Smiling dirt bag
Young master study pussy like you would fishing or any other hobby or sprot or job , because pussy is driving force of life itself … and to start that study … well go here , you sold your boat to buy the bike you worked hard and got the degree and the stable engeering job the fine town home and still when I met you Thursday your refered to the drunk chick that stubbled out of the tiki as being the girl you should have worked harder at because you will most likely be sleeping alone again ………. And again I stuffed Ross’s name and web address into your drunk stupid asses pocket , and told you THIS TIME INVEST A FEW hundered in study instead 100’s of THOUSAND on trappings on image with no substance and hoping on LUCK a poor fisherman and a good fisherman all have to do with the time they spent in study of their prey …… you did all that fucking work to hope to get lucky with drunk chicks at the bar ?
Ok well on to you ..young master 10 years his younger …. Not university bound …. Chances are you will not have the life full of toys in ten years you will have a life full of struggles ( actually my friend there is leveraged to the hilt a slave to the IMAGE he created a slave in debt worried 24/7 that his CORP JOB will still be there and the government military contracts will keep flowing ..stress stress stress this IS NOT THE security of the first 2 levels of maslows hierarchy of needs as shown in the …. .... but the retirement plan the achieveing of TRUE wealth …. And a future where you will most likely be able to buy toys like my friend in 10 years without creating slave DEBT …. Based upon 6 and 8 buck an hour jobs doing your time ..your tour of duty …. To YOURSELF first .
So I am playing working doing what I need to achieve the cash stability to afford to make the compound ….. my starting point and your are way fucking different . you got a CLEAR SLATE . I am vested . something came up that allows me to PLAY to gain experience in dirt bag technology ….. the building design that is fastest easest and most ready available to connect your basic home with MOTHER EATH and the dynics of thermall mass …. Remember 2 feet down it is a constant 65 degrees winter and summer … remember the living animals called plants are designed to create and eniroment for themselves to SURVIVE HEAT extremes and cold estreemes …. Tapp inot the WISDOM OF NATURE ….( zhungzi music of nature )
Dirt bags ,, sand bags …. Chanel forces downward …. Covered by a last layer of a burlap dirt bag that is of good rooting soil nature then turf grass and wild flowers will replace painted walls ….
So I got a load of dirt 18 cubic yards each yard is make of of 27 cubic feet of dirt …. I had a box of sand bags and went thru them real fast ..the current best price I was finding on bags was like close to 50cents each delivered by the case …. Bitch ! I have cases upon cases of thank you bags …. With big yellow smilie faces on them ,,, bags which costed me less than 3 cents …so I did some research ,,,, groc. Bags last 200 years be fore decaying buryed in a land filll ….. fuck , 200 years I will be fucing dirt myself …. Now the sthin bag will not withstand the floods or bullets that government specs call for insustry standard sand bags ,, but who the fuck cares duolbe bag the smilie face bag fillit with dirt and it hold about ¾ cubic feet of dirt actually much easier to carry and work with ….. and since it will be buried under visqueen and then a layer of burlap earth bags for soils stabilization of the truf grass … who the fuck cares that while I build my wall out back right now …. I a stared back at buy 100’s of smilie faces saying over and over HAVE A HAPPY DAY ….. I got hand shovel and wheel barrow the bags out back ,,, it takes an 8 minute average to bag and roll and set ans return to the front for the next load … I get 5 bags per trip or about 4 cubic feet ….. every 7 trips I move a square YARD of dirt ….. the load wasy 18 yards …. I work fulltime plus I have a full time family ..i am VESTED unlike you …. So I do 1 load before I do my mile run in the Am ….. another when I return form the run ….. 3 loads after COFFEE TIME ( coffee time is family time after I get home from work everyone meets on the porch to what the boast go by talk drink relx …..) and then 2 more loads after watering my 5 square foot gardens SFG ( it is not about MUST OR SHOULDS … the fruit from trees is something that is there ,,, you stillhave plenty of cash to buy your food at restaurants or publix ,,but without the trees …you are a SLAVE TO THEM .. with the SFG’s and trees and pond etc …you can choose to live MINDFULLY by FREE choice …… the slave can not .
Ohh the SFG remember since your focus is on 1 species per sq foot and change in leaf design alerst you to the presence of a …. 1 ..weed which is easy to pick out right then and there …nover ever getting out of hand since each day you the 1 minte per SFG to rain on them ,, and naturally notice and changing in the ecosystem you created and care for . plus each morning and each night most likely you will return to the SFG’s to gather FRESH LOCAL FOODS ….nothing that fresh is available at any store at any price .
It is all is the minutes the 60 seconds it is about choosing to live by FREE CHOICE mindfully …… andlooking how to proactise now and where you are ….. and in a way that costs NO CASH .time you got $$$ you do not …. Fuck you may even be able to proactise somethings and get paid for it …. Each sand bag I place I learn this building technique ….. each time it is like living the day dream of my future it is fun and never WORK for I do not spend hours of DRUDGERY ….. but a few 7 m inutes here and there … and and each day a cubic yards is moved and placed ….
Now you dumbass your double that and stillnot have it become WORK ….. each cubic yard is about 2 ffet of house wall exterior …. Done once lasting a life time …. Thermal mass …..a forty foot home what maybe 20 days ? and done ,,then you have no more HEATING OR COOLING COSTS FOR A life fucking time ? living mindfully the ZEN master would call it .
Saturday, April 11, 2009
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