Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Instinct for fun

Instinct for fun

Young Master , are you better than , everything else ion the planet ? Now for some time I have gotten off the nuts and bolts of pussy of dating ideas and your concepts as a Master the exploration of why we males have allowed our to be controlled by pussy and how it has effected us and the girls ,,,,, I have talked about the reality about your day to day fun and your day to day level of stress ,, diss – ease and of course drepressions hiding in chemical recreation .

1926 ,,,,, most people did not even have a radio . so they did not know that a hurricaine was coming …. NPR radio reporting about the hurricane of 1926 in Miami Fl.

the need for finding bliss , it is instinctual , but honestly what did you do for fun ,,, us humans who are able to have recreation thur sex any time we want to … there are other animal who can have sex just for fun and gues what they do …. They have sex . what did us humans do thru out history ? before we got fancy got all wrapped up in the idea that to get a female we have to bee rich … be able to afford her. Think about it didpshit you know that on average your self worth in the eyes of girls your ,,,, your concept of what she is thinking ( but honestly what you thin she thinks and what she thinks is often very close … especially when it comes to money or atleast , the reality of what money does buy …. So maybe it is not about the moneyu but it is about the image and or comfort that only only money can buy .

are you dumbass better than a bird , is your vibration higher than a bird? Are you more important to god because you can think because you are the leading edge of thoughts? But wait god does not NEED anything …. Infintiny does not lack anything ,,,, not even the idea of experience itself …

so I watching an osprey gliding by ,,, not this time of year out front on my beach the water is full of food , so . this bird I guess was most probably full , so it was spending its time gliding on the cushion of air , being pushed over the cliff out front …… hmmmm gliding for why? Well to watch that bird , twsit and turn dips and soar ,,, all I can think about is a skate boarder experimenting with moves just for fun ………. Hmmm so I watched a grass hopper this morning …. The grass has been pleantiful soft rich in water and green , it is summer ,, this grasshopper was not stressed that when it landed on the blade of grass that I began to eat like it was straving , no It walked around the blade of grass almost like to get into a nice place to sun itself .

and a morning dove this morning during my run , lands in front of my while I run in it’s animal eyesight and brain something developed thru time to insure that this style of animal will live on and . its DNA will survive …. Any thing larger than it , if the bird notices that the thing moves , the bird leaves .. fast … because the natural selection process has proven to the bird ….. trees to do move to wards it but foxes , wild dogs , wild cats etc do move and the birds that did not move first well their DNA ended

DNA ENDED …….. when the bird I saw got out of my way to a distance of safety as programmed by the DNA memeory record of that birds forefathers , like the memory record that you carry so that you can live thru DIS EASE that American Indian DNA could not , yes , we Europeans did die off because of child hood disease ,,,, but not in the 80 or 90 of the popilution numbers that native peoples did , why because the DNA of tha ntives had no ,, no memeory or instinct …. No memeory of it parents beating the stress the lack of ease that a child hood infection represented …

And then what id the bird do as I watched still like a tree this time … what did the bird do ,,,, quickly eat eat eat …. Work work work ….. no it walked …. And looked at its world it was having bird fun …… instinct to have fun . like th ferrel cats around the house , sunning themselves the dog tossing the stick for itself to chase ….. just animals having fun . but these are animals who do not have the body which is designed to have fun thru causual sexual activity .. we humans are .

So when I hear about the TRIAL of the RELGIUOS control freak that is being tried for rape because a person who choose .. the person and family choose to become a SLAVE to a god designed by man for the benefit of men to control the masses , thru confusions and fear …. When that person blames the preditior for being hwat a preditior is ,,, istead of the human being animal and leaving and uncomfortable life , like a bird …. Twisted by expecatations and controls we haumans have become , we have lost the truth about

SEXUAL RECREATION …. To force a girl to have sex , when in fact the male of that sect has three wives and in that having a female who also should want to feel recreations and relaxation thru sex , instead of working working working ……I see the problem which is your problem and it is simple , the lack of seeing the we all are just the same animals who like having fun . like a bird cat dog ,or grasshopper … except us humans …. No us humans we are to important to much like ? GOD ? and the reat of life is wrong we are right …… the last 3.3 million years without RADIO was wrong

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