Feel that ! pussy
Young master feel what you are living ,,,the choices you know experience ,,, one mostly is of a dream of your WANTS and another is the realiy of where you are … and how does that relate to fucking well it relates very well it can relate to which psositon you are fucking in at that ! second maybe you want to be fully ENFOLDED in her hot wet pussy all your length deep inside of her … her whole wetness and warm touching the head and shaft of your cock ,,, feeling the wetness of her cunt dripp into the haris of base of your dick …
But right this second your angle of pentration ( and do not foreget that is her instinct to RECEIVE that multiple forms of penetration http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ) but the angel of pentation or activity is such that you are receiving in your NOW another experience ..be there …feel that reality and from that reality … choose where you are on the scale of EMOTIOANL guidance DO NOT want or expenct or NEED to be any where else then where you are … and if we are talking about IN THE ACTION OF FUCKING yuou ahould or better yet you have the OP to be at LEVEL 2 PASSION ..every second . if you want to realize it . and not FOCUS on the want of deep penetration and that feeling of bottoming out … instead of realizing the GOOD of what this fuck is right this second !
“ I feel bad for you it’s called the TRIAD of a miserable life , poeverty , illness and illiteracy . Atleast you are literate . I wish you well “
Well that was a letter I got …. I question her calling me LITERATE if my spelling or use of grammer is any guage of literacy ? LOL …
Ahh to be RICH …. To have at your command the POWER OF $$$$ …. The magic to make things happen . and yet the TRAP of depending on that magic ..the stress of WORRY ABOUT THE fleeting nature of feeling your power based on that $$$ tieing yourself …SELF to some thing outside of you . ( it remeinds me of my first wifes family ,,not her I got to give her props for attempting to escape the poisin of the family she was born into .. but my last summer out on the miles of the family compound on that piece of heaven on earth out of the country called the lake of isands ..an her dad saying to me in his best English a second language to him ,,, you can not divorce my daughter what about my $$$ .. well the benefit for both of us of not speaking each other language well is that we can end up just smiling to end a conversaoin and return to a topic we could talk about FISHING ! ….. I did not know of her wealth weh I met her or married her and it di not stop me form leaving a stressed relationship )
Ahhhh to be rich ,,I saw the poisin of mulit generational TRSUT FUND dependence first hand ..the CAGE THE JAIL of wealth … so few of that family even went on to creating any form of life for themselves without TIES to the stream of cash that was forced upon them .
As for illness ..the blessing of GETTING FEED BACK thru my body …. Your DNA if it were cloned would not produce a baby the same age and in the same state of health as you NO …. It would produce a perfect HUMAN POTENTAIL BASED UPONT HE DATA OF THE GENRATIONS BEFORE CARRIED IN THE DNA …. Just a baby . my body is desgned to be EHALTY and when it is not ,, I THE USER OF THE BODY is fucking up the NATURAL STATE of health ..that my body still has within it …. ME … I am doing the things hat would create any and all forms of ILLNESS OR ….better word more sdescriptive … DIS-EASE ….. it is the commucation …. Teeling LOOK AT YOUR LIE PHIL .this ache or pain ,,this expeince of a COLD all are unanatural .. http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html ...
Some one I know who is involved in just astarting a new career and university at the same time and living life with all the social and family stress ..well that person got on major bad sore throat and we talked … I explained that gland whch has expressed the sore throat the begin stages of INFECTION is the PERFECTION of your self repicating design ,,sure is you fight or stress cut off the natural healthy blood flow because of stress … you will end up with a nasty cold other wise ,,, hear these words …
That gland is like anetting to filter out just the exposure to such INFECTIONS .. it is like a PETIRIE DISH A CULTURING AREA .. while the body tests out DEFENSES to the ENVADER … and creates the perfet IMMUNINE SYSTEM RESPONSE as the infection moves in a few days to the other side the body gets to test out ..IT WEAPOSN ON THE INFECTION TO FURTHER Tweek it’s arsenal … what a fucking GREAT DESGING and if your stress which is a CLSOING UP ..A TIGHTENING UP subtly of all body fuctions based upon your feelings of where you ae what you ae livng on the emotional scale …. The higher up you go …the more wiehgt is released the less stress and s trenght is needed to carry the WIEHGT of worry …. 17,18,19 rage anger hate ,,all are POWERFUL MUCH ENERGY IS BEING FOUSED ..the nseion is great the hormaone levels of FIGHT OR FUCK ar working OVER TIME ….. the RESutling choices .. will move me up or you up the ladder to feeling EASE lightness 1 EMPOWERMENT …ahhh personel empowerment depenadnat on nothing but the thought enegtry of FREE CHOICE ….. and well better health …… and releasing the commucation that illness actually was in your experience ,,the
BENEFIT OF CONTRAST …… poverty …… again the benfit of contrast ..for there I get to become SELF …..IN … POWERED
And lastly Literacy ……….. and I wold go back to Zhauangi .. a 1000 years befoe the sage Jesus ..walked the earth ..this china man …. Expressed his THOUGHTS ….. and one THREAD was on the trap of words …. Like the tool of $$$ can be a trap ..so can the tool of words …. Think for yourself . ( it is ablessng that my writing is so scattered it allows you to put in the missing thoughts y… to think for yourself ! )
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
swollen clit of desire
Swollen clit of desire
Desire and passion ,,,, the strength of the WANTO … you young master are not your CELL STRUCTURE the bio machine you use ,, the bio machine is a grouping of self repiclacting cells that is for ever changing ,,, that you use … not 1 atom of you is over 7 years old ,,you are still a 7 year old …
You ..are a point of view of the UNTHINKABLE-NESS called tao … the part of the POPV that is here encounters ,, a Contrast the wanted and UNWANTED … lets us take dating for example …. Lie to yourself .. lie to everyone else ..but 99.9% of you have some shyness issues … most need to have that COURAGE IN A CUP to flat out start talking to some chick that has gotten you excited … http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html ...... well that page will give you great skill sets if the CONTRAST of the wanted and UNWANTED stimulates enough ENERGY … if you get madd enough if you feel the POWER OF HATE THEN GIVE IT DIRECTION ..feel passion …. And the girls they to feel STRESS the tension girls feel about whether guys willEVEN TALK with them ,,the stress they go thru to be SEXY or nice ..the way we become un natural to EFFECT THE MINDS of others ,creating in the place we can not create in ,. The attempt of manipulation , hate to think of that way but it is …
This is contrast from these events comes thoughts
A vision of yourself … living something other than what you are living in your NOW …. A tought is a POTENTIAL .. it is the expanding of IN FI NITEY … if it is lived then it becomes the DESCRIBED and TAO is that which is the described and the undescribable ALSO …. You ..the unthinkable part of you is OUT THERE ON THE LEADING EDGE OF …TAO in what the entertainer ESTER HICKS calls vibrational escrow. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php that you out there is as much you as the YOU that is USING the BIO MACHINE called Phil , Tom Sally , Eve … you launch many many many WANTS or ROCKETS of desire … out there ,
Time space allows for the experience of only 1 thing at a time … 2 millions bytes of information at 1 time … so WHICH WANT will you attract ?
That is the reason FOR …PASSION ..the energy of desire ..the power felt while feeling HATE ,, this second of CLARIFYING A WANT …. And making a choice to move towards that part of you that is in the TAO that is calling you …. That you created from youw onw persoenl comparison of events and POSSIBLITIES.
Now the how you will get to where it is you WANT … and the blocks in the way … and what they are the blocks ..the blocks are the living within RULES created by others .. it is living within the AGREED UPON rules of a TIME/SPACE EVENT .. it is living within the agreed upon limits of BIO MACHINES …. Whiether that bio machine is a Redwood tree , the machine of a fruit fly ( that lives and die in one day ) or that of a HUMAN OR THAT OF A long lioved turtle. …… the DYNIMCS of the DNA that we use … must be understood in reltaionhip to other CREATED blocks …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
No other animal ,,DNA bio machine goes thru any thing like we do about the very very very important aspect of RE _CREATION of self … sex… http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html if you would look at the fron pages of womens magazines and realy understand how most of the topics ..the titles of articles in those magaizines actually relate to SEX . you would be surprised . at the stress … the blocks to expressing our DNA nature ,,the HORMONES THAT AUTOMACTICALLY start running thru our viens in our teens ..they have nothing to do with MANMADE rules of of not expressing sex until we are 18 or 21 … they have nothing to do with ..the rules of marriage as VAGUELY described in religious books or by religious teachers of governments … http://www.flclerks.com/PDF/2000_2001_pdfs/7-99_VERSION_Family_Law_Handbook.pdf from page 3 of that book"Getting married is more than pledging to stay together till death (or divorce) do you part . It is more than living away from your parents wih another person . It is more than having legal permission to have consensual sex with your partner. Getting married is entering into a seriuos legal relationship that has diverse consequences ......" blah blah blah .....GET THE PICTURE . The truth is love is not a FAIRY TALE of Soul Mates becaue they get divorced at rates of close to 60 percent .
The blocks are pat of your Dna thought the NICE NATURE OF A HAREM SPEICES A SOCIAL SPECIES …. The concern for what others will think about you ……. These blocks ..come into play when you are thinking about moving towards that part of you that is out there in the LEADING EDGE OF TAO …. That from which the Qantas yet to come will lend themselves to form as to enable the expression of .. always with the free choice to fuck it all up … a yin and ayng potential .
You get 1 event at a time … and fromt hat you get FREEDOM to choose … what PASSION IS MOST STRONG and why ? is it the PLEASER PASSION to think your actions effect those around you so completely that if you did not act in the manner you think they want ..that Life will end ? ARE YOU THAT IMPORTANT ….no remember you can go outside to today get hit by lighting ,,, end over and they will keep on keeping on with out you ,,the world does not stop because you LEFT … and remember we all do LEAVE ….9 NO ONE GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE 9 …. You are never REALY in the head of another person ,, and you do not have the right to protect them form the EXPERIENCE of getting to choose their own perferrred .experinces ,,their own WANTS …. Which result from their own experiences of contrast ,, which is the EXPANSION of IN FI NITEY that each is responsabile for ,, we are here to expand infinitey . to keep it all flowing …. The engravening it ..with our living of those wants .
Desire and passion ,,,, the strength of the WANTO … you young master are not your CELL STRUCTURE the bio machine you use ,, the bio machine is a grouping of self repiclacting cells that is for ever changing ,,, that you use … not 1 atom of you is over 7 years old ,,you are still a 7 year old …
You ..are a point of view of the UNTHINKABLE-NESS called tao … the part of the POPV that is here encounters ,, a Contrast the wanted and UNWANTED … lets us take dating for example …. Lie to yourself .. lie to everyone else ..but 99.9% of you have some shyness issues … most need to have that COURAGE IN A CUP to flat out start talking to some chick that has gotten you excited … http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html ...... well that page will give you great skill sets if the CONTRAST of the wanted and UNWANTED stimulates enough ENERGY … if you get madd enough if you feel the POWER OF HATE THEN GIVE IT DIRECTION ..feel passion …. And the girls they to feel STRESS the tension girls feel about whether guys willEVEN TALK with them ,,the stress they go thru to be SEXY or nice ..the way we become un natural to EFFECT THE MINDS of others ,creating in the place we can not create in ,. The attempt of manipulation , hate to think of that way but it is …
This is contrast from these events comes thoughts
A vision of yourself … living something other than what you are living in your NOW …. A tought is a POTENTIAL .. it is the expanding of IN FI NITEY … if it is lived then it becomes the DESCRIBED and TAO is that which is the described and the undescribable ALSO …. You ..the unthinkable part of you is OUT THERE ON THE LEADING EDGE OF …TAO in what the entertainer ESTER HICKS calls vibrational escrow. http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php that you out there is as much you as the YOU that is USING the BIO MACHINE called Phil , Tom Sally , Eve … you launch many many many WANTS or ROCKETS of desire … out there ,
Time space allows for the experience of only 1 thing at a time … 2 millions bytes of information at 1 time … so WHICH WANT will you attract ?
That is the reason FOR …PASSION ..the energy of desire ..the power felt while feeling HATE ,, this second of CLARIFYING A WANT …. And making a choice to move towards that part of you that is in the TAO that is calling you …. That you created from youw onw persoenl comparison of events and POSSIBLITIES.
Now the how you will get to where it is you WANT … and the blocks in the way … and what they are the blocks ..the blocks are the living within RULES created by others .. it is living within the AGREED UPON rules of a TIME/SPACE EVENT .. it is living within the agreed upon limits of BIO MACHINES …. Whiether that bio machine is a Redwood tree , the machine of a fruit fly ( that lives and die in one day ) or that of a HUMAN OR THAT OF A long lioved turtle. …… the DYNIMCS of the DNA that we use … must be understood in reltaionhip to other CREATED blocks …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
No other animal ,,DNA bio machine goes thru any thing like we do about the very very very important aspect of RE _CREATION of self … sex… http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html if you would look at the fron pages of womens magazines and realy understand how most of the topics ..the titles of articles in those magaizines actually relate to SEX . you would be surprised . at the stress … the blocks to expressing our DNA nature ,,the HORMONES THAT AUTOMACTICALLY start running thru our viens in our teens ..they have nothing to do with MANMADE rules of of not expressing sex until we are 18 or 21 … they have nothing to do with ..the rules of marriage as VAGUELY described in religious books or by religious teachers of governments … http://www.flclerks.com/PDF/2000_2001_pdfs/7-99_VERSION_Family_Law_Handbook.pdf from page 3 of that book"Getting married is more than pledging to stay together till death (or divorce) do you part . It is more than living away from your parents wih another person . It is more than having legal permission to have consensual sex with your partner. Getting married is entering into a seriuos legal relationship that has diverse consequences ......" blah blah blah .....GET THE PICTURE . The truth is love is not a FAIRY TALE of Soul Mates becaue they get divorced at rates of close to 60 percent .
The blocks are pat of your Dna thought the NICE NATURE OF A HAREM SPEICES A SOCIAL SPECIES …. The concern for what others will think about you ……. These blocks ..come into play when you are thinking about moving towards that part of you that is out there in the LEADING EDGE OF TAO …. That from which the Qantas yet to come will lend themselves to form as to enable the expression of .. always with the free choice to fuck it all up … a yin and ayng potential .
You get 1 event at a time … and fromt hat you get FREEDOM to choose … what PASSION IS MOST STRONG and why ? is it the PLEASER PASSION to think your actions effect those around you so completely that if you did not act in the manner you think they want ..that Life will end ? ARE YOU THAT IMPORTANT ….no remember you can go outside to today get hit by lighting ,,, end over and they will keep on keeping on with out you ,,the world does not stop because you LEFT … and remember we all do LEAVE ….9 NO ONE GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE 9 …. You are never REALY in the head of another person ,, and you do not have the right to protect them form the EXPERIENCE of getting to choose their own perferrred .experinces ,,their own WANTS …. Which result from their own experiences of contrast ,, which is the EXPANSION of IN FI NITEY that each is responsabile for ,, we are here to expand infinitey . to keep it all flowing …. The engravening it ..with our living of those wants .
Friday, November 28, 2008
ran like a pussy
Ran like a pussy
Let see 40 hours per week time 51 weeks ayear times 15 years then break that inot minutes because this an honestly all evnts like it realy happen blossom in a matter of 1 minute 1 thought , 1 choice … that would mean it would reflect 2 minutes out of .. 1 million , 8 hundre thousand , 63 thousand more plus some …. Wow . why would I keep up any FIGHTING SKILLS or practice for and evnt that reflects litterlay a 1 in a million event ……. I gues I realized this way back in early twenties .. if I were to add on to my work hours since todays ATRRACTION happened during work (very strange) but I were to add on the rest of my life for the last 15 years all the ozzfests all the festivals warp tours all the life …. It would end up being even much less that a 1 in a million event
But what is most important ,, is the ATTRRACTION … why did I attract this my friend I DID NOT meet … yet interacted with … what was he …EVIDENCE of in my attraction of events …
Ohh wha the fuck am I rambling about now …. ?i almost got into a fight with some cocky young redneck punk …. ( honeslty at a meta level he is my very dear helpful friend he is the mirror showing me my own shit ) I RAMMED MY STICK UP UNDRE HIS RIB CAGE DURING MY BACK SWING WHILE WASHING WINDOWS TODAY …. 15 years I never made contact with any one in fact during my firt month some guy caught my stick before it hit him and said WISE words ,, hey buddy you better Watch your back blast area ( ex army I bet )
And fro then I did and have ,, and even with this young man I had to about 6 times before he finnaly got himself in postion at the right time to get hit my me …. You coud just telll my young friend was ITCHING for a fight , it was all over his presence ,, his walk his talke his face his tattoos …. He was wating for a pizza and had the whole world to hang out in but GRAVITATED to being right up my ASS … unitl finnaly he got the REASON to fly off the handle at what he thought would be an easy target ?
Wow what happens in the seconds just becomes a blur ,, but I apoliged of course I hit some one ,,then eh went NUKE and I bailed ….. the restaurant personel came out … after he went in I colleted my bucket .. and deicided to work else where and finish thei plaza later in the day .
Hmmm at first I was BLAMING HIM ….. but something kept coming into my head about my OWN ANGER … my own feeling of BEING STUCK ? I kept feeling this feeling or thought about LACK OF COMMITMENT …. It was tyed to the HATE of yesterday ,, HATE IS GOOD .. it is the power to make a CHOICE one way or another ,,to COMMIT finnaly to course of action to dicide to move on and up ….. and the more I thought about that and the less I blamed him .. the more I FELT RLEIF that WEIGHT being lifted that means I have moved up the Scale http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .... i had attractedd him like I have attracted everything else I have lived and am living ..each a mirror each a BLESSED event a contrast ..to choose from the BETTER feeling choice ….
Now aht was my frined feeling ? I remember bing him during my day and age .. he did not know what he was feeling … just that he had a case of the ass .. maybe thought he was smart enough to not pick a figth in bar where he might end up meeting him match plus 4 ….. so he expressed in on the street hmm maybe ? whose to KNOW for I can not create in an other HEAD in another reality ,,, what is REALLY GOING ON I can never know fuck I have a hard enough time READING MYSELF …
Normally if I have block it will show in in a body ache ,,, that when I focus on another thought the ache disappears ..soon I find that certain pains in my body are tied to certain stresses or themes …. But ATTRACTIONs like the FAILING OF THE CONTRACT on the house ,,, what id it do ,, how I did create it? If my iten MY commited state is to sell ? well I admitted to FEELNG overwhelmed with family related =sadness ,,the NICE HUMAN THE seeker of smiles the male who likes to see his family smile that is why he goes to work 5 to 6 days a week rain r shine ….
This 1 in a million event ….. I brought on …. He was enough up my ass … for minutes that I could have stopped and asked him to let me finish up …. But for yeasrt I have never had any one ver .. hang around me while I was working everyone is generally nice polite noticing that I am a working man and we meet of minds and purpose I let them pass or they go out of their way to let me work … a 1 in 1,000,000 …. To show me ,,that I am STUCK in some sort of ..COMMITMENT delema …. For just bringing up that topic as it relates to that event makes me feel again the weight lifting off my shoulders …. Hmm but what and how more can I commit? What more has to be expressed …. And how doe it relate to me being NICE to important people in my life ?
If you are not true to you ..then you got a hidden case of the ass BUILDING UP … and everyone around you will some day suffer when you ASS explodes and the shit flys out making everything and everyone smell like you SHIT ….. I got a something like that building and has to do with ,, EXPRESSING EVEN MORE GRAPHICALLY my commitment to leaving to building my ideas ….. for when I think about my next step business paln ..to put DESTINY back in my hands even while the house is still on the market ( advertise advertise http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html ) the benefits of working a couple of the cash cows now … it just seems .. it just feels like a weight is being lifte ,,, release RELIF …. So that would mean like floating up the scale … hmmm …… interesting …. I do create it all .
Let see 40 hours per week time 51 weeks ayear times 15 years then break that inot minutes because this an honestly all evnts like it realy happen blossom in a matter of 1 minute 1 thought , 1 choice … that would mean it would reflect 2 minutes out of .. 1 million , 8 hundre thousand , 63 thousand more plus some …. Wow . why would I keep up any FIGHTING SKILLS or practice for and evnt that reflects litterlay a 1 in a million event ……. I gues I realized this way back in early twenties .. if I were to add on to my work hours since todays ATRRACTION happened during work (very strange) but I were to add on the rest of my life for the last 15 years all the ozzfests all the festivals warp tours all the life …. It would end up being even much less that a 1 in a million event
But what is most important ,, is the ATTRRACTION … why did I attract this my friend I DID NOT meet … yet interacted with … what was he …EVIDENCE of in my attraction of events …
Ohh wha the fuck am I rambling about now …. ?i almost got into a fight with some cocky young redneck punk …. ( honeslty at a meta level he is my very dear helpful friend he is the mirror showing me my own shit ) I RAMMED MY STICK UP UNDRE HIS RIB CAGE DURING MY BACK SWING WHILE WASHING WINDOWS TODAY …. 15 years I never made contact with any one in fact during my firt month some guy caught my stick before it hit him and said WISE words ,, hey buddy you better Watch your back blast area ( ex army I bet )
And fro then I did and have ,, and even with this young man I had to about 6 times before he finnaly got himself in postion at the right time to get hit my me …. You coud just telll my young friend was ITCHING for a fight , it was all over his presence ,, his walk his talke his face his tattoos …. He was wating for a pizza and had the whole world to hang out in but GRAVITATED to being right up my ASS … unitl finnaly he got the REASON to fly off the handle at what he thought would be an easy target ?
Wow what happens in the seconds just becomes a blur ,, but I apoliged of course I hit some one ,,then eh went NUKE and I bailed ….. the restaurant personel came out … after he went in I colleted my bucket .. and deicided to work else where and finish thei plaza later in the day .
Hmmm at first I was BLAMING HIM ….. but something kept coming into my head about my OWN ANGER … my own feeling of BEING STUCK ? I kept feeling this feeling or thought about LACK OF COMMITMENT …. It was tyed to the HATE of yesterday ,, HATE IS GOOD .. it is the power to make a CHOICE one way or another ,,to COMMIT finnaly to course of action to dicide to move on and up ….. and the more I thought about that and the less I blamed him .. the more I FELT RLEIF that WEIGHT being lifted that means I have moved up the Scale http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .... i had attractedd him like I have attracted everything else I have lived and am living ..each a mirror each a BLESSED event a contrast ..to choose from the BETTER feeling choice ….
Now aht was my frined feeling ? I remember bing him during my day and age .. he did not know what he was feeling … just that he had a case of the ass .. maybe thought he was smart enough to not pick a figth in bar where he might end up meeting him match plus 4 ….. so he expressed in on the street hmm maybe ? whose to KNOW for I can not create in an other HEAD in another reality ,,, what is REALLY GOING ON I can never know fuck I have a hard enough time READING MYSELF …
Normally if I have block it will show in in a body ache ,,, that when I focus on another thought the ache disappears ..soon I find that certain pains in my body are tied to certain stresses or themes …. But ATTRACTIONs like the FAILING OF THE CONTRACT on the house ,,, what id it do ,, how I did create it? If my iten MY commited state is to sell ? well I admitted to FEELNG overwhelmed with family related =sadness ,,the NICE HUMAN THE seeker of smiles the male who likes to see his family smile that is why he goes to work 5 to 6 days a week rain r shine ….
This 1 in a million event ….. I brought on …. He was enough up my ass … for minutes that I could have stopped and asked him to let me finish up …. But for yeasrt I have never had any one ver .. hang around me while I was working everyone is generally nice polite noticing that I am a working man and we meet of minds and purpose I let them pass or they go out of their way to let me work … a 1 in 1,000,000 …. To show me ,,that I am STUCK in some sort of ..COMMITMENT delema …. For just bringing up that topic as it relates to that event makes me feel again the weight lifting off my shoulders …. Hmm but what and how more can I commit? What more has to be expressed …. And how doe it relate to me being NICE to important people in my life ?
If you are not true to you ..then you got a hidden case of the ass BUILDING UP … and everyone around you will some day suffer when you ASS explodes and the shit flys out making everything and everyone smell like you SHIT ….. I got a something like that building and has to do with ,, EXPRESSING EVEN MORE GRAPHICALLY my commitment to leaving to building my ideas ….. for when I think about my next step business paln ..to put DESTINY back in my hands even while the house is still on the market ( advertise advertise http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html ) the benefits of working a couple of the cash cows now … it just seems .. it just feels like a weight is being lifte ,,, release RELIF …. So that would mean like floating up the scale … hmmm …… interesting …. I do create it all .
co creative pussy
Co creative pussy
Young master ,,, ohh about 4 years I ago I was teaching some one about the book ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach … http://www.amazon.com/Illusions-Adventures-Reluctant-Richard-Bach/dp/0440204887 .they had read the small book and we were discussing the theme of the UN IMPOSSIBLITY of toa … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ..they showed interest in learnng how to be POWERFUL MAGICAL …. Walk thru walls be all knowing and destroy clouds and shit ….
So like the book says see it in your mind done and it is done …. So I explained you have to take the CLOUD out of your thinking as if you had never hadEXPOSURE to that cloud when your mind is that focused THEN OF COURSE TO you the cloud NEVER WAS AND SO IT IS NOT THERE IN THE SKY …. BUT IF YOU ARE DEPENDING ON THE AGREEMENT OF others to do this ,,, you are FUCKED ….because you can not create in anothers experience ,,we ALL AGREE on a stable platform to experience a general state of agreed upon PHAYICS … but the FREE CHOICE in each tao to see and feel experience is just that in each ,, and a freedom of each .
This person still wanted to learn to get rid of clouds , so I remeinded them of PYSCHOITC S … they think shit we do not see is real and for them it is very very very real …only unitl you SHOCK the bio machine ,,, will you ever be able to get them to experience ..this time/space agreedment of the rest of us … and even then there has to be a WANTO of that psychotic to want to see what the rest of us see other wise after the GRAVE shock to the bio machine they promptly return to their won PRIVATE IDAHO …I explained for me to teach them that MAGIC IS for me to teach them to become mentally ill on command … self generated . and still they wanted to learn …
But when the student came back once more for some more clarity … and told me how it did not works while with frinds …. And compalianed … I had to go over it again …. The idea of STABLE PLATFORM AGREEMENT STATE …. And that magic ,,breaks the agreement state , so others will not let you do magic ..unless of course they want you to do magic and then ..well then we get professional magicaians … who do magic but twtihin the context of the agredd upon state . it is why mystics when examined to closey are almost always found out to be …using the tool of ….. mass hyponitc hullicination … the desire of the individual ot experience hynosisi is the only way …. There has to be a general UNDERLYING …. Acceptance ,, or allowing oF the PROGRAMING .
Once I could get the student to NO want to PROVE their power in fornt of friends but ,to earsae clouds ..to feel what it is like to pass thru solid matter etc .. astrail travels etc …once they were doing it for their own fun and not for the GLORY of being able to say to others HEY LOK I AM MAGICAL AND YOU ARE NOT ! ( ohhh this desire to show off again go back to the effects of cohericion and control manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html i get fucking so lost tryint to teach this shit even live this shit for it is outside of ..the day to day . agreement state it is s useless ..recreation … it is something I can not share .because of the DOUBT of the others unless they themselves have already lived it .and then well I am not having to convince them in any way ,,hell they are trying to convince me ,,that their concepts of the UNIMPOSSIBLE ARE POSSIBLE .
So this has to do ..with ,,keeping your GAOLS to yourself ,,, unless of course you are truly involved in a MASTER MIND LIKE DESCRIBED IN THE teaching of NAPOLEN HILL ….. and the master mind is … a group of NON DOUBTERS .. very supportive of each other who still creative in their OWN minds ,not dependant on the minds of the others …. Alone! Lonely place actually wee came here to experience ..SOCIALNESS ….. a common reality . keeping your PLANS to yourself …… can be diffucult .. amny times but it is very important .. for then you do not have the energy of others streams , CO CREATING …. Uyour dreams ….. polluting it …. Because if you FELT they were important enough ..if you LOVED enough to describe to them you future …. Then you aLREADY … have polluted your dream with SHOULDS based upon creating in their world for their happiness , which I can not do …..
I can not realy create in another mind ….. I can do what I believe is best for me and what I would like some one else to like , but I can not force them to like it …. I just invite .them into my world they then HAD THE RESPONSILIBTY to feel their emeotinal guidance scale and move on …. Or stay ,,but if they stay in a FORCED MODE , if the SIGNALS of stress ..continue to show up ,then your want for their happiness OUR DNA instincts is one of caring ..will detract form the life you created and now BOTH PEOPLE SILL BECOME un happy … neither true to themselves
You TRuTH …is the lighted path for others … the best help .is you being happy ,,that is the WITNESS of the SAGE JESUS …. Talking about show your own happiness then let others free choice to follow or not … if not wish them LOVE AND GOOD FORTUNE …. Adventures . and so do you worry NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU ..PRIVATE IDAHO?
Ahh then what energy of thinking are you projecting into the UN-IMPOSSIBLE of tao .a dn how will the quantas assemble to to JUSTIFY THE ENERGY THE DESIGN you projected into the MOLDABLE CLAY if the field of inifinte harmony ….? http://www.musicforcandles.com/attunementprogram.htm from the links page http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_links.html that program music for candles is still a great RE-PROGRAMING TOOL the exposure day after day ,,helps clarify new programming , of the limited …BIO-MACHINE we use for this time/space adventure …. REMEMBER IN this body you can only deal with 2 million bytes of data per second … in your body you gotta breate air ,, you gotta eat food , you experience gravety .. you can not fly ,,if you throw a rock into the air it will come back down and hit you on the ehad ..and if you ACT OUTSIDE OF THEINSTINCTUAL expectation OF THE BIO MACHINE you will expeirnce long tern sublte stress … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Young master ,,, ohh about 4 years I ago I was teaching some one about the book ILLUSIONS by Richard Bach … http://www.amazon.com/Illusions-Adventures-Reluctant-Richard-Bach/dp/0440204887 .they had read the small book and we were discussing the theme of the UN IMPOSSIBLITY of toa … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ..they showed interest in learnng how to be POWERFUL MAGICAL …. Walk thru walls be all knowing and destroy clouds and shit ….
So like the book says see it in your mind done and it is done …. So I explained you have to take the CLOUD out of your thinking as if you had never hadEXPOSURE to that cloud when your mind is that focused THEN OF COURSE TO you the cloud NEVER WAS AND SO IT IS NOT THERE IN THE SKY …. BUT IF YOU ARE DEPENDING ON THE AGREEMENT OF others to do this ,,, you are FUCKED ….because you can not create in anothers experience ,,we ALL AGREE on a stable platform to experience a general state of agreed upon PHAYICS … but the FREE CHOICE in each tao to see and feel experience is just that in each ,, and a freedom of each .
This person still wanted to learn to get rid of clouds , so I remeinded them of PYSCHOITC S … they think shit we do not see is real and for them it is very very very real …only unitl you SHOCK the bio machine ,,, will you ever be able to get them to experience ..this time/space agreedment of the rest of us … and even then there has to be a WANTO of that psychotic to want to see what the rest of us see other wise after the GRAVE shock to the bio machine they promptly return to their won PRIVATE IDAHO …I explained for me to teach them that MAGIC IS for me to teach them to become mentally ill on command … self generated . and still they wanted to learn …
But when the student came back once more for some more clarity … and told me how it did not works while with frinds …. And compalianed … I had to go over it again …. The idea of STABLE PLATFORM AGREEMENT STATE …. And that magic ,,breaks the agreement state , so others will not let you do magic ..unless of course they want you to do magic and then ..well then we get professional magicaians … who do magic but twtihin the context of the agredd upon state . it is why mystics when examined to closey are almost always found out to be …using the tool of ….. mass hyponitc hullicination … the desire of the individual ot experience hynosisi is the only way …. There has to be a general UNDERLYING …. Acceptance ,, or allowing oF the PROGRAMING .
Once I could get the student to NO want to PROVE their power in fornt of friends but ,to earsae clouds ..to feel what it is like to pass thru solid matter etc .. astrail travels etc …once they were doing it for their own fun and not for the GLORY of being able to say to others HEY LOK I AM MAGICAL AND YOU ARE NOT ! ( ohhh this desire to show off again go back to the effects of cohericion and control manipulation . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html i get fucking so lost tryint to teach this shit even live this shit for it is outside of ..the day to day . agreement state it is s useless ..recreation … it is something I can not share .because of the DOUBT of the others unless they themselves have already lived it .and then well I am not having to convince them in any way ,,hell they are trying to convince me ,,that their concepts of the UNIMPOSSIBLE ARE POSSIBLE .
So this has to do ..with ,,keeping your GAOLS to yourself ,,, unless of course you are truly involved in a MASTER MIND LIKE DESCRIBED IN THE teaching of NAPOLEN HILL ….. and the master mind is … a group of NON DOUBTERS .. very supportive of each other who still creative in their OWN minds ,not dependant on the minds of the others …. Alone! Lonely place actually wee came here to experience ..SOCIALNESS ….. a common reality . keeping your PLANS to yourself …… can be diffucult .. amny times but it is very important .. for then you do not have the energy of others streams , CO CREATING …. Uyour dreams ….. polluting it …. Because if you FELT they were important enough ..if you LOVED enough to describe to them you future …. Then you aLREADY … have polluted your dream with SHOULDS based upon creating in their world for their happiness , which I can not do …..
I can not realy create in another mind ….. I can do what I believe is best for me and what I would like some one else to like , but I can not force them to like it …. I just invite .them into my world they then HAD THE RESPONSILIBTY to feel their emeotinal guidance scale and move on …. Or stay ,,but if they stay in a FORCED MODE , if the SIGNALS of stress ..continue to show up ,then your want for their happiness OUR DNA instincts is one of caring ..will detract form the life you created and now BOTH PEOPLE SILL BECOME un happy … neither true to themselves
You TRuTH …is the lighted path for others … the best help .is you being happy ,,that is the WITNESS of the SAGE JESUS …. Talking about show your own happiness then let others free choice to follow or not … if not wish them LOVE AND GOOD FORTUNE …. Adventures . and so do you worry NO ONE WILL LIKE YOU ..PRIVATE IDAHO?
Ahh then what energy of thinking are you projecting into the UN-IMPOSSIBLE of tao .a dn how will the quantas assemble to to JUSTIFY THE ENERGY THE DESIGN you projected into the MOLDABLE CLAY if the field of inifinte harmony ….? http://www.musicforcandles.com/attunementprogram.htm from the links page http://www.instinctualism.org/instinctualism_links.html that program music for candles is still a great RE-PROGRAMING TOOL the exposure day after day ,,helps clarify new programming , of the limited …BIO-MACHINE we use for this time/space adventure …. REMEMBER IN this body you can only deal with 2 million bytes of data per second … in your body you gotta breate air ,, you gotta eat food , you experience gravety .. you can not fly ,,if you throw a rock into the air it will come back down and hit you on the ehad ..and if you ACT OUTSIDE OF THEINSTINCTUAL expectation OF THE BIO MACHINE you will expeirnce long tern sublte stress … http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Thursday, November 27, 2008
ohh fuck just TWIST
Ohhh fuck just TWIST
To start you here with korn video for twist will get you ready for todays blog , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKR7uLa77A
It is a thank you ..but it sure does not feel like it …. It is the rain that waters the corps and makes things PRGRESS ..but it feells like the rain … colder than the sun was a little while before ,,contrasting to the warm glowing rays of sunshine ,,waer and dark clouds are ,,young master but it is with rain that things KEEPS FLOWING …
The Emotional Guidance Scale
Positive Expectation/Belief
WHERE AM …. I ON THIS SCALE where are you ? http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
The contract on my house fell thru ,,no SALE ! so this home is still FOR SALE http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html
So for the last few weeks I was at ….. 5 to 11 … yes 11 and 10 overwhelment in that I FELT for myself and my daughter on the moving from the only home she had ever known … while disassembling the boys bunk beds and looking a the 3 foot smilie face I would be overwhelmedn with thoughts of sadness that I was CHEATING my family of having POSSESION OF THIS ..THING what do the sages like the buddhas alsway say about MATERIAL POSSESIONS ? those ties keep you TRAPPED …. But the love for my family …is not a SHOULD but a natural human desire to see smiles …
But reality is my children or girlfriend are not my POSSESIONS ..they are INVITED GUESTS inot my life …. And like the opening statement of page http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html hightleted in pink they have their own ADVNTURES to FEEL … life of contrasts to MOVE IN AND OUT OF .. for me to deny them the life that will cause them to create their own dreams by FEAHTERING THEIR NEST so completely they feel no pain ,,Is in fact PAINFUL .
The day after signing the contract I went out for my run only to be greeted with the sight of three DOLPINS porposes playing in and around the end of my DOCK … later that day while having my after work coffee over looking the LAGOON like I do every day a bald eagle , came flying low and scared the shit out of all of us as it almost touched the roof , but the impressivenss of such a large raptor that close and then to have it bank in the wind surrent off the cliff at the waters edge only to cruise right back over or heads again ,,, made me think WHAT THE UFUCK AM I DOING SELLING this property ?
What am I DOING I am …… working the 5 steps that is what I am doing over and over again , IHAVE THROWN THE important rock of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS into the air and like a rock thrown into the air the rock came back down to hit me on the fucking head .BECAUE WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF AREGREED pyshihcs …not meta magic … yet it is the stream of well being ( meta magica ) that creates the oppurutunity to have a COMMONALITY of AGREED UPON physics and GAME RULES ..laws … thing s to depend on some what …. A con tin nuity ….. selling the house FREEES ME
DEVINE SELFISHNESS ……. I can only REALY … control my own position ont eh EMOTIUOANL guidance scale … and if I am not happy then guess what others around me will not be happy either ,,, for they like me like to see IMPORTANT people in their life happy also ,,, we all like to see the smiles fo everyone else around us the more happy faces we seee the better we all feel ..( jus ttake some time to realize this dipshit your day is always better when you are metting happy people , get some GRUMPY bitch serving you coffee whose BAD energy just fuckes things up a bit until you can forget it and NOTICE or focus on other smiling afaces once more ….
Now the 5 to 11 ..list ,,is not some god GIVEN list that has to experienced , VERBADUM … written in stone … it is a general WORD TOOL … like an article in American Scientif where they were .. saying that NOT EVRYONE goes thru the STAGES OF GRIEF yet ,because it was written in the 60’s by a NOTABLE person that people do , we all . expect that we ALL HAVE TO and if not there msut be something wrong ….. the ignorance of the IVORY TOWER .
So maybe I did not feel pesisisom ? maybe I went thru it so fast I did not feel it , maybe ,, I felt it in relation to other aspects of the complexity which is the ..whole of the HOLISTIC ..wanto … something outside of the ablity of my 2 GIGS of processing power to relate to the whole event at one time .
5678 form hope to boredom I sure was feeling ….
Now ALL OF THIS IS GONE ….. but what is the silver linning of this whole experience ….. AHHH vibrational reality to the end result , GETTING ME UP TO SPEED WITH THE … thought form already , out there in the META EXPERINCE OF THE allll possible TAO … every want once decided oevery focus …. Goes beyond TIME/SPACE … inot toa the state of UM-IMPOSIBLE … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ... where depoending on the PASSION level of YOU ,, you will be drawn to it and it to you ….. the Quantas to come will slowlyu form inot the PASSION ..the WANTOS the effects of the thought stream the focus you carry … you mainatian , if it is a FOCUS of it will not happen then ,the events to be lived q uant by quant ..atom by atom ..cell by cell . flashing in and out of being FASTER THAN the speed of light …. Will come int SUBTLE forms based upon EXPECTATION . the continuity of the PLAY GROUND ….. with out continutniy of time/space rules of DNA expecataions ,,, this REALITY WOULD BE VERY RANDO…RANDOM … I am sure in the UN-IMPSOSOIBLE there are other ..Demesnions like the scientists believe and there our LAWS or agreements states DON OT HOLD TRUE … and random magic is the LAW ..but not in this one UNVIERSE this time/space palygroudn , this one has GENERAL rules ..like for the EXPECATION of the BIO MACHIONE WE use for life experience for bing a Self repeicating being as OSSPED to being … jus the EXPEINCE of thing .. like rock or air or water … being life like TREE or fruit fly or TURTLE or human …
So now and yesterday … I plunged way down on the sacle to 12 , 16 and 22 … from 22 the next best feeling is ….. REMEMBERING the plan … and the ability to not ..NOT depend on SOLEY the sale of the house ( advertise advertise http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html ) as my only means of SELF DETERMINATION … the mater aspect of you young master …. 22 the core of it is in POWER=LESS=NESS ….for when you take back your power the other felings melt away . now to 16 DIS ..COURAGE … lack of feeling the ablitly to control you life ,,, being controlled by events or OTHERS ..evnts are easy … but others ,,the smiles of the others in our CHOOSEN … yes you choose to maintain ties to FAMILY AND FRIENDS ..it isnot a gun to the head LAW .. you are free to walk a way …. Courage ….. ahhh in that you will find yourself getting 19 ..aboput your won self … the POWER OF HATE …. I talk about about the GOOD IN HATE ….. Jon of KORN understands that and I explore his work in TWISTED INSTINCT on sale for a dollar 25 http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 there is much BENEIFCAL ENERGY and PASSION IN HATE ..to mold the energy of thought ..focus ,that which goes out into the TAO before the TAO comes back for us to TRAVEL thru ..in EXPERIENCE . the engraevning of evnts ….
AHHHH SO .. what now I pseak japanesse …. I have choices … to ignore experiences .. to get overwhelmed give up and RELIVE the best advise of everyone else …to take EVNTS as SIGNS OF GOD ? that something should not happen ? like going to a TAROT CARD READER tell me my future ..LIVE AND CHOOSE FOR ME ….. or ..SELF DETERMINE …. Use that TOOL you have that http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 i refer to over and over again in the book TWISTED INSTINCT … like in the SONG …. TWIST by KORN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKR7uLa77A ……. You gotta think about the events you experience in your own MIND …… based on your OWN personel WANTS based on your won experiences ….. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. See you in the lawn of the bake sale , come get a ballon and sign the SHIRT http://www.buzz103.com/ .. it is not KORN this year but … skin dread ..avenge 7 fold ,pepper, SPONGE 9 when was the last time you even had a chnce to see sponge again ….
To start you here with korn video for twist will get you ready for todays blog , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKR7uLa77A
It is a thank you ..but it sure does not feel like it …. It is the rain that waters the corps and makes things PRGRESS ..but it feells like the rain … colder than the sun was a little while before ,,contrasting to the warm glowing rays of sunshine ,,waer and dark clouds are ,,young master but it is with rain that things KEEPS FLOWING …
The Emotional Guidance Scale
Positive Expectation/Belief
WHERE AM …. I ON THIS SCALE where are you ? http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
The contract on my house fell thru ,,no SALE ! so this home is still FOR SALE http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html
So for the last few weeks I was at ….. 5 to 11 … yes 11 and 10 overwhelment in that I FELT for myself and my daughter on the moving from the only home she had ever known … while disassembling the boys bunk beds and looking a the 3 foot smilie face I would be overwhelmedn with thoughts of sadness that I was CHEATING my family of having POSSESION OF THIS ..THING what do the sages like the buddhas alsway say about MATERIAL POSSESIONS ? those ties keep you TRAPPED …. But the love for my family …is not a SHOULD but a natural human desire to see smiles …
But reality is my children or girlfriend are not my POSSESIONS ..they are INVITED GUESTS inot my life …. And like the opening statement of page http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html hightleted in pink they have their own ADVNTURES to FEEL … life of contrasts to MOVE IN AND OUT OF .. for me to deny them the life that will cause them to create their own dreams by FEAHTERING THEIR NEST so completely they feel no pain ,,Is in fact PAINFUL .
The day after signing the contract I went out for my run only to be greeted with the sight of three DOLPINS porposes playing in and around the end of my DOCK … later that day while having my after work coffee over looking the LAGOON like I do every day a bald eagle , came flying low and scared the shit out of all of us as it almost touched the roof , but the impressivenss of such a large raptor that close and then to have it bank in the wind surrent off the cliff at the waters edge only to cruise right back over or heads again ,,, made me think WHAT THE UFUCK AM I DOING SELLING this property ?
What am I DOING I am …… working the 5 steps that is what I am doing over and over again , IHAVE THROWN THE important rock of HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS into the air and like a rock thrown into the air the rock came back down to hit me on the fucking head .BECAUE WE LIVE IN A WORLD OF AREGREED pyshihcs …not meta magic … yet it is the stream of well being ( meta magica ) that creates the oppurutunity to have a COMMONALITY of AGREED UPON physics and GAME RULES ..laws … thing s to depend on some what …. A con tin nuity ….. selling the house FREEES ME
DEVINE SELFISHNESS ……. I can only REALY … control my own position ont eh EMOTIUOANL guidance scale … and if I am not happy then guess what others around me will not be happy either ,,, for they like me like to see IMPORTANT people in their life happy also ,,, we all like to see the smiles fo everyone else around us the more happy faces we seee the better we all feel ..( jus ttake some time to realize this dipshit your day is always better when you are metting happy people , get some GRUMPY bitch serving you coffee whose BAD energy just fuckes things up a bit until you can forget it and NOTICE or focus on other smiling afaces once more ….
Now the 5 to 11 ..list ,,is not some god GIVEN list that has to experienced , VERBADUM … written in stone … it is a general WORD TOOL … like an article in American Scientif where they were .. saying that NOT EVRYONE goes thru the STAGES OF GRIEF yet ,because it was written in the 60’s by a NOTABLE person that people do , we all . expect that we ALL HAVE TO and if not there msut be something wrong ….. the ignorance of the IVORY TOWER .
So maybe I did not feel pesisisom ? maybe I went thru it so fast I did not feel it , maybe ,, I felt it in relation to other aspects of the complexity which is the ..whole of the HOLISTIC ..wanto … something outside of the ablity of my 2 GIGS of processing power to relate to the whole event at one time .
5678 form hope to boredom I sure was feeling ….
Now ALL OF THIS IS GONE ….. but what is the silver linning of this whole experience ….. AHHH vibrational reality to the end result , GETTING ME UP TO SPEED WITH THE … thought form already , out there in the META EXPERINCE OF THE allll possible TAO … every want once decided oevery focus …. Goes beyond TIME/SPACE … inot toa the state of UM-IMPOSIBLE … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ... where depoending on the PASSION level of YOU ,, you will be drawn to it and it to you ….. the Quantas to come will slowlyu form inot the PASSION ..the WANTOS the effects of the thought stream the focus you carry … you mainatian , if it is a FOCUS of it will not happen then ,the events to be lived q uant by quant ..atom by atom ..cell by cell . flashing in and out of being FASTER THAN the speed of light …. Will come int SUBTLE forms based upon EXPECTATION . the continuity of the PLAY GROUND ….. with out continutniy of time/space rules of DNA expecataions ,,, this REALITY WOULD BE VERY RANDO…RANDOM … I am sure in the UN-IMPSOSOIBLE there are other ..Demesnions like the scientists believe and there our LAWS or agreements states DON OT HOLD TRUE … and random magic is the LAW ..but not in this one UNVIERSE this time/space palygroudn , this one has GENERAL rules ..like for the EXPECATION of the BIO MACHIONE WE use for life experience for bing a Self repeicating being as OSSPED to being … jus the EXPEINCE of thing .. like rock or air or water … being life like TREE or fruit fly or TURTLE or human …
So now and yesterday … I plunged way down on the sacle to 12 , 16 and 22 … from 22 the next best feeling is ….. REMEMBERING the plan … and the ability to not ..NOT depend on SOLEY the sale of the house ( advertise advertise http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html ) as my only means of SELF DETERMINATION … the mater aspect of you young master …. 22 the core of it is in POWER=LESS=NESS ….for when you take back your power the other felings melt away . now to 16 DIS ..COURAGE … lack of feeling the ablitly to control you life ,,, being controlled by events or OTHERS ..evnts are easy … but others ,,the smiles of the others in our CHOOSEN … yes you choose to maintain ties to FAMILY AND FRIENDS ..it isnot a gun to the head LAW .. you are free to walk a way …. Courage ….. ahhh in that you will find yourself getting 19 ..aboput your won self … the POWER OF HATE …. I talk about about the GOOD IN HATE ….. Jon of KORN understands that and I explore his work in TWISTED INSTINCT on sale for a dollar 25 http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 there is much BENEIFCAL ENERGY and PASSION IN HATE ..to mold the energy of thought ..focus ,that which goes out into the TAO before the TAO comes back for us to TRAVEL thru ..in EXPERIENCE . the engraevning of evnts ….
AHHHH SO .. what now I pseak japanesse …. I have choices … to ignore experiences .. to get overwhelmed give up and RELIVE the best advise of everyone else …to take EVNTS as SIGNS OF GOD ? that something should not happen ? like going to a TAROT CARD READER tell me my future ..LIVE AND CHOOSE FOR ME ….. or ..SELF DETERMINE …. Use that TOOL you have that http://www.lulu.com/content/2019732 i refer to over and over again in the book TWISTED INSTINCT … like in the SONG …. TWIST by KORN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWKR7uLa77A ……. You gotta think about the events you experience in your own MIND …… based on your OWN personel WANTS based on your won experiences ….. life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. See you in the lawn of the bake sale , come get a ballon and sign the SHIRT http://www.buzz103.com/ .. it is not KORN this year but … skin dread ..avenge 7 fold ,pepper, SPONGE 9 when was the last time you even had a chnce to see sponge again ….
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
purest pussy
Purest pussy
Or life ,liberty and the pursuit of pussy … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .. all the shoulds and have to’s … crammed down your throat all your life your acceptance of them because you depeneded on your parents for day to dy things of life … we ae designed to JUMP THRU HOOPS … to stay alive in the JUVENILE YEARS … but you YOUNG MASTER re ,,now capable …. ABLE ..to freely choose differently … EXCEPT for the BAGGAE of …… PROGRAMING ..the shoulds and best advise ,,
Advise based on the recurring passed down life of the SALVE WHO SERVED PHAROH ….( or kings or Popes etc etc ) again I refer to great studies in book form exploring the culture of the American freed slave familys and how they continued to pass down ..actions and mindsets whhc were based on being BROUGHT up as a BEAST OF BURDEN ,,then to remeind you , that your HERITIAGE of being from SERFS of Europe is still swirling around in our culture and lives ….the dependence on ECONOMY …. Which is still baseda round the service to PHAORH fmailys of our current age .
You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with "reality". Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998 http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
You realy do not FEEL those words LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS .they are not real to you …they are the abstract words of history text books …. When in fact they are the facts of ..TAO itself . free choice as described by the SAGE jesus …. Of the SAGES of each era all said the same general themes , USING THE WORD TOOLS available in their age. AGAIN Ester Hicks is not a GOD ..but an Entertainer who Flows with her expression of art …. She DIRTYS up the purity of the message with the IMPERFECT tool of words .
But if you get inot her shit and listen you will find out how many people come BEFROE her like she was GOD …and then listen to how much fun or sport she has ,,she in her Abraham persona …. Makes lite of it all ..remeinding you always that we are I- IN – I IN FACT EVEN THE lettice I killed this morning for my lunch or the chicken I talked with first who I have known for a long time … that because of the MILLIONS of years of DNa …. It’s bio machine has that informs it that ,,,, its TRANSITION back to TAO will mostly likey come from those who carre for it the most ..HUMANITY ….. the MOLECULES of its BIO _SUIT will be used by it’s feeder and firend human …. It goes to sleep once I catch it by its feet .. hanging up side down ,,, it transitions in a matter seconds from a peacefull sleeping state ….much more HUMANE than we human do for each other forcing our aged to live on and on ,,, and on ,, in states of depression and in bodies that no longer serve the adventurere spirit ..yet the ..TRAINING to listen and do what is EXPECTED of the ONE … by the MANY or family is straong and our VERNERATED elders …SUBMIT to the indignity of slow aging . ( ohhh 3 years ago I wrote a blog about an old man LOST searching for GOD and JENSEN BEACH … like the old INDIAN who walks off inot the woods with no water or food to pass out lost in in his tired sleep the WOLF will help him TRANSITION .back to TAO ..)
The INTRUSION into almost all aspects of your living by the NEEDS of the slave MASTER …. Is still evidenced in the day to day living and what FREE CHOICES YOU WILL ……..LET ….LET ….LET yourself have . because realy feel it ,,, listen to the words all your BUTS ..but this ,,but that …all the GOOD INTENTIONS of helpful family and friends when infact the fact is …. Again like I think the Sage Jesus said .. you know not the time or day of your death ,,, do not worry ..live . all your buts are based on that theme .
This agreement state …( there is not law as we know laws to be ,,with Quantum poice forces and Quantum , Judges and DA’s and Quantum Jails to 5 to 7 in ) the stream of well being that allows fo the experience of 1 thing after another ..1 thing ….. instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME ….ALWAYS …. And under it all is just a VIBE … a vibration … of giving you the OP to experience that which you focus on or think about .
Free to think about the PUREST PUSSY ….. or free to think about the manipulative pussy …. Free to expect … which is ..the vidence trail of thinking about …. Free to choose your wants … it is in your head AIN’T NO ONE ELSE REALY IN THERE …..BUT YOU!
Or life ,liberty and the pursuit of pussy … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .. all the shoulds and have to’s … crammed down your throat all your life your acceptance of them because you depeneded on your parents for day to dy things of life … we ae designed to JUMP THRU HOOPS … to stay alive in the JUVENILE YEARS … but you YOUNG MASTER re ,,now capable …. ABLE ..to freely choose differently … EXCEPT for the BAGGAE of …… PROGRAMING ..the shoulds and best advise ,,
Advise based on the recurring passed down life of the SALVE WHO SERVED PHAROH ….( or kings or Popes etc etc ) again I refer to great studies in book form exploring the culture of the American freed slave familys and how they continued to pass down ..actions and mindsets whhc were based on being BROUGHT up as a BEAST OF BURDEN ,,then to remeind you , that your HERITIAGE of being from SERFS of Europe is still swirling around in our culture and lives ….the dependence on ECONOMY …. Which is still baseda round the service to PHAORH fmailys of our current age .
You have sole ownership of your vision. And the Universe will give you what you want within your vision. What happens with most people is that they muddy their vision with "reality". Their vision becomes full of not only what they want but what everybody else thinks about what they want, too. Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered. --- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Sunday, October 11th, 1998 http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
You realy do not FEEL those words LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS .they are not real to you …they are the abstract words of history text books …. When in fact they are the facts of ..TAO itself . free choice as described by the SAGE jesus …. Of the SAGES of each era all said the same general themes , USING THE WORD TOOLS available in their age. AGAIN Ester Hicks is not a GOD ..but an Entertainer who Flows with her expression of art …. She DIRTYS up the purity of the message with the IMPERFECT tool of words .
But if you get inot her shit and listen you will find out how many people come BEFROE her like she was GOD …and then listen to how much fun or sport she has ,,she in her Abraham persona …. Makes lite of it all ..remeinding you always that we are I- IN – I IN FACT EVEN THE lettice I killed this morning for my lunch or the chicken I talked with first who I have known for a long time … that because of the MILLIONS of years of DNa …. It’s bio machine has that informs it that ,,,, its TRANSITION back to TAO will mostly likey come from those who carre for it the most ..HUMANITY ….. the MOLECULES of its BIO _SUIT will be used by it’s feeder and firend human …. It goes to sleep once I catch it by its feet .. hanging up side down ,,, it transitions in a matter seconds from a peacefull sleeping state ….much more HUMANE than we human do for each other forcing our aged to live on and on ,,, and on ,, in states of depression and in bodies that no longer serve the adventurere spirit ..yet the ..TRAINING to listen and do what is EXPECTED of the ONE … by the MANY or family is straong and our VERNERATED elders …SUBMIT to the indignity of slow aging . ( ohhh 3 years ago I wrote a blog about an old man LOST searching for GOD and JENSEN BEACH … like the old INDIAN who walks off inot the woods with no water or food to pass out lost in in his tired sleep the WOLF will help him TRANSITION .back to TAO ..)
The INTRUSION into almost all aspects of your living by the NEEDS of the slave MASTER …. Is still evidenced in the day to day living and what FREE CHOICES YOU WILL ……..LET ….LET ….LET yourself have . because realy feel it ,,, listen to the words all your BUTS ..but this ,,but that …all the GOOD INTENTIONS of helpful family and friends when infact the fact is …. Again like I think the Sage Jesus said .. you know not the time or day of your death ,,, do not worry ..live . all your buts are based on that theme .
This agreement state …( there is not law as we know laws to be ,,with Quantum poice forces and Quantum , Judges and DA’s and Quantum Jails to 5 to 7 in ) the stream of well being that allows fo the experience of 1 thing after another ..1 thing ….. instead of ALL THINGS ALL THE TIME ….ALWAYS …. And under it all is just a VIBE … a vibration … of giving you the OP to experience that which you focus on or think about .
Free to think about the PUREST PUSSY ….. or free to think about the manipulative pussy …. Free to expect … which is ..the vidence trail of thinking about …. Free to choose your wants … it is in your head AIN’T NO ONE ELSE REALY IN THERE …..BUT YOU!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sperm dripping pussy
That is a visiable evidence of the CIRCLE of life ,,something we all GLORFY …. Make into poetry ,,abstract it …. Lose touch with the reality of it … thru our SEPERATION form nature which we are still part of ….we are just DNA animals sure with minds thinking and questionsing our PART TO FIT ….. but all that thinking is done and experienced thru the DNA bio machine which again is self repeilicating ,,,, based on INSTINCTS ….. ahhhh back to pages like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html Z( i guess that image should be the next image to place on that page ,,the celbration of life …. For what is sperm and pussy about other than the RE-creation … and recreation of life ?
( ohh off track Yess the RIB is not strong side to side http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html it is designed to be the mold around which the EARTH itself settles and grows strong …. So while you are SKINNING it and you feel more comfy with some lateral supports while roofing I suggest that every 5th rib you put in opposing supoorts during the contrsuction phase . even though the front and back wall will be very strong and the 6 interior ribs that make up the bathroom also give shear support .. I dig your concern … but after it is done and the grass has grown the roots sunk down into the earth … it is like a solid hill in nature equal forces on both sides and engered wiehgt lods form the roof etc …. )
back to TO LIFE …back to TAO ..back to sex … back to self esteem ..back to WORTHYNESS … I have talked about Zhuangzi’s story about the fruit fly the man the turtle and the redwood tree ….and how the Spirit of the ancient Redwood taught everyone that the length of time of BEING is not important it is the …. Chance to experience BEING in IN FI NITE forms which is to be celebrated . get the book an very easy read …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
SPERM dripping out of pussy that was just minutes earlier wett in ..DESIRE of being pentrated … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html the GOOD FEELING for both of you ,,, the tool of pleasure to insure that we humans bring and make new baby humans so that they can DIE ~! …yep facts is facts … I gave all my children a TERMINAL DISEASE no one get out of here alive they will all die …..sounds terrible huh … ?but I gotta bring you back to the FEAR STATE the ..promise of PHAROHS AND GODS … to have everlasting life ( but first you gotta die .. read the fine print ) I gotta bring you back to thinking about the HEALTH CARE INDSUTRY THE ….FOR PROFIT ,, industry …. What is industry ? http://www.instinctualism.org/cancers_blessing.html that page and the general helath insurance page …. Life and eath are scary ,,,INSTINCTS .to make sure we stay alove long enough to make sure we create new .BIO MACHINES so that experience life ,,the oppps for the expansion of TAO …. So that new ADVENTURESERS …. Can have contrasting life events ,,things wanted and unwanted …. To choose from freely LIFE LIBERTYA ND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
SO …. WILL YOU EAT MEAT TODAY ? …how about Lettuce ? life the use of matter that organizes in self repeicating forms …. So that a thought form can use the COLLECTION of sub EXPERINCERS for its own experiences . remember the quanta itself is a FREE choice equal to you , from which sub atomic particles can … have a NAME …. Thus be thought form or being or thing … and formt here the Atom can use the organization of sub particles so ATOM can be NAMED hydrogen or lithium ….etc… and so it goes on UP in complexity ,,each FORM equal each …. Experincers of BEING something NAME ABLE ..graven images ..thought forms …. Describable ….
Meat … hmmm why I am here , well I will go out to my garden this morning like I have evry morning .. before work and and kill some greens , lettuces . baby kales , chard and spinach for my lunch sandwich ,, I am getting very used to this freshenss and availability ….. I will pluck a perfect flower ,, a new GROUPING of specialized indidnvual living cells that does not resemble the HOST PLANT ..HOST LIFE FORM … I WILL KILL THAT BEAUTY SO THAT THE INTERIOR OF MY HOUSE WILL HAVE COLOR …
Iw ill go down to the dock at night casting for a snook or trout or flounder …. And when I suprize that FREE ANIMAL with a hook hidden in the moving object flying like all other edidble things fly thru the water .. like a bird fly thr the atomsophere of air , so fish fly thru water …. I will KILL IT AND EAT OF ITS FLESH …
The contract on my house is moving on …. Still a few days of wondering if it will close , but all is looking interesting … and I have to chickens to deal with …. It is time for me ..to be UGLY ,,MEAN CRUEL BAD …part of the Tao .the RELEASER …… the releasesr ….. the freedom giver …. For the chicken like us also is living a life of contrsting events and free choices …. It’s own adventure of BEING ..from with in the meat sack ..the body suit ..the BIO MACHINE desgned by the DNA specific to IT …. …. One which over millions of years came to CO-EXISISIT with humans , we .. are desgned to forage for mainly beggies and fruits so while we hunted trees we found eggs and birds ….. and over the millions of years human and chicken created a special bond … the chicken found thru the LAW OF NUMBERS ( kinda like the mullet and snook ever watch a full bellyed snook ignore tons of mullet swimming all around him ? not blindly killing everything only hunting when hungry and the mullet sensing this ) the law of numbers by living in and around humanity it survived and PROSPERED less over all PREDATION because mankind protected and valued the chicken for its eggs and …THE MEAT AFTER RELEASE …… the bio macine is PROGRAMED TO FEAR DEATH .so tha the TAO adventurer would not be stupid all the time and die to fast …. For the DEEPEST OF INNER YOU …knows its ,,reality ,, and that life is ILLSUION a great paly ground … the free choice and expression of IN FI NTIY expanding thru the indivual expression and choice and then livng of those choices ….
Ohhh I gotta KILL A CHICKEN … why am I having any stress over this ? I love my plants I enjoy seeing the health and beaty of them … and I KNOW THEY ARE LIFE FORMS EQUAL TO ME ….what do I still carry in me this concept like PHAROH taught that one life is more important than an other ? ( ahh there it is young master did you get it? The poisin of PHAROH ..the god/king …. The fairy tale of IMPORTANCE )
That is a visiable evidence of the CIRCLE of life ,,something we all GLORFY …. Make into poetry ,,abstract it …. Lose touch with the reality of it … thru our SEPERATION form nature which we are still part of ….we are just DNA animals sure with minds thinking and questionsing our PART TO FIT ….. but all that thinking is done and experienced thru the DNA bio machine which again is self repeilicating ,,,, based on INSTINCTS ….. ahhhh back to pages like http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html and http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html Z( i guess that image should be the next image to place on that page ,,the celbration of life …. For what is sperm and pussy about other than the RE-creation … and recreation of life ?
( ohh off track Yess the RIB is not strong side to side http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html it is designed to be the mold around which the EARTH itself settles and grows strong …. So while you are SKINNING it and you feel more comfy with some lateral supports while roofing I suggest that every 5th rib you put in opposing supoorts during the contrsuction phase . even though the front and back wall will be very strong and the 6 interior ribs that make up the bathroom also give shear support .. I dig your concern … but after it is done and the grass has grown the roots sunk down into the earth … it is like a solid hill in nature equal forces on both sides and engered wiehgt lods form the roof etc …. )
back to TO LIFE …back to TAO ..back to sex … back to self esteem ..back to WORTHYNESS … I have talked about Zhuangzi’s story about the fruit fly the man the turtle and the redwood tree ….and how the Spirit of the ancient Redwood taught everyone that the length of time of BEING is not important it is the …. Chance to experience BEING in IN FI NITE forms which is to be celebrated . get the book an very easy read …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
SPERM dripping out of pussy that was just minutes earlier wett in ..DESIRE of being pentrated … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html the GOOD FEELING for both of you ,,, the tool of pleasure to insure that we humans bring and make new baby humans so that they can DIE ~! …yep facts is facts … I gave all my children a TERMINAL DISEASE no one get out of here alive they will all die …..sounds terrible huh … ?but I gotta bring you back to the FEAR STATE the ..promise of PHAROHS AND GODS … to have everlasting life ( but first you gotta die .. read the fine print ) I gotta bring you back to thinking about the HEALTH CARE INDSUTRY THE ….FOR PROFIT ,, industry …. What is industry ? http://www.instinctualism.org/cancers_blessing.html that page and the general helath insurance page …. Life and eath are scary ,,,INSTINCTS .to make sure we stay alove long enough to make sure we create new .BIO MACHINES so that experience life ,,the oppps for the expansion of TAO …. So that new ADVENTURESERS …. Can have contrasting life events ,,things wanted and unwanted …. To choose from freely LIFE LIBERTYA ND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
SO …. WILL YOU EAT MEAT TODAY ? …how about Lettuce ? life the use of matter that organizes in self repeicating forms …. So that a thought form can use the COLLECTION of sub EXPERINCERS for its own experiences . remember the quanta itself is a FREE choice equal to you , from which sub atomic particles can … have a NAME …. Thus be thought form or being or thing … and formt here the Atom can use the organization of sub particles so ATOM can be NAMED hydrogen or lithium ….etc… and so it goes on UP in complexity ,,each FORM equal each …. Experincers of BEING something NAME ABLE ..graven images ..thought forms …. Describable ….
Meat … hmmm why I am here , well I will go out to my garden this morning like I have evry morning .. before work and and kill some greens , lettuces . baby kales , chard and spinach for my lunch sandwich ,, I am getting very used to this freshenss and availability ….. I will pluck a perfect flower ,, a new GROUPING of specialized indidnvual living cells that does not resemble the HOST PLANT ..HOST LIFE FORM … I WILL KILL THAT BEAUTY SO THAT THE INTERIOR OF MY HOUSE WILL HAVE COLOR …
Iw ill go down to the dock at night casting for a snook or trout or flounder …. And when I suprize that FREE ANIMAL with a hook hidden in the moving object flying like all other edidble things fly thru the water .. like a bird fly thr the atomsophere of air , so fish fly thru water …. I will KILL IT AND EAT OF ITS FLESH …
The contract on my house is moving on …. Still a few days of wondering if it will close , but all is looking interesting … and I have to chickens to deal with …. It is time for me ..to be UGLY ,,MEAN CRUEL BAD …part of the Tao .the RELEASER …… the releasesr ….. the freedom giver …. For the chicken like us also is living a life of contrsting events and free choices …. It’s own adventure of BEING ..from with in the meat sack ..the body suit ..the BIO MACHINE desgned by the DNA specific to IT …. …. One which over millions of years came to CO-EXISISIT with humans , we .. are desgned to forage for mainly beggies and fruits so while we hunted trees we found eggs and birds ….. and over the millions of years human and chicken created a special bond … the chicken found thru the LAW OF NUMBERS ( kinda like the mullet and snook ever watch a full bellyed snook ignore tons of mullet swimming all around him ? not blindly killing everything only hunting when hungry and the mullet sensing this ) the law of numbers by living in and around humanity it survived and PROSPERED less over all PREDATION because mankind protected and valued the chicken for its eggs and …THE MEAT AFTER RELEASE …… the bio macine is PROGRAMED TO FEAR DEATH .so tha the TAO adventurer would not be stupid all the time and die to fast …. For the DEEPEST OF INNER YOU …knows its ,,reality ,, and that life is ILLSUION a great paly ground … the free choice and expression of IN FI NTIY expanding thru the indivual expression and choice and then livng of those choices ….
Ohhh I gotta KILL A CHICKEN … why am I having any stress over this ? I love my plants I enjoy seeing the health and beaty of them … and I KNOW THEY ARE LIFE FORMS EQUAL TO ME ….what do I still carry in me this concept like PHAROH taught that one life is more important than an other ? ( ahh there it is young master did you get it? The poisin of PHAROH ..the god/king …. The fairy tale of IMPORTANCE )
Monday, November 24, 2008
oooh look at that pussy in the window
Ooooh look at that Pussy in the window
Young master …… these ideas about 1 of a whole bunch of different designs ,,in fact designs you cn come up with ,,for remember you HAVE FREE CHOICE … PERMA –CULTURE …. well my concept of what people are calling a HOBBIT house ,,, a house that from the outside looks like a mound or small hill on the landscape a home with green grass and wild flowers covering it ….. well is my designe ,, I believe it will be the easest one to build … from the most available construction material sources ..but does the idea of living under ground give you a closed in feelings? Remember .. this deisgn is built around that every room has a large picture window and glass door and SKY LIGHTS ..ahhh the vision of the Stars and mmoon to go to fuck with ,,, ooops I mean sleep with …. http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html ribs tilted up secured temp like till you can get the first layer of skin on …. Then moving on to the next 8 ribs tilted up ….. using a winch off an ATV or the tractor ,,,, in fact … I gotta put on links to ideas about
YOU’VE GOT TIME NOT $$$ ….. there is a back hoe that is a two around …. You can get some goo ATV for around 1000 on line 250 cc …. And you could take 3 of the $119 dollar lawn mowers take the handles off … do some drilling to consct them in series … 3 wide …with falt metal .. take the wheels off to put some larger ones on … and then rig up a trailer hitch coupling ..and loo and behold you got a turf lawn mower system , so … after you have the place bush hogged you can maintain it …. The atv. 1500 , the bachoe http://www.equipfind.com/candig/index.htm about 3k and the lawn mowers with changes 4oo ….. you maybe allbe to rig up tools needed for under 5 k verus the subcompact tractor system that will end up costing about 16k …. Sure later on you can up grade to one othese after you have the resources but in your start up phase TIME YOU GOT $$$$ YOU DO NOT ….
So back to the advertisng gimmick of http://www.instinctualism.org writing about SEX because our common thread of SEXUAL FRUSTRATION …/ sex sells it catches your interest ….. and the FEAR of acceptance of your own body …. Do you have that self self LOATHING ….? I betcha you do …. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html why …think for yourself and ..as the tension arrises … FEEL it ..free personel choices to FEEL it ,, do not RESIST it * what you resit persisits ) …. Feel it ,,, then realize it is astpe 1 feeling a contrast to choose from ..do you want to feel this TRAP of comparing yourself to the IDEAL generated by advertisng?
Again I go back to the time of PHAROH …the times when our common myth books of religion were being writitne and RE WRITTEN depending on the Govermental forms that needed the control capacity of religion to MOLD human minds ….. and realize that ,,the SALVE was not allowed clothing the GOD/KING and the salve masters who served the ROYAL familys ,, and PRIests … all ahd clothing …but not the worker …until the worker PROVED IT S…. usefulness to PHAROH AND ECONCMY …. Clothing traditions that evolved slowly …. Yes sure we had clothing to protect us from weather in areas that were not so comfy as us THE SAVANNA APE spread out across the worlds …. BACK 6 TO 3 MILLION YEARS AGO EVIDENCED BY TOOL DESPSOTS IN PLACES LIKE THE Geoprgias of Russia …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ....... but even today in places where Christainty has not SUNK IT TEETH inot the wildness areas totally destroying things ….. the Aborignal peoples live very NUDIST type of lives not RESITING THEIR BODY …… ooohh but to cover the human body ..to PROGRAM the ideal concept of BEAUTY to develop un naturel levels os ex and timing …. Timint for the EXPRESION of what is ANTURAL ..steming from HORMOnES NOT LAWS WERiTTEN IN BOOKS …. …. Ahh the mind fuck surrounding the natural desire to fuck …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html what a usefull tool of manipulation for that 1% of the 3% ..the social path ….. who you ARE NOT 1 ( on average and the average is all of us who are of the 100 % less the tiny number of 1% or 3% you are avaerge … a very NICE PERSON … so nice you can be easy to manipulate ,,, so nice it is your INSTINCT to want to protect your FAMILY ahhh so learn how to use that instinct to create WARFARES …. But then again read about ancient tribal wars and you will find them to be UN ORGANIZED very much like …. A RUGBY GAME ….. that will break up when it got to violent .
Death during these games did not have the FEAR mindset that we live thru because aboriginal man ,,the SAGE culture .. was stilled respeicint that life was and sxpression of BEING TAO in MATERIAL FORM for limmted experience … respecitn the instinct of the BIO AMCHINE with out needing to have learned … first the details of BIO MECHANICS nor QUANTUM pyshihcs … death and the fear of it ,, are mainly part and parcel of the bio machine to insure the health and wellness of the family unit ….. the urge to RECREATE …. To fuck . and the having of bundles of joy from that natural activity .. thenthough raising them in a more natural way …… resepeicnting indivuality not forcing the children to become players in the INDUSTRIAL CHILD CARE INDSUTRY ..the PRODUCT AND PRODUce of that industry …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html and then lastly i have not touched this for a lng time directly but …… sexual abuase …. And again re read the effects of manipulataion and find the GENISSIS there …. Complexity … remember my bbringing up of HISTO- COMAPTABLITY and the concepts on the amting behavior pages ….. we are very nice species when allowed to be thav ery nice species ..not manipulated into a USEFUL tool of econmy http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html so just to remiend you about he WHOLE-ISTIC …. Nature of moving in the direction of creating an instinctaulist life .
Young master …… these ideas about 1 of a whole bunch of different designs ,,in fact designs you cn come up with ,,for remember you HAVE FREE CHOICE … PERMA –CULTURE …. well my concept of what people are calling a HOBBIT house ,,, a house that from the outside looks like a mound or small hill on the landscape a home with green grass and wild flowers covering it ….. well is my designe ,, I believe it will be the easest one to build … from the most available construction material sources ..but does the idea of living under ground give you a closed in feelings? Remember .. this deisgn is built around that every room has a large picture window and glass door and SKY LIGHTS ..ahhh the vision of the Stars and mmoon to go to fuck with ,,, ooops I mean sleep with …. http://www.instinctualism.org/construction.html ribs tilted up secured temp like till you can get the first layer of skin on …. Then moving on to the next 8 ribs tilted up ….. using a winch off an ATV or the tractor ,,,, in fact … I gotta put on links to ideas about
YOU’VE GOT TIME NOT $$$ ….. there is a back hoe that is a two around …. You can get some goo ATV for around 1000 on line 250 cc …. And you could take 3 of the $119 dollar lawn mowers take the handles off … do some drilling to consct them in series … 3 wide …with falt metal .. take the wheels off to put some larger ones on … and then rig up a trailer hitch coupling ..and loo and behold you got a turf lawn mower system , so … after you have the place bush hogged you can maintain it …. The atv. 1500 , the bachoe http://www.equipfind.com/candig/index.htm about 3k and the lawn mowers with changes 4oo ….. you maybe allbe to rig up tools needed for under 5 k verus the subcompact tractor system that will end up costing about 16k …. Sure later on you can up grade to one othese after you have the resources but in your start up phase TIME YOU GOT $$$$ YOU DO NOT ….
So back to the advertisng gimmick of http://www.instinctualism.org writing about SEX because our common thread of SEXUAL FRUSTRATION …/ sex sells it catches your interest ….. and the FEAR of acceptance of your own body …. Do you have that self self LOATHING ….? I betcha you do …. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html why …think for yourself and ..as the tension arrises … FEEL it ..free personel choices to FEEL it ,, do not RESIST it * what you resit persisits ) …. Feel it ,,, then realize it is astpe 1 feeling a contrast to choose from ..do you want to feel this TRAP of comparing yourself to the IDEAL generated by advertisng?
Again I go back to the time of PHAROH …the times when our common myth books of religion were being writitne and RE WRITTEN depending on the Govermental forms that needed the control capacity of religion to MOLD human minds ….. and realize that ,,the SALVE was not allowed clothing the GOD/KING and the salve masters who served the ROYAL familys ,, and PRIests … all ahd clothing …but not the worker …until the worker PROVED IT S…. usefulness to PHAROH AND ECONCMY …. Clothing traditions that evolved slowly …. Yes sure we had clothing to protect us from weather in areas that were not so comfy as us THE SAVANNA APE spread out across the worlds …. BACK 6 TO 3 MILLION YEARS AGO EVIDENCED BY TOOL DESPSOTS IN PLACES LIKE THE Geoprgias of Russia …. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ....... but even today in places where Christainty has not SUNK IT TEETH inot the wildness areas totally destroying things ….. the Aborignal peoples live very NUDIST type of lives not RESITING THEIR BODY …… ooohh but to cover the human body ..to PROGRAM the ideal concept of BEAUTY to develop un naturel levels os ex and timing …. Timint for the EXPRESION of what is ANTURAL ..steming from HORMOnES NOT LAWS WERiTTEN IN BOOKS …. …. Ahh the mind fuck surrounding the natural desire to fuck …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html what a usefull tool of manipulation for that 1% of the 3% ..the social path ….. who you ARE NOT 1 ( on average and the average is all of us who are of the 100 % less the tiny number of 1% or 3% you are avaerge … a very NICE PERSON … so nice you can be easy to manipulate ,,, so nice it is your INSTINCT to want to protect your FAMILY ahhh so learn how to use that instinct to create WARFARES …. But then again read about ancient tribal wars and you will find them to be UN ORGANIZED very much like …. A RUGBY GAME ….. that will break up when it got to violent .
Death during these games did not have the FEAR mindset that we live thru because aboriginal man ,,the SAGE culture .. was stilled respeicint that life was and sxpression of BEING TAO in MATERIAL FORM for limmted experience … respecitn the instinct of the BIO AMCHINE with out needing to have learned … first the details of BIO MECHANICS nor QUANTUM pyshihcs … death and the fear of it ,, are mainly part and parcel of the bio machine to insure the health and wellness of the family unit ….. the urge to RECREATE …. To fuck . and the having of bundles of joy from that natural activity .. thenthough raising them in a more natural way …… resepeicnting indivuality not forcing the children to become players in the INDUSTRIAL CHILD CARE INDSUTRY ..the PRODUCT AND PRODUce of that industry …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html and then lastly i have not touched this for a lng time directly but …… sexual abuase …. And again re read the effects of manipulataion and find the GENISSIS there …. Complexity … remember my bbringing up of HISTO- COMAPTABLITY and the concepts on the amting behavior pages ….. we are very nice species when allowed to be thav ery nice species ..not manipulated into a USEFUL tool of econmy http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html so just to remiend you about he WHOLE-ISTIC …. Nature of moving in the direction of creating an instinctaulist life .
Sunday, November 23, 2008
accpeting pussy
Accepting pussy
Young master the idea of belief has something to do with ,,, your ..desrie to be accepted by others to SEE SMILES ….. mind body spirit ,do not get so
WARPED up in Meta Magic as to forget the Choice of being here in LIMITS and the use of the TOOL of BIO MACHINE ,,, the machine needs to do certain things like BREATHE ….. you as the OVER – ALL TONE setter for the COMMUNITY of individual BEINGS of CELL forms that make up the whole which is used by the thought form called YOU …. The you setts the tone … but the amchine does have certain AGREED upon LIMITS to EXPRESS within …
Agreed ….. things we ALL smile about in agrteement ….. and the commonaility of belief stemsing from that ,,, are the building blocks of the BLOCKS to your EXPANSIONS of ..things you can FREELY CHOOSE to live that are still within the overall design of the whole PLAYGROUND of theis TIME/SPACE …. You do play with in an arena of …life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. Realy realy realy broad ..guide lines you can freely choose to LEAVE ECONOMY head out inot the woods or find a way to BLEND with economy all your free choice …
Econonmy , culture society social peer groupings …. Peer groupings if you FREELY choose to limit you choices due to their SHOULDS OR HAVE TO;S … understand you do this WHY because you FEAR DEATH ? is the needyness of the baby still being expressed in you … now accept that your first programming was in the understanding that you arrived in a BODY a BIO MACHINE that was HELPLESS and to survivie beyond bsic BREATHING you had to depend TRUST in the acceptance or LOVE of others …
And in a very short time that LOVE BECAME CONDITIONAL …johmmy be nice or mommy will be unhappy and you wil go to bed with NO DINNER …
The FEAR that if you BUCKED the slave master of PHAROH you would be picked for dangerous jobs tomorrow and DIE ..if you died then your DNA stopped way way way back then 1000’s of years ago …. Thos whose choose to conform ,they added that idea that life experience locked in DATA in their DNa to the DNA of their OFF S PRING …
Dna carries with it , a general level of all expericial data of the parents … hence the DAN of whites was to be better able to live thru DISEASES viruss of eurpoe which when brough to the new world killed of sometimes 90% of indigenous people who were exposed …. The inner level of WANTO expressed by the surviviors most likesly is the REAL reason for their SURVIVAL ….
Many accepted the ..events they saw as reality and died like everyone else ,,losing HOPE … and some had the drive to go on … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html attitude or tone of thought energy . not done based upon the comparisons of their thinking to those of anyone else but SELF DRIVEN ….
The idea of living because of the aceeptance of the collective HSOULDS OR BELIEFS as compared the the FREE choice to live based upon the inner WANTO of the indidivual experincer ..where am I going with this …HMMM I do not know ,, but I believe there is something in this stream for you young master to THINK FOR YOURSELF ABOUT ..to compound the amounts of data of all learnings to … free your own CHOICES in personel thinking and what LIMITS YOU WANT TO ARGUE TO MAINTAIN …. As they relte to the overall AGREMENT state of this …this ..1 expression of TIME SPACE created from the flow of WELL BEING of the expression of Quantas that flash in and out of being so that time space can be constructed form it in complex ways ,,, more complex than WE can understand while using a body that can process only 2 gigs of data per second ….. how deep is the REAL vibration ,, and each vibration is a byte of data ,, you can not translate that amount of data ,, our machine … limits ..we can not HEAR like th dog .. SEE like the eagle or SMELL like the hark ,,, hearing seeing smelling is translating VIBRATION events …. Inot usaealbe data things comparable to things already experienced so that a continunity of experience can be formed .
Complexity upon complexty take that … and add inot the TRAINING ..outside of the INSTINCTUAL EXPECTTATION of the BIO-MACHINE AND we get MIND FUCKS …. For the use and benefit of those whoe care not for any one but themselves ,,GREED . while the overwhelming evidence trail of the average is one of wanting to see the smiles the WELLINGB ING ..of everyone ,,
Remember MUTATIONS happen … 3 percent of all births carry some form of mutation … that 3% can then be divieded into percentages … the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociopathy is just 1 of 100’s of mutation expressions ..the GREED GONE WILD …. Becaue remember selfish GREED is important to the health and wellbeing of EVE while she is with a BABY in her belly and in fact our HAREM NATURE IS THER TO SUPPORT HER IN THIS TIME OF BEING NEEDY ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the natural supportive family of the harem … as compared to the indivual expression of greed of the chimp and the reuslitng 1.5 babys in 10 getting murdered for the continued GREED state gone wild …. Remember the evidence trail of our body design especially as it reltes to SEX ….. and our cock being more like the COCK of the GORILLA it has an ACORN head while the chimp has a NEEDLE HEAD … we have the ACORN on a RECREATIOANL SHAFT ….
You FREEDOM … to learn about yourself then choose freely from a world of FREE CHOICES ..is the facts ! ….. the faster you realize that you LIMIT your choices based upon the smiles of others when in fat you PRESENCE in their life is never a GUARENTEE ! you could honeslty get into an accendent today and be gone and would they then not stillhave the FREE choice to yes Grieve for you then move on tho learning to smile once more ..so it is ..in living with them … you can freely choose to DIE to them so that you both can FREELY CHOOSE to learn to smile once more …. Hmmmmm FEEL where you are on your emotional guidance scale … YOU SET THE TONE … for the collective of BEINGS that is your to use .. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html i and NO ONE ELSE can do it for you or does do it for you …. You are free NOT to respond to those who MAKE YOU FEEL ..bad ….. yet true upon ture ,,, you are free to agure for the limits of being in a trap ! peace phil
Young master the idea of belief has something to do with ,,, your ..desrie to be accepted by others to SEE SMILES ….. mind body spirit ,do not get so
WARPED up in Meta Magic as to forget the Choice of being here in LIMITS and the use of the TOOL of BIO MACHINE ,,, the machine needs to do certain things like BREATHE ….. you as the OVER – ALL TONE setter for the COMMUNITY of individual BEINGS of CELL forms that make up the whole which is used by the thought form called YOU …. The you setts the tone … but the amchine does have certain AGREED upon LIMITS to EXPRESS within …
Agreed ….. things we ALL smile about in agrteement ….. and the commonaility of belief stemsing from that ,,, are the building blocks of the BLOCKS to your EXPANSIONS of ..things you can FREELY CHOOSE to live that are still within the overall design of the whole PLAYGROUND of theis TIME/SPACE …. You do play with in an arena of …life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …. Realy realy realy broad ..guide lines you can freely choose to LEAVE ECONOMY head out inot the woods or find a way to BLEND with economy all your free choice …
Econonmy , culture society social peer groupings …. Peer groupings if you FREELY choose to limit you choices due to their SHOULDS OR HAVE TO;S … understand you do this WHY because you FEAR DEATH ? is the needyness of the baby still being expressed in you … now accept that your first programming was in the understanding that you arrived in a BODY a BIO MACHINE that was HELPLESS and to survivie beyond bsic BREATHING you had to depend TRUST in the acceptance or LOVE of others …
And in a very short time that LOVE BECAME CONDITIONAL …johmmy be nice or mommy will be unhappy and you wil go to bed with NO DINNER …
The FEAR that if you BUCKED the slave master of PHAROH you would be picked for dangerous jobs tomorrow and DIE ..if you died then your DNA stopped way way way back then 1000’s of years ago …. Thos whose choose to conform ,they added that idea that life experience locked in DATA in their DNa to the DNA of their OFF S PRING …
Dna carries with it , a general level of all expericial data of the parents … hence the DAN of whites was to be better able to live thru DISEASES viruss of eurpoe which when brough to the new world killed of sometimes 90% of indigenous people who were exposed …. The inner level of WANTO expressed by the surviviors most likesly is the REAL reason for their SURVIVAL ….
Many accepted the ..events they saw as reality and died like everyone else ,,losing HOPE … and some had the drive to go on … http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html attitude or tone of thought energy . not done based upon the comparisons of their thinking to those of anyone else but SELF DRIVEN ….
The idea of living because of the aceeptance of the collective HSOULDS OR BELIEFS as compared the the FREE choice to live based upon the inner WANTO of the indidivual experincer ..where am I going with this …HMMM I do not know ,, but I believe there is something in this stream for you young master to THINK FOR YOURSELF ABOUT ..to compound the amounts of data of all learnings to … free your own CHOICES in personel thinking and what LIMITS YOU WANT TO ARGUE TO MAINTAIN …. As they relte to the overall AGREMENT state of this …this ..1 expression of TIME SPACE created from the flow of WELL BEING of the expression of Quantas that flash in and out of being so that time space can be constructed form it in complex ways ,,, more complex than WE can understand while using a body that can process only 2 gigs of data per second ….. how deep is the REAL vibration ,, and each vibration is a byte of data ,, you can not translate that amount of data ,, our machine … limits ..we can not HEAR like th dog .. SEE like the eagle or SMELL like the hark ,,, hearing seeing smelling is translating VIBRATION events …. Inot usaealbe data things comparable to things already experienced so that a continunity of experience can be formed .
Complexity upon complexty take that … and add inot the TRAINING ..outside of the INSTINCTUAL EXPECTTATION of the BIO-MACHINE AND we get MIND FUCKS …. For the use and benefit of those whoe care not for any one but themselves ,,GREED . while the overwhelming evidence trail of the average is one of wanting to see the smiles the WELLINGB ING ..of everyone ,,
Remember MUTATIONS happen … 3 percent of all births carry some form of mutation … that 3% can then be divieded into percentages … the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociopathy is just 1 of 100’s of mutation expressions ..the GREED GONE WILD …. Becaue remember selfish GREED is important to the health and wellbeing of EVE while she is with a BABY in her belly and in fact our HAREM NATURE IS THER TO SUPPORT HER IN THIS TIME OF BEING NEEDY ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html the natural supportive family of the harem … as compared to the indivual expression of greed of the chimp and the reuslitng 1.5 babys in 10 getting murdered for the continued GREED state gone wild …. Remember the evidence trail of our body design especially as it reltes to SEX ….. and our cock being more like the COCK of the GORILLA it has an ACORN head while the chimp has a NEEDLE HEAD … we have the ACORN on a RECREATIOANL SHAFT ….
You FREEDOM … to learn about yourself then choose freely from a world of FREE CHOICES ..is the facts ! ….. the faster you realize that you LIMIT your choices based upon the smiles of others when in fat you PRESENCE in their life is never a GUARENTEE ! you could honeslty get into an accendent today and be gone and would they then not stillhave the FREE choice to yes Grieve for you then move on tho learning to smile once more ..so it is ..in living with them … you can freely choose to DIE to them so that you both can FREELY CHOOSE to learn to smile once more …. Hmmmmm FEEL where you are on your emotional guidance scale … YOU SET THE TONE … for the collective of BEINGS that is your to use .. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html i and NO ONE ELSE can do it for you or does do it for you …. You are free NOT to respond to those who MAKE YOU FEEL ..bad ….. yet true upon ture ,,, you are free to agure for the limits of being in a trap ! peace phil
Saturday, November 22, 2008
a two foot dick
A two foot Dick
The rich man and the eye of the needle a story of the SAGE jesus ….. the trap of wealth …. Sperating you from living because of FEAR ? of DEATH ? of transistion back into twhat this whole ILLUSION is constructed from … keep this new PROGRAMING in side of you to conter act that shit you have been pumped with from birth the idea that you are SEPERATED from the Tao ( or god ) and have to REDEEM yourself to prove worthy ness , when the truth is , we ARE ! the ones who LIVE the expansion of infinity for the COLLECTIVE which is TAO …. Fuck without US …. Without your you and your won PERSONEL experience of BEING you will not happen and INIFITNY WILL NOT BE ….. IN FI NITE … you have to happen … you are the most important aspect of it that which has already been experienced …. Lis the DESCRIBABLE ..the GRAVEN IMAGE … it is US the unknown yet to be made PREFENCES OF FREE CHOICE that keep the EXPANSION GOING
If all of you, when you went home today, found your homes had blown away, you would be happier in the days and weeks and months to follow than if you went home and everything was normal -- because it causes more focus of desire. There is all this fresh stuff pouring through you. It's like opening spaces to new allowance. If every remnant of success was gone from you -- still you stand as the culmination of all that you've learned. And we don't mean learned in the sense that now you know how to do it again. We mean you have been the creation that has been in the process of being created, and here you stand as this clearer, more focused wanter and allower than you've ever been before. Which means, you can take your next breath of desire and step into your next place of allowing, and all that you ever had, and ten times more, can be in your experience immediately -- when you accept that you are the asker and the receiver, and the letter-in of all of that.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
OK now on to having a 2 foot DICK young master ,,,, go back to the idea of ..UNWORTHYNESS …. Having to MEASURE up in having that fancy car to attract the attention of EVE …. To feeling that if you had a bigger dick or bigger muscles you will be meore attractive …when the truth is always about YOUR IDEA of self Worth and the VIBRATION you currently hold about that INDIDNVUAL topic…. GOOD VIBES ..you know that you sometimes can jus’ sense when things are right,,,, RIGHT ? the expression of flashing in and out of exisitance of the Quantum itself is just VIBRATION and we in these bio machine bodies can TRANSLATE only 2 gigs per second of that VIbrational reality ….not being able to have access to everything is the BLESSING of being here in TIME/SPACe to no … to have NO’S …. To know thing … 1 thing at a time instead of ALL … ALL the time ….. in ALL forms and possibles ….
Her pussy can not WITHSTAND a two foot dick ..it would be a waste of FLESH and BLOOD PRESSURE for you to maintain a 2 foot idck … he pussy is about 6 inches deep on average …. So gusess what you are on AVERAGE already perfect fit for her pussy ….. now if you are larger and you BOTTOM OUT FREQUENTLY in fact it can be uncomfortable for her at first lucky pussy is sSTRECTHABLE ….. if you are not well I guess you can use your collection of DILDOES to on occasion give her( them becaue …THEM ..because the intent is for you to develop the HAREM for the OVER ALL benifts of them and you and the kids to come ..the HOLISTIC FAMILY unit ….. of a GORILLA LIKE SPEICIES remember to realize that yes we have a few more common DNA strands with chimps but the expression of our DNa is more GORILLA like than CHIMP all around ,,, not jsu the dick asl explored in the open piciture of http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but to the aspects of evidence of our SHOULDER BLDES .. see we GORIILA TYPE APES …. Spent less time in trees .. CHIMPS ARE STILL MORE TREE DWELLING than us LARGER APES . we though we the NICHE ape pushed out of ht lush JUNGLE to evolve into the PREY speices ape of the open fire plains and savannahs ….
But honeslty todays topic is supposed be about wealth INCOME work opening your mind to PROVING your over all level of WANTO for if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want something then you will do other things that are NOT so fun and find them fun to insure that you GET the FUN that you want in the end … you will live the ADVENTURE ….. time/space is not supposed to be the MAGIC I=OF INSTANT GRAIFITCATION like being it ALL ALLTIMES while stillin the tao . no dicooncetion or time lag for thought to experience ..everything ALLWAYS in all …..ways ….
Every Tom DICK and Harry …… every tom has a hariy dick and TWO FEET .. and those two feet we all cover with FOOT WEAR …. And to many many many that FOOT WEAR the APPEARANCE … of the manintence of the foot wear is important to the over all ..PROFESSIOANLISM of the persona nd COMPANY … yesterday I told you to collect 800 .. company names ,,now stop an look at them .. and realize this ,, ON AVERAGE ..each of those names is a contact to 3 family units each family unit is made up on average of 4 people …. 2 older and two younger …. 800 times 12 is ..uhhhhh welll take this finger addd to that finger take out your toes now young master you will add it up …ohh fuck IT ..8000 times 12 is a whole fucking bunch ,, will you agree ? of the 8000 how many CPa’s were there never thought about CPA’s have you ,,, ever notice the amount of LEGAL offices , and ARCHEITIECTS ? Sales REPS and upscale FURNUTURE stores , care delasers hips ….. hmmmmm how many 100’s of people who need that all IMPORTANT … ACCNET of as they said the key to SUCCESS is to put a SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND SHINE ON YOUR SHOES ……. Ahhh so the young master who has spent any time …. Looking thru the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html will get the hint … I don’t wannna spell it out for you ,,to hand it to you on a silver plater but to develop in you the bality to think foryer for your ..self …. ( ohhh dipshit that scary clown will disturb young children and just because you are yet to have a baby angel to proctect with your life .. does not mean I don’t and having some PUKE PUNK think he is being cool and sitrubing my baby for COOL his twisted idea of SELF IAMGE …. Is lame on the punks part ..LOSER ….. just you’re your thumb and fore finger in the shape of an L against your fore head for me OK …. You can not think for yourself you did not get the idea …. COMPETITON … is good it CULLS OUT LOSERS LIKE YOU ..fool try again this time think for yourself ,,break free of the social conditioning you now hold to ..or not FREE CHOICE ..
Last again …. Steep yourself in the INFINTIE …..if 1 quantum is this large … then where is the end ? http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
The rich man and the eye of the needle a story of the SAGE jesus ….. the trap of wealth …. Sperating you from living because of FEAR ? of DEATH ? of transistion back into twhat this whole ILLUSION is constructed from … keep this new PROGRAMING in side of you to conter act that shit you have been pumped with from birth the idea that you are SEPERATED from the Tao ( or god ) and have to REDEEM yourself to prove worthy ness , when the truth is , we ARE ! the ones who LIVE the expansion of infinity for the COLLECTIVE which is TAO …. Fuck without US …. Without your you and your won PERSONEL experience of BEING you will not happen and INIFITNY WILL NOT BE ….. IN FI NITE … you have to happen … you are the most important aspect of it that which has already been experienced …. Lis the DESCRIBABLE ..the GRAVEN IMAGE … it is US the unknown yet to be made PREFENCES OF FREE CHOICE that keep the EXPANSION GOING
If all of you, when you went home today, found your homes had blown away, you would be happier in the days and weeks and months to follow than if you went home and everything was normal -- because it causes more focus of desire. There is all this fresh stuff pouring through you. It's like opening spaces to new allowance. If every remnant of success was gone from you -- still you stand as the culmination of all that you've learned. And we don't mean learned in the sense that now you know how to do it again. We mean you have been the creation that has been in the process of being created, and here you stand as this clearer, more focused wanter and allower than you've ever been before. Which means, you can take your next breath of desire and step into your next place of allowing, and all that you ever had, and ten times more, can be in your experience immediately -- when you accept that you are the asker and the receiver, and the letter-in of all of that.--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
OK now on to having a 2 foot DICK young master ,,,, go back to the idea of ..UNWORTHYNESS …. Having to MEASURE up in having that fancy car to attract the attention of EVE …. To feeling that if you had a bigger dick or bigger muscles you will be meore attractive …when the truth is always about YOUR IDEA of self Worth and the VIBRATION you currently hold about that INDIDNVUAL topic…. GOOD VIBES ..you know that you sometimes can jus’ sense when things are right,,,, RIGHT ? the expression of flashing in and out of exisitance of the Quantum itself is just VIBRATION and we in these bio machine bodies can TRANSLATE only 2 gigs per second of that VIbrational reality ….not being able to have access to everything is the BLESSING of being here in TIME/SPACe to no … to have NO’S …. To know thing … 1 thing at a time instead of ALL … ALL the time ….. in ALL forms and possibles ….
Her pussy can not WITHSTAND a two foot dick ..it would be a waste of FLESH and BLOOD PRESSURE for you to maintain a 2 foot idck … he pussy is about 6 inches deep on average …. So gusess what you are on AVERAGE already perfect fit for her pussy ….. now if you are larger and you BOTTOM OUT FREQUENTLY in fact it can be uncomfortable for her at first lucky pussy is sSTRECTHABLE ….. if you are not well I guess you can use your collection of DILDOES to on occasion give her( them becaue …THEM ..because the intent is for you to develop the HAREM for the OVER ALL benifts of them and you and the kids to come ..the HOLISTIC FAMILY unit ….. of a GORILLA LIKE SPEICIES remember to realize that yes we have a few more common DNA strands with chimps but the expression of our DNa is more GORILLA like than CHIMP all around ,,, not jsu the dick asl explored in the open piciture of http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html but to the aspects of evidence of our SHOULDER BLDES .. see we GORIILA TYPE APES …. Spent less time in trees .. CHIMPS ARE STILL MORE TREE DWELLING than us LARGER APES . we though we the NICHE ape pushed out of ht lush JUNGLE to evolve into the PREY speices ape of the open fire plains and savannahs ….
But honeslty todays topic is supposed be about wealth INCOME work opening your mind to PROVING your over all level of WANTO for if you REALLY REALLY REALLY want something then you will do other things that are NOT so fun and find them fun to insure that you GET the FUN that you want in the end … you will live the ADVENTURE ….. time/space is not supposed to be the MAGIC I=OF INSTANT GRAIFITCATION like being it ALL ALLTIMES while stillin the tao . no dicooncetion or time lag for thought to experience ..everything ALLWAYS in all …..ways ….
Every Tom DICK and Harry …… every tom has a hariy dick and TWO FEET .. and those two feet we all cover with FOOT WEAR …. And to many many many that FOOT WEAR the APPEARANCE … of the manintence of the foot wear is important to the over all ..PROFESSIOANLISM of the persona nd COMPANY … yesterday I told you to collect 800 .. company names ,,now stop an look at them .. and realize this ,, ON AVERAGE ..each of those names is a contact to 3 family units each family unit is made up on average of 4 people …. 2 older and two younger …. 800 times 12 is ..uhhhhh welll take this finger addd to that finger take out your toes now young master you will add it up …ohh fuck IT ..8000 times 12 is a whole fucking bunch ,, will you agree ? of the 8000 how many CPa’s were there never thought about CPA’s have you ,,, ever notice the amount of LEGAL offices , and ARCHEITIECTS ? Sales REPS and upscale FURNUTURE stores , care delasers hips ….. hmmmmm how many 100’s of people who need that all IMPORTANT … ACCNET of as they said the key to SUCCESS is to put a SMILE ON YOUR FACE AND SHINE ON YOUR SHOES ……. Ahhh so the young master who has spent any time …. Looking thru the pages of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html will get the hint … I don’t wannna spell it out for you ,,to hand it to you on a silver plater but to develop in you the bality to think foryer for your ..self …. ( ohhh dipshit that scary clown will disturb young children and just because you are yet to have a baby angel to proctect with your life .. does not mean I don’t and having some PUKE PUNK think he is being cool and sitrubing my baby for COOL his twisted idea of SELF IAMGE …. Is lame on the punks part ..LOSER ….. just you’re your thumb and fore finger in the shape of an L against your fore head for me OK …. You can not think for yourself you did not get the idea …. COMPETITON … is good it CULLS OUT LOSERS LIKE YOU ..fool try again this time think for yourself ,,break free of the social conditioning you now hold to ..or not FREE CHOICE ..
Last again …. Steep yourself in the INFINTIE …..if 1 quantum is this large … then where is the end ? http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Friday, November 21, 2008
working at fun
Working at fun
Ok last weekend at the pineapple fest , in fact yesterday nihgt at jamming in Jensen I encountered the same persons in didfferetn bodys , people who were very stressed about their income , the potential ofr income … they dpend on event retailing for their day to day flow of EXCHANGE TOOL ..cash . so they can provide for themselves the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS …. Over and over ..dipshit I try to get yu to THINK FOR YOURSELF . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
Source is always looking for the SOLUTION TO THE CONTRAST the probelme mankind gets itself into …..hmmmm what does that mean ? this a statement of the entertainer Ester Hicks when she is expressing ABRAHAM . http://www.instinctualism.org/inner_being.html find a link to her work there .
Source …toa , infinty …hell GOD if you want ( god is a bad! Word in that it is full of PERJORATIVES .. emotional shit that fucks up the OVER ALL POSSIBLES OF THE MEANING OF THE WORD …. So using GOD can be miss leading because of the image your PROGRAMING ABOUT THAT word brings in to your mind automactically
Tao is ever expanding with each UN LIVED event there is expansion of INFINTY ..INTO ALL POSSIBLES SOLUTIONS TO THE equation OF THE CONTRAST OR PROBLEM … but for us to experience linaer time/space we gotta pick 1 …………YOUR WANT ! …. As decided by YOU . now you have conditions of comfort and many of these comfortsa re based upon the GENERAL UNDER LYING ,,,NICE nature of the human group animal ..we care what others think ….. we act independently yet within the Scope of the social group ..for to act outside of the social group would be ….. just may lead you inot having to leave that aupportive social group ……
Being the LONE MALE . ….. which is fine if that is part of your expectation … you expect to have to live a period of being alone to then GAIN your posisiotn in the GROUIP upon returing …… the 1 year alone in the woods of the youth aboriginal indain male …… his TOUR OF DUTY .
Ohhh but I got way off track …… this was supposed to be about WORKING at things you like ,,,, and living with out the UNDER LYING stress that most currently live ….
Building a life or a house on sand …. Will mean the foundation has no support .
You young master taking the time to use the GIVEN tools of investment and TAX deferences available ,,taking some time like you would if you went to UNVIERSITY for 4 years ..or lived 24/7 in a far away war zone in constant stress . doing a tour of duty in the Service to god and county in the armed forces … or think for yourself be creative and NOT SCARED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ....... hmmmm there is so ,,much oppurutunity so so many people to SERVE the population in the same trade yet in their won SPECIAL WAY ….
If there were only 1 resturant how boring would that be …only MC. D’s …. No BK or windys , local hot dog guy ,, or subway , GIZMOS hand made pizza … or Mammma san’s china buffet ……..
When it comes to work .remember the longer you DO NOTHING the better chance is that you will end up taking any job later on ,,, end up working at something you do not like for 6 bucks an hour , when in reality you could BE SELF DIRECTED maybe doing something that at first you BELIEVE you will not like , because your point of view is about the ACTIVITY and not the truth about who and what you are ,,, what you are is a nice animal that likes to see HAPPINESS …. And happiness comes thru SERVICE ….. and you can find an ASPECT of human life COMMON to the VAST population .. finding NICKEL AND DIME NICHE ….. a provide GREAT personel SERVICe .. and recive 20 or 30 per hour or end up doing the same job for someone else who is ERVICING that niche as his employee and get 6 bucks an hour …… ohhh there will lots of jobs available very soon at 7 bucks or 8 … to be the statue of liberty of that TAX company ,,, and planet smoothie is always looking for some one to ..wear their banna suits …. For 6 an hour …..
Hmmm let me see … if any smart kid gets it …… is your advertisng being greeted with a smile or are you going postal? And the images are of a group of smiling people … a smilie face with a clown nose … another genrally LOL smilie face ,, in the bottom is the clip art of a HARSEESSED business ,,,, on DEAD line you cut and paste small envleopes all around him , on the evelopes are the words ..bills bills , legal action . over due . past due . divorce ….. hmmmm tease tease tease …. To see if you can think for yourself ….. go out and count the stores and offices in samml centers ,, 3 doors and higher ..forget major ENCLOSED ! shooping malss and count strip centers and professional centers till you get 800 . count the seconds it itakes to walk form door to door … entering each door going to the first flat surface you find touchin it then walking out , to the next door …. 30 seconmds … 1 one thousand , 2 one thousand … 3 one thousand … hmmmm ?there is plenty of OPPS FOR EVERY ONE …. Or else there would be only 1 resturant .
Ok last weekend at the pineapple fest , in fact yesterday nihgt at jamming in Jensen I encountered the same persons in didfferetn bodys , people who were very stressed about their income , the potential ofr income … they dpend on event retailing for their day to day flow of EXCHANGE TOOL ..cash . so they can provide for themselves the first few levels of MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS …. Over and over ..dipshit I try to get yu to THINK FOR YOURSELF . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
Source is always looking for the SOLUTION TO THE CONTRAST the probelme mankind gets itself into …..hmmmm what does that mean ? this a statement of the entertainer Ester Hicks when she is expressing ABRAHAM . http://www.instinctualism.org/inner_being.html find a link to her work there .
Source …toa , infinty …hell GOD if you want ( god is a bad! Word in that it is full of PERJORATIVES .. emotional shit that fucks up the OVER ALL POSSIBLES OF THE MEANING OF THE WORD …. So using GOD can be miss leading because of the image your PROGRAMING ABOUT THAT word brings in to your mind automactically
Tao is ever expanding with each UN LIVED event there is expansion of INFINTY ..INTO ALL POSSIBLES SOLUTIONS TO THE equation OF THE CONTRAST OR PROBLEM … but for us to experience linaer time/space we gotta pick 1 …………YOUR WANT ! …. As decided by YOU . now you have conditions of comfort and many of these comfortsa re based upon the GENERAL UNDER LYING ,,,NICE nature of the human group animal ..we care what others think ….. we act independently yet within the Scope of the social group ..for to act outside of the social group would be ….. just may lead you inot having to leave that aupportive social group ……
Being the LONE MALE . ….. which is fine if that is part of your expectation … you expect to have to live a period of being alone to then GAIN your posisiotn in the GROUIP upon returing …… the 1 year alone in the woods of the youth aboriginal indain male …… his TOUR OF DUTY .
Ohhh but I got way off track …… this was supposed to be about WORKING at things you like ,,,, and living with out the UNDER LYING stress that most currently live ….
Building a life or a house on sand …. Will mean the foundation has no support .
You young master taking the time to use the GIVEN tools of investment and TAX deferences available ,,taking some time like you would if you went to UNVIERSITY for 4 years ..or lived 24/7 in a far away war zone in constant stress . doing a tour of duty in the Service to god and county in the armed forces … or think for yourself be creative and NOT SCARED …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ....... hmmmm there is so ,,much oppurutunity so so many people to SERVE the population in the same trade yet in their won SPECIAL WAY ….
If there were only 1 resturant how boring would that be …only MC. D’s …. No BK or windys , local hot dog guy ,, or subway , GIZMOS hand made pizza … or Mammma san’s china buffet ……..
When it comes to work .remember the longer you DO NOTHING the better chance is that you will end up taking any job later on ,,, end up working at something you do not like for 6 bucks an hour , when in reality you could BE SELF DIRECTED maybe doing something that at first you BELIEVE you will not like , because your point of view is about the ACTIVITY and not the truth about who and what you are ,,, what you are is a nice animal that likes to see HAPPINESS …. And happiness comes thru SERVICE ….. and you can find an ASPECT of human life COMMON to the VAST population .. finding NICKEL AND DIME NICHE ….. a provide GREAT personel SERVICe .. and recive 20 or 30 per hour or end up doing the same job for someone else who is ERVICING that niche as his employee and get 6 bucks an hour …… ohhh there will lots of jobs available very soon at 7 bucks or 8 … to be the statue of liberty of that TAX company ,,, and planet smoothie is always looking for some one to ..wear their banna suits …. For 6 an hour …..
Hmmm let me see … if any smart kid gets it …… is your advertisng being greeted with a smile or are you going postal? And the images are of a group of smiling people … a smilie face with a clown nose … another genrally LOL smilie face ,, in the bottom is the clip art of a HARSEESSED business ,,,, on DEAD line you cut and paste small envleopes all around him , on the evelopes are the words ..bills bills , legal action . over due . past due . divorce ….. hmmmm tease tease tease …. To see if you can think for yourself ….. go out and count the stores and offices in samml centers ,, 3 doors and higher ..forget major ENCLOSED ! shooping malss and count strip centers and professional centers till you get 800 . count the seconds it itakes to walk form door to door … entering each door going to the first flat surface you find touchin it then walking out , to the next door …. 30 seconmds … 1 one thousand , 2 one thousand … 3 one thousand … hmmmm ?there is plenty of OPPS FOR EVERY ONE …. Or else there would be only 1 resturant .
Thursday, November 20, 2008
my multiple orgasims
My multiple orgasims
Young master she realy does like you ( or not ) no she really DOES …. The DOUBT and the re-INFORCEING of doubt is the TOOL of advertising ..remember your basics of that advertising class ,,,, HEAD LINE sub headline
And body ….. remember ID the common NEEDYNESS in your target group ….. PROMISE AND ANWER to that problem ….then describe ..the continueing effect of the overwhelming EXP{OSURE of ADVERTISING 24/7 is another mind fucking that has roots in your youngest of years …the training of your to FEEL ..un worthy . and look outside of yourself for ANSWERS .
The flush you feel at the sight of the images on the page … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html .... i want yu to FEEL …your body ! listen to yourself learn yourself …. How you felt one minute then the next as you saw girls enjoying wha they are DNA designed to enjoy ..and then realize that she TOO ,,, has that same FLUISH of HORMONES of chemical messageners … stimulating her too ………
This is NOT a thing of SPIRIT ..ot Tao perse .. for in TAO we know our part to fit … AS A HOLOGRAPHIC INFITILY SMALL EXPRESSION OF THE ALL the I IN I and from that REMEMBERING you will realize that the tools of social mind fuck PRESENTED IN POETRY BY ARISTOTLE … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html was an expample of him POSISITONING himself in the circles of power of that day and age … by aiding and supportint the UNANTURAL ….the thought form of ecomony thru services to god/kings ……..
But what does this have to do with sex and her pussy CARVING the feeling of my sperm dripping out of ..craving so much that she will endure a 20 count .WHAt is the 20 count ?
Well the 20 count is your ….. chance to enjoy multiple orgasims , she in her craving of sperm ,, ( sperm greed is real deep inside her INSTINCTUAL NATURE )
So ….. for me young master I like some control over my life ,,,, and realize you can have that ALSO …… once you start to think for yourself .. abit more . so licking and teasing her pussy is not as much about her as for me ….. because yes that NICE guy in me , the one who opens doors for ladys etc …. Well LADYS FIRST …… in sex that can be rather RUFF on her it is why I am considered a MEANIE MAN ….. because I force them to GO FIRT to arrive first to CUMMMM first ..wehn we shoot our load well we stop usually at least for a few minutes .. ohhhh sure if your mind is right ,,you will SUCK IT IN and push on thru the over exposure to sesationa till it becomes excitement once more instead of discomfort … so that you can have the OP to shoot your load again . and mybe if you have not TRAINED HER WELL enough to CLIMAx relativity quickly …
Hmmm training her? Welll creating the saety in the realtionahip that she feels she can express her inner nature and ablitly to have real FUN in sex , and oprgasims …… remember the poor girls also have been mind fucked since they were young ..trained to suppress their INSTINCTS .
So maybe she needs a lot of cuking to find enough PLEASURE IN SEX … BUT IF the relationship is one where she is ORGASIMC then your licking and touching and teasing and pushing of the heel of your hand on her cunt … the retreating to gently touching her skin or not so gently touching , the building a refiing of those HORMONES PULSES that her BIO – machine is producing … to the point that within a few minutes of your THRUSTING she is starting to talk about how she is GIONG TO CUMMM FOR YOU ( ahh againeveidence trail of her own mind fuck …. The programming to deny her NATURE the CONFUSION she lives ) ohh fuck back to your MULTI … because well she is stuck living hers …. After she climaxs ,YET IT IS HER DSIGN … the nature of her BIO MACHINE to experience this over and voer ,,it is the conntractiosn that stimulate the ripe egg to move QUICKLY down the tube to enter the womb , the sucking action of her
WOMB to slurp up all OF YOU HOT WHITE STICKY SPERM . to maiximize ..the OP for creating NEW BIO MACHINE for the next TAO ist traveler to live thru experience time/space thru …
So ….. you have during your MASTRUBATION TIME learned you are allowed to STOP ..play STOP … get to the edge and stop not waste the REALXTION time with a fast shooting of your sperm but instead relax the evening alone and use that hard cock as your own personal play toy ,, so you bring your self to the edge of cumming even sseeeing PRE ejaculate the that clear liquic oozing out of the head of your cock … just as you stop the conck contractions forcing it to the surface , you let the HORMOSES subside then go on back to stroking your dick thinking about that chihck you saw earlier that day , and in your mind you seeing your cock in all the activities of nature …. And of her wanting …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html again the same general activities . and HER WANTS ALSO ….. want everything ,,NEED nothing enjoy now .
Ok …. So tha same skill instead of USING your had use her holes ……. And pull out ..or stop deep inside ..stopping deep inside can be HARD or ruff because most likely she will still be grinding you in her ATTEMPT to get you to STOP to shoot your load and sllow her to …….RELAX …to end the overwhelming FLOOD OF SENSATIONS … of being fucked deeply after she has already climaxed …
If if you are going to play sotp with her …. Give the poor girl an idea that she will not be stuck … the SUBLIME experience of OVER STIMULATION for ever … even though logically now ..here not itn the activity … w know it will not last for ever ,,, when she is the one Getting Humped over and over and she has already been cumming …. The feeling .the reality of her INSTINCT of being a subbie … and the extemeness of her NOW confuses her higher brain functiona and she worrys that it will never end ,, and realize ..her crys of OOOH MY GODDD OOOOOH! MY GOD are being said for a reason , her hands opening and closing , her legs thrashing wildy etc ..all are the EVIDNECE trail … what do they SPEAK of to you young master ….?
Well to calmy tell her you will cumm when you hit 0 ..and then sater the count down from 20 ( ok to start an new girl off at @) is cruel … start at 5 ,,, do the number 3 a few times make believe you LOST count ..then later move up to 10 ‘s . then later you can do 20’s …but the poor girl is living something we can not EXPERINCE … I guess this ties into the concepts of the LOVING DOM to be found on page http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ..... she will endure it ..for her
ANIMAL ……CRAVES your sperm . and well you get to enjoy multiple orgasims ….. before you bath her in Sperm .
Young master she realy does like you ( or not ) no she really DOES …. The DOUBT and the re-INFORCEING of doubt is the TOOL of advertising ..remember your basics of that advertising class ,,,, HEAD LINE sub headline
And body ….. remember ID the common NEEDYNESS in your target group ….. PROMISE AND ANWER to that problem ….then describe ..the continueing effect of the overwhelming EXP{OSURE of ADVERTISING 24/7 is another mind fucking that has roots in your youngest of years …the training of your to FEEL ..un worthy . and look outside of yourself for ANSWERS .
The flush you feel at the sight of the images on the page … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html .... i want yu to FEEL …your body ! listen to yourself learn yourself …. How you felt one minute then the next as you saw girls enjoying wha they are DNA designed to enjoy ..and then realize that she TOO ,,, has that same FLUISH of HORMONES of chemical messageners … stimulating her too ………
This is NOT a thing of SPIRIT ..ot Tao perse .. for in TAO we know our part to fit … AS A HOLOGRAPHIC INFITILY SMALL EXPRESSION OF THE ALL the I IN I and from that REMEMBERING you will realize that the tools of social mind fuck PRESENTED IN POETRY BY ARISTOTLE … http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html was an expample of him POSISITONING himself in the circles of power of that day and age … by aiding and supportint the UNANTURAL ….the thought form of ecomony thru services to god/kings ……..
But what does this have to do with sex and her pussy CARVING the feeling of my sperm dripping out of ..craving so much that she will endure a 20 count .WHAt is the 20 count ?
Well the 20 count is your ….. chance to enjoy multiple orgasims , she in her craving of sperm ,, ( sperm greed is real deep inside her INSTINCTUAL NATURE )
So ….. for me young master I like some control over my life ,,,, and realize you can have that ALSO …… once you start to think for yourself .. abit more . so licking and teasing her pussy is not as much about her as for me ….. because yes that NICE guy in me , the one who opens doors for ladys etc …. Well LADYS FIRST …… in sex that can be rather RUFF on her it is why I am considered a MEANIE MAN ….. because I force them to GO FIRT to arrive first to CUMMMM first ..wehn we shoot our load well we stop usually at least for a few minutes .. ohhhh sure if your mind is right ,,you will SUCK IT IN and push on thru the over exposure to sesationa till it becomes excitement once more instead of discomfort … so that you can have the OP to shoot your load again . and mybe if you have not TRAINED HER WELL enough to CLIMAx relativity quickly …
Hmmm training her? Welll creating the saety in the realtionahip that she feels she can express her inner nature and ablitly to have real FUN in sex , and oprgasims …… remember the poor girls also have been mind fucked since they were young ..trained to suppress their INSTINCTS .
So maybe she needs a lot of cuking to find enough PLEASURE IN SEX … BUT IF the relationship is one where she is ORGASIMC then your licking and touching and teasing and pushing of the heel of your hand on her cunt … the retreating to gently touching her skin or not so gently touching , the building a refiing of those HORMONES PULSES that her BIO – machine is producing … to the point that within a few minutes of your THRUSTING she is starting to talk about how she is GIONG TO CUMMM FOR YOU ( ahh againeveidence trail of her own mind fuck …. The programming to deny her NATURE the CONFUSION she lives ) ohh fuck back to your MULTI … because well she is stuck living hers …. After she climaxs ,YET IT IS HER DSIGN … the nature of her BIO MACHINE to experience this over and voer ,,it is the conntractiosn that stimulate the ripe egg to move QUICKLY down the tube to enter the womb , the sucking action of her
WOMB to slurp up all OF YOU HOT WHITE STICKY SPERM . to maiximize ..the OP for creating NEW BIO MACHINE for the next TAO ist traveler to live thru experience time/space thru …
So ….. you have during your MASTRUBATION TIME learned you are allowed to STOP ..play STOP … get to the edge and stop not waste the REALXTION time with a fast shooting of your sperm but instead relax the evening alone and use that hard cock as your own personal play toy ,, so you bring your self to the edge of cumming even sseeeing PRE ejaculate the that clear liquic oozing out of the head of your cock … just as you stop the conck contractions forcing it to the surface , you let the HORMOSES subside then go on back to stroking your dick thinking about that chihck you saw earlier that day , and in your mind you seeing your cock in all the activities of nature …. And of her wanting …. http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html again the same general activities . and HER WANTS ALSO ….. want everything ,,NEED nothing enjoy now .
Ok …. So tha same skill instead of USING your had use her holes ……. And pull out ..or stop deep inside ..stopping deep inside can be HARD or ruff because most likely she will still be grinding you in her ATTEMPT to get you to STOP to shoot your load and sllow her to …….RELAX …to end the overwhelming FLOOD OF SENSATIONS … of being fucked deeply after she has already climaxed …
If if you are going to play sotp with her …. Give the poor girl an idea that she will not be stuck … the SUBLIME experience of OVER STIMULATION for ever … even though logically now ..here not itn the activity … w know it will not last for ever ,,, when she is the one Getting Humped over and over and she has already been cumming …. The feeling .the reality of her INSTINCT of being a subbie … and the extemeness of her NOW confuses her higher brain functiona and she worrys that it will never end ,, and realize ..her crys of OOOH MY GODDD OOOOOH! MY GOD are being said for a reason , her hands opening and closing , her legs thrashing wildy etc ..all are the EVIDNECE trail … what do they SPEAK of to you young master ….?
Well to calmy tell her you will cumm when you hit 0 ..and then sater the count down from 20 ( ok to start an new girl off at @) is cruel … start at 5 ,,, do the number 3 a few times make believe you LOST count ..then later move up to 10 ‘s . then later you can do 20’s …but the poor girl is living something we can not EXPERINCE … I guess this ties into the concepts of the LOVING DOM to be found on page http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html ..... she will endure it ..for her
ANIMAL ……CRAVES your sperm . and well you get to enjoy multiple orgasims ….. before you bath her in Sperm .
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
PT mind fuck D
PT mind fuck D
Young master like a whole bunch of every NICE HUMAN animal which is USED as a BEAST or slave of PHAROH in war ..welll you came back with what the …. Porfessioanl is callinga a PTSD post tramic stress disorder … to fucking keep my ass legal .. I say now ,,, do not listen to me . listen to a legally liscensed health care provider …. My legal thus being covered …. What realy is up is you have a MIND FUCKING DISORDER … you have the effects of COHERSION AND CONTROL of MANIPULATION …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html again over and over dumbass I tell you think for youresl ,, FEEL for yourself .
Now this is a topic I do not want to touch with a 10 foot pole as … one of my teacher taught me ,,, you ( again with the gun to the head comparision ) are not forced to admitting to what ….. HAPPENED IN THE PAST . you donot any more have to BE PROUD of being IN HUMAN …. you did your time ,, sperating honorably or dis … is un important because I believe you enetered with honor .. the agains effects of the mind fuck causes the result now CLASSIFIEIED by OTHERS …as DISHONOR fuck them ! my teacher one of the most INHUMANE of our speicies ,,, an ISREALIE …. He was not a jew nor the human breEd Hebrew ,,yet both are true of him ,,no he was beyond that he was ISREALIE first …. And to be a combat soldier of that mnd set is to be INHUMAN …. And yet live with the things he did in the name of HONOR . and he said ……..
If the BOX ( the tool of denial of compartimentalization ) can no longer keep that hidden any more accept .. your FEELINGS about that which you feel respondsible for ….. YOUR truth …. It is DATA … and only DATA ….. and return to the time before the GETTING OF that DATA ….. store the data … in a new menatal box … like the old DEFRAG graphic of window , remember all the little RED files that would show up on the graphic …just BYTES of info locked away …… in the defrag file …. FACTS yes ,, but now with NO EMOTIOANL ATTACHEMENT ….. and then treat that whole time of your life with a TEN FOOT POLE ….. so not touch it ,, and if you get triggered evey now and then LEARN .. find out which movies you can not watch ,, what topics of discussion you can not enter into …. And live ……….. when the red files crumb free ,,, allow your self to go back inot DEFRAG mode …. Just like the old slow . defrag took often hours sometimes even over night allow the COMPUTUER of your bio-machine ,, YOUR brain the over night needs to restore the …. Wall the bricks …. Of the red filles of data hidden THERE YES THERE facts is facts .NOT IGONRED just accepted …. As facts that are not impratnt to who you are now … and live …be HUMAN ONCE MORE .
http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html YOU PLACE ON THE EMOTIONAL guidance scale not any one elses … that their SHOULDS .. NOT what they would DO …no what YOU ARE NOW doing and living and feeling ,,thinking for yourself ……that is the only reality ,,,, you can not it is impossible think or feel for some one else and they for you can not JUDGE your reactions to what you Lived HEARD ….SMELLED ! or did or did not! Do ….. you can have a PTMFD … post tramic mind fuck disorder just beause you felt reponsilbe for the horro the effects of the hooro you saw , even though you can not PIN POINT your eXACT REPSONBILTIY you as a part as PLAYER in the over all HORROR is so UN NATURAL to the nice GORILLA / the savannah ape IN YOU … that your INSTINCT CAN NOT DEAL ..and that is natural ..maybe sure while still livng 24/7 in the FOLD .. it was ok , but now a a Civialian …. Something is wrong ….
The doctors my want to Drung you back inot health ,, talk you back into reliving over and over .. staying stuck in HELLL …….. and choosing that path is you free choice … accepting ALL THE FEELINGS …. The truth the untruths the insanity and confusions ,the resposniblities …… accepting them all as DATA … storing the data ,,, remembering who you WERE ,, who you WERE before the GETTING of the BASIC TRAINING …. Ingoring that and no longer refereeing to yourself as …… a __________ .. what ever you were in their world …. To not touch it with a ten foot pole .. to no longer feel pride in that ….
IS AN ONTHER FREE choice you are not hiding … no accepting understanding moving on with life …… BEFORE THE GETTING …. Forget ….saregent forget ! Fregget ………. Think for yourself .
Young master like a whole bunch of every NICE HUMAN animal which is USED as a BEAST or slave of PHAROH in war ..welll you came back with what the …. Porfessioanl is callinga a PTSD post tramic stress disorder … to fucking keep my ass legal .. I say now ,,, do not listen to me . listen to a legally liscensed health care provider …. My legal thus being covered …. What realy is up is you have a MIND FUCKING DISORDER … you have the effects of COHERSION AND CONTROL of MANIPULATION …. http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html again over and over dumbass I tell you think for youresl ,, FEEL for yourself .
Now this is a topic I do not want to touch with a 10 foot pole as … one of my teacher taught me ,,, you ( again with the gun to the head comparision ) are not forced to admitting to what ….. HAPPENED IN THE PAST . you donot any more have to BE PROUD of being IN HUMAN …. you did your time ,, sperating honorably or dis … is un important because I believe you enetered with honor .. the agains effects of the mind fuck causes the result now CLASSIFIEIED by OTHERS …as DISHONOR fuck them ! my teacher one of the most INHUMANE of our speicies ,,, an ISREALIE …. He was not a jew nor the human breEd Hebrew ,,yet both are true of him ,,no he was beyond that he was ISREALIE first …. And to be a combat soldier of that mnd set is to be INHUMAN …. And yet live with the things he did in the name of HONOR . and he said ……..
If the BOX ( the tool of denial of compartimentalization ) can no longer keep that hidden any more accept .. your FEELINGS about that which you feel respondsible for ….. YOUR truth …. It is DATA … and only DATA ….. and return to the time before the GETTING OF that DATA ….. store the data … in a new menatal box … like the old DEFRAG graphic of window , remember all the little RED files that would show up on the graphic …just BYTES of info locked away …… in the defrag file …. FACTS yes ,, but now with NO EMOTIOANL ATTACHEMENT ….. and then treat that whole time of your life with a TEN FOOT POLE ….. so not touch it ,, and if you get triggered evey now and then LEARN .. find out which movies you can not watch ,, what topics of discussion you can not enter into …. And live ……….. when the red files crumb free ,,, allow your self to go back inot DEFRAG mode …. Just like the old slow . defrag took often hours sometimes even over night allow the COMPUTUER of your bio-machine ,, YOUR brain the over night needs to restore the …. Wall the bricks …. Of the red filles of data hidden THERE YES THERE facts is facts .NOT IGONRED just accepted …. As facts that are not impratnt to who you are now … and live …be HUMAN ONCE MORE .
http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html YOU PLACE ON THE EMOTIONAL guidance scale not any one elses … that their SHOULDS .. NOT what they would DO …no what YOU ARE NOW doing and living and feeling ,,thinking for yourself ……that is the only reality ,,,, you can not it is impossible think or feel for some one else and they for you can not JUDGE your reactions to what you Lived HEARD ….SMELLED ! or did or did not! Do ….. you can have a PTMFD … post tramic mind fuck disorder just beause you felt reponsilbe for the horro the effects of the hooro you saw , even though you can not PIN POINT your eXACT REPSONBILTIY you as a part as PLAYER in the over all HORROR is so UN NATURAL to the nice GORILLA / the savannah ape IN YOU … that your INSTINCT CAN NOT DEAL ..and that is natural ..maybe sure while still livng 24/7 in the FOLD .. it was ok , but now a a Civialian …. Something is wrong ….
The doctors my want to Drung you back inot health ,, talk you back into reliving over and over .. staying stuck in HELLL …….. and choosing that path is you free choice … accepting ALL THE FEELINGS …. The truth the untruths the insanity and confusions ,the resposniblities …… accepting them all as DATA … storing the data ,,, remembering who you WERE ,, who you WERE before the GETTING of the BASIC TRAINING …. Ingoring that and no longer refereeing to yourself as …… a __________ .. what ever you were in their world …. To not touch it with a ten foot pole .. to no longer feel pride in that ….
IS AN ONTHER FREE choice you are not hiding … no accepting understanding moving on with life …… BEFORE THE GETTING …. Forget ….saregent forget ! Fregget ………. Think for yourself .
Monday, November 17, 2008
chase a bear inot a cave
Again young master …. The understanding that girls who take all sorts of shit about relationahips and ths tudy of such a complex thing as the //FAIRY TALE one on 1 …… because it is so unnatural in the realm of MAMMALS … to have family or seuxall units aht are life time 1 on 1 relationships ….that we have to either make it a LAW .. punishable in years past by the threat of death …. As in the storys of the sage Jesus and the cheating wife …. ( ooops so girls cheated also ? ….the harem world is based on her leaving in peace if the male of her choice turnes out to not be what she WANTS her want to … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html )
http://www.marsvenus.com/members/articles.php?id=42&text=5%20THINGS mars and venus the observations of 1 human who is tainted by growing up an artifical culture….. yet Dr. gREy wrote some great shit ,,not the 1 and only word of GOD from which h all of human life should base their life on …. No divercity
ok dr.grey talks about the LONE MALE ….. hmm the silver back gorilla yet he uses the BEAR …( bears ant igers ..are harem familys also in that 1 male covers the territory of erveal females but the females are not social …human females are very social ..we are apes )
this past pineapple festival a friend a girl came to our booth to ground herself , with her preschool child in tow …. Upset and crying was the mom , happy to find stability and some smiles was the child …. She had a fight with her man ,,, and HE WALKED ..AWAY instead of let her get him even madder and madder … ( he had in the past allowed that and eventually got so TRIGGERED as to becom violent with the woman who was POKING him with emotional sticks so rapidly that his TESTRONE filled brain ..the big T clears the brain so we males can fuck or fight … and fight means FIGHTING ….. push him to much and he may just kill you ..it is his nature ) he learned form his past and so , when he flet the insanity he TURNED HIS BACK ….. and walked away
see he has to like so many men now a days leave home for days to FIND work ,, work 10 tro 12 hour days , the drive half a day back home …. Stay a few days and then go back out of town ….. she …beening a social animal is stuck alone without the SOCIALIZING which is her nature aound the home … ohh sure maybe some girls friends here and there but theose have stresses of COMPARISIONS … comparing the level of wealth stress that is so common now adays … in os called friendship to the point they are not real friendships any more . just PETY QUEENS in subltte batlle with each other …
he meets her at the festival but wants to relax and have some beers the MAN IS TIRED toasted wated from over work as a slave to make usre his family is taken care of ,,she wants to ……….SOCIALIZE …the figtht insues … he walks away ! she left alone wants to chase him to complete the argument so he will understand …. WIN ! …… no one wins … both only lose right as soon as negative fighting starts . unrealized expecatations … depending on satge 2 of the want everything ,expects need nothing , be happy with your now ….
Unrealized expectation her expectation is that he will be as NEEDY of socialiazation as her ,,NO N O NO NO … he is not a woman !
Instead of …. Listening to me a going home … she talks with other confused women ,, who feel like her do not listen to DR>GREY who talks about BEARS GOING INTOI CAVES ….. lone males …. And she decides pursue him to complete the fight or ..make up ,../… either way they both lose ,,for if she sins her STRONG MALE IS WEAKER ..if she loses she HARBORS RESENTMENTS … no winners only LOSERS and weakness. So bestupid chase and angry bear into his cave ….
Or live the life your DAN has designed for you … with the support of a sisterhood http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Again young master …. The understanding that girls who take all sorts of shit about relationahips and ths tudy of such a complex thing as the //FAIRY TALE one on 1 …… because it is so unnatural in the realm of MAMMALS … to have family or seuxall units aht are life time 1 on 1 relationships ….that we have to either make it a LAW .. punishable in years past by the threat of death …. As in the storys of the sage Jesus and the cheating wife …. ( ooops so girls cheated also ? ….the harem world is based on her leaving in peace if the male of her choice turnes out to not be what she WANTS her want to … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html )
http://www.marsvenus.com/members/articles.php?id=42&text=5%20THINGS mars and venus the observations of 1 human who is tainted by growing up an artifical culture….. yet Dr. gREy wrote some great shit ,,not the 1 and only word of GOD from which h all of human life should base their life on …. No divercity
ok dr.grey talks about the LONE MALE ….. hmm the silver back gorilla yet he uses the BEAR …( bears ant igers ..are harem familys also in that 1 male covers the territory of erveal females but the females are not social …human females are very social ..we are apes )
this past pineapple festival a friend a girl came to our booth to ground herself , with her preschool child in tow …. Upset and crying was the mom , happy to find stability and some smiles was the child …. She had a fight with her man ,,, and HE WALKED ..AWAY instead of let her get him even madder and madder … ( he had in the past allowed that and eventually got so TRIGGERED as to becom violent with the woman who was POKING him with emotional sticks so rapidly that his TESTRONE filled brain ..the big T clears the brain so we males can fuck or fight … and fight means FIGHTING ….. push him to much and he may just kill you ..it is his nature ) he learned form his past and so , when he flet the insanity he TURNED HIS BACK ….. and walked away
see he has to like so many men now a days leave home for days to FIND work ,, work 10 tro 12 hour days , the drive half a day back home …. Stay a few days and then go back out of town ….. she …beening a social animal is stuck alone without the SOCIALIZING which is her nature aound the home … ohh sure maybe some girls friends here and there but theose have stresses of COMPARISIONS … comparing the level of wealth stress that is so common now adays … in os called friendship to the point they are not real friendships any more . just PETY QUEENS in subltte batlle with each other …
he meets her at the festival but wants to relax and have some beers the MAN IS TIRED toasted wated from over work as a slave to make usre his family is taken care of ,,she wants to ……….SOCIALIZE …the figtht insues … he walks away ! she left alone wants to chase him to complete the argument so he will understand …. WIN ! …… no one wins … both only lose right as soon as negative fighting starts . unrealized expecatations … depending on satge 2 of the want everything ,expects need nothing , be happy with your now ….
Unrealized expectation her expectation is that he will be as NEEDY of socialiazation as her ,,NO N O NO NO … he is not a woman !
Instead of …. Listening to me a going home … she talks with other confused women ,, who feel like her do not listen to DR>GREY who talks about BEARS GOING INTOI CAVES ….. lone males …. And she decides pursue him to complete the fight or ..make up ,../… either way they both lose ,,for if she sins her STRONG MALE IS WEAKER ..if she loses she HARBORS RESENTMENTS … no winners only LOSERS and weakness. So bestupid chase and angry bear into his cave ….
Or live the life your DAN has designed for you … with the support of a sisterhood http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Saturday, November 15, 2008
$3000.00 worth of condoms
$3000.00 worth of condoms
young master ….. as it is written that the sage JESUS said ( remember he used words tools and the people who ehard him and conveyed his message of course translated it in terms of their own lives …. ) RENDER UN TO CEASAR WHAT IS CEASAR’S … this is in reference to TAXs
one of my MYSTIC teachers of years past an old fishing buddy buddy dorn on a far a way encahnted island where the wisedom of the Campo was still passed on … and he said to me during a time of stress ( now why was I stressed I had no reason I was on top of may game ,,, $$$$ wise I was Phil but being Phil meant feeling the responsibility for all that it was to BE PHIL back in Miami during those years )
and he said , remember it is all TOYS every thing is just TOYS ,,, the only real thing you got is the BREATHE in your lungs at any one time …. And what that means ?
wwell it means that NO one …now or then or in YOUR life too … is FORCING you with a GUN to your head EACH And every second to STAY a part of the THOUGHT FORM called ecomony ….. that which reovles around the god/king of old then morphed in the $$$$ which still has on it picitures of CEASARS … or geroge wahingntons …. You always had and have now the RIGHt to just walk away and live like the TAO …. Like the beasts of nature ,,, you may die ? but facts is facts NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE …. The thought form of ecomony tempts you with Eternal life ? or a better life ? bright ans shiny beads ? gold coins .. flashy shit ?
remember none of my ideas are about totally leaving ecomony ,, in fact I am all about making sure I live some where with 2 hours of OZZ FEST VENUE …. I got my famliys 5 tickets to the Bake sale http://www.buzz103.com / … safely all ready bought …. I like to enjoy the THOUGHT FORM ECONMOY I just hate feeling like a SLAVE to it
TAXES are the food for the GOOSE that lays the GOLDEN eggs of the toys of Economy …. You gotta feed the goose ….. you gotta realize and not BITCH about paying taxed , yes I sugeet and idea of using a company name to DEFFERE TAX during your … tour of dut y … so that you can get the most value form you efforts during that 18 months …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html but reailze since you will NOT be able to do what the loving CHRISTAIN right thinks is RIGHT for all ..limiting the tao and humanity inot little boxes or gloves …. 1 size fits everyone … no free choice when in fact the core of their rleigon is one of FRFEE CHOICE … freedom NOT be Christian in this life if you want ….. you will not have the tAX benefits of a MARRIAGE LISCENSE …. Nor EIC ‘s …. So as life goes on and you get self employed if you want you better take about 10% of your grosss and mail it in into …Ceasar on a regular basis ,,do not DEPEND on that unstable TAX loop hole because it may just CLOSE up on you and ,,, they will send you a fucking bill for FOOD ..the ffed for the Goose that lays the golden egg of a country that I can express my weirdness in and go party at bake sale ….or write the shit do here .
See I just just got one of those bill ,,, and they put a penalty on it ,, to teel me ,,, next time pay the TAX first then ask it the LOOP HOLE is still legal of r me …. Well I spent the tax dollars … firets … on stupid shit like FOOD and ELECTIRC and over priced GAS and Condoms ……. But I do like you live in a stream of well being where the SALVE masters of the Thopught form eecomony ,,, are able to extend me cridt for my foolisheness …. All is good . if you REALIZE that you are here by CHOICE ain’t no one with a gun to your ehad every second , keeping you in chains you can just get up ..walk away get wiierd grow a beard and live in the woods till your clothes fall off , munching on tree ignoreing time and FEAR being a beast of nature …… if you wanted ..want to ? freedom …. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …
The goal of a PERMA CULTURE ..life style is to free you as much as possible form the chains of Economy so that you can better enjoy the beifits of Maslows hierarchy of needs . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
young master ….. as it is written that the sage JESUS said ( remember he used words tools and the people who ehard him and conveyed his message of course translated it in terms of their own lives …. ) RENDER UN TO CEASAR WHAT IS CEASAR’S … this is in reference to TAXs
one of my MYSTIC teachers of years past an old fishing buddy buddy dorn on a far a way encahnted island where the wisedom of the Campo was still passed on … and he said to me during a time of stress ( now why was I stressed I had no reason I was on top of may game ,,, $$$$ wise I was Phil but being Phil meant feeling the responsibility for all that it was to BE PHIL back in Miami during those years )
and he said , remember it is all TOYS every thing is just TOYS ,,, the only real thing you got is the BREATHE in your lungs at any one time …. And what that means ?
wwell it means that NO one …now or then or in YOUR life too … is FORCING you with a GUN to your head EACH And every second to STAY a part of the THOUGHT FORM called ecomony ….. that which reovles around the god/king of old then morphed in the $$$$ which still has on it picitures of CEASARS … or geroge wahingntons …. You always had and have now the RIGHt to just walk away and live like the TAO …. Like the beasts of nature ,,, you may die ? but facts is facts NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE …. The thought form of ecomony tempts you with Eternal life ? or a better life ? bright ans shiny beads ? gold coins .. flashy shit ?
remember none of my ideas are about totally leaving ecomony ,, in fact I am all about making sure I live some where with 2 hours of OZZ FEST VENUE …. I got my famliys 5 tickets to the Bake sale http://www.buzz103.com / … safely all ready bought …. I like to enjoy the THOUGHT FORM ECONMOY I just hate feeling like a SLAVE to it
TAXES are the food for the GOOSE that lays the GOLDEN eggs of the toys of Economy …. You gotta feed the goose ….. you gotta realize and not BITCH about paying taxed , yes I sugeet and idea of using a company name to DEFFERE TAX during your … tour of dut y … so that you can get the most value form you efforts during that 18 months …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html but reailze since you will NOT be able to do what the loving CHRISTAIN right thinks is RIGHT for all ..limiting the tao and humanity inot little boxes or gloves …. 1 size fits everyone … no free choice when in fact the core of their rleigon is one of FRFEE CHOICE … freedom NOT be Christian in this life if you want ….. you will not have the tAX benefits of a MARRIAGE LISCENSE …. Nor EIC ‘s …. So as life goes on and you get self employed if you want you better take about 10% of your grosss and mail it in into …Ceasar on a regular basis ,,do not DEPEND on that unstable TAX loop hole because it may just CLOSE up on you and ,,, they will send you a fucking bill for FOOD ..the ffed for the Goose that lays the golden egg of a country that I can express my weirdness in and go party at bake sale ….or write the shit do here .
See I just just got one of those bill ,,, and they put a penalty on it ,, to teel me ,,, next time pay the TAX first then ask it the LOOP HOLE is still legal of r me …. Well I spent the tax dollars … firets … on stupid shit like FOOD and ELECTIRC and over priced GAS and Condoms ……. But I do like you live in a stream of well being where the SALVE masters of the Thopught form eecomony ,,, are able to extend me cridt for my foolisheness …. All is good . if you REALIZE that you are here by CHOICE ain’t no one with a gun to your ehad every second , keeping you in chains you can just get up ..walk away get wiierd grow a beard and live in the woods till your clothes fall off , munching on tree ignoreing time and FEAR being a beast of nature …… if you wanted ..want to ? freedom …. Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness …
The goal of a PERMA CULTURE ..life style is to free you as much as possible form the chains of Economy so that you can better enjoy the beifits of Maslows hierarchy of needs . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs
Friday, November 14, 2008
Ahhhh #2
But first young master ..any and every fight with you woman , weaken both of you ,,, if she wins then the Groilla in you is confused yess of course ,,the gorilla is expecting that she choose you because she found you to be that BEWTTER MAN ,,, and in nature if she no longer wanted you THE BETTER MAN , she would during the day ,, while you were on patrol around the border ..she would wander away …but fightsing like boyfriend and girl friend NO NO NO …. If you win or she wins it there is no wiiner ..instincutally …the TOPICS of the fight are ALL WAYS of no IMPORTANCE ,, the fight is just a symptom on both parts .. she is living a sublte effect of the 1 on 1 to .thru her NEEDYNESS of the trapp of greed ..it violates the part 2 of …want everything ,,, need nothing ,,enjoy now …. Both you and her in your fights are showing the result of http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html and the cohersion ? The subtle manipulation is the unnatural relationship form of 1 on 1
But back to the title topic …and the important aspect of the THINKING the ENERGY choices of the individual … of you . ( do not think about changing the world like I encounter so many … but remember that change will be expressed in the lives of individuals first then seen as a change in the world ,,hey guess whay=t you are that INDIVIDUAL FIRST )
The FEELING of being once more CAPTAIN of my own vessel ,,,,, ahhhhhhh that is more like PHIL ….. being dependant on others to LOVE ME or my prorperty http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html whihc is so how tied to loving me in my confused simple human mind … or acceptance of me … wel that means I am dependant on 1 person ,,, it is like having a companyu with only 1 client and that means you are the SALVE of that person , have many clients gives freedom realy ,, and security ,,, it is like basic investmenst stragety ,, of having multiple holding and diversity ..to insure a level of over all sstablity . and it also it he core diversity of NATURES ECO SYSTEMS and perama-culture life styles understanding the free of all the pages about free stuff which this is one http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html
But like I said a good idea will be a good idea day after day ,,,,, those stressfulll , ONCE IN A LIFE TIME oppurutuinitys most often carry with them ,,the OPOSSING negative thought energy of fear ,,, again going back to META princlples ,, of that reality is nothing more than VIBRATION ( our body can not translate the vibration or perceive it ..just like we can not hear like a dog , smell like the shark of see like the eagle it does not mean that the truth is that everything is build on theVIBRATING in and out of exositance of Quantums from which FROm is built of http://www.instinctualism.org/id90.html ) the once in a life time OP’s aer burdened with negatives from the get go …. Remember the simple math of the word TRY …. Which is +1 + -1 = 0 the wanted positive thought or action bing in you +1 …. while you also have the DOUBT about it coming the fear of failure -1 …. Do the simple math and you get a net 0 thought energy
Ok so …. The out of pocket will mean a 1 year more lag time till I could evne think about the move … but ti also allows for the maintaining of this house and investment and possible use as a vacation spot …. ( if I rent it seasonally to cover the bulk of the cost s I only will have to Subsidize a small percentage to maintain the investment …. It willnot and I will not expect rent income to PROFIT ME , but would love to just recover 80+ percent of costs ) then …this year will alow me to get more hands on ..on two of my cash cows ,,, one I have worked before for advertising of my =own projects in the past but never devoted effort into creating income streams form that activity …the next ,,, is welll EVERY onw has feet ,,, just like every building has windows ,, and no one likes doing windows and very few do windows welll …. Foot wear care ….. hmmmm , I have beeen watching that guy , this last year and noticing a world not ….. being served and when service is offered ,the client based lines up to take advantage because againthere are ujust ome jobs people do not like to take the time to do but do want done ,,,, it is nickels and dimes ..but like the 555 of the $5 buck pizzas millions can be made ….
So , will give up may daily writing a a few months as this project gets rooling …. Wriitn is an improtan aspect of my step 1 ing … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html so i am sure I will maintain some blogiing time of off days ….. but the GAIN ,, of blogging as compared to the gain of REALIZING my dream ….. bogging has been its part already ,,, a good one and fun one , but … the over all dream is moe important than andy small ego gain for ..this daily activity … from web numbers .
Now ,,, the 1 hour commute ,,, like the idea of your FIGHT with your girl frind I started with ,,it was about you going off with friends and her being left sutck with the BABy , and not seeing her friends …….
The 1 hour commute ,, sonds like you are out in the BOONEYS and yes … I want that I want to se the stars at night …. And yet thought the complexity of the 3 wife the SISTERHOOD and the children is ,,,, my friendship real friendship … and real friendship for the girls also ,,the one hour drive for them to go to work ,,, to get contact with the outside sowrld , well if they wrork is a TOOL …. And the HOME IS THEIR LIFE ..then the tool of work is CLArigying for the spisirt ,,, adding social interaction and providing cash …. Plus the ARTISIT business of event vending …..
It is not the FEAR of the DAILY GRIND into the city to a job ..that you realy feel TRAPPED in ….. it is sublte dynincs built upon the TRUTH of each person level of WANTO in their choice of lving and INSTICNTUALIST life style ….. and not fighting for if you do not represent the BETTER MAN ….and she if free to leave … free choice ….
And the 1 hour commute weel that was to the major citys on both sides there ae bed room commutities for each town ,,, and those will be the actuall work areas most likely and so the commute to those smaller towns will be only a ½ hour … but still my projected town does not even have itw own WALMART ….. hmmm can you say …….. middle of NO WHERE ….
But first young master ..any and every fight with you woman , weaken both of you ,,, if she wins then the Groilla in you is confused yess of course ,,the gorilla is expecting that she choose you because she found you to be that BEWTTER MAN ,,, and in nature if she no longer wanted you THE BETTER MAN , she would during the day ,, while you were on patrol around the border ..she would wander away …but fightsing like boyfriend and girl friend NO NO NO …. If you win or she wins it there is no wiiner ..instincutally …the TOPICS of the fight are ALL WAYS of no IMPORTANCE ,, the fight is just a symptom on both parts .. she is living a sublte effect of the 1 on 1 to .thru her NEEDYNESS of the trapp of greed ..it violates the part 2 of …want everything ,,, need nothing ,,enjoy now …. Both you and her in your fights are showing the result of http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html and the cohersion ? The subtle manipulation is the unnatural relationship form of 1 on 1
But back to the title topic …and the important aspect of the THINKING the ENERGY choices of the individual … of you . ( do not think about changing the world like I encounter so many … but remember that change will be expressed in the lives of individuals first then seen as a change in the world ,,hey guess whay=t you are that INDIVIDUAL FIRST )
The FEELING of being once more CAPTAIN of my own vessel ,,,,, ahhhhhhh that is more like PHIL ….. being dependant on others to LOVE ME or my prorperty http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html whihc is so how tied to loving me in my confused simple human mind … or acceptance of me … wel that means I am dependant on 1 person ,,, it is like having a companyu with only 1 client and that means you are the SALVE of that person , have many clients gives freedom realy ,, and security ,,, it is like basic investmenst stragety ,, of having multiple holding and diversity ..to insure a level of over all sstablity . and it also it he core diversity of NATURES ECO SYSTEMS and perama-culture life styles understanding the free of all the pages about free stuff which this is one http://www.instinctualism.org/free_food.html
But like I said a good idea will be a good idea day after day ,,,,, those stressfulll , ONCE IN A LIFE TIME oppurutuinitys most often carry with them ,,the OPOSSING negative thought energy of fear ,,, again going back to META princlples ,, of that reality is nothing more than VIBRATION ( our body can not translate the vibration or perceive it ..just like we can not hear like a dog , smell like the shark of see like the eagle it does not mean that the truth is that everything is build on theVIBRATING in and out of exositance of Quantums from which FROm is built of http://www.instinctualism.org/id90.html ) the once in a life time OP’s aer burdened with negatives from the get go …. Remember the simple math of the word TRY …. Which is +1 + -1 = 0 the wanted positive thought or action bing in you +1 …. while you also have the DOUBT about it coming the fear of failure -1 …. Do the simple math and you get a net 0 thought energy
Ok so …. The out of pocket will mean a 1 year more lag time till I could evne think about the move … but ti also allows for the maintaining of this house and investment and possible use as a vacation spot …. ( if I rent it seasonally to cover the bulk of the cost s I only will have to Subsidize a small percentage to maintain the investment …. It willnot and I will not expect rent income to PROFIT ME , but would love to just recover 80+ percent of costs ) then …this year will alow me to get more hands on ..on two of my cash cows ,,, one I have worked before for advertising of my =own projects in the past but never devoted effort into creating income streams form that activity …the next ,,, is welll EVERY onw has feet ,,, just like every building has windows ,, and no one likes doing windows and very few do windows welll …. Foot wear care ….. hmmmm , I have beeen watching that guy , this last year and noticing a world not ….. being served and when service is offered ,the client based lines up to take advantage because againthere are ujust ome jobs people do not like to take the time to do but do want done ,,,, it is nickels and dimes ..but like the 555 of the $5 buck pizzas millions can be made ….
So , will give up may daily writing a a few months as this project gets rooling …. Wriitn is an improtan aspect of my step 1 ing … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html so i am sure I will maintain some blogiing time of off days ….. but the GAIN ,, of blogging as compared to the gain of REALIZING my dream ….. bogging has been its part already ,,, a good one and fun one , but … the over all dream is moe important than andy small ego gain for ..this daily activity … from web numbers .
Now ,,, the 1 hour commute ,,, like the idea of your FIGHT with your girl frind I started with ,,it was about you going off with friends and her being left sutck with the BABy , and not seeing her friends …….
The 1 hour commute ,, sonds like you are out in the BOONEYS and yes … I want that I want to se the stars at night …. And yet thought the complexity of the 3 wife the SISTERHOOD and the children is ,,,, my friendship real friendship … and real friendship for the girls also ,,the one hour drive for them to go to work ,,, to get contact with the outside sowrld , well if they wrork is a TOOL …. And the HOME IS THEIR LIFE ..then the tool of work is CLArigying for the spisirt ,,, adding social interaction and providing cash …. Plus the ARTISIT business of event vending …..
It is not the FEAR of the DAILY GRIND into the city to a job ..that you realy feel TRAPPED in ….. it is sublte dynincs built upon the TRUTH of each person level of WANTO in their choice of lving and INSTICNTUALIST life style ….. and not fighting for if you do not represent the BETTER MAN ….and she if free to leave … free choice ….
And the 1 hour commute weel that was to the major citys on both sides there ae bed room commutities for each town ,,, and those will be the actuall work areas most likely and so the commute to those smaller towns will be only a ½ hour … but still my projected town does not even have itw own WALMART ….. hmmm can you say …….. middle of NO WHERE ….
Thursday, November 13, 2008
ahhhh moving towards AHHH
Ahhhh moving towards Ahhh
So I wouldnot give b umm 50 cents yesterday ,, and some how that is LIFE FUCKING CHANGINNG ? …..HMMMM moving towards that which FEELS GOOD
NO ONE but you realy knows the feeling of AHHH of release , relaxation , relief …. And all the other RE’s I guess maybe like the RE I bring up all the time of recreational sex … I wonder what RE is …
The AHHHH ..feeling the letting go of resisitance ( hey there is that RE again ) that is the gorwning cell by ceel towards that which feels good ,,and true to you ,,NOW the words of a TEACHER are jus that ,,, words of someone else ,,if you gewt stuck there you are living their life not yours …. Again showing how nice humanity is how well trainable we are ….. to listen and follow the directions of the lsave master … but the teacher is teaching you to be FREE so how can he be the slave master …. The teacher is NOT but you ddeep in yo are still the SALVE looking for a master to follow …. Since there is no clear cut PHAROH in your life as if you had choosen to listen to the words of the PRIEST or paster ,, again just teachers but hese ones NEED LEGIONS of followers to make their monthly bills $$$ … ( in the name of god )
Back to AHHHH ….. in mediaition in quiet time ( mediation sound s so fucking formal …. It is just QUIET time time whithout the distraction of all the people in your life who want you ( and you want them TOOO ) but time alone to RE-LAX and in that time it is time to FEEL …… what you feel not the needs of all your loved ones but what do YOU dipshit want …. Even to FEEL the words and re-commendations of the teacher to EVALUaTE them ,,,,, in terms of your FEELINGS of WANTS …….. what makes you feel GOOD … and fun and excited and wanting to get out of bed ,, with PURPOSE ……living the life process not just some fucking DREAM of living .
In the AHHHH’s yu get …. The ideas that give you feelings of AHHHH sure they can be exciting , but do they make you feel AHHHHH also ..like a HEAVY BURDEN was lifted ..yet there can still be aspects that are NEW and fRESH and that can bring up … feelings of unknowing=ness // exctement .( excitement stress) but what is the deeper feeling is it AHHHHHH or is it ….GRRRRRRRRRR ?
The bum who asked for 50 cents ,,, has the world of time ,, time he has money he does not ..so he BEGGS .. and well on average the world gives …ask and it is given ….
( does the waiting on the reciving of META physical magic mumbo jumbo make you feel AHHHHH ? or hidden stress of doubt ? )
so …. I have been asking in my meditation for clearity of my day to day ..wants ,,, I have not been feeling PASSION ….. and fun in the PROCESS ..the day to day walk ,,, ohh sure I got a great life .. hard to believe anyone could have anything better but the possibility of the TAO is for even expaninding and that means evenr EXPANDING joy , or AHHHHHH also …. The sale the offer my home http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html is most likey not going to go thru ….. this waiting game is not giving me the feeling of AHHHHH ….. it does not satify that CREATIVE side of me …. Just waiting it is NOT FUN nor does it feel ike moving towards bliss ……and if I am DAY TO DAY not living a life of moving towards what I FEEL IS BLISS or my AHHHHH’s then
WHOSE LIFE am I living ? ( did you get that ? in that is a wonderful question if you will take the SECOND to let in SINK into your won life of FEELING your won PROCESS of living )
Now a good idea today will be still a good idea of living TOMORROW ,, in fact REAL passions KEEP WELLING ….back to the surface of your mind without the NEED .. ( remember want everything NEED nothing enjoy now ) without the NEED or worry tha the good idea will be forgotten . true PASSION does not have to be forcerd it is …that INSTINCT the nature …of you ( not me not the recomeneations of anyone else ..the guidance or PRODING of others to do something ) but the inner you following htat which feels AHHHH to you
The passionate dream keeps coming back over and over …. And the LIVING PROCESS of that tdream feels like RELIEF ….. moving towards something that just FEELS GOOD ..? are you living like that ?
Ok ,,,, so a new idea came to me , let me see over this next week or so if … I like it ,, if it keeps comeing to me ,,, if I find myself moving towards this …what is it
Building without selling …. Ohh sure let the house stay on the market but the ACTION of building of working of being HAPPY moving towardsa goal activily … is better to ME … me p[ersonally …than for me to be like the BEGGAR depending on the MAGIC of Meta ..to give me stuff ,,, ( evne thought the sale of my house is not giving ….ohh but do I realy believe that how do I feel my feelings ..not the SHOULDs of great META teachers and their great ideas that on average do not fit everyone , like a glove ,, EXCEPT in the truth of FEELING what feels good to you ?
So if I expand my current business ,,, I know hat willhappen ,,it is like the ROCK of the 1 on 1 relationship certain sublte aspects creep into life and the $$$$ will just disappear inot that business , I like everyone else on average has a level of poeverrty mindset ….. the magic number that we all semm to FALL BACK inot …. An that for most humans is 0 …… on this page I recommend that you use the tool of EE us saving bods to hide $$$ away form yourself …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html the link is on the page .
I have time …..$$$$ I donot …… my orginal area of the world I had been shooping back 3 years ago is still of interst to me ,,( a good idea will still be a good idea even later ) the idea of keeping the INVESTMENTS of IRD. Is well still good investing and wealth building … it is just aht we are finnaly back inot a reality market where investmenst will grow like in older days slowly until the next cycle of insanity .
Could I niclel and ime a compound ..out of the time and energy I already have alvalible without ..disturbing the COMFY LIFE I LIVE ? and well yesterday in a FLASH of INSPIRTATION I can thank the UNNUSSAL activity of meeting abumm at this area and the EVEN stranger thisn of me saying NO and not GIVING ( did you know the in most Aborignal languages of the americsa the word BRAVE and Generous are synoniums ? the Indian warrior was ,, brave enough to give it all way … to go out inot the woods for a year alone ,,, and in so me tirbes to take the riens of leadership of that tribe meant he again had to give up all his worldy MATERIAL possessions first ..be BRAVE ! or genernous trusitn the toa the flow of the earth spsirt FORE GIVING )
Can I take 1 hour of my day …. To build another busisness ,? And separate that cash flow out ….. hey yestday while …. Web surfing I looked back into tha area I was fisrt shopping and found 5 creas in the 1 hour commutes to 2 towns I wanted first with access to gulf coast water of 1 hour or so …. For like 189 . a month . hmmmm ,interesting …. Could I build the compound and keep the wter front …papradis I love so much also ?
If the AHHHHH I feel now is a good AHHH the idea is real it will still be real a WEEK form ….. the hour day … well would be this hour of writing ….. is the readership EGO I get from here still givng me THE AHHHHHS ? or has it served it purose have I expaned my own ,, concept of what is acceptable by society …. Instincutalism as one more free choice … not what you think or those of my family ..but TO THINE OWNSELF BE TRUE and it shall follow like Day form night you can be flase to no other man ……. My own AHHHHH’s ( out of pocket ,,, hmmmmmm interesting very interesting )
So I wouldnot give b umm 50 cents yesterday ,, and some how that is LIFE FUCKING CHANGINNG ? …..HMMMM moving towards that which FEELS GOOD
NO ONE but you realy knows the feeling of AHHH of release , relaxation , relief …. And all the other RE’s I guess maybe like the RE I bring up all the time of recreational sex … I wonder what RE is …
The AHHHH ..feeling the letting go of resisitance ( hey there is that RE again ) that is the gorwning cell by ceel towards that which feels good ,,and true to you ,,NOW the words of a TEACHER are jus that ,,, words of someone else ,,if you gewt stuck there you are living their life not yours …. Again showing how nice humanity is how well trainable we are ….. to listen and follow the directions of the lsave master … but the teacher is teaching you to be FREE so how can he be the slave master …. The teacher is NOT but you ddeep in yo are still the SALVE looking for a master to follow …. Since there is no clear cut PHAROH in your life as if you had choosen to listen to the words of the PRIEST or paster ,, again just teachers but hese ones NEED LEGIONS of followers to make their monthly bills $$$ … ( in the name of god )
Back to AHHHH ….. in mediaition in quiet time ( mediation sound s so fucking formal …. It is just QUIET time time whithout the distraction of all the people in your life who want you ( and you want them TOOO ) but time alone to RE-LAX and in that time it is time to FEEL …… what you feel not the needs of all your loved ones but what do YOU dipshit want …. Even to FEEL the words and re-commendations of the teacher to EVALUaTE them ,,,,, in terms of your FEELINGS of WANTS …….. what makes you feel GOOD … and fun and excited and wanting to get out of bed ,, with PURPOSE ……living the life process not just some fucking DREAM of living .
In the AHHHH’s yu get …. The ideas that give you feelings of AHHHH sure they can be exciting , but do they make you feel AHHHHH also ..like a HEAVY BURDEN was lifted ..yet there can still be aspects that are NEW and fRESH and that can bring up … feelings of unknowing=ness // exctement .( excitement stress) but what is the deeper feeling is it AHHHHHH or is it ….GRRRRRRRRRR ?
The bum who asked for 50 cents ,,, has the world of time ,, time he has money he does not ..so he BEGGS .. and well on average the world gives …ask and it is given ….
( does the waiting on the reciving of META physical magic mumbo jumbo make you feel AHHHHH ? or hidden stress of doubt ? )
so …. I have been asking in my meditation for clearity of my day to day ..wants ,,, I have not been feeling PASSION ….. and fun in the PROCESS ..the day to day walk ,,, ohh sure I got a great life .. hard to believe anyone could have anything better but the possibility of the TAO is for even expaninding and that means evenr EXPANDING joy , or AHHHHHH also …. The sale the offer my home http://www.clarkhodges.net/Jensen_Beach/Florida/Homes/St_Lucie_County/Agent/Listing_1704043.html is most likey not going to go thru ….. this waiting game is not giving me the feeling of AHHHHH ….. it does not satify that CREATIVE side of me …. Just waiting it is NOT FUN nor does it feel ike moving towards bliss ……and if I am DAY TO DAY not living a life of moving towards what I FEEL IS BLISS or my AHHHHH’s then
WHOSE LIFE am I living ? ( did you get that ? in that is a wonderful question if you will take the SECOND to let in SINK into your won life of FEELING your won PROCESS of living )
Now a good idea today will be still a good idea of living TOMORROW ,, in fact REAL passions KEEP WELLING ….back to the surface of your mind without the NEED .. ( remember want everything NEED nothing enjoy now ) without the NEED or worry tha the good idea will be forgotten . true PASSION does not have to be forcerd it is …that INSTINCT the nature …of you ( not me not the recomeneations of anyone else ..the guidance or PRODING of others to do something ) but the inner you following htat which feels AHHHH to you
The passionate dream keeps coming back over and over …. And the LIVING PROCESS of that tdream feels like RELIEF ….. moving towards something that just FEELS GOOD ..? are you living like that ?
Ok ,,,, so a new idea came to me , let me see over this next week or so if … I like it ,, if it keeps comeing to me ,,, if I find myself moving towards this …what is it
Building without selling …. Ohh sure let the house stay on the market but the ACTION of building of working of being HAPPY moving towardsa goal activily … is better to ME … me p[ersonally …than for me to be like the BEGGAR depending on the MAGIC of Meta ..to give me stuff ,,, ( evne thought the sale of my house is not giving ….ohh but do I realy believe that how do I feel my feelings ..not the SHOULDs of great META teachers and their great ideas that on average do not fit everyone , like a glove ,, EXCEPT in the truth of FEELING what feels good to you ?
So if I expand my current business ,,, I know hat willhappen ,,it is like the ROCK of the 1 on 1 relationship certain sublte aspects creep into life and the $$$$ will just disappear inot that business , I like everyone else on average has a level of poeverrty mindset ….. the magic number that we all semm to FALL BACK inot …. An that for most humans is 0 …… on this page I recommend that you use the tool of EE us saving bods to hide $$$ away form yourself …. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html the link is on the page .
I have time …..$$$$ I donot …… my orginal area of the world I had been shooping back 3 years ago is still of interst to me ,,( a good idea will still be a good idea even later ) the idea of keeping the INVESTMENTS of IRD. Is well still good investing and wealth building … it is just aht we are finnaly back inot a reality market where investmenst will grow like in older days slowly until the next cycle of insanity .
Could I niclel and ime a compound ..out of the time and energy I already have alvalible without ..disturbing the COMFY LIFE I LIVE ? and well yesterday in a FLASH of INSPIRTATION I can thank the UNNUSSAL activity of meeting abumm at this area and the EVEN stranger thisn of me saying NO and not GIVING ( did you know the in most Aborignal languages of the americsa the word BRAVE and Generous are synoniums ? the Indian warrior was ,, brave enough to give it all way … to go out inot the woods for a year alone ,,, and in so me tirbes to take the riens of leadership of that tribe meant he again had to give up all his worldy MATERIAL possessions first ..be BRAVE ! or genernous trusitn the toa the flow of the earth spsirt FORE GIVING )
Can I take 1 hour of my day …. To build another busisness ,? And separate that cash flow out ….. hey yestday while …. Web surfing I looked back into tha area I was fisrt shopping and found 5 creas in the 1 hour commutes to 2 towns I wanted first with access to gulf coast water of 1 hour or so …. For like 189 . a month . hmmmm ,interesting …. Could I build the compound and keep the wter front …papradis I love so much also ?
If the AHHHHH I feel now is a good AHHH the idea is real it will still be real a WEEK form ….. the hour day … well would be this hour of writing ….. is the readership EGO I get from here still givng me THE AHHHHHS ? or has it served it purose have I expaned my own ,, concept of what is acceptable by society …. Instincutalism as one more free choice … not what you think or those of my family ..but TO THINE OWNSELF BE TRUE and it shall follow like Day form night you can be flase to no other man ……. My own AHHHHH’s ( out of pocket ,,, hmmmmmm interesting very interesting )
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