Saturday, April 18, 2009

4 finger bags

4 finger bags

young master ,, ok so in these times of econimc up heavale ..creativity is KING …. I am going to suggest you do something like you chick is doing with her soaps being creative in bringing a product / service to the market for PROFIT $$$$ ….. a legal 4 finger bag of herb.

TEA taxed enough already is the new cry in the news papers as republicans and other right wingers are hiding under the banner of INDEPENDANTS to give the new administration GRIEF .. same thing done to Bill Clition these groups ignore the SINS of the republicans but creativey bother anyone else with their CONFUSE AND CONQUER stagerties . sure …..TEA . taxed enough Already after spending 400 billion a year on WARS that had no basis in fact or evidence trail hisotrically of success …
We are saddled with hmmmm 7 years of war at 400 billion per year PLUS ….. is 2.8 TRILLION opf course are taxed to death ,, and since the 7 years of war caused econinc collapse we have to infuse cash here AT HOME ..finnaly which will mean more tax .. well at least it is at home … $$$$$ cash flowing around people in our own borders for a change instead of in supportive of armies based in other regions needing local ….products and services .

Now I have brought up the new tax on Tobacco even bulk herb this time ,,not just MADE CIGATTES but the herb in general . and I brought up the use ..the time honored use and smoking of your EDIBLE salad green called lettuce ,,if it is safe enough to eat … well consuming a leaf buy burning should not be TO GOD AWFULL HARMFUL now should it? ( you can not eat tobacco . fuck that shit is a pesticide of premere quality )

Just try it ,, remember you do not drink Wine expecting it to taste like budwieser …. You do not eat rocky road ice cream expectin it to taste like Mint choclate chip …. Use you fucking brain idiot …. Not just be the FOLLOWER of what everyone else says or does ,,the sheep trained by PHAROH for generations to not think for your self to ignore the LEARNING of history , remember the manipulations we found in the document from the BOARD ROOMS of the toabacco industry to p[rove their intent to HOOK people on their drug ….. ahh well the same business minds saw the potentials ofr addiction and profits $$$ in the 1600’s when colonizing America these smart business minds saw the FAST addictve nature of the Indians smoking herb had on the eurpean workers and shipped some back home gave the stuff away for free ….. FREE SAMPLES HERE ..the sales idea has been working for eons and eons …

CURED LETTUCE not dryed , but cured leaf … so that it feels like tobaoccos …. Get som romaine lettuce … split the leaf down the vien to en courage curing .. and hang the shit leaf by leaf it only takes a minute it will take about two weeks to cure ..the CUT AND FLUFF ….. and bag …. Mix it with your tobacco …and inject it or roll it … and by the 3rd Cig you will start to appreciate the qualities of the Le’bacco .

The chemical action of LACTUCARIUM. The relaxing effect will OPEN YOUR LUNGS giving you a more satifying feeling after your are done smoking to the point you will find you smoke much much less .
Even garden lettuce (Lactucasativa) relieves irritation of the broncho-pulmonic membranes and has
a tendency to induce drowsiness.

used by the Ancient Egyptians, and was introduced as a drug in the United States as early as 1799[4] The drug was prescribed and studied extensively in Poland during the nineteenth century, and was viewed as an alternative to opium, weaker but lacking side-effects, and in some cases preferable. However, early efforts to isolate an active alkaloid were unsuccessful.[5] It is described and standardized in the 1898 United States Pharmacopoeia[6] and 1911 British Pharmaceutical Codex[7] for use in lozenges, tinctures, and syrups as a sedative for irritable cough or as a mild hypnotic (sleeping aid) for insomnia. The standard definition of lactucarium in these codices required its production from Lactuca virosa, but it was recognized that smaller quantities of lactucarium could be produced in a similar way from Lactuca sativa and Lactuca canadensis var. elongata, and even that lettuce-opium obtained from Lactuca serriola or Lactuca quercina was of superior quality.[8]
In the twentieth century, two major studies found commercial lactucarium to be without effect. In 1944, Fulton concluded, "Modern medicine considers its sleep producing qualities a superstition, its therapeutic action doubtful or nil." Another study of the time identified active bitter principles lactucin and lactucopicrin, but noted that these compounds from the fresh latex were unstable and did not remain in commercial preparations of lactucarium. Accordingly, lettuce opium fell from favor, until publications of the hippie movement began to promote it in the mid-1970s as a legal drug producing euphoria, sometimes compounded with catnip or damiana.[9]
Wild Lettuce commonly refers to the more bitter cousins of common garden lettuce. This group of plants is used in everything from sleep tonics to soap to teas.
The three main species of this group are Lactuca Virosa, Lactuca Canadennis, and Lactuca Serriola.
They have been used in herbal medicine throughout history mainly as a sleep aid. You may have noticed in your local supermarket that lettuce comes in many different varieties. Just click on the link to to get a description of some popular breeds. The wild relations are edible but more bitter in taste. Just look at any bag of mixed field greens and you will see many varieties of wild Lettuce.
The history of Wild Lettuce can be traced way back to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian god of fertility, Min, is closely tied to the plant and he is often depicted holding a rosette of Lactuca Serriola. A few good articles on the Egyptians and the use of Wild Lettuce as an aphrodisiac and sex enhancer can be found here:
Wild Lettuce was also used by the Romans and Augustus was said to have raised a statue in honor of the Lettuce infusion that he claimed saved his life. The Roman naturalist Gaius Plinius Secundus (23 AD - 79 AD) , better known as Pliny the Elder wrote extensively of Lactuca in his work Naturalis Historia:
Lactucarium was produced by pharmaceutical companies until about the 1940's.
You can try it by buying it at publix , then move on to buying cases of Romaine at the produce suppier behind the court house off E. ocean blvd. at the same time GROW YOUR OWN ….. 1 buck gets you about 1000 romaine seeds in a packet at home depot ..

Then cure cut and fluff … 5 bucks a bag …. Legal is lettuce legal ? look lettuce was found NON ADDICTIVE and so ,,not good for profiteers like PHARICECUALS corporations or doctors … or addictive dope dealers like tobacco companies …. Fresh lettce dryed lettuce as a spice cured lettuce to be used for WHATEVER …. Make a tea out of it ..RUBB ON YOUR GIRL FRIENDS TIT …. Smoke it ? tobacco is a SPEED a Constrictor … lettuce is a pulomary dialator ..relaxer …. Breath easier feel a more fullfillng smoke . DO NOT INJECT IT ….. do not eat rat poisin either or play tiddly winks in the middle of the high way …. Ease the discomfort caused by years of toabacco smoke or the damamge of smoking other worse shit … have friend JONES for opiates … ease the pain affordable of that alos ….. but why will not the WISEDOM of the ancients be talked about today …CONFUSE AND CONQUER …. It is inot profitable if every Bozo like you can just up and do it cure it in their GARAGE ..where is the CONTROL and manipulation factor to insure exteneded PROFITABLITY ?

Your girl friend can make and sell soap ,,, is there a lwa saying you can not sell lettuce …. Ohhh and my cigarette machine ,,, use her business licsense to buy them WHOLESALE ad the tubes too …. Then go to the bar have a beer ,, make a big show out of your GREEN blended topbacco … smoke some give away loads of free samples and sell the machines form your car and 4 finger bags of herb ….. and then use part ofher table at JAMMIN’ IN JENSEN …. So that customers can find you to re-up …. CREATIVITY …

Like painting a 1 dollar card board box with highly reflective silver paint slips some thing wire down the flaps so that you can control flap angles include a DOLLAR SOTORE POT painted back and you got a SOLAR OVER …. Green is the new red white and blue ..each little thing adds up to change it starts with you .

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