Girls licking pussy
Am I so cool with this pro gay video , the Christian bullshit is just example ezample of how much importance the IVY WALLED OR IVORY TOWER gives to its mind fuck of the word of a humanized god over the UNTHINKABLE concept which is at the baiss before SCIENCE and study got hold of it and the mind of mand claimed knowledge or understanding of the unthinkable . All the fancy people from yale or harvard talking aobut centurys of traditional thinking is givng importance to the very very very limited aility of the 2 gig human brain to be of any real importance . WE ONLY DEAL IN DATA BUNDLES . for th atom itself like in the tests of CERN today show expressed over 2 gigs of data if we were able ( al mighty human ) to deal with or perceive it . that is ignorable this bible shit ..but the idea that HORMONES and instinctual expression of BREEDING abonormaility ,,in terms of creating to many males for the HARME INSTINCT of the homnd human is what is cool … ooooh girls lick ing pussy bi sexuality is natural yet I shuld be …I as in male ..the SEDD the ADAPTIVE expression should hbe in such limited numbers that I am of VALUE … for my hard COCK . not supplanted by plastic cocks and technology stimulations of electronic addictive vibrations .
( my comment to this video )
i gotta admit that cartoon edu thingie is cool , the idea that he feamle body feminizes EXCESS males , is inharmony with instinctualism .
i still believe the amount of male birth is an abonormality due to the selective breeding of a few 1000 years to man armys anyways . and that the female DNA knows the unatural ness of having so many males . all continues to suppor the idea we human are harmem based like our cousint he gorilla
and it does not dis count the free choice potential deirectly , as exampled in common examples of the eefects of control or cohercion ( manipulation ) sexual stress and the need we have for sexual recreation and companionship . whihc in our current model is so difficult homosexuality can provide this core maslow need to be fullfilled . not perfectly but in a functional manner , use of relationship TECHONOLOGY to say . Just like porn can be a seuxual TECHNOLOGY or prositiution a sexual technology
I AM SO ….. jus wanna say for like so many years I have stood up fro the right of free choice to be gay … now to think of it as an IMMUNE RESPONSE in haromony with natural selelction so cool so way more complex …. That , the young men I have known and said FINE good ,,technology ..answer to the confusion question about relationship stress gay but understand you are not gay by DEF. of your expression of sexual plumbing but because of SOCIAL STRESS , I can have it both ways ,,the Sex plumbing is still there yet inner predisposition to homosexuality can be ABOVE the 1% of 3 % of genentic abnormalities BECAUSE human female is trying to re balance the UN- instinctual expression of manipulative decrees of PHAROH to man his armys .
Part of me syas I gotta RETRACT another part says I am …PROVEN . the truth about PARADOX …. Be happy with paradox ….. thing ness and NO 1 THING ness the illusion or gift happens in the arena of …..TAO .
Now just grasp this every 5 …..FIVE ! hours A KID confused bythe fucking mind fuck and UN-instinctual expression of humanity and the slave breeding of humanity for the last 5 k years kill him or herself .. and 20 OTHERS fail at the same time
DO YOU GET THAT ? fuck the fes numbers who die on TV in Afganstan as soliers to suppor the image or PHAROHS mind fuck reality is we lose SO MANY MORE AT HOME because of the mind ufck day fater day …after day after day …. OPPS THERE DIES ANOTHER and 20 others tried ….. to escape the confuse and conquer BUT FAILED only to …DRUG THEM SELVES INTO SUBMISSION !
Peace people …….. zZHUANGSI was write 100’s of years before the all imporatntat Christ of Constantine of Rome …. Get Emporoers out of the picture ! the city which feeds them .
for me there is not such thing as CO INKY DINK .... after wathcing the bible told me so and then to end up almost haivng to have this video as back ground sound ....
bernie MADE off with millions ..... AND MONEY well the advisor to PHAROH did it for the $$$ ... science or priest it was and still is all about the $$$$
while the INSTINCTUALISM of the organism still yells out fromt he library of the DNA , something is F'ed up
I'll Not Ask Others to Become Different for Me... Let your Vibrational Escrow percolate, and you do your best to give it your undivided attention so that you become a Vibrational Match to it. And then, when the Law of Attraction brings all of it together and brings you, because you're a match, together with it - then there aren't any bugs to work out. Don't ask the person, or people, that helped you to define what you want to become what you want so that you can have what you want. (Oh, that was so good.) Instead, let them be the Step One part of it (the asking part). Use your willpower and your decision to focus upon what you want - and then the Universe will bring you what you want.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "
No one else or nothing is a problem! No thiey are the OP for adventure and experiences not available in the LL OF the no 1 thing , for there all op’s are alwaysin in ALL WAYS , enjoy the chance of CONTRAST … to be the bored bi-ped definintion of homind . and thus be free to choose ,,, and not be SLAVE
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
her pussy smells like dead fish
Her pussy smells like dead fish
Kiddo you have made my 4 years …. I never wated to be the giver of an answer but the insprirer of your own QUESTIONING and so in front of a the bait store ..( there ain’t no such thing as CO INKY DINK any more for me ) I bump into a kiddo from a past and we gets a talking ,,, and of what does he bring u p his own spin .. on what he heard Plin say , and I am like fucking blown away , I had written this blog did not post it ,,may not have posted it …. Then to meet you kid and you questioning t eh NATURE of her sotry and that the struggling fish would become that fish floating down stream where the smart fish working with the flow would live longer ….far fucking out …. And neat to see you grew up and have maintained an awareness of things like government around you …good kid … so ,, I guess I will post
And if tht is so mostly she has created ..stress in her life and thus allowed for not he best PROBIOTIC environment … unbalance … but who is she? Well maybe the one who was talkinga bout DEAD fish are the ones who float DOWN STREAM … and her friend the fellow REPULBICAN a live fish fighting the current and struggleing and working ahrd and this does not ..sound inharmony with ..the SAGE … the way of the toa from 600 bc ? old fucking wisdoms about the insanety of human war and govenements … but I gotta tell you about the PHAROH who says only dead fish go with the flow .. is Palin ….
She says she is the expression of you and me she says she is the commericl fisherman the worker class like us ,,,,, aounds like politic bullshit , I have seen women who realy worked on the water in a few short years they look like me ,not like her . and her clear lineless fac e and manicured fingers . …HOW DIDI THE FISH DIE I asked myself to accept firth that yes she is right a dead fish would finnaly float down stream with the nature and QUICKLY get recycled by a vast amount of animals who would feed on it that is why you realy do not see tomany dead fish floating around expecpt for times when her BUDDYS cause another oil spill or UN NATURL EVENT … and poisin our river for their prifit sytem again .
Ahh so Miss commercial fisherman ,,miss one of us …. Tell me about nature once more …. The live fish uses HYDRO DYNIMCS …. Eddys and current knowledges those fish who struggle ,,, get weak and are exposed and become DEAD FISH …. While the smart good healthy fish are using eddy and current dynamics to conserve energy to dart out and grab the emerging fly or prey ,, they skip thru currents sliding in and environment of currents …. RIDE YOUR BIKE IN A 20 KNOT HEAD WIND ….. or draft behind the BOZO and then dart past him at the finish line becaue you still have energy while he is exhausted ….
Tell me aobut nature of salmon miss palin ,, if the salmon fought the current it would stay in the stream never making to the ocean where I gorws healthy and strong able to return .. and those that make it to return use all available DRAFTING and hydro dymincs instincts of the successful DNA they carry within them ..THAT KNWOLEDGE OF SOULS that socartes and plato were wondering about is just the library of successful …SEX passed down in dna . and what about that stupid salamon who fought he current as the tide goes out and ends up beaching its STUPID SELF to bake itne the sun , DID THAT 1 pass down its DNA
Ahhh the mind fuck ..the happy words of PHAROH ….. DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO … classic classic classic …. And the I come to TEA PARTY bullshit … 1 big difference betweent he human then 200 years agao and the human of YOU ..they .. had MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS levels 1 2 3 mostly in their own control , they did not depend on .. WALMART for food or shoes or clothes that average human still had the knowledge to live outside of the city if need be , buy YOU no ayou are SLAVE to the technology , like cats dependant of food pellets of flavored corns and rice wheats …. losing their knowledge of the hunt . over polluted to points where the food stops they get skinny and die off .. get weak and sick …. HEY SOUNDS LIKE HUMANS , who find life stressful get sick and weak ….. and transisiton ….friends LOST ? lost is only the you who has lost his or her connection with the borader you … not he limited you of this GAMe , ( hey beu the game is why we are here so RELISH the fear and the stress and the pain and the struggle if you want or ……. GO WITH THE CURRENT , in harmony with the library of successful knowledge held in your DNA .
Just as plaot cahged in his wiriting so , it is with the SAGE ,, and everything , but you dipshit my friend want a 1 and only true way and right or wrong ..a black or white … again the something trained into the general human expectation thru SLAVE selection the DOMESTICATION … of the human animals so they would build pyaramids and shit .
It is a chess game and ,,, I have NO cheat sheet ,,,,, so I have the 5 cf freezer and the 1kw inveter with a 2 kw surge but it does not fire the frezer , it runs the micro wave fine ,,, what the FUCK ….. ahh the game if it were easy , I would be bored , so …hmm think think think , expeince experience … test …. And test … all the while SOURCE is me and is LAUGHING enjoy the chance to feel IMPOSSIBLEITY and problems that is only available in time space …. This is an even not written int your DNA …. Enjoy the expression of the BORE-ABLE homind …. What is a homind some thing that walks on two legs and gets bored easy ! …me ohh those 50 fucking plants I got for 98 bucks are already responding …. Growing ..more fucking fund than chess …. I found some carrots in one of my bio dynics beds the 40 seed variety wild spread … hidden amongst the poors mans peper grass a wild mustad related the MACCA pervian ginseng . hidden in the was some of the finest carrots I have yet to see in 2 years of growing shit … it has taken months and months to develop a taste for poors mans pepper but now …. Yummm .
Chess game …. I cold jus as easy come home from work and be like amny folk and recreate with video game or tv , instead I spend hours WORKING outside not working playing tirelessy ,,playing ….. it would only become work if I HAD TO do it for something like PRoFIT instead the vastness of different assemblages of eco ystems that are developing on their own is INTERESTING ME , I am not BORED … compartimentiled in 2 x 6 foot areas broken by the orchard trees or dwarf trees or bush berry , allows me to if needed , weed control a 5 minute event intead of on WHOLE FIELD and feel over whelmed of a reachable 2x6 area … and as the dynimcs change the weeds will be crowed out by plants left …. This is permaculture . this is the freedom a TEA PARTY poerson really needs to have to be able to survive REBELLION ..other wise you are just being used by the PHAORH class in a game of CONFUSE AND CONQUER they know you are unable to free yourself from SLAVE to walmar t that you are .
I am not finding emotional guidance , that ould lead to the suceess that would lead to ..birth of a next generation to enjoy what I found enjoyable …. I an not finding the referenece to this aspec tint eh PHILOSPHY respected the the FASHION of the ivory tower priest who tell me what is important . thinking …… hmmmm Palin tell me what is impratant is to struggle is that in haromony whith NTURE a 5 billion year success trail or the fucked up system of 5 k years . what is 5 thousand as compare to 1,000,000,000 And 1,000,000,000 and …… what is PHAROHS 5 thousand ? is it realy success or the feeding a the back door ?
True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer's influence)
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, July 30th, 2005
I knew you could think for yourself , you do not need leadership just he push to let yourself question all the bull hsit you have been fed since the day of your birth … kiddo
Kiddo you have made my 4 years …. I never wated to be the giver of an answer but the insprirer of your own QUESTIONING and so in front of a the bait store ..( there ain’t no such thing as CO INKY DINK any more for me ) I bump into a kiddo from a past and we gets a talking ,,, and of what does he bring u p his own spin .. on what he heard Plin say , and I am like fucking blown away , I had written this blog did not post it ,,may not have posted it …. Then to meet you kid and you questioning t eh NATURE of her sotry and that the struggling fish would become that fish floating down stream where the smart fish working with the flow would live longer ….far fucking out …. And neat to see you grew up and have maintained an awareness of things like government around you …good kid … so ,, I guess I will post
And if tht is so mostly she has created ..stress in her life and thus allowed for not he best PROBIOTIC environment … unbalance … but who is she? Well maybe the one who was talkinga bout DEAD fish are the ones who float DOWN STREAM … and her friend the fellow REPULBICAN a live fish fighting the current and struggleing and working ahrd and this does not ..sound inharmony with ..the SAGE … the way of the toa from 600 bc ? old fucking wisdoms about the insanety of human war and govenements … but I gotta tell you about the PHAROH who says only dead fish go with the flow .. is Palin ….
She says she is the expression of you and me she says she is the commericl fisherman the worker class like us ,,,,, aounds like politic bullshit , I have seen women who realy worked on the water in a few short years they look like me ,not like her . and her clear lineless fac e and manicured fingers . …HOW DIDI THE FISH DIE I asked myself to accept firth that yes she is right a dead fish would finnaly float down stream with the nature and QUICKLY get recycled by a vast amount of animals who would feed on it that is why you realy do not see tomany dead fish floating around expecpt for times when her BUDDYS cause another oil spill or UN NATURL EVENT … and poisin our river for their prifit sytem again .
Ahh so Miss commercial fisherman ,,miss one of us …. Tell me about nature once more …. The live fish uses HYDRO DYNIMCS …. Eddys and current knowledges those fish who struggle ,,, get weak and are exposed and become DEAD FISH …. While the smart good healthy fish are using eddy and current dynamics to conserve energy to dart out and grab the emerging fly or prey ,, they skip thru currents sliding in and environment of currents …. RIDE YOUR BIKE IN A 20 KNOT HEAD WIND ….. or draft behind the BOZO and then dart past him at the finish line becaue you still have energy while he is exhausted ….
Tell me aobut nature of salmon miss palin ,, if the salmon fought the current it would stay in the stream never making to the ocean where I gorws healthy and strong able to return .. and those that make it to return use all available DRAFTING and hydro dymincs instincts of the successful DNA they carry within them ..THAT KNWOLEDGE OF SOULS that socartes and plato were wondering about is just the library of successful …SEX passed down in dna . and what about that stupid salamon who fought he current as the tide goes out and ends up beaching its STUPID SELF to bake itne the sun , DID THAT 1 pass down its DNA
Ahhh the mind fuck ..the happy words of PHAROH ….. DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO … classic classic classic …. And the I come to TEA PARTY bullshit … 1 big difference betweent he human then 200 years agao and the human of YOU ..they .. had MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS levels 1 2 3 mostly in their own control , they did not depend on .. WALMART for food or shoes or clothes that average human still had the knowledge to live outside of the city if need be , buy YOU no ayou are SLAVE to the technology , like cats dependant of food pellets of flavored corns and rice wheats …. losing their knowledge of the hunt . over polluted to points where the food stops they get skinny and die off .. get weak and sick …. HEY SOUNDS LIKE HUMANS , who find life stressful get sick and weak ….. and transisiton ….friends LOST ? lost is only the you who has lost his or her connection with the borader you … not he limited you of this GAMe , ( hey beu the game is why we are here so RELISH the fear and the stress and the pain and the struggle if you want or ……. GO WITH THE CURRENT , in harmony with the library of successful knowledge held in your DNA .
Just as plaot cahged in his wiriting so , it is with the SAGE ,, and everything , but you dipshit my friend want a 1 and only true way and right or wrong ..a black or white … again the something trained into the general human expectation thru SLAVE selection the DOMESTICATION … of the human animals so they would build pyaramids and shit .
It is a chess game and ,,, I have NO cheat sheet ,,,,, so I have the 5 cf freezer and the 1kw inveter with a 2 kw surge but it does not fire the frezer , it runs the micro wave fine ,,, what the FUCK ….. ahh the game if it were easy , I would be bored , so …hmm think think think , expeince experience … test …. And test … all the while SOURCE is me and is LAUGHING enjoy the chance to feel IMPOSSIBLEITY and problems that is only available in time space …. This is an even not written int your DNA …. Enjoy the expression of the BORE-ABLE homind …. What is a homind some thing that walks on two legs and gets bored easy ! …me ohh those 50 fucking plants I got for 98 bucks are already responding …. Growing ..more fucking fund than chess …. I found some carrots in one of my bio dynics beds the 40 seed variety wild spread … hidden amongst the poors mans peper grass a wild mustad related the MACCA pervian ginseng . hidden in the was some of the finest carrots I have yet to see in 2 years of growing shit … it has taken months and months to develop a taste for poors mans pepper but now …. Yummm .
Chess game …. I cold jus as easy come home from work and be like amny folk and recreate with video game or tv , instead I spend hours WORKING outside not working playing tirelessy ,,playing ….. it would only become work if I HAD TO do it for something like PRoFIT instead the vastness of different assemblages of eco ystems that are developing on their own is INTERESTING ME , I am not BORED … compartimentiled in 2 x 6 foot areas broken by the orchard trees or dwarf trees or bush berry , allows me to if needed , weed control a 5 minute event intead of on WHOLE FIELD and feel over whelmed of a reachable 2x6 area … and as the dynimcs change the weeds will be crowed out by plants left …. This is permaculture . this is the freedom a TEA PARTY poerson really needs to have to be able to survive REBELLION ..other wise you are just being used by the PHAORH class in a game of CONFUSE AND CONQUER they know you are unable to free yourself from SLAVE to walmar t that you are .
I am not finding emotional guidance , that ould lead to the suceess that would lead to ..birth of a next generation to enjoy what I found enjoyable …. I an not finding the referenece to this aspec tint eh PHILOSPHY respected the the FASHION of the ivory tower priest who tell me what is important . thinking …… hmmmm Palin tell me what is impratant is to struggle is that in haromony whith NTURE a 5 billion year success trail or the fucked up system of 5 k years . what is 5 thousand as compare to 1,000,000,000 And 1,000,000,000 and …… what is PHAROHS 5 thousand ? is it realy success or the feeding a the back door ?
True healers know that wellness is the order of the day, so they do not allow themselves, even for a moment, to see anything other than that. So, the power of the healer is in the power to influence the one who needs to be healed into a vibration that allows the healing that they are summoning. (that they could get, even without the healer, but they can get faster with a healer's influence)
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, July 30th, 2005
I knew you could think for yourself , you do not need leadership just he push to let yourself question all the bull hsit you have been fed since the day of your birth … kiddo
Thursday, March 25, 2010
a solid gold pussy is dry
A solid gold pussy is dry
A solid gold pussy would not stretchand wet to accept my cock so it would not be fun to fuck ….so the first GOD of the city was the god of mother nature …or later to become the myth of EVE maybe. From the garden of EDEN the fertile cresent no DESERTIFYED … by irrageted row crops … the rains want to do their work if we tweek the environment like the male boar tweeks the hammock in fact CREATES THE HAMMOCK over genenration . row cropping the vidence trail shows does not work real realreal long term it will bring forth a few generations infat 7 or more ,, but by the time the 7th genartion gets it , it is no longer in haromony with the concept of 7th generation proactise . when in fact the food forest of the GARDEN OF EDEN oasisis ..are still prodcutuive today 1000’s of years later when the fields because GROUND SALT deserts ,t he raisn running off them piss on the sand dune . LEAVING THE ASLT BROUGH BY , 100’S OF YEARS OF GROUND WATER FORCED INRRAGTION …. The salt if the land were bio dymincally Terra Formed would be encapsuled by bacteria to be used by plants over many years gentlye braouhgt back inot the life cycle ..evidnece trail to be seen in the greenof desert videos . where that exact event happened in the one of the owrst desert regions of the banks of the dead sea .
To not explore ideas because ther were un comfortable , because they offend the TOPIC was trained into a place of being HOLY BEYOND DISCUSSION … it is like the moral CLIMATE in the IVORY TOWER circles at the time of Darwin . where people mindlessly repeated OTHRODOX DOCTRINE .
So when I talk about EVE and I talk about ideas the the gestational mind of human female is sociopathic as result of NATURE , and this tied with the increase evovlution of the human female around the cave to talk and be more POLY political , while males being the hunter , was evolved to act in silence and alone a lot of the the time , yes they did work in groups but evn in those groupings , silent time was needed …
That the expression of the first god ? of the camp fire or city ..would be the GIVER of life the female persoanage of mother nature .. or a female goddess ..or later to be MYTHIFIED into eve . …but to bring up the word EVE is to rub masses the wrong way and just stimulate PERJORATIVE ..responses to the word .
In understanding the core issues , form many different points of view we respect the …. Idea of BRAODER PERSPECTIVE .
SOCIOPATH has a perjortative feeling , yet it does and is event with a lot of female , the protective nature of the next genenration ,
Hierarchy as in war or in business brought to INSANE LEVESL of self ish ness which dispresects the ABUNDANCE that is realy around us , is well in sane …. Hierarchy , as thought about in the events like Olympics where …NICHE gold medalw inners can be the 1 and ONLY WINNER thru the self created dream of NON COMPETITION in the other events , this idea brought out into the general civil society brings us to the idea of ..1 … speerations . this is not the instinct of the male who does not have ths SOCIOPATHIC urge of pregnancy … but feels for the whole family or HAREM .. and the concept of 7TH GENERATION .
But without allowing of the discussion because of …well GOD SET THIS WHOLE FUCKING thing in motion Darwin shut the fuck up . ( with your tiny incomplete ideas to the contrary , my add-onn anything a human feels is so fucking imporatnat realy must be viewed thru the concept of in-fi-nite veruss 2 gigs of human brain , and laugh at outselves for our self importance ….ahhh self importance ….hierachy ..or soiciopathic … I am my pregnancy is so fucking all important . ..evovled inot the
Gold plated pussy ….. yes it reltes after 5000 years of evolved mind fucking . treating symptoms as if that were th problem instead of looking at aspects of the ocre problem which again … in IN FI NITE TERMS is a nothing but hey that is what we are here to live thru ,,,, say NO to the bing of the whole to taste the OP to being of a limited perspective ..
But even that does not limit the idea that we have the RIGHT TO EXPLORE outside of the box ..terms concepts ideas that make people squirm in SELF realization that they may be a willing PART TO FIT … of the daily death of 40 thousand humans when in fact we have ABUNDANCE
I I have not had any squirrels hanging around for a year or so , it was off cycle for nuts from the oak tree so they gathered so where else now that the oak is in bloom , some squerels are comng back checking out the future crop .. and so I talked withone yesterday , first I am not partial to them they can be destructive …. But then as we talked I was remeinded about the vastness of the shit I ha planted redunctant crops hidden thropught out planting ,,not row crop where a pest and easy to move from plant to plant just eating choice parts …. Not encountering the IMMUNE RESPONSE of others plants which may repell the invader ….
Like the birds eating my loquats ….. far though as I stopped my fighting with the birds over the ripening loquats I have as of late been given the gift of finding perfect poquats at ripe stages ready for my own consumption …. I stopped fighting allowed everyone a piece of the action ,, I was no longer the 1 and only imporatnct aspect .. the sociopath of nature and got something I had never gotten before in the years of having the loquat in the yard …. What does that evidence trail say …
Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, "It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I'm going, no matter what I'm doing, no matter who I'm doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see, to look for things that feel good," and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration -- the more the Universe understands that that's who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, May 9th, 1999
When you are on a ROLL you are on a ROLL until .. you start to allow other thinking of VIBRATIONS ..whihc is just word tool for thinking ,, to enter the mix of experience … if you are so pure in the zone as to ,,be not ..COMPARING .. then you are on the ROLL … and it continues , you have not awaresness of CONTRARY .
To live though just under a thin WRAPPING paper of brite foil , is to be ripped easy ..SHAM self help actuyalization movement ….. and religions ..opiums of the masses , have int hem oftent he core words of the sage . (OPIUM EATERS were what the general population of eygt\pt were called back in the time of PHAROH … myths about the addictive nature of opium were sritten down even before this time ,, the slave master economy understood this used this , to CULL to create sublt e EUGENCIS … like breeding domesticated animals , in fact the ranceher of the early Americas BRED his niggers his slaves like farm animals ( did I offend you with my use of a word ? I hope so .. that is my intent to stimulate )
A solid gold pussy would not stretchand wet to accept my cock so it would not be fun to fuck ….so the first GOD of the city was the god of mother nature …or later to become the myth of EVE maybe. From the garden of EDEN the fertile cresent no DESERTIFYED … by irrageted row crops … the rains want to do their work if we tweek the environment like the male boar tweeks the hammock in fact CREATES THE HAMMOCK over genenration . row cropping the vidence trail shows does not work real realreal long term it will bring forth a few generations infat 7 or more ,, but by the time the 7th genartion gets it , it is no longer in haromony with the concept of 7th generation proactise . when in fact the food forest of the GARDEN OF EDEN oasisis ..are still prodcutuive today 1000’s of years later when the fields because GROUND SALT deserts ,t he raisn running off them piss on the sand dune . LEAVING THE ASLT BROUGH BY , 100’S OF YEARS OF GROUND WATER FORCED INRRAGTION …. The salt if the land were bio dymincally Terra Formed would be encapsuled by bacteria to be used by plants over many years gentlye braouhgt back inot the life cycle ..evidnece trail to be seen in the greenof desert videos . where that exact event happened in the one of the owrst desert regions of the banks of the dead sea .
To not explore ideas because ther were un comfortable , because they offend the TOPIC was trained into a place of being HOLY BEYOND DISCUSSION … it is like the moral CLIMATE in the IVORY TOWER circles at the time of Darwin . where people mindlessly repeated OTHRODOX DOCTRINE .
So when I talk about EVE and I talk about ideas the the gestational mind of human female is sociopathic as result of NATURE , and this tied with the increase evovlution of the human female around the cave to talk and be more POLY political , while males being the hunter , was evolved to act in silence and alone a lot of the the time , yes they did work in groups but evn in those groupings , silent time was needed …
That the expression of the first god ? of the camp fire or city ..would be the GIVER of life the female persoanage of mother nature .. or a female goddess ..or later to be MYTHIFIED into eve . …but to bring up the word EVE is to rub masses the wrong way and just stimulate PERJORATIVE ..responses to the word .
In understanding the core issues , form many different points of view we respect the …. Idea of BRAODER PERSPECTIVE .
SOCIOPATH has a perjortative feeling , yet it does and is event with a lot of female , the protective nature of the next genenration ,
Hierarchy as in war or in business brought to INSANE LEVESL of self ish ness which dispresects the ABUNDANCE that is realy around us , is well in sane …. Hierarchy , as thought about in the events like Olympics where …NICHE gold medalw inners can be the 1 and ONLY WINNER thru the self created dream of NON COMPETITION in the other events , this idea brought out into the general civil society brings us to the idea of ..1 … speerations . this is not the instinct of the male who does not have ths SOCIOPATHIC urge of pregnancy … but feels for the whole family or HAREM .. and the concept of 7TH GENERATION .
But without allowing of the discussion because of …well GOD SET THIS WHOLE FUCKING thing in motion Darwin shut the fuck up . ( with your tiny incomplete ideas to the contrary , my add-onn anything a human feels is so fucking imporatnat realy must be viewed thru the concept of in-fi-nite veruss 2 gigs of human brain , and laugh at outselves for our self importance ….ahhh self importance ….hierachy ..or soiciopathic … I am my pregnancy is so fucking all important . ..evovled inot the
Gold plated pussy ….. yes it reltes after 5000 years of evolved mind fucking . treating symptoms as if that were th problem instead of looking at aspects of the ocre problem which again … in IN FI NITE TERMS is a nothing but hey that is what we are here to live thru ,,,, say NO to the bing of the whole to taste the OP to being of a limited perspective ..
But even that does not limit the idea that we have the RIGHT TO EXPLORE outside of the box ..terms concepts ideas that make people squirm in SELF realization that they may be a willing PART TO FIT … of the daily death of 40 thousand humans when in fact we have ABUNDANCE
I I have not had any squirrels hanging around for a year or so , it was off cycle for nuts from the oak tree so they gathered so where else now that the oak is in bloom , some squerels are comng back checking out the future crop .. and so I talked withone yesterday , first I am not partial to them they can be destructive …. But then as we talked I was remeinded about the vastness of the shit I ha planted redunctant crops hidden thropught out planting ,,not row crop where a pest and easy to move from plant to plant just eating choice parts …. Not encountering the IMMUNE RESPONSE of others plants which may repell the invader ….
Like the birds eating my loquats ….. far though as I stopped my fighting with the birds over the ripening loquats I have as of late been given the gift of finding perfect poquats at ripe stages ready for my own consumption …. I stopped fighting allowed everyone a piece of the action ,, I was no longer the 1 and only imporatnct aspect .. the sociopath of nature and got something I had never gotten before in the years of having the loquat in the yard …. What does that evidence trail say …
Milk every moment for all the pleasure you can get from it. When you say, "It is my dominant intent to look for things that feel good today. No matter where I'm going, no matter what I'm doing, no matter who I'm doing it with, it is my dominant intent to look for what I'm wanting to see, to look for things that feel good," and the more you develop the habit of that kind of vibration -- the more the Universe understands that that's who you are! And so, the more you have access only to those kinds of things!
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albuquerque, NM on Sunday, May 9th, 1999
When you are on a ROLL you are on a ROLL until .. you start to allow other thinking of VIBRATIONS ..whihc is just word tool for thinking ,, to enter the mix of experience … if you are so pure in the zone as to ,,be not ..COMPARING .. then you are on the ROLL … and it continues , you have not awaresness of CONTRARY .
To live though just under a thin WRAPPING paper of brite foil , is to be ripped easy ..SHAM self help actuyalization movement ….. and religions ..opiums of the masses , have int hem oftent he core words of the sage . (OPIUM EATERS were what the general population of eygt\pt were called back in the time of PHAROH … myths about the addictive nature of opium were sritten down even before this time ,, the slave master economy understood this used this , to CULL to create sublt e EUGENCIS … like breeding domesticated animals , in fact the ranceher of the early Americas BRED his niggers his slaves like farm animals ( did I offend you with my use of a word ? I hope so .. that is my intent to stimulate )
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
3 back door pussys
I know you want me to create some sort of masturbation content , tell some story about ass fucking …. Well ask yourself again why do you search tht content out , why has the mind fucking the socializxing tool of sexual manipulation been so successful again ..go back way fucking back way before evern AMENHOTEP 4 ( or his mommy actually who usd sex who had sex with him is powerful motivator ) back to the SUMI time an the 1st god the patricarch ,,,OPPPPS wrong ! ..not a patriacrch ,, of male leader but ….and EVE was the first major GOD ….
But to honor those who have read me for fuckig years now , well gjust go back to ’07 and you will find lots of current events that include active discussions of ASS FUCKING FROM THE NIGHT before ,, wow real time chronicles of the ffects of sex .. on me . of my own desire for the smell fo TWAT and frsh panties in the glove box . and the life style if LEAD and still ..feel for .
But right now it is about ,t he polar baears of the Hudson bay ,,, the idea of Yoggie bear of jelly stone park and 3 wild kittens at my back door and YOU DIPSHIT . ( hiedigger ? no human and the WORD TOOL it used is of any importance other than for entertainment of the age then and yours of the use of that enteratainment . )
So my trees will not produce slice honey smoked ham in packages ?
Wow ! are you my friend ever SALVE .. or addicted .to the sytem …
Jus think about it .. you have 3 boats and 2 4 whelers with gun racks when we talk you ,,drift off into EXTREEMES of total collapses of human system ( not mi trip no I am inot enjoying the sytem with a level of freedom first in hand ) so yo like so many of our buds keep talking big talk about how we will catch fish and go hunting afer the great collapse , bullSHIT ! WE wiilll hunt eh sananannhs clean of game within 1 year down to the squierels nothing willb e left , and without ,t he GAS CAN your off shore boat will not work and without the bait and tackle store and the high teck gear you DO NOT FISH you s trave and struggle .
It is about the mindless becoming addicted to the sytem , si the common theme in the polar bears of Hudson bay and Yogie bear and the 3 kittens at my back door , mostly the wild cats I have had around me , lead a baslence of feeding off my hand outs with ,,fresh game ,b ut this mommma cat who braought hese kettens by a few months ago forgot to teach them to hunt ,,, so I find not fresh kills around , no these kittens … live within site of the ouse 24/7 every movement I make the rush and hide to see if any food may be left .. where for years cats would come and go , some times it would be months btweens ightings even to a full year between sightings of a familiar cat who understood Phil was cool ,,a wild cat who would show up and come say hi hopes of getting special feed bag like a PORIDICAL SON .. the kittens mom , came taught them to look for me ,, and when they understood the sytem she split to now be seen every week or so off an on ..but the kittens …ADDICTED TO THE BACK DOOR like slaves waiting on their food pellets .
Cat food is not …CAT FOOD …. Cats did not evolve to live off CORN OR RICE OR WHEAT …. Yet with good science and lfaovrings , thiese usnNATURAL ingrients can be used as food by the prditor cat .
The food pellet in hand packeaged form called MC. D hamburger hardly reesembles food …. There are NO BONES .. or things that remeind you this was once SOMEONE who walked the earth ,,, flesh bone blood DNA being of mine hey , you now goona uestion someone, the use of the term SOMEONE … and when I see you with yur hunting dogs ,,the way you interact with them , call them by NAME talking about their distinct PERSONSON or personality and now agin tell me , that everything is not also ..a SOME ONE … and so are our INDUSTRILIZED animals not also like human in a NAZI CONCETRATION CAMP … used for slaughter mindlessly by a population who does no longer think but BEGGS
The interaction you have when hunting or fishing with the thing you will catch ,,is a different DYNamics ..than this torture system of agriculture we have no there is no respect ..for our proey which we feel still while on the hunt … or while fishing we deeply feel there , their ,the animals almost freedom …to not be any fucking where near us to be caught or shot …. But the farm animal has not that free MYSTICAL choice .to around for us to be the TOOL of it’s TRANSITIONING back into Toa. The advent of HUSBANDRY of ranching when we set ourselves up as GODS over everything else .. hierarchy ,,, we use over the world and is used over us by our own ,, what goes around comes around . now the SOICIO PATH or pyshcopath leaders of corps or religions wel they are so TWISTED ..they do not respect the ANCIENT CONCEPT OF THE ….7TH GENERATION ..they think only about Self . and they are a contrasting experience we could use as tool to create new life models ..stimulating the 5 steps.
But back to ….. additive food ,,, food you were born inot eating having no real THINKING ABOUT what you are doing now or realizing your parents like wise never thought about their actions only acted like Slave sheep following the mandates of the sheparads … the number 2 level of MASLOW after well air first then water ok 3rd . designed with food addivtive science to taste the same where eer I go …. Addcition and expectation and DEPENDANCE ,, on and onand MINDLESSLY ON . , tilll you talk to me about the idea that trees do not give you sliceD honey ham or salami . ..we are fucking WAHCKED .
Now solutions , I bought a blue berry at HD … it was packed well full of blooms full of potential ,,, of realized expecatation in the BLOOMS ….. instant graifiacation …. When I planted that 3 gallon plant I found it to have like very little root ball and tons of top ..ROOTS like us the population of a nation SUPPORT THE FLOWER OR THE EPXRESSION OF GOVERNEMENT … with out real roots there is only a good show …
That plant cost 11.98 plus tax about 13 bucks .. a the same time I had an oder costing 100 bucks coming from the link on Free food page of isntincutalism … so 13 inot 100 is about 8 ….. in that order of 100 … I received 53 plants .. from hazel nuts , mulberry black berry dew berry straw berry grape etc etc etc …..
Now from the PAKAGING aspect the first view …. There was nothing there , they did not satify that training to buy , based upon the cover of the book or package or the expectation of instant graiffaction . of seeing BLOOMS …NOW ! .. like having ameal pre packed NOW ! … but the TOUR OF DUTY concept is a long term chess game ,,not a video game of instant graifaction ,, it is planting making chess game moves with effects known over the course of years as to whether or not my Stragety isa good on , yet with the OP to change position of the player plant later on by transplanting it ,,, like MOLLISON said it is more fun than chess , only thing is in my limited attention span the idea that I have to make moves based upon a 4 year game is NEW TO ME .
53 plants VS 13 ……. Hmmmm intelligent use of $$$$ …the reality of the blooms and root ball size ..the 53 plants that cam in in the PLANT SLEEP STATE of winter .. with not tops or green or blooms , still very healty for any plant to sleep during winter … but with fucking roots …massive ROOT POTENTIALS .. first year they will sleep …2nd year they will creep 3rd year they will leap ..4 year I WILL REAP ….the chesss game played out … moves with the mentality of the ancient human NICE PERSON who acted with the IDEAL OF THE 7TH GENRATION in mind … ( the pychsopath does not think about the 7th genenartion , in fact it lies to you when it says it loves and thinks about you , it is welll INSANE it could express itself as a mass murderer or as a mass murderer of 40,000 humans a day thru the CORP WORLD of profit and denial of simple lost cost solutions ,,, think about ideas that we here in the US have over 200HOUSAND miles of of gas and oil pipe lines feeding the profits of the sociopath ,,, and building wate pip lines is easier that oil pipe lines ref. other blogs on terra forming ) .. its mind either from birth or from up bringing is twisted )
A young Palestinian man was found in Israel, he had a bomb strapped to him, and when it detonated, it didn't detonate properly and he was wounded. But he did not get the triumphant results that he was seeking, he did not blow himself up and the people that were around him. And so he was captured. And when the newsman was asking him, why did you do this? He said, they killed my friend and I wanted to die. In other words, it was that simple: "They killed my friend and I wanted to die." We think that those pure and simple words speak to this (Middle East Crisis) more clearly than all other words that have been spoken. It is that feeling that you've done this to me, so I'll do this to you, then you'll do this to me, and then I'll do this to you. And what happens in that is, it just gets bigger and bigger, and bigger. And no one ever wins. There is no triumph that ever comes from any of that.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Thursday, October 4th, 2001
The voice of the sage coming thru any 1 human is not the UNFALLIBABLE word of god , but a human 2 gig brain , tapping inot the UNTHINKABLE and and expressing it thru WORD TOOLS …..tha is all ! …. The voice of the sae in times of PURRITY says over and over thru the vast ness of HSITORICAL expressions , we all all capable of contacting the UNTHINKABLE or selves ,, it calls us to think for ourselves over and voer ,,, manifestation of ENTERTAINER by entertainer ,,, Rumit to jeusus to ester to zhuangzi …..THINKF OR YOURSELF .
Another solution for the Palestine …is for them to view isreal like a FLOOD or hurricane that destroyed their land .. you can be like the cats at my back door SLAVES TO Food pellets or ,, you can BAIL and find new lands and plant new trees …. Check out the videos on GREENING THE DESERTS … especially the 1 on the dead sea of that area . there were two ways for that person to form solutions to his problem ….. walk away … buy your freedom . or get caught in the mind fuck ..of dnetrite pathways expectation . the catching of rain fall to make the rains do their DUTY rain is happy to do its duty …
PISS ON THE SAND DUNE ( why phil do you get so base? It is more fun ) .. watch the water of your piss runn off …. Then place some veegative material in a SWALE and piss again and see the water now being held ,,, it is the mind set of the 7th genenration … the game of CHESS … instant graifactionm of recieivng food from the GODDESS of the TheSumerians or thinking for your selves .
I know you want me to create some sort of masturbation content , tell some story about ass fucking …. Well ask yourself again why do you search tht content out , why has the mind fucking the socializxing tool of sexual manipulation been so successful again ..go back way fucking back way before evern AMENHOTEP 4 ( or his mommy actually who usd sex who had sex with him is powerful motivator ) back to the SUMI time an the 1st god the patricarch ,,,OPPPPS wrong ! ..not a patriacrch ,, of male leader but ….and EVE was the first major GOD ….
But to honor those who have read me for fuckig years now , well gjust go back to ’07 and you will find lots of current events that include active discussions of ASS FUCKING FROM THE NIGHT before ,, wow real time chronicles of the ffects of sex .. on me . of my own desire for the smell fo TWAT and frsh panties in the glove box . and the life style if LEAD and still ..feel for .
But right now it is about ,t he polar baears of the Hudson bay ,,, the idea of Yoggie bear of jelly stone park and 3 wild kittens at my back door and YOU DIPSHIT . ( hiedigger ? no human and the WORD TOOL it used is of any importance other than for entertainment of the age then and yours of the use of that enteratainment . )
So my trees will not produce slice honey smoked ham in packages ?
Wow ! are you my friend ever SALVE .. or addicted .to the sytem …
Jus think about it .. you have 3 boats and 2 4 whelers with gun racks when we talk you ,,drift off into EXTREEMES of total collapses of human system ( not mi trip no I am inot enjoying the sytem with a level of freedom first in hand ) so yo like so many of our buds keep talking big talk about how we will catch fish and go hunting afer the great collapse , bullSHIT ! WE wiilll hunt eh sananannhs clean of game within 1 year down to the squierels nothing willb e left , and without ,t he GAS CAN your off shore boat will not work and without the bait and tackle store and the high teck gear you DO NOT FISH you s trave and struggle .
It is about the mindless becoming addicted to the sytem , si the common theme in the polar bears of Hudson bay and Yogie bear and the 3 kittens at my back door , mostly the wild cats I have had around me , lead a baslence of feeding off my hand outs with ,,fresh game ,b ut this mommma cat who braought hese kettens by a few months ago forgot to teach them to hunt ,,, so I find not fresh kills around , no these kittens … live within site of the ouse 24/7 every movement I make the rush and hide to see if any food may be left .. where for years cats would come and go , some times it would be months btweens ightings even to a full year between sightings of a familiar cat who understood Phil was cool ,,a wild cat who would show up and come say hi hopes of getting special feed bag like a PORIDICAL SON .. the kittens mom , came taught them to look for me ,, and when they understood the sytem she split to now be seen every week or so off an on ..but the kittens …ADDICTED TO THE BACK DOOR like slaves waiting on their food pellets .
Cat food is not …CAT FOOD …. Cats did not evolve to live off CORN OR RICE OR WHEAT …. Yet with good science and lfaovrings , thiese usnNATURAL ingrients can be used as food by the prditor cat .
The food pellet in hand packeaged form called MC. D hamburger hardly reesembles food …. There are NO BONES .. or things that remeind you this was once SOMEONE who walked the earth ,,, flesh bone blood DNA being of mine hey , you now goona uestion someone, the use of the term SOMEONE … and when I see you with yur hunting dogs ,,the way you interact with them , call them by NAME talking about their distinct PERSONSON or personality and now agin tell me , that everything is not also ..a SOME ONE … and so are our INDUSTRILIZED animals not also like human in a NAZI CONCETRATION CAMP … used for slaughter mindlessly by a population who does no longer think but BEGGS
The interaction you have when hunting or fishing with the thing you will catch ,,is a different DYNamics ..than this torture system of agriculture we have no there is no respect ..for our proey which we feel still while on the hunt … or while fishing we deeply feel there , their ,the animals almost freedom …to not be any fucking where near us to be caught or shot …. But the farm animal has not that free MYSTICAL choice .to around for us to be the TOOL of it’s TRANSITIONING back into Toa. The advent of HUSBANDRY of ranching when we set ourselves up as GODS over everything else .. hierarchy ,,, we use over the world and is used over us by our own ,, what goes around comes around . now the SOICIO PATH or pyshcopath leaders of corps or religions wel they are so TWISTED ..they do not respect the ANCIENT CONCEPT OF THE ….7TH GENERATION ..they think only about Self . and they are a contrasting experience we could use as tool to create new life models ..stimulating the 5 steps.
But back to ….. additive food ,,, food you were born inot eating having no real THINKING ABOUT what you are doing now or realizing your parents like wise never thought about their actions only acted like Slave sheep following the mandates of the sheparads … the number 2 level of MASLOW after well air first then water ok 3rd . designed with food addivtive science to taste the same where eer I go …. Addcition and expectation and DEPENDANCE ,, on and onand MINDLESSLY ON . , tilll you talk to me about the idea that trees do not give you sliceD honey ham or salami . ..we are fucking WAHCKED .
Now solutions , I bought a blue berry at HD … it was packed well full of blooms full of potential ,,, of realized expecatation in the BLOOMS ….. instant graifiacation …. When I planted that 3 gallon plant I found it to have like very little root ball and tons of top ..ROOTS like us the population of a nation SUPPORT THE FLOWER OR THE EPXRESSION OF GOVERNEMENT … with out real roots there is only a good show …
That plant cost 11.98 plus tax about 13 bucks .. a the same time I had an oder costing 100 bucks coming from the link on Free food page of isntincutalism … so 13 inot 100 is about 8 ….. in that order of 100 … I received 53 plants .. from hazel nuts , mulberry black berry dew berry straw berry grape etc etc etc …..
Now from the PAKAGING aspect the first view …. There was nothing there , they did not satify that training to buy , based upon the cover of the book or package or the expectation of instant graiffaction . of seeing BLOOMS …NOW ! .. like having ameal pre packed NOW ! … but the TOUR OF DUTY concept is a long term chess game ,,not a video game of instant graifaction ,, it is planting making chess game moves with effects known over the course of years as to whether or not my Stragety isa good on , yet with the OP to change position of the player plant later on by transplanting it ,,, like MOLLISON said it is more fun than chess , only thing is in my limited attention span the idea that I have to make moves based upon a 4 year game is NEW TO ME .
53 plants VS 13 ……. Hmmmm intelligent use of $$$$ …the reality of the blooms and root ball size ..the 53 plants that cam in in the PLANT SLEEP STATE of winter .. with not tops or green or blooms , still very healty for any plant to sleep during winter … but with fucking roots …massive ROOT POTENTIALS .. first year they will sleep …2nd year they will creep 3rd year they will leap ..4 year I WILL REAP ….the chesss game played out … moves with the mentality of the ancient human NICE PERSON who acted with the IDEAL OF THE 7TH GENRATION in mind … ( the pychsopath does not think about the 7th genenartion , in fact it lies to you when it says it loves and thinks about you , it is welll INSANE it could express itself as a mass murderer or as a mass murderer of 40,000 humans a day thru the CORP WORLD of profit and denial of simple lost cost solutions ,,, think about ideas that we here in the US have over 200HOUSAND miles of of gas and oil pipe lines feeding the profits of the sociopath ,,, and building wate pip lines is easier that oil pipe lines ref. other blogs on terra forming ) .. its mind either from birth or from up bringing is twisted )
A young Palestinian man was found in Israel, he had a bomb strapped to him, and when it detonated, it didn't detonate properly and he was wounded. But he did not get the triumphant results that he was seeking, he did not blow himself up and the people that were around him. And so he was captured. And when the newsman was asking him, why did you do this? He said, they killed my friend and I wanted to die. In other words, it was that simple: "They killed my friend and I wanted to die." We think that those pure and simple words speak to this (Middle East Crisis) more clearly than all other words that have been spoken. It is that feeling that you've done this to me, so I'll do this to you, then you'll do this to me, and then I'll do this to you. And what happens in that is, it just gets bigger and bigger, and bigger. And no one ever wins. There is no triumph that ever comes from any of that.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Thursday, October 4th, 2001
The voice of the sage coming thru any 1 human is not the UNFALLIBABLE word of god , but a human 2 gig brain , tapping inot the UNTHINKABLE and and expressing it thru WORD TOOLS …..tha is all ! …. The voice of the sae in times of PURRITY says over and over thru the vast ness of HSITORICAL expressions , we all all capable of contacting the UNTHINKABLE or selves ,, it calls us to think for ourselves over and voer ,,, manifestation of ENTERTAINER by entertainer ,,, Rumit to jeusus to ester to zhuangzi …..THINKF OR YOURSELF .
Another solution for the Palestine …is for them to view isreal like a FLOOD or hurricane that destroyed their land .. you can be like the cats at my back door SLAVES TO Food pellets or ,, you can BAIL and find new lands and plant new trees …. Check out the videos on GREENING THE DESERTS … especially the 1 on the dead sea of that area . there were two ways for that person to form solutions to his problem ….. walk away … buy your freedom . or get caught in the mind fuck ..of dnetrite pathways expectation . the catching of rain fall to make the rains do their DUTY rain is happy to do its duty …
PISS ON THE SAND DUNE ( why phil do you get so base? It is more fun ) .. watch the water of your piss runn off …. Then place some veegative material in a SWALE and piss again and see the water now being held ,,, it is the mind set of the 7th genenration … the game of CHESS … instant graifactionm of recieivng food from the GODDESS of the TheSumerians or thinking for your selves .
Monday, March 22, 2010
that vibrated pussy
That vibrated pussy
Allowing of technology solar powered vibrators are very cool jack rabbit that pussy first before you feel the comparion between live hot human cock and in human yet fun active plastics . ..sure f course change is never stoopped nor is it stoppable , it is of course like I am happy to feel your understanding of EVE ,,FREEDOM OF CHOICE .
In the concepts talked about by the sage , thoughts are things , GREAT FOO FOO wording , sound bite shit , becaue most people do not get the idea of the power of the DENTRITE PATH WAYS from which thought energy is CHANNELED … the brain is a clean slate when it is still at the 2 cells tage ,, the brain is in the DNA yes it has MILLIONS OF YEARS OF GREAT DATA stored inthat DNA library and yes that does effect the forth coming BIO MACHINE making have certain aspects of what we call INSTINCT , common to the …speicies ,, be that species bird , dog , tree or human ,,,, like I remeind you young master your dick does not get hard for ,,, and ovulating fielod mouse even though at the bio chemical state the hormones of SEX … the femal rat produces the same sexual hormone compounds like a human female which are air born and do excite you …there is EXPECTATION of mating within parameters of INSTUCUTALIMS.
DENTRITE pathways of expectation ,,,,, built around the ENCOUNTERS the individual bio machine has starting from sensorial events perceived in the Womb … the added to with newer dememensions of events similar natured but no longer thru the filter of the mothers body ,,still more clarifying dentrite paths are built ….NOW . is the beginning of dentrite pathways of EXPECTATION that have MORAMALITY attached to it ,,very power but also very CHANGE ABLE. ….!
Back to the thoughts are things again ,,so thinking is not pure it comes theu BIO MACHINE that you live thru ,,the pure flow of thoughts is a state of TAO where all thingsa re all ways ..tthere all the time ..where there is not time …. UNTHINKABLE . no separations bio machine limits allow for the PLEASURE of tasting …. Differences of events for MULTIPLE POINTS OF VIEW ..dentrite pathway filters .
Depressions are buita around , the inner KNOWING and frustration that things COULD BE different , yet the expectation of ..dentitie pathway reality social expectation , causes the TEARING apart and depressions confusions … ( confuse and conquer )
Ok so EVE spirit it was nice you were getting the idea of the TOTAL LIFE STLYE as it petains to MASLOWS HIERACHY of needs , having htat aspect taken care of frees the BRAIN for that SEED OF LACK thinking that pollutes manifestation or arrivial of wants due to limited expectation of SOCIAL NORMAILTY ….. and basic life style living issues are there , having the YOUNG MASTER who has done is presentation of the BASICIS .. of malsow … housing food water recreation income … the possibility of adding to the life style is un limited , but by the YOU EVE …. Having lived the concept of PRIMATIVE ( like going camping ) and having found it livable can further TWEEK it with TECHNOLOGY of free choice not dependence …. Or addction to the …. World of the city thinking you HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT …the block you found in out discussion was that mostly of ….2ND ..MIND what others were thining of your use of your life …. Living thru fashion expectations , making someone else smile so that you could smile ,WRONG PLAN twisted plan …. Not FREEDOM . but silent slavery , of complex social planning put into place 1000’s of years ago as man kind the SLAVE MASTER and PHAROH concept learned to create ystems to train the human to be socially self correcting . SINCE WE ARE A NICE social species . ( on great average ,,, yes there is the 1% socio path or psychopath who views the world thru their fucked up brain and then creates laws for us to live by that reflect it’s FEAR BASED view of lack and fear . )
So you realized yourself how cool you find it to be to get a ride in your friends new ,,,SMART CAR … how much you a respect for that house down the street proudly displaying his new grid connected PV solar panels …. And now how if you were the 1 livivng in a EARHT SHIP inspired ( hobbit home ) you too would have a sense fo pride in the over all life style ven including the …alos ewuallly comples expression of POLIGAMY because you too are feeling tht the supportive features of other girls how having the same general conept could be better than depending of a BIO LOGIALCALLY mall adjusted friendship of male and femal 1 on 1 when it comes to overall long terms family health happiness suppprotivitiy . WOW FUCKING COOL for ,,, my dentrite pathways of expectations have taken QUATUM LEAPS of seeing the WANTED of mine …. It is possible for EVE to see beyond the mind fuck ! for actually the average girl is not EE only mind fucked by the SOCIOPATHIC fashion effects of EVE ,,laid downin dnetrite expectation from the day of birth and before yet the DNA expecations are there still talking loudly ….. demanding realization too . INSTINCTUALISM .
Ahhh happy me to over time to LET IT IN let myself see the OPEN MINDED ness , of the vast majority of humanity …….. I feel great . for me ( an like the nice person we both are who does take into acoount the feelings of 2nd MIND feel feel good that you feel good too ) the mind fuck of PHAROH works because of the niceness of humanity .
If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't do this?" And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don't do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to have this done. Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you're going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, April 5th, 1998
Bring that inot BASIS issues like food housing insurance bill paying ..all the basis complexity ,,and then realize you got TRAPPED inot mind fuck that is not real , free yourself of the need for CASH ,,, with the total of instinctualism basic ideas then DURESS of the basisi MASLOW issues having been dealt with like ,,, a vacation going camping where you found yourself fliving OK not dieing likeyou feared … having that SUCCESS … you re enter the game of CASH with different …. Mind expectations …
Allowing of technology solar powered vibrators are very cool jack rabbit that pussy first before you feel the comparion between live hot human cock and in human yet fun active plastics . ..sure f course change is never stoopped nor is it stoppable , it is of course like I am happy to feel your understanding of EVE ,,FREEDOM OF CHOICE .
In the concepts talked about by the sage , thoughts are things , GREAT FOO FOO wording , sound bite shit , becaue most people do not get the idea of the power of the DENTRITE PATH WAYS from which thought energy is CHANNELED … the brain is a clean slate when it is still at the 2 cells tage ,, the brain is in the DNA yes it has MILLIONS OF YEARS OF GREAT DATA stored inthat DNA library and yes that does effect the forth coming BIO MACHINE making have certain aspects of what we call INSTINCT , common to the …speicies ,, be that species bird , dog , tree or human ,,,, like I remeind you young master your dick does not get hard for ,,, and ovulating fielod mouse even though at the bio chemical state the hormones of SEX … the femal rat produces the same sexual hormone compounds like a human female which are air born and do excite you …there is EXPECTATION of mating within parameters of INSTUCUTALIMS.
DENTRITE pathways of expectation ,,,,, built around the ENCOUNTERS the individual bio machine has starting from sensorial events perceived in the Womb … the added to with newer dememensions of events similar natured but no longer thru the filter of the mothers body ,,still more clarifying dentrite paths are built ….NOW . is the beginning of dentrite pathways of EXPECTATION that have MORAMALITY attached to it ,,very power but also very CHANGE ABLE. ….!
Back to the thoughts are things again ,,so thinking is not pure it comes theu BIO MACHINE that you live thru ,,the pure flow of thoughts is a state of TAO where all thingsa re all ways ..tthere all the time ..where there is not time …. UNTHINKABLE . no separations bio machine limits allow for the PLEASURE of tasting …. Differences of events for MULTIPLE POINTS OF VIEW ..dentrite pathway filters .
Depressions are buita around , the inner KNOWING and frustration that things COULD BE different , yet the expectation of ..dentitie pathway reality social expectation , causes the TEARING apart and depressions confusions … ( confuse and conquer )
Ok so EVE spirit it was nice you were getting the idea of the TOTAL LIFE STLYE as it petains to MASLOWS HIERACHY of needs , having htat aspect taken care of frees the BRAIN for that SEED OF LACK thinking that pollutes manifestation or arrivial of wants due to limited expectation of SOCIAL NORMAILTY ….. and basic life style living issues are there , having the YOUNG MASTER who has done is presentation of the BASICIS .. of malsow … housing food water recreation income … the possibility of adding to the life style is un limited , but by the YOU EVE …. Having lived the concept of PRIMATIVE ( like going camping ) and having found it livable can further TWEEK it with TECHNOLOGY of free choice not dependence …. Or addction to the …. World of the city thinking you HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THAT …the block you found in out discussion was that mostly of ….2ND ..MIND what others were thining of your use of your life …. Living thru fashion expectations , making someone else smile so that you could smile ,WRONG PLAN twisted plan …. Not FREEDOM . but silent slavery , of complex social planning put into place 1000’s of years ago as man kind the SLAVE MASTER and PHAROH concept learned to create ystems to train the human to be socially self correcting . SINCE WE ARE A NICE social species . ( on great average ,,, yes there is the 1% socio path or psychopath who views the world thru their fucked up brain and then creates laws for us to live by that reflect it’s FEAR BASED view of lack and fear . )
So you realized yourself how cool you find it to be to get a ride in your friends new ,,,SMART CAR … how much you a respect for that house down the street proudly displaying his new grid connected PV solar panels …. And now how if you were the 1 livivng in a EARHT SHIP inspired ( hobbit home ) you too would have a sense fo pride in the over all life style ven including the …alos ewuallly comples expression of POLIGAMY because you too are feeling tht the supportive features of other girls how having the same general conept could be better than depending of a BIO LOGIALCALLY mall adjusted friendship of male and femal 1 on 1 when it comes to overall long terms family health happiness suppprotivitiy . WOW FUCKING COOL for ,,, my dentrite pathways of expectations have taken QUATUM LEAPS of seeing the WANTED of mine …. It is possible for EVE to see beyond the mind fuck ! for actually the average girl is not EE only mind fucked by the SOCIOPATHIC fashion effects of EVE ,,laid downin dnetrite expectation from the day of birth and before yet the DNA expecations are there still talking loudly ….. demanding realization too . INSTINCTUALISM .
Ahhh happy me to over time to LET IT IN let myself see the OPEN MINDED ness , of the vast majority of humanity …….. I feel great . for me ( an like the nice person we both are who does take into acoount the feelings of 2nd MIND feel feel good that you feel good too ) the mind fuck of PHAROH works because of the niceness of humanity .
If there is something that you have to do, resist the temptation to do it under duress. Ask yourself, "What's the worst thing that would happen if I didn't do this?" And if you can get away with not doing it at all, don't do it. And then imagine what would it feel like to have this done. Spend a day or two, if you can, just 15 minutes here, 5 minutes here, 2 minutes here, here and here, imagining it completed in a way that pleases you! And then, the next time you decide that you're going to take action about it, the action is going to be a whole lot easier.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Phoenix, AZ on Sunday, April 5th, 1998
Bring that inot BASIS issues like food housing insurance bill paying ..all the basis complexity ,,and then realize you got TRAPPED inot mind fuck that is not real , free yourself of the need for CASH ,,, with the total of instinctualism basic ideas then DURESS of the basisi MASLOW issues having been dealt with like ,,, a vacation going camping where you found yourself fliving OK not dieing likeyou feared … having that SUCCESS … you re enter the game of CASH with different …. Mind expectations …
Friday, March 19, 2010
black pussy wearing black
Black pussy dressed in black
All things concider from NPR news and the HOPE the proof we are NICE ANIMALS but are mind fuck by ..a sociopathic system into the nsanity we now display ,,,, check on your own terms my friend … ….this is about a SMYPTOM , now think freely about where the PROBLEM IS .
Like jamming in Jensen chronicles …. Well well hatman , my interesting magical day of 1,2,3, events lead to such great conversation as usual , but it is your frined that came up to say hi! To you ,that is of interest to me … a person’s color should not be of notice but unfortunately it is of UN usuality that it is of notice , and she is way cute and her continued hovering hru the evening aoround me and my table got me to thinking … about me , kinda aspecting the idea I had about how much SELF ESTEEM actually plays into the ANTOMY OF SEX ….
Am I ready to involve myself with a girl right now matter her interest level and how and why that interest level came into being …. Rare that any one REALLY talks to one another about reality without the tool of an ICE BREAKER topic , thing or event … but the feeling of her presence over hours over and over got me thinking about my WANTS ,, the flow of events … and the reading of the message of FEELINGS or emotional guidance ,,,, am I reluctant for some reason ,,, if I acted that would be realy me row against the CURRENT of inner guidance which is yelling STOP take account of what you are feeling first and why …ahhhh the why and self esteem in terms of the POLIGAMIST model I have projected ….. sexual frustration is present in me of course but to get involved right now is PRE MATURE … retire at 22 ,, what is REAL wealth ? what is the difference between presenting a YOU complete yet with a whole life of OPTIONS to grow out into and a you in- complete ….. vurenable to being swayed by ..HORMONES . doing the same old thing ..getting the same old results …. It is a 4 year plan …. After having things in a row , the presentation is TRUTHFULL .. yuou are truthfull and then genuine self esteem …. Is .
So , iwas not ready to engage in any more meaning full conversation later on with your friend no matter her closeness leaving the OP .. OPEN TO ME …. For I am like at stage 5 months not full four years ( whoa 4 years of no pussy ? will my head explode ? hmmm will my hand get calloused ? ) and my dynamics are not that of a starting fresh young master ….like
So the majic of jamin in Jensen , along comes a young master I slightly remember having an extended conversation with at the tiki bar a year year nad half ago …. And so … slong you arrive young master to introduce your girl friend-S … yes S … most cool ..and this is the guy ,, you introduce me as … and one girl iw all sunlight and beaming and the other cordial ..her inner energy is expressed outwardly we humans can not fail to expressed ocmmincate non pyshically ….. so my young frind the evening fairly busy no cash but lots of lookers we did not get any real talk time …but …. I hope you have first gotten your own expression of TERRITORY finished before introducing the girls into the POLY life style …. And girl 2 ,,, her energy speaks it says ,,,, WHY CAN’T I HAVE HIM OR ANY GUY FOR MYSELF WHY DO I …..HAVE TO ..share
Honey you do not have to share ,, no one is forcing you expcept you ,,here againis SELF ESTEEM issues at play ,,, she wants the FAIRY TALE but does not believe it or the selelction of ASSHOLES she has choosen from so far are just that ASSHOLES htat she feels she has to …HAS TO .. has is a tense form of HAVE or not belieiving life is FREE CHOICE . she believes she is being forced into having to share a man , when her up briging her expectation of the marriage and wearing white and marrying mr. right and the 20k honey moon and the 2 carat diamond solitaire …. The home in the CC and the new BMW in the drive way ..did not happen she will settle with ..the .... if i was introduced as THE GUY .. I bet you both girls were introduced to my web site ,,, of the GUY … me … and what is the page 1 headline first statement young miss?
1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
okay sub headline choice my writings are abut exploring issues ideas so that you do not choose from a position fo FORCED but finnaly from freedom .
young miss if you want the FAIRY TALE admit it is like me wanting pussy ..but knowing to get involved in any form of commited relationship now would be a lie , for I HAVE NOT DONE THE NEEDED WORK … outer is and expression of inner sometimes .the presentation of a form of completed compound shows the CHARACTER that hatman always talks about in terms of my ideas ,,,, he says it would be example of the young mans CHARACTER TO COMPLETE A FEAT AS THAT FIRST BEFORE INCLUDING YOUNG WOMEN ….. I wish my daughter had met that level of young man in life … I wish my daughters toooo could meet that level of young male in their lives ( bio daughter or step daughters … ) _
it is the smile of a sweet young girl … who my wandering mind wonders , did she know of me , then find you hatman … to cause the event to meet me ,, the ice breaker being the you … only to find the me not ready for her …even if the her was knowing of what it is to be me and my thinking open for years for humans to see . still will not change the fact of SELF ESTEEM of me that dictates my expression of me … needs further completion before her presence will be….. in the flow of me rowing my boat down stream into that wet flow of her excited pussy …. Row row row your boat gently down the stream …. The stream was not gently carrying me to her ..nor mayber her to me yet either … even if she felt she could be of HELPT TO ME … a male who needs HELP is not a worthy male ! that is the same old same old events of fucked up relationship forms ..where the women feels she will MAKE THE MAN out of him …. It does not work ,,gravitate young miss to the man worthy by his expression of his territory …. Retired at 22 ….hwat is real wealth ?
she wants the fairy tale too …1 girl wants the fairy tale of being the 1 and only object of a man ,, a male who can not live without her ,,, that sounds like a WEAK male . can not live without her ,,she is ASKING FOR TROUBLE . searching a weak male like that out no wonder we have such history of fucked up relationships ,,, even the GOD of love WORDS and sonnets himself Shakesperae dude his marriage was FUCKED UP ! .. fairy tale bullshit mind fucking of soul mate concepts … so gods can easier control humans so if you young miss had been introudc ed to my site to the point young master brings you forth and says THIS IS THE DUDE … young miss take once more rsponsiblity for life yours and those whose . you will FUCK UP by not listening to your emotional guidance system . i had never said do not ..DO NOT . like my word is like some god! No … go for the 1 on 1 if that is the BELIEF of your dentirte expectations , just understand bio dynicms thrown into the air will fall . you are DNA related to gorilla as much as chimp , taking more than just DNA data into account ,,, the broader perspective of .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
take into account other evidence trails not just 1 trail of DNA relationship which in the chimp human equation takes into account to many random snippets of DNA .. but factor more WHOLE-ISTIC observations along with DNa relations ,, ohh gorilla and human have a closeness of 0.2 % from the chimp level … in truth NOTHING realy at the DNA level of importance … speices wise look at the toy poodle and the great dane …. Both dogs . but gorilla human relationship at hemoglogin showing a continguos population where human or gorilla maybe just birth defected form of eachother to sexual organ to historical family forms to adoptive instincts to sperm thickness etc etc factor that in ,,when realiing the the murderous nature of mature exclusicity of the mainipulative chimp and the 14% infant murder rate shown to be stimulated form this sexual maniplatuve practice * 14% ..take a daycare room of 28 kids and YOU ! young miss young EVE you GREED to control HIM mr. right in effect twist him to kill off 2 of those babys in that day care room to prove his love for YOU …. Is that realy who you are? Are you chimp chick ? or are you the loving comapasinate HUMANITY tha opens doors for total strangers ? crys at movies ..likes Bambi ?
ohh problems problems problems …. Such a Cute friend you have there hat man she makes my dick as hard a s chineses calculus to quaote Ross Jeffioeries … confused other girl firend youhave there young master …ohh but on the birhgt side the other chick is all excited about the potentials of her life …MOST COOL best of luck finding the right others to join you both . ( I wish I had had .. time to alk to see how your compound was doing if you are OFF GIRD ? did you start a food forest ? hae you done the 4 years in the last year maybe your freedom and $$ postioning is different because of your starting from scratch .. where I am locked into many exisiting realties ( child support for 3 kids form 2 different wives plus my other obligations tapps income ) you young master get to start fresh up …. And depending on your current income generation level you could warp jump on the 4 year plan …very easymaybe for you if your income or conditions allow you the $$$ freedoms . .. the 4 year plan of is based upon the 8 buck an hour guy … you ! yes you …. Young surfer ddue who I got a second to expose ideas to ..strange day yes a strange and flowing day …… the whos and whats of the flow were beyond expectations ….. ( and so even Rumi wrtote withunderstanding I standing knocking believing I am OUTSIDE only to later on realize I was inside all the time …hmm the voice of the sage came in many people in many cultures in many ages , with the same message of word using ht word tool available )
There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Virginia Beach, VA on Saturday, April 12th, 1997
Just complainint about the past with out creative solutions born from that understanding will keep the past real now , but to FOCUS on where you are going mostly brings the NEW TO LIFE … we can only real think about 1 think at a time thinking about the HOPE OF THE SOLUTIONS brings the living of IT’S growth and growing assemblage makes your life better ..this ties to the NPR radio show ,,, so you understand the MIND FUCK? Good now focus on the BRAOD PERSPECTIVE solution ,,, remember SEX is an important aspect of MALSOW … and you .
All things concider from NPR news and the HOPE the proof we are NICE ANIMALS but are mind fuck by ..a sociopathic system into the nsanity we now display ,,,, check on your own terms my friend … ….this is about a SMYPTOM , now think freely about where the PROBLEM IS .
Like jamming in Jensen chronicles …. Well well hatman , my interesting magical day of 1,2,3, events lead to such great conversation as usual , but it is your frined that came up to say hi! To you ,that is of interest to me … a person’s color should not be of notice but unfortunately it is of UN usuality that it is of notice , and she is way cute and her continued hovering hru the evening aoround me and my table got me to thinking … about me , kinda aspecting the idea I had about how much SELF ESTEEM actually plays into the ANTOMY OF SEX ….
Am I ready to involve myself with a girl right now matter her interest level and how and why that interest level came into being …. Rare that any one REALLY talks to one another about reality without the tool of an ICE BREAKER topic , thing or event … but the feeling of her presence over hours over and over got me thinking about my WANTS ,, the flow of events … and the reading of the message of FEELINGS or emotional guidance ,,,, am I reluctant for some reason ,,, if I acted that would be realy me row against the CURRENT of inner guidance which is yelling STOP take account of what you are feeling first and why …ahhhh the why and self esteem in terms of the POLIGAMIST model I have projected ….. sexual frustration is present in me of course but to get involved right now is PRE MATURE … retire at 22 ,, what is REAL wealth ? what is the difference between presenting a YOU complete yet with a whole life of OPTIONS to grow out into and a you in- complete ….. vurenable to being swayed by ..HORMONES . doing the same old thing ..getting the same old results …. It is a 4 year plan …. After having things in a row , the presentation is TRUTHFULL .. yuou are truthfull and then genuine self esteem …. Is .
So , iwas not ready to engage in any more meaning full conversation later on with your friend no matter her closeness leaving the OP .. OPEN TO ME …. For I am like at stage 5 months not full four years ( whoa 4 years of no pussy ? will my head explode ? hmmm will my hand get calloused ? ) and my dynamics are not that of a starting fresh young master ….like
So the majic of jamin in Jensen , along comes a young master I slightly remember having an extended conversation with at the tiki bar a year year nad half ago …. And so … slong you arrive young master to introduce your girl friend-S … yes S … most cool ..and this is the guy ,, you introduce me as … and one girl iw all sunlight and beaming and the other cordial ..her inner energy is expressed outwardly we humans can not fail to expressed ocmmincate non pyshically ….. so my young frind the evening fairly busy no cash but lots of lookers we did not get any real talk time …but …. I hope you have first gotten your own expression of TERRITORY finished before introducing the girls into the POLY life style …. And girl 2 ,,, her energy speaks it says ,,,, WHY CAN’T I HAVE HIM OR ANY GUY FOR MYSELF WHY DO I …..HAVE TO ..share
Honey you do not have to share ,, no one is forcing you expcept you ,,here againis SELF ESTEEM issues at play ,,, she wants the FAIRY TALE but does not believe it or the selelction of ASSHOLES she has choosen from so far are just that ASSHOLES htat she feels she has to …HAS TO .. has is a tense form of HAVE or not belieiving life is FREE CHOICE . she believes she is being forced into having to share a man , when her up briging her expectation of the marriage and wearing white and marrying mr. right and the 20k honey moon and the 2 carat diamond solitaire …. The home in the CC and the new BMW in the drive way ..did not happen she will settle with ..the .... if i was introduced as THE GUY .. I bet you both girls were introduced to my web site ,,, of the GUY … me … and what is the page 1 headline first statement young miss?
1 more choice to look at , in this world full of choices to freely ........ choose from !
okay sub headline choice my writings are abut exploring issues ideas so that you do not choose from a position fo FORCED but finnaly from freedom .
young miss if you want the FAIRY TALE admit it is like me wanting pussy ..but knowing to get involved in any form of commited relationship now would be a lie , for I HAVE NOT DONE THE NEEDED WORK … outer is and expression of inner sometimes .the presentation of a form of completed compound shows the CHARACTER that hatman always talks about in terms of my ideas ,,,, he says it would be example of the young mans CHARACTER TO COMPLETE A FEAT AS THAT FIRST BEFORE INCLUDING YOUNG WOMEN ….. I wish my daughter had met that level of young man in life … I wish my daughters toooo could meet that level of young male in their lives ( bio daughter or step daughters … ) _
it is the smile of a sweet young girl … who my wandering mind wonders , did she know of me , then find you hatman … to cause the event to meet me ,, the ice breaker being the you … only to find the me not ready for her …even if the her was knowing of what it is to be me and my thinking open for years for humans to see . still will not change the fact of SELF ESTEEM of me that dictates my expression of me … needs further completion before her presence will be….. in the flow of me rowing my boat down stream into that wet flow of her excited pussy …. Row row row your boat gently down the stream …. The stream was not gently carrying me to her ..nor mayber her to me yet either … even if she felt she could be of HELPT TO ME … a male who needs HELP is not a worthy male ! that is the same old same old events of fucked up relationship forms ..where the women feels she will MAKE THE MAN out of him …. It does not work ,,gravitate young miss to the man worthy by his expression of his territory …. Retired at 22 ….hwat is real wealth ?
she wants the fairy tale too …1 girl wants the fairy tale of being the 1 and only object of a man ,, a male who can not live without her ,,, that sounds like a WEAK male . can not live without her ,,she is ASKING FOR TROUBLE . searching a weak male like that out no wonder we have such history of fucked up relationships ,,, even the GOD of love WORDS and sonnets himself Shakesperae dude his marriage was FUCKED UP ! .. fairy tale bullshit mind fucking of soul mate concepts … so gods can easier control humans so if you young miss had been introudc ed to my site to the point young master brings you forth and says THIS IS THE DUDE … young miss take once more rsponsiblity for life yours and those whose . you will FUCK UP by not listening to your emotional guidance system . i had never said do not ..DO NOT . like my word is like some god! No … go for the 1 on 1 if that is the BELIEF of your dentirte expectations , just understand bio dynicms thrown into the air will fall . you are DNA related to gorilla as much as chimp , taking more than just DNA data into account ,,, the broader perspective of .
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way."
take into account other evidence trails not just 1 trail of DNA relationship which in the chimp human equation takes into account to many random snippets of DNA .. but factor more WHOLE-ISTIC observations along with DNa relations ,, ohh gorilla and human have a closeness of 0.2 % from the chimp level … in truth NOTHING realy at the DNA level of importance … speices wise look at the toy poodle and the great dane …. Both dogs . but gorilla human relationship at hemoglogin showing a continguos population where human or gorilla maybe just birth defected form of eachother to sexual organ to historical family forms to adoptive instincts to sperm thickness etc etc factor that in ,,when realiing the the murderous nature of mature exclusicity of the mainipulative chimp and the 14% infant murder rate shown to be stimulated form this sexual maniplatuve practice * 14% ..take a daycare room of 28 kids and YOU ! young miss young EVE you GREED to control HIM mr. right in effect twist him to kill off 2 of those babys in that day care room to prove his love for YOU …. Is that realy who you are? Are you chimp chick ? or are you the loving comapasinate HUMANITY tha opens doors for total strangers ? crys at movies ..likes Bambi ?
ohh problems problems problems …. Such a Cute friend you have there hat man she makes my dick as hard a s chineses calculus to quaote Ross Jeffioeries … confused other girl firend youhave there young master …ohh but on the birhgt side the other chick is all excited about the potentials of her life …MOST COOL best of luck finding the right others to join you both . ( I wish I had had .. time to alk to see how your compound was doing if you are OFF GIRD ? did you start a food forest ? hae you done the 4 years in the last year maybe your freedom and $$ postioning is different because of your starting from scratch .. where I am locked into many exisiting realties ( child support for 3 kids form 2 different wives plus my other obligations tapps income ) you young master get to start fresh up …. And depending on your current income generation level you could warp jump on the 4 year plan …very easymaybe for you if your income or conditions allow you the $$$ freedoms . .. the 4 year plan of is based upon the 8 buck an hour guy … you ! yes you …. Young surfer ddue who I got a second to expose ideas to ..strange day yes a strange and flowing day …… the whos and whats of the flow were beyond expectations ….. ( and so even Rumi wrtote withunderstanding I standing knocking believing I am OUTSIDE only to later on realize I was inside all the time …hmm the voice of the sage came in many people in many cultures in many ages , with the same message of word using ht word tool available )
There is nothing for you to go back and live over, or fix, or feel regret about now. Every part of your life has unfolded just right. And so --now -- knowing all that you know from where you now stand, now what do you want? The answers are now coming forth to you. Go forth in joy, and get on with it.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Virginia Beach, VA on Saturday, April 12th, 1997
Just complainint about the past with out creative solutions born from that understanding will keep the past real now , but to FOCUS on where you are going mostly brings the NEW TO LIFE … we can only real think about 1 think at a time thinking about the HOPE OF THE SOLUTIONS brings the living of IT’S growth and growing assemblage makes your life better ..this ties to the NPR radio show ,,, so you understand the MIND FUCK? Good now focus on the BRAOD PERSPECTIVE solution ,,, remember SEX is an important aspect of MALSOW … and you .
Thursday, March 18, 2010
fucking pussy the right way
Fucking pussy the right way
Did you know young master story has it that the term MISSIONARY POSITITON for the girl on hr back legs up in presentation for PENTRATION came about from Christ based missionarys believing this was the 1AND ONLY …TRUE way to fuck as deemed by god … and then remember Christ based fatihs as we know them ( the apples do not fall far from thetree ) have their root s in ROMAN , the Artisits of POLLS and Politics ,,the understanding of inclusivity at tifrst then the power …. Of well ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPPTS absolutely ,, inot OROTH dox ,,, the right way the 1 way the only way …
The mind fuck … of that sublte desire to control to manipulate filters down and is embraced by un likely payers all believing that they TOO are acting in the OVER ALL GOOD .. remember to that sciences as we know them grew from the testing and proactising and record keeping and gathering of understanding by players BENT upon centralizing forms of CONTROL and manipulation … stemming back to the PRIEST HOODS and the universities funded by the ROMAN CHURCHES and on …. Think about fucking YALE …
So I start of with sex …. A few days ago I could not watch a science THING BECAUSE OF THE MANIPULATION THAT current fashion WAS DOING WITH DATA … justifying current relationship models ,,the PANDERING of men tot hier EVE’s in interviews the TOKEN aveage representation of humanity when other views were of CHOICE PYSHIHCAL EXAMPLES of human BEAUTY as perceived by current day standards … so a quick link and the comments ….i have not been writing much any more ,,, I gues I had my EGO totally fucking stoked over the last few months having the 10’s of thousands of hits per month I felt ,, shit phil if SOkrates only had an audencie of 10’s and look what he did and DID NOT accomplish who are you to attempt better … no , the eeffort of touching a mind is good enough then let the desire of Sokrates express itself still … and it does . ohh the link
1. The mental state of each person , self esteem , plays a greater part than the bio dynamics alone.
science get stuck in a rutt … first it was the world is flat , then we are relted more closey withe chimps yet …. From the point of view of hemoglobin structure, it appears that the gorilla is just an abnormal human, or man an abnormal gorilla, and the two species form actually one continuous population
and when it comes to things like thickness of sperm the firm plug as compared to the softer mass of the gorilla and human shows evidence trailsw e both are HAREM BASED , not the rape culture of the chimp yet of course over the 13 million years of homind development many breeding did happen … think about the vast form of dogs hard to beleive they are the same speicies . ( ..mating behavior page )
was the smallness of the gorilla testes 4 times? or 1/4 smaller or about 3/4 the size of human ,,, while the hcimp has a MULTIPLE OF 3 … 3 nuts worth of sperm production for every nut we have …. again the evidence tail support HAREM FAMILY UNITS while modern science projects current relationship MORES and not reality . Justifaction for our current messed up world .
1. i can not take the FASHIONALBE misrepresentations they call SCIENCE ..this missionary position has a history of a few 1000 years not MILLIONS .
The missionary position has been used at least for millennia if not longer since it is also used by the great apes[7][8] as well as other primates.[9] Robert Francoeur notes that evidence of the missionary position’s use appears in ancient pottery and art in the Fertile Crescent as well as in the art of Early Greeks, Romans, Peruvians, Indians, Chinese and Japanese.[10] The majority of the positions described in the Kama Sutra involve the woman lying on her back with her legs in a variety of positions.[11] According to Canongate, ancient art shows missionary as being less popular than woman-on-top positions in Ur, Greece, Rome, Peru, India, China and Japan.[12] But Francoeur states that the ancient Chinese preferred male-on-top because of their belief that males are born face down and women face up. Kagaba natives in Colombia preferred missionary because of the stability it offers; they believed that if the woman moved during intercourse, the earth would slip off the shoulders of the four giants who held it up above the waters.[10] Some Kerala tribes believe that the male-on-top position is the only way to conceive warriors.[10]
In Greece, the missionary position was originally an unpopular position. Beds existed, yet not as we know them today, and men would marry girls 14 or 15 old, which created a height differential. These factors made the rear-entry standing position more convenient.[13] However, circa the second century, Artemidos popularized the missionary position among Greco-Roman Stoics, declaring it “the only proper and natural” position due to the flow of semen.
i still like doggy style and most chicks find great freedom and pleasure that way form self stimulation this postion allows ….. this “ROMAN tic ” spin on sex and mono agony , kill me we are so mind F’d into believing there is one and only one way , this is lie the MONASANTO of sex in a scinece flick , some chick magazine justiflying this insaniyt of social sexual based manipulation , effectin us at our basic drive of reproduction .
Manipulate the society thru core needs , sex expression is a core need if the population is off center stressed thier 2 gigs of processing power is devoted to core MASLOW issues the ruling calss can get away with murder adn the slave peasant is to stressed at home to worry about it .
So why in the fuck am I writing …..? …. Sometimes the magic ..the universe ,,the flow of chi …the roow row row your boat gently down the stream meery merrly merrly is but a DREAM wisdom of the sage bites me in the ASSSS /// saying wirte DUMBFUCK write …
3 events in a row ,, first this older couple gets all excited about my window washing and whistling and being in great spirts the recommendation for the shop keeper who was just passing by .. so I go witht hem to my car to get a B card and we continue to explore information about their house and mirrors and hat needs to be done ..UNTIL ….the man starts to read the front cover of the book on my dash board …. “ be no body go no where “ Buddhist mediatitations … and everything changes and stangely enough I become a NON PERSON ( I think I understood how the Christians felt under Pliney as he was dealing with the ECONOMIC impact of their Non_religous activity ws having on shop keepers and the flow of CASH ! … in a complex way similar)
all of a sudden he talked to his wife in front of me , saying openly we can not hire him he is not a christain it would look bad to our congregation ( HHHHUUH ? ) he is a Buddhist and ENEMY of JESUS AND …AMERICA ! ( waaa the ufck ? is this insane is this really happening here today out in the openon the streets ? ) What ever no problem hell jack I got a 6 week watilng list any way this time aof year it is the season and you are just 1 more SNOW BIRD … or local whatever … so I could have easy to BLOW THAT OFF way fucking strange but whatever , ( I gotta get back to that guy and compare him to Chris Columbus … a tiny step of what is acceptable in the eyes of current fashions … between denying $$ or SLOW MURDER or cleansing thru RAPE ) ..
but the very next store I finish an as I enter I herethe VOICE OF AUTHORITY coming across the mass mind fucking media box of RADIO ….. and that is why JESUS CHRIST wrote the constitiuion the way he did to keep in like Obama in Check !
uuuuh ? whoooa ? excuse me .. I did not even know that Jesus could speak English much less write it ? Wasn’t he HEBREW like fucking centuries and centuries before englsih was weven a FUCKING LANGUAGE ? Ok whatever it is scary that thru shit like that repeated over and over MYTH like JESUS himself is born . the reality of a Bio machine from which the myth may have been derived from I do not contest it is the GRANDISO STORY AND POWER . that he WROTE THE CONSTITION well he was smart enough to not trust HIMSELF and CLEARLY WROTE himself out of the POWER SCHEME … in the separation of church ans state …so I gues jesus was pretty dam smart .
was the next client ( and this has happened unfortunaltely with these people more than a few times in the past ,, by now you think I would learn , but who cares it is only $$$ and washing windows gives me an excuse to whistle and listen to KORN ! ) so a regilous BUSINESS a store front church …. Had hired me up some months the first time she paid me the $12 bucks out of her pocket straight away …. But for over 6 months now I would drop the monthly bill for 12 bucks plus the balance with a made out return envelope in the office and the women there would ensure me that the PASTOR would get it and pay me …. Well today in stread of cutting me a stupid little check for 84 bucks , she trys to guilt me into making it a DONATION TO HER CHURCH ? ( laugh laugh laugh been here before ,,,no mamam … sorry just send me a check some day if you want have a nice day … and I left … to be SCREWED out of 10’s of dollars by some one who drives a caddie and runs a church …is ENTERTAINING ……
and I gues it demands of me to write …. To continue the entertainment value . Montaigne on Self-Esteem (Part 4)
Looks at the problem of self-esteem from the perspective of Michel de Montaigne (16th Century), the French philosopher who singled out three main reasons for feeling bad about oneself – sexual inadequecy, failure to live up to social norms, and intellectual inferiority – and then offered practical solutions for overcoming them.
Actually the part about tolerance of other CUTLURES ( customs and habits creating disapproval ) .. and the art work of depiting Chris C. and showing his example of CHRIST’S love the slow cutting up of live natives while others hang in the style of Posing the QUESTION to burn to death VERY VERY VERY slowly …. Not directly refered to in the video .. was the cleansing of DIRTY native women with WHITE sperm as if the sperm of the red man or the native man was some different color ? hell if the christain of TODAY can believe JESUS wrote the constitiuion of the United snakes of America hell the mind fucked slave peasant soldier could have believed anything .
So you kill off the native males you fuck and fill the young pretty native girls with WHITE MAN SPERM and thus the babys born still half ANIMAL will make good slave workers ….. if the girl did not get preganant fast they hung up and were cooked slowly to feed the dogs .
Muslim on muslim violence ,,, chrisitn on Christian violence ,,, how ever violence and fear can be started it serves the few on top ,,, keep the masses occupied with FEAR .
The only problem with leaving and going someplace else is that you take yourself with you. You take your vibrational habits and patterns with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Monday, May 18th, 1998
Now how does the words of the sage ..relate to this ? write phil wirte …. I can not run away form the last 5000 years since the mind fuck of EVE queen tyes use of her DEFORMED SON Amenhotep4 …. 5000 years is long enough there is no place to run to …no place where the honor to Amen is still not proclaimed a the ned of every prayer …
Amen to that
Did you know young master story has it that the term MISSIONARY POSITITON for the girl on hr back legs up in presentation for PENTRATION came about from Christ based missionarys believing this was the 1AND ONLY …TRUE way to fuck as deemed by god … and then remember Christ based fatihs as we know them ( the apples do not fall far from thetree ) have their root s in ROMAN , the Artisits of POLLS and Politics ,,the understanding of inclusivity at tifrst then the power …. Of well ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPPTS absolutely ,, inot OROTH dox ,,, the right way the 1 way the only way …
The mind fuck … of that sublte desire to control to manipulate filters down and is embraced by un likely payers all believing that they TOO are acting in the OVER ALL GOOD .. remember to that sciences as we know them grew from the testing and proactising and record keeping and gathering of understanding by players BENT upon centralizing forms of CONTROL and manipulation … stemming back to the PRIEST HOODS and the universities funded by the ROMAN CHURCHES and on …. Think about fucking YALE …
So I start of with sex …. A few days ago I could not watch a science THING BECAUSE OF THE MANIPULATION THAT current fashion WAS DOING WITH DATA … justifying current relationship models ,,the PANDERING of men tot hier EVE’s in interviews the TOKEN aveage representation of humanity when other views were of CHOICE PYSHIHCAL EXAMPLES of human BEAUTY as perceived by current day standards … so a quick link and the comments ….i have not been writing much any more ,,, I gues I had my EGO totally fucking stoked over the last few months having the 10’s of thousands of hits per month I felt ,, shit phil if SOkrates only had an audencie of 10’s and look what he did and DID NOT accomplish who are you to attempt better … no , the eeffort of touching a mind is good enough then let the desire of Sokrates express itself still … and it does . ohh the link
1. The mental state of each person , self esteem , plays a greater part than the bio dynamics alone.
science get stuck in a rutt … first it was the world is flat , then we are relted more closey withe chimps yet …. From the point of view of hemoglobin structure, it appears that the gorilla is just an abnormal human, or man an abnormal gorilla, and the two species form actually one continuous population
and when it comes to things like thickness of sperm the firm plug as compared to the softer mass of the gorilla and human shows evidence trailsw e both are HAREM BASED , not the rape culture of the chimp yet of course over the 13 million years of homind development many breeding did happen … think about the vast form of dogs hard to beleive they are the same speicies . ( ..mating behavior page )
was the smallness of the gorilla testes 4 times? or 1/4 smaller or about 3/4 the size of human ,,, while the hcimp has a MULTIPLE OF 3 … 3 nuts worth of sperm production for every nut we have …. again the evidence tail support HAREM FAMILY UNITS while modern science projects current relationship MORES and not reality . Justifaction for our current messed up world .
1. i can not take the FASHIONALBE misrepresentations they call SCIENCE ..this missionary position has a history of a few 1000 years not MILLIONS .
The missionary position has been used at least for millennia if not longer since it is also used by the great apes[7][8] as well as other primates.[9] Robert Francoeur notes that evidence of the missionary position’s use appears in ancient pottery and art in the Fertile Crescent as well as in the art of Early Greeks, Romans, Peruvians, Indians, Chinese and Japanese.[10] The majority of the positions described in the Kama Sutra involve the woman lying on her back with her legs in a variety of positions.[11] According to Canongate, ancient art shows missionary as being less popular than woman-on-top positions in Ur, Greece, Rome, Peru, India, China and Japan.[12] But Francoeur states that the ancient Chinese preferred male-on-top because of their belief that males are born face down and women face up. Kagaba natives in Colombia preferred missionary because of the stability it offers; they believed that if the woman moved during intercourse, the earth would slip off the shoulders of the four giants who held it up above the waters.[10] Some Kerala tribes believe that the male-on-top position is the only way to conceive warriors.[10]
In Greece, the missionary position was originally an unpopular position. Beds existed, yet not as we know them today, and men would marry girls 14 or 15 old, which created a height differential. These factors made the rear-entry standing position more convenient.[13] However, circa the second century, Artemidos popularized the missionary position among Greco-Roman Stoics, declaring it “the only proper and natural” position due to the flow of semen.
i still like doggy style and most chicks find great freedom and pleasure that way form self stimulation this postion allows ….. this “ROMAN tic ” spin on sex and mono agony , kill me we are so mind F’d into believing there is one and only one way , this is lie the MONASANTO of sex in a scinece flick , some chick magazine justiflying this insaniyt of social sexual based manipulation , effectin us at our basic drive of reproduction .
Manipulate the society thru core needs , sex expression is a core need if the population is off center stressed thier 2 gigs of processing power is devoted to core MASLOW issues the ruling calss can get away with murder adn the slave peasant is to stressed at home to worry about it .
So why in the fuck am I writing …..? …. Sometimes the magic ..the universe ,,the flow of chi …the roow row row your boat gently down the stream meery merrly merrly is but a DREAM wisdom of the sage bites me in the ASSSS /// saying wirte DUMBFUCK write …
3 events in a row ,, first this older couple gets all excited about my window washing and whistling and being in great spirts the recommendation for the shop keeper who was just passing by .. so I go witht hem to my car to get a B card and we continue to explore information about their house and mirrors and hat needs to be done ..UNTIL ….the man starts to read the front cover of the book on my dash board …. “ be no body go no where “ Buddhist mediatitations … and everything changes and stangely enough I become a NON PERSON ( I think I understood how the Christians felt under Pliney as he was dealing with the ECONOMIC impact of their Non_religous activity ws having on shop keepers and the flow of CASH ! … in a complex way similar)
all of a sudden he talked to his wife in front of me , saying openly we can not hire him he is not a christain it would look bad to our congregation ( HHHHUUH ? ) he is a Buddhist and ENEMY of JESUS AND …AMERICA ! ( waaa the ufck ? is this insane is this really happening here today out in the openon the streets ? ) What ever no problem hell jack I got a 6 week watilng list any way this time aof year it is the season and you are just 1 more SNOW BIRD … or local whatever … so I could have easy to BLOW THAT OFF way fucking strange but whatever , ( I gotta get back to that guy and compare him to Chris Columbus … a tiny step of what is acceptable in the eyes of current fashions … between denying $$ or SLOW MURDER or cleansing thru RAPE ) ..
but the very next store I finish an as I enter I herethe VOICE OF AUTHORITY coming across the mass mind fucking media box of RADIO ….. and that is why JESUS CHRIST wrote the constitiuion the way he did to keep in like Obama in Check !
uuuuh ? whoooa ? excuse me .. I did not even know that Jesus could speak English much less write it ? Wasn’t he HEBREW like fucking centuries and centuries before englsih was weven a FUCKING LANGUAGE ? Ok whatever it is scary that thru shit like that repeated over and over MYTH like JESUS himself is born . the reality of a Bio machine from which the myth may have been derived from I do not contest it is the GRANDISO STORY AND POWER . that he WROTE THE CONSTITION well he was smart enough to not trust HIMSELF and CLEARLY WROTE himself out of the POWER SCHEME … in the separation of church ans state …so I gues jesus was pretty dam smart .
was the next client ( and this has happened unfortunaltely with these people more than a few times in the past ,, by now you think I would learn , but who cares it is only $$$ and washing windows gives me an excuse to whistle and listen to KORN ! ) so a regilous BUSINESS a store front church …. Had hired me up some months the first time she paid me the $12 bucks out of her pocket straight away …. But for over 6 months now I would drop the monthly bill for 12 bucks plus the balance with a made out return envelope in the office and the women there would ensure me that the PASTOR would get it and pay me …. Well today in stread of cutting me a stupid little check for 84 bucks , she trys to guilt me into making it a DONATION TO HER CHURCH ? ( laugh laugh laugh been here before ,,,no mamam … sorry just send me a check some day if you want have a nice day … and I left … to be SCREWED out of 10’s of dollars by some one who drives a caddie and runs a church …is ENTERTAINING ……
and I gues it demands of me to write …. To continue the entertainment value . Montaigne on Self-Esteem (Part 4)
Looks at the problem of self-esteem from the perspective of Michel de Montaigne (16th Century), the French philosopher who singled out three main reasons for feeling bad about oneself – sexual inadequecy, failure to live up to social norms, and intellectual inferiority – and then offered practical solutions for overcoming them.
Actually the part about tolerance of other CUTLURES ( customs and habits creating disapproval ) .. and the art work of depiting Chris C. and showing his example of CHRIST’S love the slow cutting up of live natives while others hang in the style of Posing the QUESTION to burn to death VERY VERY VERY slowly …. Not directly refered to in the video .. was the cleansing of DIRTY native women with WHITE sperm as if the sperm of the red man or the native man was some different color ? hell if the christain of TODAY can believe JESUS wrote the constitiuion of the United snakes of America hell the mind fucked slave peasant soldier could have believed anything .
So you kill off the native males you fuck and fill the young pretty native girls with WHITE MAN SPERM and thus the babys born still half ANIMAL will make good slave workers ….. if the girl did not get preganant fast they hung up and were cooked slowly to feed the dogs .
Muslim on muslim violence ,,, chrisitn on Christian violence ,,, how ever violence and fear can be started it serves the few on top ,,, keep the masses occupied with FEAR .
The only problem with leaving and going someplace else is that you take yourself with you. You take your vibrational habits and patterns with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Monday, May 18th, 1998
Now how does the words of the sage ..relate to this ? write phil wirte …. I can not run away form the last 5000 years since the mind fuck of EVE queen tyes use of her DEFORMED SON Amenhotep4 …. 5000 years is long enough there is no place to run to …no place where the honor to Amen is still not proclaimed a the ned of every prayer …
Amen to that
Friday, March 12, 2010
orchids look like pussy
Orchids look like pussy
The PHAROH class is the flower of a … a …. A plant you do not change the look or the form a flower from the top down it takes work involving thr roots the YOU AND ME’S from which the next generation of roots grow out of and the next genenartion of flower is supported by ….. the flower can not survie with out roots ….
ZDAY march 13 ….. the same smelling flower slightly different form ,,,,TRUST ME ! we are the new devine ,, science will save you ….. looking for a savior is the evidence trail of the SLAVE MIND . so well mind fucked and taught from the day of birth by mind fucked parents …. That of course it is hard to look outside the box , the way dentrite memory works is based upon repeating memeory pathways of expectations sot he brain can handle the over load of new experience …. Letting most of life happen on AUTO PILOT .. we only can process 2 gigs of data and well the savoir sciences are so complex we MUST TRUST ….. but never ever trust andyon who says TRUST ME ! have we not learned that law just by livingon the streets already why should the PHAORH CLASS be any different when in fact he history shows the FLOWER changes a lil here and there that is all .
So I got lost in PHILANTROPY …. The respossiblity of the rich to be Philo .. so themasses do not destroy their sociopathic system . dates back to the wild HOLY DAYS of pahroh times … give the people the day off free food and and lots of OPIUM and they will love PHAROH … never thinking that allt he free stuff was stuff stolen from them the working class by the ruling class … the ruling class didi not harvest their own gardens to feed the people just gave them back yesterdays harvest so they could go on stealing the work of the peasant /slave class for the next year . 364 … to 1 ..get deal ! Todays rich must give also ,,, the evidence trail of rebellion shows this make a good show of your PHILO your feeling for the under privileged masses world wide . how many small farmers lately have drank their own pesticides to avoid ENDURED SEVERTUDE of themselves of their daughters ..the land already swindled away by last years debt to maonsanto and dow and the buyers of the produce who set prices on global scales … what was that number 100 and 30 …THOUSAND …. Young men averaging in their late 20’s to mid 30’s ….. oh India has poor bankrupty protection ( hey kinda lik what they did in the US change the bankruptcyt laws then destroy the economy )
Philo giving to thos poor backward peoples living in MUD HUTS … ahh cemment is nothing but sand and burn stone ,,sounds like mud to me! Ahh but packages with the mind fuck of SCIENCE and you have technology …. That needs energy to maintain a liveable temperature … where as good earth connected mud hut woutl be much better if with a lil education and site planning ready for floods or earthquake … a great start in that EDU process for you the TINK FOR YOURSELF TYPE …. Donot just trust the 1 and only way but adapt … and brig about new flowers . understanding what this guy did then CHANGE UP abit . …… giving back to the poor ..hmmmm ? so the PHAROH class proudly displays their generous gifts to world aid orgs. Signed thankyou plques stangely signed by ( your newphew? ) god has blessed you and you can give a ½ million to the worlds poor but in reality all you did is cover your nephews pay check for like 3 years max.
And this house what does this house I am cleanng cost? 1 person lives here for a few months a year …. So I looked it up shacks on this island go for about 10 million a piece … I have written a few times about TERRA FORMINg or greening the desert .. how about what Mollison didin the Kalahari 3 inches of rain per year
Now much of the SARAHA desert which is as large an area as the contential US …. Gets 8 incehes of rain per year … it is mainly ARID …. With some real good 10% foto op of extreme sand dunes .
10,000,000 dollars US… hmmm based upon homedpot costs … the same water linew we depend on in our home ½ PVC at retail is like a buck for 10 feet HD makes about 50% so lets say 50 cents for 10 feet .. so a mile is what 5000 feet ? that is 500 pieces of PVC at about 250 bucks hmmm ….. it is 600 miles to the center …. Hmmm 20 million 10 foot pieces of water line is how many miles of humanity ? 200 MILLION FEET ohhh well that is only
40 ……. 40 ..fucking THOUSAND MILES of water line ….. 1 house …. not a house 1 shack ..the real house is most likey on the cape ….. ohh but the dymincs of water movement means that ½ inch is not good enough, well it is just to talk , because real economics of scale would aloow for even CHEAPER COSTS and more MILES for the larger piping in reality . then scaled down to 24/7 drip systems delvering water to cisterns … just 5 gallons a day 50 gallons per ten people 10 epeople per 5 acres ….. and the SARAHA could house close to 10 billion people jus there in the fucking deserts . just 1 desert and let the animals have the rest of the planet and the world wild life fund can close its doors ….the WWF had a 100 million dollar budget last year. ( current world population is 6 billion …plenty of room left to grow in just 1 desert )
Confuse and conquer …trust me they say …… cash out young master , buy your way free of their slavery their dependence their CARROT OF GOLD …. And return to playin their sytem . and go teach the next and change the root !
Every moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is. This is where the desire is radiating from you, and is being allowed by you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
Life is not the FLOWER which comes and goes in a day or so , but the ..growth from the seeds to roots to bud and so on ….. you can change the TOP by adding so fancy colored dyes to the roots … further poisining the plant ….. but not realy changing much at all … livingis not the srriving at the manifestation , the END of the game for then you will just find a new challenge a new game or become bored in Utopia …. No life is the challenge … is lifre learning how to play basket ball then spending your days COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR BOSS YOUR JOB THE GOVERNEMENT , TAXES and bills?
Or as the permaculturist said this is more fun than Chess ..his old game ,, what is you game video ? foot ball . basket ball .. and when you are done buying all the shit and you have learned over some years to play the game well what have you GOTT? A life you hate and the promise of slavery maybe for a life lasting 1000 years …. you think you hate your life now ..what if you had to do it for 1000 years not just 50 years more …. TRUST ME ! they say ..have you learned nothing since the days of AMENHOTEP VI … HUMANITY ?
The PHAROH class is the flower of a … a …. A plant you do not change the look or the form a flower from the top down it takes work involving thr roots the YOU AND ME’S from which the next generation of roots grow out of and the next genenartion of flower is supported by ….. the flower can not survie with out roots ….
ZDAY march 13 ….. the same smelling flower slightly different form ,,,,TRUST ME ! we are the new devine ,, science will save you ….. looking for a savior is the evidence trail of the SLAVE MIND . so well mind fucked and taught from the day of birth by mind fucked parents …. That of course it is hard to look outside the box , the way dentrite memory works is based upon repeating memeory pathways of expectations sot he brain can handle the over load of new experience …. Letting most of life happen on AUTO PILOT .. we only can process 2 gigs of data and well the savoir sciences are so complex we MUST TRUST ….. but never ever trust andyon who says TRUST ME ! have we not learned that law just by livingon the streets already why should the PHAORH CLASS be any different when in fact he history shows the FLOWER changes a lil here and there that is all .
So I got lost in PHILANTROPY …. The respossiblity of the rich to be Philo .. so themasses do not destroy their sociopathic system . dates back to the wild HOLY DAYS of pahroh times … give the people the day off free food and and lots of OPIUM and they will love PHAROH … never thinking that allt he free stuff was stuff stolen from them the working class by the ruling class … the ruling class didi not harvest their own gardens to feed the people just gave them back yesterdays harvest so they could go on stealing the work of the peasant /slave class for the next year . 364 … to 1 ..get deal ! Todays rich must give also ,,, the evidence trail of rebellion shows this make a good show of your PHILO your feeling for the under privileged masses world wide . how many small farmers lately have drank their own pesticides to avoid ENDURED SEVERTUDE of themselves of their daughters ..the land already swindled away by last years debt to maonsanto and dow and the buyers of the produce who set prices on global scales … what was that number 100 and 30 …THOUSAND …. Young men averaging in their late 20’s to mid 30’s ….. oh India has poor bankrupty protection ( hey kinda lik what they did in the US change the bankruptcyt laws then destroy the economy )
Philo giving to thos poor backward peoples living in MUD HUTS … ahh cemment is nothing but sand and burn stone ,,sounds like mud to me! Ahh but packages with the mind fuck of SCIENCE and you have technology …. That needs energy to maintain a liveable temperature … where as good earth connected mud hut woutl be much better if with a lil education and site planning ready for floods or earthquake … a great start in that EDU process for you the TINK FOR YOURSELF TYPE …. Donot just trust the 1 and only way but adapt … and brig about new flowers . understanding what this guy did then CHANGE UP abit . …… giving back to the poor ..hmmmm ? so the PHAROH class proudly displays their generous gifts to world aid orgs. Signed thankyou plques stangely signed by ( your newphew? ) god has blessed you and you can give a ½ million to the worlds poor but in reality all you did is cover your nephews pay check for like 3 years max.
And this house what does this house I am cleanng cost? 1 person lives here for a few months a year …. So I looked it up shacks on this island go for about 10 million a piece … I have written a few times about TERRA FORMINg or greening the desert .. how about what Mollison didin the Kalahari 3 inches of rain per year
Now much of the SARAHA desert which is as large an area as the contential US …. Gets 8 incehes of rain per year … it is mainly ARID …. With some real good 10% foto op of extreme sand dunes .
10,000,000 dollars US… hmmm based upon homedpot costs … the same water linew we depend on in our home ½ PVC at retail is like a buck for 10 feet HD makes about 50% so lets say 50 cents for 10 feet .. so a mile is what 5000 feet ? that is 500 pieces of PVC at about 250 bucks hmmm ….. it is 600 miles to the center …. Hmmm 20 million 10 foot pieces of water line is how many miles of humanity ? 200 MILLION FEET ohhh well that is only
40 ……. 40 ..fucking THOUSAND MILES of water line ….. 1 house …. not a house 1 shack ..the real house is most likey on the cape ….. ohh but the dymincs of water movement means that ½ inch is not good enough, well it is just to talk , because real economics of scale would aloow for even CHEAPER COSTS and more MILES for the larger piping in reality . then scaled down to 24/7 drip systems delvering water to cisterns … just 5 gallons a day 50 gallons per ten people 10 epeople per 5 acres ….. and the SARAHA could house close to 10 billion people jus there in the fucking deserts . just 1 desert and let the animals have the rest of the planet and the world wild life fund can close its doors ….the WWF had a 100 million dollar budget last year. ( current world population is 6 billion …plenty of room left to grow in just 1 desert )
Confuse and conquer …trust me they say …… cash out young master , buy your way free of their slavery their dependence their CARROT OF GOLD …. And return to playin their sytem . and go teach the next and change the root !
Every moment of your experience is the peak of life experience. This is where your powerful now is. This is where the desire is radiating from you, and is being allowed by you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Houston, TX on Saturday, January 5th, 2002
Life is not the FLOWER which comes and goes in a day or so , but the ..growth from the seeds to roots to bud and so on ….. you can change the TOP by adding so fancy colored dyes to the roots … further poisining the plant ….. but not realy changing much at all … livingis not the srriving at the manifestation , the END of the game for then you will just find a new challenge a new game or become bored in Utopia …. No life is the challenge … is lifre learning how to play basket ball then spending your days COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR BOSS YOUR JOB THE GOVERNEMENT , TAXES and bills?
Or as the permaculturist said this is more fun than Chess ..his old game ,, what is you game video ? foot ball . basket ball .. and when you are done buying all the shit and you have learned over some years to play the game well what have you GOTT? A life you hate and the promise of slavery maybe for a life lasting 1000 years …. you think you hate your life now ..what if you had to do it for 1000 years not just 50 years more …. TRUST ME ! they say ..have you learned nothing since the days of AMENHOTEP VI … HUMANITY ?
Sunday, March 7, 2010
like a wet virgin pussy
Like a wet virgin pussy
Expansive inviting ,,growth of hard COCK …. And pentrations and pleasures ,,,, the AD-venture young master if you do not think of yourelf as BIO MACINE if you think of yourself as something BEYOND ..welll just stopp breathing for a while and realize how BIO MACHINE YOU ARE…. part 3 ..extinction makes way for expansions ,, change ! … science of death fear wants to mind fuck you into believing its promise of a future of GREY GOO nano non RE_CALL ( able) man made machines will and data base mind life is equal to living …. 580 million acres of America for range and pasture land ….. 108 million for industry and human housing ..if a cow can walk on it and it will grow grass ,,, a human can plant fruit trees invite birds and squirrels and bob cats and deer and wolves back ……. And still live too …. change is OK
I was talking with a friend today , this friend never says much in fact it does not speak with a language you would mostly respect yet speaks volumes to the TOAIST … the rustle of the leaves tell me of its health and weakness after these cold days ..the creek of it branches tell me also there is something going on , but it also speaks with BODY LANGUAUGE to put it in human terms ,, you know when you look at some one and just know they are lieing or if they are tired or stressed or sad …body laguauge , the new growth coming on the tips tell me of deep inner will to LIFE . Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) who believed that love was the most important thing in life because of its powerful impulse towards ‘the will-to-life’. ..but iwas wondering whether to murder my old frind for I findit USELSESS …( hmmm Zhuangzi talked much about usefull and uselseesss ,,Buddha talked about the respect for life seen and un seen ..WHO AMI TO murder based upon ,the concept of USE FUL ?
The fruit of my friend the loquat well atleast his one has never been that good but reality mostly the birds get to eat it way before me ..and then I had a flash of USEFULL-NESS … just a day earlier I was totally tripping on the bird activity at the house for like a solid hors so many different thigns going on differerent players , talking interacting , different speies ,, like one of the greatest fucking ENTERTAINMENT VALUES I could ever have bought with $$$ cash greem money provided for a solid hour fro fucking FREE ! …or is their a cost letting my old friend live …
My friend? AND I WOULD JUST CUT IT DOWN BURN IT UP ? and I call it friend ? I am 1 sick puppy …. Trained SOICIOPATHIC … trained to think in terms of the profit scheme of PHAROH SYSTEM . this friend a volunteer just showed up some 10 yearsa ago like the baby wild citrus I found today in another corner of my tiny 1/3 acre . for m east to west form nrth to south different eco systems are evedint .
But back to values ….. the ficus I will keep[ sure I do not eat from it but the Tomatoes called FRIEND … and I do like tomatoes ….. so I like birds they are fun they like the loquat so , I will trim it up and see maybe if the tomatoes …tooo like the shade and leaf litter of a loquat and maybe if not the tomatoes maybe the a blean may like climbing it? Maybe the dew berry I have coming in will find SYMBIOSIS with my friend who stills hows the WILL TO LIFE . …of young baby leaves starting to bud , clear coommication forms non verbally saying PHIL don’t kill me off I have benifts your STUPID LITTLE HUMAN MIND has yet to explore …. permaculture
I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life. If you will make those statements, and then do not take action unless you feel good, you will always be moving upon the path in harmony with your idea of that which is good.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
What the fuck does money have to do with it? Well it is like [PUSSY …use the topic to get your fucking attention !
Expansive inviting ,,growth of hard COCK …. And pentrations and pleasures ,,,, the AD-venture young master if you do not think of yourelf as BIO MACINE if you think of yourself as something BEYOND ..welll just stopp breathing for a while and realize how BIO MACHINE YOU ARE…. part 3 ..extinction makes way for expansions ,, change ! … science of death fear wants to mind fuck you into believing its promise of a future of GREY GOO nano non RE_CALL ( able) man made machines will and data base mind life is equal to living …. 580 million acres of America for range and pasture land ….. 108 million for industry and human housing ..if a cow can walk on it and it will grow grass ,,, a human can plant fruit trees invite birds and squirrels and bob cats and deer and wolves back ……. And still live too …. change is OK
I was talking with a friend today , this friend never says much in fact it does not speak with a language you would mostly respect yet speaks volumes to the TOAIST … the rustle of the leaves tell me of its health and weakness after these cold days ..the creek of it branches tell me also there is something going on , but it also speaks with BODY LANGUAUGE to put it in human terms ,, you know when you look at some one and just know they are lieing or if they are tired or stressed or sad …body laguauge , the new growth coming on the tips tell me of deep inner will to LIFE . Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) who believed that love was the most important thing in life because of its powerful impulse towards ‘the will-to-life’. ..but iwas wondering whether to murder my old frind for I findit USELSESS …( hmmm Zhuangzi talked much about usefull and uselseesss ,,Buddha talked about the respect for life seen and un seen ..WHO AMI TO murder based upon ,the concept of USE FUL ?
The fruit of my friend the loquat well atleast his one has never been that good but reality mostly the birds get to eat it way before me ..and then I had a flash of USEFULL-NESS … just a day earlier I was totally tripping on the bird activity at the house for like a solid hors so many different thigns going on differerent players , talking interacting , different speies ,, like one of the greatest fucking ENTERTAINMENT VALUES I could ever have bought with $$$ cash greem money provided for a solid hour fro fucking FREE ! …or is their a cost letting my old friend live …
My friend? AND I WOULD JUST CUT IT DOWN BURN IT UP ? and I call it friend ? I am 1 sick puppy …. Trained SOICIOPATHIC … trained to think in terms of the profit scheme of PHAROH SYSTEM . this friend a volunteer just showed up some 10 yearsa ago like the baby wild citrus I found today in another corner of my tiny 1/3 acre . for m east to west form nrth to south different eco systems are evedint .
But back to values ….. the ficus I will keep[ sure I do not eat from it but the Tomatoes called FRIEND … and I do like tomatoes ….. so I like birds they are fun they like the loquat so , I will trim it up and see maybe if the tomatoes …tooo like the shade and leaf litter of a loquat and maybe if not the tomatoes maybe the a blean may like climbing it? Maybe the dew berry I have coming in will find SYMBIOSIS with my friend who stills hows the WILL TO LIFE . …of young baby leaves starting to bud , clear coommication forms non verbally saying PHIL don’t kill me off I have benifts your STUPID LITTLE HUMAN MIND has yet to explore …. permaculture
I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life. If you will make those statements, and then do not take action unless you feel good, you will always be moving upon the path in harmony with your idea of that which is good.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
What the fuck does money have to do with it? Well it is like [PUSSY …use the topic to get your fucking attention !
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