Friday, September 21, 2007

fingering fun

Fingering fun

Young master ,,,, ever listen to how much fun a girl has with your finger ,,, ever think about that dipshit … just a finger ,,,, have you really explored the inside of her pussy , feel textures feel indentations areas where you get and extra OOOOH YES … actually my passion today is not to write how to’s on sexual stimulation after all , I am not into discussing dating problems and 1 on 1 relationship stress … no , I think more important is your mental state while you build the compound , keeping your pump up while you are saving the money to buy the land which will provide you with that DIFFERENCE .

And dipshit the difference of building a compoing that is off gird ,,, no more will you be giving to much money to the Gulf states because of your involvement in the common energy cycle …. Once you have the land once you have two of the tents ,,,, then your dating the YOU will be so different as be well now you are SPECIAL like having the real cool car.

But during that building time …. I wanted to go over something called level of wanto … dipshit if you pissed your pants 1 out of every ten times you had to go ,,, if you love baseball but 1 out of every ten throws you just dropped the ball like a 2 year old , if you were a doctor/surgeon and 1 out of every 10 people you worked on died ,,,, if you were a fisherman and 1 out of every ten casts you fucked up on …. If at work you only showed up 1 out of every ten days … what do you think that says about your level of WANTO about the activity ,,, if you realy wanted to not pee in your pants and it was just being fucking lazy that you ened up peeing your pants , if you found out it was just being fucking lazy in all the above activities that was the reason for fucking up …… would you agree that maybe on some level that activity is not realy that important to you ?

I am mean think about it , fucking 1 in 10 times doing it right 9 times then fucking up ,,, especially at an activity that you can do … not something you are learning but something you can and do ,,, do ok at . fucking 10 percent of the time . brings into question your real wants .

Now if you really want something you will get it ,,, it just seems to be one of those laws about reality ,,, because if your realy wanto , you really want it you work and work and work ….. till you no longer fuck up 1 in 10 times . and you succeed .

Now many many times beople say they want this they want that , yet they do not do whatever it takes to achieve it , the evidence trail does not support their stated want , well there was a technique it was , just writing once a day your want , this is especially powerful in some thing like stopping smoking ….. just write once day , 1 want to stop smoking … just write those words doen not just say them but atleast take the effort and have the planning and fore sight to have a pen and paper , with you to write those couple of words … I want to stop smoking …. Ohhh important is to choose a special time a day for when to write your want …. Now dipshit can you commit to that ?

Would you commit to just writing your all important want only once a day …? For only 30 days ,, what you can not commit to some thing for 30 days yet you want . to commit to a life time withone girl and the kids .. or 3 girls and the kids …. Or working the job of your dreams versus a job you hate ,,,, would you commit to writing your want one quick simple sentence to describe / just name the want ,,,, not a whole fucking book ,, just a word or two whichi is important to you ,,, for only 30 days …. But but but , if you find you FUCK UP 1 in ten times …. And you do not have a pen to write … or you miss the scheduled time or you find that something else is more important thatn the idea of your greatest biggest most important WANT … then re think your want ,,, do you really want it?

Hey if you find yourself wanting to do something else MORE ,,, if you can not take 30 seconds to your self , excuse yourself like to go to the john or something … ( kinda the pissing in the pants that is why I used that you would stop everything and excuse yourself to go use the john instead of PISS your pants ) but if you find yourself choosing your OTHER WANTS , more instead of the want you CLAIM is all important than ,, re think yoiur wants ,,,

Now if you do do the 30 days anad do not have a failure rate of 10 percent ,,,, well many many time magic happens .. all the expectation of enjoying the idea of writing , all the expectation of the arrival of the time when you will write your IMPORTANT want everyday ,, that positive expectation generates it activates the infinite potential fields …. That enengy of magic for lack of a more scientific word ,,,, you will find especially when it come to like smoking when you end the 30 days and you do choose a STOP date , you do realy stopw with out any withdarawls or efforts it is just so natural …. With almost everything , things just line up for you to receive what ever that wants is … and you find yourself much much closer than ever before …. There is a power in clearify your wants .. to programming your mind that tool ?

How does this work when it come to building the compound , well the real day to day choice to prove that you will do this ,,,, writing ,,, the proof of the level of wants . if you do not do it and choose to watch a movie instead ,,, or spend that 30 seconds entertaining some one else ,, or becoming distracted … welll thr truth the EVIDENCE TRAIL …. Speaks to the universe … that whole idea of the law of attraction , the ideas that have been proven by evidence trail and evidence trail written in history . to the point the evidence is impossible to deny that a LAW OF ATTRACTION does exisit . so prove the law your self by really wanting one thing more than all the distractions in life … all you gotta do is write astupid little sentence everyday for 30 days , all you gotta do , is have a pen and paper … all you gotta do is choose a time ,,, a time that you are a wake everyday …. There must be some time of the day that everyday you are a wake .

So dipshit ,, think about what you want , think about the evidence trail of the world you grew up in ,,, were you from a divorce family do you really want that for your kids … and what do you think you do not want kids .. dipshit , you want kids , and wives , yep having and just palying being free sure is fun but at some time wyou will want the family and it is worth ,,, everything , kids are so cool and the girls who give birth to them are great fun and very loving caring ,,, well if … if … and it semms only if , the reality of your harem is just aht a reality . other wise you will most likely slip back into 1 on 1 rensentments and stresses . So dipshit so starting early towards the idea of the harem will allow you much more freedom during your twenties and later . look at your bank account dumbass , look at the floor board of your car what is ther CASH ? bage from fast foods places empty red bull cans …… really think about your wants and your evidence trail .

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