY TOOL DESPSOTS IN PLACES LIKE THE Geoprgias of Russia …. ....... but even today in places where Christainty has not SUNK IT TEETH inot the wildness areas totally destroying things ….. the Aborignal peoples live very NUDIST type of lives not RESITING THEIR BODY …… ooohh but to cover the human body PROGRAM the ideal concept of BEAUTY to develop un naturel levels os ex and timing …. Timint for the EXPRESION of what is ANTURAL ..steming from HORMOnES NOT LAWS WERiTTEN IN BOOKS …. …. Ahh the mind fuck surrounding the natural desire to fuck …. what a usefull tool of manipulation for that 1% of the 3% ..the social path ….. who you ARE NOT 1 ( on average and the average is all of us who are of the 100 % less the tiny number of 1% or 3% you are avaerge … a very NICE PERSON … so nice you can be easy to manipulate ,,, so nice it is your INSTINCT to want to protect your FAMILY ahhh so learn how to use that instinct to create WARFARES …. But then again read about ancient tribal wars and you will find them to be UN ORGANIZED very much like …. A RUGBY GAME ….. that will break up when it got to violent .
Death during these games did not have the FEAR mindset that we live thru because aboriginal man ,,the SAGE culture .. was stilled respeicint that life was and sxpression of BEING TAO in MATERIAL FORM for limmted experience … respecitn the instinct of the BIO AMCHINE with out needing to have learned … first the details of BIO MECHANICS nor QUANTUM pyshihcs … death and the fear of it ,, are mainly part and parcel of the bio machine to insure the health and wellness of the family unit ….. the urge to RECREATE …. To fuck . and the having of bundles of joy from that natural activity .. thenthough raising them in a more natural way …… resepeicnting indivuality not forcing the children to become players in the INDUSTRIAL CHILD CARE INDSUTRY ..the PRODUCT AND PRODUce of that industry …. and then lastly i have not touched this for a lng time directly but …… sexual abuase …. And again re read the effects of manipulataion and find the GENISSIS there …. Complexity … remember my bbringing up of HISTO- COMAPTABLITY and the concepts on the amting behavior pages ….. we are very nice species when allowed to be thav ery nice species ..not manipulated into a USEFUL tool of econmy so just to remiend you about he WHOLE-ISTIC …. Nature of moving in the direction of creating an instinctaulist life .
Monday, November 24, 2008
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