Sunday, April 26, 2009

i am before

I am before

So I am ..before I go thru a NANO secodnd of time /space event … I AM AGAIN after the event Still me ….. the body which has the OP for Data storage or memory … the tool of experiencing ..THINGS as opsoed to the NO 1 THING ......ahh some where in this the the OPPURUTNITY the … OPURUTUNITY ..for the comparison ..of the all possible with the experience of limited possibles ..and then the feelings ..EMOTIONS. whihc give rise to the next want ..THE PASSION ..the fun .

But if during the CONFUSION me ,,the UNTAUGHT fact the LIED to ….I in I self ..lied to by well meaning world that thought that PHAROHS and god/kings the RIGHT and wrong ….. was true ..and the ENDING place of being PERFECT was what is really wanted ..the DEAD place of nothing more to do ..of living in perfection …. I the UNTAUGHT about the PHYSICS of self …. ( click the foto )

I well experience ..not fun ..but UN FUN … of confusion ..for the chance of experiencing ONSTRAST is the learning place the comparivitve place from which I FEEL the difference of the WHOLE ME …. That is before the experience of a NAON SECOND OF TIME the expression of eacl letter I punch in ….. that I was BEFORE this now ..and after this now DIS ASSEMBLES and new Quantas assemble in like a RIVER of Being or experience … I am before EACH of the new’S ….. and I am even if the whole game were to stop …… because I am not the NAME …. Phil ….. or the body which changes or memeory that can be faulty ….. I am the expeincer who uses it ..and the game can stop . there is NO law or JUDGE or quantum police man ….. to force the AGREEMENT state of Attraction to continue for me or YOU ..young master .

What ….have you been experiencing that has brought you away from the feeling of FUN ? of passion of excitement about being here ….. that push that gets you up and oput of bed with PLACES TO GO THINGS TO DO …. Those things are the GOLD mine ..realy of contrst ..there is CLARIFICATION the shit that is bothering you that eats at your mind DEEP DEEP clarification is available ..the worm the ancient toasit used to call it that eats away the brain ….. ( word tools ..for they thought it was actually a waorm and in reality it is still and was then ..a META WORM of thought and foucs)

Ahh now the STOP of mediation of ..taking time out STOP thinking …. To sleep even …. The RE-ailignment with SELF ….. and accepting the TAUGHT idea of self as being that of Tao ..of the user that is before the NANO SECOND of experience of QUANTUM particle TIME/SPACE form events … the leaving of T/S to re touch self . . helps to deal with the contrast of of the GOLD MIND of unwated events and CONFUSION and the OPPURUTUNITY to express free choice of one who has be taught a bit ..BIT more open minded Truths . thank you fucked up events …. Contrast feeling BAD ….

Friday, April 24, 2009

solar soup kitchen

Solar soup kitchen

So young master firt you are to scared to go it alone and , I kinda understand … there is not the basis of being re-TRAINED to be wild human … I hope will get the idea across …. I may become involved in a soup kitchen thingie ,,feeding the victims? Of these ecominc times .hmmm this is not INSTINCTUALISM . .this is not teaching a man to fish it is just giving them a fish feeing fro a day …. The problem is still there … the CONFUSE AND CONQUER and these human are the conquered confused to to point of hunger …

LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS … FEAR of transition ,,it sounds so different when put back into the REAL terms of Quantum Physics … trahnsitioning not death ,,for energy can not be created or destroyed only move into thru and out of of form …. Fear of death …AHHH to tool of manipulation and the effects fo manipulation are ? .......
If the man finds a wild animal in town it is caught and transported back into the woods and released ,,if the same BEAST comes back over and over well ..other more drastic measures will be employed maybe CAGING in a zoo or worse ….. caging jail hmmm think think think …. The wild human beast one who does not FLOW with the rules of the game and forces it’s WILDNESS on the civil …. Why not give us what is promised life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ….. not a FISH for a day …. Repeating old patterns over and over throwing rocks into the air ….. the COST in terms of $$$ and drain in many forms of the ecomony is staggering …. 744,000 up 3 % of the population at one time or another experience homelessness. But on a day to day avargae we count ¾ or 1 million …. 1/3 of 1 % constanstly. That shit costs ,, year after year the same constant numbers … with peaks like we have now … of closer to 3 percent. … and how many are using food stanps …… 28 million … with a population of 350 million … 28 is just to close to 10 percent ….. 300 …. 30 ….. round up round down …

The wild human ……….. hmmmmm the instinctual human ….the capitalist human ,,the social capitalist human ….. life liberty andpursuit of happiness . Where does my place come in to .the CONTROL of you to not allow you to fuck up so badly that you traisition yourself … but is not not GOOD to atleast first make sure you can retrun to the wild first …. Giving you the totality fo FREE CHOCIES ….. to be tool /slave of PHAROH ECOMOY or head off into the woods grow your beard get WEIRD …. As M-n-M said

The United States has a total land area of nearly 2.3 billion acres. Major uses in 2002 were forest-use land, 651 million acres (28.8 percent); grassland pasture and range land, 587 million acres (25.9 percent); cropland, 442 million acres (19.5 percent); special uses (primarily parks and wildlife areas), 297 million acres (13.1 percent); miscellaneous other uses, 228 million acres (10.1 percent); and urban land, 60 million acres (2.6 percent).
PORFIT PROFIT PROFIT the tool of pharoh is to keep you grabbing for the BRASS RING …..
50 foot by fifty foot of wild human birth right ….a postage stamp orchard …. Which is designed to grown way up north like in F’ing MAINE …. is designed for a 10 x20 area ..6 dwarfs on aveage they will prodauce about 200 hand full fo foods each …. Remember that RDA’s are based upon human handful portionings . the natural size of your stomach.( you fat lazy slob 60 % of the pop is obese ) 50 x50 each corner a food tree ? and then creatively designed 4 SFG’s 4 will feed a human ….

Where do I do any good just giving away free dinners to hungery confused slaves ? well I do good by exposing people to the idea of a solar cooked freed inner the GREEN NOVELTY for the activists who still have disposable incomes ..GREEN IS THE NEW RED WHITE AND BLUE ….
297 million acres reserved for WILD animal other dna ..beast like myself ….. an acres is 40,000 sq.feet …. 50x50 is …. 2500 sq feet so about 15 ..plots per arces …. 744,000 wild human rome America on average the we have to POLICE… harrasse … and stress about ohh yes feed and deal with their WILDNESS ….. non conformity .

life liberty and the pursuit of happiness you wanna be wild … fo be wild but not here in town …. 744,000 divided by 15 is only 49, 607 acres out of 297,000,000 park acres .. and PHAROH does not have to let go of even one 50 x 50 foot plot of his porift machine the rest of the 2.3 billion acres of AMERICAN BIRTH RITE life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ( except if it interferres with the confuse and conquer slaverly profit machine of the PHAROH CLASS the brain cells of the THOUGHT FORM ECONOMY ) .

so young master if you KNEW THAT YOU COULD NOT FAIL … not be without a place and food … what if …. That 50x 50 … was somewhere out ther for you ..on it was already planted the PERMACULTURE food supply needed to support a human . the samll orchard etc and what if ,,there was .. an 8 x 8 foot box with no walls just a roof and the training available for you to wall it in with COB … a pile of dirt there a pile of clay there a pile of straw , rice stalks , wheat waste ..wastes form PHAROHS MACHINE … ane what if there was the social support of twice a day mass trasit coming to the HUMAN WILDERNESS …. The support to move you back into the profit econmy if that was you FREE CHOICE of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ?

you could choose not to build the thermal mass walls of COB use the ideas of EARTH SHIP or ,,,, and not learn to feed yourself and TRANSITON …die fine free choice ..on your part the horse you dumb ass has been led to water ..drink if you want …

now this is something I could get behind …. Teaching humans to fish comnpare LIFESTLYES ….. the WANTED AND UWANTED and then by free choice and the 5 steps let you live the words that our country is supposed to be built upon LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ….

You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy—frolicking and eager—that’s who you are. And so, if you’re always reaching for alignment with that, you’re always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places. We will not deny that you will not discover miracles and create benefits and be involved in creation, and that you will not uplift humanity…we will not say that you will not find satisfaction in so many things that you create, but we can’t get away from the acknowledgment that you are Pure Positive Energy that translates into the human emotion of joy.--- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 13th, 2003

But a solar soup kitchen only …. Delays things and at the same time is a steping stone for further exposure of ideas ..CHANGE starts with the basic building blocks not from the complete expression ,,it is not not not thru …. Starting with GRAND CHANGES in governments but in the little changes in the ROOTS the grass roots ..the individual cells.

Ok to addresss your TRAINING IN FEAR sewage treatment? If I shit starting in 1 corner in a diiferent square foot each day it would take almost 7 years for a human to shit TWICE in the same place ,, within 7 years the worms would have eaten the shit ,,if the wild human were trained in HU-MANURE … it becomes a mute point and the evidence trail of your ….MIND FUCK to even bring up that fear … ... drinking water ? How much is 50 foot of PVC? Nothing it costs fucking nothing ….. set up the sytem ,, even if ARTISIAN water is not available which is actually very avail ,, a solar pump … and delivering 10 gallons per human once a day … cost NOTHING …. Fire wood … just like th border of the the 200 linear feet of NOT NESSARLY BE INDIGENOUS PLANTS …. Eco is good,,,YET reality is that even the WILD BORS molds his new territory with the addition of speices it finds suiotalbe for it ..the WILD BOARS needs thru rooting and shitting ….. so to it should be for wild humans to use hybrid willow starts a d iron woods ….and the concepts of fire …listen to the sounds of that train rattleing by the metal sounds of PHAROH ….. the sounds of INDSUTRY … OF EOECTRONIC MIND FUCKS AND RECREATIONAL TRAPS …. The lack of understanding and free choice ..the evidence trail of your own limted thinking and sense of POSSIBLEITY the … brick wall in heaven …. where on one side it he possible as described in books and taught by the smart from their IVORY TOWERS … and then the in fi nite of tao …… the UN-IMPOSSIBLE

Not enough land for animal if the WHOLE 28 million food stamp people had to do this ,,which would not happen the ,,taste of the FREE CHOICE would dynamically change their VIBRATIONS and ….. well 744,000 plus much of the population currently in jails would be there still only about 2 million , so … let PHAROH give up … some of his PRIFIT LANDS ..the 650 million acres of lands used for TIMBER or the 550 million acres used for CATTLE …. We have not touched the crop lands … or urban lands … we only need less than 1/1 of 1 % that only ½ of 1 percnt and we can leave the other DAN life forms alone …. But PHAROH WOULD BITCH about ½ or 1 percent. .

Monday, April 20, 2009

15 pretty chiks

15 pretty chiks

most cool young master and you did not evenknow that the chickens had hidden a brooding nest maybe even a community nest …Bantys are cool animal for 1000’s of years they have lived among human protection and predation ….. some call it a Faust type bargain us humans being the DEVIL a value judgement based upon fear of death … but in reality it works for the Tao EXPERINCER of each bio macine ,,this living under the protection of the human family …

pest control … like a SFG garden is recommended that you have a Baisl , rosemary and marigold and radish represented in the agarden among the other food crops ,,, these ANiamls the basil the marigolds are AGRRESIVE ..plants producing protection in the form of natural PESTICIDES ( OHH my infestation of aphids ,,, like the learning fisherman does when his trip was un fruitfull I realized that I had weeks ago taken RADISH from that SFG and there was no basil or rose mary in that bed either ,,,, an UNBALENCED eco system )

the balance of animals you allow to live with you on your 5 acres for enjoyment of YOU AND THEM ….. is what is at the root of the value judgement description of chickens developing a FAUSTIAN bargain with man kind . no it is a friendly beneficial playful ecosystem dogs c hsing cats playfully ,, chickens eating bugs , ducks eating mostiqies …. Dgos chsing raccoons off , and alerting you to things happening like people coming over …. Active smart defensive Weapons dogs are …. Friends have no fear of your pups new comers instinctively know to be in a state of caution .

now your choosing of which chicken to …PREY UPON … that is a cool one , you are using something like I used in commercial crab fishing …. The ESCAPE ring , see I FED baby crabs they could come and go out of my HARVESTING MECHANISM my trap but crabs of eatable size they got caught ,,it was the chooser of their own TAO that led them into my harvesting devise not TRAP …. The crab could have fed any where but choose my harvesting devise … too TRANSITION …. Die . today is a good day to TRANSITION ( die ) …… you made a feeding trap CAGE thingie … where small chicks could leave but a larger chicken would get stuck …. And you placed not ALL the food in it just enough to attract the 1 that wanted to ….. you let the chicken choose . to be caged for a day …. To get itself cleaned out with fresh water be in a safe not violent place till the next evening when it would start to sleep and you could reach in the box and grab its legs … hanging it upside down , it goes into INSTINCTUAL SHOCK goes to sleep so that TRANSITIONING Will be easy .. without stress or pain ….. you just watch the cage for a minute and the close the door when a chicken chooses to eat that food as compared to the other food CLSOE BY .. but not in the trap ….. hmmm very creative and very TAO ….. on both of your parts ..for then your HUMANITY FEELS BETTER ABOUT DOING YOUR JOB AS it realtes to the bargain chickens have designed by themselves to live the best life they could among humanity …..

the banty is a little free spirit chcicken easy to fly away yet it keeps coming home in fact bringing its babys to meet you …… and yet it still lays eggs in the brood boxes where you harvest eggs and it lays eggs out in the wild ..where this brood of 15 chcickens came from isnot nature all by itself ….. you can let it do the what we think of as INHUMAN work of choosing when and who will ..TRANSITION …..

remember you the SAVANNAH APE …. Designed just look at your hands many to eat fruits .. soft hands oppsosable thumb … teeth etc . to eat fruit came upon birds and bird egss in the bushes we harvested fruit from ..eating bird our natue to …. Our claws and teeth are not designed to catch and enter the skin of a COW ..but the deleicate shell of an egg our teeth can crush ,,the tender skin of ao bird easy to rip apart …. Sounds disgusting but I want you to THINK FOR YOURSELF ..not react to ..TRAINED prgramed notions of humanity of write and wrongs …. Of the FEAR of TRANSTION . for remember the day will come you too will leave …… why totally and completely be conroled by this FEAR …. Except ..if you are PHAROH ….. ahh now the tool of fear is useful …… V is for Vendetta ….. tool of fear ! check the movie out . governments should be afraid of their people …. not people of their governments …..

Sunday, April 19, 2009

left hanging

Left hanging

Young master it is not not not the evidence trail you see ..that isimportant that is the Unwanted from which wants are boran …. The distance between the TAO you ..the in peace you ..the COMPLETE you and a ..YOU who is OBSERVING thru the bio machine …… a THING … a possible of the …. State of NO 1 thing ….. an UNWANTED ? yes from EXPLORATION and understand ing of the unwanted SOLUTIONS ARE BORN and hope the moving up in the scale of emotions FEELS of comparison of the ALL KNOWING YOU who is for the experrince of time forgetting it’s TOTAL self so that it can experience EVNTS … time/space …. And from that difference … of positions or understanding FEELINGS are what is REAL not ..not ..not .

NOT THE DATA THE THOUGHTS ….. the shit in the decaying bag of water and minerals ,,, and Anerobitic bateria which was decaying the corpse which was once the bio MACHINE of a being .. an Experincer who was called friend … so in your confusion … the divide and conquer finnaly got to you tooo , it took your brother now you … he ate himself to death got to fat and cause and effect laws of pyshihcs … you were more direct .. you hung yourself ….. sure the body the bio machine …actually was still living on after you the experincer left ….. your finger nails for example were able to abosorb enough air and food around them to keep alive …the anaerobic bateria part of the PORBIOTIC wholistic machine HUMAN …. No longer confied by the action of the OXYEGN RICH eniviroment and Aerobic Living cells ,,the anaerobic bacteria of your gut broke free and proceeded to travel in the moisture rich meat sack you used ….

Sure when they found your HANGING BODy ,, maybe some of the MEMORIES were still held in non decayed brain …but they are NOT you ,, memeory of being able to Remember you own name , ( hell sometimes you were so stoned you did not rememeber your NAME but you were still you …so the BRAIN is not you …… that smelly meat sack is not you my friend ….. connections of memeory about your job or your kids aor your wife …. Or dead brother or friends all that you somedays drugged yourself into forgetting ……. None of this ….. ASSEMBLAGE AND ..DIS ASSEMBLAGE of quantas of argree ..flashes of US … who come to allow for experiences of THING ….. toa … are not you or I ….. we are still I IN I …

It is the unwated of forgetting so completely that you are I IN I ..that killed you ,,, not one more ihigh not one more good time ,,not one more talk with a friend over amovie to get you thru the night woud do it any more ,,,no more confsuoin of the church that your wife and kids are hidden in ….. none of it would work …and you left …… hopeless confused …not realizing that you have ./…had the key to CREATE AN ALTERNATIVE FOR YOUR KIDS …..

I am not about you …I am about them ….. for in 12 to 16 years they will be in the middle of the confusions …. Like you were at 18 , 25 …. 30 something … it is for them THAT SOLUTIONS lots and lots of choices must be presented …… compared ,,, wants and unwants so they can decide FREELY ….. with more choices . chow dude … see you again later after I WAKE UP ……. From this dream this illusion ….. life is but a stage …. The words of the sages century after century ,,,,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

4 finger bags

4 finger bags

young master ,, ok so in these times of econimc up heavale ..creativity is KING …. I am going to suggest you do something like you chick is doing with her soaps being creative in bringing a product / service to the market for PROFIT $$$$ ….. a legal 4 finger bag of herb.

TEA taxed enough already is the new cry in the news papers as republicans and other right wingers are hiding under the banner of INDEPENDANTS to give the new administration GRIEF .. same thing done to Bill Clition these groups ignore the SINS of the republicans but creativey bother anyone else with their CONFUSE AND CONQUER stagerties . sure …..TEA . taxed enough Already after spending 400 billion a year on WARS that had no basis in fact or evidence trail hisotrically of success …
We are saddled with hmmmm 7 years of war at 400 billion per year PLUS ….. is 2.8 TRILLION opf course are taxed to death ,, and since the 7 years of war caused econinc collapse we have to infuse cash here AT HOME ..finnaly which will mean more tax .. well at least it is at home … $$$$$ cash flowing around people in our own borders for a change instead of in supportive of armies based in other regions needing local ….products and services .

Now I have brought up the new tax on Tobacco even bulk herb this time ,,not just MADE CIGATTES but the herb in general . and I brought up the use ..the time honored use and smoking of your EDIBLE salad green called lettuce ,,if it is safe enough to eat … well consuming a leaf buy burning should not be TO GOD AWFULL HARMFUL now should it? ( you can not eat tobacco . fuck that shit is a pesticide of premere quality )

Just try it ,, remember you do not drink Wine expecting it to taste like budwieser …. You do not eat rocky road ice cream expectin it to taste like Mint choclate chip …. Use you fucking brain idiot …. Not just be the FOLLOWER of what everyone else says or does ,,the sheep trained by PHAROH for generations to not think for your self to ignore the LEARNING of history , remember the manipulations we found in the document from the BOARD ROOMS of the toabacco industry to p[rove their intent to HOOK people on their drug ….. ahh well the same business minds saw the potentials ofr addiction and profits $$$ in the 1600’s when colonizing America these smart business minds saw the FAST addictve nature of the Indians smoking herb had on the eurpean workers and shipped some back home gave the stuff away for free ….. FREE SAMPLES HERE ..the sales idea has been working for eons and eons …

CURED LETTUCE not dryed , but cured leaf … so that it feels like tobaoccos …. Get som romaine lettuce … split the leaf down the vien to en courage curing .. and hang the shit leaf by leaf it only takes a minute it will take about two weeks to cure ..the CUT AND FLUFF ….. and bag …. Mix it with your tobacco …and inject it or roll it … and by the 3rd Cig you will start to appreciate the qualities of the Le’bacco .

The chemical action of LACTUCARIUM. The relaxing effect will OPEN YOUR LUNGS giving you a more satifying feeling after your are done smoking to the point you will find you smoke much much less .
Even garden lettuce (Lactucasativa) relieves irritation of the broncho-pulmonic membranes and has
a tendency to induce drowsiness.

used by the Ancient Egyptians, and was introduced as a drug in the United States as early as 1799[4] The drug was prescribed and studied extensively in Poland during the nineteenth century, and was viewed as an alternative to opium, weaker but lacking side-effects, and in some cases preferable. However, early efforts to isolate an active alkaloid were unsuccessful.[5] It is described and standardized in the 1898 United States Pharmacopoeia[6] and 1911 British Pharmaceutical Codex[7] for use in lozenges, tinctures, and syrups as a sedative for irritable cough or as a mild hypnotic (sleeping aid) for insomnia. The standard definition of lactucarium in these codices required its production from Lactuca virosa, but it was recognized that smaller quantities of lactucarium could be produced in a similar way from Lactuca sativa and Lactuca canadensis var. elongata, and even that lettuce-opium obtained from Lactuca serriola or Lactuca quercina was of superior quality.[8]
In the twentieth century, two major studies found commercial lactucarium to be without effect. In 1944, Fulton concluded, "Modern medicine considers its sleep producing qualities a superstition, its therapeutic action doubtful or nil." Another study of the time identified active bitter principles lactucin and lactucopicrin, but noted that these compounds from the fresh latex were unstable and did not remain in commercial preparations of lactucarium. Accordingly, lettuce opium fell from favor, until publications of the hippie movement began to promote it in the mid-1970s as a legal drug producing euphoria, sometimes compounded with catnip or damiana.[9]
Wild Lettuce commonly refers to the more bitter cousins of common garden lettuce. This group of plants is used in everything from sleep tonics to soap to teas.
The three main species of this group are Lactuca Virosa, Lactuca Canadennis, and Lactuca Serriola.
They have been used in herbal medicine throughout history mainly as a sleep aid. You may have noticed in your local supermarket that lettuce comes in many different varieties. Just click on the link to to get a description of some popular breeds. The wild relations are edible but more bitter in taste. Just look at any bag of mixed field greens and you will see many varieties of wild Lettuce.
The history of Wild Lettuce can be traced way back to the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian god of fertility, Min, is closely tied to the plant and he is often depicted holding a rosette of Lactuca Serriola. A few good articles on the Egyptians and the use of Wild Lettuce as an aphrodisiac and sex enhancer can be found here:
Wild Lettuce was also used by the Romans and Augustus was said to have raised a statue in honor of the Lettuce infusion that he claimed saved his life. The Roman naturalist Gaius Plinius Secundus (23 AD - 79 AD) , better known as Pliny the Elder wrote extensively of Lactuca in his work Naturalis Historia:
Lactucarium was produced by pharmaceutical companies until about the 1940's.
You can try it by buying it at publix , then move on to buying cases of Romaine at the produce suppier behind the court house off E. ocean blvd. at the same time GROW YOUR OWN ….. 1 buck gets you about 1000 romaine seeds in a packet at home depot ..

Then cure cut and fluff … 5 bucks a bag …. Legal is lettuce legal ? look lettuce was found NON ADDICTIVE and so ,,not good for profiteers like PHARICECUALS corporations or doctors … or addictive dope dealers like tobacco companies …. Fresh lettce dryed lettuce as a spice cured lettuce to be used for WHATEVER …. Make a tea out of it ..RUBB ON YOUR GIRL FRIENDS TIT …. Smoke it ? tobacco is a SPEED a Constrictor … lettuce is a pulomary dialator ..relaxer …. Breath easier feel a more fullfillng smoke . DO NOT INJECT IT ….. do not eat rat poisin either or play tiddly winks in the middle of the high way …. Ease the discomfort caused by years of toabacco smoke or the damamge of smoking other worse shit … have friend JONES for opiates … ease the pain affordable of that alos ….. but why will not the WISEDOM of the ancients be talked about today …CONFUSE AND CONQUER …. It is inot profitable if every Bozo like you can just up and do it cure it in their GARAGE ..where is the CONTROL and manipulation factor to insure exteneded PROFITABLITY ?

Your girl friend can make and sell soap ,,, is there a lwa saying you can not sell lettuce …. Ohhh and my cigarette machine ,,, use her business licsense to buy them WHOLESALE ad the tubes too …. Then go to the bar have a beer ,, make a big show out of your GREEN blended topbacco … smoke some give away loads of free samples and sell the machines form your car and 4 finger bags of herb ….. and then use part ofher table at JAMMIN’ IN JENSEN …. So that customers can find you to re-up …. CREATIVITY …

Like painting a 1 dollar card board box with highly reflective silver paint slips some thing wire down the flaps so that you can control flap angles include a DOLLAR SOTORE POT painted back and you got a SOLAR OVER …. Green is the new red white and blue ..each little thing adds up to change it starts with you .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

lady bug hunting

Lady bug hunting

Ahh young master how many chicks have cute little lady bug decals on their cars …. Ohhh so pretty and In no cent these girls are ……. Until they are allowed to express their inner nature and well is not nature PURE IN NO CENT ? WITHOUT VALUE JUDGEMENTS … oppressed upon us by systems ?

Ahhh but nature can also be JUDGED by humans a violent … when the concept of fear of TRANSITIONING BACK INOT FULL ASSOCIATION WITH THE TOTALL you ..THE UNTHINKABLE YOU THE tao YOU ….
THE KILLING THE YCLE OF LIFE ,,THE AID OF THE PREDATOR IN a fast HUMANE experience of transitioning back into completeness … of an ALL POSSIBLE all the the TIME ….. you … instead of long slow death experience which is humanitys gift .. the LADY BUG of nature is one of those PREDATORS …

And in seeing her come to my garden and not thinking like the FISHERMAN hunter that I am …. I ignored her MESSAGE to me ….. and subsequently FELL OFF my skate board I failed …. The larning curve lucky I do not DO NOT say check out totally from the TOOL of Economy but use you FREEDOM of choice to learn to be MASTER of it instead of slave to it ,,, so I can go to PUBLIX and buy MUNCHES .. and of course munch on the stuff I grow at home … I will get back to HUNTERS nad that message loud and clear I ignored .

Diversify ..your investments ….. something everyone should learn …. Working for only 1 boss means your are not diversified in your income stream , dep[ending on only 1 Crop again leaves you Dependant …. Specialization is good and it is also a dependant trappp …. Hint how to make the 300% a year on your $$$ by burying it in the gorund behind your home …. A 15 gallon $100 fruit tree planted , first year it sleeps next year it creeps then it leaps then YOU REAP ….. look at the magoe trees this year young master FAT FAT FAT … the tre I corp from last year had max 100 fruit , this year 5 to 700 fruit , what is the price of a good mangoe at PUBLIX $1.00 ,,,,, 100 buck invest 700 dollar return annually ?

BACK to hunting and fishing ,,when the mullet run is on ,, I know it is time to go fishing …. All the predators are out even ME ! and other humans like me …. The lady bugs are hunters they do not show up if there is not something for them to feed on ,,, if the MULLET RUN to say is not on …. I saw also some ants …not ants that eat dead things but sweet eating ants …… hmmmm puzzle puzzle puzzle …. Over the corse of 2 weeks I have been seeing my once fat and happy KALES get looking weak …. Puzzle puzzle puzzle , thought maybe it was the use of compost tea that was sto strong for them , maybe the heat coming on ,, maybe lack of sun ?

See instead of being able to learn farming at achools I learned to do logic puzzles …. And other not day to day usefull things .. except if they are used in ENGINEERING … fine ,, these are important aspects of living also except is the ancient traditions of construction were respected , we would hae been just TWEEKING the good already practiced my man kind instead of RE – INVENTING THE WHELL .. like our green industrys are having to do now .. making the simple complex to insure that the PHD gets to stay in control … legal la fying …. Shit that does not need to be confused as much as attorneys like to do ,,to keep their phoney baloney positions of control . ……instead of learning aboput the basic level of malsows hierarchy of needs study ..housing and food production at some level invest strageties to complememnt individual stability in school systems I was trained only to be servant to PHAROH systems …. Maslows pyramid

So ….. I figured well time to change out my kales maybe move them to other locales where they are still big and board healthy and happy … and as I was transplanting I noticed something under the Leaves OF the stressed plants …. APHIDS ..the prey the of LADY BUGS …. The ants come and drinks a milky swwet sap from the aphids th..the APHID IS the MULLET RUN ……

Now I have not teacher in the hunting arts ..of farming of recreational food gathering like I had for FISHING …. I am learning castin into trees on my own …. Learning the natural cycles and the telll tale signs learning to read the waters … like I can read the top of a body of water and ofter tell you what speices of fish are currently active in an area and what mostly would be the best way to harvest that food ….

DISH SOAP is a natural pesticide …… simple and good ,,,, do you WASH you slad stuff even when you buy it form the store ,,fuck you better ,,they got DEADLY E-COLI cominaitons every where ( ohh not in your back yard garden unless you want to bring in PHAROHS CATTLE … cows were to food source of maundering armys easy carry and provided good proteins to soldiers )

Do you wash that pre-packaged spinaches? Well upon seeing that I had APHIDS , I gave my SFG’s my SFG’s a bath … a hand washing , do you wash you stuff by hand at the sink ? realy easy actually faster than washing the dog …. Just a bolw with a solution of Joy and water … sudsy ….. get my hands wet with suds and wipe softly the palnts washing LEAVES do you wash you veggies when you buy them at the store ,,, do you take time to inspect the bag a bit to insure the stuff inside is not all BROWN and BAD … you take time to buy at a store in fact what about the drive time to the store and those costs …. You take time … you will find pasing your hands accros … realy infested leaves washing of what feels lke GRAINS OF SAND …. Is easy then to insure that the infestation is controlled you brush 2 soapy sudsy hands thru the rest of the SFG . then sprinkle it on the frame and surrounginf 1 foot ….. how much time does it take?

How much time do yu spend in the produce dept … what are you thinking as you search for the SALE items because ,,,those 3 and 4 DOLLAR salads are getting pricing and old … how much time are you spending HOW AND WHY ….REALY ?

The message the COMMICATION of nature ……. I know the lauguages of the water , I know how to translate English into thought concepts … for wordsa re JUST TOOLS … I pretty good at Spanish my French sucks my duthc even worse …… the comication of nature being albe to HEAR IT SEE IT UNDERSTAND ..what is being told to me , wheni see a HUNTER COMING TO hunt around my garden …. Will ignore the FISHERMANS arrival to harvest the bounty of the MULLET RUN of my SFG again ,,,,, first time shame on you ,,, second time shame on me for not learning to LEARN … ahh but not SHAME …. Human tainting and value of complex ..TAO expeincers life cycles … equal I …. IN ….I’S even the aphid is an I equal to human ,,it is TOA being of a THING a group of cells to be used as a bio machine experience of being ,,, like you are just a grouping of cells to be used for the experience of BEING so is APHID ….dead dead dead dead …… transtioned transioned transitioned …… Mario crashed and burned ,the INFITE WENT BACK TO BEING …IN FI NITE …. ( but humans are special us with or tiny 2 gigabytes of processing power are so fucking special that planet earth would not rebuild itesefl after we die off …? Wall – E …….. we are just a bio machine tool of the experiencer using it ,,the DEEPEST real you not the EGO YOU ! the you who wants to be HAPPY-ier)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

isn't happy pussy

Isn’t happy

Is not the being or experience of happy of ENJOYMENT … the reason for experience , am not using the norma phrase LIVING because of the PERJORATIVE EEFECT OF THAT WORD it is so taint’d with expectations programmed into you that you again dono trealy FEEL what it is you are trying to talk about … young master

When your FOCUS is on the HAPPY you will experience WHEN the event thing person or whatever finally comes you ..LOSE the beauty all around you the chnce of hearing the birds watching the watter , becoming evolved 100 % engrossed in your NOW because you are so focused on the GAOL of your Law of attraction prgrame you are no longer thinking FEELINg being happy ,,, and it is not in the MENTAL EXPERCISE that you ATTRACT form but in the reality of the true deepest current Vibrations … which when thinking about the I WILL BE HAPPY WHEN’s …… you actually are living from lack the vibration of lack and well

Lack ISN’T HAPPY ….. so the real vibration that you experience and then atrtract is not one of more happy but of more lack

So you then say BUT wouldn’t I just be happy I AM HAPPY ….. where I am ?

WOW …… think about that …. The goal is to be happy … and if you find some bliss now some happy now ,,, you have ACHIEVED the real GOAl …oh but see the real goal is not happy ..ness or bliss etc ..but to be seen in the eyes of others as better than …. That is one of your UNDER LYING goals and you say to every one your goal is about PERSONAL THINGS , it has nothing to do with others ..BULLSHIT …. For if HAPPY-NESS is the real goal and you can find happiness now ,then you have achieved the goal of BEING .

And what is the reason for being ? to be un-HAPPY living in struggle always needing something …some ….thing ..else for ever feeling LACK of a THING event or person or poseesion ? sounds fucked up to me .

Will you no be DRIVEN to achieve you goals if you find happiness NOW?

Hmmm think about … this has to do with PASSION true deepest levels of wanto’s … the goal of even coming into time/space from your AL:READY ENTERANAL IN FI NITE state of being ,,, of being of the I …. Being the I itself and … the I in I ..who has come to FORGET itself to experience a GAME of limits a playground of time/space …. Never born never dead … always still available in always ,,, an

UNTHINKABLE ……. You are unthinkable …. But more important is that you are FEELABLE …..feeelings ….. that is what goals are all a about thee driving force behind the goal is the ACHIEVEMENT of FEELING a change in the feeling STATE ?

If you find Projects , ideas people birds sun sets clouds , cats and dogs and family and jobs and arts …that are all around you to be fun …. Will you give UP on your goals ? or are your goals just further extensions of the fun you are currently having ,,,,.

Further extensions of the activities you already find to be PLEASANT ….. for if you find a sport to be fun ,,( no goal drive just fun do you not autopmactically continue to peursue that sport and brick by birck lit building a wall or home your experience of the sprot or hobby becom more complex and larger and lager until the …what in the beginning may have seen lie a FAR OFF goal something to feel lack about not yet experiencing it …well it will just show up ,,becuae well that is you state of VIBRATION …… ahhhb ack to the words of the sages …. WORD TOOLS of each age ..language that some can hear and others can not ,,jargons …..

Why do we BE ? to be happy or un happy … can you know happyu with out tasting the CONTRAST of un happy ? when still in the ever complex beyond thought of Tao of the UNTHINKABLE …. Where every possible and impossibility is possible always in all time with no sepepearations …. When you were there you could not TASTE ..lack the challenge of WANT ….. but now this WANT shit is growning OLD .. and to fucking painful …. To maintaint the state of pain your FREE CHOICE or you can live HAPPY and attract more happy and more happy and the growth cell by cell , brick by brick second by second of a HAPPY LIFE will happen till you REALIZE YOU HAVE A HPPY LIFE (and everyone also sees in in your LIVING … to admit it you like others to notice … what you resisit persisits admit the KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES type of thing )

Do the same old thing get the same old result ,, throw a rock into the air it will fall over and over … sometimes hitting on the head and hurting you ..fool

You cannot have a happy ending to an unhappy journey.--- Abraham Excerpted from the workshop in Atlanta, GA on Saturday, September 13th, 1997

Monday, April 13, 2009

35 year old wet pussy

35 year old wet pussy

Young master this a reply to my friend …..,M1
(we have a piss poor level of knowing the ages of fossils or any dead animal to the tune of 24 years +/- of mature adult hood a stated 35 year old fossil adult could very well be 60ish? )
all you is REPEAT like a parrot the words of MASTER ……… not open to thinking for yourself that is why you have the PH D and not me …( plus the work you earned it , it was your wanto …. Not my wanto .. to gain the power and social status that the PHD gives I will give you credit for following you WANTs ) 35 is only
Based upon the death ages of women who were stressed out hated life lived in oppression and fear UNANTURALLY …..averages OF written human historys like of life spans of … PEASANTS , serfs , even out right SLAVES .. or the effects of being cog/worker slave or share cropper in the IN HUMAN machine of economy and industrial nightmares of the early industrial world and slum citys , when the average ages were being decided upon by others like yourself by people who live in IVORY TOWERS … to base figures on to show the BEST SIDE of the nightmare which was and still is industrial economic age …… of human exisitances . remember whatever the age of the being was at death ,,they were standing up right 6,0000000 years ago.

If the body is exposed to air for 50 days THROW AWAY all tooth data …. And depend on just the changes in body that show if she was of child bearing age or not and if she had given birth … but any Tooth chemical data is tainted ,,,,, is there evidence of animal predation , then surely she did not have and AIR TIGHT burial … is there evidence of fosill erison where the tectonic plates shifts may have caused the bones to be exposed for eons before re burial ..throw the data out the window …. Was the pine box she was put into AIR TIGHT ? no tree roots got in? no water and thru air ? throw the DATA out …. Did it take % days till she was buried ,,then add that change to the already 24+/- years of varaiables …. And you can kiss your 35 year avages out the fucking window ..

35 is a number that supports certain policitcal views usefrul in maintainng the current state of affaris ,,,THE MIND FUCK over and over. Are things better? Hmmmm you my friend are sick addicted to the fear state and the doctor your slave master …for what 20 years ? and you are the average of today ! the girls whose bones you point to lived …LIFE free of the fear of death to the level you eXIST under ,, well atleast those who died before the EVE SPIRIT the PHAROH economy ,, the god/king concepts … the economy and presidents and CEO’s that evolved from PHAROH …. Those who died back then LIVED a life ,,,

the real topic we had was about if TODAYS world was really better than yesterdays ,, and I was like always trying to show that all of the comparison to times of mans WRITTEN history is taint’d you have to go back to when we live INSTINCTUALLY . and I will use you my friend . your MS and depression ,,, MS as you know is STRESS relted ,,, the effect the manifestation of confusion? Of manipulation AND DEPRESSION going to a DCOTOR to take drugs so that you will stop the ver present thoughts of CHECKING OUT … of suicide of focus on transitioning out of this CONFUSION . AND THAT IS YOU BUT IT IS ALOS YOUR PEER GROUP ON A WHOLE ON AN AVERAGE ,, MAYBE WITH smiling polite faSades …. But the un fortunate truth about the average human today is one of …not so fucking happy . the MATERAIL POSSESIONS are not happy ness …. Happiness is happiness … like the wisdom of bhuhhda said eons ago does not bring happiness …. Living mindfully … you need to be less confused more in HARMONY and Whole istic.

today is a good day to die ,,, ( the fucked translation of the ROMAN church based scholars ) today is a good day to TRANSITION ,, from being of HUMAN to being of BEING tao ……. No birth no death no fear ! a newer translation of the aboriginal sages words , the wisedom of the American Indians.. and really all other un polluted cultures even the basis fromw hihc BIBLE was formed , the UNGRAVEN god ,, the lack of heaven and hell in old orgianl texts ….. the same TAO …. Shows up universally the voice of the sage comes back over and over .

just like Ester Hicks and her enteratainment use of Abraham …. In ….
I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to smile a lot. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person! --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on Saturday, March 15th, 2003

Sunday, April 12, 2009

the pounded pussy gasp

The pounded pussy gasp

Is a post manifestation(al) awareness event young master a …. It is a segment event also…think about the sound you hear from her after each of the many PENTRATIONS SHE DOES RECEIVE DURING A good FUCKING NOT THE TIME YOU JUST ENTER HER ONCE AND RIDE TILL YOU ..POP and then roll over and go to sleep . but what you be the Norm ,,,, a good fucking ,,the Recreation of humanity SEX .. that wet pussy who has become natural SUBMISSIVE in anticipation of penetrations ( her nature ) each of her gasps ,, maybe from when you pulled out and rubber your hard cock thru her clips and then shoved it back in … or when you pulled out to finger fuck her to get her pussy tightened up on the finger so she could enjoy yhe stretch of my cock as I push it back in ….. or even better the after her climax fucking where when you give her a 15 to 30 second breather onlnly to force you dick back in not needing to aim but from experience with that pussy a direct shot is felt deeply by her and her squirms of ½ attempts of escape …. Commicate to you .. her POST MANIFSTATIONAL AWARENESS of what she has gotten herself into again the horny lil’slut . pma as described by the entertainer Abraham and discussed by others like )

Now as you CHOOSE to think you vibrate …. The energy the UNTHINKABLE YOU … does or acts in ways we can only use WORD TOOL to commicate about and so we call it vibrate .. or THINK or thoughts …. Each nano second and less is a segment now us HUMANS and not perceive nano seconds we have a hard time just dealing with he 2 GIGs per sec ond of processing power our bio machine provides us with … so we deal with larger segments of time ..time/space events .. like the time to pentrate a pussy feel it’s warmth and wetness on your cock and then process the sounds of her GASP .

I just left a segement just before entering this writing segment … ( ohh I ma writing again after months of not writing because the family is gone for a few weeks showing off the new baby so , I will write for a while ) my last segement was COFFEE TIME ….. I had the choice ,,the FREE CHOICE to notice things about that segement ,,the EXPERIENCE of that segement were the RESULTS of my own actions mintues , hours , days weeks and years in the making ,,the assemble the Quantas of time/space that I in the human bio machine call SEGMENT ….. ( quantas and the guided mediation of being single quanta )

Coffee time was ,, and experience with many different oppurutnities to choice to choose my FOCUS on the wanted and unwanted … and what you focus on you attractract like a magnet .. getting more of that FEELING to notice ,,not EVNTS of things or material POSSESIONS per se but the feelings from them the Emotional recreation . or emotioanl guidance the core of life is to do thngs that feel better ….. moving un the scale …. Noticing the Adventuree of unwanted to noticing the wanted ….

Coffee time ,,,,, I was out of WHITE DEATH …… I forgot yesterday to buy surgar …. So I used Panella ..the hard brick brown surgar left over from the ancient method of pan proiducing surgars a common item of Latino homes or we Know it in its ABORTED form as brown surgar ….

So I had the choice or FOCUS to concentrate on the FUCKED UP flavor of my coffee ,,, but st the same time during my second by second experience of being I was processing the view across the INDIAN RIVER …. The boats going by the seagulls flying the waves rolling and my neighbor hooking up and landing this fucking A big ass old redfish ,,,,,,,, AHHHH a choice of focus because while during the whole event of watching them fight and get ready to land that fish I was no longer focused on the Fucked flavor of my coofee which I do like to be a certain way and if it is not well it is nOT RIGHT ( for me ,,, ok but not right different maybe good but not right ) and well it was fucking hot out on the patio he sun reflecting off the deck it was just fucking hot , but I also notieced the scent of JASMINE in the air and the breeze coming from under the trees cooled of by the EVPORATIVE cooling nature that insures the plant stays comfy ….. well I go to enjoy a mixture of SENSATIONS …

Like sex a mixture of things ….. of sounds of smells of wetness of struggles of .. wanted and unwanted and esxperincing of the manifestation we both created prior to me fucking the hell out of her …..

And during coffee time I also had thoughts about my next segment which is EARTH MOVING time …… and the feeling of DREAD of work and then the realization of I am not a slave but I am CREATING a future manifestation in the choice to move earth …. Like I was experiencing the manifestation of drinking coffee sweetened by the complex flavor of PANELLA brown surgars … ( still aint right different but not RIGHT ,, I gotta go buy some white death )
Ahhh next segment ,,, what focus do I want to …. VIBRATE with during the experience of the segament ,,the manifestation of events I had put inot action before the dirt arrived in my front yard …. Things dating back 15 years when I was choosing to buy this waterfront home in fact ……. THE TIME LAG INVOLVED in your current and future manifestations can date back to thoughts you had action pathways foolowed decades before …… and the segements of living you will experience next week month year ..will be effected by the choices of following the WANTS and unwants , the emotional recreations to your NOW …… do you get any of this dumshit? Thn for yourself .

So I go to dig dirt feeling the wind and sun , the dirt the dreams of why I am digging dirt the sounds of birds and the pride of constructions and the pleasant dreams of future …or the dread of wortk ? freedom of choice what will you focus upon as you enter the next segment of living the manifestation you created by your past living …… ? it is all aobut you ,,you are not a VICTIM ……. An adventurere sometimes in a novel that goes beyond the awareness of the bio machine used to experience it YES but not victim .

smart cunt

Smart cunt

Young master you must know by now that my o’feensive wording choices is to attraction coorect?well I was lucky enough to be talking with an old friend a few weks back this woman has all the Cred’s to shut my stupid fucking mouth up ,,,the pieces of paper given her by others like herself say that she is fucking a SMART Cunt … smart in reality because she can repeat THE known and commonly accepted ..she can repeat the shit back to the others who will grade her and in the END the each maintain the security in the hieracrhys dating back to times of PHAROHS … known knowlegdes that do evolve I give it that ,,but STATS are baased upon flexible parameters … I go the smart cunt to argree upon the MOLD-ABLITY OF statistics … yet in the end she repeated only that which fit her ..PERSPECTIVE ..her free choice of life path from withini the limits she accepts … ( good and evil forces ? and you call yourself the CHOICE minds of our times ? )

I know this lil’ girl age 8 who found an error in a text book wreiteen by such a smart cunt as the one I was talking to ……. Luckly this girl was brought up in home where she was trained in the idea the OLD HIPPIE concept of Question Authority ! and so she did and that text had to be PULLED because she had a point a proveable point to question Authoritys DATA ….

So the CUNT said women lived till 35 in the olden days ,, and I said YES but those STATS are based upon a human who is living and UNATURAL LIFE … AND THE EXPERIENCER LIFE FORCE WAS DEPRESSED CONFUSED AND WANTED RELEASE SO ,,THE CHOICE OF THE TAO was one of …….. death or TRANSITION ….. today is a good day to die , the aboringal sage would say ,,, the world is of one ..1 enenrgy force EQUAL ….. energy ( energy being only a word tool we use to describe the unthinkableness of Tao . )

And so I kept repeating my questioning of the AUTHROTIY OF her data … to no avail , even the satatement on my part to say ,,,I AGREE TO DISAGREE with you lets us move on to exploring the two ..lines of thoughts based on upon 2 data moldes was to no avail ..the PHD smart cunt so ,,EGO set , would have none of it … only to make sure that everyone else knew of her PIECES OF PARER proff of her RIGHTNESS ,DO NOT QUESTION her AURTHORITY . ( ooh yeah did I say she was admamant about the idea there are forces beyond herself forces of good and evil … beyond herself like she is better than the worm or nature the DNA strands life forms … just like human who are just DNA strand life forms , bio machine tools of thought form users )

Young master ……. Think for your self ,,,means ….. ask WHY ? question authority always in all ways ….FEEL and explore this life expeince for yourself based upon the KNOWING that the ddeepest part of you the Tao 1 in=fi=nite part of the I in I …. Never was born in terms of time/space as can be described by word tools and does not die just because of TRANSITIONS in the use of a bio machine …..

Our DATA collection of animal or human life spans did not realy start to be real unitl this century … most aboriginal cultures did not count days or have writien histories like we who stem from PHAROH have …. And remember the last few 1000 years of PHAROH styled god/king emporoer president etc culture forms or ecomony forms or thought forms …… rep only a fraction of a percent of the life span of the SAVANNAH APE the walk on two legs ape human life time which wee have found to start about 6,ooo,ooo years ago as compared to a few 1ooo years ago ….

The collection of data on the life span of gorilla for example has only just started in the last 20 or 30 years but Gorilla colonies are living INFECTED and EFFECTED by the stress of humanity all around them ….. yet males and females live to close to 70 years we think in the wild …

Why did human FEMALE who lived as an ECONOMIC salve striving in GREED to be like the kings/ and queens ( her secret goals ) want to die and id die at age 35 all to often … as the stats do show I do not deny that fact but …… we have no DATA on the life span of aboriginal tiribes which had not INFECTION or effection of PHAROH tainted humans real leagion tainted humanity ,, we have no life span data for when we humans encountered then we killed them OFF ……. Or changed them enslaved them then started counting and taking data of a TAINTED staticall pool

Written in our books of MYTH ( myths are based upon ancient fact and concepts just built into …… escapest sotry ) from Hebrew history ..there is stated that the life span of man kind is that of over 70 years ……. Yet the SMART CUNT held to her DATA and aurthouirty to not allow any other form of information to INFECT her culture in fear of changes to the power system she enjoys ..her close positioning to the PHAROH CLASS because she kissed ass in schools and got a PHD .)

AHH the word tools of a current ENTERTAINER a sage of our age …. Not afraid ( NO FEAR ! ) to speak out ….
We want you to know that energy is energy and that come here to your pyshihcal experience with the different INTENTION . But it is the same NON pyshical energy stream ……… what is your intention ?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

smiling dirt bag

Smiling dirt bag

Young master study pussy like you would fishing or any other hobby or sprot or job , because pussy is driving force of life itself … and to start that study … well go here , you sold your boat to buy the bike you worked hard and got the degree and the stable engeering job the fine town home and still when I met you Thursday your refered to the drunk chick that stubbled out of the tiki as being the girl you should have worked harder at because you will most likely be sleeping alone again ………. And again I stuffed Ross’s name and web address into your drunk stupid asses pocket , and told you THIS TIME INVEST A FEW hundered in study instead 100’s of THOUSAND on trappings on image with no substance and hoping on LUCK a poor fisherman and a good fisherman all have to do with the time they spent in study of their prey …… you did all that fucking work to hope to get lucky with drunk chicks at the bar ?

Ok well on to you ..young master 10 years his younger …. Not university bound …. Chances are you will not have the life full of toys in ten years you will have a life full of struggles ( actually my friend there is leveraged to the hilt a slave to the IMAGE he created a slave in debt worried 24/7 that his CORP JOB will still be there and the government military contracts will keep flowing ..stress stress stress this IS NOT THE security of the first 2 levels of maslows hierarchy of needs as shown in the …. .... but the retirement plan the achieveing of TRUE wealth …. And a future where you will most likely be able to buy toys like my friend in 10 years without creating slave DEBT …. Based upon 6 and 8 buck an hour jobs doing your time ..your tour of duty …. To YOURSELF first .

So I am playing working doing what I need to achieve the cash stability to afford to make the compound ….. my starting point and your are way fucking different . you got a CLEAR SLATE . I am vested . something came up that allows me to PLAY to gain experience in dirt bag technology ….. the building design that is fastest easest and most ready available to connect your basic home with MOTHER EATH and the dynics of thermall mass …. Remember 2 feet down it is a constant 65 degrees winter and summer … remember the living animals called plants are designed to create and eniroment for themselves to SURVIVE HEAT extremes and cold estreemes …. Tapp inot the WISDOM OF NATURE ….( zhungzi music of nature )

Dirt bags ,, sand bags …. Chanel forces downward …. Covered by a last layer of a burlap dirt bag that is of good rooting soil nature then turf grass and wild flowers will replace painted walls ….

So I got a load of dirt 18 cubic yards each yard is make of of 27 cubic feet of dirt …. I had a box of sand bags and went thru them real fast ..the current best price I was finding on bags was like close to 50cents each delivered by the case …. Bitch ! I have cases upon cases of thank you bags …. With big yellow smilie faces on them ,,, bags which costed me less than 3 cents …so I did some research ,,,, groc. Bags last 200 years be fore decaying buryed in a land filll ….. fuck , 200 years I will be fucing dirt myself …. Now the sthin bag will not withstand the floods or bullets that government specs call for insustry standard sand bags ,, but who the fuck cares duolbe bag the smilie face bag fillit with dirt and it hold about ¾ cubic feet of dirt actually much easier to carry and work with ….. and since it will be buried under visqueen and then a layer of burlap earth bags for soils stabilization of the truf grass … who the fuck cares that while I build my wall out back right now …. I a stared back at buy 100’s of smilie faces saying over and over HAVE A HAPPY DAY ….. I got hand shovel and wheel barrow the bags out back ,,, it takes an 8 minute average to bag and roll and set ans return to the front for the next load … I get 5 bags per trip or about 4 cubic feet ….. every 7 trips I move a square YARD of dirt ….. the load wasy 18 yards …. I work fulltime plus I have a full time family ..i am VESTED unlike you …. So I do 1 load before I do my mile run in the Am ….. another when I return form the run ….. 3 loads after COFFEE TIME ( coffee time is family time after I get home from work everyone meets on the porch to what the boast go by talk drink relx …..) and then 2 more loads after watering my 5 square foot gardens SFG ( it is not about MUST OR SHOULDS … the fruit from trees is something that is there ,,, you stillhave plenty of cash to buy your food at restaurants or publix ,,but without the trees …you are a SLAVE TO THEM .. with the SFG’s and trees and pond etc …you can choose to live MINDFULLY by FREE choice …… the slave can not .

Ohh the SFG remember since your focus is on 1 species per sq foot and change in leaf design alerst you to the presence of a …. 1 ..weed which is easy to pick out right then and there …nover ever getting out of hand since each day you the 1 minte per SFG to rain on them ,, and naturally notice and changing in the ecosystem you created and care for . plus each morning and each night most likely you will return to the SFG’s to gather FRESH LOCAL FOODS ….nothing that fresh is available at any store at any price .

It is all is the minutes the 60 seconds it is about choosing to live by FREE CHOICE mindfully …… andlooking how to proactise now and where you are ….. and in a way that costs NO CASH .time you got $$$ you do not …. Fuck you may even be able to proactise somethings and get paid for it …. Each sand bag I place I learn this building technique ….. each time it is like living the day dream of my future it is fun and never WORK for I do not spend hours of DRUDGERY ….. but a few 7 m inutes here and there … and and each day a cubic yards is moved and placed ….

Now you dumbass your double that and stillnot have it become WORK ….. each cubic yard is about 2 ffet of house wall exterior …. Done once lasting a life time …. Thermal mass …..a forty foot home what maybe 20 days ? and done ,,then you have no more HEATING OR COOLING COSTS FOR A life fucking time ? living mindfully the ZEN master would call it .


Mindfully growing opium

Mindfull young master means living by CHOICE …. $$$ freedom of provides the confidence to act upon your free choice ,,,, able to better understand the WANTEd and unwanted and then live based upon where you are on the emotional guidance scale …. You want to feel better , and when you do you feel relaxed you have a sense of AHHHH ,,, but you can not REALLY feel that if you are so fucking BLITZED every fucking day you have no FEEL except that of the drugs you have courseing thru your viens …. Dipshit.

Mindfull …….. ancient concepts not taught or modeled to you because they are not profitable for the PHAROH CLASS of this age ….. the pharoh class the brain cells of the thought form of economy which uses the PHAROH class to insure exsisitance … and helath …… as we hear on the MEDIA about the concern we all have for the thought form Economy and how un healthy it is right now ewe all worry for the body which we are all cells of …without realizing ,,thought forms like Economy live on long after INDIVIUAL CELLS DIE OFF ,,, JUST LIKE YOUR BODY THOUGHT FORM WHICH USES INDIDIVULA LIVING CELLS WHICH ARE BORN OF THE PARENT CELLS AND AND EVENTUALLY DIE ,,YET WITHOUT THE CELLS THERE is no you

Mindfull ……. Living by choice …. The new taxation on the smoke I enjoy ,,the drug I like …. The effects which last only seconds that I produce one joint or cigatte at a time stopping life to be minduffull about my drug use …… I have started a new hobby ..the growing of the drug tobacco and from my on WEB research I started to learn to blend my smoking herbs with other LEGAL substances ,,that do not POISIN ME into …IN TOXIC CATION …. But addd a controllable level o SPICE to living and experiencing instead of hiding of escaping BEING like you do with your DRUGS of choice …. Did you know that lettuce was once used to make an OPIATE SUBSTITIUTE maybe you got problem with BLUE BERRYS right now ,,,hey …. This maybe the mindfull ticket out of that trap ,,FREE CHOICES …the day to day living by free choice …. ........ remember the limited thought patterns you have accepted from the life style modeling you have grown up with ….

Think for yourself . If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life. If there was nothing else that you ever came to understand other than just look for things to appreciate, it's the only tool you would ever need to predominantly hook you up with who you really are. That's all you'd need. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio, TX on Saturday, January 26th, 2002 ( not a GOD but a voice of the same I IN I AS YOU …)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

GREEN is the new red white and blue

Green is the new red white and blue

Ok young master , I think I have found a new favor ite movie …WALL-E … welcome to
Economy ……… did you get that ….. this flick like another movie Duchess are great eye openers ,,DUCHESS shows the evolution of ..the parody between male and female birth rates ..SELCTIVE BREEDING …. Women from family lines htat gave birth to more males were more highly valued …… the OP to give birth to the GOD/KING ….. and the tool of EVE of gaining GREDDY position in the courts and life styles that REVOLVE around …ECONOMY …….

Ahhh evolution of the same core thing ….. wether it is bio mechanics …. The HAIRLESS chisuuaha or taco bell dog si still a DOG the bull mastiff is still a dog ..yet these tow a male Bullmastif and a female taco bell dog could not fuck or mate the cock of the bull mastiff would kill the tiny taco dog ….

You dumbass are the SAVANNAH APE ….. relted to be selectively breed different from the other apes like chimp and bonobo and gorilla yet with still basic DNA memeory in our bio machines

Think for yourself …. Retirement at age 22 ,, finanacial security ..what does that mean ,,FREDDOM . from ECONOMY ? or atlest more conrol .resposndiblity ,,self direction within the .. thought form economy ….. ahh but what about sex ? what about spirit ,,neither is sepearated for the others ,, all parts of the whole…holistics …. Think for yourself ….. hmmmmm WALL-E and eve hmmmm what do you think no what do you FEEL because your thoughts are just expressions of the tool of the bio machine limited to 2 gigs of processing power ….. you the experiencer is concerned with the experiences of Tao the FEELINGS of thing as compared to NO 1 THING ……….

Green ECONOMY IS THIS AGES NEW …. Like the 80’s were about the beginnings of the PC the beginning of Microsoft and intel they went public during those trerrible depression years with 20 percent home mortages ……. Then later and black Monday ,, and we started to build the tech economy and the internet ecomonys ….. hmmmmm ….self reliances ,, free choice … to be once more HUMAN ANIMALS … we like to see each other smile ….. that is the fact ,,, not the lie of EVIL …. Of the abnormal the 1 in 1000 DNA mutations that should have been allowed to TRANSITION out of a damamged human bio machine ……. It is a good day to die . to transition ,,,, there is nothing to fear but fear itself ,,,words of the budhhha.