Wednesday, April 8, 2009

GREEN is the new red white and blue

Green is the new red white and blue

Ok young master , I think I have found a new favor ite movie …WALL-E … welcome to
Economy ……… did you get that ….. this flick like another movie Duchess are great eye openers ,,DUCHESS shows the evolution of ..the parody between male and female birth rates ..SELCTIVE BREEDING …. Women from family lines htat gave birth to more males were more highly valued …… the OP to give birth to the GOD/KING ….. and the tool of EVE of gaining GREDDY position in the courts and life styles that REVOLVE around …ECONOMY …….

Ahhh evolution of the same core thing ….. wether it is bio mechanics …. The HAIRLESS chisuuaha or taco bell dog si still a DOG the bull mastiff is still a dog ..yet these tow a male Bullmastif and a female taco bell dog could not fuck or mate the cock of the bull mastiff would kill the tiny taco dog ….

You dumbass are the SAVANNAH APE ….. relted to be selectively breed different from the other apes like chimp and bonobo and gorilla yet with still basic DNA memeory in our bio machines

Think for yourself …. Retirement at age 22 ,, finanacial security ..what does that mean ,,FREDDOM . from ECONOMY ? or atlest more conrol .resposndiblity ,,self direction within the .. thought form economy ….. ahh but what about sex ? what about spirit ,,neither is sepearated for the others ,, all parts of the whole…holistics …. Think for yourself ….. hmmmmm WALL-E and eve hmmmm what do you think no what do you FEEL because your thoughts are just expressions of the tool of the bio machine limited to 2 gigs of processing power ….. you the experiencer is concerned with the experiences of Tao the FEELINGS of thing as compared to NO 1 THING ……….

Green ECONOMY IS THIS AGES NEW …. Like the 80’s were about the beginnings of the PC the beginning of Microsoft and intel they went public during those trerrible depression years with 20 percent home mortages ……. Then later and black Monday ,, and we started to build the tech economy and the internet ecomonys ….. hmmmmm ….self reliances ,, free choice … to be once more HUMAN ANIMALS … we like to see each other smile ….. that is the fact ,,, not the lie of EVIL …. Of the abnormal the 1 in 1000 DNA mutations that should have been allowed to TRANSITION out of a damamged human bio machine ……. It is a good day to die . to transition ,,,, there is nothing to fear but fear itself ,,,words of the budhhha.

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