Monday, September 3, 2007

sex is the real fun

Looking out the window

Young master , we are a lot the same all of us males every culture I have traveled to lived in read about , in all the male shows his instinctual self in this …. Given the Opurtunity to be master he likes being master

Now the evidence can be something as simple as driving the car ( no sorry it is not always about sex but read who knows ) yes just driving the car and I watch the women looking our at the sights as the male focuses on the responsibility of driving his family safely to their destination ,,,,, safely ,, like the cave protecting the mouth of the cave worrying about family safety , like the lion chasing off rivals is all about safety for the family also . the girls in his harem if another male intrudes will become sexually harresed … creating a life unstable for the children .. lack of safety .

My travels in north America , south America , Europe and island nations . always ihave seen the same protective nature in all good men , good men … good men … not all men . but the good men . The one who should have been the breeding males ,,, but look now at the war toen areas where tribe fights tribe for OIL wealth , cash that the common man will not realy see but some powerful head or leader will enjoy ,,, the same here in our coprertions … is the same dynamic ,,, in our dating also ,

You dipshit ,,, you display wealth in the form of that truck , the illusion of security of wealth of cash , you do this to attract the choice of a female to freely mate with you ,, to fuck you , now when the fucking slows and since you respect the 1 on 1 you now , fight for wealth so that you can entertain yourself in your sport with anew boat … or like the male you are , you have to attract other pussy girlfriends that you have to attract in the same way you attracted your fritst … with cash display ,, andy you have to entertain them the new girlfriends and still have some cash for the first female …. So your greed need is one of warfare in marketing to make cash or in war torn areas warfare of weapon use , killing …. If you dumbass realy will allow yourself to see the motives behind what you think you see . you can find the BASIC INSTINCT OF SEX ….

So the 3 wives the homesteading of the 3 tents and a camel is the action of you to create a sane world once more ,, you want to change the world like the russain proverb ,,, you want a clean world sweep your own door step first …. By you acting your evidence trail will be the truth that helps others to act on change other wise ,,, it is you saying do this do that and and then living a lie … using OIL instead of re newable energy …

Now to sex , the help you as a sexual master give the girl to allow her to be what she realy wants to be , but because of the pain of programming does not believe whe should be ,,,, and that is SUBMISSIVE …. To be allowed to really feel her pussy , her own funnest toy ever … better than TV. Now the fact is you young master want to play hard and strong every day if you could but you do need the Ok , the permission form the girl ,, you honestly do not want to hurt oher that goes against the nature of that the same guy who drives the family safely from point to point ,,, it goes against the nature of the deer who ,,, fights off other dear to create a pasture and area where females can live and bredd without harassment . but US twisted humans .. twisted by rules used by leaders to creat power and wealth for themselves …. So they can have either fun toys to play with because their sex lives suck .. or for them to have loads of other hidden sexual partners …. Truth if you will remember you loved sex , the best when you felt you could fuck 5 times a day , when it became a question when she was no longer KIND OF , chasing you for sex , and you had to find fun in other things …. You know what I mean dumbass , in the beginning you were kinda of chased for sex , you were her favorite toy , when she became comfy her desire lessened ,…. In the competive 3 , you will have to serve 3 female sexually ,,, and they themselves will have that SUBLTE , reminder of sex because of the other womene the sisiterhood . SUBLTE DYNAMCIS .

But to act like a 3 tent master before you have 3 tents will probably not feel natural to you till you have 3 tents . and instead of building the 3 tents while you were 12 you bought into the LIE the powers that be have planned for you ,,,, their plan , of consumerism life style , the way of the ECOMINC SLAVE . find happiness thru buying shit . when in fact simple working life and good savings would have brought you the land and simple dwellings before age 20 … go back to my earlier writings and explore the ideas about $ .. money .

Remember you so many times over and over in your past gave up all other activity almost to enjoy fucking 5 timesa day when you had a new girl even into your 40’s ( and 70’s as I was talking with that other writier Art Noble of the Scared Female ) that fun is a fun you really want ,,, and she wants , now

Tieing her to a table and enjoying the action of her feeling her favorite toy her body ….. rmember the fun , feel even this minute the rise in hormones in your mind and body … that hormone is LOVE . love is there then it grows into the friendship of conversation ,,, in that lust the female bonds with a male … her animal self like any female of a any animal harem who stays by choice not because there are cages or barbed wires , not he male sleeps she can leave anytime but harem animals of the beast world stay ,,, safe and secure with the male of their choosing ,f reedom of cahoice ,, the same choice I see in girls of today human girls … just open your eyes dipshit . and think on your own,

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