Just for fun…….. it is as doable as that story once told to Pharoh 10,000 years ago ,, see one of the royal SEERS had a dream a about flying metal birds and people who traveled inthese birds eating peanust and drinking realy BAD COFFEE ….. Pharoh called him crazy and he proved it by taking one of his gold rings and throwing it into the air to PROVE THAT metall things are to heavy to fly …… yep not possible because of the details ,,, like how the detail of the amount of angels that could dance on the head of a pin caused so much trouble in the schools of higher learning ofo that day and age … not possible for the mind of a PINHEAD ….. to think out side of his or her BOX of learning that wall of books around infinity ,, where inside is the possible and outside is the IM- POSSIBLE.
Terra forming
you young master are so divided in your aTTENTION to the issues of your LOVE life primarly … the subltness of life stress. That the following ideas and honestly there is nothing new in anything I write here , that people have not been suggesting in one form or another for decades …my details are flawed…even if they were perfect . it will not happen until you want it to happen. There is just to much PROFIT to be made in maintaing HUMAN SUFFEREING AND PAIN
I feel like some one form star trek … the saraha desert is 3.5 million square miles … that is 2 billion 100 million acres 2,100,000,000 …and it is only 1200 miles wide that is 600 miles from ocean coast to ocean coast. Just in the saraha it is the possible for 2 billion peole to live. ( ok about 20% os htat sea of sand you see so muchof on tv and it would be realy hard to this there but al that is realy mmeded for the following is a tiny 1% or 2% of 2,100,000,000 )
There are about 11.4 million DISPLACED PEOPLE refugees in the world at any one time ranging to highs oof 24 million. And they live in hell and we gotta feed and care for them often for decades . At about a cost .50 perday or about $6,000,000 per day or $42,000,000 per week or $180,000,000.00 for just one month in a (death) camp.
The Alaska pipeline is 800 miles long ( and it is not! The longest pipeline in the world ) and can deliver over 100 million gallons of thick crude oil per day and crude oil is 200 times thicker than water to pump.
. The same technology could easily deliver 200 or 300 million gallons of water per day. This is technology we have been using for for over 30 years.
A human needs 1 gallon per day to drink in arid climates 1 gallon for cooking 5 for bathing ( a luxury having a daily shower or bath ) and for the SFG garden Technology of 4 sq. meters feeding a human 4 gallons per day . Toliets are based on HUMANURE concepts. For a total need of 11 gallons per person. 300 million gallons and 10 million refugees means 30 gallons per day could be available. Tripling the need . currently already in use the we produce 2 billion gallons of fresh water from our oceans PER DAY ALREADY ! ( much of this goes to watering golf courses in Saudi Araibia ) we produce 2 billion and need to produce only 300 million more over what we already can do.
With todays advent of wind and sun based electric generation ( not PV cells but solarthermal heating electric generation like is used in Seville Spain. 11 mega watt plant at a cost of about $20,000,000 or 3 days of food and water ) We could pump water from one of the two oceans ,, de salenate it passively on the coast under glass in about the same space as we currectly use to build an UNDER GLASS SHOPPING MALL. ( even better realy would be to pump pure saltwater then let each FARMETTE have two pieces of glass 4 x8 ,, actually build it for them passive solar distillers , and give them a themal blanket to cover it at night to maintaint temps in the unit solar retetion princlpes ..then the waste salts and associated value added products could be come the indsutry of the region .. the tax base of a 10% in and 10% flat system tht will eventually pay for itself , 1 distiller is for huma consumtion the other ties diercty to the irrigation system the dense brine from both goes to the finally open evaporation point where it can be processed for different uses)
The salt brine from the first stage of deslainatization could be mixed with a chooped desert grass and the BAIN of the desert dweller the accumulation of wind borne sands being small in size could be harvested to make a building blocks designed for the desert/ arid climates . Salt /cellose/sand adobe cooked and formed into building blocks by the sun. … abobe construction in arid lands will last for a 1000 years.
What the goal is to , terra form the desert from desert wasteland into ARID livable lands. That 300 million gallons of water from each coast could be broken up into road pipe ways
SECURITY ISSUES …. Over the pipe lines is a THIN electric road way where 24/7 an series of 2 man UN electric cars will pass going about 20 miles per hour . with data transfer of cameras and sound front back side to side. Passing each farm/REFUGEE locale every 10 minutes. ( it is not a road in the conventional sense and neither is the transportation vehicle but a design that work best in that ocean of sand ) $10,000 per mile $ 350,000,0000 up front ( or about 2 months food costs )12 inch piping delivers 200,000 gallons perday. Enough for 20,000 people on a branch.
35,000 miles for 10 million people to have 5 acres each 400 front feet by 500 deep
a UN troop deployemt of about 15,000 men/women would give 24 protection and support especially if the troops were trained in SFG food production as well as how to fire and M-16 . currently the UN deploys 59,000,000 troops worldwide. Most in the protection of the numerous REFUGEE efforts and camps already exisiting . So with this project there could be a sizable decrease in need for UN troops worldwide. A NET DECREASE IN UNITED NATIONS COSTS ! which is not reflected in the .50 cnets per day food and water cost.
One of the largest problems of the desert is the shifting wind blown sands. There are nine types of ARId bamboos when established with an undergraound weeping irrigation system and a start of composting will flourish providng each 400 x 500 5 acres with sand shifting protection . plus the start of TERRA FORMING the movement from desert into arid ….
Bambusa Desimillator grows to 40 foot high has edible shoots and provides usable building matrials. If the shoots are WEAVED while growing they form strong roof systems to go over the Adobe walls then covered by saraha sands the interior temps of the dwellings will reflect basic earth TEMPS of 65 degrees year round at a dept of two feet. . Bamboo is fast growing.
Using the bamboo for sun screening the family SFG’s and for the construction of SFG boxes themselves . the only investment per family will be trucking in the STARTup SFG growth soil taking into account the economy of scale and using some alternative components ie. Ground waste cocomut husks and rice stalks. Cost per person would be about $5 - 1 time cost. As compared to a $3.50 per week current RECURRING cost to feed them currently . there is a RIO return on invest after the second week.
The known food crops that can grow easly by peoples who are ALREADY accustomed to living an Agrierian life … most refugees are peoples who have roots in subsitance farming already . They need to just be trained and supported in the trasition from row crops to SFG.
The increase of evaporation will return the saraha to more normal size . the saraha has been expanding at an alarming rate for the last few decades. Retruning fringe lands to an arid state instead of desert. This evaporation will eventually cycle back into the oceans.
Bamboo fencing will also collect Dew water which most deserts have. And help self water .
Relocation costs , since the vst majority of DISPLACED PEOPLES ALREADY live in Africa ….. this again can be very little even returning people to traditional lands if they so desire after the fighting is over will be csot efficient .
Carbon Sink the increased vegation will become a carbon sink helping to scrub the worldwide environment of the excess corbon we produce.
UN government state , basic universal language taining of refugees a common 50 word lexicon of Spanish … the UN PERSONEL ALSO HAVING THE SAME TRAINING PLUS ONBOARD translators.. Each home equipped with a 50 wat pv. For refrigeration and also equipped with a simple computer and inter net access …. Entertainment and education. Addition cost per family unit (5) of $400 again due to economy of scale.
Currently in the next 6 months we will spend 1.2 billion dollars just to feed them a starvation diet , for the same up front costs( 30m electric and desali 70m pipeline and electric. .. we can offer them an ALTERVATIVE life forever or a place to stay …….. we save that 1.2 billion each 6 months for other uses. Since we already spend it why not continue to use it…. For peace ! ok double the costs triple it quadruple it and still the RIO would be great.
( but rememeber keeping things the same means that Monsanto and other corperate giants continue to sell seed to raise crops to sell to governments to feed refugees to the tune of $180,000,000 a fucking month it is big bucks for the very very few 100 or so in the industrial farming world the life styles of 300 or 400 people as compared to the terror and starvation of 11.4 million mainly women and children when we have a planet with way to much land and water already)
Monday, June 30, 2008
all up in knots
All up in knots
I know you want this to be like the old days and be about BDSM but nope sorry if you want to read stories to generate fansty for your personel masturbation time ( and masturbation is good pyshciall exercise ofr important health of your reproductive glands ) well today is not that blog go to http://www.instinctualism.org/old_blogs_philip_vandermude.html and read some of the writing from last year.
Not today .. today is in support of the http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html pages thinking about your GUIDANCE system … what and how the body talks to you and yet you do not listen understanding the ALREADY perfect repair and health systems built into the whole DYNAICS of the human DNA animal in cluding …..PROBIOTICS ,,, all thos millions of bacteria which CO-exisist with you live off of you and are hlphul and needed for human health and wellness. ……and how being all UP IN KNOTS being in stress living an UN NATURAL life for to long eventually leads to your body TEKKING you in NO UNCERN terms ,,,yo dipshit ..will you listen to me NOW that I have already gotten SICK stop living like you are living!
Dental healt is of interest to me , actually one of my customers a retired dentist , himself has issue with the industry that got him so rich , even though to consel people in alternative methods could lead him into legal trouble ..if he directly recommends a path not in line with current LEGAL health care practices ( for profit practices ) … sl he HINTS ..that maybe what he got brought up learning and doing may not be REALLY the best …..for the health of a human mouth and digestive system ….. understand your teeth are your food processors they are the being of digestion. Personally mine are shot and in need of cosmetic re-cosnturuction due to the BEST efforts of my parents to live the life recommended ..by the PROFIT MAKING MACHINE OF HEALTH CARE. Just hink only 1 cavity per visit ,, the goal tooted by advertisers for years , if the child went to the dentist from age 6 to 21 very 6 months like recomenened that human whould have over 30 teeth filled with UNANTURAL HEAVY METALS WHICH POISIN THE LIVING TISSUE OF THE TOOTH.
Like a bone can re-nitt and heal itself only thing the doctor can and should do is SKILLFULLY re-align the bone and protect that area then let NATURE DO IT’S JOB . all by its self ,, also with cuts on naormally healthy people who hav not been poisoned by refined surgar until getting DIABETIES …. If cut their body antural heals itself , even after and operation the doctor only sews you back up and then trusts the body to fix the damage he did …. Damamge he did because you wer most probably living an UNATURAL AND STRESSFUL LIFE.
YOUR TEETH GROW AND LIVE constantly healthy natural teeth are replacing enoamel because in the process of PROCESSING YOUR FOODs…. You wear the enamel down ….. evidence has shoe that even cavities of 2 millimeters can be re- MINERALIZED by the actions of the tooth and mouth …. Even totally decayed stumps left over from the breaking of teeth than were originally filled then unable to repair themselves in 20 years decayed totally .. the heavy metal breaks off the natural tooth once more free of toxic meatls , starts a slow healing process …if the human mouth is health this process will evntenully cover the stump with a hardness similar to enamel providing protection to soft living tissue…this action depends on a health PRO-BIOTIC ENVIROMENT , approeate foods and good salvia …
Ahhh good saliva , when your stomach is all tied up in knots .. you are understress …… your tighten up ..thus GLANDS .. like sex glands and SALIVA glands , are tight and not able o express themselves naturally …. Less cumm less seuxall lubricant for girls less sperm for you and erctions….. and less saliva…. For re-mineralization of damaged teeth ,. See if you got go glands flow because you are not all tied up in knots emotionally ( see the emotional guidance scale http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ) then the level of fresh slavia keeps the mouth healthy and the tooths action of growth and repair is being supported. BUT STRESS has become such a constant part of life even expected ,,, like they say marriage is HARD WORK ! hmmmmmm hard work does that semm inline with TOAISM AND ZEN thinking hard work , does Abraham suggest working HARD ? what is the basis often for working hard like at a career , what is realy being gained with all that cash , so you cn go to the gym and get sexy? Hmmmm where ann what is most stress realy based in?
And where honestly is most of your STRESS it is from your RELATIONSHIPS … you trying to force yourself to live against your DNA nature …..whihc is the nature of an ahrem animal. 3 chicks 1 guy ( 1 good already proven guy , not just some fashionable guy ) ……. Everything else well …. Is just you and your EGO wanting to control !
I know you want this to be like the old days and be about BDSM but nope sorry if you want to read stories to generate fansty for your personel masturbation time ( and masturbation is good pyshciall exercise ofr important health of your reproductive glands ) well today is not that blog go to http://www.instinctualism.org/old_blogs_philip_vandermude.html and read some of the writing from last year.
Not today .. today is in support of the http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html pages thinking about your GUIDANCE system … what and how the body talks to you and yet you do not listen understanding the ALREADY perfect repair and health systems built into the whole DYNAICS of the human DNA animal in cluding …..PROBIOTICS ,,, all thos millions of bacteria which CO-exisist with you live off of you and are hlphul and needed for human health and wellness. ……and how being all UP IN KNOTS being in stress living an UN NATURAL life for to long eventually leads to your body TEKKING you in NO UNCERN terms ,,,yo dipshit ..will you listen to me NOW that I have already gotten SICK stop living like you are living!
Dental healt is of interest to me , actually one of my customers a retired dentist , himself has issue with the industry that got him so rich , even though to consel people in alternative methods could lead him into legal trouble ..if he directly recommends a path not in line with current LEGAL health care practices ( for profit practices ) … sl he HINTS ..that maybe what he got brought up learning and doing may not be REALLY the best …..for the health of a human mouth and digestive system ….. understand your teeth are your food processors they are the being of digestion. Personally mine are shot and in need of cosmetic re-cosnturuction due to the BEST efforts of my parents to live the life recommended ..by the PROFIT MAKING MACHINE OF HEALTH CARE. Just hink only 1 cavity per visit ,, the goal tooted by advertisers for years , if the child went to the dentist from age 6 to 21 very 6 months like recomenened that human whould have over 30 teeth filled with UNANTURAL HEAVY METALS WHICH POISIN THE LIVING TISSUE OF THE TOOTH.
Like a bone can re-nitt and heal itself only thing the doctor can and should do is SKILLFULLY re-align the bone and protect that area then let NATURE DO IT’S JOB . all by its self ,, also with cuts on naormally healthy people who hav not been poisoned by refined surgar until getting DIABETIES …. If cut their body antural heals itself , even after and operation the doctor only sews you back up and then trusts the body to fix the damage he did …. Damamge he did because you wer most probably living an UNATURAL AND STRESSFUL LIFE.
YOUR TEETH GROW AND LIVE constantly healthy natural teeth are replacing enoamel because in the process of PROCESSING YOUR FOODs…. You wear the enamel down ….. evidence has shoe that even cavities of 2 millimeters can be re- MINERALIZED by the actions of the tooth and mouth …. Even totally decayed stumps left over from the breaking of teeth than were originally filled then unable to repair themselves in 20 years decayed totally .. the heavy metal breaks off the natural tooth once more free of toxic meatls , starts a slow healing process …if the human mouth is health this process will evntenully cover the stump with a hardness similar to enamel providing protection to soft living tissue…this action depends on a health PRO-BIOTIC ENVIROMENT , approeate foods and good salvia …
Ahhh good saliva , when your stomach is all tied up in knots .. you are understress …… your tighten up ..thus GLANDS .. like sex glands and SALIVA glands , are tight and not able o express themselves naturally …. Less cumm less seuxall lubricant for girls less sperm for you and erctions….. and less saliva…. For re-mineralization of damaged teeth ,. See if you got go glands flow because you are not all tied up in knots emotionally ( see the emotional guidance scale http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ) then the level of fresh slavia keeps the mouth healthy and the tooths action of growth and repair is being supported. BUT STRESS has become such a constant part of life even expected ,,, like they say marriage is HARD WORK ! hmmmmmm hard work does that semm inline with TOAISM AND ZEN thinking hard work , does Abraham suggest working HARD ? what is the basis often for working hard like at a career , what is realy being gained with all that cash , so you cn go to the gym and get sexy? Hmmmm where ann what is most stress realy based in?
And where honestly is most of your STRESS it is from your RELATIONSHIPS … you trying to force yourself to live against your DNA nature …..whihc is the nature of an ahrem animal. 3 chicks 1 guy ( 1 good already proven guy , not just some fashionable guy ) ……. Everything else well …. Is just you and your EGO wanting to control !
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Young master I know I know ROID MOSTERS who sprout their own wheat grass mung beans and alpha ….. what is unCOOL about growing shit? If you hunt and fish I know you think you are connecting back with your hunter/gather nature the old ways , yet most of you have no knowledge for example of the wild foods other than the FASHION animal you hunt .
Mankinds biggest leap was when he choose to collect save and the place back into the ground seeds for a plant he found tasted good… and then he cared for that plant. DIPSHTI MY FRIEND , it has got to be fun and something you are proud of something you do that you feel the connection to freddom , freedom from that fucking job you hate the ticket away from the slavery of living like your mom and dad and everyone else ..like your buddys are gonna become just slaves to the ecominc world , depending on Publix and restaurants … becaue facts is facts we gotta eat …. Now making it Fun is the key !
What is your current fun , online gaming , depending on this box on the wires to some ARTIFICAL BRAIN …. ?how much of your real fun and social time is dependant on this box whihch you read my words . and why with your FREEDOM of choice do you choose this to be FUN? You are so free you can choose bondage. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
The TAOISt experiencer ..the experieice or adventure of living is also the experience of being a letuuce SEED ….. if you realy take the time to feel your NON-PYSHICAL NATURE … under the in-fi-nite which you are time is just and illusion and VKUE judgements about this life form is a more important step of evolving a POV ( point of view ) adventurer aspect of the whole I in I which is you and me and evey expression of living …. How could 1 be more improatnt than the other each is it’s own special adventure which is there to be experience like the most fansatic Theme PARK ever created …. The collest video game where you realy get to try to SURVIVE .
So ….. 1 have my agenda and so does the lettuce seed , and for the last 10,000 years we have been playing this game , it grows something fresh and crucnchy and sweet and humans have been caring for the lettuce in return ,,,, eating some letting some go to seed …. Survival mechanism of the lettuce is to produce many seeds , it is like starting a MARIO BROTHERS GAME with 10,000 lives because it is so difficult to win at the game only 3 out or the 10,000 if left nature would ever get to enjoyu the rays of the sun and the coll moist feeling of the soil around its fingers and roots , put your self in a medaitive state of dream and feel what is was once like for you YES you when you had the fun of playing the MARIO GAME called “lettuce-hood” I betcha you failed ! you dieed young got baked by the hot sun or a monster ate you …… like a fucking rabbit or something worse like a mole……
TRANSMUTE ….. re think things…. Create new games , and in your new game you find real activity and REAL freedom $$$ ….. you can laugh at the world of slaves and their choice to be slaves , for it is free will and choice. For example I have had a ruff time getting lettuce to grow straight from seed in an open SFG . but when I layer some vermiculite in a small tupper ware tray and wet it and sprinkle some sedd I get 100’s of baby lettuce starting the struggle for living , starting their own adventure ….. and if I roll me a smoke take that tray sit on the grass in the sunrise lite after my wlak and smoke and drink my coffee , I poke a hole in that lettuce square foot and pick a baby up by it’s ears …. It’s ears with tweezers ….( will understand when you see it ) lay that long white tap root over the poked hole the push it like a string into the ground tucking MY FELLOW towist adventurer in and wishing him aor her luck and good fulfilling experience … play the game of LETTUCE-HOOD . this is your UP . while smiking the cig I can place about 50 lil’dudes and dudettes in the ground the cover them with abox lid and leave it up the adventerue the POV player ,,,, the box lid gives them a few days of sun protection . now 50 lettuce in square foot is way to much , well in a few weeks I get ,,, BABY LETTUCE salads over and over ..this is part of the connections we human and lettuce made 10,000 years ago. The SYNENERGY. Of it…… I help them as a group they help me …. I get my relaxation and pride and freedom TO LONGER HAVE TO SEARCH FOR FOOD … for I help it now and in that they say thank you .. and grow expecting that thye will TRANSITION BACK INTO THE TAO BY ME BEING THEIR ……. PREDITIOR . http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html what does the idea of being a preditiro have to do with health insurance? Well it has to do with the FEAR OF DEATH the fear of returning to the non-pyshical after the game is over …. And the experience and adventure of this UP in the Mario game of this time/space is over for this ,, for this 1 time out of and IN-FI – NiTE amount of possible ups and GAME POSITIONS each position whether human or tiger or lettuce has its own! Feelings.
Young master I know I know ROID MOSTERS who sprout their own wheat grass mung beans and alpha ….. what is unCOOL about growing shit? If you hunt and fish I know you think you are connecting back with your hunter/gather nature the old ways , yet most of you have no knowledge for example of the wild foods other than the FASHION animal you hunt .
Mankinds biggest leap was when he choose to collect save and the place back into the ground seeds for a plant he found tasted good… and then he cared for that plant. DIPSHTI MY FRIEND , it has got to be fun and something you are proud of something you do that you feel the connection to freddom , freedom from that fucking job you hate the ticket away from the slavery of living like your mom and dad and everyone else ..like your buddys are gonna become just slaves to the ecominc world , depending on Publix and restaurants … becaue facts is facts we gotta eat …. Now making it Fun is the key !
What is your current fun , online gaming , depending on this box on the wires to some ARTIFICAL BRAIN …. ?how much of your real fun and social time is dependant on this box whihch you read my words . and why with your FREEDOM of choice do you choose this to be FUN? You are so free you can choose bondage. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
The TAOISt experiencer ..the experieice or adventure of living is also the experience of being a letuuce SEED ….. if you realy take the time to feel your NON-PYSHICAL NATURE … under the in-fi-nite which you are time is just and illusion and VKUE judgements about this life form is a more important step of evolving a POV ( point of view ) adventurer aspect of the whole I in I which is you and me and evey expression of living …. How could 1 be more improatnt than the other each is it’s own special adventure which is there to be experience like the most fansatic Theme PARK ever created …. The collest video game where you realy get to try to SURVIVE .
So ….. 1 have my agenda and so does the lettuce seed , and for the last 10,000 years we have been playing this game , it grows something fresh and crucnchy and sweet and humans have been caring for the lettuce in return ,,,, eating some letting some go to seed …. Survival mechanism of the lettuce is to produce many seeds , it is like starting a MARIO BROTHERS GAME with 10,000 lives because it is so difficult to win at the game only 3 out or the 10,000 if left nature would ever get to enjoyu the rays of the sun and the coll moist feeling of the soil around its fingers and roots , put your self in a medaitive state of dream and feel what is was once like for you YES you when you had the fun of playing the MARIO GAME called “lettuce-hood” I betcha you failed ! you dieed young got baked by the hot sun or a monster ate you …… like a fucking rabbit or something worse like a mole……
TRANSMUTE ….. re think things…. Create new games , and in your new game you find real activity and REAL freedom $$$ ….. you can laugh at the world of slaves and their choice to be slaves , for it is free will and choice. For example I have had a ruff time getting lettuce to grow straight from seed in an open SFG . but when I layer some vermiculite in a small tupper ware tray and wet it and sprinkle some sedd I get 100’s of baby lettuce starting the struggle for living , starting their own adventure ….. and if I roll me a smoke take that tray sit on the grass in the sunrise lite after my wlak and smoke and drink my coffee , I poke a hole in that lettuce square foot and pick a baby up by it’s ears …. It’s ears with tweezers ….( will understand when you see it ) lay that long white tap root over the poked hole the push it like a string into the ground tucking MY FELLOW towist adventurer in and wishing him aor her luck and good fulfilling experience … play the game of LETTUCE-HOOD . this is your UP . while smiking the cig I can place about 50 lil’dudes and dudettes in the ground the cover them with abox lid and leave it up the adventerue the POV player ,,,, the box lid gives them a few days of sun protection . now 50 lettuce in square foot is way to much , well in a few weeks I get ,,, BABY LETTUCE salads over and over ..this is part of the connections we human and lettuce made 10,000 years ago. The SYNENERGY. Of it…… I help them as a group they help me …. I get my relaxation and pride and freedom TO LONGER HAVE TO SEARCH FOR FOOD … for I help it now and in that they say thank you .. and grow expecting that thye will TRANSITION BACK INTO THE TAO BY ME BEING THEIR ……. PREDITIOR . http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html what does the idea of being a preditiro have to do with health insurance? Well it has to do with the FEAR OF DEATH the fear of returning to the non-pyshical after the game is over …. And the experience and adventure of this UP in the Mario game of this time/space is over for this ,, for this 1 time out of and IN-FI – NiTE amount of possible ups and GAME POSITIONS each position whether human or tiger or lettuce has its own! Feelings.
health insurance,
oral sex,
rage against the machine
Saturday, June 28, 2008
she is Bi
She is Bi
Young master , just because of those words and some events … the details or the REAL evidence trail may not support your hopes . and I am sorry to say this baby is part of that evidence trail … I have become bummed myself writing about the EVE spirit it was getting me depressed but , I just got return to it , for thru out HISTORY much of world events have been lo9kded by the EVE’s of history in very sublte manipulative political ways. … and having ababy is one of the KEY events in controlling any KING . in history it was giving him a hier a son to take the throne and princesss to marry off to form polictall alliances .
But back to you , yes you have had some 3 somes ,,, all great fun . she when not with you was bi sexual in fact evne in your relationship if she is not sleeping with you she is lseeping with her girls friends while you may frind sleep alone….. open your eyes.
Does she encourage you to form friendship bonds with any of these girls … fridnship bonds that would be without her being present? No it is only sexual fun and causal friendship in your common peer group. Around town the relationship is one of you and her ,,, not you and her and her and her , it is not referenced in terms of a poly but as a 1 on 1 …. And if you say it has to do with you keeping your mouth shut about building the poly compound I will agree to that …. But then I still want to see if the evidence trail is really one of her encouraging true love and friendship with the others or is SHE STILL THE ALPHA female the 1st wife. The queen who permits you to play … permit you her sublte slave to play to keep you happy for a while.
Ahhh she has been proud of how much $ you have saved that you are almost living the 990 /10 and she is coola bout not parting with your money she parties with OPM other people money ….. leaving you behind since you are so fucking tiered form doing 60 to 70 hour weeks …..
Ok if some wants to do something , they DO IT …… it vecomes an obcession a hobby they study and p[ractise , in many many ways , I for example can understand you not building an SFG at you parents home first you have no free time ( good man work hard bank those bonds. ) but you trust the HTEORY IS VALID and with trial and error you will learn to do what others have already done … again GOOD MAN …. But what about her ? she is saying she will depend on this for her food in her future as part of an alternative lifestyle how come she with no work or job is not doing it ….. it is not like she does not have 20 bucks to build one and it is not like you wouldnot take what little time you DO have to build it for her , when I hear about you going to pick her up and get her friends and then just hang with them for hours it is not like you will not do things with her and for her even with your intense work schedule….. how is she really proving her commitment to YOUR FUTURE the futurer of that baby ? There are so many little pieces of evidence that say ….
Form a SUB C. stand point she maybe by Default recreating what she KNOWS …. We do this as humans we recreate the life were brought up in ,,,, if you fight this truth remember ,, WHAT YOU RESIST ( FIGHT ) PERSISITS …. If you accept truth and learn from it you gain knowledge or power form that knowledge to create real changes …. What is her past ? her mom me got pregnant like she has with you , she is the daughter of the daughter of another similar pregnancy , in other words granmom did the sme thing . and sorry to say if you realy look at your family mom and step dad , you maybe SUB C, recreating the same thing that you were born into.
I know the abortion is to late now but you know she had brought up the topic herself , why did she not decide this time it was the wrong time to INVITE a Toaist Traveler into this world , for you young master have 2 hard years still ahead of you , and then you still have to from FRIENDS SHIPS with 3 girls not just be allowed to have SEX play when she ….. when SHE wants you to ! ….. the evidence trail is not looking realy that good and I have only scatched the surface.
A very real fear is her positioning herself as 1st wife which will be later used to because of her having the baby …the tool of control . she can force you or atleast hse may think like so many EVE’s of history have thought she can control and manipulate HER psosseion her man thru children. It does not work today and for you … if you want to and you are creative , you can surmvie and thrive weven with having the Sword of Damacelles hanging over your head childsupport or jail. And the tool of control of guilt and tears …… no matter what her words say her actions I fear tell another common EVE tale of manipulation and control .. so she is Bi …. Hmmmmm so WHAT ! it is just a fashion in todays world . There has to be more of a commitment an action trail like yours of work and savings ,,, where is hers ? is it the growing of the baby which she timed ? again remember she knows her cycles ,,in her CHOICE by default to re-CREATE the events of her own past by allowing herself ignore her cycles …. What does that tell you ? can you think for yourself or have you already slipeed backwards intot he EXPECTED COURSE of action fo the normal . or are you feeling TRAPPED and in that trap are you ready to give up and just drink ..like dad ?use your own thinking ……. The end will be the end . and you can always tart over free ..but I understand that honor you feel ….. you gotta do what ever you thinkw ill make her happy based upon the information she gives which form the mouth of a human which history ahs shown to not be dependable source of TRUTHFULL information.
Young master , just because of those words and some events … the details or the REAL evidence trail may not support your hopes . and I am sorry to say this baby is part of that evidence trail … I have become bummed myself writing about the EVE spirit it was getting me depressed but , I just got return to it , for thru out HISTORY much of world events have been lo9kded by the EVE’s of history in very sublte manipulative political ways. … and having ababy is one of the KEY events in controlling any KING . in history it was giving him a hier a son to take the throne and princesss to marry off to form polictall alliances .
But back to you , yes you have had some 3 somes ,,, all great fun . she when not with you was bi sexual in fact evne in your relationship if she is not sleeping with you she is lseeping with her girls friends while you may frind sleep alone….. open your eyes.
Does she encourage you to form friendship bonds with any of these girls … fridnship bonds that would be without her being present? No it is only sexual fun and causal friendship in your common peer group. Around town the relationship is one of you and her ,,, not you and her and her and her , it is not referenced in terms of a poly but as a 1 on 1 …. And if you say it has to do with you keeping your mouth shut about building the poly compound I will agree to that …. But then I still want to see if the evidence trail is really one of her encouraging true love and friendship with the others or is SHE STILL THE ALPHA female the 1st wife. The queen who permits you to play … permit you her sublte slave to play to keep you happy for a while.
Ahhh she has been proud of how much $ you have saved that you are almost living the 990 /10 and she is coola bout not parting with your money she parties with OPM other people money ….. leaving you behind since you are so fucking tiered form doing 60 to 70 hour weeks …..
Ok if some wants to do something , they DO IT …… it vecomes an obcession a hobby they study and p[ractise , in many many ways , I for example can understand you not building an SFG at you parents home first you have no free time ( good man work hard bank those bonds. ) but you trust the HTEORY IS VALID and with trial and error you will learn to do what others have already done … again GOOD MAN …. But what about her ? she is saying she will depend on this for her food in her future as part of an alternative lifestyle how come she with no work or job is not doing it ….. it is not like she does not have 20 bucks to build one and it is not like you wouldnot take what little time you DO have to build it for her , when I hear about you going to pick her up and get her friends and then just hang with them for hours it is not like you will not do things with her and for her even with your intense work schedule….. how is she really proving her commitment to YOUR FUTURE the futurer of that baby ? There are so many little pieces of evidence that say ….
Form a SUB C. stand point she maybe by Default recreating what she KNOWS …. We do this as humans we recreate the life were brought up in ,,,, if you fight this truth remember ,, WHAT YOU RESIST ( FIGHT ) PERSISITS …. If you accept truth and learn from it you gain knowledge or power form that knowledge to create real changes …. What is her past ? her mom me got pregnant like she has with you , she is the daughter of the daughter of another similar pregnancy , in other words granmom did the sme thing . and sorry to say if you realy look at your family mom and step dad , you maybe SUB C, recreating the same thing that you were born into.
I know the abortion is to late now but you know she had brought up the topic herself , why did she not decide this time it was the wrong time to INVITE a Toaist Traveler into this world , for you young master have 2 hard years still ahead of you , and then you still have to from FRIENDS SHIPS with 3 girls not just be allowed to have SEX play when she ….. when SHE wants you to ! ….. the evidence trail is not looking realy that good and I have only scatched the surface.
A very real fear is her positioning herself as 1st wife which will be later used to because of her having the baby …the tool of control . she can force you or atleast hse may think like so many EVE’s of history have thought she can control and manipulate HER psosseion her man thru children. It does not work today and for you … if you want to and you are creative , you can surmvie and thrive weven with having the Sword of Damacelles hanging over your head childsupport or jail. And the tool of control of guilt and tears …… no matter what her words say her actions I fear tell another common EVE tale of manipulation and control .. so she is Bi …. Hmmmmm so WHAT ! it is just a fashion in todays world . There has to be more of a commitment an action trail like yours of work and savings ,,, where is hers ? is it the growing of the baby which she timed ? again remember she knows her cycles ,,in her CHOICE by default to re-CREATE the events of her own past by allowing herself ignore her cycles …. What does that tell you ? can you think for yourself or have you already slipeed backwards intot he EXPECTED COURSE of action fo the normal . or are you feeling TRAPPED and in that trap are you ready to give up and just drink ..like dad ?use your own thinking ……. The end will be the end . and you can always tart over free ..but I understand that honor you feel ….. you gotta do what ever you thinkw ill make her happy based upon the information she gives which form the mouth of a human which history ahs shown to not be dependable source of TRUTHFULL information.
12 volt vibrator
12 volt vibrator
first young master I I gotta touch on a girls letter ….. hey I am not the one to ask about 1 on 1 relationship problems , I believe strongely that the sublte dynamics of control are expressed in the 1 on 1 after the feelings and words of love appear real for each of you ….. now this is a possible influence on the guys who do not even get that far as to even talk about love but are just PLAYERS …. Telling what ever lie they feel they need to get into your pants when in fact you have stoped playing yourself and are looking for something more stable.
It is a messed up muddled up shoke up world …. And everyone is confused …. He is modeling the relationship style he was shown as a child ..we human learn so much from our models , it is the nviroment that we tend to RE-create for ourselves ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/id75.html see if you can think for yourself …. Translate the info about ..the TREND of a child who lives in a messy house also having a messy house and the TREND of a child who grew up in a picked up orderly house re-creating the same in their adult life ,,,,, translate that into understanding that he is doing what he has seen in the environment he grew up in . ….. without thinking ! BUT THE BASIC problem is in the relationship form of the 1 on 1 and the subtle dynics of http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html expressed in the 1 on 1 … it is unantrual for a harem species which humans are one.
Ok back to a 12 volt vibrator ,,, young master the idea of house wiring using 12 volt is so fucking simple really all you gotta understand is low volt system lose power over the run of a long wire….. next is to choose things in your life that will run mainly from 12 volt , your cell phone come with a 12 volt charger so does your computer …. The Sundanzer refrigerator is a 12 volt frig. The air cirulataing fans I describe are all 12 volt and the same with the lights go here and the links page get the backwoods solars catalog http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html now for home heating and for hot water the drawing on the bottom of the page …just think about a green house even in winter it is hot … the idea of hot pavement …. Well capturing that 1 kilowat of sun energy storing it in thermally sand and rocks . placing the steel water water lay it down …. Insulate the box with foam board that has a reflective face reflecting the heat back in wards layer after layer atleast 3 layers. … with a door that again is triple insulated ooh the door open to expose the window that captures the suns heat ….. closed at night retains and builds that heat so the next moring it is still hot in the box ….. solar retetion princliples , very easy to make dipshit .
Now running that 110 hitatchi vibrator you will need a power inverter on the night stand it will be plugged into the wall socket and the vibrator will be plugged into the power transformer real fucking simple shit . the wall plug receptivcles can not look like regular 110 house type , but in back woods solar they recomened a receptaicle that will pass building code in a straight 12 volt house . and well soud your sound system you will build that using the system available for your car or van . and well T fucking V …the great mind drain of the current world. Hmmmmm if you gotta have one or more of these mind fuck devises ..to escape . RETHINK IT !
It is like the junkie going to rehab to get clean then going back into the real world and friends only to become addicted once more.
first young master I I gotta touch on a girls letter ….. hey I am not the one to ask about 1 on 1 relationship problems , I believe strongely that the sublte dynamics of control are expressed in the 1 on 1 after the feelings and words of love appear real for each of you ….. now this is a possible influence on the guys who do not even get that far as to even talk about love but are just PLAYERS …. Telling what ever lie they feel they need to get into your pants when in fact you have stoped playing yourself and are looking for something more stable.
It is a messed up muddled up shoke up world …. And everyone is confused …. He is modeling the relationship style he was shown as a child ..we human learn so much from our models , it is the nviroment that we tend to RE-create for ourselves ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/id75.html see if you can think for yourself …. Translate the info about ..the TREND of a child who lives in a messy house also having a messy house and the TREND of a child who grew up in a picked up orderly house re-creating the same in their adult life ,,,,, translate that into understanding that he is doing what he has seen in the environment he grew up in . ….. without thinking ! BUT THE BASIC problem is in the relationship form of the 1 on 1 and the subtle dynics of http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html expressed in the 1 on 1 … it is unantrual for a harem species which humans are one.
Ok back to a 12 volt vibrator ,,, young master the idea of house wiring using 12 volt is so fucking simple really all you gotta understand is low volt system lose power over the run of a long wire….. next is to choose things in your life that will run mainly from 12 volt , your cell phone come with a 12 volt charger so does your computer …. The Sundanzer refrigerator is a 12 volt frig. The air cirulataing fans I describe are all 12 volt and the same with the lights go here and the links page get the backwoods solars catalog http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html now for home heating and for hot water the drawing on the bottom of the page …just think about a green house even in winter it is hot … the idea of hot pavement …. Well capturing that 1 kilowat of sun energy storing it in thermally sand and rocks . placing the steel water water lay it down …. Insulate the box with foam board that has a reflective face reflecting the heat back in wards layer after layer atleast 3 layers. … with a door that again is triple insulated ooh the door open to expose the window that captures the suns heat ….. closed at night retains and builds that heat so the next moring it is still hot in the box ….. solar retetion princliples , very easy to make dipshit .
Now running that 110 hitatchi vibrator you will need a power inverter on the night stand it will be plugged into the wall socket and the vibrator will be plugged into the power transformer real fucking simple shit . the wall plug receptivcles can not look like regular 110 house type , but in back woods solar they recomened a receptaicle that will pass building code in a straight 12 volt house . and well soud your sound system you will build that using the system available for your car or van . and well T fucking V …the great mind drain of the current world. Hmmmmm if you gotta have one or more of these mind fuck devises ..to escape . RETHINK IT !
It is like the junkie going to rehab to get clean then going back into the real world and friends only to become addicted once more.
Friday, June 27, 2008
the wolf in credit report clothing
The wolf in credit report clothes
Young master , ahh it is not a fairy tale ain’t nothing like the fuckin fairy tale of happy ever after shit , that is only in fucking movies along with the fucking aliens monsters and shit just as fuckin real as them ,, the happy ever after ..
Parenting so dipsht you got 1 in the oven growing away ….. hmmmm. Well whatcha gonna do , first I say do the right thing as study PET and Magic 123 … but next do that with some other understanding also …… that of our DNA …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
Remember this world we live now is very unreal from the DNa we have in us that for 6 million served us but now is at odds with the artificialness of …. CIVIL Society. I gotta think what if that type of activity happened in nature where would that child be?
What activity am I talking of …. Well the same shit you may have done to your won parents or caregivers …. It may be described as disrespect for lack of a beater word.
Year ago the sounds of the wolves at night were not just the fairy tales of the big bad wolf of western child hood ( programming ) stories. To most of mankind of it ‘s 6 million years of walking upright ,, being a prey animal if caught alone and exposed …the wolves the lions the tigers the jaguars , leopards and Puma ,,, were very very real they meant death …. Something a child knew was real as it started to explore the world …. In fact well before leaving the mommmys breast the child knew of the dangers all around and felt and understood the GIFT of FAMILY and the protection of the DOM silver back male…… ( will waste time bringing up chimp/bonoboos their looser ties and rialence on still have GREAT climbing skills at early ages made for differences evident in the lack of family ties ..each mother ranging alone in a 2 sq.k alone more afraid of the other chimps than prededation )
We though in our current and historical norm of family and HAREM familys thru out written history show a difference between us and chimps. Again much more like HAREM SPEICIES the cousin Gorilla.
When a young male becomes DISRUPTIVE to the family usnit he is driven away ……. When in aboriginal cultures the young male teen was hurting for his place his own piece of pussy he had to ga AWAY and live a full year alone in the wild and then he could return to claim his right as MAN . …..
What if that disruptive human 2 , 3 or 4 year old who likes to bite or hit to get his way ,,, WHY is he biting because he all human kids learn very quicly the ways of getting attention .. and sometimes negative attention if …. The kid can push the parent hard enough till the parent fells GUILTY will lead to the mother loads of aATTENTION and goodies and toys …. Of course sometimes it is just over stimulation and confusion on the part of small humans. Again our fault the faulot of the parent in thinking we are doing good by giving and giving to the point of confusion.
To much of a good thing is a bad thing .
What would a baby /young gorilla who was truly anti social … what would happen if it was hitting and bitting and causeing all sorts of shit in the faily , would not , the mom say git away you are hurting the baby …. And if this young one went and wanted attention of auntie but bit her to get it would she not drive him away again and like wise with dad and his older brothers and sisters …..
And if this continued …… now please think with the TOA here …. The baby….. will be alosn outside of the circle of protection those … anti-social DNa genes that mutated and became expressed in that young one , would drive tha young one out of the protection of the family unit and it would become easy prey and that DNA line of abuse or anti social ness would not be passed donw to the next generation of GORILLA .
No judgement ,, no thinking ahhh but that is cruel ….. cruelity ,,, is gassing 6 million fellow humans because they are different …. Cruel is letting 50,000 humans last week die of starvation in Refuggee camps when we as a sopiety world wide have the technology to provide them with self sustaining farming in marginal lands … ( a cmplex idea but with great RIO ..actually ) crueilty is caging people because they are so depressed they would rather get high than live …. A victimless crime self destruction ,,except in the act of self destruction the labor force is lessene and the indeustriaist has to worry about his ecominc slave labor force ….. we the only animals who self destruct commit suicide …… yet our slave master worried so much about this trend 5 ,000 years ago they created stories about how to kill yourself was to offend them the gods ….. and they would then go to hell. So silent desperation became the lot of the 96 out of 100 humans . you !
Ahh but back to tha child you will be forced to pay child support for or else go to JAIL …… ahhh but did you know that she was letting herself get pregnant , remember she KNOWS HER CYCLES you do not you are loaded and ready to go every 7 hours . she only 3 days a months…… never is a child your fault ….. if they were it would have have been from a forced rape other wise she SAID YES first , OPENED HER legs and that wet pussy invited you in …… and you will pay for it for ever or go to JAIL . for her choice .
Unfairness under the law .
What about the few years yo will have bfore the STATS gatch up to you and divorce happens ….. you do nderstand that this child is as much an EGO item for her as it is ..an invitiation that she made to a TOAIST traveler andventurer.. where she conssiuoly INVITED another like herself of the I – in I to come and experience life. No the baby is an FEMALE ego item like a gold ring aor a new car …. Or large home ….. in that EGO is also how she looks as a mom to other moms ,,,, ahh such atrapp you have never realy thought about young master ,, see she doesnot realy think about the GOOD of the chold as much as the CHILD SHOWING LOVE TO HER ….. expecially showing love on command like a trained animal …. In fron of others who will provide the status of EVE’s ego . in the society .
So if her baby were to be of the DNa nature that would naturally retrun to the Tao because of deformed DNa traits ,, and anti social behavior and instead of using this great big human brain to understand it BEAUTY of life and death interms of the science we even now are realizing thru QUATUM PYSCHICS …. …BUT REMEMBER real DNa malformations of an anti-social nature only account for 1% of 1 percnet of all possible malformations. Such an absolutely small number it makes you wonder how come we have to drug so many of our male children especially into soicall control . with AD/HD drugs .
Todays wolf or tiger is abstract , it is the credit worthness statement decided by a bank about that child when he is 22 …… something a 4 years can not her GROWLING and HOWLING at night out side the cave any more. There is not much for the young human to thanks you to the parenst for their protection any more for they fear nothing in fact all so soon if DCF ever gets involved the child understands it has more rights then the parents do . Until the child pushes the boundry to far and then is DRUGGED into submission . ohhh drugged like you once were ….young master .
Young master , ahh it is not a fairy tale ain’t nothing like the fuckin fairy tale of happy ever after shit , that is only in fucking movies along with the fucking aliens monsters and shit just as fuckin real as them ,, the happy ever after ..
Parenting so dipsht you got 1 in the oven growing away ….. hmmmm. Well whatcha gonna do , first I say do the right thing as study PET and Magic 123 … but next do that with some other understanding also …… that of our DNA …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
Remember this world we live now is very unreal from the DNa we have in us that for 6 million served us but now is at odds with the artificialness of …. CIVIL Society. I gotta think what if that type of activity happened in nature where would that child be?
What activity am I talking of …. Well the same shit you may have done to your won parents or caregivers …. It may be described as disrespect for lack of a beater word.
Year ago the sounds of the wolves at night were not just the fairy tales of the big bad wolf of western child hood ( programming ) stories. To most of mankind of it ‘s 6 million years of walking upright ,, being a prey animal if caught alone and exposed …the wolves the lions the tigers the jaguars , leopards and Puma ,,, were very very real they meant death …. Something a child knew was real as it started to explore the world …. In fact well before leaving the mommmys breast the child knew of the dangers all around and felt and understood the GIFT of FAMILY and the protection of the DOM silver back male…… ( will waste time bringing up chimp/bonoboos their looser ties and rialence on still have GREAT climbing skills at early ages made for differences evident in the lack of family ties ..each mother ranging alone in a 2 sq.k alone more afraid of the other chimps than prededation )
We though in our current and historical norm of family and HAREM familys thru out written history show a difference between us and chimps. Again much more like HAREM SPEICIES the cousin Gorilla.
When a young male becomes DISRUPTIVE to the family usnit he is driven away ……. When in aboriginal cultures the young male teen was hurting for his place his own piece of pussy he had to ga AWAY and live a full year alone in the wild and then he could return to claim his right as MAN . …..
What if that disruptive human 2 , 3 or 4 year old who likes to bite or hit to get his way ,,, WHY is he biting because he all human kids learn very quicly the ways of getting attention .. and sometimes negative attention if …. The kid can push the parent hard enough till the parent fells GUILTY will lead to the mother loads of aATTENTION and goodies and toys …. Of course sometimes it is just over stimulation and confusion on the part of small humans. Again our fault the faulot of the parent in thinking we are doing good by giving and giving to the point of confusion.
To much of a good thing is a bad thing .
What would a baby /young gorilla who was truly anti social … what would happen if it was hitting and bitting and causeing all sorts of shit in the faily , would not , the mom say git away you are hurting the baby …. And if this young one went and wanted attention of auntie but bit her to get it would she not drive him away again and like wise with dad and his older brothers and sisters …..
And if this continued …… now please think with the TOA here …. The baby….. will be alosn outside of the circle of protection those … anti-social DNa genes that mutated and became expressed in that young one , would drive tha young one out of the protection of the family unit and it would become easy prey and that DNA line of abuse or anti social ness would not be passed donw to the next generation of GORILLA .
No judgement ,, no thinking ahhh but that is cruel ….. cruelity ,,, is gassing 6 million fellow humans because they are different …. Cruel is letting 50,000 humans last week die of starvation in Refuggee camps when we as a sopiety world wide have the technology to provide them with self sustaining farming in marginal lands … ( a cmplex idea but with great RIO ..actually ) crueilty is caging people because they are so depressed they would rather get high than live …. A victimless crime self destruction ,,except in the act of self destruction the labor force is lessene and the indeustriaist has to worry about his ecominc slave labor force ….. we the only animals who self destruct commit suicide …… yet our slave master worried so much about this trend 5 ,000 years ago they created stories about how to kill yourself was to offend them the gods ….. and they would then go to hell. So silent desperation became the lot of the 96 out of 100 humans . you !
Ahh but back to tha child you will be forced to pay child support for or else go to JAIL …… ahhh but did you know that she was letting herself get pregnant , remember she KNOWS HER CYCLES you do not you are loaded and ready to go every 7 hours . she only 3 days a months…… never is a child your fault ….. if they were it would have have been from a forced rape other wise she SAID YES first , OPENED HER legs and that wet pussy invited you in …… and you will pay for it for ever or go to JAIL . for her choice .
Unfairness under the law .
What about the few years yo will have bfore the STATS gatch up to you and divorce happens ….. you do nderstand that this child is as much an EGO item for her as it is ..an invitiation that she made to a TOAIST traveler andventurer.. where she conssiuoly INVITED another like herself of the I – in I to come and experience life. No the baby is an FEMALE ego item like a gold ring aor a new car …. Or large home ….. in that EGO is also how she looks as a mom to other moms ,,,, ahh such atrapp you have never realy thought about young master ,, see she doesnot realy think about the GOOD of the chold as much as the CHILD SHOWING LOVE TO HER ….. expecially showing love on command like a trained animal …. In fron of others who will provide the status of EVE’s ego . in the society .
So if her baby were to be of the DNa nature that would naturally retrun to the Tao because of deformed DNa traits ,, and anti social behavior and instead of using this great big human brain to understand it BEAUTY of life and death interms of the science we even now are realizing thru QUATUM PYSCHICS …. …BUT REMEMBER real DNa malformations of an anti-social nature only account for 1% of 1 percnet of all possible malformations. Such an absolutely small number it makes you wonder how come we have to drug so many of our male children especially into soicall control . with AD/HD drugs .
Todays wolf or tiger is abstract , it is the credit worthness statement decided by a bank about that child when he is 22 …… something a 4 years can not her GROWLING and HOWLING at night out side the cave any more. There is not much for the young human to thanks you to the parenst for their protection any more for they fear nothing in fact all so soon if DCF ever gets involved the child understands it has more rights then the parents do . Until the child pushes the boundry to far and then is DRUGGED into submission . ohhh drugged like you once were ….young master .
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
panties on the nightstand
Panties on the night stand
Young master I do not want to focus on the unwanted aspects of life I have done enough writing about them , yet it is from understanding the unwanted the the commitment to created a FORM of the wanted will come from , on the five steps page what is first what has tocome first and that is understanding www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html what is nto wanted in your life …..
I know I have written events like these before ,,,, but as they are here and graphic again the writing of them is to provide you with the understanding , the ROCK WILL CONTINUE TO FALL … amd it is ok that is the nature of rocks you can find happiness playing with rocks just understand the nature of things and find the silver lning in WHAT IS …
And what is … is that I do not want to tease myself with the smell of fresh panties …..in fact for the last year I have not realy enjoyed them for I know it is just a tease , I get my morning fuck ( luckly is has gotten better as she has once more been enjoying the activity no lnger just fucking me to PROVIDE SERVICE …. But getting into it for her own pleasure …ahhh nuch better for ,,, I can bank on a 50/50 of having her in a desiring mood after her 3 beers on thurday night … it is 50/50 that she will have a baby buzz on and lay playfully on her back and spread the lips of her pussy in ..invitation to me to play with it get her all hot and bothered …. NOW REMEMBER THE FIRST YEAR that event happened 4 times a day .
Now day to day , it is ( and this is not bad this is just what it is , and all I want is to be that male who in the beginning and now still loves to open doors for her to look at her with ADORING EYES . the protective gorilla male who does not RAPE but waits for his harem of girls to want his SEX when they want his sex ,,, mating behavior page of www.instinctualism.org)
It is my nipples hurt ,
I have a back ache
I have a meeting to go to
I am sore from working out
Let watch a movie
Ihave a head ache of course still occurs
Sun burns to etc etc etc
The list of things that my proactive loving male side hears as reasons why we should not have sex and will not have sex …that list is vast and constant ,
So for me to TEASE myself with fresh panites is just aht A TROTURE why would I do that to myself. The FAILED EXPECATIONS of having sex and playtime when I get home … as the days became ,,, 1 in 5 no playtime , to 3 out of 5 no playtime , to 6 of 10 not playtime ,, to 8 or 10 days no playtime , the NEGATIVE expectations ,,, made it so that I I understood to TEASE my self WITH PASSION is just unhealthy for me …. The building of pressure that will just have to be SUBDUED ignored hopefully released in the morning , and as that changed it was released with amorning jack off just in case the morning fuck did not cummm.
Because honestly I would rather have NO fuck than a fuck of SERVICE …. Becaue then I am in certain ways no LOVING her giving her pleasure but hurting her …. And that is in constract to my deep inner animal nture .
as the realtioanhip ages it is not that you lose your desire for her , your SUB C> picks up on all the NO’s and does what It must to suirvie this life style which is unnatural for the DAN animal inside you , the HAREM NATURE OF the human ape / gorilla … which even our penis shows by itself shape that is is relted to the HAREM aminal of gorilla . more than the pencil dick of the chimp who forns no bods at all …. The gorilla is the family animal .
in the dating training pages the guru talks about supplicating well , in NATURE the gorilla does not supplicate for he has many girls who will search out his affection as the girls feels the DESIRE ,, and I like it better when I fucking a girl who WANTS ME TO FUCK her . the harem is not a cynicns of control EXCEPT when the eve spirit sees it as such , if the eve nature is greedy to control the sperm flow of that male making sure it only is represented thru her offspring.
But this waiting for you firl friend to be in the mood is a two edged sword because in time she starts to think you are not coming on to her because she is not attractive when in fact the whole event got started because she was expressing her won ANIMAL DNA ….. the dan of an HAREM female who does not HAVE …have to ….. use sex like a DIPOLMATIC PASS to live in the chimp bonoboo world … of rape. No the harem female is comfortable saying NO in many ways and expecting the good loving DOM protective gorilla to still love her protect her go to work for her and her OFFSPRING ( their kids , her from the previous dom of the harem , or the grand babys from the older silver back ,, the adoptive nature ) his work is protection and territory stabilization . his pay is the giving of pleasure ,, rmeber ALL FEMALES HAVE CLITS….. WHY? Do you think sex is not fun for the animal world and only the recreation of humans when the evidence is to the contray ! understand the unwanted then you will no longer resent it but , enjoy it for it’s BEST aspects .. and design events to come that will be even better .
Young master I do not want to focus on the unwanted aspects of life I have done enough writing about them , yet it is from understanding the unwanted the the commitment to created a FORM of the wanted will come from , on the five steps page what is first what has tocome first and that is understanding www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html what is nto wanted in your life …..
I know I have written events like these before ,,,, but as they are here and graphic again the writing of them is to provide you with the understanding , the ROCK WILL CONTINUE TO FALL … amd it is ok that is the nature of rocks you can find happiness playing with rocks just understand the nature of things and find the silver lning in WHAT IS …
And what is … is that I do not want to tease myself with the smell of fresh panties …..in fact for the last year I have not realy enjoyed them for I know it is just a tease , I get my morning fuck ( luckly is has gotten better as she has once more been enjoying the activity no lnger just fucking me to PROVIDE SERVICE …. But getting into it for her own pleasure …ahhh nuch better for ,,, I can bank on a 50/50 of having her in a desiring mood after her 3 beers on thurday night … it is 50/50 that she will have a baby buzz on and lay playfully on her back and spread the lips of her pussy in ..invitation to me to play with it get her all hot and bothered …. NOW REMEMBER THE FIRST YEAR that event happened 4 times a day .
Now day to day , it is ( and this is not bad this is just what it is , and all I want is to be that male who in the beginning and now still loves to open doors for her to look at her with ADORING EYES . the protective gorilla male who does not RAPE but waits for his harem of girls to want his SEX when they want his sex ,,, mating behavior page of www.instinctualism.org)
It is my nipples hurt ,
I have a back ache
I have a meeting to go to
I am sore from working out
Let watch a movie
Ihave a head ache of course still occurs
Sun burns to etc etc etc
The list of things that my proactive loving male side hears as reasons why we should not have sex and will not have sex …that list is vast and constant ,
So for me to TEASE myself with fresh panites is just aht A TROTURE why would I do that to myself. The FAILED EXPECATIONS of having sex and playtime when I get home … as the days became ,,, 1 in 5 no playtime , to 3 out of 5 no playtime , to 6 of 10 not playtime ,, to 8 or 10 days no playtime , the NEGATIVE expectations ,,, made it so that I I understood to TEASE my self WITH PASSION is just unhealthy for me …. The building of pressure that will just have to be SUBDUED ignored hopefully released in the morning , and as that changed it was released with amorning jack off just in case the morning fuck did not cummm.
Because honestly I would rather have NO fuck than a fuck of SERVICE …. Becaue then I am in certain ways no LOVING her giving her pleasure but hurting her …. And that is in constract to my deep inner animal nture .
as the realtioanhip ages it is not that you lose your desire for her , your SUB C> picks up on all the NO’s and does what It must to suirvie this life style which is unnatural for the DAN animal inside you , the HAREM NATURE OF the human ape / gorilla … which even our penis shows by itself shape that is is relted to the HAREM aminal of gorilla . more than the pencil dick of the chimp who forns no bods at all …. The gorilla is the family animal .
in the dating training pages the guru talks about supplicating well , in NATURE the gorilla does not supplicate for he has many girls who will search out his affection as the girls feels the DESIRE ,, and I like it better when I fucking a girl who WANTS ME TO FUCK her . the harem is not a cynicns of control EXCEPT when the eve spirit sees it as such , if the eve nature is greedy to control the sperm flow of that male making sure it only is represented thru her offspring.
But this waiting for you firl friend to be in the mood is a two edged sword because in time she starts to think you are not coming on to her because she is not attractive when in fact the whole event got started because she was expressing her won ANIMAL DNA ….. the dan of an HAREM female who does not HAVE …have to ….. use sex like a DIPOLMATIC PASS to live in the chimp bonoboo world … of rape. No the harem female is comfortable saying NO in many ways and expecting the good loving DOM protective gorilla to still love her protect her go to work for her and her OFFSPRING ( their kids , her from the previous dom of the harem , or the grand babys from the older silver back ,, the adoptive nature ) his work is protection and territory stabilization . his pay is the giving of pleasure ,, rmeber ALL FEMALES HAVE CLITS….. WHY? Do you think sex is not fun for the animal world and only the recreation of humans when the evidence is to the contray ! understand the unwanted then you will no longer resent it but , enjoy it for it’s BEST aspects .. and design events to come that will be even better .
Monday, June 23, 2008
Terra forming
Terra forming
you young master are so divided in your aTTENTION to the issues of your LOVE life primarly … the subltness of life stress. That the following ideas and honestly there is nothing new in anything I write here , that people have not been suggesting in one form or another for decades …. But it will not happen until you want it to happen. There is just to much PROFIT to be made in maintaing HUMAN SUFFEREING AND PAIN
I feel like some one form star trek … the saraha desert is 3.5 million square miles … that is 2 billion 100 million acres 2,100,000,000 …and it is only 1200 miles wide that is 600 miles from ocean coast to ocean coast. Just in the saraha it is the possible for 2 billion peole to live.
There are about 11.4 million DISPLACED PEOPLE refugees in the world at any one time ranging to highs oof 24 million. And they live in hell and we gotta feed and care for them often for decades . At about a cost .50 perday or about $6,000,000 per day or $42,000,000 per week or $180,000,000.00 for just one month in a (death) camp.
The Alaska pipeline is 800 miles long ( and it is not! The longest pipeline in the world ) and can deliver over 100 million gallons of thick crude oil per day and crude oil is 200 times thicker than water to pump.
. The same technology could easily deliver 200 or 300 million gallons of water per day. This is technology we have been using for for over 30 years.
A human needs 1 gallon per day to drink in arid climates 1 gallon for cooking 5 for bathing ( a luxury having a daily shower or bath ) and for the SFG garden Technology of 4 sq. meters feeding a human 4 gallons per day . Toliets are based on HUMANURE concepts. For a total need of 11 gallons per person. 300 million gallons and 10 million refugees means 30 gallons per day could be available. Tripling the need . currently already in use the we produce 2 billion gallons of fresh water from our oceans PER DAY ALREADY ! ( much of this goes to watering golf courses in Saudi Araibia ) we produce 2 billion and need to produce only 300 million more over what we already can do.
With todays advent of wind and sun based electric generation ( not PV cells but solarthermal heating electric generation like is used in Seville Spain. 11 mega watt plant at a cost of about $20,000,000 or 3 days of food and water ) We could pump water from one of the two oceans ,, de salenate it passively on the coast under glass in about the same space as we currectly use to build an UNDER GLASS SHOPPING MALL.
The salt brine from the first stage of deslainatization could be mixed with a chooped desert grass and the BAIN of the desert dweller the accumulation of wind borne sands being small in size could be harvested to make a building blocks designed for the desert. Salt /cellose/sand adobe cooked and formed into building blocks by the sun. … abobe construction in arid lands will last for a 1000 years.
What the goal is to , terra form the desert from desert wasteland into ARID livable lands. That 300 million gallons of water from each coast could be broken up into road pipe ways
SECURITY ISSUES …. Over the pipe lines is a THIN electric road way where 24/7 an series of 2 man UN electric cars will pass going about 20 miles per hour . with data transfer of cameras and sound front back side to side. Passing each farm/REFUGEE locale every 10 minutes. ( it is not a road in the conventional sense and neither is the transportation vehicle but a design that work best in that ocean of sand ) $10,000 per mile $ 350,000,0000 up front ( or about 2 months food costs )12 inch piping delivers 200,000 gallons perday. Enough for 20,000 people on a branch.
35,000 miles for 10 million people to have 5 acres each 400 front feet by 500 deep
a UN troop deployemt of about 15,000 men/women would give 24 protection and support especially if the troops were trained in SFG food production as well as how to fire and M-16 . currently the UN deploys 59,000,000 troops worldwide. Most in the protection of the numerous REFUGEE efforts and camps already exisiting . So with this project there could be a sizable decrease in need for UN troops worldwide. A NET DECREASE IN UNITED NATIONS COSTS ! which is not reflected in the .50 cnets per day food and water cost.
Terra forming.
One of the largest problems of the desert is the shifting wind blown sands. There are nine types of ARId bamboos when established with an undergraound weeping irrigation system and a start of composting will flourish providng each 400 x 500 5 acres with sand shifting protection . plus the start of TERRA FORMING the movement from desert into arid ….
Bambusa Desimillator grows to 40 foot high has edible shoots and provides usable building matrials. If the shoots are WEAVED while growing they form strong roof systems to go over the Adobe walls then covered by saraha sands the interior temps of the dwellings will reflect basic earth TEMPS of 65 degrees year round at a dept of two feet. . Bamboo is fast growing.
Using the bamboo for sun screening the family SFG’s and for the construction of SFG boxes themselves . the only investment per family will be trucking in the STARTup SFG growth soil taking into account the economy of scale and using some alternative components ie. Ground waste cocomut husks and rice stalks. Cost per person would be about $5 - 1 time cost. As compared to a $3.50 per week current RECURRING cost to feed them currently . there is a RIO return on invest after the second week.
The known food crops that can grow easly by peoples who are ALREADY accustomed to living an Agrierian life … most refugees are peoples who have roots in subsitance farming already . They need to just be trained and supported in the trasition from row crops to SFG.
The increase of evaporation will return the saraha to more normal size . the saraha has been expanding at an alarming rate for the last few decades. Retruning fringe lands to an arid state instead of desert. This evaporation will eventually cycle back into the oceans.
Bamboo fencing will also collect Dew water which most deserts have. And help self water .
Relocation costs , since the vst majority of DISPLACED PEOPLES ALREADY live in Africa ….. this again can be very little even returning people to traditional lands if they so desire after the fighting is over will be csot efficient .
Carbon Sink the increased vegation will become a carbon sink helping to scrub the worldwide environment of the excess corbon we produce.
UN government state , basic universal language taining of refugees a common 50 word lexicon of Spanish … the UN PERSONEL ALSO HAVING THE SAME TRAINING PLUS ONBOARD translators.. Each home equipped with a 50 wat pv. For refrigeration and also equipped with a simple computer and inter net access …. Entertainment and education. Addition cost per family unit (5) of $400 again due to economy of scale.
Currently in the next 6 months we will spend 1.2 billion dollars just to feed them a starvation diet , for the same up front costs( 30m electric and desali 70m pipeline and electric. .. we can offer them an ALTERVATIVE life forever or a place to stay …….. we save that 1.2 billion each 6 months for other uses. Since we already spend it why not continue to use it…. For peace ! ok double the costs triple it quadruple it and still the RIO would be great.
( but rememeber keeping things the same means that Monsanto and other corperate giants continue to sell seed to raise crops to sell to governments to feed refugees to the tune of $180,000,000 a fucking month it is big bucks for the very very few 100 or so in the industrial farming world the life styles of 300 or 400 people as compared to the terror and starvation of 11.4 million mainly women and children when we have a planet with way to much land and water already)
you young master are so divided in your aTTENTION to the issues of your LOVE life primarly … the subltness of life stress. That the following ideas and honestly there is nothing new in anything I write here , that people have not been suggesting in one form or another for decades …. But it will not happen until you want it to happen. There is just to much PROFIT to be made in maintaing HUMAN SUFFEREING AND PAIN
I feel like some one form star trek … the saraha desert is 3.5 million square miles … that is 2 billion 100 million acres 2,100,000,000 …and it is only 1200 miles wide that is 600 miles from ocean coast to ocean coast. Just in the saraha it is the possible for 2 billion peole to live.
There are about 11.4 million DISPLACED PEOPLE refugees in the world at any one time ranging to highs oof 24 million. And they live in hell and we gotta feed and care for them often for decades . At about a cost .50 perday or about $6,000,000 per day or $42,000,000 per week or $180,000,000.00 for just one month in a (death) camp.
The Alaska pipeline is 800 miles long ( and it is not! The longest pipeline in the world ) and can deliver over 100 million gallons of thick crude oil per day and crude oil is 200 times thicker than water to pump.
. The same technology could easily deliver 200 or 300 million gallons of water per day. This is technology we have been using for for over 30 years.
A human needs 1 gallon per day to drink in arid climates 1 gallon for cooking 5 for bathing ( a luxury having a daily shower or bath ) and for the SFG garden Technology of 4 sq. meters feeding a human 4 gallons per day . Toliets are based on HUMANURE concepts. For a total need of 11 gallons per person. 300 million gallons and 10 million refugees means 30 gallons per day could be available. Tripling the need . currently already in use the we produce 2 billion gallons of fresh water from our oceans PER DAY ALREADY ! ( much of this goes to watering golf courses in Saudi Araibia ) we produce 2 billion and need to produce only 300 million more over what we already can do.
With todays advent of wind and sun based electric generation ( not PV cells but solarthermal heating electric generation like is used in Seville Spain. 11 mega watt plant at a cost of about $20,000,000 or 3 days of food and water ) We could pump water from one of the two oceans ,, de salenate it passively on the coast under glass in about the same space as we currectly use to build an UNDER GLASS SHOPPING MALL.
The salt brine from the first stage of deslainatization could be mixed with a chooped desert grass and the BAIN of the desert dweller the accumulation of wind borne sands being small in size could be harvested to make a building blocks designed for the desert. Salt /cellose/sand adobe cooked and formed into building blocks by the sun. … abobe construction in arid lands will last for a 1000 years.
What the goal is to , terra form the desert from desert wasteland into ARID livable lands. That 300 million gallons of water from each coast could be broken up into road pipe ways
SECURITY ISSUES …. Over the pipe lines is a THIN electric road way where 24/7 an series of 2 man UN electric cars will pass going about 20 miles per hour . with data transfer of cameras and sound front back side to side. Passing each farm/REFUGEE locale every 10 minutes. ( it is not a road in the conventional sense and neither is the transportation vehicle but a design that work best in that ocean of sand ) $10,000 per mile $ 350,000,0000 up front ( or about 2 months food costs )12 inch piping delivers 200,000 gallons perday. Enough for 20,000 people on a branch.
35,000 miles for 10 million people to have 5 acres each 400 front feet by 500 deep
a UN troop deployemt of about 15,000 men/women would give 24 protection and support especially if the troops were trained in SFG food production as well as how to fire and M-16 . currently the UN deploys 59,000,000 troops worldwide. Most in the protection of the numerous REFUGEE efforts and camps already exisiting . So with this project there could be a sizable decrease in need for UN troops worldwide. A NET DECREASE IN UNITED NATIONS COSTS ! which is not reflected in the .50 cnets per day food and water cost.
Terra forming.
One of the largest problems of the desert is the shifting wind blown sands. There are nine types of ARId bamboos when established with an undergraound weeping irrigation system and a start of composting will flourish providng each 400 x 500 5 acres with sand shifting protection . plus the start of TERRA FORMING the movement from desert into arid ….
Bambusa Desimillator grows to 40 foot high has edible shoots and provides usable building matrials. If the shoots are WEAVED while growing they form strong roof systems to go over the Adobe walls then covered by saraha sands the interior temps of the dwellings will reflect basic earth TEMPS of 65 degrees year round at a dept of two feet. . Bamboo is fast growing.
Using the bamboo for sun screening the family SFG’s and for the construction of SFG boxes themselves . the only investment per family will be trucking in the STARTup SFG growth soil taking into account the economy of scale and using some alternative components ie. Ground waste cocomut husks and rice stalks. Cost per person would be about $5 - 1 time cost. As compared to a $3.50 per week current RECURRING cost to feed them currently . there is a RIO return on invest after the second week.
The known food crops that can grow easly by peoples who are ALREADY accustomed to living an Agrierian life … most refugees are peoples who have roots in subsitance farming already . They need to just be trained and supported in the trasition from row crops to SFG.
The increase of evaporation will return the saraha to more normal size . the saraha has been expanding at an alarming rate for the last few decades. Retruning fringe lands to an arid state instead of desert. This evaporation will eventually cycle back into the oceans.
Bamboo fencing will also collect Dew water which most deserts have. And help self water .
Relocation costs , since the vst majority of DISPLACED PEOPLES ALREADY live in Africa ….. this again can be very little even returning people to traditional lands if they so desire after the fighting is over will be csot efficient .
Carbon Sink the increased vegation will become a carbon sink helping to scrub the worldwide environment of the excess corbon we produce.
UN government state , basic universal language taining of refugees a common 50 word lexicon of Spanish … the UN PERSONEL ALSO HAVING THE SAME TRAINING PLUS ONBOARD translators.. Each home equipped with a 50 wat pv. For refrigeration and also equipped with a simple computer and inter net access …. Entertainment and education. Addition cost per family unit (5) of $400 again due to economy of scale.
Currently in the next 6 months we will spend 1.2 billion dollars just to feed them a starvation diet , for the same up front costs( 30m electric and desali 70m pipeline and electric. .. we can offer them an ALTERVATIVE life forever or a place to stay …….. we save that 1.2 billion each 6 months for other uses. Since we already spend it why not continue to use it…. For peace ! ok double the costs triple it quadruple it and still the RIO would be great.
( but rememeber keeping things the same means that Monsanto and other corperate giants continue to sell seed to raise crops to sell to governments to feed refugees to the tune of $180,000,000 a fucking month it is big bucks for the very very few 100 or so in the industrial farming world the life styles of 300 or 400 people as compared to the terror and starvation of 11.4 million mainly women and children when we have a planet with way to much land and water already)
i fuck and hate you
I fuck and hate you
? how can you fuck with friends ? that is weird .. I don’t understand , sex is a husband wife thing a soul mate thing ?
ps. Don’t you have a commitment to your readers to keep on writing?
And my answers:
is your lover not also one of your best friends?
ahh but yes the sexual aspect does kind of change the dynaincs confuse things
is it sex or friendship ?
and what about real unconditional love , how can a person say they love ,,,, and then change that in to hate just becuase of some lil' differenece that would cause them not to want to be in each others company ?
is love ... wanting the happiness for the other even if that means them being happy with some one else ?
ahhh what is freindship? and what is love and what is SEX ?
I myself ,I can not fuck some one who I don’t genuely like . It just is not fun to fuck for example to fuck my girlfriend when I am mad at her … I value her friendship and the sex is an expression of my of that friendship of giving of pleasure .
Now as to my commitment to the WHOLE WORLD. I FUND THE
www.isntinctualism.org site out of my own pocket . I have spent over 2 years writing my soul and exposing the thoughts of 1 male ….. there is more than enough info to go over and over each time a person can see a little more of their own life in the RE_ READING
but letters like your will stimulate another blog here and there thanks peace phil
? how can you fuck with friends ? that is weird .. I don’t understand , sex is a husband wife thing a soul mate thing ?
ps. Don’t you have a commitment to your readers to keep on writing?
And my answers:
is your lover not also one of your best friends?
ahh but yes the sexual aspect does kind of change the dynaincs confuse things
is it sex or friendship ?
and what about real unconditional love , how can a person say they love ,,,, and then change that in to hate just becuase of some lil' differenece that would cause them not to want to be in each others company ?
is love ... wanting the happiness for the other even if that means them being happy with some one else ?
ahhh what is freindship? and what is love and what is SEX ?
I myself ,I can not fuck some one who I don’t genuely like . It just is not fun to fuck for example to fuck my girlfriend when I am mad at her … I value her friendship and the sex is an expression of my of that friendship of giving of pleasure .
Now as to my commitment to the WHOLE WORLD. I FUND THE
www.isntinctualism.org site out of my own pocket . I have spent over 2 years writing my soul and exposing the thoughts of 1 male ….. there is more than enough info to go over and over each time a person can see a little more of their own life in the RE_ READING
but letters like your will stimulate another blog here and there thanks peace phil
Sunday, June 22, 2008
early to bed
Early to bed
Means faster to feeling the pleasures of the natural human body once more before drifting off into slumber ? it means missing that TV show and that movie …… that once they are over you maybe so tired for the FORCED expansion …yes unnatural stressfull over time expansion of artifical daylight we call REGULAR LIVING when in fact it is less than 100 years out of the 6 ,000 , 000 years of walking upright human DNA expectations written in your cell structure , the electric light is NEW , and beofere that well you think …we realy spent that much time up late living with candles ?
No no an no ……. Artificial light was for special events of the tribes special ceremonies ….. in the societies of China or eygtpt Babylon and later on Rome and europes….. artifical light was the benift of being powerfull and wealthy and important …
NOW IT IS A FREE CHOICE IN A FReE WORLD ,,, you do not have to …use them ! taken from ester hicks the words and wisedom of Abraham . “ you are here to create the world around you that you choose …. While you allow the world as others choose it to be … to exisit also. And while their choices in no way hinder your own choices ,,,, your attention to what they are choosing does affect your vibration and therefore your own point of attraction”
www.instinctualism.org another choice to freely choose FROM !
Making the day you live so much fun that you welcome sleep and night so that another day light period can arrive ….. is this the life you live now? Are you that happy with your living full of adventure and fun and people and events and hopes and dreams and stuff that the going away of the sun , is not call for the creating of aritifical light to extent activity in hopes that in some way you may find there …there in the aritifical the happiness you missed in your regular life?
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html what other think about what you do …. Or what you think they think ( evne worse because in reality people give each other very little thought …. Once we are out of sight we are out of mind ) controls you in so many ways … it does become that point of attraction the vibrationals energy the thoughts you think and worry about which in the end become you experiences of living .
and this has to do with sex how? Well not everything is derectly related to sex … in instinctualism dot org…. yet the sex drive does have such a VAST force on us it should never be FORGOTTEN … so early to bed means early yot enjoying the feeling of your pussy pounding with blood as MASTERS HARD COCK GOES in all the way to the bck and he pulls it totally out and rubs it agaist the lips of your pussy and then rams it back inside …. He is hearing that gasp from you of re-entry and feeling great the blood pounding and forcing his cock to become even more sensitive and harder …. That he repeats this total with drawl and re-entry over and over … mixed with anything aneverything that naturarl humans can tiwist themselves into enjoying …. Balanced with the total idea of friendship and non judgemental love.
Means faster to feeling the pleasures of the natural human body once more before drifting off into slumber ? it means missing that TV show and that movie …… that once they are over you maybe so tired for the FORCED expansion …yes unnatural stressfull over time expansion of artifical daylight we call REGULAR LIVING when in fact it is less than 100 years out of the 6 ,000 , 000 years of walking upright human DNA expectations written in your cell structure , the electric light is NEW , and beofere that well you think …we realy spent that much time up late living with candles ?
No no an no ……. Artificial light was for special events of the tribes special ceremonies ….. in the societies of China or eygtpt Babylon and later on Rome and europes….. artifical light was the benift of being powerfull and wealthy and important …
NOW IT IS A FREE CHOICE IN A FReE WORLD ,,, you do not have to …use them ! taken from ester hicks the words and wisedom of Abraham . “ you are here to create the world around you that you choose …. While you allow the world as others choose it to be … to exisit also. And while their choices in no way hinder your own choices ,,,, your attention to what they are choosing does affect your vibration and therefore your own point of attraction”
www.instinctualism.org another choice to freely choose FROM !
Making the day you live so much fun that you welcome sleep and night so that another day light period can arrive ….. is this the life you live now? Are you that happy with your living full of adventure and fun and people and events and hopes and dreams and stuff that the going away of the sun , is not call for the creating of aritifical light to extent activity in hopes that in some way you may find there …there in the aritifical the happiness you missed in your regular life?
http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html what other think about what you do …. Or what you think they think ( evne worse because in reality people give each other very little thought …. Once we are out of sight we are out of mind ) controls you in so many ways … it does become that point of attraction the vibrationals energy the thoughts you think and worry about which in the end become you experiences of living .
and this has to do with sex how? Well not everything is derectly related to sex … in instinctualism dot org…. yet the sex drive does have such a VAST force on us it should never be FORGOTTEN … so early to bed means early yot enjoying the feeling of your pussy pounding with blood as MASTERS HARD COCK GOES in all the way to the bck and he pulls it totally out and rubs it agaist the lips of your pussy and then rams it back inside …. He is hearing that gasp from you of re-entry and feeling great the blood pounding and forcing his cock to become even more sensitive and harder …. That he repeats this total with drawl and re-entry over and over … mixed with anything aneverything that naturarl humans can tiwist themselves into enjoying …. Balanced with the total idea of friendship and non judgemental love.
Friday, June 20, 2008
skill set
Skill set
Well young master this starts book 3 of instinctualism theme blogs and it has bee about 2 weeks since I wrote anything …. It was as if I had said all that I needed to say about the Eve spirit realy , the observations are al written , of course new things happens but it is just the same THEME in different details ,,,,
But lately for me it has been bout my attention being divided and doing some real working on the compound ,,,, now the architect that has been a learning about MYSELF experience ….. again I will refere to mares and venus books the observations of Dr..Gray …. When he said that men do not ask for help or derections for a reason , to do that is to asdmit my in abliltiy ,,, and that does not GELL with the nature the instinct of the SILVER BACK …. He does not refer to gorillas drgray that is ….
So for me to search out a professional brings me into a position of not being in control some one else has something over me….. well at least they can think they do , remember I OR YOU ARE THE PURCHASER OF THEIR …….. SERVICE …. But all the same I can find myself sometimes when deal ing with professional wether thye are doctors or lawyers or engeers ,,, ic an find myself , forgetting my own WANTS AND ACCEPTING THEIR LIMITED thinking.
I want to to think about hamburgers , there is mcD. And burger king and wendy and checkers and fudruckers and and in my town there is a steak house called peters who has a hamburger ,….. thank god there is many types of things of ways to make a hamburger ,,, thatnk god the kitchen on the universe is LARGE …. Well mcD has a 59 cent burger and double chees e for a buck ….. and the prices and styles go on from there till I had a burger which was still a burger at Peters ofr $20.00 ….. think about transportation you can walk , you can ride a bike $100, get a scooter $899 , get a kia $10,000 a chevy or taoyato $25,000 , bently $100,000 astin martin $200,000 all take you from point a to point b ….
When you are searching for directions answers to wuestions that you know ,,, you , youself accept that you do not have all the answeres and you look for answers ….. well the SELLER of the anwers has his own agenda ,,,, $ money or power which is $
It is like the silver back and the strange male ,,,,, if for some reason the siver back needs something from the strange male …NO FIGHT WILL TAKE PLACE …. But because they live in a simpler life where everything they need is available and specialized inforantion is not VALUED …… when the strange male comes ….. the silver back blusters shows his good form , the stranger can tell it is NOT WORTH DIEING OVER PUSSY ….. becaue animals know in the end fights lead to the weakness of both ,,,, on average a bluster and good show is enough to avoid any real fight . go to mating behavior www.instinctualism.org
We are not that simple we have LAWS And Building inspectors and regulations and hoopps to jump thru …… but like each resutrant of car maker ,,,, EACH PROFESSIONAL …. As has their own SPECIALITY , of flavor od doint things ,,, even in my trade of window washing ,e ach of us get the window clean but the level of that clan can vary and the charges and levels of service can vary …. I my self am a Dennys not to fucking fancy ….. yet profitable.
So out of 3 arichtcts visits ,,,,,, I am getting the taste that these guys who desgn regulary for the so.florida market are steeped in the CBS construction ideas ,,,, even the 1 qho haS AND OFF GRID DREAM OF HIS OWN ,,, has designed it to CONQUER NATURE .. instead of be nature …. His pv’s are the best his construction is fansitic his ideas are sound , but they are not MINE …. And he says well teach a snew skill set ….. teach how to lay block intead of assemble simple repeativive stick built themes …. But it is so much more than that . just a new skill set ,,, all of their desgns are THIERS ….. THESE SALEMSN …. Are not truly understanding the them of SERVICE and hence my few 1000’s in fees will not go to them for their drawings ….. and I continue my search for …. A service minded person . to tweak my plans ….. human housing at www.isntinctualism.org
It is like when I am asked how do you clean a window so perfectly , I tell them ,, who ever exactly how to do it and the theory and science behind it , for idea about positive and negative ioninzation onwards ,, why give away secrets …. Do I not sell those secretsl like any PROFESSIONAL …? Yes and no ….. I sell service . and practice and proven skills ……
I am legally aloowed to draw my own house plans ,,,,, and have them rejected over and over ….. I can try to cook a hamburger like PETTERS STEAK HOUSE ….. I can buy some metal and rubber and build a car ……
Now who do you like doing business with young master some one who wants to keep you in the DARK and guide you into very limited ideas ….. their ideas ,,,? To places and themes where they can also get ADD ON SALES COMISSIONS? Or some one who has pride int hier service enough to be honestl and helpful ?
See , I brought with me examples of others who are doing things like mine ,,,, I know thiere are other engeers out there who build from packed earth and bails of hay …. So my drawings are POSSIBLE they just need the DETAILS that his specialized PRACTISE and learning can give to MY WANTS ….. ahh now to find the right arichitect. …..it is things like this that are keeping me from writing .
Things like now unless I am there …. Will you get any closer to getting fucked by him ….. unless I am ther to WATCH …. She said , to her girlfriend . and I realized ,, the greed oand control of EVE ,,, ther is no friendship there that is ALPHA EVE controlling and cercing things once more ,,, living in fear and greed .
Well young master this starts book 3 of instinctualism theme blogs and it has bee about 2 weeks since I wrote anything …. It was as if I had said all that I needed to say about the Eve spirit realy , the observations are al written , of course new things happens but it is just the same THEME in different details ,,,,
But lately for me it has been bout my attention being divided and doing some real working on the compound ,,,, now the architect that has been a learning about MYSELF experience ….. again I will refere to mares and venus books the observations of Dr..Gray …. When he said that men do not ask for help or derections for a reason , to do that is to asdmit my in abliltiy ,,, and that does not GELL with the nature the instinct of the SILVER BACK …. He does not refer to gorillas drgray that is ….
So for me to search out a professional brings me into a position of not being in control some one else has something over me….. well at least they can think they do , remember I OR YOU ARE THE PURCHASER OF THEIR …….. SERVICE …. But all the same I can find myself sometimes when deal ing with professional wether thye are doctors or lawyers or engeers ,,, ic an find myself , forgetting my own WANTS AND ACCEPTING THEIR LIMITED thinking.
I want to to think about hamburgers , there is mcD. And burger king and wendy and checkers and fudruckers and and in my town there is a steak house called peters who has a hamburger ,….. thank god there is many types of things of ways to make a hamburger ,,, thatnk god the kitchen on the universe is LARGE …. Well mcD has a 59 cent burger and double chees e for a buck ….. and the prices and styles go on from there till I had a burger which was still a burger at Peters ofr $20.00 ….. think about transportation you can walk , you can ride a bike $100, get a scooter $899 , get a kia $10,000 a chevy or taoyato $25,000 , bently $100,000 astin martin $200,000 all take you from point a to point b ….
When you are searching for directions answers to wuestions that you know ,,, you , youself accept that you do not have all the answeres and you look for answers ….. well the SELLER of the anwers has his own agenda ,,,, $ money or power which is $
It is like the silver back and the strange male ,,,,, if for some reason the siver back needs something from the strange male …NO FIGHT WILL TAKE PLACE …. But because they live in a simpler life where everything they need is available and specialized inforantion is not VALUED …… when the strange male comes ….. the silver back blusters shows his good form , the stranger can tell it is NOT WORTH DIEING OVER PUSSY ….. becaue animals know in the end fights lead to the weakness of both ,,,, on average a bluster and good show is enough to avoid any real fight . go to mating behavior www.instinctualism.org
We are not that simple we have LAWS And Building inspectors and regulations and hoopps to jump thru …… but like each resutrant of car maker ,,,, EACH PROFESSIONAL …. As has their own SPECIALITY , of flavor od doint things ,,, even in my trade of window washing ,e ach of us get the window clean but the level of that clan can vary and the charges and levels of service can vary …. I my self am a Dennys not to fucking fancy ….. yet profitable.
So out of 3 arichtcts visits ,,,,,, I am getting the taste that these guys who desgn regulary for the so.florida market are steeped in the CBS construction ideas ,,,, even the 1 qho haS AND OFF GRID DREAM OF HIS OWN ,,, has designed it to CONQUER NATURE .. instead of be nature …. His pv’s are the best his construction is fansitic his ideas are sound , but they are not MINE …. And he says well teach a snew skill set ….. teach how to lay block intead of assemble simple repeativive stick built themes …. But it is so much more than that . just a new skill set ,,, all of their desgns are THIERS ….. THESE SALEMSN …. Are not truly understanding the them of SERVICE and hence my few 1000’s in fees will not go to them for their drawings ….. and I continue my search for …. A service minded person . to tweak my plans ….. human housing at www.isntinctualism.org
It is like when I am asked how do you clean a window so perfectly , I tell them ,, who ever exactly how to do it and the theory and science behind it , for idea about positive and negative ioninzation onwards ,, why give away secrets …. Do I not sell those secretsl like any PROFESSIONAL …? Yes and no ….. I sell service . and practice and proven skills ……
I am legally aloowed to draw my own house plans ,,,,, and have them rejected over and over ….. I can try to cook a hamburger like PETTERS STEAK HOUSE ….. I can buy some metal and rubber and build a car ……
Now who do you like doing business with young master some one who wants to keep you in the DARK and guide you into very limited ideas ….. their ideas ,,,? To places and themes where they can also get ADD ON SALES COMISSIONS? Or some one who has pride int hier service enough to be honestl and helpful ?
See , I brought with me examples of others who are doing things like mine ,,,, I know thiere are other engeers out there who build from packed earth and bails of hay …. So my drawings are POSSIBLE they just need the DETAILS that his specialized PRACTISE and learning can give to MY WANTS ….. ahh now to find the right arichitect. …..it is things like this that are keeping me from writing .
Things like now unless I am there …. Will you get any closer to getting fucked by him ….. unless I am ther to WATCH …. She said , to her girlfriend . and I realized ,, the greed oand control of EVE ,,, ther is no friendship there that is ALPHA EVE controlling and cercing things once more ,,, living in fear and greed .
courage to heal,
green day,
riding crop
Monday, June 9, 2008
dull dull bored
Dull dulll boring
Young master I talked about the value of the life style as a thing that is an activity , now come on dipshit , I want you to remember when things were kinds boring ,,ohhh iknow you can whip up some sort of shit to get into to avoid the dull dull boring …. But what you are doing is just that whipping up something artificial to mask the under lying problem of having way to much free fucking time …
Now an article in scientic amerinca last year actually the whole issue was devoted to food….. and of course the issue of western lifetstyles leading to DIS-EASE that is and was almost unheard of before we got all these labor saving devises , before we became this world of PUSH BUTTOM ease , and now with this ease comes ….BOREDOM ..before you had to live a life to stay alive ,,,now you go to your JOB shihc you hate to make green stuff money to keep you life full of shit that makes things easy so you can be bored and try to escape in tv or beer or smiking dope or video games etc etc etc ….. or trying to make more money ….. and make more money you do and boredom stills follows you .
Now the older cultures where man kind was tied to the ebb and flow of the nature around them there was little bodedom since you rose with the sun and you slept with the sun ….. no night life was a special treat plus you were tired you worked at living ….. you could not just press buttoms and then sit on your ever growning fat ass ….
) that ever growing fat ass which you have to make more money so that you can buy a memebership to a gym which you have to get into your car to drive to to WORK_OUT to minic the activity that the REAL human does while living daily activities of being alive .)
the articles writeen by westerners who see people working cleaning clothes choppong wood growing food repairing things around their farm and home or walking over to sit and talk with neighbors and tea… these westerners who push buttoms or call porfessionall to fix shit they no longer have understanding about or drive to food stores restaurants or the gym …… living in world of different people very few real long term friendships since we all move allt he fucking time . these writers see this REAL human life as DIFFICULT … andhard … yet when we search the world for the newest herbal /medicine rememedy for old age or the ills of human life we see , ancient tribes and the longeivity inthem and then …deduce that the foods they eat must be magicall have some sort of special anti-oxidant or shit that makes it possible for these back wards people to live reguraly to 100 years old with no heart dis-ease cancers or depression and boredom .
when in fact it is the SYNERGENy … of living a full life having a connection with the activities you do regularly and the maintaining of life . it is the building of long term friendships and family ties … the laughter . we try to mimic this with CYBER REALITY … and tv but it is not working we try to drug the human bio-logical machine into health ….. but it is only a bandaid covering the real pain and DIS-EASE for sight , look under the mask of the beer you dring the dope you smoke the prescirtoion the doctor gives you lif that bandaid and you will see the sore still festering and growing getting even more and more sore .. and ugly ,
but because you se NO …..ALTERNTIVES ….. you stay stuck in the trap of ecominc salvery . this is all to true for 9 out of 10 people yes some do achieve happiness real contentment in the oppurutuintys around them …but most do not
lvivng in a life style of having to interact with nature for the nesscietieys of life keeps you UN BORED …. That is part of the fun of …. www.instinctualism.org ..it is freedom of choice the the pride of being and doing human things . it si an ALTERNATIVE lifestyle . and free choice .. which you can mold to your liking ….. you can have every labor saving tool and entertainment on an OFFG RID SOLAR POWERED zero carobon foot print house hold … and you can also design it to have less so that you stay INVLOVLED in really being human … not just pressing abutton then sittling down and then wondering ,,,,I AM BORED !
Young master I talked about the value of the life style as a thing that is an activity , now come on dipshit , I want you to remember when things were kinds boring ,,ohhh iknow you can whip up some sort of shit to get into to avoid the dull dull boring …. But what you are doing is just that whipping up something artificial to mask the under lying problem of having way to much free fucking time …
Now an article in scientic amerinca last year actually the whole issue was devoted to food….. and of course the issue of western lifetstyles leading to DIS-EASE that is and was almost unheard of before we got all these labor saving devises , before we became this world of PUSH BUTTOM ease , and now with this ease comes ….BOREDOM ..before you had to live a life to stay alive ,,,now you go to your JOB shihc you hate to make green stuff money to keep you life full of shit that makes things easy so you can be bored and try to escape in tv or beer or smiking dope or video games etc etc etc ….. or trying to make more money ….. and make more money you do and boredom stills follows you .
Now the older cultures where man kind was tied to the ebb and flow of the nature around them there was little bodedom since you rose with the sun and you slept with the sun ….. no night life was a special treat plus you were tired you worked at living ….. you could not just press buttoms and then sit on your ever growning fat ass ….
) that ever growing fat ass which you have to make more money so that you can buy a memebership to a gym which you have to get into your car to drive to to WORK_OUT to minic the activity that the REAL human does while living daily activities of being alive .)
the articles writeen by westerners who see people working cleaning clothes choppong wood growing food repairing things around their farm and home or walking over to sit and talk with neighbors and tea… these westerners who push buttoms or call porfessionall to fix shit they no longer have understanding about or drive to food stores restaurants or the gym …… living in world of different people very few real long term friendships since we all move allt he fucking time . these writers see this REAL human life as DIFFICULT … andhard … yet when we search the world for the newest herbal /medicine rememedy for old age or the ills of human life we see , ancient tribes and the longeivity inthem and then …deduce that the foods they eat must be magicall have some sort of special anti-oxidant or shit that makes it possible for these back wards people to live reguraly to 100 years old with no heart dis-ease cancers or depression and boredom .
when in fact it is the SYNERGENy … of living a full life having a connection with the activities you do regularly and the maintaining of life . it is the building of long term friendships and family ties … the laughter . we try to mimic this with CYBER REALITY … and tv but it is not working we try to drug the human bio-logical machine into health ….. but it is only a bandaid covering the real pain and DIS-EASE for sight , look under the mask of the beer you dring the dope you smoke the prescirtoion the doctor gives you lif that bandaid and you will see the sore still festering and growing getting even more and more sore .. and ugly ,
but because you se NO …..ALTERNTIVES ….. you stay stuck in the trap of ecominc salvery . this is all to true for 9 out of 10 people yes some do achieve happiness real contentment in the oppurutuintys around them …but most do not
lvivng in a life style of having to interact with nature for the nesscietieys of life keeps you UN BORED …. That is part of the fun of …. www.instinctualism.org ..it is freedom of choice the the pride of being and doing human things . it si an ALTERNATIVE lifestyle . and free choice .. which you can mold to your liking ….. you can have every labor saving tool and entertainment on an OFFG RID SOLAR POWERED zero carobon foot print house hold … and you can also design it to have less so that you stay INVLOVLED in really being human … not just pressing abutton then sittling down and then wondering ,,,,I AM BORED !
Sunday, June 8, 2008
chuming and hookin up
Hookin up
Young master I was thinking about my frind and you , you think but he is fucking rich I aint rich ,,bullshit dumbfuck you are so much closer to his real wealth than you think ,,,, you have been doing the tour of duty like I described http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html faithfully now like a month very very cool you have been buying loads of cheap beer with your 10 percnet so you get your off time and stick with you buds ok ….
You got that one job at 8 and you picked up some night time work on that cleaning crew for 9 you are living ok doing like 70 hours a week ,,,, and you know you can hadle this for 11 more months no problem … ok I want you to understand how fucking close you are to that millionaire dude in REAL after TAX terms , real money that you both can spend … REAL BAIT and chum ( will explain chumming later and how you will chum on a budget )
First 1,000,000 invested in something insured will only bring you about 4 percent ROI ( return on investment ) that is 40 thousand a year , now that is totally un earned income and he is taxed at the highest of rates about 30 percent or 12 , so his net what he gets to spend out of each of his millions is about 28,000 per…. But remember you think just having 1 will make the difference well dumbass look at the figures remember with you new work schedule you will be buying the acreage you want in the place you want in 11 more months you are realizing that the service industry is…is …is stable and full of oppurutunities labor intensive and rie for owner oerators …. Everyone has windows and cleaning and shoes andhsit …. So when you get you rland you can get another dipshit job to keep some cash flow while you start your service industry business you will be a BUSSINESS owner since to hide revenue from taxes right now you are using a company name to invest iand difer inc ome in land for business purpose … back to income comparision
He nets 28 ….. now he buys a house for chick or his own what do houses taxes and insurance cost ….. even foreclosed investments goodones in neighbor hoods that will recover you got 1200 to 1400 a monthe in P/I taxes and insurance ….. tht 3/2 will eat 250 aveerage in electric …. Family food now here I am just talking basic rel human food costs , not fun foods and prepacked processed insta food which ain’t food at all , it is just addictive food industry addictives to lock you into living off their shit …. Real food 50 …. Things like fruit and veggies eggs and shit …. For him that casta about 1700 a month or 21,400 a year …..
Now you dumbas next year will have that covered ,,, the ome desgned to electric free , with food REAL food generated on site … and everything paid for ….. your ROI on your investment is 21,400 now I I want you to realize that www.instinctualism.org is a LIFESTYLE … it is a thing of intrinsic …. The whole life style has to be FELT to you to be fun , the esacpe from the REAL world should be a thing of PRIDE ,,, you are not an ECOMINC SLAVE ,like everyone else you are kinda even a spret above our millionaire friend in a way … since you are totally green self SUFFICIENT …. That in its self should be a hobby … and past times and hobboys have value … if you have to recreate after work because you hate your job you end up … going to a gym at 50 as month buying a larreger and larger bota a t 300 a month you have dockage costs etc etc ..etc ….. the recreational value of you land add abot 150 a month or about 40 a week for 4.3 wqeeks or about 1800 a year ,,, so you have an RIO of 23,000 per year , the millionaire has 28 , ,,23 and 28 are prestty dam close …. Alot closer than you are right now …. ….remember this is the VALUE …understand money is just a tool to buy VALUE to buy things and do activities ….. things like housing electric food recreation …. And how much you or rht millionaire spend it he thing we are comparing ,,, your investment brings you a VALUE of 23,000+ the millionaire needs to take from his investments or 28,000 ….. 23,000 like you to live the same life as you …. That leaves the millionaire with on 5 k per year … more than you will have in just 11 more months …now realize next beneifit ,,, you next year will have the pride of being a business a small business owner in the borad title of the SERVICE INDUSTRY …. And working you won company is as much fun as it is work …. But you quickly make lots more thatn that 5 k … so in reality dipshit you are now the millionaire also ….got the mind set?
When I had the bait store in Miami , every month I took a group of 5 guys from the store on two trips …. On one we would take the Winnebago head up cosat and surfcast for 3 days … the other was a private charters 60 footer out of keywest http://fishandy.com/ ( worth every cnet andy jr. nows runs it ) fishing yellow tail you arrive at the reef and you set out chuming first thing , you want to ge the fish hot … then you get to work ..if there is not bites , atleast not a real good bite , or the speicies and quality that will bing a good price for the fish back at the dock ( in the old days this was a com/rec adventure ) we would move fast , chiming is free food or atleast the smell of FOOD …
Our millionaire friend I was thinking how did he land 3 girls so fucking fast ….. then I remembered he has been chumming the watersa actually all the while he has been living here ….. people know him ,,, how can I use this for YOUR benift young master ,, how can I learn from reading the pages of FLROIDA SPORTMESN certaisn aspects fo fishing that I take and test in my own real world adventures ….
Here is chuming …. Mind you do not have the Mercedes outside but that real does not matter because you do not want to attract SHARKS real girls yes but not just sharks AND CHUMMING OFTEN BRINGS IN THE SHARKS and you gotta move up anchor and move .
Be simple be true to you , but chum smart ,,, rmember this TRUTH barmaids are trained to lead guys on by being flirts and sexy so that you hang around all night long drinking waiting till they get off of work so you can make you move based upon all those signals she was sending you …..it is how they keep the bar full and keep their jobs and keep tips FLOWING …..NO BARS OF ANY KIND EVER …
Pick a day once a week to go fishing in your mind ex-cet to spend 30 or your recreational money …. Have 2 shirts that have your company name on them for this purpse … one a tishirt , I suggest a TYE DYE it attracts a relaxed hippie at heart chick …. Not a gold digger … ant the collared polo type …the tye dye you can iron on your comapy log to the back ,t he polo bring to an embroidery compay for 20 bucks you will et you logo put on all fancy and shit ….. rmember your millionaire mindset , your NET ROI is comparable you are a comapay owner …. Right rihgt? Mind set …. Remember servers are mainly girls ….. pick out grills … mid to upscale girlls … chart out the waters and reefs first the girll is a REEF it is where the fish congregrate ..get to gether . … in one area to feed …not where your RED SHIRT ( the two shirts I talked about are part of the red shirt technique … the get noticed be different ..where a red shirt ) you just go out not NOT hunting just charting the waters … drink one beer look at the REEF , make notes in your fishing logs after you are done , move to the next REEF , it is like scouting with scuba gear to really see the terreain …. Then choose 3 or so reefs .. and do this …
Go to reef one , on a thurday around 3;30 4 pm before the ruch of after work professionls show up , this way your RED shirt is noticalbe. ….
THE SERVER IS PAID TO BE NICE TO YOU she has to listen and engage you in coversation .. it is part of her job description . ( ahh you have been studying ross jeffereies yes ? ) as she comes to take your order it does not matter which girl you are just CHUMMING today ! you are making mental notes about who has what station ,, for your return next week ….. first trip wear tye dye ,,, it is DIFFERENT … plus it reflects a cool company image …. Relaxed friendly fun …. Make small talk about just getting off work early before heading back out to your farm …. You thought you would stop for a light dinner … ORDER SOMETHING DIFFERENT … not the normal male fare of MEAT AND POTATOES ,, burger and fries …since you are into REAL food and real food is made up of GREENS order a dinner salad …. And 1 beer ….. when done with that beer DO NOT DO NOT buy another you do not have to prove that you can handle your poisins , every other hariy dick does that ..rmember red shirt be diffenertn …. Order a coffee spend about an hour eat slow ….. make small talk bring up the vents of you work day and your own operator company where you live out in the country and how nice it is to GET AWAY … as the professional the ecominc slaves start to arrive freed fromt their CUBICALS … you leave , you made the first chum ….. next week a different talbe same time and day this time with the polo shirt … same thing salad 1 beer coffee …. Week three … tye dye chefs specials lite dinner 1 beer and coffee ….. now important aspect you are ready to invest $30 in chum every week the dinner salad and beer and coffe will probably cost 15 -17 bucks …. 20 tip industry standards would be 3 buck ….. when she come with the bill …. Give her 24 ..not 25 but and not the standard of just a 20 … but a few singles over … you do not want to give 10 there is a ABUTLE dyninanic…. Of not buying pussy and yet giving a good tip ..over tipping can be viewed as what it is ,,,the attmpt to buy pussy ! … setting up the wrong mindset … for the whole reef because by week three you are a noticeable single male who gives a dencent tips ..the girls will rmember you …… now on week for is you did your studys right like a good angler you wrote donw in your fishing logs information , you should be able to seat you self or in fishing terms cast to the likely spot … where the fish you want will attned to you and your bait . and you NEVER EVER ASK HER OUT . never present her with the or any question where she can give you a mindless yes or no ANSWER ….but instead ,,,, present an OPPURUTINITY AND A CHALLENGE …. Hey what would it take for you and I to get to gether for a coffee someday ! end over done , the cast is made the bait presented , she has to think this is not a yes or not questions that she can reply to on auto polit like she has to do with everyother guy who will ask her out tonight ….
She and every girl in there already knows you like my lillionaire firnd ,,, they know you live in GODS COUNTRY chilling …. You are not a drunk you have a job in fact not just a slave job but your own company …… you respect your sever enough to give her 2 dollars above regular tips without trying to buy her pussy like she was street whore …. Wither she will bite or not , remember that even a girl who is in a relationship is at any one time at a state of 60 percnet chance of bing in a break up or pre break up state . next week move to the next REEF and work it …. For a month ,,, and then the next ….. that sets up you in 3 reefs ….. you can then switch form week to week for station to station till you got the right server or the condtions ar right or your mindset is right whatever …but the investment and practise will pay off. ….. chumming 101 from here like from the pages of florida sportman you learn and then take it and work what works for you ….
Young master I was thinking about my frind and you , you think but he is fucking rich I aint rich ,,bullshit dumbfuck you are so much closer to his real wealth than you think ,,,, you have been doing the tour of duty like I described http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html faithfully now like a month very very cool you have been buying loads of cheap beer with your 10 percnet so you get your off time and stick with you buds ok ….
You got that one job at 8 and you picked up some night time work on that cleaning crew for 9 you are living ok doing like 70 hours a week ,,,, and you know you can hadle this for 11 more months no problem … ok I want you to understand how fucking close you are to that millionaire dude in REAL after TAX terms , real money that you both can spend … REAL BAIT and chum ( will explain chumming later and how you will chum on a budget )
First 1,000,000 invested in something insured will only bring you about 4 percent ROI ( return on investment ) that is 40 thousand a year , now that is totally un earned income and he is taxed at the highest of rates about 30 percent or 12 , so his net what he gets to spend out of each of his millions is about 28,000 per…. But remember you think just having 1 will make the difference well dumbass look at the figures remember with you new work schedule you will be buying the acreage you want in the place you want in 11 more months you are realizing that the service industry is…is …is stable and full of oppurutunities labor intensive and rie for owner oerators …. Everyone has windows and cleaning and shoes andhsit …. So when you get you rland you can get another dipshit job to keep some cash flow while you start your service industry business you will be a BUSSINESS owner since to hide revenue from taxes right now you are using a company name to invest iand difer inc ome in land for business purpose … back to income comparision
He nets 28 ….. now he buys a house for chick or his own what do houses taxes and insurance cost ….. even foreclosed investments goodones in neighbor hoods that will recover you got 1200 to 1400 a monthe in P/I taxes and insurance ….. tht 3/2 will eat 250 aveerage in electric …. Family food now here I am just talking basic rel human food costs , not fun foods and prepacked processed insta food which ain’t food at all , it is just addictive food industry addictives to lock you into living off their shit …. Real food 50 …. Things like fruit and veggies eggs and shit …. For him that casta about 1700 a month or 21,400 a year …..
Now you dumbas next year will have that covered ,,, the ome desgned to electric free , with food REAL food generated on site … and everything paid for ….. your ROI on your investment is 21,400 now I I want you to realize that www.instinctualism.org is a LIFESTYLE … it is a thing of intrinsic …. The whole life style has to be FELT to you to be fun , the esacpe from the REAL world should be a thing of PRIDE ,,, you are not an ECOMINC SLAVE ,like everyone else you are kinda even a spret above our millionaire friend in a way … since you are totally green self SUFFICIENT …. That in its self should be a hobby … and past times and hobboys have value … if you have to recreate after work because you hate your job you end up … going to a gym at 50 as month buying a larreger and larger bota a t 300 a month you have dockage costs etc etc ..etc ….. the recreational value of you land add abot 150 a month or about 40 a week for 4.3 wqeeks or about 1800 a year ,,, so you have an RIO of 23,000 per year , the millionaire has 28 , ,,23 and 28 are prestty dam close …. Alot closer than you are right now …. ….remember this is the VALUE …understand money is just a tool to buy VALUE to buy things and do activities ….. things like housing electric food recreation …. And how much you or rht millionaire spend it he thing we are comparing ,,, your investment brings you a VALUE of 23,000+ the millionaire needs to take from his investments or 28,000 ….. 23,000 like you to live the same life as you …. That leaves the millionaire with on 5 k per year … more than you will have in just 11 more months …now realize next beneifit ,,, you next year will have the pride of being a business a small business owner in the borad title of the SERVICE INDUSTRY …. And working you won company is as much fun as it is work …. But you quickly make lots more thatn that 5 k … so in reality dipshit you are now the millionaire also ….got the mind set?
When I had the bait store in Miami , every month I took a group of 5 guys from the store on two trips …. On one we would take the Winnebago head up cosat and surfcast for 3 days … the other was a private charters 60 footer out of keywest http://fishandy.com/ ( worth every cnet andy jr. nows runs it ) fishing yellow tail you arrive at the reef and you set out chuming first thing , you want to ge the fish hot … then you get to work ..if there is not bites , atleast not a real good bite , or the speicies and quality that will bing a good price for the fish back at the dock ( in the old days this was a com/rec adventure ) we would move fast , chiming is free food or atleast the smell of FOOD …
Our millionaire friend I was thinking how did he land 3 girls so fucking fast ….. then I remembered he has been chumming the watersa actually all the while he has been living here ….. people know him ,,, how can I use this for YOUR benift young master ,, how can I learn from reading the pages of FLROIDA SPORTMESN certaisn aspects fo fishing that I take and test in my own real world adventures ….
Here is chuming …. Mind you do not have the Mercedes outside but that real does not matter because you do not want to attract SHARKS real girls yes but not just sharks AND CHUMMING OFTEN BRINGS IN THE SHARKS and you gotta move up anchor and move .
Be simple be true to you , but chum smart ,,, rmember this TRUTH barmaids are trained to lead guys on by being flirts and sexy so that you hang around all night long drinking waiting till they get off of work so you can make you move based upon all those signals she was sending you …..it is how they keep the bar full and keep their jobs and keep tips FLOWING …..NO BARS OF ANY KIND EVER …
Pick a day once a week to go fishing in your mind ex-cet to spend 30 or your recreational money …. Have 2 shirts that have your company name on them for this purpse … one a tishirt , I suggest a TYE DYE it attracts a relaxed hippie at heart chick …. Not a gold digger … ant the collared polo type …the tye dye you can iron on your comapy log to the back ,t he polo bring to an embroidery compay for 20 bucks you will et you logo put on all fancy and shit ….. rmember your millionaire mindset , your NET ROI is comparable you are a comapay owner …. Right rihgt? Mind set …. Remember servers are mainly girls ….. pick out grills … mid to upscale girlls … chart out the waters and reefs first the girll is a REEF it is where the fish congregrate ..get to gether . … in one area to feed …not where your RED SHIRT ( the two shirts I talked about are part of the red shirt technique … the get noticed be different ..where a red shirt ) you just go out not NOT hunting just charting the waters … drink one beer look at the REEF , make notes in your fishing logs after you are done , move to the next REEF , it is like scouting with scuba gear to really see the terreain …. Then choose 3 or so reefs .. and do this …
Go to reef one , on a thurday around 3;30 4 pm before the ruch of after work professionls show up , this way your RED shirt is noticalbe. ….
THE SERVER IS PAID TO BE NICE TO YOU she has to listen and engage you in coversation .. it is part of her job description . ( ahh you have been studying ross jeffereies yes ? ) as she comes to take your order it does not matter which girl you are just CHUMMING today ! you are making mental notes about who has what station ,, for your return next week ….. first trip wear tye dye ,,, it is DIFFERENT … plus it reflects a cool company image …. Relaxed friendly fun …. Make small talk about just getting off work early before heading back out to your farm …. You thought you would stop for a light dinner … ORDER SOMETHING DIFFERENT … not the normal male fare of MEAT AND POTATOES ,, burger and fries …since you are into REAL food and real food is made up of GREENS order a dinner salad …. And 1 beer ….. when done with that beer DO NOT DO NOT buy another you do not have to prove that you can handle your poisins , every other hariy dick does that ..rmember red shirt be diffenertn …. Order a coffee spend about an hour eat slow ….. make small talk bring up the vents of you work day and your own operator company where you live out in the country and how nice it is to GET AWAY … as the professional the ecominc slaves start to arrive freed fromt their CUBICALS … you leave , you made the first chum ….. next week a different talbe same time and day this time with the polo shirt … same thing salad 1 beer coffee …. Week three … tye dye chefs specials lite dinner 1 beer and coffee ….. now important aspect you are ready to invest $30 in chum every week the dinner salad and beer and coffe will probably cost 15 -17 bucks …. 20 tip industry standards would be 3 buck ….. when she come with the bill …. Give her 24 ..not 25 but and not the standard of just a 20 … but a few singles over … you do not want to give 10 there is a ABUTLE dyninanic…. Of not buying pussy and yet giving a good tip ..over tipping can be viewed as what it is ,,,the attmpt to buy pussy ! … setting up the wrong mindset … for the whole reef because by week three you are a noticeable single male who gives a dencent tips ..the girls will rmember you …… now on week for is you did your studys right like a good angler you wrote donw in your fishing logs information , you should be able to seat you self or in fishing terms cast to the likely spot … where the fish you want will attned to you and your bait . and you NEVER EVER ASK HER OUT . never present her with the or any question where she can give you a mindless yes or no ANSWER ….but instead ,,,, present an OPPURUTINITY AND A CHALLENGE …. Hey what would it take for you and I to get to gether for a coffee someday ! end over done , the cast is made the bait presented , she has to think this is not a yes or not questions that she can reply to on auto polit like she has to do with everyother guy who will ask her out tonight ….
She and every girl in there already knows you like my lillionaire firnd ,,, they know you live in GODS COUNTRY chilling …. You are not a drunk you have a job in fact not just a slave job but your own company …… you respect your sever enough to give her 2 dollars above regular tips without trying to buy her pussy like she was street whore …. Wither she will bite or not , remember that even a girl who is in a relationship is at any one time at a state of 60 percnet chance of bing in a break up or pre break up state . next week move to the next REEF and work it …. For a month ,,, and then the next ….. that sets up you in 3 reefs ….. you can then switch form week to week for station to station till you got the right server or the condtions ar right or your mindset is right whatever …but the investment and practise will pay off. ….. chumming 101 from here like from the pages of florida sportman you learn and then take it and work what works for you ….
courage to heal,
large mouth bass,
Friday, June 6, 2008
no no no , my lil' pussy
no no no ! my lil’ pussy
Don’t stop , oooh god ,,,ohhhh god no no …don’t stop …… so young master you now understand what I mean ….. I still call you dipshit my friend right to your face as we talked last nihgt you are 41 but you yourself accept with a smile of satisfaction the title YOUNG MASTER ….. you are experiementing and FEEKING the evnts have openly having 3 girlfriends at the same time ,,,,, what changes after 14 years of marriage and devoation to the you ,,, you are now .
And the sex is so much more un describable ,,the idea that get the girl off first tease into insanity ahten get her off , then fuck her thru …all the screams of no…NO ...NO! when you finnnaly do shoot your load into her pussy or asshole …… and and she curls up into a little ball whimpering and twitching ,,,,, you now realize they come back within minutes gentley and deeply with coviction and truth ..saying over and over ,……THANK YOU THANK YOU ….. caressing you and sleeping afterwards better and deeper than they have in their intire lives , they are telling you atories about GENTLE GUYS and and BOSSY GUYS …… how it felt that the guy touched them so soflty I was offensive ….. or mounted her and came in 2 minutes each and every time they had sex ….. and you heard in her words you self before…..now.
3 girls who know that the others are important to you …. And of the 3 2 are very much ok ,,,, content with the arrangements but 1 is not and she is causing you the only stress in you almost perfect life right now because of the VOW you have already expressed to her in words and action ,,,, now you know you can feel the love you feel for each of the girls each is different each is special , you have no kids of your own ( the choice of the bitch you had married and commited to before ..todays woman ! ) but you also compare the specialness of each of your girls to the love you feel for all of your 6 nieces and nephews …. A love and specialness for each indidivudual that even when they are all together you are able to love them each for who they are and …..
they are OK … fine in fact happy to have time when all 6 are together and they can play together like a family .
so you can see that in 2 of your current girls friends and the 1 well she is TRYING to prove herself to be the SPEICAL one the ,,,one and only of your dreams ….. asking you to choose over and over comparing or wanting you to compare the way she sucks your cock or the dinner she makes or the house she keeps the other two …or or much worse is her use of her own beauty and sexuality . you can see the ripping apart of herself that she is causing herself … the pain that she is causing herself , becaue when you are with her … it is just you and her there is no other in the world , she brings the other two into the world of you tow ,,,NOT YOU !!!!! SHE BRINGS THEM UP …
even though she came to you when she was the number 2 girl knowing what your plans were …to have 3
now you’re a siver sppon man but a good man I just look at the way you handled your peiece of the empire as compared to your 3 brothers
…. You are a master of money and wealth ,,, so these three girl each waitresses ..each have a home now provided by ,,,, it is a foreclosure world you are buying house at 25 cents on the dlooar in this city which will rebound very quickly …
so it is costing you nothing to EXPERIMENT with the 3 tents expecpt you do not have the FAMILY DYMINC …that happiness of the family unit like you ssee in the loved ones of your nieces and nephews …..
oh god I understand ,, you are experiementing after living you life as being a GREAT EXAMPLE of todays male responosible successful respectful of women etc etc etc ( oooh yeah divorced and broken hearted also …. Like most good men … confused after doing everything right It went wrong !) …… I ask you to think again …the 2 girls both early 20’s each with a child under 5 …. They could live with mom and suffer that stress or be good girls and enjoy you and the SEX and the intelligent friendship of YOU ! AND THE COST IS understanding they share a GREAT MAN with another woman . and what they are cool with it ,,, now look at the single parent stress thought they still have …..
in the harem understanding and accepting themselves like they have already to share you and really enhoy life more than they ever had in their entire pasts even compared to that deep FAIRY TALE LOVES THEY HAD WITH THEIR CHILD’S FATHERS …. THEY ARE FINDING a deeper love and piece with you plus you are GREAT DAD TO THEIR kids ….. it is your nature that loving protective GORILLA NATURE .
if the girls ( and you ) well dumbass my friend and NIEGHBOR ,,,, just 7 doors down from me you live in 3 homes already , the property you bought was the old winter get away for a family , you have one small home that you made into a realy cool bedroom , the next home is the living room and office and the next home is the kitchen ( yet each home has a kitchenette for convience you have each home devoted to a theme …. A covered breeze connects each home … DE…FUCKING ….LUX ,,, but you have the 3 homes here on the INDIAN RIVER we both love where as I have my house on the market so I can build what you have some where … where land is affordable ….. but 3 homes for the 5 girls ..WHY WHY WHY ?
you already have come accroso the remaining stress in the lives of the 2 girls who are hpaay is the stress of the love and nned to care fro their child when these girls go to work or need to do some and even while fucking they can not scream out loda dn let you get as totally insane and fuck over and over when the baby is at home ( if the baby is with mom they , let themselves get fucked WAY BEYOND THEIR LIMITS ..those limits you thinkt thye have the limits where the girls is very happy you will be leaving her for a day or two so her pussy and asshole and tits can heal , but at the same time you got thankyou after mixed with the CONFUSING SIGNALAS of REAL pyshcical pain ….( I know it is confusing just remember human are dsigned to heal quicky in fact start healing spontaninously …
but the possilbelity that these tow girls could form the bonds of sisterhood …around you …to the point that the last little IMPORTANT stress aspect of their lives is now taken care of in fact better again than ever before because no lolnger would each girl be alone and un supported ,, or the children without play mate , always chsing and testing mommmy for attention …. To the point that mommm somedays resents the constant …. Constant atvivity of the child seeking attention .
young mater compare that ,,what you see in the children to their moms and realte that to the OTHER GIRL …. Who is trying so hard to get your ATTENTION!
I have not said much about her … if you had not given her a home said in thruth …. An I LOVE YOU STATEMENT … it was true when you said it it is true now ….. but because of her constant attention seeks activity ,,,, that love is being stressed ,,,, you love her YES that is a given but she will chase you away and may I suggest to make it easy ,,to make it CONGRUENT WITH YOUR …GORILLA protective nature …. Do not wait till it turns into a fight , telll her what you feel give her use of the house for 6 or 8 of even fuck who cares it is not that much money hell a year ,, let her use the house to get on her feet ….but to keep engaging her in hopes she will see the light and REALLY REALLY understand is only going to cause you bothe PAIN …. More importantly for you ( because she is free to choose to be live something other than the fairy tale ..but does not ) …. For you is the STRESS each and every time you are with her or even feeling the stress before going to see her yes so many factors are good but the stress is almost not worth it !
You other tow girls are much more loving and relaxing to be with !
Now just think if you had 1 more who GOT IT and you had them all here ,,,on the river each supporting each other each getting fucked like in their dreams but now in reality the sore pussys to prove it …. Whatbaout the sound of happy playing children …. How about the new playmates for when the nieces and newphews come over to play in the river on weekend … just think about that tooo. New play mates and laughter for everyone , support firndship ..relaxation and great sex ! you are getting a taste of how it works … and how it does not work ( THE GREED OF EVE ? am I right or am I right ?)
Don’t stop , oooh god ,,,ohhhh god no no …don’t stop …… so young master you now understand what I mean ….. I still call you dipshit my friend right to your face as we talked last nihgt you are 41 but you yourself accept with a smile of satisfaction the title YOUNG MASTER ….. you are experiementing and FEEKING the evnts have openly having 3 girlfriends at the same time ,,,,, what changes after 14 years of marriage and devoation to the you ,,, you are now .
And the sex is so much more un describable ,,the idea that get the girl off first tease into insanity ahten get her off , then fuck her thru …all the screams of no…NO ...NO! when you finnnaly do shoot your load into her pussy or asshole …… and and she curls up into a little ball whimpering and twitching ,,,,, you now realize they come back within minutes gentley and deeply with coviction and truth ..saying over and over ,……THANK YOU THANK YOU ….. caressing you and sleeping afterwards better and deeper than they have in their intire lives , they are telling you atories about GENTLE GUYS and and BOSSY GUYS …… how it felt that the guy touched them so soflty I was offensive ….. or mounted her and came in 2 minutes each and every time they had sex ….. and you heard in her words you self before…..now.
3 girls who know that the others are important to you …. And of the 3 2 are very much ok ,,,, content with the arrangements but 1 is not and she is causing you the only stress in you almost perfect life right now because of the VOW you have already expressed to her in words and action ,,,, now you know you can feel the love you feel for each of the girls each is different each is special , you have no kids of your own ( the choice of the bitch you had married and commited to before ..todays woman ! ) but you also compare the specialness of each of your girls to the love you feel for all of your 6 nieces and nephews …. A love and specialness for each indidivudual that even when they are all together you are able to love them each for who they are and …..
they are OK … fine in fact happy to have time when all 6 are together and they can play together like a family .
so you can see that in 2 of your current girls friends and the 1 well she is TRYING to prove herself to be the SPEICAL one the ,,,one and only of your dreams ….. asking you to choose over and over comparing or wanting you to compare the way she sucks your cock or the dinner she makes or the house she keeps the other two …or or much worse is her use of her own beauty and sexuality . you can see the ripping apart of herself that she is causing herself … the pain that she is causing herself , becaue when you are with her … it is just you and her there is no other in the world , she brings the other two into the world of you tow ,,,NOT YOU !!!!! SHE BRINGS THEM UP …
even though she came to you when she was the number 2 girl knowing what your plans were …to have 3
now you’re a siver sppon man but a good man I just look at the way you handled your peiece of the empire as compared to your 3 brothers
…. You are a master of money and wealth ,,, so these three girl each waitresses ..each have a home now provided by ,,,, it is a foreclosure world you are buying house at 25 cents on the dlooar in this city which will rebound very quickly …
so it is costing you nothing to EXPERIMENT with the 3 tents expecpt you do not have the FAMILY DYMINC …that happiness of the family unit like you ssee in the loved ones of your nieces and nephews …..
oh god I understand ,, you are experiementing after living you life as being a GREAT EXAMPLE of todays male responosible successful respectful of women etc etc etc ( oooh yeah divorced and broken hearted also …. Like most good men … confused after doing everything right It went wrong !) …… I ask you to think again …the 2 girls both early 20’s each with a child under 5 …. They could live with mom and suffer that stress or be good girls and enjoy you and the SEX and the intelligent friendship of YOU ! AND THE COST IS understanding they share a GREAT MAN with another woman . and what they are cool with it ,,, now look at the single parent stress thought they still have …..
in the harem understanding and accepting themselves like they have already to share you and really enhoy life more than they ever had in their entire pasts even compared to that deep FAIRY TALE LOVES THEY HAD WITH THEIR CHILD’S FATHERS …. THEY ARE FINDING a deeper love and piece with you plus you are GREAT DAD TO THEIR kids ….. it is your nature that loving protective GORILLA NATURE .
if the girls ( and you ) well dumbass my friend and NIEGHBOR ,,,, just 7 doors down from me you live in 3 homes already , the property you bought was the old winter get away for a family , you have one small home that you made into a realy cool bedroom , the next home is the living room and office and the next home is the kitchen ( yet each home has a kitchenette for convience you have each home devoted to a theme …. A covered breeze connects each home … DE…FUCKING ….LUX ,,, but you have the 3 homes here on the INDIAN RIVER we both love where as I have my house on the market so I can build what you have some where … where land is affordable ….. but 3 homes for the 5 girls ..WHY WHY WHY ?
you already have come accroso the remaining stress in the lives of the 2 girls who are hpaay is the stress of the love and nned to care fro their child when these girls go to work or need to do some and even while fucking they can not scream out loda dn let you get as totally insane and fuck over and over when the baby is at home ( if the baby is with mom they , let themselves get fucked WAY BEYOND THEIR LIMITS ..those limits you thinkt thye have the limits where the girls is very happy you will be leaving her for a day or two so her pussy and asshole and tits can heal , but at the same time you got thankyou after mixed with the CONFUSING SIGNALAS of REAL pyshcical pain ….( I know it is confusing just remember human are dsigned to heal quicky in fact start healing spontaninously …
but the possilbelity that these tow girls could form the bonds of sisterhood …around you …to the point that the last little IMPORTANT stress aspect of their lives is now taken care of in fact better again than ever before because no lolnger would each girl be alone and un supported ,, or the children without play mate , always chsing and testing mommmy for attention …. To the point that mommm somedays resents the constant …. Constant atvivity of the child seeking attention .
young mater compare that ,,what you see in the children to their moms and realte that to the OTHER GIRL …. Who is trying so hard to get your ATTENTION!
I have not said much about her … if you had not given her a home said in thruth …. An I LOVE YOU STATEMENT … it was true when you said it it is true now ….. but because of her constant attention seeks activity ,,,, that love is being stressed ,,,, you love her YES that is a given but she will chase you away and may I suggest to make it easy ,,to make it CONGRUENT WITH YOUR …GORILLA protective nature …. Do not wait till it turns into a fight , telll her what you feel give her use of the house for 6 or 8 of even fuck who cares it is not that much money hell a year ,, let her use the house to get on her feet ….but to keep engaging her in hopes she will see the light and REALLY REALLY understand is only going to cause you bothe PAIN …. More importantly for you ( because she is free to choose to be live something other than the fairy tale ..but does not ) …. For you is the STRESS each and every time you are with her or even feeling the stress before going to see her yes so many factors are good but the stress is almost not worth it !
You other tow girls are much more loving and relaxing to be with !
Now just think if you had 1 more who GOT IT and you had them all here ,,,on the river each supporting each other each getting fucked like in their dreams but now in reality the sore pussys to prove it …. Whatbaout the sound of happy playing children …. How about the new playmates for when the nieces and newphews come over to play in the river on weekend … just think about that tooo. New play mates and laughter for everyone , support firndship ..relaxation and great sex ! you are getting a taste of how it works … and how it does not work ( THE GREED OF EVE ? am I right or am I right ?)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
pussy voltaics
pussy voltaitics
young master the brush line I am describing is not that of her ahiry tight little twat , that wet hole that craves the filled feeling of hard hot pounding penis , that sense of it squirting live hot wet white sperm inot it ….no the brush line I am concerned with right now is that of a tree line on your nieghbros property …. Because if it shades your PV panmels you will not have nough power to run that HITACHI vibrator even thought the Hitachi only take 60 wats which is nothing but you gotta be able to make POWER to have the freedom….. the almost total peace of mind of controlling your onw world not being a slave to the system . Living o the end of a leash of electricial lines and corparattion ties . http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html
so simple thing aslong as you are aware of it is to have and idea of the leangth of shadows in your area expecially during winter time , you get less hours of sun and the angle of the sun on the horizon is lower causing shawadows to cross your land even during mid day ,,, now the morning or late after nooon shadows are not realy that important , the intenscity of the sun really does not produce enough power any way ….. do not totlally stress about them you are concerned mainly about the 9 am to 4 pm sunlight on the south facing area of your land ..that you have to understand and plan for 20 years from now when the neighbors tress get 80 foot tall . or your own border palnaitngs get 80 feet tall . undertstand the shadow will be like 200 feet long at certain time of day ….. you have to place you home s and the panels close by so that the wire run to the battery bank will not drain the power surge off the PV pannels the longer the run the more of a voltage drop you experience . panels batterey bank and home have to be a unit so , housing positioning , the depth NORTH AND SOUTH of the property has to be enough to allow for privacy hedges and plantings on the backside the north side …. And 100’s of tree free feeet on the south face ,,, this is where the pond come in ..the recreation area , and the place where you plnat your dwarf FOOD trees …. Which only get 12 foot anyway or understand that yearly pruing is needed for all fruit trees to insure to best harvest you got invest a hour a year into each tree to get the best QUALITY of food from it … many will over produce flowers and small fruit the energy is spent maturing the seeds of each fruit since that is the INSTINCT of the plant to produce SEED … trees SEX ! that primial urge that we still have also .to fuck and have seed .
so pruning as it is called focuses more energy to the fruit not cut off , making th remain fruit larger and sweeter .
and the freedom of having your own food supply has the cost of …time but if you realize that you are chinging things up , no longer is this fucking computer and the TV your recreations …. No longer are you so unhappy with the experience of being an HUMAN ANIMAL that you hide in getting high or drunk , if you choose to embrace being ALIVE AND LIVING human life , well then you enjot the service you give to the tree in that it will not endanger itself with to much fruit sometimes breaking its ownlimbs beccasue it set tom much fruit ..it fucked to much ! had to many babys .
who sys that trees do not have feelings? That they do not like us respond to things that feel good ? for we know they do respond to stimuli which is of a good sensation they grow to the sun , the respond beter to human interaction and soothing music , vibrations of accord with them ,,,, now I love KORN but korn is not the sounds that trees dig …… the like the gentle breeze the singing of their fellow tree TAOIST experiencers friends , the rustling of leaves and the whispers of wind over brancehes …… as music goes is not that …. But studies have show certain human music as compared to other human music will create effects in a trees growing habits ,,,,, they show the effects of its own CHOICE to experience pleasure ….. the effort it takes to maintain a hard on you never realy think about because you are so focused upon using your TOOL to penetrate that girl who like wise is not nticing the amoung ot oenergy she is expending to lube that tight little pussy to accept the penetration of your rock hard cock …… both of you are expending much energy for WHAT ? just to have kids? The tree is not making food from flowers…. Like it makes for the effort to grow leaves , why would it choose to produce more forwers than it needs …… why BECAUSE SEX FEELS GOOD ! I betcha tree sex like all sex feels great .
yet the pruning you do , seems to in the end like a good hair cut for a human produce healthier and happier hair ,, well the the end result of pruning a tree is a very happy tree .
think differently young master see the UN-IMPOSSIBLITY of the toa everywhere ,,, and be happy with enjoy it , share the ZEN of the whole of your experiences , get out of the fucking house and be HUMAN ….. that is the plan …… time you actually to much of you have som much FREE TIME you often are in the DEPRESSING state of boredom ? you free choice ..to live differently be the animal of our desgn be agin part of the world we live in ,,,not some creature TRAPPED IN A CONCRETE BOX ,,, living off the flashing lights of electrically charged boxes for entratainment and love sometimes the main source of social activity for many many people here RIGHT HERE in this box …..do you like it ? it is a free choice .
young master the brush line I am describing is not that of her ahiry tight little twat , that wet hole that craves the filled feeling of hard hot pounding penis , that sense of it squirting live hot wet white sperm inot it ….no the brush line I am concerned with right now is that of a tree line on your nieghbros property …. Because if it shades your PV panmels you will not have nough power to run that HITACHI vibrator even thought the Hitachi only take 60 wats which is nothing but you gotta be able to make POWER to have the freedom….. the almost total peace of mind of controlling your onw world not being a slave to the system . Living o the end of a leash of electricial lines and corparattion ties . http://www.instinctualism.org/solar_power.html
so simple thing aslong as you are aware of it is to have and idea of the leangth of shadows in your area expecially during winter time , you get less hours of sun and the angle of the sun on the horizon is lower causing shawadows to cross your land even during mid day ,,, now the morning or late after nooon shadows are not realy that important , the intenscity of the sun really does not produce enough power any way ….. do not totlally stress about them you are concerned mainly about the 9 am to 4 pm sunlight on the south facing area of your land ..that you have to understand and plan for 20 years from now when the neighbors tress get 80 foot tall . or your own border palnaitngs get 80 feet tall . undertstand the shadow will be like 200 feet long at certain time of day ….. you have to place you home s and the panels close by so that the wire run to the battery bank will not drain the power surge off the PV pannels the longer the run the more of a voltage drop you experience . panels batterey bank and home have to be a unit so , housing positioning , the depth NORTH AND SOUTH of the property has to be enough to allow for privacy hedges and plantings on the backside the north side …. And 100’s of tree free feeet on the south face ,,, this is where the pond come in ..the recreation area , and the place where you plnat your dwarf FOOD trees …. Which only get 12 foot anyway or understand that yearly pruing is needed for all fruit trees to insure to best harvest you got invest a hour a year into each tree to get the best QUALITY of food from it … many will over produce flowers and small fruit the energy is spent maturing the seeds of each fruit since that is the INSTINCT of the plant to produce SEED … trees SEX ! that primial urge that we still have also .to fuck and have seed .
so pruning as it is called focuses more energy to the fruit not cut off , making th remain fruit larger and sweeter .
and the freedom of having your own food supply has the cost of …time but if you realize that you are chinging things up , no longer is this fucking computer and the TV your recreations …. No longer are you so unhappy with the experience of being an HUMAN ANIMAL that you hide in getting high or drunk , if you choose to embrace being ALIVE AND LIVING human life , well then you enjot the service you give to the tree in that it will not endanger itself with to much fruit sometimes breaking its ownlimbs beccasue it set tom much fruit ..it fucked to much ! had to many babys .
who sys that trees do not have feelings? That they do not like us respond to things that feel good ? for we know they do respond to stimuli which is of a good sensation they grow to the sun , the respond beter to human interaction and soothing music , vibrations of accord with them ,,,, now I love KORN but korn is not the sounds that trees dig …… the like the gentle breeze the singing of their fellow tree TAOIST experiencers friends , the rustling of leaves and the whispers of wind over brancehes …… as music goes is not that …. But studies have show certain human music as compared to other human music will create effects in a trees growing habits ,,,,, they show the effects of its own CHOICE to experience pleasure ….. the effort it takes to maintain a hard on you never realy think about because you are so focused upon using your TOOL to penetrate that girl who like wise is not nticing the amoung ot oenergy she is expending to lube that tight little pussy to accept the penetration of your rock hard cock …… both of you are expending much energy for WHAT ? just to have kids? The tree is not making food from flowers…. Like it makes for the effort to grow leaves , why would it choose to produce more forwers than it needs …… why BECAUSE SEX FEELS GOOD ! I betcha tree sex like all sex feels great .
yet the pruning you do , seems to in the end like a good hair cut for a human produce healthier and happier hair ,, well the the end result of pruning a tree is a very happy tree .
think differently young master see the UN-IMPOSSIBLITY of the toa everywhere ,,, and be happy with enjoy it , share the ZEN of the whole of your experiences , get out of the fucking house and be HUMAN ….. that is the plan …… time you actually to much of you have som much FREE TIME you often are in the DEPRESSING state of boredom ? you free choice ..to live differently be the animal of our desgn be agin part of the world we live in ,,,not some creature TRAPPED IN A CONCRETE BOX ,,, living off the flashing lights of electrically charged boxes for entratainment and love sometimes the main source of social activity for many many people here RIGHT HERE in this box …..do you like it ? it is a free choice .
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
here a clit
Here a clit therea clit everywhere a clit
YOUNG ……Miss yep I am writing to a girl , not you young master but dipshit read this you may learn something ..think like they think ?
Young miss …..i will try to be polite and not call you shit for brains like I do my peer my friends my compardres , I will talk to you with more tenderness and respect most …….so you write that you will never trust the words I LOVE YOU coming from a man again ,,, I ask you to realy think for yourself young miss ,,, Wwhy did you trust it in the first place , WHEN HE IS NOT DESIGNED instinctually to commucate love thru WORDS OR SOUNDS , sounds he uses in negatication ……. He makes sounds while on patrol to let everyon know SILVER BACK IS around ine big mean strong mother fucker is walking his teeritiroy ,, watch the fuck out ! …that is what words re to US ….. instinctually speaking www.instinctualism.org
The I LOVE YOU statement is the creation of the escapist artist writers of thearte http://www.instinctualism.org/id57.html and in this CONSUMER century after all the data collected and used by FRUEDS nephew ,,,, who was in the advertising business in the US … after they studied the powerful influence sex REALLY had the created manipulative advertising that bombarded people with escapist dreams and fanssty ,,, EXPECTATIONS build aound and supported thur music and immagaes … of love coupled with words and tied that to the purchse of LOVE on a DATE … understand the depth of the [programming and the DNA
First young miss ( see no dipshit used when talking to a girl ) get the differenece ) ….. prostitution is the oldest PORFESSION they say ,,, money is used for ..to buy ,, things like FOOD or housing …. Even in the Gorilla world the eventually of sex ,, was why the girl was WELCOMED into the territory , why would I or any animal SHARE if nothing is going to come back… no RESIPROsICITY …. But sex is FUN even for animals ,,,, artistotle who taught that only humans FEEL and that animals were just mindless soulless machine who did not respond based on cause and effect like us ,,,, well that showed how little he realy did think ,, he just thought about his own thoughts not a REAL evidence trail ….
Every mammal female HAS A CLIT …… they all have clits and to think stupidly that htat clit the has does not give her a feeling OF ….OHHHHH MY GOD ! while she is being fucked by a boy cat ,,, is as stupid as thinking because we both have legs ,,, ONLY HUMANS USE IT FOR MOVEMENT ….. can you get the programming young lady , can you see how BLINDLY YOU HAVE followed some one elses flawed logic stream and usually the logic stream most often presented to you all these years since MASS MEDIA has come around , in fact mass media starting way back when ….when the RPIEST taught fear of death to gain power and chickes ,,,, but even more deeply today when RADIO was in every western home then tv …. Now computers also , those pic’s of rich guys and dating sites , the magaizine covers telling you how to get thin or dress cute …..the associative fashions of the stars , the connection you form in your mind ..of dressing like them listensing a ssinging along you become them for just a minute ,,, and excape your fucked up exisitance ….
YOU ARE AN ANIMAL … dna animal and you have a clit … which feels good when you are horny ,,, it feels great to be stimulated in the animal world the horny time is simple the flood of hormones , is so great that the mom cat wants nothing but to be stimulated she rubs her pussy against anything ,….. the male is desgned fot sensing this airborne commucation and then to hunt out pussy ,,,, I all males still have this airborne receptors in our noses even you boyfriend but .but but
He has been traind to …….http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html
.. supplicate to beg to ask … out ask you out first …. When you are producing hormones that tell his animal self FUCK ME FUCK ME my clit needs attention … I am a horny little cat ! the core of that programming that dating training program I sugges for men to study , is all about understanding the programming the …. Wrong ness of BEGGING supplicaintging to the QUEEN …. Begging the king for a pardon from a death sentence ,,,DEATH SENTENCE , well the sexiall repression is a DEATH sentence it is not allowing me to LIVE to spread my life giving seed to have kids ,, without kids I DIE ! so to contro sex based on protection and food ….. like the ape evoelved into … served us both ,,, I HAD A HAREM AND WHEN SHE WAS HORNY WE FUCKED AND FUCKED AND FUCKED … and that FEEL good spot the clit on the female felt good ,,,,,
is that LOVE ? making love is the escapist story book of theatre paid PROFESSIONALs created for money , to help the rich escape the pressure of living UN- INSTINCTUALLY .
love is providing and protecting a terretoy ,,, actions ! words are to scare of intruders ….. but we forced the DNA animals in us to MORPH ….into supplictors , and this brings up over time ( actually before you tow even met while he was a teen he was getting mad at girls because of the repeated confusions his animal self was feeling BUT SINCE NO ONE BEFORE ME HAS EVEN BROUGHT UP THIS IDEA ….he lived by default , did what everyone else did the same old failed evnts and routines and pains …
love is not in his words, force him to talk and you are actually forcing him into confusion and eventually the effects of coercion and control
http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html .... love is in his actions of even being around at all …that is love .. love is in his proof of having what a GOOD MAN should before YOU CHOOSE! SEE girl you should shop better you ….. created this mess your fairy tale of love story …. Over the centuries created the mess you now hurt in …
YOUNG ……Miss yep I am writing to a girl , not you young master but dipshit read this you may learn something ..think like they think ?
Young miss …..i will try to be polite and not call you shit for brains like I do my peer my friends my compardres , I will talk to you with more tenderness and respect most …….so you write that you will never trust the words I LOVE YOU coming from a man again ,,, I ask you to realy think for yourself young miss ,,, Wwhy did you trust it in the first place , WHEN HE IS NOT DESIGNED instinctually to commucate love thru WORDS OR SOUNDS , sounds he uses in negatication ……. He makes sounds while on patrol to let everyon know SILVER BACK IS around ine big mean strong mother fucker is walking his teeritiroy ,, watch the fuck out ! …that is what words re to US ….. instinctually speaking www.instinctualism.org
The I LOVE YOU statement is the creation of the escapist artist writers of thearte http://www.instinctualism.org/id57.html and in this CONSUMER century after all the data collected and used by FRUEDS nephew ,,,, who was in the advertising business in the US … after they studied the powerful influence sex REALLY had the created manipulative advertising that bombarded people with escapist dreams and fanssty ,,, EXPECTATIONS build aound and supported thur music and immagaes … of love coupled with words and tied that to the purchse of LOVE on a DATE … understand the depth of the [programming and the DNA
First young miss ( see no dipshit used when talking to a girl ) get the differenece ) ….. prostitution is the oldest PORFESSION they say ,,, money is used for ..to buy ,, things like FOOD or housing …. Even in the Gorilla world the eventually of sex ,, was why the girl was WELCOMED into the territory , why would I or any animal SHARE if nothing is going to come back… no RESIPROsICITY …. But sex is FUN even for animals ,,,, artistotle who taught that only humans FEEL and that animals were just mindless soulless machine who did not respond based on cause and effect like us ,,,, well that showed how little he realy did think ,, he just thought about his own thoughts not a REAL evidence trail ….
Every mammal female HAS A CLIT …… they all have clits and to think stupidly that htat clit the has does not give her a feeling OF ….OHHHHH MY GOD ! while she is being fucked by a boy cat ,,, is as stupid as thinking because we both have legs ,,, ONLY HUMANS USE IT FOR MOVEMENT ….. can you get the programming young lady , can you see how BLINDLY YOU HAVE followed some one elses flawed logic stream and usually the logic stream most often presented to you all these years since MASS MEDIA has come around , in fact mass media starting way back when ….when the RPIEST taught fear of death to gain power and chickes ,,,, but even more deeply today when RADIO was in every western home then tv …. Now computers also , those pic’s of rich guys and dating sites , the magaizine covers telling you how to get thin or dress cute …..the associative fashions of the stars , the connection you form in your mind ..of dressing like them listensing a ssinging along you become them for just a minute ,,, and excape your fucked up exisitance ….
YOU ARE AN ANIMAL … dna animal and you have a clit … which feels good when you are horny ,,, it feels great to be stimulated in the animal world the horny time is simple the flood of hormones , is so great that the mom cat wants nothing but to be stimulated she rubs her pussy against anything ,….. the male is desgned fot sensing this airborne commucation and then to hunt out pussy ,,,, I all males still have this airborne receptors in our noses even you boyfriend but .but but
He has been traind to …….http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html
.. supplicate to beg to ask … out ask you out first …. When you are producing hormones that tell his animal self FUCK ME FUCK ME my clit needs attention … I am a horny little cat ! the core of that programming that dating training program I sugges for men to study , is all about understanding the programming the …. Wrong ness of BEGGING supplicaintging to the QUEEN …. Begging the king for a pardon from a death sentence ,,,DEATH SENTENCE , well the sexiall repression is a DEATH sentence it is not allowing me to LIVE to spread my life giving seed to have kids ,, without kids I DIE ! so to contro sex based on protection and food ….. like the ape evoelved into … served us both ,,, I HAD A HAREM AND WHEN SHE WAS HORNY WE FUCKED AND FUCKED AND FUCKED … and that FEEL good spot the clit on the female felt good ,,,,,
is that LOVE ? making love is the escapist story book of theatre paid PROFESSIONALs created for money , to help the rich escape the pressure of living UN- INSTINCTUALLY .
love is providing and protecting a terretoy ,,, actions ! words are to scare of intruders ….. but we forced the DNA animals in us to MORPH ….into supplictors , and this brings up over time ( actually before you tow even met while he was a teen he was getting mad at girls because of the repeated confusions his animal self was feeling BUT SINCE NO ONE BEFORE ME HAS EVEN BROUGHT UP THIS IDEA ….he lived by default , did what everyone else did the same old failed evnts and routines and pains …
love is not in his words, force him to talk and you are actually forcing him into confusion and eventually the effects of coercion and control
http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html .... love is in his actions of even being around at all …that is love .. love is in his proof of having what a GOOD MAN should before YOU CHOOSE! SEE girl you should shop better you ….. created this mess your fairy tale of love story …. Over the centuries created the mess you now hurt in …
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
3 story pussy
3 story pussy
young master …first the pages http://www.instinctualism.org/id29.html
are there to help you learn to live stressfree as possible sure there will be contrasts events to over come but ,,,, the TRAP if the majority you now have the option .. I say option because you can still fuck things up …to option to avoid … and that stress that 94 out of 100 live in is money worries …. Now ithe idea of worry is ….a state of dis-ease ….. when lived in to loo the body commucates with you in ways trying to get you to change some sort of circumstances so that it can rest , it talks to with ILL-NESS …. Or chronic health issues trying to get your attention but since you do not perecieve it in this way you ignorre this commcation and continue in your path of DIS-EASE …
EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH ZALES JEWELRLERS the ad goes ,,, there is so much truth behind this training we have been going thru about buying LOVE …the responsibility of you to pay for the date is actually very EGO fulfilling to you ..you feel more powerfull when you have a pocket full of cash and you are spending it on the girl of your dreams …. But here come the GREED OF EVE , it is not a FAULT it is just a FACT …. The never ending of trying to keep her happy thru the next pruchse . we you tow got hitched a few years agao , she was ahppy , then you both bought the new home , ( I say both because she was working then , yet it was un-said that you would be the ventual responsible money producers as she became mom shich she is and you have never been happier even when you were a punk boarder you , yourself say this is what iti is ALL about that lil’boy almost two and her smile …… I know that been there done that . and it is what it is all ABOUT ,, yes the practice of fucking and sucking that eventually creates your LIL’ dude is great also , but it is having those two in your life that is SO FUCKING GREAT and fulfilling ….. and now the next new house and she is so proud of you BUYING HER THAT HOME . 3 storys on SKYLINE the best view in all south flroida the highest point … outside of being stacked like shit in a condo … and so once more you bought her happiness and you are proud …..
But I want you to realize the pattern of purchasing happiness …. From small dinners here and there to ease her stress to 3 story houses to the car six months after the baby came ,,,,, it is always chasing her illusive happiness thru using money …… it is the example of the EVE of the chimps … the power and social position in hierachys … that is the chimp/bonobo world .. the gorilla harem is much more less greedyand full of the female trying to be the SPECIAL ONE ! …. The special one is the illusion of sperertion from GOD ..that we humans feel and churches to try sell us a path back
We feel the confusion… and created gods .. as a way to fix a problem that is in reality the expression of stress which is unnatural for the GORILLA side of our compound DNA ….. www.instinctualism.org is about helping you get back to your DNA and living in harmony with your nature
And her nature , she has friends to talk to yes , she loves talking to you but we do not talk as well as other girls and the babies and children are not ..people she can realy talk with they are her CHARGES her love yes but also her responsilbity that she must find escape from but she is TRAPEPED with in the expectation of being mommy 24/7 …. Over and over the example of the confusion of the family unit thus making it very easy to control and guid the population by a GREEDY few ….
For if you are outside of the need for their money ,,, you have freedom to not play their game ….. freedom of choosing to come into the city and leave the city but not relying on the city and everything there is to buy to ESCAPE that feeling of stress and unhappiness that 94 out of 100 live in ,,,, yes event he most wealthy actually on average are very despressed and unahoppy even when they can buy everything there si till something missing …. Again it mainly relvovles around real love and family … and peace of mind for the more money you have the more underliying stress you have in that you are dpendant on that money to maintain the ESCAPES ..the life style you live …. And ecomony is built around the the idea of changes . it is a trapp.
The above pages are there to teach you how in reality it is simple to get a basic level of security … the building of the basic home ,,, it is a rib and skin , ever raise trusses ? the same concept assemble simp trusses , raise them secure them steady and plumb and then skint hem , then bury the home and you have stability and the temprutature control of the earth itself ….. a year round temp around 70 …. The trees again look around you shit head see all that green shit it all came from a seed mother nature will do the work it just wants to know you realy care ,,,,,, that is why the devotion to 2 minutes yes just count to 120 and you are done , and you can water and care for the 3 or 4 square foot gardens per day all season long …. Watering and checking to make sure no intruder plants have sprouted …. And mother nature will provide you with ,,, another basic need food , ohh the fruits which your teeth show evidence that you are truthfully designed by nature to live off … tthey are evn easier to grow …. The neat we have gotten use to having well that is very easy also the YIN YANG of natue different speices have said in their evovolutaionary path , look you may feed from me , for the price of protecting me ,,, have I have very comfy life ,,,, and I die quiclty and stress free so my TOAIST EXPERIENCE of being ,,,,, is one of VACATTION ,, the Taoist spirit is cool it comes as an anaimla of prey if in the wild something would be hunting it 24/7 ,,, but by living with humans they are relatively safe and the ventuality of death ,, that common event for each and every species of life ,,,, well it will happen .. wll it happens at the hands of human ….so evil ..actually it is GREAT FRIENDSHIP … you allow the animal a place to live stress free on vaction and then when the ununderstandaness of TAO is put int ,, and it is that animals choice to leave this experience ,,it is the one you eat that weekend . all is perfect the chicken gets to go back into .. NON PYSHCICAL and return later maybe as a human and it can learn to live in stress have to go to therapy and hide in poisins like beer to get by … to end the confusion in it’s mind like you have … to find some fun in a world that seems empty or stressful ?oooh yes aneventually die just like the chicken and the dog and lion and very old TREE everything returns to non pyshcial .
The idea is whan you have built the gorill territory is to find girls ….GF’s ,, friends … girls friends who understand who want ,,, realy want wha you have to offer , those who can explain better to you what you have done than you could ever explain it to them , those who get it ,,, and they are out there but they wi8ll never know you are ther e unless you advertise who and what and where you are …
young master …first the pages http://www.instinctualism.org/id29.html
are there to help you learn to live stressfree as possible sure there will be contrasts events to over come but ,,,, the TRAP if the majority you now have the option .. I say option because you can still fuck things up …to option to avoid … and that stress that 94 out of 100 live in is money worries …. Now ithe idea of worry is ….a state of dis-ease ….. when lived in to loo the body commucates with you in ways trying to get you to change some sort of circumstances so that it can rest , it talks to with ILL-NESS …. Or chronic health issues trying to get your attention but since you do not perecieve it in this way you ignorre this commcation and continue in your path of DIS-EASE …
EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH ZALES JEWELRLERS the ad goes ,,, there is so much truth behind this training we have been going thru about buying LOVE …the responsibility of you to pay for the date is actually very EGO fulfilling to you ..you feel more powerfull when you have a pocket full of cash and you are spending it on the girl of your dreams …. But here come the GREED OF EVE , it is not a FAULT it is just a FACT …. The never ending of trying to keep her happy thru the next pruchse . we you tow got hitched a few years agao , she was ahppy , then you both bought the new home , ( I say both because she was working then , yet it was un-said that you would be the ventual responsible money producers as she became mom shich she is and you have never been happier even when you were a punk boarder you , yourself say this is what iti is ALL about that lil’boy almost two and her smile …… I know that been there done that . and it is what it is all ABOUT ,, yes the practice of fucking and sucking that eventually creates your LIL’ dude is great also , but it is having those two in your life that is SO FUCKING GREAT and fulfilling ….. and now the next new house and she is so proud of you BUYING HER THAT HOME . 3 storys on SKYLINE the best view in all south flroida the highest point … outside of being stacked like shit in a condo … and so once more you bought her happiness and you are proud …..
But I want you to realize the pattern of purchasing happiness …. From small dinners here and there to ease her stress to 3 story houses to the car six months after the baby came ,,,,, it is always chasing her illusive happiness thru using money …… it is the example of the EVE of the chimps … the power and social position in hierachys … that is the chimp/bonobo world .. the gorilla harem is much more less greedyand full of the female trying to be the SPECIAL ONE ! …. The special one is the illusion of sperertion from GOD ..that we humans feel and churches to try sell us a path back
We feel the confusion… and created gods .. as a way to fix a problem that is in reality the expression of stress which is unnatural for the GORILLA side of our compound DNA ….. www.instinctualism.org is about helping you get back to your DNA and living in harmony with your nature
And her nature , she has friends to talk to yes , she loves talking to you but we do not talk as well as other girls and the babies and children are not ..people she can realy talk with they are her CHARGES her love yes but also her responsilbity that she must find escape from but she is TRAPEPED with in the expectation of being mommy 24/7 …. Over and over the example of the confusion of the family unit thus making it very easy to control and guid the population by a GREEDY few ….
For if you are outside of the need for their money ,,, you have freedom to not play their game ….. freedom of choosing to come into the city and leave the city but not relying on the city and everything there is to buy to ESCAPE that feeling of stress and unhappiness that 94 out of 100 live in ,,,, yes event he most wealthy actually on average are very despressed and unahoppy even when they can buy everything there si till something missing …. Again it mainly relvovles around real love and family … and peace of mind for the more money you have the more underliying stress you have in that you are dpendant on that money to maintain the ESCAPES ..the life style you live …. And ecomony is built around the the idea of changes . it is a trapp.
The above pages are there to teach you how in reality it is simple to get a basic level of security … the building of the basic home ,,, it is a rib and skin , ever raise trusses ? the same concept assemble simp trusses , raise them secure them steady and plumb and then skint hem , then bury the home and you have stability and the temprutature control of the earth itself ….. a year round temp around 70 …. The trees again look around you shit head see all that green shit it all came from a seed mother nature will do the work it just wants to know you realy care ,,,,,, that is why the devotion to 2 minutes yes just count to 120 and you are done , and you can water and care for the 3 or 4 square foot gardens per day all season long …. Watering and checking to make sure no intruder plants have sprouted …. And mother nature will provide you with ,,, another basic need food , ohh the fruits which your teeth show evidence that you are truthfully designed by nature to live off … tthey are evn easier to grow …. The neat we have gotten use to having well that is very easy also the YIN YANG of natue different speices have said in their evovolutaionary path , look you may feed from me , for the price of protecting me ,,, have I have very comfy life ,,,, and I die quiclty and stress free so my TOAIST EXPERIENCE of being ,,,,, is one of VACATTION ,, the Taoist spirit is cool it comes as an anaimla of prey if in the wild something would be hunting it 24/7 ,,, but by living with humans they are relatively safe and the ventuality of death ,, that common event for each and every species of life ,,,, well it will happen .. wll it happens at the hands of human ….so evil ..actually it is GREAT FRIENDSHIP … you allow the animal a place to live stress free on vaction and then when the ununderstandaness of TAO is put int ,, and it is that animals choice to leave this experience ,,it is the one you eat that weekend . all is perfect the chicken gets to go back into .. NON PYSHCICAL and return later maybe as a human and it can learn to live in stress have to go to therapy and hide in poisins like beer to get by … to end the confusion in it’s mind like you have … to find some fun in a world that seems empty or stressful ?oooh yes aneventually die just like the chicken and the dog and lion and very old TREE everything returns to non pyshcial .
The idea is whan you have built the gorill territory is to find girls ….GF’s ,, friends … girls friends who understand who want ,,, realy want wha you have to offer , those who can explain better to you what you have done than you could ever explain it to them , those who get it ,,, and they are out there but they wi8ll never know you are ther e unless you advertise who and what and where you are …
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