Thursday, April 16, 2009

lady bug hunting

Lady bug hunting

Ahh young master how many chicks have cute little lady bug decals on their cars …. Ohhh so pretty and In no cent these girls are ……. Until they are allowed to express their inner nature and well is not nature PURE IN NO CENT ? WITHOUT VALUE JUDGEMENTS … oppressed upon us by systems ?

Ahhh but nature can also be JUDGED by humans a violent … when the concept of fear of TRANSITIONING BACK INOT FULL ASSOCIATION WITH THE TOTALL you ..THE UNTHINKABLE YOU THE tao YOU ….
THE KILLING THE YCLE OF LIFE ,,THE AID OF THE PREDATOR IN a fast HUMANE experience of transitioning back into completeness … of an ALL POSSIBLE all the the TIME ….. you … instead of long slow death experience which is humanitys gift .. the LADY BUG of nature is one of those PREDATORS …

And in seeing her come to my garden and not thinking like the FISHERMAN hunter that I am …. I ignored her MESSAGE to me ….. and subsequently FELL OFF my skate board I failed …. The larning curve lucky I do not DO NOT say check out totally from the TOOL of Economy but use you FREEDOM of choice to learn to be MASTER of it instead of slave to it ,,, so I can go to PUBLIX and buy MUNCHES .. and of course munch on the stuff I grow at home … I will get back to HUNTERS nad that message loud and clear I ignored .

Diversify ..your investments ….. something everyone should learn …. Working for only 1 boss means your are not diversified in your income stream , dep[ending on only 1 Crop again leaves you Dependant …. Specialization is good and it is also a dependant trappp …. Hint how to make the 300% a year on your $$$ by burying it in the gorund behind your home …. A 15 gallon $100 fruit tree planted , first year it sleeps next year it creeps then it leaps then YOU REAP ….. look at the magoe trees this year young master FAT FAT FAT … the tre I corp from last year had max 100 fruit , this year 5 to 700 fruit , what is the price of a good mangoe at PUBLIX $1.00 ,,,,, 100 buck invest 700 dollar return annually ?

BACK to hunting and fishing ,,when the mullet run is on ,, I know it is time to go fishing …. All the predators are out even ME ! and other humans like me …. The lady bugs are hunters they do not show up if there is not something for them to feed on ,,, if the MULLET RUN to say is not on …. I saw also some ants …not ants that eat dead things but sweet eating ants …… hmmmm puzzle puzzle puzzle …. Over the corse of 2 weeks I have been seeing my once fat and happy KALES get looking weak …. Puzzle puzzle puzzle , thought maybe it was the use of compost tea that was sto strong for them , maybe the heat coming on ,, maybe lack of sun ?

See instead of being able to learn farming at achools I learned to do logic puzzles …. And other not day to day usefull things .. except if they are used in ENGINEERING … fine ,, these are important aspects of living also except is the ancient traditions of construction were respected , we would hae been just TWEEKING the good already practiced my man kind instead of RE – INVENTING THE WHELL .. like our green industrys are having to do now .. making the simple complex to insure that the PHD gets to stay in control … legal la fying …. Shit that does not need to be confused as much as attorneys like to do ,,to keep their phoney baloney positions of control . ……instead of learning aboput the basic level of malsows hierarchy of needs study ..housing and food production at some level invest strageties to complememnt individual stability in school systems I was trained only to be servant to PHAROH systems …. Maslows pyramid

So ….. I figured well time to change out my kales maybe move them to other locales where they are still big and board healthy and happy … and as I was transplanting I noticed something under the Leaves OF the stressed plants …. APHIDS ..the prey the of LADY BUGS …. The ants come and drinks a milky swwet sap from the aphids th..the APHID IS the MULLET RUN ……

Now I have not teacher in the hunting arts ..of farming of recreational food gathering like I had for FISHING …. I am learning castin into trees on my own …. Learning the natural cycles and the telll tale signs learning to read the waters … like I can read the top of a body of water and ofter tell you what speices of fish are currently active in an area and what mostly would be the best way to harvest that food ….

DISH SOAP is a natural pesticide …… simple and good ,,,, do you WASH you slad stuff even when you buy it form the store ,,fuck you better ,,they got DEADLY E-COLI cominaitons every where ( ohh not in your back yard garden unless you want to bring in PHAROHS CATTLE … cows were to food source of maundering armys easy carry and provided good proteins to soldiers )

Do you wash that pre-packaged spinaches? Well upon seeing that I had APHIDS , I gave my SFG’s my SFG’s a bath … a hand washing , do you wash you stuff by hand at the sink ? realy easy actually faster than washing the dog …. Just a bolw with a solution of Joy and water … sudsy ….. get my hands wet with suds and wipe softly the palnts washing LEAVES do you wash you veggies when you buy them at the store ,,, do you take time to inspect the bag a bit to insure the stuff inside is not all BROWN and BAD … you take time to buy at a store in fact what about the drive time to the store and those costs …. You take time … you will find pasing your hands accros … realy infested leaves washing of what feels lke GRAINS OF SAND …. Is easy then to insure that the infestation is controlled you brush 2 soapy sudsy hands thru the rest of the SFG . then sprinkle it on the frame and surrounginf 1 foot ….. how much time does it take?

How much time do yu spend in the produce dept … what are you thinking as you search for the SALE items because ,,,those 3 and 4 DOLLAR salads are getting pricing and old … how much time are you spending HOW AND WHY ….REALY ?

The message the COMMICATION of nature ……. I know the lauguages of the water , I know how to translate English into thought concepts … for wordsa re JUST TOOLS … I pretty good at Spanish my French sucks my duthc even worse …… the comication of nature being albe to HEAR IT SEE IT UNDERSTAND ..what is being told to me , wheni see a HUNTER COMING TO hunt around my garden …. Will ignore the FISHERMANS arrival to harvest the bounty of the MULLET RUN of my SFG again ,,,,, first time shame on you ,,, second time shame on me for not learning to LEARN … ahh but not SHAME …. Human tainting and value of complex ..TAO expeincers life cycles … equal I …. IN ….I’S even the aphid is an I equal to human ,,it is TOA being of a THING a group of cells to be used as a bio machine experience of being ,,, like you are just a grouping of cells to be used for the experience of BEING so is APHID ….dead dead dead dead …… transtioned transioned transitioned …… Mario crashed and burned ,the INFITE WENT BACK TO BEING …IN FI NITE …. ( but humans are special us with or tiny 2 gigabytes of processing power are so fucking special that planet earth would not rebuild itesefl after we die off …? Wall – E …….. we are just a bio machine tool of the experiencer using it ,,the DEEPEST real you not the EGO YOU ! the you who wants to be HAPPY-ier)

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