Mean terrible bad Master
Young Master , with a smile on your sybbie face after the fact … after the fact you will be called mean , terrible and bad … then she will cuddle up to you and almost purrrr .Submission over and over I talk about the NATURE of submission ,,,, and for you dipshit Dominance , sumbass just think honestly about how you feel when you view Dom/sub porn , I know look at be honest dam you would be supprized to know the girls who look , yet act as if , they do not want it ……… being teerrrible and bad ,,, look dumbass my friend have you enjoyed sex honestly , have you learned to go past that urge to cummm fast because of the fear she will change her mind and the opportunity to fuck her will be gone m or that you are so sexually twisted that you have to cumm fast ? just because of the inner pressure .
Well when you finally do get comfortable with some girlfriend and you can take the time to enjoy sex and just play ,, well then I hope you will enjoy licking and teasing that pussy , in fact her whole body ,,, driving her desire higher to the point of pain ,,, hey like that pain of desire we feel so often that feeling of needing to burst to just cumm fast … ( girls wonder why we cumm so fast ? welll goo thru a session of orgasism denial with your male DOM and you will understand the pain most of you ex-boyfriends lived thru everyday and probably still live like ) so Young master when you are able well than take it! The time , to prolong herdesrie to the point of pain and frustration , and then let her cumm in your mouth ….
Ohhh god it had been like what 10 days maybe 2 weeks since since I had licked her pussy ,, strange how you can have sex everyday even twice a day and not get the real time to enjoy everything … so I had fun last night forcing her to cummmm and cummm and cummmm poor girl …she got whipped with her leather belt , she got licked and teased and her body touched and bitten … her pussy fingered her ass fucked ….. over and over she PROCLAIMED , her GOD ,,, ohhh my god …. Ohhh my god ….. and then about an hour after her first orgasim I finally let myself shoot my load …. Ohhh dipshit remember playsing STOP you get to multi orgasim also so , I got to enjoy that state of PRE EJACULATION at least 10 times …. Before I let it go … and pulled out of her ,,,,and watched with PRIDE
Yes dumbass pride I , can remember in my youth in my past worrying about the girl who would curl up into a little ball twitching moaning aome of the girls in tears crying , as they continue to orgasim to feel like they are still be ing fucked in their pussy and ass while ,,,, I do reach arounds to rubb pinch stimulate their engorged clit … only to get a good screa, out them ,,, then return to fucking then hard or soft , fast then slow ,,, ass for 3 strokes then pussy for 10 or visa versa ….. with pride to watch a grown woman lay on the bed for minutes twisting twitching moaning feeling her body her pussy her asss …. And then and then
The come back to you YOUNG MASTER , yes they find you they reach out to their master , for comfort and protection ,, to feel your skin and body again ,,, and msybe even to start the whole event 1 more time …. The screams pain forgotten and the lust for SENSATION , take back over her animal side wanting to submit once more PLEASE MASTER her body is saying .. she seeks you out where ever you maybe , still in the room just enjoying watching in her after shocks of your fucking or if you give her time to experience those shocks alone … she may find you or me in the kitchen re fueling getting ready to fuck the hell out of her again ……. WHY BECAUSE IT IS YOUR NATURE dipshit ! you like to see her feel her body that sound of her screaming … OHHH MY GOD OOOOH MY GOD , while she is getting fucked on makes you dick harder even larger and thicker …. It is the reason you become creative in your rythms and angles of pentrations …. You strive to find ways to hear those PROCLAMATIONS of your divinty of becoming her GOD …. PLEASE OHHH MY GOD DON’T STOP PLEASE MASTER FUCK ME HARDER ! she says that in the first 15 minutes and she says it again 45 minutes later alittle more tired very much more sore ,,, but still FEELING what it is that is NATURAL for a female to desire …… fuck ne harder MASTER , that is you dipshit! Master .
I am programming you dipshit reprogramming getting you to think about other , alternatives , not the RIGHT THING that you were trained in by society ….
Ohh training programming mmm let see what is in the news welll there is a WHACK JOB , preacher a power hungery God wanna-be , who trains brain washes people like he was brain washed , programmed like his parents before him ,,, like you were dipshit … this Preacher tells little girls and little boys that if you do not do what he thinks is the CORRECT thing that they will burn for ever ini some fairy tale hell of pain ….. yet reigon serves people we like it ,, mostly because we are to scared to think for our selves or we do not understand that religion is not natural really ,,, it is a control of power passed down for 1000’s of years to the point most people really do not understand the history of how their religion actually really developed … it develops thru people who wanted to control the mass of people they were king or ruler over , using that incredible power of threat ….. SEE THAT LIGHTING OR THAT EARTH QUACKE …. That is the power of god , learn fear !
So this Wahck job , serves many that is why he is head of his sect many many many people love him and his ideas m many many POLY FAMILYS LIVE IN HEALTH AND PEACE , under his ideas and 1 girl did not want to and this power hungry idiot welll believed in his own power , and told a little girl go home and be a wife ,, he said the same thing he has for years told many many manyhappy women go home and be a wife …. But this 1 instead of being responsible for herself because of the effects of the brainwashing of her whole life .. not her fault yet her fault .. this young one allowed herself to enter a marriage she did not want …. BUT SHE DID LEAVE …. Like history has proved many girls do leave freedom of choice . and now the whack job preacher is in front of a judge but with him all preachers who recommend the life style of sexuality common to their faith are also in front of that same judge ,,,b ecause he told a folloewer to FOLLOW the words of the GOD they created .
Well dipshit as you have read my words I am all about freedom of choice , the nature of polygamy I feel is nautrual for the human animal it supports the female and male in our BASIC DRIVE … that drive I explored in the beginning of this blog that drive where she the female desires more attention of that male of her FREE choice who has just be … MEAN TERRIBLE BAD .
Friday, September 14, 2007
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