Author it yee
Young Master ,,, what is the pro that that know it all of this day and age who thinks they understand and can explain the totality of the field of infinite POSSILBES … the one who say that is impossible because I say so …. Do you dipshit honestly believe that some where in the infinite is a brick wall so to say , and on one sidde of that brick wall is the POSSILBE and the other side is all the impossible thoughts or things , like flying pieces of metal must have been to the great thinkers of time way back in the Days of Pharo or ancient Greece of the court of Queen issableele or during the days of President George Washington …. For fuckin ever man thought flying was impossible … and we do it in metal machines , somthting ass heavy as metal …
Authority ,,, just because someone writes something does that make the word on the screen some sort of authority , just be cause it is aurthored words?
What if the aurthor is like me and does not take the time to spell check or grammer or even really make sure his facts are really good , does that still make the written idea some sort of god given gospel ….. ? yo ! dumbfuck I am no authority on nothing other than the idea that ALTERNATIVES , are a must , they are the stuff of the TO the field of infinty of possibles ,,, the reality that there is no wall where the possible end and the impossible starts .. that wall is something of an individuals choosing to accept the wall of impossible. And when some one describes to you the impossible that Por fessional in his trade a person who got his licsence to call him or herself a professionsl they got tha degree by being able to repeat information that they got from books from aurhtorities …. Limited thoughts that died the minute they were written ,,\
Dipshit have you really read my shit ? and if so you have seen me to write what must be a million contra dictions ,, some times , because my sritting is not aurthoity but , experience … the record f experiences of thinking and feeling and being just me ,,, HOW ABOUT you dipshit , have you been thinking enough yet to open up your ideas and your eyes , to see the evidence trail around you … to listen not with the sound of authorities repeating in your subcosnsiuos but with your own , thinking ….
Why Am I writing this because another of so many other girls , all to scared to express themselves in public wrote to me to say ,,,,, I want a dom and most guys do not understand .
Dipshit when she is tied to the bed , her eyes blid folded and and she is helpless naked and submitting to what will happen trusting like the cave woman did that the stronger DOM cave man would not KILL her but fuck her to HIS OWN pleasure and that she would like it ,, it fact she did . gilrs like to be pentrated to be fucked to be used by the male . 3.3 million years of CULLING out submissive genes and DNA and what do we get after just 40 or 50 or 60 years of commercialized dating and western ideas ,,,, what how many of your friends hide their lives in drinking and dope or doctors and anti depressenats , or thru purchasing happiness ,,,, how great loves break up even before the marriage those relationships with somuch hope and passion and lust and the small percentage that make it to marriage what 60 percent end in divorce … the other 40 opercnet how many of them are DISFUCNTIONAL?
YO DIPSHIT …. You think giving her a spanking is weird but it is natural ,,, yes natural … the dominant exciting of the body which I will use for my sexual pleasure in a few minutes and a LARGE PART of my pleasure is found in the SOUNDS of her repeated ORGAISIMS /// that feeling of I DID THAT ,,, you know you rremember .. and if you do not well dumbass you have been missing most of the fun .
Young Master your feelings of confusion while you tie her up is of course natural ,,, your underlying eagerness is in the hope you will her the sounds of sex , of desire … the feelings of her feeling you … then you feel your strongest . you believe finnnally in the words of love because of the sounds of sex . her orgasisms .
Dipshit know what you want , feel the difference between the contrast of , what you want what you live ,,,, decide what it is you want ,, believe you can get it , then as life hands you all the small choices , small actions , again feel that which makes you happiest and strongest and then follow that , as long as it is inline with your over all goal …. Use you brain dipshit ,,,, logic ,, use you spirit your feelings of MOTIVATION are you waking up in the morning exciting about this day and the path you are traveling ? use your body actually do things do not just get stuck in front of this computer or passively playing a video game go live a life ….. and if that means passing your uncomfort zone the nervousness of hand cuffing your girl friend so you can spank her ,,, because she wants it MORE than you … DO THAT because the action is in the end bringing you to what you really want …. What do you want
To live a life not the same as everyone else , a life of desperation ,, a life where you agree with every other male , “ girls ? you can not live with them and you can not live with out them … ” just a life of hopeless – ness .
When you decide to create the 3 tents and a camel you , are an ALTERNATIVE . for every girl you will talk to ,,, not worry about what she may think , who are you to think for her , do you really know what is deep inside that girls brain , her past experiences maybe have gotten her ready for an ALTERNATIVE , but since no no no other male has ever talked to her atleast no one with the compound already built , someone really real ! she had to LIKE YOU , she had to build her life based on ….. the fact of silent desperation with the world as it is ,, since no male has the guts to be really alternative . but remember a written word is not the word of a god , a written word is dead ,,, it is the thought of 5 minutes ago , it is only and idea which you now have the choice to think about ,, freedom of choice .
Monday, September 17, 2007
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